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YOUTH PERSPECTIVES VIEWS FROM ASEAN AND AUSTRALIAN YOUTH Elevating ASEAN Australia Cyber Security Cooperation to the Next Level Eig r) PUL INDONESIA ASEAN-SINGAPORE CYBER SECURITY CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE (ASCCE): AUSTRALIA'S ROLE IN CAPACITY BUILDING The ASEAN centre for capacity building in cyber security (ASCE) will be opened in the second quarter of 2020 in Singapore, the region’s most advanced cyber nation according to Giobal Cyber Security Index by ITU." Australia, a5 the first dialogue partner of ASEAN along with otter countries such as the United States and the United Kingdors have shown their commitments to engage with the centee.? Although the list of participating countries seems reassuring, it's not adenuate. The private sector should be invited to play a role in the centre. Australia's Ambassador for Cyber Affairs, Tobias Feakin has recognized the importance ofthe private sector in internet gavernance.* Australa inthis regard shauild push the involvernent of the private sector in ASEAN settings as well Its coherent with Australia’s pledge in ts International Cyber Engagement Strategy to ensure the stance of private actors is represented in international forums. A platform already exists of global technology companies that are cornnitted to strengthening cyber security, narnely The Cyber Security Tech Accord? Cyber behernaths Ike Facebook, Microsoft and Cisco are signatories of this accord, According to its mission staternent, signatories are ready to colaborate with initiatives aiming to enhance securly, stabllty and resilience ai cyberspace, This is precisely what ASCCE and Australia wish to accomplish, Therefore, the idea of 28 // ASEAN-AUSTRALIA YOUTH LEADERSHIP FORUM «alaboration between signatories ofthe Tech ‘Accord with ASCCE shoul be taken into ronsideration ASCCE’s mission includes CERT-related technical training and exchange of cyber threat information, ‘The signatories will perfectly fit for tis role in ‘accordance with their vow to work with lice-minded groups ta further enhance cyber security best practices. NON-STATE ACTORS: THE LOOMING CYBER THREAT ‘The challenge in cyberspace is constantly evolving ‘and constructive engagement between ASEAN and ‘Australia should be maintained. Discussion between ‘cytes authorities since the ASEAN-Australia Cyber Policy Dialague in 2018 has been promising* “The implementaticn of the Regional Cyber Point of ‘Contact and Cyber Bootcamp projects are some of the onward initiatives between ASEAN and Australia.” However, these rust be expanded to Incorporate other stakeholders as well. The internet is not only a dornain for governments to set rules. foe each other, the potential of non-state actors should alsa be harnessed, Despite robust commitment in the implementation of international law and confidence building measures in the cyer realm tased on 11 UNGGE voluntary narms, nan-state actors will be able to jeopardize mutual trust that has been buat in a cordial fashion.® Certain groups of people who. possess the necessary expertise and tools «an easly wreak haves towards norm-abiding states. “These people are commonly knawn as hacktivist, patric hackers or cyber proxies.) There was a pprecedant in 2013 where Indonesian patriotic hackers launched a DDoS attack against an ‘Australian government website." More ‘catastrophic cyber attacks by non-state actors has previously taken place in Estonia in 2007 waere the country’s internet was systernatically brought down."* Unlike kinetic wars where anly armed forces own cruise missles sufficient to hit adversaries, ee a Unwersity > AUSTRALIA G va, non-state cyber actors can simply purchase a zero-day 8. COASDFAT 2018 Jont Chars statment exploit on the dark wes and unleash it against digital SEAY Arar Pa ep infrastructure abroad." While there has not been an ae ageshoiicchals 3 Estonia-stye attack against ASEAN or Australia, the risk ber say alg has been and abways will be there, Therefore, extended 1 DFAT Cybe Aas, cyber policy and dalogue upon which muti stakeholders are "eos/latev ou ratoner included should be conternplated to make cyberspace sefer, ips - more secure and more stable. _ Rarer hanes Paes Recommending Norms of Ssnaver, HRMBhIng Aspects of hort Law Heescoe glee aces 2015 un gps ‘eparemajor-aleyers~ecomine References - ahliting-aspects- ‘awe Security dex, 9. Maurer 2015, Cyoer Proxies and Usraie publ rie ater 9 in Kennath Geers (Ed in 18 PDF-E pal, Perapacive:R 2. CSA2019, Factsheet: ASEAN-SINGAPORE Nar (CYBERSCCURITY CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE [ASCO 10. Cuming 2017, Hackiviy wil npose a threat ws gowsp)-Imedialcsaldacuments/siow Southeast Asia ard i's, what ae the mnpications for jamecMacisheetnaDasece M2019 I>, ‘sivala”, Indo-Pacific Svotegs Digest Aesralie 3. DFAT 017 brand ye Engagement Se menor Chere c een et Cyber affarsieicespaDFATSOAICES, 5. The Cyber Seeurty Tech A (Objective, , YOUTH PERSPECTIVES // 2

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