Hydrologic Model For Design and Constructed Wetlands

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WETLANDS, Vol. 21, No. 2, June 2001, pp.

䉷 2001, The Society of Wetland Scientists


Jeffrey G. Arnold1, Peter M. Allen2, and David S. Morgan3

808 East Blackland Road
Temple, Texas, USA 76502

Geology Department
Baylor University
Waco, Texas, USA 76798

Halff Associates

8616 NW Plaza Drive

Dallas, Texas, USA 75225

Abstract: The Trinity River Mitigation Bank was proposed to develop and use a mature, contiguous, diverse
riparian corridor along the West Fork of the Trinity River near Dallas, Texas, USA. In the proposed wetland
design, water would be diverted from Walker Creek as necessary to maintain wetland function. Therefore,
assessment of the magnitude and continuity of the flow from Walker Creek was paramount to successful
wetland operation. The Soil and Water Assessment (SWAT) model was used to assess whether the sustained
flow (storm flow and base flow) from the Walker Creek Basin could maintain the proposed bottomland
wetland ecosystem. For this study, SWAT was modified to allow ponded water within the prescribed wetland
to interact with the soil profile and the shallow aquifer. The water budget was prepared for the wetland
based on a three-step process. First, data required to run the model on Walker Creek, including soils,
topographic, land-use, and daily weather data were assembled. Next, data required to validate the model
were obtained. Since stream flow was not available at the proposed site, flow from a nearby watershed with
similar soils, land use and topography were used. In the final step, the model was run for 14 years and
compared to the measured water balance at the nearby watershed. The model results indicate that the wetland
should be at or above 85 percent capacity over 60 percent of the time. The wetland did not dry up during
the entire simulated time period (14 years) and reached 40 percent capacity less than one percent of the time
during the simulation period. The advantages of the continuous simulation approach used in this study include
(1) validation of wetland function (hydroperiod, soil water storage, plant water uptake) over a range of
climatic conditions and (2) the ability to assess the long-term impact of land-use and management changes.

Key Words: watershed model, base flow filter, water balance, hydroperiod

INTRODUCTION acteristics of wetlands are usually described through

preparation and analysis of a water budget. Water bud-
Construction of wetlands has only recently been rec-
gets provide the framework from which to investigate
ognized as a viable method of ecological restoration
the linkages and fluxes of all types of materials be-
in treating wastewater, storm water, acid mine drain-
tween the hydrologic, biochemical, and ecological sys-
age, or agricultural runoff (Hammer 1989, Kadlec and
tems of the wetland and its relationship to the sur-
Knight 1996). There are a growing number of docu-
ments, books, and articles describing conditions nec- rounding terrain (Dexler et al. 1999). Unfortunately,
essary for successful construction of wetlands. Ele- there are few water budgets that have been completed
ments common to such a design are site selection cri- specifically for wetlands (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993).
teria, hydrologic analysis, water source and quality, This is attributed to the need for long-term monitoring,
plant material selection, soil and geologic conditions, difficulty in estimating certain hydrologic components,
buffer zone placement, and maintenance procedures and the laborious nature of data collection (Dexler et
(Kusler and Kentula 1996). Of these elements, hy- al. 1999). In addition, because of the complex nature
drology is one of the primary factors in controlling of the wetland/watershed relationship, there is still a
wetland functions (Hammer 1989, Owen 1995, U.S. great deal of uncertainty over the hydrologic budgets
Army Corps Engineers 1997). The hydrologic char- and the hydrologic functions of different types of wet-

168 WETLANDS, Volume 21, No. 2, 2001

lands (Carter 1986, Owen 1995). Koob et al. (1999) compilation and availability of regional data bases
cites several problems with current methodologies, from which to run and calibrate the models. Water-
which include oversimplification and extrapolation of budget models often used in evaluating wetlands in-
limited amounts of data to predict design flows into clude DRAINMOD (Skaggs 1984), FLATWOODS
wetlands. Dexler et al. (1999), in a detailed study of (Sun et al. 1998), a Wetlands Dynamic Water Budget
a small peatland, concluded that there was a wide mar- Model (Walton et al. 1996), and a Soil Water Balance
gin of error in all components of the water budget, Model (Bidlake and Boetcher 1996). This paper de-
with the exception of precipitation. In the same study, scribes the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)
error in other similar water budgets of lakes and wet- model (Arnold et al. 1998) for use in preliminary de-
lands were compared, and estimates ranged from 5 to sign of constructed wetlands. The structure and testing
10% for precipitation, 20 to 40% for evapotranspira- of the model is illustrated, and a case study of using
tion, from 5 to 60% for surface runoff, and from 25 the model for a proposed constructed wetland is pre-
to 100% for ground-water flow. In addition to these sented.
problems, very few of the water budgets have been
done for extended periods of time (through several
wet/dry cycles and perhaps through drought periods).
Skaggs et al. (1991) illustrates problems with moni- The Trinity River Mitigation Bank was proposed to
toring even for periods of up to 3–5 years. He states develop and use a mature, contiguous, diverse riparian
that in Wilmington, North Carolina, there are instances corridor along the West Fork of the Trinity River as a
in the 40 years of record that the water table may not Mitigation Bank for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
meet the criteria for 3–4 years. If the monitoring was authorized wetland impacts (Federal Register 1995).
initiated during such a period, wetland function would Wetland banking allows developers to purchase credits
not have been properly assessed. at large regional wetland ‘‘banks’’ rather than creating
Due to the problems associated with monitoring and smaller less efficient ‘‘pocket’’ wetlands. This pro-
the continued need for such budgets in predicting the posed project encompasses four tracts totaling approx-
viability of a constructed wetland, other methods have imately 560 ha in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas,
been proposed to predict components of the budget for USA (Figure 1). The site consists of a unique array of
constructed wetland design. There seem to be three riparian habitats, sloughs, deep-water ponds, bottom-
general approaches used (Koob et al. 1999): (1) single land forests, and upland forests and grasslands. The
event models, (2) stochastic models involving one pa- site is located on the edge of the Cross Timbers/Black-
rameter, and (3) complete water-budget models. Single land Prairies vegetation zones of Texas. Precipitation
event models use rainfall of a given duration, frequen- averages 865 mm per year. The proposed 560 ha bank
cy, and amount, coupled with site soils and land-use is composed of approximately 30 ha of jurisdictional
conditions to predict runoff. Such estimates of runoff Wetlands/Waters of the United States and 102 ha of
are then used with general design criteria to construct active gravel mining pits and depressions.
the wetlands. For example, Schueler (1992) advocate A water-budget model was prepared for the pro-
that wetland volume should be based on hydraulic re- posed wetland site. In the proposed wetland design,
tention time and the runoff volume from the 90% water would be diverted from Walker Creek as nec-
storm. Pierce (1992) detailed use of standard meth- essary to maintain wetland function. Therefore, as-
odologies for assessing such event-based predictions sessment of the magnitude and continuity of the flow
as well as averages of different components of the wa- from Walker Creek was paramount to successful wet-
ter budget. land operation. The SWAT model was used to assess
The second approach is forwarded by Koob et al. whether the sustained flow (storm flow and base flow)
(1999) in which they propose a stochastic framework from the Walker Creek Basin could maintain the pro-
to examine the probability of extended dry periods and posed bottomland wetland ecosystem. The proposed
daily seepage and evapotranspiration losses in order to wetlands were to have a combined surface area of
give some level of assurance to maintaining a specified 15.4 ha. The average depth of the wetlands was 0.46
wetland water volume. This method strives to provide m, as calculated from topographic maps. The site lies
the planner with some level of acceptable risk to as- within the computed 100-year floodplain of the Trin-
sociate with design. ity River.
The final method involves use of models that at- Walker Creek, which flows along the east side of
tempt to simulate all or the majority of the components the proposed wetlands, drains 51.8 km2 of urbanized
of the water budget. These models have been growing uplands. The basin is not monitored by a U.S. Geo-
rapidly based on the decreasing costs of computer logical Survey gaging station. The basin lies almost
memory, increased computational speed, as well as the totally within the outcropping area of Cretaceous

Figure 1. Location of Walker Creek watershed and the proposed wetlands. Dark shaded areas are deep wetlands (⬎0.5m)
and light shaded areas are shallow wetlands (⬍0.5m).

Woodbine Sand, a minor aquifer consisting of inter- north of Walker Creek basin, was chosen as a com-
bedded sands and shale. The main channel length of parison basin. Big Bear Creek (U.S. Geological Survey
the basin is 16.1 km, and the channel slope is about Stream Gage Station Number 08049550) has been
0.0039 m/m. The soils consist of 14% B Hydrologic monitored from 1966 to 1979. This basin lies within
Group Bastil Series and about 86% D Hydrologic the same geological formation and contains the same
Group Navo, Crosstel, and Radar Series soils (USDA soils, land use, topography, and climate as Walker
1977). The dominant land use in the basin is residen- Creek basin. Big Bear Creek basin has a slightly larger
tial. Since measured flow is not available on Walker drainage area of 76.7 km2, a similar slope of 0.0032
Creek, Big Bear Creek basin, directly adjacent to the m/m, and a main channel length of 23.8 km.
170 WETLANDS, Volume 21, No. 2, 2001

MODELING TECHNIQUES based on readily available inputs, (3) computationally

efficient to operate on large watersheds, in a reason-
The SWAT model was used in this study to simulate able time, and (4) capable of continuous simulation
stream flow from Walker Creek. Water is diverted over long time periods necessary for computing the
from this watershed in an attempt to generate a fluc- effects of management changes. Major model com-
tuating hydroperiod that is consistent with bottomland ponents include weather, hydrology, soil temperature,
sites. The SWAT model was calibrated using a base plant growth, nutrients, pesticides, and land manage-
flow filter described below. The base flow filter was ment. A complete description of the model compo-
used to assess the timing and magnitude of base flow nents is found in Arnold et al. (1998), and a depiction
from the daily stream flow records at Big Bear Creek. of the hydrology/water balance is given in Figure 2.
This is important to more adequately model low flow The watershed is divided into subwatersheds with
periods, which are dominated by base flow. A wetland unique soil/land-use characteristics or hydrologic re-
sub-model was developed to allow interaction between sponse units (HRU). The water balance of each hy-
the soil and shallow aquifer under the wetland. drologic response unit (HRU) in the watershed is rep-
resented by four storage volumes: snow, soil profile
Base Flow Filter (0–2m), shallow aquifer (typically 2–20m) and deep
aquifer (⬎20m). The soil profile can be subdivided
Model calibration relies on analysis of gauged wa- into multiple layers. Soil water processes include in-
tershed data. While many models simply calibrate to filtration, evaporation, plant uptake, lateral flow, and
total daily stream flow, the SWAT model can be cal- percolation to lower layers. Percolation from the bot-
ibrated to both surface runoff and ground-water (base) tom of the soil profile recharges the shallow aquifer.
flow. This is important to adequately assess the im- A recession constant (Arnold and Allen 1995) derived
pacts of the hydrologic system due to land-use changes from daily stream flow records is used to lag flow from
and Best Management Practices (BMPs) scenarios. the aquifer to the stream. Other shallow aquifer com-
Numerous analytical techniques have been developed ponents include evaporation, pumping withdrawals,
to separate base flow from total stream flow (McCuen and seepage to the deep aquifer. Irrigation of lawns is
1989). Surface flow is that portion of the flow derived simulated in urban areas using an automated irrigation
from overland storm flow. Base flow is that portion of algorithm. When soil water reached a user-specified
the flow derived from ground-water flow or flow out (in this study 50 mm) deficit below field capacity, soil
of the soils and rocks of the area. Comparison of the water is restored to field capacity. Direct runoff from
filter derived ground-water volume with rainfall allows the irrigation is not simulated (runoff is precipitation
estimates of the recharge to the ground-water system driven); however, runoff will increase during rainfall
as well as ratios of storm flow to ground-water or base events following irrigation due to higher soil water
flow. The digital filter technique (Nathan and Mc- content (Arnold et al. 1998).
Mahan 1990) was used to determine base flow in this Flow, sediment, and non-point-source loadings from
study was originally used in signal analysis and pro- each HRU in a subwatershed are summed, and the
cessing. Although the digital filter technique has no resulting loads are routed through channels, ponds, and
true physical basis, it is objective and reproducible. reservoirs to the watershed outlet. The hydrologic
The method has been compared to manual separation components of the model have been validated for nu-
techniques by numerous investigators (Rutledge and merous watersheds (Table 1), and a comprehensive
Daniel 1994, Arnold et al. 1995, Mau and Winter validation of stream flow was performed for the entire
1997). Arnold et al. (1999) compared the technique to conterminous United States (Arnold et al. 1999).
measured field estimates of base flow in the midwest To realistically simulate wetlands, SWAT was mod-
and eastern U.S. and found excellent agreement. ified to allow ponded water within the prescribed wet-
land to interact with the soil profile and the shallow
aquifer. The wetland is described with the same inputs
Hydrologic Model
as other HRU—weather, topography, soils, shallow
SWAT is a complex, conceptual model with spa- aquifer, and land management. For wetlands, land-
tially explicit parameterization (Figure 2). It is a con- management inputs consist of stipulating a growing
tinuous time model that operates on a daily time step. season and type of vegetation. These parameters, in
The objective in model development was to predict the turn, control the amount of water uptake from the soil
impact of management on water, sediment, and agri- under the wetland. Additional inputs include maxi-
cultural chemical yields in ungauged basins. To satisfy mum and initial water storage, maximum surface area,
this objective, the model is (1) physically based (as and drain flow rate (to simulate an overflow drain or
calibration is not possible on ungauged basins), (2) tile outlet in agricultural fields).

Figure 2. SWAT Hydrology Model Flowchart for the Walker Creek and the proposed wetlands.

There are two possible cases that can occur when the surface of the wetland, a daily water balance is
simulating a wetland: ponded water and no ponded maintained with the equation:
water. If the wetland is dry (no ponded water), soil
䉭Vw ⫽ I⫺et⫺sp⫺rf (1)
water processes and plant growth are simulated as de-
scribed in Arnold et al. (1998). Water movement for where 䉭Vw is the change in wetland water volume, I
the ‘‘no ponded water’’ case can be tracked in Figure is inflow, et is evapotranspiration, sp is seepage into
1 starting with precipitation on the watershed. In this the soil, and rf is rainfall on the wetland, with all units
case, surface runoff is zero. When water is ponded on in cubic meters. Inflow is diverted from Walker Creek
172 WETLANDS, Volume 21, No. 2, 2001

Table 1. Selected SWAT validation sites and components validated.

Drainage Yield/ Sur- GW Plant
Area Stream- Soil face Base Soil GW Re- Bio-
Location Reference (km2) flow Water Runoff Flow ET ET charge mass
1. Middle Bosque River,
Texas Arnold et al. (1993) 471 X X X X
2. Coshocton, OH Arnold and Williams (1985) lysimeter X
3. Bushland, TX Arnold and Williams (1985) field plot X X
4. Riesel, TX Savabi et al. (1989) 1.3 X X X
Sonora, TX Savabi et al. (1989) 4.1 X X
5. Seco Creek, TX Srinivasan and Arnold (1994) 114 X
6. Neches River Basin, TX King et al. (1999) 25,032 X
7. Colorado River Basin, TX King et al. (1999) 40,407 X
8. Lower Colorado, TX Rosenthal et al. (1995) 8,927 X
9. White Rock Lake, TX Arnold and Williams (1987) 257 X
10. North Carolina Jacobsen et al. (1995) 4.6 X X
11. Goose Creek, IL Arnold and Allen (1996) 246 X X X X X X X
12. Hadley Creek, IL Arnold and Allen (1996) 122 X X X X X X X
13. Panther Creek, IL Arnold and Allen (1996) 188 X X X X X X X
14. Goodwin Creek
Watershed, MS Bingner et al. (1996) 21.3 X
15. Watersheds in:
AZ Arnold and Williams (1987) 9.0–538 X
16. Bushland, TX; Logan, UT;
Temple, TX Arnold and Stockle (1990) field plot X

on days when Vw drops below the maximum value. capabilities, SWAT has been linked to MODFLOW
Evapotranspiration is calculated with the equation: (Perkins and Sophocleus 1999) and, with additional
inputs, is capable of simulating wetland and ground-
et ⫽ 10. * etco * sa * eo (2)
water interactions. The proposed wetland bank lies
where etco is an evapotranspiration coefficient (0.6), within the 100-year flood plain of the West Fork of
sa is surface area in ha, and eo is potential evapotrans- the Trinity River and, while not simulated in this
piration in mm. The 10 multiplier in Equation 2 con- study, water derived from periodic flooding of the
verts units from ha-mm to m3. Potential evapotrans- Trinity River can be input to the system.
piration is computed using the Penman-Monteith equa-
tion (Monteith 1965), and the value of etco (0.6) was
taken from the Handbook of Hydrology (Shuttleworth
1992). When the water table rises into the soil profile The water budget was prepared for the wetland us-
(saturated conditions), seepage from the wetland into ing the three main steps described below. A detailed
the soil is set to zero. When the water table falls below chart of all processes used in preparing the water bud-
the soil profile, unsaturated flow through the soil layers get is shown in Figure 3.
occurs according the soil water routing method de-
scribed in Arnold et al. (1998). Surface area of the
Assemble Data Required to Run Model
wetland below capacity is estimated as a non-linear
function of storage. Drainage area, channel slopes, and channel lengths
The version of SWAT used in this study does not were derived from the USGS 7.5 Minute Hurst Quad-
simulate interactions between rivers and regional water rangle. Soils and land use were delineated for the basin
tables beneath the proposed wetland. In this case using the Tarrant County Soil Survey and air photo-
study, the assumption of no ground-water inflow to the graphs of the watershed. The watershed was subdivid-
wetland was justified due to the extremely low per- ed to account for differences in soils and land use.
meability of the clayey flood-plain materials (USDA Daily rainfall from the Arlington rain gauge (National
1977). Although the standard version of SWAT (Ar- Weather Service—10 km southeast of the proposed
nold et al. 1998) has limited ground-water-interaction wetland) for the period of 1966 to 1979 was used to

Figure 3. Flowchart of Wetland Assessment Method.

run the model. While the model is capable of gener- balance of the watershed (Table 2). Surface runoff was
ating local rainfall, the model runs used actual rainfall separated from base flow using the previously de-
to more accurately verify the results of the model out- scribed digital filter technique on daily stream flow.
put against the water budget derived from the gauged Realistic simulation of base flow is critical for hydro-
data at Big Bear Creek. Daily temperature, radiation, logic design of wetlands during droughts. Total evapo-
wind speed, and humidity were generated from month- transpiration (ET) was determined as the difference be-
ly statistics that are readily available. tween precipitation and stream flow (neglecting deep
aquifer recharge).
Assemble Data Required to Validate Model
As is common in practice, measured stream-flow Run and Validate Model
data were not available at the proposed wetland site.
After the soil, land-use, and watershed characteris-
Big Bear Creek, as noted, has been monitored from
tics of Walker Creek were put into the model, it was
1966 to 1979. This site is comparable in drainage area,
run for the period of record (1966–1979) to assess the
soils, and geology to the Walker Creek site. Daily
impact of climatic variability on wetland hydrology at
stream flow records from USGS gauge 08049550 on
the project site. A decade or more is usually advocated
Big Bear Creek were obtained to estimate the water
in such model runs so that both the wet and dry pe-
riods can be adequately assessed. Without measured
Table 2. Water budget for Big Bear Creek from U.S.G.S. Gage data on Walker Creek, we assumed that the water bal-
Records. Water balance—average annual (1966–1979). ance and stream flow were similar to that derived from
the Big Bear Creek gauge analysis (Table 2). While
Component Amount Source all input parameters are physically based and the mod-
Precipitation 869 mm National Weather Service (Daily) el does not require calibration, there is always some
Stream Flow 78 mm USGS Gage 08049550 (Daily) uncertainty in model inputs, and measurement errors
Surface Runoff 69 mm Base Flow Filter (88% surface can occur. Therefore, after initial model runs, minor
runoff) changes were made to the available soil water capacity
Base Flow 9 mm Base Flow Filter (12% base to calibrate the water balance of the Walker Creek sim-
flow) ulation to that of Big Bear Creek gauge analysis. The
Total ET 791 mm (Precip ⫺ Flow)
changes made to the available soil water capacity were
174 WETLANDS, Volume 21, No. 2, 2001

Figure 4. Average Annual Water Balance of Walker Creek Watershed and the proposed wetland simulated by the SWAT

within general uncertainty ranges shown in the Tarrant ground-water flow about 12 percent of total flow. Pre-
County Soil Survey (USDA 1977). cipitation minus stream flow is often used to calculate
loss due to evaporation and transpiration or ET. In Big
Bear Creek, ET averages 91 percent of rainfall.
The SWAT simulated water budget for the Walker
The water budget prepared for Big Bear Creek for Branch site is shown in Figure 4. SWAT allows as-
the period of 1966–1979 is shown in Table 2. Record- sessment of each component of the hydrologic budget.
ed stream flow averages about 8.9 percent of precipi- For the same time period and rainfall, Walker Creek
tation. The regional average is 15 percent of precipi- shows results similar to the gauged basin (Big Bear
tation (Gebert et al. 1987). In this basin, storm (sur- Creek). ET is 89 percent of the rainfall. Total stream
face) flow contributes 88 percent of total flow and flow is about 11 percent of rainfall. Of this total, sur-

face runoff accounts for 89 percent of flow and

ground-water about 11 percent. Water yield from the
Walker Branch watershed is therefore derived predom-
inantly from surface runoff, with less water from base
flow. This is important in estimating retention char-
acteristics in the proposed wetland and in assessing the
overall water quality of the influent to the wetland.
Base flow typically displays higher water quality. The
combined yield of Walker Creek and rainfall is esti-
mated to be 1611 mm per year. Of this, 66 percent is
Figure 5. Modeled monthly flow of Walker Branch from lost to ET, 37 percent is lost from pond- surface evap-
1966–1978. Flow is in mm over the watershed. (The wetland oration, and 29 percent infiltrates into the wetland soil
volume is approximately 1.3 mm.) zone. Most of the infiltrated water (93 percent) is taken
up by wetland plants. This leaves about 2 percent of
the total water from the wetland to recharge the shal-

Figure 6. Wetland hydroperiod—daily wetland volume simulated by the SWAT model from 1966 to 1977.
176 WETLANDS, Volume 21, No. 2, 2001

Figure 7. Frequency Diagram of Daily SWAT simulated Wetland Volume from 1966 to 1977.

low ground-water system. This water eventually bration period. Seepage maximum predominates dur-
moves toward the Trinity River and emerges as base ing periods of high water, which correspond to periods
flow. of high runoff. Evaporation is highest during the sum-
Simulated flow for the twelve-year time period was mer months.
routed to the wetland site and allowed to fill the wet-
land volume (Figure 4). The maximum wetland vol-
ume used in this calculation was 70,000 cubic meters.
Water in the wetland was allowed to seep into the soil The water budget of the proposed wetland was de-
and evaporate using equation 2. Monthly simulated rived and calibrated. The results indicate that the wet-
stream flow from Walker Creek is shown in Figure 5. land should be at or above 85 percent capacity over
Monthly flow is indicated in mm over the entire wa- 60 percent of the time. The wetland did not dry up
tershed, and approximately 1.3 mm are required to fill during the entire modeled time period (14 years) and
the proposed wetland site (from zero storage). reached 40 percent capacity less than one percent of
The hydroperiod of the wetland is illustrated in Fig- the modeled time period. The majority of water to the
ure 6a and Figure 6b for the twelve-year period. The wetland will be derived from storm flow from Walker
graphs depict a winter maximum water level with a Creek, principally from residential areas. Analysis re-
late summer minimum. This trend reflects the predom- vealed that simulated wetland stream flows can be cal-
inant rainfall pattern in the area. The decline during ibrated to local gauged watershed data for more real-
the summer is more gradual and due to both a lack of istic estimates of the local hydrologic budget. Advan-
rainfall during the summer, increased consumptive use tages of the modeled wetland response using the cal-
by plants, and increased surface evaporation off the ibrated SWAT model includes validation of wetland
ponded wetland surface. The rapid rise in the late fall function over long-term weather conditions.
is consistent with lower ET and increased frequency A model that accurately simulates the water budget
of frontal storms. for over a decade increases confidence that the sys-
Figure 7 indicates that the wetland is about 93 per- tem’s hydrology is understood (Skaggs et al. 1991).
cent full for 35 percent of the simulated 12-year time Modeling is also a useful approach in studying inter-
period and 85 percent full about 57 percent of the time. action of one or more hydrologic processes often nec-
The lowest the wetland reaches is about 14 percent essary in choosing between alternative management
full during 1975 (Figure 6b). This level occurs less scenarios. In addition, such simulated events can give
than 5 percent of the time. The mean storage volume a more realistic description of influent to a storm-wa-
is approximately 50–55,000 cubic meters. ter-treatment wetland than do time-averaged flow
Figure 8 show seasonal trends in major components models, which can predict only average flow rate and
of the water budget for the wetland during the cali- average concentrations (Werner and Kadlec 2000).

Figure 8a. Daily seepage simulated by the SWAT model into the soil under the wetland in cubic meters from 1966 to 1978.
Figure 8b. Daily evaporation simulated by the SWAT model from the wetland in cubic meters from 1966 to 1978.

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