Activity: Mineral and Energy Resources

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Isabelle Marie R.

Coruña 11 STEM 2

Activity: Mineral and Energy Resources

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How do you feel about the result of your activity? Explain why.
2. Why did the test included questions that concerns your diet, what does your diet has
to do with energy resources?
3. How does the energy efficient appliances and vehicles reduce the ecological
4. List three aspects of your lifestyle that you deem bad for the environment and how
can you change it or at least lessen it?

1. Upon seeing the results of my activity, to be honest, I felt worried and embarrassed.
Worried, because of the thought that a single person (me) has emitted much carbon
footprint already, what more other people? What will happen to our future if right now,
we’ve been using too many resources? Embarrassed, because I didn’t really expect to
have that much carbon footprint emitted. I care about our Earth, and it’s such a shame
that through the carbon footprints I emit, it doesn’t look like it. But overall, those
emotions drove me to be more aware and concerned of the things happening in our

2. The test included questions regarding our diet because our diet makes an impact to our
environment. According to an article by the Los Angeles Times, the food production
including growing crops, raising livestock, fishing and transporting all that food to our
plates is responsible for 20% to 30% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. By
consuming more of those, we have greater contribution to the emission of greenhouse

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