Junior Jazz April 14

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Junior Jazz Band Wednesday, April 14 10:02 – 11:18

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson We will work on our Bb blues scale and 12-bar blues progression as a warmup, then rehearse
Overview: Into the Sun and Strike Up the Band.
GOs: To recognize, interpret, and perform rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and expression as they
appear in musical notation.
SOs: Students will:
 Recognize and perform marcato and tenuto (articulation)
 Demonstrate the meaning of dynamic marking (interpretive)
Learning Students will:
Objectives  Demonstrate marcato and tenuto in Into the Sun and Strike Up the Band
 Demonstrate the meaning of dynamic markings in Into the Sun and Strike Up the Band

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Observation Summative N/A
Assessment Informal self-evaluation Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to More score study on Into the Sun and Resources:  Jazz Ensemble Method book
Lesson: Strike Up the Band (blues scale)
 Into the Sun score
 Strike Up the Band score
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
10:02 Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
 Students will set up their instruments and start warming up
 We will tune to the piano
 After tuning, have them hold concert Bb and use breath support to play
with good tone
 We will get out our Jazz Ensemble Method books for our Bb blues scale
10:06 Learning Activity 1: Bb Blues Scale and 12-Bar Progression
 We will play the blues scale as written in the back of the method book
 We will play the 12-bar blues progression (bass will play walking bass,
percussion a basic beat, and the rest of the band will solo at the same
time using the notes of the blues scale)
 We will flip to Into the Sun (it’s in the method book as well)
10:15 Learning Activity 2: Into the Sun
 Remind them what we decided on for the solo section (piano 2x then
percussion 2x, with backgrounds alternating)
 We will run Into the Sun
 We will have a brief discussion (self-evaluation) about how it felt to play
it after a while (because of the break), and touch on dynamics and
 We will work on the solo section with just backgrounds (getting them to
play quiet but still with supported sound) (trumpets play into stands)
Junior Jazz Band Wednesday, April 14 10:02 – 11:18
 We will play the solo section, adding solos back in
 We will play from the beginning, focusing on articulation (specifically
the ends of notes), stopping as needed
 We will run the piece again if there is time
 We will get out our Strike Up the Band music
10:40 Learning Activity 3: Strike Up the Band
 We will run Strike Up the Band
 Again, we will have a brief discussion (self-evaluation) about how it felt
to play it after a while (because of the break), and touch on dynamics and
 We will work on saxophone rhythm at m.59 (if needed)
 We will work on the balance and shape of the shots at m.65
 We will work on building the dynamics from m.75-89
 I will remind trumpets to subdivide so they come in at the right time in
this section
 We will work on dynamics and articulation from m.89 to the end
 We will run the piece again if there is time
11:10 Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
 Tell them great work today and keep working on the rhythms in Strike
Up the Band
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught: Very well! Of course, things didn’t
go exactly as planned, but again, that’s completely fine because teachers are constantly adapting to the
students and the classroom. I didn’t have this lesson plan in front of me because I use brief sticky notes to
keep me on track with the time and to remind me of what I want to work on with the ensemble. By now I
know for sure that it is much more important to be present with your class and to truly teach to them, rather
than prioritizing sticking to your lesson plan.
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
 Having the band hold concert Bb again using strong, supported air (good tone)
 Reviewing the solo sections before playing
 Starting with running the pieces instead of jumping to a part that needs work (because they had been
on break and needed a review)
 Periodically asking them questions to keep them engaged (self-evaluation on their playing)
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
 The energy died at the end of rehearsal and I could tell they were getting tired (I was reflecting this
drop in energy as well, I realize, and I should have made more of an effort to be energetic as the
energy started dropping)
 I could have spent longer on the blues warmups so that they would have spent less time on Hit the
Bricks (what was tiring them out)
 I could’ve also gotten them to solo individually (4 bars each) during the 12-bar blues, but I didn’t
write this in the plan because I decided to take it easy on them, since they had just gotten back from
their break
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
 Having a backup plan if the students start to get tired and need to switch it up (a different piece, or
even a movement break)
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
 I have a better sense of the classroom energy and know now that I have to make an effort to combat it
Junior Jazz Band Wednesday, April 14 10:02 – 11:18
when it drops
 I know that my students are capable of getting out of their comfort zones because we have built a safe
atmosphere, so I could get them to solo individually during warmups more often

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