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Name:…………. End-of term English 9 Avril S.

Class: 4 th form…… test N° 1 2018/19


I -The oldest of five children, Alfredo began work aged five, pumping petrol at
his father’s garage. It was hard work, but Alfredo didn’t mind. "My father kept
telling me, “You want to be like me? Just never go to school." And I was not
going to follow the same path." At 18, Alfredo qualified for an accelerated
program that prepared students for jobs as primary school teachers. Each
morning, he rose at 4.30 a.m. t go to school. As there was no bus home in the
afternoon, he hitchhiked or walked in the blistering heat. Shortly after, he
decided to leave Mexico in search of better options in the U.S.A.
2 On his arrival, he made a living picking tomatoes with other illegal immigrants
" I ate what I was picking." he said. "I wore the same pair of jeans the whole
year. But sometimes you have to be willing to take a risk." he had saved almost
all of his meagre pay and took a job later in a railway yard so that he could
attend night school and continue learning English. Alfredo switched to the night
shift and began full-time studies in Science and Maths. To make ends meet, he
also tutored other students
3 - After graduating with a foundation degree. Alfredo was accepted by the
University of California and became a teacher’s assistant in three departments.
Then, he got a good chance of getting into Harvard Medical School in 1994.
After graduating, Alfredo became a full US citizen and continued his training in
neurosurgery, at the University of California. It was an exciting but daunting
prospect. Could an illegal Mexican farm worker become a brain surgeon? It
didn’t seem possible.
4- Although Dr Alfredo is a relatively young doctor, his colleagues are
impressed. Not only is he a talented and conscientious surgeon, but he is also
very sensitive to the needs of patients. "I think my background allows me to
interact with my patients in a more humanistic way, Alfredo said, “when they
are scared, l say I ‘m one of them. I’m just lucky that patients allow me to touch
their brains, their lives."
1. Tick the main idea of the text.
a- An illegal immigrant who accidentally completed his studies. (... )
b- An illegal immigrant who enthusiastically accomplished his goals. (...)
c- An illegal immigrant who disappointingly gave up his fight. (...)
2. Complete the following table: (3 marks)
name Country of Host country Reason Current position

Alfred ……………….. USA …………………… ……………….

3. correct the following false statements, with details from the text . (3 marks)
a- Alfredo obeyed his father and did the same job. (pa1)
b- Alfredo never doubted his capacity to make it to the top. (par3)
c- Alfredo believes that his higher education has enabled him to care for
his patients. (par4)
4. Focus on par 2 and circle the best adjective to describe Alfredo. (1 mark)
Self-confident / weak-willed / battler / anxious
5. find words that mean approximately the same as: (2 marks)
- weak, small (par 2): ……………….
- discouraging (par 3): ……………….
6. What do the following underlined words in the text refer to? (1 mark)
It (par. 3) refers to…………………………………
7. Give a personal justified answer to the following question. (1mark)
If you were Alfredo, would you leave your country (taking risks) to go to
another? Why or why not?
If I were Alfredo, I ………………………. because……………………………
1. Fill in the blanks with 3 words from the box. (3 marks)
scientific / interactions / confined /on / professional /at/boosts/ although
Lifelong learning is the lifelong, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of
knowledge for either personal or …………………reasons. As such, it not only
………………… social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development,
but also competitiveness and employability. The term recognizes that is not
………………….to childhood or the classrooms, but takes throughout life and
in a range of situations. During the last fifty years, constant ………………and
technological innovations and change has had a profound effect
………...learning needs and styles. Learning is no longer limited to knowledge
acquisition and a specific place. Instead, learning is seen as something that takes
place on an going basis from our daily …………………. with others.
2. Supply the right tense or form of the bracketed words. (3 marks)
Text messages, e-mails and using computers to learn could prevent children’s
vocabulary from developing, experts fear. That is because our brains are
(setting)…………. to learn new words when we hear others use them in
everyday conversation. But learning with smart phones, tablets and computers
instead of listening to a teacher or a parent, (mean)……………… young people
are not given the chance to hear a wide range of words. They claim the oral
tradition of passing on (know)….………… is being eroded, with both adults and
children spending too much time looking at screens. An expert said: “We have
less time to talk to each other and our children (teach)……………………
through devices which are (vision)………………. rather than auditory, so it is
likely they will end up with a (low)………. …..average number of words than
previous generations.
1 – use the following notes to write a short paragraph about albert Einstein:
- Birth: march 4, 1879, Ulm, Germany, death; April 18, 1995, New
Jersey USA
- Education/ childhood: disrupted by father’s repeated failure in
businessman, school dropout, no employable skills
- Achievement: most influential physist 20th c, developed specific
and general theories of relativity
- Awards: Nobel prize in physics 1921(explanation of the
photochmiic effect)

2- which would you prefer, attending a real school or having an on-line
Write an article to be published in your school magazine sating your preference
and support it with arguments.

Good work
Name:…………. End-of term English 9 Avril S.School
Class: 3 th form…… test N° 1 2018/19



1. An art student living in Preston has raised over £21,000 for a homeless man,
after she says he offered her his last £3 so that she could get a taxi home safely.
Dominique Harrison who studies at the University of Central Lancashire, says
she had lost her bank card and needed to get home after a night out when the
homeless man, known only as Robbie, offered money to help. The 22-year-old
says she declined the offer.

2. Dominique was so moved by his gesture that she started a campaign to raise
enough money to help him get a flat. She set up a donation Facebook page and
asked people to each donate £3. The campaign also involved spending the night
on the street, along with supporters who had heard about her story.

3. "I was touched by such a kind gesture from a man who faces ignorance every
day, so I set on a mission to find this man. The more I spoke about him, the
more kind gestures I learned about him, such as him returning wallets untouched
to pedestrians and offering his scarf to keep people warm. He has been homeless
for 7 months through no fault of his own and needs to get back on his feet but
cannot get work because he had no address. So that when I decided to change
Robbie’s life and help him, as he has helped many others."

4. The campaign which has received global attention, going viral on social
media, ended on Wednesday morning, Dominique posted on
Facebook: "This is going to change the lives of an incredible amount of
homeless people in Preston. Yes, we were cold and yes, we were hungry, but
people endure that 365 days of the year, so for 24 hours we didn’t complain."
1- Tick the most suitable title (1 mark)
a. Yes, we can!
b. Kindness brings kindness
c. selfishness results in sadness

2- . correct the following false statements with one detail from the text. (3)
a- Dominique accepted Robbie’s offer to help. (para. 1)
b- Robbie has been jobless because he has no qualifications. (par3)
c-Robbie is the only beneficiary from the action. (par4)
3 focus on paragraph 2 and complete (3):
Dominique was so ……………… the kindness of the man that she decided
to help him by starting a ………………..….campaign page on the Facebook to
……………….money as well as spending a night out on the street with the
4 Tick the most appropriate alternative (2)
*Robbie needs to get back on his feet (par3) by
a) leading a decent life with a steady income
b) exercising more often and more regularly
c) helping other people like him to make it
* Robbie faces ignorance every day (par3), means that he
a) suffers from neglect
b) cannot read or write
c) is careless
5. Focus on paragraph 3 and list two of Robbie’s kind gestures; (2)
- …………………………………………………………
6. if you were Robbie, would you offer the last amount of money you have?
Why? Why not?
If I were Robbie, I would……………………….………………………because

1. Supply the right tense or form of the bracketed words. (3 marks)
I have always enjoyed walking. When I was a child, I used to go camping and
(climb)……………………at the weekends with my father. Last year I decided
to walk a path in called El Camino Del Rey which is one of the highest and
(dangerous)………………… foot paths in Europe. It used to be safe but now it
(fall)………………… down. I was very excited when I arrived there. The
adventure began. It was about a (three/feet)………….…… wide path and there
were holes in it. I didn’t know what to do? Should I go on hands and knees or
stand up? I started to feel (fright)……………………. There was no thrill of
danger no (enjoy)……………………… of the experience. I thought I was going
to die.

2. Fill in the blanks with 3 words from the box. (3 marks)

As/ private /boat/ comfortable/disappointed/
I have just returned back from the worst holiday I have ever had. It was one of
your ………………..trip tours to Dublin. First, we
were…………………….with the hotel which could be hardly classified as three
stars. you said it was quiet and ………………………..hotel, but it wasn’t. our
rooms were small, unheated and very noisy. It was unable to sleep
…………………..there was constant music from the nearby café. Second, you
claimed there were …………………………bathroom, yet there weren’t. third,
1 – use the following notes to write a short paragraph about albert Einstein:
- Birth: march 4, 1879, Ulm, Germany, death; April 18, 1995, New
Jersey USA
- Education/ childhood: disrupted by father’s repeated failure in
businessman, school dropout, no employable skills
- Achievement: most influential physist 20th c, developed specific
and general theories of relativity
- Awards: Nobel prize in physics 1921(explanation of the
photochmiic effect)

2- which would you prefer, attending a real school or having an on-line
Write an article to be published in your school magazine sating your preference
and support it with arguments.

Good work

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