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DuBois Area High School

Sophomore Career Exploration Project

Student Information:
Name: Courtney Carbett Grade: 10
Teacher: Mr. Marshall Course: US & PA History

Career Exploration Project Requirements

● Session 1: CC Matchmaker (Questions 1-116)
○ Assignment 1: CC Matchmaker Reflection – 5 Points

● Session 2: CC Employment/Job Search

○ Assignment 2: CC Employment/Job Search – 5 Points
● Session 3: Resume Development Session and Assignment Requirements Overview: Job Shadow &
My Junior Year Plan
○ Assignment 3: Resume – 25 Points
○ Assignment 4: Job Shadow – 25 Points
○ Assignment 5: My Junior Year Plan – 25 Points

● Session 4: Career (Google) Portfolio Development / Job Application Completion

○ Assignment 6: Google Portfolio – 5 Points
○ Assignment 7: Job Application Completion – 10 Points
Total Points 100 Points

Session 1: CC Matchmaker
Assignment 1: Career Cruising (CC) Matchmaker Reflection (5pts)
Directions: After completing your Career Cruising Matchmaker Session, complete a
reflection entry in the space below.
In Career Cruising I did not find any extremely appealing jobs,
but two I thought might be interesting are a high school
teacher, and an image consultant. I am around high school
teachers every day, so I know the majority of what this career
consists of, but on the other hand, I was unaware of the career
of an image consultant, so I am interested to learn about it.
Session 2: Career Cruising (CC) Employment/Job Search
Assignment 2: Career Cruising (CC) Employment/Job Search (5pts)
Directions: After completing your Career Cruising (CC) Employment Session, complete a
reflection entry in the space below.
Music therapist development associates work from home and
use music as a form of therapy, and provide a sense of calming
to patients. In Harrisburg PA, the company, Music Speaks, is
offering this position to anyone who is a board certified Music
Therapist with two years of experience. I would be fit for this job
because I want to mentor people, and I appreciate music.
Creative Arts/ Primary Therapists use creativity to help their
patients, whether an individual or a group session. The
requirements for this job are a master’s degree in expressive arts
and counseling. I think I would be a good candidate for this job
because I like to use creativity as a form of therapy for myself,
and I would like to help others in the same way.

Session 3: Resume Development Session and Assignment Requirements

Overview: Job Shadow & My Junior Year Plan
Assignment 3: Resume Development
Directions: After completing your resume planner, save it as Grade 10 (Your Last Name)
Resume Planner.
Resume Rubric:
● Format/Appearance – 5 pts
● Organization – 5 pts
● Content – 10 pts
● Grammar – 5 pts

Assignment 4: Job Shadow

Type of Job Shadow You Completed: Check One
On-Site X Virtual
Directions: After completing your job shadow (on-site or virtual), complete a
reflection using the format below and submit a Job Shadow artifact.
Job Shadow Essay Format (20 points)
1. (2pts) Paragraph 1: Introduction (2 pts)
a. Why did you choose this job shadow experience?
b. What type of job shadow did you complete? On-site or Virtual?
c. Where did the job shadow take place?
d. Who was the job shadow with?
2. (4 pts) Paragraph 2: Explanation of experiences
a. (On-Site) What did you do during your on-site job shadow?
b. (Virtual) What did they do during the virtual job shadow?
3. (5 pts) Paragraph 3 for On-Site: Supervisor Interview
a. Using your responses from your Supervisor Interview found on the
job shadow form, provide a summary of what you learned
4. (5 pts) Paragraph 3 for Virtual: Explanation of what you learned
a. Provide a summary of what you learned watching the virtual job
5. (4pts) Paragraph 4: Conclusion
a. How did this job shadow impact your career goals? Do you want to
continue to pursue this career or do you want to pursue a different
career? Why? What are your next steps?
Job Shadow Artifact (5 Points)
1. On-Site – If you completed an On-Site Job Shadow, you must
scan/photograph and upload your Job Shadow Form
2. Virtual – If you completed a virtual Job Shadow, you must include a
screenshot of your online Job Shadow Experience.
For my job shadow experience, I chose to research school
guidance counselors. I completed a virtual job shadow. The
shadow took place on Career Cruising. The job shadow was
completed with a counselor named Alison.

During my virtual job shadow, I saw that school counselors

spend their days helping students find out more about
themselves and their interests in order to seek out activities and
classes the students may enjoy.

In my job shadow, I learned that guidance counselors do a lot

more work than the students can see. Counselors go into depth
with each student and what is right for them, whether it be
classes, colleges, job applications, or even studying habits.
School counselors have to care about each individual student
in the school, as well as all the students as a whole.

This job shadow seemed to prove that this field would be a

very suitable option for me, and it showed me what day to day
life would be like in a hypothetical future for myself, as long as
how my life would be on a wider spectrum, such as the income I
may have in the future and how well-off I would be.
Assignment 5: My Junior Year Plan
Directions: Using the feedback from your Career Cruising sessions, your experience
participating in a virtual or on-Site Job Shadow, and your scheduling meeting with your
school counselors, write a reflection on your plan for your junior year.

My Junior Year Reflection Format (20 points)

1. (5pts) Paragraph 1: Introduction
a. What are your current career interests?
b. Does the feedback from your Career Cruising sessions align with
your career interests? Why or Why not?
c. How did your job shadow impact your career interests?
2. (5 pts) Paragraph 2: Junior Courses
a. What courses best align to your career choices?
b. How will the courses that you selected help to prepare you for your
career interests?
3. (5 Pts) Paragraph 3: Conclusion
a. What are some extracurricular activities, community service
opportunities, and/or employment options that you could do to
gain experiences or skills for your field/career of interest? (If you are
interested in pursuing a career in teaching you could tutor, be a
volunteer coach, be a volunteer Big Brother/Big Sister, babysit,
volunteer at an elementary school, participate in Read Across
America Day, etc)

My current career interests include therapy or teaching. The

matchmaker from career cruising matched up with interest in
therapy. Some of the suggestions were jobs like music therapy,
and therapy designed around creativity. My job shadow
affected my career interests because I chose a mix of both of
my interests by picking a school counselor. My job shadow
experience made me more confident about my choice.
In junior year, I signed up for the elective, psychology. This
course will help me get on the track to become a therapist or a
counselor. When I take the course, I will begin to build my
background of understanding human behavior and thought to
help me jump into this widespread field of work. This class will be
a basic head start to get into the world of psychology.
An employment option that could give me a bigger jump start
to becoming a psychologist are to become an assistant to a
local psychologist to work my way into the field slowly. If I was a
psychologist assistant, I would be exposed to the work
environment and the wide variety of types of patients I could
work with.

Session 5: Career Portfolio Development & Job Application Completion

Assignment 6: Career Portfolio – 5pts
1. Create a Career Portfolio Folder in your Google Drive.
2. Create a Sophomore Career Folder in your Career Portfolio Folder
3. Upload the following Items to your Sophomore Career Portfolio Folder:
a. Social Studies Career Exploration Project Packet
b. Job Shadow Form or Screenshot
c. Job Application Form or Photo
d. Sophomore Resume

Assignment 6: Job Application Completion – 10pts

1. In Session 5, you will receive instructions and tips for successfully completing a Job
Application. At the conclusion of the session, you will need to select and fully
complete one Job Application. Once completed, you must scan/photograph
and upload your completed Job Application form.

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