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Teachers: Dean Smith Subject: History

Common Core State Standards: 6.SP4.2

Objective (Explicit): Organize applicable evidence into a coherent argument about the past.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Students will present in front of the class what they’ve learned and will complete a reflection afterward.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex) Formative Assessments:

How will you review past learning and make connections to previous Exit tasks: These will ask students the following questions: What are
lessons? 3 things from this class period that you learned or thought was really
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson interesting? What was something from this class period that wasn’t
helpful or was confusing? What are some questions you have about
objective? what happened in class today?
How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real
Think, Pair, Share: To start off the lesson I will have students form
groups or go into breakout rooms and share at least 3 things that they
know about the (insert ancient civilization they’re learning about here).
This helps to get the students to buy into the lesson since it’s
interactive and students are actively engaged.
Students will be able to correctly identify credible evidence. Students will be able to integrate evidence into their argument. Students will be able to use evidence to
weaken an opposing argument. Students will be able to hold

Key vocabulary: Credible, Evidence, Debate, Materials: Computer w/ access to the internet
Source (lesson can be taught in person or remotely).
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

“Good morning students, today we will be tackling objective 6.SP4.2 to organize applicable evidence into a coherent argument about the past. By
accomplishing this standard, we should be able to answer the essential question which is how can we take the effects from the events that happened in the past
and apply them in a culturally relevant way to our own lives? This is important because one we have this skill mastered, it becomes easier to see how all historical events
are connected in one way or another. To start off, turn to someone near to you and tell them what you know about (insert ancient civilization they’re learning about here).
Essential questions: How can we correctly identify a reliable source? How can we find information from that source that is relevant to our argument? How can we use
evidence to disprove or weaken an opposing argument?

Inst How will you model/explain/demonstrate all knowledge/skills What will students be doing to actively capture and process the new
required of the objective? material?
ruct What types of visuals will you use? How will students be engaged?
ion How will you address misunderstandings or common student
How will you check for understanding?
Inp How will you explain and model behavioral expectations?
ut Is there enough detail in this section so that another person could
teach it?
Teacher Will: Present information about what makes certain Student Will: Students will be presented information through a
sources trustworthy and credible using a slideshow. Teachers slideshow presentation. Students will research information on the
will then check for understanding by asking questions. The various reasons for the collapse of (insert ancient civilization here).
teacher will then assign half the students to research reasons Students will respectfully participate in a debate. Students will then
A and the other half for reasons B. Then teachers will give complete the exit tickets.
students work time in class for students to research
information on the reasons for the collapse of (insert ancient
civilization here). After, teachers will briefly go over the rules
for the debate. Teachers will help lead the debate. After,
teachers will have students fill out the exit tickets.
Co-Teaching Strategy
One Teach, One Observe/Assist

Differentiation Strategy Think-Pair-Share

partner discussions and visual presentation.
Gui How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to How will students practice all knowledge/skills required of the objective,
practice new content and skills? with your support, such that they continue to internalize the sub-
ded What types of questions can you ask students as you are objectives?
Pra observing them practice? How will students be engaged?
How/when will you check for understanding? How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
ctic How will you provide guidance to all students as they practice? How are students practicing in ways that align to independent practice?
e How will you explain and model behavioral expectations?
Is there enough detail in this section so that another person could
facilitate this practice?

Teacher Will: Assist students throughout the class period by Student Will: Take notes from thePowerPoints. Students will talk and
checking in and assisting students if needed. share with their partners and groups. If needed, students can receive
assistance from one of the teachers.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Parallel Teaching

Differentiation Strategy Think-Pair-


Ind How will you plan to coach and correct during this practice? How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills
How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension? required by the objective?
epe How will you clearly state and model academic and behavioral How will students be engaged?
nde expectations? How are students practicing in ways that align to assessment?
Did you provide enough detail so that another person could How are students using self-assessment to guide their own learning?
facilitate the practice? How are you supporting students giving feedback to one another?
Teacher Will: Assist students throughout the class period by Student Will: Research additional information to strengthen their
ctic argument about the reason for the collapse of (insert ancient
checking in and assisting students if needed. At this point,
e students are doing additional research so there’s not much to
civilization here).
Students will also use their evidence to create a presentation
mentor up on.
supporting their ideas for the collapse of (insert ancient civilization

Co-Teaching Strategy
One teacher, One assistant, however, students should be able to complete this work on their own after completing the guided practice.

Differentiation Strategy
Targeting different senses within lessons. This helps stay more interactive with the information because it’s being provided in a variety of ways
that the student might receive better than just one standard way.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?
Students will present their presentations and students will write down 3 things from the presentation that they would consider adding to future presentations or 3 things
that they found helpful and insightful. After everyone has presented all the students will complete a reflection on what they learned content-wise, as well as things they
can apply to other classes. Once students have completed their reflection, they can use the remainder of the time to work on homework from another class.

Students will be engaged because they are excited to present their presentations since they had creative freedom and they worked hard on it. They will also be writing
down the 3 things they really liked from each presentation to keep students engaged with the various presentations.

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