Productions and Operations Management Lecturer: Prof. Huynh Thi Phuong Lan

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Ho Chi Minh University of Technology

School of Industrial Management

Productions and Operations Management
Lecturer: prof. Huynh Thi Phuong Lan

No. Student's ID Student's Full Name Contribution

1 1952787 Phạm Trần Đăng Khoa 100%
2 1953021 Trần Hoàng Tiến 100%
3 1952191 Thiệu Gia Bảo 100%
4 1952770 Hoàng Nguyễn Quốc Khánh 100%
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................ i
Main Part:................................................................................................................................... 1
I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
II. Literature review ............................................................................................................. 2
III. Methodology ................................................................................................................. 3
IV. Data Analysis and Results ............................................................................................ 5
1. Communication skills: .................................................................................................... 5
2. Presentation skills: .......................................................................................................... 5
3. Teamwork: ...................................................................................................................... 6
4. Study under pressure: ..................................................................................................... 6
5. Self-study ........................................................................................................................ 6
6. Computer Skill:............................................................................................................... 6
7. Critical Thinking............................................................................................................. 7
8. Problem-solving skill...................................................................................................... 7
9. Flexibility and Agility skill............................................................................................. 8
10. Creativity and Innovating skill ..................................................................................... 8
V. Discussing the Results .................................................................................................... 9
VI. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 10
VII. References .......................................................................................................................ii

Main Part:
I. Introduction
With the solid economic development and the rapid changing of the world's
environment, there are primary trends that pose fundamental challenges and new
opportunities for innovation in our educational system, which is the transferring from an
industrial economy to a knowledge economy. The other one is the young generation's
growth, training, and education from all education levels, especially the remaining skills
and knowledge in their mind after graduating from school. Hence, developing students'
skills is an integral part of today's education, especially in a university environment, where
students are striving to accumulate the most necessary basic skills for themselves before
graduating and working outside. These skills are the abilities that involve how the student
study, work and interact with other people; in other words, students' skills are their
behaviors and personality traits that help them to study and collaborate.
In the learning environment, most interactions with other students require some
specific level of soft skills. In a class, students are required to collaborate to complete tasks,
present their new idea to their friends, network for a new exercise, and so on. They need to
use soft skills every day at school in parallel with developing to help them gain more
knowledge and accelerate their career opportunities. Soft skills enable students to influence
how well they can work and communicate with others, but the importance of these skills is
often ignored in Viet Nam's education levels. They only concentrate on specialized
knowledge but forget the vital role of collaboration and interaction among people. In the
workplace and daily life, these skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, or
communication are usually used to interact with other people, create new relationships, and
make more potential acquaintances.
The key element of students' skills development is how they are aware of their existing
skills and how they are satisfied with them. A highly valued society does not depend too
much on economic growth but on people's intellectual level in that society, where people
perfect soft skills in communication and work. That is why today's recruitment criteria often
promoted soft skills up to 75% compared to specialized knowledge and increased
competition in the job market. According to the 2017 paper by a Harvard student on the
importance of social skills within the labor market, soft skills are in high demand within
the workforce which jobs requiring high social interaction levels grew by nearly 12 percent
as a share of the U.S. labor force. Therefore, universities currently focus more on soft skills
by organizing more training courses, integrating soft skills into majors, and arranging more
outdoor activities to create a young potential generation for society. However, some
students try to acquire soft skills as much as possible without knowing what is necessary
and relating to their major. Hence, the skills' function becomes redundant and time-
consuming; for example, students from the economic university may not need to be
proficient in computer skills than students from technology-universities, and the opposite
is true for presentation skills. Therefore, it is necessary to equip students' soft skills and
instructs them to select the right skills depending on their personality, major, or purpose.
Based on the importance of student skills development and the application of soft skills
in the workplace and life, this study will analyze student satisfaction with soft skills by
using secondary data and university student survey to explore more about the popularity of

soft skills and how interactively between them. The following sections discuss the
literature, followed by explaining the adopted methodology, data analysis, results,
discussion, and conclusion.
II. Literature review
Soft skills nowadays are part of every individual in society, it is no longer an extra skill,
but it is a must-have skill for one person. It is strongly influenced by economic development
and social demands, so it is required as a personality trait of each person. Additionally, soft
skills are trained and practiced everyday only through essential communications and
interactions among people, but few realize their existing skills and how to develop them.
For example, actively chatting and interacting with peers in the classroom is one type of
communication skill. One of the most considerable adjustments for brand-new students is
that the newfound freedom in universities. College students have a rise in personal
responsibility and plenty less external structure. There are no set study times, no required
meal times, nobody to inform them when to sleep or get them up, a rise in their academic
workload, a greater have to multi-task and balance, and many new social opportunities
challenges. The following skills may facilitate them to develop their internal structure and
achieve success in universities.
To evaluate the role of soft skills of students in the workplace as well as the study
environment, we have conducted a survey assessing the importance of students' skills
development in university and analyzing student's satisfaction with these skills. Our report
is divided into four sections into the following analyzing parts by manipulating the Kano
model in reality. We use this model as an approach to prioritize skills chosen by students
based on their degree of satisfaction in the university environment. Skills are weighed
against how important they are to students in both dimensions functional (feature present)
and dysfunctional (feature absent).
The first is the methodology section; we want to present the research design: the
analysis of qualitative data and results, clarifying the collected information and the
secondary data used, methods used to develop such knowledge — finally, to use available
data to survey students by designed questionnaire. Secondly, analyze the data collected
from the survey, conduct an analysis and evaluation based on satisfaction and importance.
After analyzing the data, results are discussed in the next section based on the proposed
criteria before all processes and outcomes are synthesized to assess the level of completion
in the last part.

III. Methodology
First of all, we need to give a brief overview
the number and the attitudes of each course,
through the research board and survey how
students will lead to more diverse and
to concept, present, and design to capture
constructive data.
all aspects, perspectives, and attitudes from
each student when doing the assignment—
group survey. We started to consult and
post questions on google form to make it
easier to share and spread to the majority of

Also, we have considered one factor that

influences all students' general psychology,
which is part-time jobs. We categorize
them into three categories: part-time jobs,
no part-time jobs, and finally, full-time
work. Each form mainly affects student
psychology, and this factor is also decisive
to how students view soft skills in the
school environment and the future.
Our team will still rely on the diagrams to
maximize the exploitation of students'
opinions; moreover, this is the basic
foundation of the subject and goes further
in the K.A.N.O model design.
Let us now explore the following topic on
the general problem of the survey. We use Next is the section of questions selected and
the google form and ask a series of given to students in all situations from
questions to find other ideas, such as from school to work, classified into five
students (100% required). First of all, we categories: Very important, important,
need to give general questions such as neutral, unimportant, very unimportant.
Gender, what course are students studying? Such 5-item selection is also based on a
To be able to collectively statistic standard basis from information extraction

reports. We have a total of 50 students Finally, we were able to submit a survey to
taking the survey, the primary students many students and collect 50 surveys with
within Bach Khoa University. We collect data that were not dependent on external
data by submitting forms via social media. factors, only objectively dependent on
Our problem is not to do the direct survey psychology and questionnaires. An
but to do it indirectly through an online individual's subject is fully corroborated
form. Also, we do not require students to through the statistic percentages images
give personal information but to give their that we have given above and will add to
honest opinions without external the Data Analysis and Result section. We
influences. Our team got a large variety of have a total of 20 questions with three
contributions. Most of the group's questions overview questions and 17 problem detail
are about soft skills that a student naturally questions. It will take each student 3 to 7
had. The purpose of the questions is to let minutes to complete a survey. Before
students feel that these skills affect more or putting the survey in students' hands, we
less a student possesses or does not own; have to emphasize the skill and its
moreover, student psychology will judge application in practice. Besides, we are also
this skill as applicable when applying scoping survey students within Bach Khoa
practical in study and work. Hence, the University and students from year 1 to year
final goal is to list the skills that to be the 4 (In quality systems, except graduate
level of expectation for each student and if level). The last problem is that we perform
it is so ideal and practical then what This under the Vietnamese language to reach all
skill may or may not exceed expectation to students, understand the questions better,
be able to model a clear understanding of not get boring or do the survey unclear, and
the value they bring. lack meticulousness.

IV. Data Analysis and Results about 8% feel regular about it. Unlikely, just
In our survey, we have listed ten skills that 2% and 4% think having communication
we think are crucial for the students in the skills is useless and unimportant.
universities who may do some part-time jobs.
We also ask, "If your job is solely in contact
Our survey may have some errors, so the
with machines and equipment, do you find
reliability of it is about 70 to 80 percent. We
communication skills important?". And our
use Google Sheet and transfer it into the
result is: very important: 18%, important:
Excel file to list each result to identify which
42%, Neutral: 28%, Unimportant: 10%, very
skill students consider the most important,
important: 2%
which is less. Furthermore, we also show the
students' genre, work experience, how many 2. Presentation skills:
years they have studied in the university.
According to our survey result, the
percentage of the genre is 50% for male and
50% for female, and half of the students
currently study the second year, 18% for the
third year, the same 16% for the first year and
fourth year. Finally, half of the students do
not have any working experience, 14% have We also ask them about the importance of
a full-time job, 36% do a part-time job having presentation skills in study and
working environment, and the answer we
1. Communication skills: have is 46% very important, 22% important,
10% neutral, 12% unimportant, 10% very

Our group has a question "In your opinion, is

communication skills important?". And after
we collect all the answer, the result is 62% In reverse, the answer to the question "If you
think communication is very important, 24% were assigned another job like composing
people think that is important, some people- Word, doing PowerPoint or a work equally
impactful as a team, do you still think that
presentation skills are important to you?" is
32% very important, 22% important, 30%
regular, 12% unimportant and 4% very

3. Teamwork:

important, the same 26% for important and

neutral, 14% and 10% for unimportant and
44% of students think that teamwork skills very unimportant.
are very important, 36% of them think that is
important while 8% think that very 5. Self-study
unimportant, the same 6% for neutral and Half of the students who conduct the survey
unimportant. think that self-study is very crucial, 26%
important, 12% neutral, 8% unimportant, 4%
Furthermore, we also put them into the very unimportant.
The situation is "if you do well in the study,

different situation, "if your environment does

not require teamwork, do you feel that
teamwork skills are still important?" and the thanks to group study without self-study, do
answer is 20% very important, 34% you feel that self-study is important?", we
important, 12% unimportant, 34% neutral collected some answer: 24% very important,
and 0% for very unimportant. 30% important, 28% neutral, 16%
unimportant, 2% very unimportant.
4. Study under pressure:

36% of people think that knowing how to

study efficiently under pressure is very 6. Computer Skill:
important, 30% think it important, 22% Our group's survey has a very obvious about
neutral, 10% and 2% for very unimportant computer skill and its importance to the
and unimportant. students. We have statistics the percentage of
On the other hand, if they are put in a this skill that 28% of students who thought
different situation that does not require this
skill, the answer is also other 24% very

Furthermore, we put it on a specific situation
question to observe how they react to their
thoughts, "If you are more emotionally
inclined to decide on something, is linear
thinking important to you?" 24% Very
Important, the same to Important, 34% is
this skill is very important, moreover, 34% of neutral, 12% is Unimportant, and 6% is the
those think it is important. However, we saw rest.
that 26% of those think it is neutral, over the
same with very important. Only 8% think it
is not important and the rest think it is very
not important. However, this is how they feel
about the skill and how it affects in

8. Problem-solving skill
Students always face many differences, so
University's approach. So, we take it on a the natural skill to get them through their
specific situation: how they react and problems is Solving skill. 40% very
perform this skill in working with their important, 34% Important, just 8% is Neutral,
teammates. 24% Very important, 30% but reaching 14% is Not important, and 4% is
Important, 20% neutral, 18% unimportant, Very Unimportant.
8% Very unimportant.
7. Critical Thinking
As research on 50 students, we put a different
skill for those who passed the first skill, that
is computer skill, one of the most important
skills that people should have in 4.0 era. 34%
of students think it is very important, 46%
Important, 14% is Neutral, 2% Unimportant,
and the rest is very unimportant. Continually, we give them the additional
question that, in their opinion, is problem-
solving ability important in study or
teamwork? 24% think it very important, 34%
think it important, 16% think it neutral,
besides that, 14% think it Unimportant and
12% is Very Unimportant.

10. Creativity and Innovating skill
The final one we want to ask them about
using their brains to create in a university
setting when learning here is highly self-
motivated and independent. 46% is very
important, 28% is important, 16% is Neutral,
a small number of them think it is
unimportant (4%), and the rest is 6%.
9. Flexibility and Agility skill
When they graduate from any school level,
every student will come to a new studying
environment, so we question how they react
to a new study place, specifically is
university environment. 30% is very

We make a final question for them, "you are

not thinking and creative, but your intended
field of study and work do not require
creativity or innovation. Do you think your
important, 38% is important, 16% is Neutral, ability to think and create is important to
the same with Unimportant and Very you?" 26% think it is very important, 32% is
unimportant is 8%. important, 16% is neutral, 14% is
Unimportant, and the rest is 12%.
Because there is no agility and adaptability in
college, they often change majors and
schools. However, from there, they find their
favorite subject and school, and even an
environment that suits them. Do they think
that agility and adaptability are important?
30% is very important, 38% is important,
14% is Neutral, 8% is unimportant, and 10%
is very unimportant.

V. Discussing the Results many companies. Teamwork happens when
According to our survey, we have collected people cooperate and use their skills to
many ideas about some skills that are achieve common goals. Teamwork skills
considered to be important in universities are essential to success at work, no matter
and the workplace. As per the findings, the industry or job title. Working well with
most of the students believe that some skills clients, colleagues, managers, and other
help them to "survive" in universities, such people in the workplace can help them
as communication, teamwork, self-study, complete tasks efficiently while creating an
study under pressure, presentation, agility enjoyable environment for themselves and
and flexibility, computer, critical thinking, others. An organization that emphasizes
problem-solving, creativity, and good teamwork skills is typically a healthy,
innovation. high-functioning workplace.
Having strong communication skills aids in Self-studying is a learning method where
all aspects of life – from professional life to students direct their studying – outside the
personal life. From a business standpoint, classroom and without direct supervision.
all transactions result from communication. Since students can control what (and how)
Good communication skills are essential to they are learning, self-study can be a
allow others and individuals to understand particular way for them to learn. Self-study
information more accurately and quickly. and traditional classroom learning can be
In contrast, poor communication skills lead used together to help students get the most
to frequent misunderstanding and out of their experience. Together, these
frustration. Good communication skills can methods help students learn and retain
aid in helping students land an interview information better, boosting
and pass the selection process. To do the job comprehension, grades, and motivation.
effectively, they have to discuss problems,
request information, interact with others, Computer skills fit into two categories:
have good human relations skills – these are hardware and software. Hardware skills
all part of having good communication allow students to operate a computer
skills. physically. Hardware skills can be as
simple as knowing how to turn devices on
Presentation skills are the skills students and off. They might also involve more
need in delivering effective and engaging complex tasks like connecting machines to
presentations to a variety of audiences. the network, changing parts, or fixing
These skills cover various areas such as the broken devices. For these complex tasks,
presentation structure, the slides' design, many employers hire trained technicians
the tone of voice, and the body language. with advanced computer skills
Today, presentation skills are required in
Software skills help students to use
almost every field, and most of us are
computer programs and applications
required to give presentations on occasions.
efficiently. There are some software skills
While some people take this in their stride,
that employers may consider as
others find it much more challenging
prerequisites to employment. Employers
Teamwork skills consist of interrelated may not include some software skills on job
abilities that let the students work posts under the assumption they are
effectively in an organized group. universally understood. For example, many
Teamwork skills are vital to employers, as employers may believe all applicants have
teams are a basic organizational unit within

a basic knowledge of word processing VI. Conclusion
programs, like Microsoft Word In conclusion, the student's skill
development is required in every
Critical thinking is the ability to think
individual; with this survey, we can expand
clearly and rationally, understanding the
that developing the mental skills is
logical connection between ideas. Critical
necessary even in a negative situation –
thinking has been the subject of much
negative question listed in our survey
debate and thought since early Greek
above. These are fundamental skills that
philosophers such as Plato and Socrates and
must exist in humans. Communication skill
has continued to be a subject of discussion
is prevalent based on the industry's growth,
into the modern age, for example, the
especially, all careers always have this item
ability to recognize fake news.
on their interview list and corporate with
Problem-solving is all about using logic and the business partner, for example. The
imagination to make sense of the situation survey was clear that all the items listed are
and come up with an intelligent solution. strike forward to the survey participants to
The best problem-solvers actively wake themselves up to prepare all of these
anticipate potential future problems and act important skills even though some skills are
to prevent them or to mitigate their effects not related to their job.

Creativity is "the use of imagination or Communication skills and teamwork are

original ideas to create something" (Oxford exciting features that Ho Chi Minh
English Dictionary). In recent years, the University of Technology needs to open
world has changed very fast and also the and upgrade students' skills, such as the
demand so we need to think about the new Soft Skills class. Creativity and Innovation
thing day by day so the creativity and skill must be listed on the compulsory
innovation skills also agility and flexibility credit. This help student blows their mind
skills are vital into the fantastic ideas that bring out the
benefits. If this skill were applied to the
Students are currently facing many stresses compulsory credits, a student would reach
such as homework, assignment, family, unlimited educational resources.
future,… and also employers. So, if they
can manage their life, they will be Future studies will reveal that all items in
successful because all the problems are also the survey contribute the most in their
opportunities to achieve a bigger reward. career. Student skill development is a
mental skill that an individual should learn.

VII. References

BARNARD, D. (2019, 3 25). VIRTUALSPEECH. Retrieved from The Important of Soft

Jawad, A. (2020). Studies in Education Evaluation. In A. Jawad, HEISQUAL: A morden
approach to measure service quality in higher education institutions (pp. 1-9). Iqra
University Islamabad, Pakistan: 2020.
Singmaster, H. (2020). Center for Global Education. Retrieved from Seven Skills Student
Needs For Their Future:
Skills, T. (2020). Skills You Need. Retrieved from Skills You Need:
Wilis, J. (2020). Life Skills. Retrieved from Life Skills:


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