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The Behavior Management is a component of Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) that introduces the
concept and mechanics of the various shaping tools to include Morning Meeting in order to facilitate the management of and shape
the behavior of the residents. This shows the essential elements and significance of the tools which would provide the community
common language, increase cohesiveness and adapt to the moral and behavioral code of the tools application. The behavior shaping
tools are ordered in hierarchy to provide enough room for personal growth and learning. The community serves as a dynamic force
that motivates the individual to achieve positive behavior change.


1. To introduce the concept of behavior management through the use of various behavior shaping tools to residents.
2. To institutionalize the practice of behavior shaping tools to foster behavior change among residents.
3. To highlight the importance of behavior management in relation to the other TCMP components towards attitudinal change
among residents.


1. Residents will understand the different Behavior Shaping Tools and practice them as part of their daily living.
2. Residents will utilize the different behavior shaping tools in promoting change within themselves and others.
3. Residents will display improvement in demeanor, communication and social skills.
4. Residents will understand the relevance of the different tools in the attainment of behavioral change.

 *Pre Morning Meeting  *Haircut
 *Morning Meeting  *Learning Experience/ Bans
 Talk To  *General Meeting
 *Pull Up  *Expulsion
 *Dealt With

Hierarchy of Behavior



Duration/ Frequency: Fifteen minutes daily
Participants: Senior residents, Counselor
Pre-Morning Meeting is done early in the morning prior to the Morning Meeting. Senior members of the community will meet for
about fifteen (15) minutes to discuss the attitude of the house the previous day. It is also where the senior members formulate
solutions to the concerns discussed and to be executed during the day. The attendees will also discuss the activities to be

The attendees will also discuss the activities to be engaged in the Morning Meeting and make sure that all participants are ready
with their corresponding parts and determine the amount of time to be allotted for each part. The group will agree on the theme or
concept of the day. This is to make sure that everything is ironed out prior to the conduct of the Morning Meeting such as the
validation of pull-ups and other concerns.


Duration/ frequency: One hour daily

Participants: All residents, Counselor

Morning Meeting is a daily ritual that starts the day in a TC Community. It is attended by the whole community and lasts for an hour.
It commences with the Opening Prayer, Singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the recitation of the TC Philosophy. It is
usually facilitated by any member of the community. It is divided into two (2) parts namely: (1) public announcements and
community concerns and (2) community-spirit building or up rituals.

The first part of the meeting consists of public announcements regarding important activities or businesses and other information
that the community needs to know. It is a review of how the community performed in the previous day and check on the behavior of
erring members through the conduct of “pull-ups”. A pull up is done as an expression of concern over the lapses of some members
and encourage ownership of mistakes on the violators. The pull-up is followed by affirmations of good deeds, display of responsible
concern towards peers or unselfish acts of some residents. This is to show that good deeds are not left unnoticed and leave a feeling
of self-worth to those concerned.

The first part of the Morning Meeting is a serious business where the members are expected to be formal in their demeanors. Rules
are set such as: no side talking, no cross legging, no laughing, hands on the laps and sit erect.

This is to show that good deeds are not left unnoticed and leave a feeling of self-worth to those concerned. The first part of the
Morning Meeting is a serious business where the members are expected to be formal in their demeanors. Rules are set such as: no
side talking, no cross legging, no laughing, hands on the laps and sit erect.

The Concept of the Day serves as a guide as to what direction the community is headed for the day. It is elaborated by residents of
the community to have a better understanding of the whole concept. The concept of the day is preferably taken from the Unwritten
Philosophies of TCMP.

The second part of the meeting consists of entertaining presentations to lighten up the mood and start the day on a positive note. It
somehow develops some talents and shed off inhibitions of participants.



I.  Opening Prayer (Ecumenical)

II. Singing of the Philippine National Anthem (Flag must be displayed)
III. TC Philosophy (Adopted translation)
IV. Announcements
V. Staff (Director, Asst. Director, Counselor & other personnel)
VI. Residents (Coordinators, Dep’t Heads, Expediters)

I. Report on Dorm Inspection by Chief Expediter

II. Community Concerns
I. Pull-ups/ elaboration
II. Affirmations
III. Concept of the Day
IV. Verse of the Day
I.  News casting (Local, Nat’l, International, Sports and Weather News)
II. Entertainment (Choose either Song, Dance, Skit, Humorous Story)
III. Community Singing (Any song that has relation to the Concept of the Day)
IV. Greetings


Behavior Shaping Tools (BST) are employed to strengthen the learning process and the practice of more adaptive behaviors within
the social learning environment. The major tools of the BST, such as the Talk To, Pull–up, Dealt With, Haircut, Learning Experience,
General Meeting and Expulsion were developed as a means to correct behaviors of the residents that violated the TC norms.

A “Talk To” is an outright correction done by any member of the TC community to another member who has done a minor infraction
but is not aware of it. It is a friendly reminder/advice about an unacceptable behavior and must be done privately. During a “Talk
To”, the resident is made aware of his/her negative behavior and the results it may have on others and the environment. The
feedback given to the resident who committed mistake is done in a positive way. This is to evoke awareness on the part of the
violators to avoid committing the same mistake and be given heavier sanctions if done in the future.

A Pull-up is done as a result of lack, missed or lapses in awareness in a resident. All the members of the community are responsible
to pull-up minor infractions done by peers. It encourages honesty, demeanor awareness and owning up to one’s mistakes. This is
done when the violator is unknown and must be validated first prior to bringing up in the Morning Meeting.
Pull-ups create a certain degree of dissonance on the guilty party whereby there is a strong internal conflict whether to practice
honesty or continue to live in a lie. When the resident is able to overcome the impulse to lie and start practicing honesty, his
commitment to live by the TC standards increases.

Dealt With is done when negative behaviors or infractions to the House Rules/Norms are done for the second time of same offense
by a resident. A panel of three (3) composed of a senior resident, peer and a friend are tasked to deliver a serious and stern
reprimand to the subjected resident.
Although the tool does not strictly require the presence of a staff, to attain its purpose, the staff should monitor its conduct to
ensure that the panel assigned to the task really acted appropriately. It is done privately in a room or an area with no other else
hearing the conversation.

Haircut is done when negative behaviors or infractions to the House Rules/Norms in same offense are done for the third time or
more or for first time grave offenses. It is a carefully planned and structured verbal reprimand given by a Staff with four other
residents - Senior Resident, Peer, Big Brother, and Department Head.
The resident is then called inside and waits until he is asked to sit. He will be asked if he knows the reason for his appearance. After
the person’s response, he will be asked to sit and remain silent to enable him/her absorb all the advices.

A Learning Experience (LE) is an action or activity given to a resident who was subjected to Haircut or General Meeting who did an
infraction to correct or modify a behavior. LE may be task –oriented, written task or peer interactions. Since TCMP is educational
rather than punitive in its approach to behavioral change, the LE should be done in a way that would remind the person of the
negative attitude he has done without compromising his human dignity. The intent of the LE is not to stigmatize the person but to
motivate him to make restitutions for the wrong doings he committed and redeem himself in the community.

The LE should be related to the infraction committed for him to focus on the behavior expected of him in the community. It should
not be given as a punishment but rather a motivation to develop more positive attitude. This will develop a sense of responsibility
on him while stressing his inadequacies. LE should be realistic and humane. Putting a person on LE for more than one (1) week may
lessen the learning objective. Putting the person on LE for an extended period of time or sanctions that are far harsher than the
offense or may deny him of the basic necessities may border on abuse and violation of human rights.
Close supervision with clear goals increases the effectiveness of the sanction. Upon lifting the LE after seven (7) days, the resident
subjected to the tool will be accorded with a Senior Resident coming from his/her Static Group who will provide guidance and
continually monitors the performance in the house of the former. The senior resident assigned will give a self-report after fifteen
(15) days on how the resident (who undergone LE) carried out his responsibilities after the LE and state therein the resident’s
condition whether he/she needs further supervision. The authority in giving LE lies in the Disciplinary Board and TCMP staff.

Examples of LE:
 *If a resident has been missing out in his responsibilities in the kitchen, he can be assigned as in charge of cleaning the
kitchen for a specific period of time.
 *If a resident repeatedly leaves his bed in disarray, he can be asked to provide orientation and supervision to new residents
on how to keep their beds neat at all times.

Categories of Learning Experiences:

 Task-Oriented LE  Written tasks
I. -Pots and Pans I. -Composition or Essay
II. -Grounds and Landscaping II. -Reproduction of TCMP Materials
III. -Cleaning and Maintenance  Peer Interaction
IV. -Time keeping (wake up calls, lights out calls) I. - Reading and reporting of topic
II. -Announcements (Morning Meeting or House
III. – Ban

Bans are sanctions to members who commit repeatedly infractions or violation to the Cardinal Rules by prohibiting, disallowing or
limiting an activity or affiliation to a group. It somehow curtails some freedom of movement and association. This sanction causes
unpleasant feelings which people try to avoid hence may evoke behavioral changes in the future. It must be applied consistently
after the adverse behavior to emphasize the negative consequences. Privileges limited should have impact but must not limit
individual ability to meet personal hygiene, nutritional and emotional needs. A resident subjected to Bans must be first processed in
a General Meeting called for the purpose.

Examples of Bans:
 *Regulation of visiting privilege
 *Banned from attending Entertainment and Recreational activities

A repeated breach to the Cardinal Rules necessitates a General Meeting. Such issue should be discussed with the community to
point out to the violator the negative effect the behavior had on the community. Such offense includes sexual acting-out with a
fellow resident, taking drugs and engaging in physical fight with another resident. Other facilities include stealing or even smoking as
part of the Cardinal Rules. These behaviors pose a threat to the community because they violate the established order and safety of
the facility.


1. A General Meeting is called and led by a senior member of the staff, usually the Director of the facility. The extent of the problem
is assessed to determine who among the community members are involved in the incident. Those guilty of the offense are asked to
sit in a prospect chair. This is to arouse anxiety and dissonance.

2. The Director sets the tone of the meeting and leads the community in an open expression of opinions and feelings regarding the
offense brought out into the community. He holds the community accountable for the slip of its members as each is considered his
“brother’s keeper” .The Director opens the floor for feedbacks, inviting the community for self-reflection and accountability.

3. As soon as the mood is set and the level of awareness of the community is raised, the leader calls for the violators to face the
entire community. The leader encourages the community to express their feelings about the offense committed by the violators.
4. After some members of the community have expressed their feelings, it is time for the violators to account for what they did,
share their deepest feelings and verbalize what they learned from the mistake.

5. After the violators made their statements and offer commitments, the Director will mark the closure of the issue and allow for
processing of the events that transpired and provide appropriate emotional support to the violators who have just been subjected to
intense emotional experience.

In extreme cases, when a resident is incorrigible and becomes a threat to the community (Instigator, initiator of jail disturbances),
the Director with the recommendation of the Disciplinary Board may transfer him/her to the nearest jail facilities with an
appropriate Court Order.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
-Jeremiah 29 11

ANGER MANAGEMENT – a specialized group activity FRIEND - a resident who has the closest regard to
discussing issues to control anger the other resident.
ANNOUNCEMENT - information given to all residents. GENERAL MEETING - a behavior shaping tool
ATTITUDES – the general condition of the TC family addressing serious infraction of a resident.
as a whole, including incidences, positive and GENERAL WORKER – the lowest position in the TC
negative. hierarchy
BANS - a behavior shaping tool to prohibit a resident GROUNDS- pertains to lawns, pathways and
to a specific area, activity, verbal, another client. landscape
BIG BROTHER - an older member of the community HAIRCUT - a behavior shaping tool consisting of a
tasked to provide guidance to the newly committed five-man panel that addresses a resident’s infraction.
residents. HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE – the chain of
BOOKED – logged an incident to the Coordinator of command of residents in TCMP.
the Day. HOUSE – pertains to the jail facility.
CARDINAL RULES - the principal guiding rule HOUSE RULES – are day to day standards that need
observed by all residents in a TC Community with to be followed inside the jail facility to ensure the
heavier corresponding consequences. smooth and orderly flow of operation.
COERCION- the use of internal and external sources HOUSEKEEPING TEAM – a department that
to heighten dissonance on the client and magnify his maintains cleanliness of the facility.
choices and the specific consequences of his choices. INFRACTIONS - a violation to the House Rules of the
COMMUNICATION – a department which oversees TC Family.
the daily census, entry, news and other information LEARNING EXPERIENCE – a form of sanction that
to be disseminated. aid residents realize the value of correcting
COMMUNITY - the residents of the TC Family. infractions.
COORDINATOR - the highest position attained by a MORNING MEETING - a daily ritual addressing
resident in a TC Hierarchy, who works with the staff attitudes of previous days, performed to start the day
in running the house, implementing rules. With right.
corresponding status, a resident has an authority PEERS – friends of the same entry period……..
over the other residents. PRE-MORNING MEETING- the activity preceding the
COORDINATOR OF THE DAY – assigned coordinator Morning Meeting that discusses attitudes of the
(resident) to oversee and address the incidents, house and eliciting theme of the week and word of the
attitudes of the house through the use of behavior day……..
shaping tools – talk to, dealt with, haircut. PULL – UP – verbal reprimand done during the
COUNSELOR- staff member position who assists the Morning Meeting.
residents’ needs RESIDENTS – terms used for inmates who are part of
DAILY STRUCTURE- list of day to day activities the TCMP community.
DEPARTMENT HEAD- a ranking resident next to the SENIOR RESIDENT – a member of the TC
coordinator in the TC Hierarchy assigned to oversee, community having the position such as Static Group
monitor tasks to be done in a particular department. leader and its Assistant and In Charge of various
DISSONANCE - the time period of admitting, denying special services groups.
before coming up with a decision. STAFF – refer to jail personnel.
DIRECTOR - the highest staff facility officer (Warden) STATIC GROUP – a group composed of residents
who has direct command to both residents and staff. known as permanent support group.
DORMITORY – a cell where the residents stays while TALK TO – friendly reminder for resident violators.
on confinement. TC FAMILY – refers to all residents of the TC
ENCOUNTER- a group process utilized to vent out community.
concerns, anger and hurt feelings UNWRITTEN PHILOSOPHY – refers to a guiding
ENCOUNTER BOX- box used to receive slips being value which residents reflect and hold on.
dropped. VIOLATOR – a resident who commits an act in
an activity in the TC community aimed to aid
residents in treatment.
EVALUATION – an assessment done anytime during
the treatment
EXPEDITING TEAM – a department that serves as
police of the community to ensure order among
EXPULSION - the ejection of one from the community
because of his/her serious offense.

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