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Generic name: epoetin alfa injectable solution Erythropoietin is one factor Anemia cause by reduction CNS: Siezures, coldness, Monitor renal studies,
2000 units/mL (Epogen, controlling rate of red cell endogenous erythropoietin sweating urinalysis, protein, blood, BUN,
Brand name: Eprex Procrit, Retacrit) production; drug is production primarily end creatinine, I&O; report drop in
3000 units/mL (Epogen, developed by recombinant stage renal disease; to CV: Hypertension, output <50 ml/hr
Classification: colony- Procrit, Retacrit) DNA technology correct hemostatic defect in hypertensive encephalopathy
stimulating factors 4000 units/mL (Epogen, uremia Monitor blood studies;
Procrit, Retacrit) MS: Bone pain reticulocyte count weekly:
10,000 units/mL (Epogen, Contraindications: check for symptoms of anemia,
Procrit, Retacrit) Hypersensitivity to albumin, fatigue, pallor, dyspnea
20,000 units/mL (Epogen, hypertension, erythropoietin
Procrit) levels of >200 Mu/ML Assess CNS symptoms; coldness,
40,000 units/mL (Retacrit) sweating
Pregnancy class C Assess CV status: BP before and
during tx; Htn may occur rapidly
leading to Htn encephalopathy

Assess patient during

hemodialysis for bruits, thrills of
shunts; drug prevent severe
anemia in chronic renal failure;
clotting may need to be treated
with increase anticoagulant.

Monitor serum iron levels,

ferritin, transferring levels; iron
therapy may needed to prevent
recurring anemia

Monitor blood studies; BUN,

WBC, phosphorus, potassium,
bleeding time. Hct should be
check in chronic renal failure
Generic name: anti-tetanus booster dose of 0.5 mL of Tetanus Toxoid, for INDICATIONS Adverse reactions may be Shake well the vial before
serum Tetanus Toxoid (tetanus intramuscular or local and include redness, withdrawing each dose
(tetanus toxoid) toxoid) subcutaneous use, is a sterile Tetanus (tetanus toxoid) warmth, edema, induration
Brand name: tetanus toxoid should be given solution of toxoid in isotonic Toxoid is indicated for with or without tenderness Special care should be taken to
intramuscularly every 10 sodium chloride solution. The as well as urticaria, and rash. ensure the injection dose not
General classification: EP years to maintain adequate vaccine is clear or slightly Malaise, transient fever, enter the blood vessel
vaccine, anti-tetanus immunity. turbid in appearance. booster injection only for pain, hypotension, nausea
persons 7 years of age or and arthralgia
older against tetanus
(tetanus toxoid) . This
vaccine is NOT indicated
for primary immunization.



It is a contraindication to use
this or any other related
vaccine after a serious
adverse event temporally
associated with a previous
dose including an
anaphylactic reaction.

Brand name: Fluimucil. Adults: reduces mucus viscosity INDICATIONS Nausea Before using this medication,
1 sachet of FLUIMUCIL 200 in non-purulent and purulent Treatment of respiratory Vomiting ask the patient for any
Generic name: mg or 2 sachets of lung secretions. The mucolytic affections characterized by Urticaria breathing problems (such as
Acetylcysteine. FLUIMUCIL 100 mg 2-3 times effect of acetylcysteine is thick and viscous Bronchospasm emphysema, chronic bronchitis,
a day. based on hydrolyzing disulfide hypersecretions due to acute (difficulty breathing) asthma, smoker's cough), cough
Classification: mucolytics. bonds in mucus, which break bronchitis, chronic bronchitis Tightness in chest with blood or large amounts of
1 FLUIMUCIL 600 mg down the mucus into thinner and its exacerbation, Flu-like symptoms mucus, liver problems.
effervescent tablet daily units, which are easier to get pulmonary emphysema, (runny nose and fever)
out of the body. Rapid heart rate
(preferably in the evening) mucoviscidosis and Monitor for allergic reaction
bronchiectasis. (tachycardia)
For the prevention of Low blood pressure Discuss the risks and benefits
exacerbation, the use of and high blood pressure with your doctor before breast-
FLUIMUCIL 200 mg sachet is CONTRAINDICATIONS Low potassium level feeding.
recommended. Known hypersensitivity to Joint pain
acetylcysteine. Fluimucil Blurred vision
Children: granules and tablets are
1 sachet of FLUIMUCIL 100 contraindicated in patients
mg, 2 to 4 times a day, suffering from
according to age phenylketonuria due to the
aspartame content.

Generic Name: atenolol  Blocks beta-  Allergic reactions: Assessment

 Available forms: adrenergic receptors of
Indications Pharyngitis,
Brand Name: Apo-Atenolol Tablets—25, 50, 100 the sympathetic erythematous rash,  History: Sinus
 Treatment of angina
(CAN), Gen-Atenolol (CAN), mg; injection—5 mg/10 nervous system in the fever, sore throat, bradycardia, second- or
pectoris due to coronary
Novo-Atenol (CAN), mL heart and laryngospasm, third-degree heart block,
Tenormin  Hypertension: juxtaglomerular respiratory distress cardiogenic shock, CHF,
 Hypertension, as a
Classification: Beta1- Initially, 50 mg PO once apparatus (kidney), thus  CNS: Dizziness, renal failure, diabetes or
step 1 agent, alone or
selective adrenergic a day; after 1–2 wk, decreasing the vertigo, tinnitus, fatigue, thyrotoxicosis, lactation,
with other drugs,
blocker, Antianginal, dose may be increased excitability of the heart, emotional depression, pregnancy
especially diuretics
to 100 mg/day. decreasing cardiac paresthesias, sleep  Physical: Baseline
Antihypertensive  Treatment of MI
 Angina pectoris: output and oxygen disturbances, weight, skin condition,
 Unlabeled uses:
Initially, 50 mg PO daily. consumption, hallucinations, neurologic status, P, BP,
Pregnancy Category D Prevention of migraine
If optimal response is decreasing the release disorientation, memory ECG, respiratory status,
headaches; alcohol
not achieved in 1 wk, of renin from the loss, slurred speech renal and thyroid function
withdrawal syndrome,
increase to 100 mg kidney, and lowering BP.  CV: Bradycardia, CHF, tests, blood and urine
treatment of ventricular
daily; up to 200 mg/day cardiac arrhythmias, glucose, cholesterol,
and supraventricular
may be needed. sinoatrial or AV nodal triglycerides
 Acute MI: Initially, 5 block, tachycardia, Interventions
 Other: Decreased
mg IV given over 5 min peripheral vascular
exercise tolerance,  WARNING: Do not
as soon as possible after insufficiency, discontinue drug abruptly
development of
diagnosis; follow with IV claudication, CVA,
antinuclear antibodies, after long-term therapy
injection of 5 mg 10 min pulmonary edema, (hypersensitivity to
hyperglycemia or
later. Switch to 50 mg hypotension
hypoglycemia, elevated catecholamines may have
PO 10 min after the last  Dermatologic: Rash, developed, causing
serum transaminase,
IV dose; follow with 50 pruritus, sweating, dry
alkaline phosphatase, exacerbation of angina, MI,
mg PO 12 hr later. skin and ventricular
and LDH
Thereafter, administer  EENT: Eye irritation, arrhythmias). Taper drug
100 mg PO daily or 50 dry eyes, conjunctivitis,
mg PO bid for 6–9 days blurred vision gradually over 2 wk with
or until discharge from
Contraindications  GI: Gastric pain, monitoring.
the hospital flatulence, constipation,  Consult physician about
 Contraindicated with
diarrhea, nausea, withdrawing drug if patient
sinus bradycardia,
vomiting, anorexia, is to undergo surgery
second- or third-degree
ischemic colitis, renal (withdrawal is
heart block, cardiogenic
and mesenteric arterial controversial).
shock, CHF, pregnancy.
thrombosis, Teaching points
 Use cautiously with
retroperitoneal fibrosis,  Take drug with meals if
renal failure, diabetes or
hepatomegaly, acute GI upset occurs.
thyrotoxicosis (atenolol
pancreatitis  Do not stop taking this
can mask the usual
 GU: Impotence, drug unless told to do so
cardiac signs of
decreased libido, by a health care provider.
hypoglycemia and
Peyronie’s disease,  Avoid driving or
dysuria, nocturia, dangerous activities if
lactation, respiratory
frequent urination dizziness or weakness
 Musculoskeletal: occurs.
Joint pain, arthralgia,  You may experience
muscle cramps these side effects:
 Respiratory: Dizziness, light-
Bronchospasm, headedness, loss of
dyspnea, cough, appetite, nightmares,
bronchial obstruction, depression, sexual
nasal stuffiness, rhinitis, impotence.
pharyngitis (less likely  Report difficulty
than with propranolol) breathing, night cough,
 Other: Decreased swelling of extremities,
exercise tolerance, slow pulse, confusion,
development of depression, rash, fever,
antinuclear antibodies, sore throat.
hyperglycemia or
hypoglycemia, elevated
serum transaminase,
alkaline phosphatase,
and LDH

Generic Name: Bactericidal: Inhibits INDICATION  Mucus rush Assess any history of allergy
Cefuroxime Actual: 750mg q8⁰ ANST synthesis of bacterial cell For treatment of many  Rash with this drug.
wall, causing cell death. different types of bacterial  Difficulty in
infections such as bronchitis, Culture infection, and arrange
Brand Name: Ideal: PO: 250mg BID 7-10 sinusitis, tonsillitis, ear breathing for sensitivity tests before and
Ceftin days or infection, skin infections,  Unusual tiredness during therapy if expected
gonorrhea, and urinary tract  Fatigue response is not seen.
Classification: Antibiotic IV: 750mg BID infection.  Itching or irritation
,Cephalosporin Give oral drug with food to
CONTRAINDICATION decrease GI upset and enhance
Contraindicated with allergy absorption.
cephalosporin or penicillins.
Have vit. K available in case
Use cautiously with renal hypoprothrombinemia occurs.
failure, lactation, pregnancy.
Instruct the pt to report any

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