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TLA 1: Instruction: Answer the questions given. Use the rubric below for guide.

As Christian or believer of God, what is the significance of prayer in your

life? How do you feel when your prayers are not answered? Does it affect your
relationship with God?

As a devoted Christian, prayer is very significant to my life because that’s the only way I
can talk to God. Through prayer I can share my problems and success to Him.
Thanking Him for everything He did to my life.

We all know that our prayers will not be answered immediately, some people blame
Him for not granting their prayers but for me, I know my prayers and wishes in life will
be granted soon. The right time will come for me that I can say; now it’s my turn to
shine because God grant my prayers already. And it will never affect my relationship to
God, it makes it more stronger than ever.

TLA 2: Fill in the statement

1. After knowing importance of PRAYERS as followers of Christ, significance

of the Season of Lent, Holy Week and about Mother Ignacia, I learned that…

Prayers are part of our life but, a lot of people miss that part. As I read the module that
was given to us by our instructor, I learned that prayer is the most powerful tool that we
can used to ease the pain and problems that we have in our life. We should admit that
we have lapses and we are sinned. And we are saved by Jesus Christ. As we pray to
Him, we must outline what we say (ACTS). He listens to us and he loved us. Prayer is
the only way to be connected with Him, and in order to that, we must do it
wholeheartedly. Prayer is the best medicine of all.
2. Should we pray? What does it have to do with our lives? Will we be better if
we pray? Will our families be better if we pray? Will the world be better if
we pray? These are some of the common questions young people ask with
regard to prayer. This lesson offers us a way to an encounter with God.

Praying is what people need in life and need to practice by young ones, teenagers and
even adult. Praying makes our life happy and we need to pray wholeheartedly. It makes
our life live in more comfortable place. Prayer helps us to convey our feelings to God,
ask for help, assistance, and answers to questions, but it also allows us to learn from
Him what His will is for us. Praying is everything and we young ones must treasure it
and build it with ourselves.

TLA 3:
This Holy week document how you celebrate this Week in a Prayerful way. Make a
vlog and be creative on how you celebrate the Paschal Mystery, (the suffering,
death and resurrection of Jesus and send it in my messenger acct.

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