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EDUC 3601- Teaching Goals – Kendra Berg St Georges 2020

Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education

Planning for Learning – PSII

Inquiry Based Goal 1: Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Success Timeline (Specific)
TQS Required Supports
Providing culturally 1 (c&f) Always thinking about Adding indigenous artists and April 23
the community culture examples to the unit I will be
appropriate activities. 5 (d) and trying to link teaching, regardless of unit.
Incorporating FMNI activities to FMNI. isual_artists/ Reflect on my inclusion, was it
artists and art-based Asking questions about used effectively, and did students
the cultural aspects in see the value in it.
practises the school, and what m/kenojuak-askhevak I would like feedback from my TA
(where applicable) kind of strategies my TA on if I effectively integrated the
uses to incorporate https://www.artistsincanada. topic.
FMNI activities com/artists/aboriginal-9/ March 19- Effectively include
indigenous artists
http://www.ahnisnabae- April 16- Have students complete an artist student on an
indigenous artist

Inquiry Based Goal 2: Related Strategies Resources/ Evidence of Success Timeline (Specific)
TQS Required Supports
Affectively 3 (a) Planning appropriately https://www.teachingchannel Effectively introducing topics at April 1
and in a timely manner. .com/blog/five-ways-to-start- the start of practicum and on- (and ongoing)
Incorporating an Introducing the topic your-lessons going to the end of practicum
introduction and every lesson. Actively Using thoughtful consolidations
consolidation to every watching the time to og/22-powerful-closure- that allow for student’s
ensure I can gather the activities-todd-finley discussions/feedback- having this
lesson student’s attention in - Snowstorm get better by April 1, and
(whether or not the task has order to consolidate continued success until April 22
been completed) Receive feedback from my TA for
on-going success and reflect on
the ways I can improve my
introductions and conclusions
EDUC 3601- Teaching Goals – Kendra Berg St Georges 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education


Goal 1
Reflection at Midway Point: I have not included as many indigenous aspects as I originally thought I would be doing. I am finding
the balance of even adding art history into my lessons difficult as I have been talking too much and not allowing students create
enough. I plan on adding Indigenous artists into my remaining lesson so the students will gain a different perspective.
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations
Instead of relying on just older artworks.
Incorporating contemporary works that
include indigenous artist can be so
Reflection at End of Term:

Goal 2
Reflection at Midway Point: I am still working on effectively adding consolidations/conclusions to my lesson. My introductions are
a natural lead into the day’s activities, but I am still actively working on ways to end the lesson.
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations
Continuingly to be aware of adding exit Adding exits to lessons Having a “take way question” for the day,
slips or an exit question for students Having a small discussion before and giving this to students 10 minutes
before leaving for the day everyone leaves before they leave the room to allow for a
Asking students to share their thoughts thought out response instead of a rushed
on the days lesson as they leave the room answer
Reflection at End of Term:

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