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NIM Name Contribution Percentage

13319001 Daniel Simangunsong 33.33%
13319023 Putri Anjelia Pasaribu 33.33%
13319030 Elisabeth Siahaan 33.33%

Proposed Title (provisional): Internet of Things Based Smart Clotheslines

Supervisor Suggestion :
Study Program : D3 Computer Technology
Group’s Name : PA2-2020/2021-D3TK05
Final Project Type :
Courses that have been and are being taken related to this Final Project:
 Embedded System
 Basic Electronics
 User Interface Design

The more everyday problems that arise, the more rapid the technology will be. One of the
problems is clothes line. Just imagine we are drying clothes, and we don't know when the rain will come.
And when the rain comes, we have to spend a lot of time picking up our cloth or clothes from the
clothesline. We have to take the clothes one by one and for sure it will take a lot of time. And when we
take clothes when it rains, surely the clothes we take will get wet again and we will get rain wet too.
Problem is clear.
With this problem, we want to design an automatic clothesline building when it will rain ., Tthe
clothesline will automatically be pulled by a stepper dc motor to the tap which is ready to withstand rain
and a fan is added as a clothes dryer. If the weather is sunny and it's not raining, the roof will open. The
sensors used are rain sensors and LDR sensors as light sensors with simple logic that can produce several
weather outputs such as sunny, cloudy and dark. With the ideas described above, it will be easy to
automate this automatic washing machine if the home owner is traveling, the tool can temporarily handle
it when it rains.

Research Question(s)
Based on the background above, the authors determine the formulation of the problem, including:
1. How to design an automatic clothesline based on lighting and rainfall with the logic of determining
bright, cloudy, dark?
2. How do you make the clothesline towing system work?
4. How to control the DC motor with light sensor control and raindrof ?? so that it can become a unitary
6. How do you detect cloudy weather that has the potential to rain?

1. Pull the clothesline when the rain sensor starts detecting raindrops and the DC motor will
move automatically.
2. Applying the Rain Sensor to an automatic clothesline to determine when it rains and
applying a DC Motor to shift so that clothes are protected from rain or dew. Make an
automatic drying roof using the Arduino uno microcontroller.
3. Designing automatic drying using the logic of sunny, cloudy, rain on the light sensor
(LDR) and rain sensor.
4. Designing a clothesline pulling motor with a dc stepper motor.

Scope of study (fokus proyek)

the system we make is an automatic control system such as an LDR sensor, a humidity or rain
sensor to detect when it will rain, a DC motor to control torque, and t he Arduino uno as a
The sensor is used to wait for the rain to come. Maybe you can write about the system you want to create
(bidang spesifik apa?atau penggunaan teknologi apa?)

Expected result
The creation of an automatic clothesline that is both effective and efficient which makes it easier
for people to work in the process of securing clothespins from unpredictable weather.

This internet of things-based smart clothesline design is a miniature house with a clothesline.

Application Development Methodology

1. Literature Study
Literature study conducted by searching for articles, relevant books included with several
other sources related to Automatic Drying Systems with stepper motors.
2. Problem analysis
Used to analyze all problems on the system based on sources and observations of the
problem. The system consists of Arduino UNO, DC motor, rain sensor, LDR sensor and
3. Design
Modeling, designing and designing the power supply system in each block of the entire
system created, both designing flowcharts and hardwarePlan for Methodology
4. Literature study conducted by searching for articles, relevant books included with several
other sources related to Automatic Drying Systems with stepper motors.
Designing an automatic drying system with a stepper motor.
5. Assemblinge tools
according to the design made from the system.
6. Testing the whole tool.
7. Writing report??
Product Development Methodology
Work Plan

Time Table Second Project II

Start Finish
No. Task Name Day
Thursday, January 28, Thursday, January 28,
1 Group determination 1
2021 2021
Thursday, January 28,
2 Distribution of Advisor 1 Friday, January 29, 2021
Discussion with the
Friday, January 29,
3 Advisor for determine 7 Friday, February 5, 2021
the title of PA II
Finalization of Title
PAII (Agreement Friday, February 5, Monday, February 8,
4 3
between Students with a 2021 2021
Requirement Gathering Monday, February 8, Monday, February 15,
5 7
(Phase I) 2021 2021
Monday, February 15, Wednesday, February
6 Assignment I - ToR 2
2021 17, 2021
Thursday, February 18, Thursday, February 18,
7 ESS (Design) 1
2021 2021
Requirement Gathering Thursday, February 18, Thursday, February 25,
8 7
(Phase II) 2021 2021
9 1 Monday, March 1, 2021 Monday, March 1, 2021
(Colaboration Tool)
Thursday, March 4,
10 Assignment II - PiP 3 Monday, March 8, 2021
Wednesday, March 24,
11 Analysis and Design 16 Monday, March 8, 2021
12 Assignment III - 4 Thursday, March 25, Monday, March 29,
Analysis and Design 2021 2021
Implementation dan Monday, March 29,
13 28 Monday, April 26, 2021
Testing 2021
Demo Implementation - Thursday, April 29, Thursday, April 29,
14 1
I 2021 2021
15 ESS (Testing) 1 Monday, May 3, 2021 Monday, May 3, 2021

Demo Implementation -
16 2 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Friday, May 7, 2021

17 Quiet Week + UAS 12 Monday, May 24, 2021 Saturday, May 29, 2021

Implementation and
18   Tuesday, June 1, 2021 Tuesday, June 8, 2021
testing and exhibition
Seminar and final
19   Monday, June 14, 2021 Friday, June 18, 2021
deliverables PA 1
Seminar and final Wednesday, June 23,
20   Monday, June 21, 2021
deliverables PA 2 2021

LituratureLiterature Review
The purpose of making "IOT-based Smart Clothespins" is to help ease the activities of drying and
lifting clothes when it rains by using an automatic washing machine.
The system to be created is a system IoT based clothesline lifters use IoT. This system uses an
LDR sensor and a rain sensor which functions LDR sensor is for level handling and the weather while
the rain sensor serves to cope with the rain or not. The system is also equipped with a website which
functions to control and control the clothesline in order to carry out actions in accordance with the
Process command the clothesline work begins with clothesline that is outside the room. Then wait for the
LDR sensor to get cloudy or dark weather, then dry the clothes will automatically go into the room, I see
also a meaningful air factor rain sensor relationship it rains then the clothesline will also go inside.
advantages The automatic control system can help ease human work because it can help speed
up the human work process, save time, and save energy
This IoT-based clothesline lifting system is not yet perfect, so for researchers who want to
develop this research, we provide suggestions, namely adding a heater which functions to help dry
clothes when the clothesline is inside with the clothesline not yet dry.

By designing all the starting tools from a light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor as a sun light
detector, a water sensor as a rainwater detector, a DC motor as a driving force, and Arduino Uno as the
brain of the command maker of the tool, an automatic clothesline can be made to help work in lifting
clothes when rain
Kita sudah belajar bagaimana menuliskan literature review (dalam bentuk critical review).
Dipraktekkanlah di bagian ini. Masih ingat kan? Makanya saya beri waktu sampai 3 hari supaya kalian
punya waktu untuk research.
Saran saya, kalian bisa menuliskan tentang teknologi apa yang kalian akan gunakan. Bagaimana
pendapat ahli ttg teknologi tsb? Apa keebihan/kekurangannya? Bagaimana kira2 teknologi tsb bisa
digunakan dalam konteks project kamu?
Hope this helps.

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