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Subject : English Date : 15th April 2021 Day : Thursday

Class : 5 Arif Time : 7.45 am – 8.45 am
Theme: World of Knowledge
Focus : Main: Reading Complementary: Speaking Lesson : 018 Attendance : 23/26 [Rayyan, Balan, Aisyah]
Language / Grammar Focus : 21st Century Activities & Skills : Mastery Learning
Present simple tense interrogatives: Is it...? Is / Are
there… How many…? Resources : Textbook / Flashcard / Word card
Main Content Standard : Bubble Map
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print
Cross Curriculum Elements : Language / Moral Values
and digital texts by using appropriate reading
strategies Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) : Role Play
Complementary Content Standard : Learning Objectives :
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly By the end of the lesson, most of the
Main Learning Standard : pupils will be able to: Reflection :
3.2.4 Recognise and use with little or no support key 1. Use with support familiar print
23/23 of pupils were able to achieve
features of a simple monolingual dictionary the LO and were given enrichment
and digital resources to check
Complementary Learning Standard : exercise
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable 0/23 of pupils were not able to
2. Describe people, places and
statements achieve the LO and were given
objects using suitable statements
remedial exercise
Success Criteria :
Pupils can predict the content of a
text from photos.
Pre-Lesson : Lesson Delivery : Post Lesson :
Pre-lesson Task 4: I’m Going 1. Write on board as a model: ‘I think a good place for a holiday is...’, Pupils in small groups
To…. Pupils write 2 or 3 ‘That’s because it’s good for...’ Pupils think of a good holiday place and decide if they think the
goals for the lesson. (HOTS) give a reason why it’s good. They use the two sentence starters on cruise ship is a good
board to share ideas with a partner. (CBA) place for a holiday and
2. Tell pupils they’re going to be creative. They’re going to predict say why or why not.
answers to questions about a text on p.14. Encourage pupils to start
sentences with: ‘I think…’. After predicting, they read the text and
check predictions. (21st CA)
3. Pupils do Activity 2, CD1.15. Ask: What helped you to answer the
questions? (e.g. photos, numbers)
4. Pupils do Activity 3. They use an online or paper dictionary to check
meaning of 4 or 5 words in blue that they don’t understand. Ask
pupils: Which four words are adjectives? (fantastic, comfortable,
exciting, horrible)
Subject : English Date : 15th April 2021 Day : Thursday
Topic : Module 2 : MY WEEK
Class : 4 Arif Time : 9.15 am – 10.15 am
Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Focus : Listening Lesson : 017 Attendance : 11/15 [Auni, Ayu, Alif, Amirul]
Language / Grammar Focus : 21st Century Activities & Skills : Pair / Group Communication
Expressing likes and skills (present tense):
e.g. I like/love… / I’m good at… Resources : Textbook / Flashcard / Wordcard
Main Content Standard :
Cross Curriculum Elements : Language / Knowledge Acquisition
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Complementary Content Standard : Assessment : Question Observation
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and Learning Objectives :
details of longer simple texts By the end of the lesson, pupils will be
Reflection :
Main Learning Standard : able to ask and answer questions
11 / 11 of pupils were able to achieve the LO and
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds with guidance.
were given enrichment exercise
Complementary Learning Standard : Success Criteria : 0 / 11 of pupils were not able to achieve the LO
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of Pupils can listen and guess 3 out of 5 and were given remedial exercise
target language phonemes the answers correctly.

Pre-Lesson : Lesson Delivery : Post Lesson :

Teacher displays 1. Introduce the subject vocabulary using the flashcards and ask pupils to 1. Teacher asks pupils to take
flashcards of subjects in raise their hands to say if they like and / or are good at a subject. out their other subjects
schools and elicits pupils’ Pupils repeat the words after teacher. textbooks.
favourite subjects. 2. Teacher distributes worksheet and asks pupils to identify the words in
2. Teacher play the song and
word maze.
pupils have to raise the
3. Play CD1 track 19 and pupils listen and sing the song together.
corresponding textbook when
they hear the subject
3. Sing together.

Subject : English Date : 15th April 2021 Day : Thursday

Topic : Unit 2 [Appreciating Others] Class : 6 Arif Time : 10.35 am – 11.35 am
Theme : World of Self, Family & Friends
Pupils’ Aspiration : Moral Values :
Lesson No. : 17
Learning Standard : 5.1.1 Thinking Skills / Mutual Respect
Focus : Grammar Leadership Skills / Cross Curriculum Relationship :
Objectives : Pupils will be able to : Duo Language Skills Entrepreneurship
1. Identify and know how to use Abstract Ethics & Spiritual Attendance : 10/12 [Rania, Maisarah]
and Concrete Nouns.
National Identity Intervention :
2. Apply Abstract and Concrete Nouns in
different situation. Main Vocabulary : Reinforcement /
pride confidence Enrichment
Success Criteria: Pupils will be able to write 6 school music Reflection :
sentences using concrete & Abstract Nouns. Teaching Aids : 10/10 pupils were able to write
Text book page 18, Hand-out 6 sentences using concrete &
Abstract Nouns
Introduction : Main Activities : Closure :
1. Teacher shows 2 Let’s Learn [Page 18] Teacher explains
words : 1. Ask pupils to focus on BOLD words. & stressed the
LOVE 2. Explain more about Abstract & Concrete Nouns [The differences
PILLOW Rules & Situation] between
2. Ask pupils which one 3. Get more example of Abstract & Concrete in the Abstract &
can be touch. textbook. Concrete Nouns.
3. Discuss Group Activity
1. Evaluate pupils’ understanding by :
• Grouping the words into Abstract & Concrete Nouns.
• Write sentences to support the words as example.
2. Discuss the answer.
Individual Work.
1. Write 3 sentences using Abstract Nouns & 3 sentences
using Concrete Nouns.
Subjek : Sejarah Tarikh : 15 April 2021 Hari : Khamis
Tajuk : Negara Malaysia
Kelas : 6 Arif Masa : 11.35 am – 12.05 pm
No. RPH : 10
Standard Kandungan : 10.2 [Negeri-negeri di Malaysia] Aspirasi Murid : Nilai Murni :
Standard Pembelajaran : Bantu-membantu & Bermuafakat
Kemahiran Berfikir /
10.2.4 Menerangkan gelaran ketua negeri bagi negeri-negeri
di Malaysia. Kemahiran Memimpin Hubungan Merentas Kurikulum :
K10.2.7 Menyatakan kepentingan taat setia kepada ketua Kemahiran Dwi Bahasa Nilai Murni
Objektif Pembelajaran : Di akhir sesi pembelajaran, murid Etnik & Kerohanian Kehadiran : 10 / 12 [Rania, Maisarah]
akan dapat : Identiti National / Tindakan Susulan :
1. Menguasai maklumat mengenai negeri-negeri di
Malaysia. Perbendaharaan Kata Utama : Pengukuhan /
2. Murid boleh membuat penilaian tentang negeri- Sultan Raja
negeri di Malaysia. Yang Dipertua Negeri
Kriteria Kejayaan : Di akhir sesi pembelajaran, murid akan Refleksi :
dapat menzahirkan idea yang rasional tentang negeri- 10/10 murid dapat menzahirkan idea
negeri di Malaysia. Bahan Bantu Mengajar : yang rasional tentang negeri-negeri di
Video, Buku Teks, Papan Putih, Malaysia.
Pen Marker
Aktiviti Permulaan : Aktiviti Utama : Aktiviti Penutup :

Guru mengingatkan kembali 1. Guru menerangkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan untuk ketua negeri- Guru merumuskan
murid-murid tentang negeri Malaysia. tentang betapa
matapelajaran yang lalu 2. Guru menerangkan tentang perbezaan tersebut : kita perlu
tentang negeri-negeri di Cth : Perlis – Raja…Kedah – Sultan….Pulau Pinang – Yang Dipertua Negeri bersyukur atas
Malaysia 3. Guru mengedarkan lembaran kerja kepada semua murid. kemakmuran dan
4. Murid cuba memadankan negeri dengan ketua negeri masing-masing. kepelbagaian
yang terdapat di
negeri-negeri di

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