Prova 7º 1bm IEI

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1° BIMESTRE/2021



Nome: ___________________________________________________________________ n°:____________

Data:______/______/_______ NOTA:________________

INSTRUÇÕES AOS ALUNOS: 4 – É proibido o uso de aparelhos eletrônicos durante a prova;

1 – Leia com atenção as questões abaixo; 5 – É expressamente proibido qualquer tipo de consulta;
2 – Responda a prova com caneta azul ou preta; 6 – As respostas devem ser em inglês.
3 – Rasuras serão desconsideradas; 7– Trabalhe com calma e sucesso!

Conteúdos: Simple Present affirmative; Text interpretation.

Teacher: Rosangela Good Luck ! ☺️

read the text and answer the questions ________________________________

below: (Leia o texto e responda as questões ________________________________
abaixo:) ________________________________
My Family _________________

Hi, my name is Emily. I am ten years old. 3. Which of the sentences is correct
This is my family. My father is Jason, he is a according to the text: (Qual das frases está
doctor and my mother is Beth, she is correta conforme o texto:)
a nurse. I have two brothers, Anny and Joe,
they are twins and very funny.Our house is a. Every weekend my grandparents, my
very big, in front of it there is a big swimming uncles and my cousins don’t come to
pool and a beautiful garden, around it there my house
are a lot of white and yellow flowers and b. We are a very happy Family and we
behind it there is a wonderful barbecue play a lot together
place.Every weekend my grandparents, my c. My father is Jason, he isn’t a doctor
uncles and my cousins come to my house. d. my mother is Beth, she isn’t a nurse
We are a very happy Family and we play a
lot together 4. Complete with Simple Present (Complete com
o presente simples)
1. According to the text how many brothers
does Emily have? (De acordo com o texto I __________ to church every sunday. (go)
Quantos irmãos Emily tem?) b) She __________ dinner every night for
a. 1
her husband. (cook)
b. 2
c. 3 c) She _______the guitar.(play)
d. 4 d) Mary ___________in Canada. (live)

2. Describe Emily's house: (Descreva a e) They ________ in an Australian

casa de Emily:) company. (work)
5. Read the text below and complete the com a estrutura do presente simples a frase
sentences using the this verbs: (Leia o texto correta é:)

abaixo e complete as frases usando esses a. Mary eat chocolate

verbos) helps - studies - goes b. The dog barks all day
c. We speaks english
a. She ________ to school in the morning
d. I am happy
and _________her parents in the afternoon.
10.find out the right sequence of Susan
In the evening, she __________ English at
Routine (coloque a sequência certa a rotina
a school de Susan.)

( ) I get dressed in my uniform in th

6. Read the text below and complete the
sentences using the this verbs: (Leia o texto
( ) I wake upa t 7 o’clock
abaixo e complete as frases usando esses
( ) I do my homework after school
verbos) go – take – wake up - have
( ) I brush my teeth after breakfast
a. I ______________ at 6 o’clock, I
( ) I have breakfast after wake up
___________ shower and ____________
breakfast then I ______________ to school.

7. Choose the correct answer to complete

each sentence.( escolha a resposta
correta para completar cada frase)
She ________ in Florida but prefers
a. live
b. lives
c. liveies
d. living

8. Choose the correct answer to complete

each sentence.( escolha a resposta
correta para completar cada frase)
I ________ four languages, but I love
Italian above all.
a. speaking
b. speaks
c. speak
d. speakies

9. According to structure of the Simple

Present the correct sentence is:(De acordo

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