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Nama : Galih Luhur Pambudi (172120096)

Kelas : 2/D

Metallica's James Hetfield At Guitar Center

1. Critical Review
James Hetfield, Lead singer and Rhythm guitar player for the Heavy Metal band,
Metallica, sat in guitar center and share his experiences from the begining he start
his career.
2. Introduction
a. Sources :

b. Speaker : James Hetfield

c. The Topic : Favourite Singer
3. Summary
James Hetfield told his experience from the begining of his career. He was a shy
boy and really afraid speaking to the world. Everythings changed when he got his
first real guitar. He started to play band with his friends in his high school. During this
time was really created Hetfield became a great guitarist in the future, because
almost everyday was an competition to improve his music skills with his friends ,until
at one point he felt that he was better. Hetfield was wrote some songs but no one of
his friends like it. So, he started to play with other people because he had a quest.
Hetfield got a job in a sticker factory. He always bought his guitar and always
played it, wrote some riffs and some songs when break time. Until at one time,when
he did the first gig with his friends, he realized that his job basically is only bothered
him. Started from this time, he decided to quit from his job, he wanted to
concentrate to playing music because he felt that only with the music he felt better
and believe will got success. He had a quest to talking through the music. It was
prety the right choice .Then, Hetfield found the other friends who had the same idea
as him. They formed Metallica and got succesed for their 37 years career until right
now .Nowdays Metallica is a living legend.
4. Evaluation
Strength :
- This video tells the experiences of James Hetfield during his career from the
begining. His experiences can encourages people especially musicians who want
to be succes. By watching this video, Those who strugle to achieve their dream
can get a lot of lessons that if we want something and we like to doing that, we
must trully have a dedication and love the process.

Weakness :
-the speaker in this video sometimes used too fast and used some unfamiliar
words , so for the listener who are still beginer in engish it will be difficult to
5. Conslusion
From that video we know that each of us was born with each talent. There are
Some people who already knowing their talent and some people who don’t know yet
. A talent can changed someone more confident, even can shows someone who they
really are , what must they do and lead someone into their success. After knowing
our talent, what we need to do is develop that. We must practice at it, because we
also need dedication. It will not difficult if we doing that thing with love and happy. If
we really love to doing something and love the process, then it will not difficult.
Another important thing is, sometimes we must decide a difficult choice about
talent. Sometimes if we decide to make it as our way of life, we must really focus to
it and believe that we will get success.we must let the other things out, even from a
job, like hetfield did. It can be the right choice if we already really understand us,
always believe with ourself and our talent, maximum effort , always focus , always
try altough failed for many times, work hard and never give up.

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