Final Communication Plan-Socialmedia

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Jah-Quel Banks

Zo Palace
Final Communication Plan

Zo Palace, short for Zodiac Palace, is a one-stop entertainment shop with a focus on

Astrology/meme-making. Zo Palace began from a mood board expressing many different

concepts in entertainment. The mood board contains components of rap, fitness, travel, and

astrology. In a presentation, the audience seemed to connect with the idea of astrology. At that

moment Zo Palace was born. A one-stop entertainment shop that mainly posts zodiac memes and


Entertainment news commentary, updates, music, and zodiac memes can be found in the

Zo Palace. The idea is to have a platform, a metaphorical palace, where people who love

astrology can indulge in hilarious yet ironic memes.

Key public research supports the idea that our meme-loving audience is also in tune with

pop culture. Zo Palace believes that if apps are developing to be more inclusive, so should

influencers within the app. The key public in their purest form might be zodiac fanatics, but

that's just one facet of them. The average Instagram user follows multiple different pages that

touch many different types of content. Zo Palace is that place that combines multiple elements

while remaining focused on a specific facet of the key public.

Zo Palace is in stiff competition with growing Instagram platforms. Arieshumor,

ZodiacSigns, and even platforms like TheShadeRoom engage in some of the same activities as

Zo Palace. Zo Palace is indeed unique and even has a blog to engage a different audience.

However, Zo Palace is not the first platform within the app to include multiple elements. There is

no doubt that it will be difficult for Zo Palace to position itself as a head honcho in the Instagram

Goals & Objectives

Zo Palace’s broad goal is to create enjoyable content that people want to see.

To reach the goal, Zo Palace has three SMART objectives: gain 100 followers by May 1st, 2021,

cover at least three events in the media by May 1st, 2021, and build brand loyalty with at least

three people.

Zo Palace must remember that goals and objectives must be time-bound, attainable, and

relevant. All of the biggest pages had to start as small pages. It is important to build brand loyalty

slowly but surely.

Through consistent posting, relevant, and compelling content, Zo Palace can position

itself as a popular page among key publics. While competition is stiff, the entertainment arena is

perfect because there is no limit to influencers that can enter or exit. These days gen-z is

consuming a wide range of content through many different channels.

Key Public

Zo Palace’s target audience is gen-z millennials. Gen-Z millennials are heavy social

media users and tend to consume a wide range of content. Zo Palace will zero in on those gen-z

millennial social media users who also like astrology. There are many platforms with the same

key public doing very well. Zo Palace will have no problem locating the target audience, the

problem will be garnering their interest and loyalty.

Our persona profile pack exhibits some popular key habits and behaviors of our key

public. The first characteristic of our key public is that they are interested in or have engaged in

astrology on Instagram Gen-Z is heavily interested in astrology as it relates to relationship

patterns, feelings, and habits. They are also interested in astrology as it pertains to behaviors like

not texting back or being a “hot-head.”

Gen-Z has a culture online, specifically in the Black community. There is a sense of

brotherhood in the fact that we all do the same things/grew up the same. This makes gen-z more

likely to watch the same things. Active social media users are also active on popular platforms

such as Hulu, Netflix, and even HBOmax. There is a sense of comradery in the idea that gen-z

does the same things and watches the same things. The things that are being pushed in the media

also affect the things gen-z watches and engages in.

A large percentage of gen-z spend their time scrolling through social media. This is an

important factor for our key public. They are heavy social media users and pretty savvy across

all platforms. They engage in Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Tiktok.

Zo Palace’s target audience consists of a wide range of people, but that is important these

days. Zo Palace can cater to large numbers of people from all around the world. The main
characteristics of our key public make possibilities endless for Zo Palace. The key public is alive,

well, and ready to engage in Zo Palace’s content.

Strategies & Tactics

Strategy 1: Share consistent content with gen-z heavy social media users through

Instagram to gain followers.

● Take time to observe social media to gain knowledge and inspiration to post.

● Schedule posts to stay active.

● Go more in-depth with posts, even multiple posts.

● Post on Zo Palace as I would on my page. (relevant, funny, and relatable material.)

● Add social media to all devices to increase awareness.

Strategy 2: Stay up to date with current entertainment news and trends to keep gen-z

heavy social media users engaged.

● Watch the newest shows for relevant content, especially for astrology. (character/sign


● Follow more entertainment blogs.

● Watch the news

● Stay on top of trends

● Use multiple social media platforms to be diverse and in “the know.”

Strategy 3: Make account primary to increase engagement with friends(automatic

audience). Blog/post consistently to build brand loyalty and awareness.

● Get friends to engage and repost.

● Ask to be contacted on the Zo Palace and use it as I would a private page.

● Add personality to Zo Palace

● Use the “post archive” feature instead of using an Instagram story(more personable).

● Go live on Instagram
Gantt Chart

Since the implementation of the 8-point plan, Zo Palace has seen some gaugeable

success. Zo Palace reached over 50 story views for the first time. In addition to this Zo Palace is

eleven followers away from its goal of 100 followers by May 1st, 2021. Spam posts have also

seen a 100% increase in likes since implementation. The blog tracker has tracked an unknown


Zo Palace will continue to measure the success of the brand by followers and views. Zo

Palace will also utilize the tracker on its blog site to see how many views the blog is bringing in.

It is important to keep an accurate and up-to-date running count of followers and views to ensure

that the 8-point plan is effective.

Zo Palace saw a drop in engagements when the consistency of posts stopped. Zo Palace

must remain consistent and engage in social media fully. Zo Palace must use as many features of

Instagram as possible to garner attention. Commentary, posting, responding, and hyperlinking

content are all different features Zo Palace can use.

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