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Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 16: 971-977 (2011)

DOI 10.1007/s12257-011-0050-6


Antibacterial Properties of the Extract of Abelmoschus esculentus

Carla C. C. R. de Carvalho, Priscila Almeida Cruz, M. Manuela R. da Fonseca, and Lauro Xavier-Filho

Received: 7 February 2011 / Revised: 29 March 2011 / Accepted: 3 April 2011

© The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and Springer 2011

Abstract In this study, antimicrobial properties of both 1. Introduction

lyophilized and fresh water extracts of the okra pods were
assessed against Rhodococcus erythropolis and R. opacus, The plant Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, formally
Mycobacterium sp. and M. aurum, Staphylococcus aureus, known as Hibiscus esculentus L. (common name okra) is
Escherichia coli, and Xanthobacter Py2. The extracts were widely spread from West Africa to India, Southern Europe
effective against all bacterial strains tested, except R. and the Americas since it is tolerant to both (i) hot and dry,
erythropolis and the fresh extract displayed better anti- and (ii) hot and humid climates [1]. The simplicity of
microbial properties than the lyophilized extract. A fresh cultivation techniques and dependable yields make this one
extract concentration of 97.7 mg/mL was sufficient to of the best vegetables for the Tropics.
kill all S. aureus cells, which is a worldwide source of The water extract of A. esculentus fruits, also known as
nosocomial infection. The extract was also effective in okra gum, has been efficiently used as a lubricant [2] and
inhibiting the growth of both Mycobacterium strains, X. to stabilize foams [3] and suspensions [4]. The gum of the
Py2 and S. aureus, but was ineffective against R. eryth- okra pods has been traditionally used in culinary appli-
ropolis and E. coli. The lipid fraction of the okra gum was cations as a thickener of soups (e.g. Louisiana’s Gumbo
found to be responsible for the antibacterial properties and soup) and stews. It has also been used as a substitute of
the protein and polysaccharide fractions displayed no egg-white and as a replacement of fat in chocolate bar
antimicrobial activity. The two major constituents of the cookies [5,6] and in chocolate frozen dairy desserts while
lipid fraction, palmitic and stearic acids, were apparently maintaining acceptable sensory characteristics of the pro-
responsible for the antimicrobial properties of the okra ducts [7].
extract. Several previous studies have examined the physical and
chemical properties of the mucilage of okra. In 1954,
Keywords: antibacterial agent, biocide, Hibiscus esculentus, Whistler and Conrad found that the polysaccharide solution
okra, lady finger obtained from okra consisted of D-galactose, L-rhamnose,
and D-galacturonic acid [8]. By stopping hydrolysis at the
appropriate time, these authors were able to obtain a
crystalline galactobiose, which was shown to be 4-O-D-
galactopyranosyl-D-galactopyranose [9]. In 1956, Amin
identified three carbohydrates and arabinose [10]. In 1973,
Carla C. C. R. de Carvalho, M. Manuela R. da Fonseca
IBB-Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre for Biological BeMiller reviewed previous papers that described the
and Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon 1049-001, composition and properties of the mucilage of okra [11].
Four years later, Woolfe and co-workers evaluated the
Carla C. C. R. de Carvalho*, M. Manuela R. da Fonseca composition and properties of the okra extract [3]. Hydro-
Department of Bioengineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade lysis of the polysaccharide was shown to produce galac-
Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon 1049-001, Portugal
Tel: +351-21-841-9189; Fax: +351-21-841-9062 turonic acid, and the neutral sugars galactose, rhamnose
E-mail: and glucose at a proportion of 1.3:1.0:0.1:0.1. The proteins
Priscila Almeida Cruz, Lauro Xavier-Filho in the extract were not significantly affected by the
Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa, Aracaju-Sergipe 49032-490, Brazil purification steps and could not be separated from the
972 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 16: 971-977 (2011)

polysaccharide by either gel chromatography or disc electro- The cells were grown in elemental mineral medium [16]
phoresis. The moisture content of the crude extract was with phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 2 g/L of glucose as the
9.35% of wet weight, while the protein content was 9.42%. carbon source except when mentioned otherwise.
Mg, Ca, K, and P were present at concentrations of 0.51,
2.02, 0.68, and 0.18% of the wet weight, respectively. 2.3. Characterisation of the okra extract
Only a few studies have examined the pharmacological
properties of A. esculentus pods. Ansari et al. [12] evaluated 2.3.1. Preparation
the antioxidant properties of okra extracts while Lengsfeld After being washed, the okra pods were cut in transversal
and co-workers [13] studied the ability of the glycosylated half-centimeter slices and immersed in distilled water. The
compounds from okra fruits to inhibit the adhesion of polysaccharide extract was separated from the remaining
Helicobacter pylori cells to human gastric mucosa. In the crushed material by sieving and stored at −20ºC. Extrac-
later study, fractioning of the crude polysaccharide extract tions were performed with both unpeeled and peeled okra
showed that the active fractions contained rhamnogalac- pods so that a chloroplast-containing and a chloroplast-free
turonans and a considerable amount of glucuronic acid and polysaccharide extract were obtained.
also glycosylated proteins with molecular weights between
25 and 37 kDa. Curiously, none of the isolated fractions 2.3.2. Fractioning
was efficient in inhibiting H. pylori adhesion. Based on A crude protein extract was prepared from okra pods by
these findings, the authors concluded that the anti-adhesive ammonium sulphate precipitation and resuspension in
properties of okra were derived from the combination of water. The protein content was determined using the Brad-
glycoproteins and highly acidic sugar compounds that ford method [17].
make a complex three-dimensional structure only in the The lipids and polysaccharides were extracted after
fresh extract of the okra fruits. In Asian medicine, okra okra pods were first heated at 70ºC for 10 min to inactivate
pods have been traditionally used for the treatment of the proteins. Extraction with ethanol, which is a polar
gastric irritations and inflammation. Other medical appli- solvent, allowed for the extraction of polar lipids present
cations include replacement of blood plasma [14]. Bevans in the extract and simultaneously the precipitation of the
and co-workers previously evaluated the efficacy of the polysaccharides. Filtration was used to recover the poly-
crashed fruits of okra for the treatment of conjunctivitis and saccharides from the ethanol phase. Extraction with
the fruits and flowers were shown to slightly inhibit chloroform resulted in the extraction of apolar lipids.
Bacillus cereus and P. aeruginosa growth, while the leaves After evaporation of the respective solvents under a
were inefficient in inhibiting growth of these bacteria [15]. stream of nitrogen, both the polar and apolar lipids were
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anti- recovered.
bacterial properties of the water extract of the okra fruits
against Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains, namely 2.3.3. Fatty acid composition
Rhodococcus and Mycobacterium strains, Staphylococcus The lipids of both the fresh and lyophilised okra extract
aureus, E. coli, and Xanthobacter Py2. were extracted according to the Bligh and Dyer method as
reported by Findlay et al. [18]. The fatty acids were
derivatized into fatty acid methyl esters and analyzed by
2. Materials and Methods gas chromatography on an Agilent (Santa Clara, CA, USA)
6890N gas chromatograph with a FID and a 7683 B series
2.1. Strains and plant material injector equipped with a 30 m HP-5 capillary column from
Rhodococcus erythropolis DCL14, R. opacus PWD4, J&W Scientific (Folsom, CA, USA), as described previ-
Mycobacterium sp. NRRL B-3805, Mycobacterium aurum ously [19]. Peak identification was achieved using a
NgR9, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia qualitative standard of bacterial fatty acid methyl esters
coli BL21 (DE3)pLys, Xanthobacter Py2, and Pseudomonas and one of polyunsaturated fatty acids, both from Supelco
aeruginosa 8821 were used in this study. The okra pods (Bellefonte, USA), and a mixture of cis/trans 18:1 from
were bought in the public market of the city of Aracaju, Sigma-Aldrich (Buchs, Switzerland). The results presented
Sergipe state, Brazil. in this work were the average of three independent samples.

2.2. Bacterial growth 2.3.4. Surface tension

The rhodococci strains and X. Py2 were grown in orbital The surface tension was measured using a plate device in
incubators at 30ºC, while the remaining strains were grown a K8 tensiometer from Krüss GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)
at 37º. The agitation speed used in all cases was 200 rpm. according to the Wilhelmy technique [20].
Antibacterial Properties of the Extract of Abelmoschus esculentus 973

2.4. Antibacterial activity of the extract and mechanisms portion with the crude DNA and incubated for 45 min.
of action DNA denaturation was determined after 15 and 45 min of
incubation by UV spectrophotometry and by visually assess-
2.4.1. Effect on bacterial cell viability ing the existence of DNA precipitation.
Different concentrations of the okra extract were added to
bacterial suspensions of each bacterium. After incubation 2.4.4. Protein precipitation
for 30 min at 30ºC and 200 rpm, cellular viability was Bacterial proteins were separated from cell lysates by am-
assessed by fluorescent microscopy and image analysis. monium sulphate precipitation and resuspended in water.
Cell viability was measured using a LIVE/DEAD® Bac- Protein precipitation was assessed after mixing the protein
LightTM bacterial viability kit, which was purchased from extract with the okra extract for 15 min.
Molecular Probes (Invitrogen Co., Carlsbad, California, USA).
The samples were prepared according to the protocol 2.4.5. Enzyme denaturation
provided by the manufacturer and observed by fluore- The S. aureus and R. erythropolis cells were collected at
scence microscopy using an Olympus CX40 microscope, the exponential phase at an optical density of 0.8 and
with an Olympus U-RFL-T burner and an U-MWB mirror enzymes were collected by centrifugation after alkaline
cube unit (excitation filter: BP450-480; barrier filter: lysis of the cells. Catalase activity was determined in the
BA515). Images were captured by an EvolutionTM MP5.1 presence and absence of the A. esculentus extract by mea-
CCD colour camera using the software Image-Pro Plus, suring the disappearance of hydrogen peroxide at 240 nm
both of which were purchased from Media Cybernetics, at 30 sec intervals [24].
Inc. Image analysis was carried out as described previously
[21]. At least 15 images of each sample were taken. 2.5. Error analysis
The average error associated with the GC quantification of
2.4.2. Effect on bacterial growth each FAME was ± 5.1%, with a confidence interval of
The ability of the extract to inhibit bacterial growth was 99.5%. The errors were calculated based on seven indepen-
determined by diffusion of the compounds on agar plates dently prepared standard solutions. The error associated
and by broth microdilution susceptibility tests according to with image analysis was ± 5.8%, based on the standard
the CLSI guidelines [22]. The diffusion test was performed deviation and sample mean of fifteen repeated images
by measuring the inhibition area around a well containing taken from the same sample, with a confidence interval of
only the extract (100 µL at 100%) on agar plates contain- 99.5%.
ing 104 ~ 105 cell of each strain. To assess which fraction
was responsible for the antibacterial properties, fractions
containing proteins, polysaccharides, polar lipids and apolar 3. Results and Discussion
lipids were added to different wells on the agar plate. The
concentration of each fraction used was equal to the con- In this study, the effects of the okra gum on both cell
centration of each component in the original extract. The viability and bacterial growth were evaluated. Previous
inhibition area was determined by analyzing images using studies have shown that the glycosylated compounds of the
the software Image-Pro Plus from Media Cybernetics, Inc. immature fruits are able to inhibit the adhesion of the
(USA). The area presented did not include the area of the bacterium H. pylori to human gastric mucosa in situ [13]
well. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) was and the adhesion of Campylobacter jejuni to intestinal
determined by the broth microdilution method in 96-well epithelia from chicken in vitro [25].
microtitre plates. Briefly, twofold serial dilutions of the
okra extract were prepared in Mueller-Hinton broth to a 3.1. Properties and composition of the A. esculentus
final volume of 150 µL. The bacterial strains were grown extract
overnight, collected in the exponential phase and diluted in The density of the extract of the Brazilian A. esculentus
PBS to a McFarland 0.5 turbidity standard and 50 µL of used in this work was 1.024 ± 0.003 g/mL and the pH of
the cell suspension was added to each well. Growth was the concentrated crude extract was 4.2 for the peeled okra
assessed after 16 and 18 h. The MIC was defined as the and 6.2 for the unpeeled okra. Saturation of lyophilized
lowest compound concentration that resulted in no growth. extract in water was achieved at a concentration of 9.5 mg/
mL. Solutions containing 0.5, 1, and 10% (v/v) extract had
2.4.3. DNA denaturation surface tensions of 69.2, 60.7, and 41.4 mN/m, respec-
Crude DNA was extracted from bacteria by alkaline lysis tively, indicating that the extract can act as a biosurfactant.
[23]. The A. esculentus extract was mixed in equal pro- The extract obtained from peeled and unpeeled okra con-
974 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 16: 971-977 (2011)

Table 1. Minimum inhibitory concentration of okra extract against

several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
MIC (%, v/v)
Peeled Unpeeled
S. aureus 6.25 6.25
Mycobacterium sp. 12.5 12.5
M. aurum 6.25 6.25
R. erythropolis 66.7 80
R. opacus 50 50
X. Py2 12.5 12.5
E. coli 80 80
P. aeruginosa 12.5 6.25

Fig. 1. Fatty acid composition of the unpeeled, peeled, and

lyophilised okra.
Tamarindus indica had MICs of 8, 15.5, and 14 mg/mL
against S. aureus, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa, respectively
tained, per gram, 5.20 ± 0.01 and 4.89 ± 0.02 g of protein. [31]. The fruit pulp of tamarind has also been traditionally
The okra extract contained 34.1% palmitic acid and 26.2% used to make jams, chutneys, desserts and drinks. The
stearic acid, as the main fatty acids, and only 3.8% of ethanolic extract of leaves and fruits of Hyaenanche globosa
linoleic acid. Similarly, the extract from peeled okra fruits had a MIC of 3.1 mg/mL against M. Smegmatis; however,
contained 45.6% palmitic acid, 29.9% stearic acid, and this South African plant is poisonous [32].
3.4% of linoleic acid (Fig. 1). However, the lyophilized Cell growth inhibition was also assessed when the cells
extract contained 31.1% of palmitic acid and 21.5% of were grown on agar plates containing wells filled only with
linoleic acid since the extract was obtained by crushing the the okra extract. Cells that were inhibited could not grow
okra pods with seeds. The fatty acid composition has also in the area surrounding the well through which the extract
been shown to vary during plant growth [26]. diffused. M. aurum, X. Py2, and P. aeruginosa cells were
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) indicated that the largely inhibited and were unable to grow in a circular area
polysaccharide contained galactose, rhamnose and glucose. of 343, 306, and 357 mm2, respectively (Fig. 2). The ex-
The composition of the okra gum has been studied in-depth tract was also efficient in inhibiting the growth of S. aureus
by several research groups and the major cell wall poly- and Mycobacterium sp. However, the growth of R. erythro-
saccharides from okra pods were shown to be rich in galac- polis and E. coli cells was unaffected and R. opacus cells
tose, rhamnose and galacturonic acid [27]. In addition, were only slightly affected (Fig. 2).
pectin was shown to contain an unusual substitution of its Practically no differences in antibacterial properties were
rhamnosyl residues with acetyl and alpha-linked galactosyl observed between the okra gum extracted from peeled and
groups [28]. The major antioxidants in okra were determin-
ed to be quercetin 3-O-xylosyl (1''' → 2'') glucoside,
quercetin 3-Oglucosyl (1''' → 6'') glucoside, quercetin 3-O-
glucoside and quercetin 3-O-(6''-O-malonyl)-glucoside [29].
The amount of magnesium, calcium, potassium and phos-
phorous (0.51, 2.02, 0.68, and 0.18% of wet weight,
respectively) has also been determined [3].

3.2. Antibacterial properties of the A. esculentus extract

Low extract concentrations for both peeled and unpeeled
A. esculentus were effective against S. aureus, Mycobac-
terium sp., M. aurum, X. Py2 and P. aeruginosa (Table 1).
The MICs in these cases ranged between 6.25 and 12.5%
(v/v), which corresponded to 6.4 ~ 12.8 mg/mL. Similar
MIC values have been observed for other plant extracts.
Acetone, methanol, ethanol and both cold and hot aqueous Fig. 2. Inhibition areas observed around wells containing only
extracts of the fruits of Terminalia chebula also had a MIC (100%) peeled and unpeeled A. esculentus extract in agar plates
of 12.5 mg/mL against S. aureus [30]. Ethanolic extracts of with each of the test strains.
Antibacterial Properties of the Extract of Abelmoschus esculentus 975

Fig. 3. Viability of bacterial cells incubated with (A) lyophilized and (B) fresh okra extracts for 30 min.

unpeeled fruits (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Therefore, the remain- Table 2. Viability of R. erythropolis DCL14 and R. opacus PWD4
ing tests were conducted with water extracts obtained from cells grown on glucose, limonene, and toluene as the sole carbon
unpeeled fruits since they are usually used in culinary
recipes. Cell viability (%)
The effect of the okra gum was also evaluated after Okra extract, % (v/v)
exposing resting cells to the extract for 30 min. The gum Carbon source 0.5 1 10
displayed antibacterial properties against all bacterial strains Glucose 100.00 98.10 96.51
tested, as shown by the decrease in cell viability, except R. erythropolis Limonene 97.42 86.03 59.17
towards R. erythropolis cells (Fig. 3). At the same con- Toluene 94.21 75.31 66.10
centration, the fresh extract was, in general, more effective Glucose 98.00 95.21 93.31
than the lyophilized okra extract. In addition, because of R. opacus Limonene 91.37 85.38 53.83
the low solubility of the later, concentrations higher than Toluene 92.42 79.22 37.46
9.5 mg/mL could not be tested. When the results obtained
at fresh extract concentrations of 4.9 and 97.7 mg/mL were
compared, the reduction in cell viability was shown to (v/v), DCL14 and PWD4 cells grown in limonene as the
range from 34.7 to 46.8%. However, exceptions were sole carbon source were also similarly resistant to the okra
observed for R. erythropolis, which was only reduced by a extract, with 59.2 and 53.8% of the cells remaining viable,
3.5%. In addition, for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, an okra respectively. However, R. opacus PWD4 cells were more
extract concentration of 97.7 mg/mL was completely effec- susceptible than those of DCL14 when grown on toluene.
tive in inhibiting bacterial growth. S. aureus can cause We believe these results occurred because (i) the properties
several illnesses from skin infections to pneumonia, men- and composition of the cellular membrane of the bacterial
ingitis and septicaemia and is the major cause of noso- strains is highly dependent on the carbon source used
comial infections worldwide [33], while P. aeruginosa is [34,35], and (ii) the effect of okra gum was influenced by
known for causing fatal lung infections in patients with the carbon source. These combined results indicate that the
cystic fibrosis. main effects of the extract were on the cellular membrane
As shown in Fig. 3, a significant difference in cell and cell wall.
viability between the two rhodococci strains was observed.
Since R. erythropolis was grown in glucose and R. opacus 3.3. Effect on bacterial macromolecules
was grown in toluene (the latter grows faster on toluene The extract of A. esculentus did not cause visual precipi-
than on glucose), the effect of the carbon source on cell tation of bacterial proteins. The addition of the extract to
susceptibility to the okra extract was evaluated. When the S. aureus and R. erythropolis lysates resulted in only a
cells were grown on glucose, limonene and toluene, the 14.9% reduction of catalase activity indicating that no
viability of R. erythropolis and R. opacus cells, after expo- significant enzymatic inactivation was caused by the
sure to the okra gum, was dependent on the carbon source extract. Similarly, the increase in UV absorbance of crude
used for cell growth (Table 2). Both R. erythropolis DCL14 DNA was only 15.1% after 45 min of incubation with the
and R. opacus PWD4 cells grown on glucose were nearly extract, which suggests that the extract does not cause
unaffected by the okra extract. At a concentration of 10% significant denaturation of crude DNA.
976 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 16: 971-977 (2011)

reductase (FabI), which is essential in bacterial fatty acid

synthesis [40]. The concentration of linoleic acid in the
lyophilized extract in the present study, which was
obtained from okra pods with seeds, was sufficient to
confer antimicrobial properties to the extract.
The major lipids present in the fresh okra extract were
palmitic acid (34.1%) and stearic acid (26.2%) and they
were most likely responsible for the antibacterial properties
of this extract. Palmitic acid was previously found to be the
responsible for the antibacterial properties of Pentanisia
prunelloides, a perennial herb, which root is used in Zulu
traditional medicine [41]. Stearic acid was among the fatty
acids found to confer antibacterial properties to Dombeya
Fig. 4. Inhibition areas observed around wells containing only rotundifolia, which has been used in traditional medicine to
okra extract, polar and apolar lipids extracted from A. esculentus at treat intestinal ulcers and stomach illnesses [42].
the same concentration used in the okra extract, and olive oil, on
agar plates with S. aureus, M. aurum, R. erythropolis, and E. coli
growing cells. No column indicates that no inhibition was
observed. 4. Conclusion

3.4. Effect of the fractions of the extract on antibacterial The results of this work demonstrate the potential of using
activity the extract of A. esculentus as an antibacterial agent with
To assess which components (polysaccharides, proteins or possible applications in the food and pharmaceutical
lipids) were responsible for the antibacterial properties, the industries.
extract was fractioned. Wells made on agar plates were
filled with 100 µL of each fraction containing a concent-
ration equal to that observed in the original extract. The Acknowledgements
inhibition areas observed with the original water extract
and that obtained with the polar lipids were very similar; Carla C. C. R. de Carvalho would like to thank Fundação
1.0, 3.4, and 5.7% difference for S. aureus, M. aurum, and para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, for financial
E. coli, respectively (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the inhibi- support (through the program Ciência 2007).
tion area when apolar lipids were used was half the value
obtained when the unfractionated extract was used. None
of the extracts was effective against R. erythropolis cells. References
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