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Lesson Title: Exploring Watercolour Techniques Lesson Duration: 1 (70 minute) classes Grade 8

Overview of lesson.

This lesson serves as midway point in the unit and will focus on the subject matter of landscape while looking at Roy Henry Vickers work. As a class, we will
examine his use of colours, forms, and what influencing factors may impact how he perceives his surroundings. We will discuss the stories connected to
Vickers artwork and how a story can change our perception of the work. Students will have time to explore watercolour techniques, through a
demonstration, to build upon skills before the final project. Art literacy will be introduced in this lesson and will be added onto throughout the subsequent

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives .


Drawing SLE Articulate and Evaluate:

A. Identifying and describing techniques and media is part of learning to talk about art. 
Composition SLE’s: Component 2
B. Value or colour can emphasize negative space over positive space.

Encounters SLE: Transformations through time

B. Natural forms and structures have been interpreted by artists of various cultures for decorative
and artistic purposes.

1. Art History/Culture – we will be examining one artist within this lesson and look at his depiction of landscape
2. Creative Production (Studio) – students will work on building their skill when experimenting with watercolours
3. Art Criticism – when we examine Roy Henry Vickers work, we will be analyzing elements and techniques he has employed
Learning Objectives.
SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of gradient watercolour techniques
SWBAT analyze how Roy Henry Vickers perception impacted his artworks
SWBAT investigate how to develop hard edges using watercolour
Lesson Guiding Questions:

- How is depth created in this landscape artwork?

- Is there a focal point in this landscape?
- In your own words, describe what you think the story is behind this landscape?

Annotated Learning Resources List

Resource #1: This is a link we received from the Curriculum lab (airtable). It includes oral histories,
mythologies, traditions, and artwork (on leather hide) created in traditional Blackfoot territory. There are many other pages full of traditional information including;
relations, seasonal life, and the buffalo hunt.
Resource #2: This website focuses on the different perspectives on the American
landscape and the conflict between Native American and European ideas of land ownership.
Resource #: This is the art program and rational for the grade 9 program of study.
Resource #4: Artist Biography – Roy Henry Vickers Gallery – this website provides information about the artist, their artwork, and the story that is attached to certain works.
There is also a video where Vickers is speaking that provides information about his life.

Material and Equipment:

-Watercolour paper
-Paint brushes
-Referent image
-Paper towel
Lesson Procedures
Introduction (2 min.):

This lesson will take place within the classroom

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:

-Provide direction/information for the Educational Assistant in the class before the lesson.
-Ask students to clear their desks of any distractions (unless a student utilizes tools such as a fidget toy)
-cellphones away during this time

Display image from the first lesson (Rhino painting cartoon and how is horn is painted in each of his works – perception of how he sees the world).

Transition to Body:
Display outline of the days lesson (looking at Roy Henry Vickers work, practicing watercolour techniques, clean up)

Body (60 min.):

Steps and Procedures: Formative Assessments Type/Name:

Art History: Roy Henry Vickers
Direct Instruction, Whole Group, Time: 10 Minutes Guiding Questions, used throughout the lesson, discusses as a group,
brought to a student one-on-one, or for individual internal
Display an image of Roy Henry Vickers: reflection/thought:
Entice students to critically think about creating depth within a two-
Explain to students why they are learning about him and provide students dimensional image. Start to build on being able to self-monitor by
with insight into who he is and his artistic practice. internally asking themselves inquiry questions.
-Roy Henry Vickers, an indigenous artist from Kitkatla (Kit-Kat-la), B.C
(pacific north west coast) and is a part of the Tsimsian (tsimsheeun) Tribe Thinking Thumbs, throughout the lesson:
and part of the Eagle Clan. (Show image of where he is living)
Thinking thumbs (thumbs up = understanding, thumbs sideways =
-His goal in life was not to be an artist but to be a Royal Canadian
Mountain Police. He was not accepted in because he learned that he was somewhat understand but need more explanation, thumbs down =
colour blind. (From the video on his website) confused/do not understand) will allow us to gage where students are at
-The way we see colours in his artworks is different than what he sees in understanding what is being discussed during direct instruction about
when he’s creating them renderings of landscape.
-In many of his pieces, Roy uses shadow or silhouettes to add another
layer of depth, history and myth to his clean images.
Observation/completed technique papers:
-His cultural heritage is evident in his work I will have a chance to observe students trying the techniques. I will also
be able to closely look at students work when they are completed and
follow up with any students who had difficulty with a certain technique in
Back to the Mountain the next lesson.

Blue Cruise Differentiation: This lesson offers differentiation by providing a variety of

instructional techniques, such as direct instruction, group discussion, and
Ghost Rider
individual work. There will be visual components for students to view and
Good Hope to assist them with learning. Demonstrations will be done using
technology (iPhone hooked up to projector) so all students are able to
see and can stay in their own space.
As a group, discuss what things the students are noticing in the image. A video of the watercolour techniques will be uploaded to Google
Use of guiding questions to provoke deeper examination. Classroom for students to re-watch if they need help remembering the
Questions that would be utilized during analysis of this landscape collage steps. Students will have time to explore the techniques shown in class.
image: Students will have an opportunity to share what technique they enjoyed
- How does this piece display a sense of space or depth? and found challenging at the end of the lesson.
- Is there a focal point in this landscape?
-What do you enjoy about this particular image?
- In your own words, describe what you think the story is behind this
-Provide students with the story that is associated with the artwork.
Discuss how their perception of the image is different than the artists
intention and if it has changed after the story has been shared.
-In what ways does Vickers incorporate his culture into his work?

Incorporate the use of artistic vocabulary during this group discussion.

Vocabulary words that will be the focus in this lesson are:
-Horizon line
-cool colours/warm colours
-complimentary colours

Call tables to grab supplies

Watercolour Techniques
Direct Instruction, Whole Group, Time: 40 Minutes

Tables will get called one at a time to get supplies:


While one table at a time is getting called, I will hand stacks of paper and
put on the table so students can grab 3 pieces
-They can tape down one of their pieces of paper portrait. (all four edges)
-Depending on the available paper needed (if it is watercolour paper
rough side needs to face up)

Once students have their supplies and are seated:

-Write names on papers

Step 1:
Students will need to make sure they have their supplies
-wait for students to listen before starting
Students will make four spaces with tape
Step 2:
-Prepping colours and making washes (pick three colours to start)

Step 3:
-Re practice -Wet into wet – gradient two colours
- wet into wet – gradient three colours
-wet into wet – gradient around a circle (x2)
-on top – try hard edges

Step 3:
SLOWLY take tape off – model what happens when it is pulled to quickly
And move to the next paper setting aside the wet paper
Get students to tape off the paper in thirds

Let them explore with any technique they want with the other paper that
has not been used.

Demonstrate how to clean up supplies and brushes

Clean Up Time: 10 minutes

Students will be instructed to put their supplies away first and papers
away last (give them more time to dry)
Calling by tables students will put their supplies away:
-clean their brushes and place to dry (bristles up)
-clean their water containers
-put pencils away
-paper towel goes in the garbage
-go back to their table where their paper is and wait.

-wipe tables down if needed (if they got water colour on them.

-students who have not been called can carefully take tape off of their

Students will be called to leave when everything is cleaned up.

Consolidating 2mins
Ask students what their favourite technique was and why. What did they find most challenging?
-group discussion
Thanks, students, for participating in the activity.

Clean up (10) mins

See above

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