Osbert Oglesby Case Study

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Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Osbert Oglesby, Art Dealer, needs an information

system to assist him in buying and selling paintings

l Obtaining domain knowledge is the first step

l Osbert is interviewed to obtain the relevant


l This information is put into a glossary (see next


Glossary: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Osbert wants an information system, running on his

laptop computer, that will
– Determine the maximum price he should pay for a painting
– Detect new trends in the art market as soon as possible

l To do this, the information system needs to keep a

record of all purchases and all sales

l Currently, Osbert produces reports of annual sales

and purchases by hand
– At only a small additional cost, the information system can
also print these two reports on demand

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Osbert wants an information system that can

– Compute the highest price he should pay for a painting;
– Detect new art trends

l Osbert needs an information system that can also

– Provide reports on purchases and sales

l It is vital to determine the client’s needs up front, and

not after the information system has been delivered

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Osbert has three business activities:

– He buys paintings
– He sells paintings
– He produces reports

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Buy a Painting use case

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Sell a Painting use case

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Produce a Report use case

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l For conciseness, all three use cases are combined

into a use-case diagram

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l The only person who uses the current (manual)

information system is Osbert
– Osbert is therefore an actor in all three use cases

l The customer may initiate the Buy a Painting or the

Sell a Painting use case

l The customer plays a critical part in both use cases

by providing data entered into the information
system by Osbert
– The customer is therefore an actor in both these use

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Next, the use cases have to be annotated

l Here are the initial use-case descriptions

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Buy a Painting use case

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Sell a Painting use case

Init. Business Model: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Produce a Report use case

Initial Requirements: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l The initial business model (the three use cases)

shows how Osbert currently does business

l Decide which of these use cases are also

requirements of the information system to be built
– Clearly, all three are requirements

l Refine the resulting initial requirements

– The descriptions of the use cases have to be refined

Initial Requirements: Osbert Oglesby

l Buy a Painting use case

Initial Requirements: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l Sell a Painting use case

Initial Requirements: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l Produce a Report use case

Initial Requirements: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l All three descriptions are still unclear

– A consequence of the iterative nature of the Unified
– For example, the algorithm details are irrelevant at this

l Basic principle: Defer all details to as late as

– This will simplify the inevitable changes of the next

Requirements Workflow: Osbert Oglesby

l More details of each use case are needed now

l First consider use cases

– Buy a Painting, and
– Sell a Painting

l To refine the descriptions, determine what attributes

need to be input when a painting is bought and
when a painting is sold

Attributes: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Attributes when buying a painting include:

– Title of work, name of artist, date of painting, classification,
medium, purchase price, name and address of seller

l Attributes when selling a painting are:

– Date of sale, name of buyer, address of buyer, actual
selling price

Requirements Workflow: Osbert Oglesby

l Now the algorithm for computing the maximum

purchase price is considered

l Classify the painting as a

– Masterpiece
– Masterwork, or
– Other painting

Maximum Price for an Other Painting

l Measure the dimensions of the canvas

l The maximum purchase price is then given by the

formula F × A, where
– F is a constant for that artist (fashionability coefficient),
– A is the area of the canvas in square centimeters

l If there is no fashionability coefficient for that artist,

Osbert will not buy the painting

Coefficient of Similarity: Osbert Oglesby

l For a masterpiece or masterwork, the coefficient of

similarity between two paintings is computed as
– Score 1 for a match on medium, otherwise 0
– Score 1 for a match on subject, otherwise 0
– Add these two numbers, multiply by the area of the
smaller painting, and divide by the area of the larger
– The resulting number is the coefficient of similarity

Coefficient of Similarity: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l If the coefficient of similarity between the painting

under consideration and all the paintings in the file
of auction data is zero, then Osbert will not buy that
masterwork or masterpiece

Fashionability Coefficients: Osbert Oglesby

l The information system must include a list of artists

and their corresponding F values

l The value of F can vary from month to month,

depending on the current fashionability of an artist

l Osbert determines the value of F on the basis of his

knowledge and experience
– He changes the value if prices for work by an artist
increase or decrease

Auction Data: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l The information system must utilize information on

auction sales of masterpieces over the past 25 years

l Each month Osbert receives a CD with updated

worldwide auction prices; these prices are never
modified by Osbert

Updated Use Cases : Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l The use-case descriptions must reflect this


Updated Use Cases : Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l The description of the Sell a Painting use case:

Reports for the Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l There are three reports:

– Purchases during the past year
– Sales during the past year
– Detection of new trends

l Sample reports show Osbert’s needs are as follows

(question marks in the first or last name of artist, or
in the title or date of the work are to be included in
all reports):

Report of Purchases during the Past Year

l A report is needed to display all the paintings

purchased during the past year
– The average ratio of the purchase price to the suggested
maximum price is required at the end of the report

Report of Sales during the Past Year

l A report is needed to display all the paintings sold

during the past year
– The average ratio of the actual selling price to the target
selling price is required at the end of the report

Report of Trends during the Past Year

l A report showing artists whose works Osbert has

sold at a price that has exceeded the target selling
price in every instance during the past year
– To appear in this report, at least two of the artist’s works
must have been sold by Osbert during that period

Updated Use-Case Description: Produce a Report

l The update the description of the Produce a Report

use case, incorporating the details listed above

It Ain’t Over Till it’s Over

l There is a serious omission

– The use case for updating a fashionability coefficient has
been overlooked

l Missing use case Modify a Fashionability Coefficient

Use-Case Modify a Fashionability Coefficient

l Use-case description

Second Iteration of Use-Case Diagram

l Incorporate all four use cases

Initial Functional Model: Osbert Oglesby

Scenario of Use Case Buy a Painting

Scenario of Use Case Buy a Painting (contd)

l This is a normal scenario

l There are six paragraphs in the scenario

– Only four of them are numbered
– The two unnumbered sentences
» “Osbert wishes to buy a masterpiece” and
» “Osbert makes an offer below the maximum purchase price—the
offer is accepted by the seller”
have nothing to do with the interaction between Osbert
and the information system
– These unnumbered paragraphs are essentially comments

Second Scenario of Use Case Buy a Painting

l This is an exception scenario

– It models an interaction that is not “normal”

Third Scenario of Use Case Buy a Painting

l This is another exception scenario

Normal and Exception Scenarios

l Normal and exception scenarios can be combined

into an extended scenario

Initial Functional Model (contd)

l The systems analysis team investigates as many

normal and exception scenarios of each use case as
time permits
– To get the deepest possible understanding of
» The domain
» The business model, and
» The use cases

Fifth Iteration of the Initial Class Diagram (contd)

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby

l Initial statechart

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l The solid circle (top left) represents the initial state

l The white circle with the small black circle inside

(top right) represents the final state

l States other than the initial and final states are

represented by rectangles with rounded corners

l The arrows represent transitions from state to state

– Example: The arrow from the initial state to the state
labeled Osbert Oglesby Information System Loop

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l In state Osbert Oglesby Information System

Loop, one of five events can occur:
– Osbert can choose one of five options: buy a painting, sell
a painting, print a report, update a fashionability
coefficient, or quit

l These possibilities are indicated by the five events:

– buy painting selected
– sell painting selected
– print report selected
– update fashionability selected
– quit selected

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby

l The initial main menu in the target Osbert Oglesby

information system

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l Suppose that Osbert clicks on Buy a painting in the

– The event buy painting selected has now occurred
– The system moves from its current state, Osbert Oglesby
Information System Loop, to the state Buying a

l In Buying a Painting state, Osbert can

– Buy a masterpiece, masterwork, or other painting

Initial Dynamic Model: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l The Osbert Oglesby information system moves from

state to state when an event occurs
– In each state, Osbert performs one of the operations
supported by that state

l This continues until Osbert clicks on option Quit

while the system is in state Oglesby Information
System Loop
– At this time the information system enters the final state
(represented by the white circle containing the small black
– This terminates execution of the statechart

Dynamic Modeling (contd)

l Traditionally there is a dynamic model for each

class, rather than for the system as a whole, as in
this case study
– However, objects in information systems rarely move from
one class to another class

l Accordingly, a dynamic model for the information

system as a whole is appropriate

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby

l One screen should be adequate for all four Osbert

Oglesby use cases:
– Buy a Painting
– Sell a Painting
– Print a Report
– Modify a Fashionability Coefficient

l Thus there is one initial boundary class

– User Interface Class

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l Consider again the first iteration of the main menu of

the user-interface screen

l The five commands correspond precisely to the five

events in the statechart

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l This is a graphical interface, which needs special


Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l However, a textual interface runs on all computers

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l There are three reports:

– The purchases report
– The sales report
– The future trends report

l Each of these has to be modeled by a separate

boundary class because the content of each report
is different

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l There are thus three report boundary classes

– Purchases Report Class
– Sales Report Class
– Future Trends Report Class

Initial Boundary Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l There are therefore four boundary classes

Extracting Control Classes

l It is also usually easy to extract control classes

– Each nontrivial computation is generally modeled by a
control class

Initial Control Classes: Osbert Oglesby

l In the case study there are four computations

– Determining the maximum price that Osbert should offer
for a
» Masterpiece
» Masterwork, or
» Other painting
– Determining if there is a new trend in art purchases

Initial Control Classes: Osbert Oglesby

l There are thus four initial control classes:

– Compute Masterpiece Price Class
– Compute Masterwork Price Class
– Compute Other Painting Price Class
– Compute Future Trends Class

Initial Control Classes: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l Here are the initial control classes

Refining the Use Cases: Osbert Oglesby

l The class diagram reflects that the pricing algorithm

treats the three types of paintings differently

l Accordingly, use case Buy a Painting needs to be

refined into three separate use cases
– Buy a Masterpiece
– Buy a Masterwork
– Buy Other Painting

l Therefore, the description of the Buy a Painting use

case must be split into three separate descriptions

Refining the Use Cases: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l The Produce a Report use case also needs to be

– The purchases report and the sales report use simple data
extraction— the future trends report involves computation
– All three reports use their own boundary classes

Refining the Use Cases: Osbert Oglesby (contd)

l For both these reasons, the Produce a Report use

case must be refined into three use cases
– Produce a Purchases Report
– Produce a Sales Report
– Produce a Future Trends Report

l The description of the use case must be split into

three separate descriptions

Third Iteration of the Use-Case Diagram

Class Extraction (contd)

l The description of class extraction is complete

l We now therefore return to the Unified Process

Use-Case Realization

l The process of extending and refining use cases is

called use-case realization

Use-Case Realization (contd)

l The realization of a specific scenario of a use case

is depicted using an interaction diagram
– Either a sequence diagram or collaboration diagram

l Various versions of the use case Buy a Masterpiece

appear in the following slides

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case

l Use case diagram

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l Description
of the use

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l Class diagram (classes that enter into the use case)

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l The four classes that enter into this use case are:
– User Interface Class
» This class models the user interface
– Compute Masterpiece Price Class
» This class models the computation of the price Osbert should offer
– Masterpiece Class
» The computation involves comparing the masterpiece being
considered with the masterpieces that have been previously
– Auctioned Painting Class
» These masterpieces are all instances of Auctioned Painting

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l Scenario (one possible instance of the use case)

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l A working information system uses objects, not

– Example: A specific masterpiece is not represented by
Masterpiece Class but rather by an object, a specific
instance of Masterpiece Class

l Such an object is denoted by : Masterpiece Class

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l A class diagram shows the classes in the use case

and their relationships
– It does not show the objects nor the sequence of
messages as they are sent from object to object

l Something more is needed

Buy a Masterpiece Use Case (contd)

l Collaboration diagram (of the realization of the

scenario of the use case)

Produce a Purchases Report Use Case

l Class diagram
– The realization is straightforward

Produce a Sales Report Use Case

l Class diagram
– The realization is equally straightforward

Produce a Future Trends Report Use Case

l Class diagram
– The realization is also straightforward

Modify a Fashionability Coefficient Use Case

l Class diagram
– The realization is just as straightforward

Combining the Realization Class Diagrams

l Class

Sixth Iteration of the Class Diagrams

l Fifth iteration + realization class diagram

Where’s the Specification Document?

l The Unified Process is use-case driven

– The use cases and the artifacts derived from them replace
the traditional textual specification document

l The client must be shown each use case and

associated artifacts, both diagrammatic and textual
– These UML diagrams convey to the client more
information more accurately than the traditional
specification document
– The set of UML diagrams can also play the same role as
the traditional specification document

Formats of the Attributes (contd)

l The formats could be determined during the analysis


l However, the object-oriented paradigm is iterative

– Information is added to models as late as possible

l Adding an item too early will make the next iteration

unnecessarily burdensome
– Formats are therefore added during the design workflow

Formats of Attributes of Osbert Oglesby

l Class diagram with the formats of attributes added

Allocation of Operations: Osbert Oglesby

l Fifth iteration of the initial class diagram

Responsibility-Driven Design: Osbert Oglesby

l Consider operation getAuctionPrice

l Irrespective of the source of the message requesting

an auction price
– Operation getAuctionPrice must be allocated to Auctioned
Painting Class

Responsibility-Driven Design: Osbert Oglesby

l Allocation of getAuctionPrice

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study

l Consider operations
– setTitle and
– getTitle

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)

l Example: Osbert prints a list of all his paintings

– Each object in the information system in turn is examined
– A message is sent to operation getTitle to obtain the title of
the painting represented by that object

l To which class must operations

– setTitle and
– getTitle
be allocated?

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)

l First consider operation setTitle

l In the traditional paradigm, there would have to be

three different versions of setTitle, one for each type of
– set_masterpiece_title
– set_masterwork_title
– set_other_painting_title

l That is because the traditional paradigm does not

support inheritance

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)

l In the object-oriented paradigm, consider the

Painting Class inheritance hierarchy

l Painting Class has attribute title

– This attribute is inherited by instances of its 5 subclasses
» Gallery Painting Class
» Auctioned Painting Class
» Masterpiece Class
» Masterwork Class
» Other Painting Class

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)

l Thus, operation setTitle must be allocated to Painting

Class so that it can be inherited (and used) by
instances of all five subclasses

l This applies to all operations, including getTitle

Inheritance: Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)

l Allocation of operations setTitle and getTitle


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