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Name __________________________________

Chemistry Test 2 – Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter

Part I. All those dead white men….Match each scientist with their contributed piece of knowledge that
impacted the development of atomic structure and quantum theory. (1 point each)

______ 1. Avogadro A. Stated that no two electrons in the same atom can have the same
set of four quantum numbers
______ 2. Bohr B. Gave a standard for counting atoms by providing the number of
atoms in a mole of a substance
______ 3. Dalton
C. Used the cathode ray tube experiment to discover the electron
______ 4. DeBroglie D. Used light to measure the characteristic of electrons and energy
using the photoelectric effect
______ 5. Heisenberg E. Described electrons as moving in waves
F. Provides the first atomic theory in which matter is composed of
______ 6. Hund atoms that cannot be divided and are identical in size, mass, and
______ 7. Pauli
G. Proposed an atomic model linking electrons with photo emission,
______ 8. Planck placing them in orbits of fixed energy surrounding the nucleus
H. Discovered the nucleus using his gold foil experiment
______ 9. Rutherford I. Provides the rule that orbitals of equal energy are occupied by one
electron before any orbital is occupied by a second electron
______ 10. J. J. Thompson J. Stated that it is impossible to determine the position and velocity of
an electron

Part II. Complete the chart below using the periodic table and/or the information provided. Remember
to round the mass number to a whole number. (1 point each)

Element Atomic Mass Number of Number of Number of Ion OR

number number protons neutrons electrons Isotope
Silver Ag

18 18

15 31

3 1


Part III. Terminology – Write the word on the blank to the left of each statement. (1 point each)
Name __________________________________

___________________________ 1. The basic unit of matter

___________________________ 2. The mass of one mole of a given element

___________________________ 3. The number of protons in an atom

___________________________ 4. 6.022 X 1023 particles/mole

___________________________ 5. A particle of light

___________________________ 6. Negatively charged particle found outside the nucleus

___________________________ 7. Found by subtracting atomic number from mass number

___________________________ 8. Positively charged particle of an atom

___________________________ 9. A negatively or positively charged atom

___________________________ 10. Atoms with different numbers of neutrons but same protons

___________________________ 11. Sum of protons and neutrons

___________________________ 12. Elements in group 18 with filled outer electron shell

___________________________ 13. Electron state of lowest possible energy close to the nucleus

___________________________ 14. Horizontal distance between two consecutive crests in a wave

___________________________ 15. A three-dimensional region around the nucleus that indicate the
probable location of an electron
Name __________________________________

Part IV. The Name Game – Use the periodic table to identify the element described below. (1 point

___________________________ 1. Name the element with a molar mass of 47.88 g/mol

___________________________ 2. Name the element in group 2, period 6

___________________________ 3. Name the element in period 2 with 3 electrons in the p block

___________________________ 4. Name the element whose mass is 24.305g for 1 mol

___________________________ 5. Name the element with an atomic number of 20

___________________________ 6. Name the element in group 1 with 18 inner-shell electrons

___________________________ 7. Name the element in period 3 with 7 outer shell electrons

___________________________ 8. Name the element whose orbital diagram is pictured below:

Part V. Using the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Bohr Model for the Hydrogen Atom
Provide the wavelength of light emitted from the following electron transitions. Also include the type or
color of wave produced.

a. n = 5 to n = 2 λ:___________; type/color: ____________________________

b. n = 4 to n = 3 λ:___________; type/color: ____________________________

c. n = 6 to n = 3 λ:___________; type/color: ____________________________

d. n = 3 to n = 2 λ: ___________; type/color: ____________________________

e. n = 2 to n = 1 λ: ___________; type/color: ____________________________

Name __________________________________

Part VI. Number Time – Complete each problem as needed. When applicable, remember to use
significant figure rules and provide units. (4 points each)

1. Magnesium has three common isotopes. If the abundance of 24Mg is 78.7%, the abundance of
Mg is 10.13%, and the abundance of 26Mg is 11.17%, what is the average atomic mass of

2. How many grams are in 5.50 E 24 atoms of fluorine?

3. Calculate the number of grams in 5.246 mol of magnesium?

4. How many atoms are in 56.3 g of sulfur?

5. Determine the number of atoms in 2.56 mol of lithium.

6. Name the four orbitals and the number of electrons found in each.
Name __________________________________

7. Provide the orbital diagram for phosphorus.

8. Write the electron configuration for bromine.

9. Write the electron configuration for argon.

10. Use noble gas notation to provide the shorthand configuration of potassium.

BONUS: Write the noble gas notation

for lead, Pb.

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