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Best Practice Guidance
For Developers, Owners,
Designers & Constructors
The Steel Construction Institute (SCI) develops and promotes the effective use of steel in
construction. It is an independent, membership based organisation.

SCI’s research and development activities cover many aspects of steel construction including
multi-storey structures, industrial buildings, bridges, civil engineering and offshore engineering.
Forms of construction addressed include steel and composite frames, light steel framing systems
and modular construction. Activities encompass guidance on structural design in carbon and
stainless steels, dynamic performance, fire engineering, sustainable construction, architectural
design, building physics (including design for acoustic and thermal performance), value
engineering, and information technology.

It is also involved in the sponsorship of research and development, the provision of education,
advisory and information services, the preparation of publications (currently over 200 titles)
and participation in the writing of standards and codes of practice, and the activities of relevant
national and international bodies.

Membership is open to all organisations and individuals that are concerned with the use of
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academics and government departments in the United Kingdom, elsewhere in Europe and in
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The Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7QN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1344 623345

Cover page image Proshed, Daventry

Courtesy of Barrett Steel Buildings

Picture on page 1: Gazeley G-Park Bedford using Colorcoat Prisma®

Image courtesy of Corus
Picture on page 15: Astral Court, Baglan using Colorcoat Celestia®
Image courtesy of Corus

Single Storey Buildings

Edited by:
G. K. Raven BSc(Eng), CEng, MICE
M. D. Heywood MEng, PhD, CEng, MICE

Published by:
The Steel Construction Institute
Silwood Park
Berkshire SL5 7QN

Tel: 01344 623345

Fax: 01344 622944
© 2006 The Steel Construction Institute

Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study or criticism or review, as permitted under the
Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form
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only in accordance with the terms of the licences issued by the UK Copyright Licensing Agency, or in accordance
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Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here should be sent to the publishers, The Steel Construction
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Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, that all data and information contained herein
are accurate to the extent that they relate to either matters of fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time
of publication, The Steel Construction Institute, the authors and the reviewers assume no responsibility for any errors
in or misinterpretations of such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising from or related to their use.

Publications supplied to the Members of the Institute at a discount are not for resale by them.

Publication Number: SCI P347

ISBN 1 85942 167 9

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
The construction of large single storey buildings, widely known as ‘sheds’, is a significant part of the UK steel
construction sector. Sheds are used in many aspects of modern life, such as retail stores, distribution ware-
houses, manufacturing facilities and leisure centres. Rising client expectations, Health & Safety regulations and
Sustainability initiatives are impacting on shed construction. In turn the technologies used to meet these re-
quirements demonstrate a willingness to embrace innovation in design, manufacturing and detailing. Examples
are the use of plastic design, IT systems for design and manufacture, advanced cold formed components and
highly efficient cladding systems.
A successful shed combines these technologies in an optimum way, but this demands high levels of understand-
ing of the interdependencies. To improve this understanding, the SCI floated the idea of a Super Shed Group,
and although the name officially changed to the Single Storey Building Group, the nickname stuck and best
describes the intent of the group’s discussions. The group consists of invited personalities from various design
and supply organisations in the shed supply chain. This work is based on the individuals’ collective wisdom
and on discussions with associates intimately involved with shed construction.
The SCI has been responsible for the facilitation of the group and authorship of this publication.
The members of the group are:
Richard Barrett Barrett Steel Buildings Ltd. (Chairman of the Group)
Erle Andrews Metsec plc
Roy Burns Metsec plc
Mike Fewster Billington Structures Ltd.
Grenville Griffiths Caunton Engineering Ltd.
Kevin Hall Hathaway Roofing
Ian Hodgson Kingspan Metl-Con
Carlton Jones Corus Colors
Tom Paul Kingspan Insulated Panels
Graeme Peacock Corus Colors
Roger Peel Cameron Taylor
Ken Ripley Hathaway Roofing
Alan Todd Corus Construction & Industrial
John Verity Yorkshire Sheeting & Insulation Services Ltd.
Brian Watson C A Group
Tony White Michael Sparks Associates
Graham Raven SCI
Martin Heywood SCI
The Group is self funding. The additional contribution of Corus Construction & Industrial, and Corus Colors
towards this publication is gratefully acknowledged.
I am pleased to be the Chairman of the group which has been notable for the robust and progressive discussions
Richard Barrett
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
A history of change
Target audience
Supply chain integration
Client values
Supply chain contribution

Procurement Process 5
Design and Build contracts
Early involvement of supply chain
Selection of supply chain
Achieving collaborative working
Achieving commitment
Traditional contract arrangements
Selection of contract arrangement

Overall Design 11
Interdependence of frames and envelopes
Energy efficiency
Design coordination
Mainly architecture
Mainly engineering
Influences on structural design and costs
Sustainable construction
Economic considerations
Social aspects
Environmental considerations

Detail Design Issues 21

Emissions reduction
Impact on envelope design and details
Compliance strategy
Strength considerations for the envelope and supporting members
Roof drainage systems
Structural frame
Selection of systems and components
Design parameters
Detailed design

Client, Contractor and Professional Team Issues 31

Health & Safety
Ground slabs and foundations
Office areas
Other considerations

Final Reflections 35
Steel framed long span single storey buildings, widely known as ‘sheds’,
are a common sight across the UK, fulfilling a variety of roles from large
functional distribution warehouses to modern, attractive leisure facilities.

• Sheds
This publication examines the procurement of such buildings and offers
best practice guidance to clients, designers and constructors, based on
the experiences of some of the leading players in this sector of the UK • A history of change
construction industry. The contributors, who are acknowledged as leading
players in the sector, are listed in the foreword.
• Target audience

• Supply chain

• Client values

• Supply chain

Gazeley G-Park, Bedford

Courtesy of Corus

The word ‘shed’ in the context its beginnings in industrial buildings
of steel framed building is into a construction form that can
widely accepted shorthand for enhance most aspects of modern life:
steel framed and clad long span retail, leisure, transport, distribution
single storey buildings that often and manufacturing. The shed sector
contain a significant area of office is now one of the most efficient and
accommodation. This form of successful in UK construction with
construction is, in fact, far removed an annual value of approximately
from the connotations usually £1 billion for frames and £1.5 billion
associated with a garden shed and for associated envelope systems.
has very successfully grown from

Introduction “The use of sheds is no longer
A history of change
During the 1970s and 1980s the
focus of shed design was on the
steel frame and compliance with
the structural requirements of
the Building Regulations. Basic
profiled steel cladding systems,
the forerunners of today’s more
sophisticated envelope systems,
were emerging into the market at
this time, but these were simply
fixed to the frame along with
minimal insulation. Today, there
are many more demands on
envelope systems, in particular
relating to the energy conservation
demands of Part L of the Building
Regulations and the high-value Aerial view of DIRFT Logistics Complex
activities for which these buildings Courtesy of Caunton Engineering Limited
are employed. Obtaining
approval for the structure is now
routine and the focus of Building
Regulation compliance has shifted procurement process, with all Supply chain
parties working more closely
to the envelope system. This
together to produce a better shed.
emphasis will increase further
with the introduction of a revised This publication is intended to
This publication is about the
Part L, with its more onerous encourage others to follow the
interdependence of the various
requirements, and the European new best practice.
parties in the supply chain and
Energy Performance of Buildings perhaps more significantly of
Directive in April 2006. the individuals involved, rather
Target audience than the technical detail of steel
Since their introduction, sheds building design. Readers are
have become larger and more This publication is aimed at assumed to be competent in
complex in terms of their helping clients, developers, their particular areas, but may
requirements. At the same time, funders, occupiers, specifiers, not be aware of the interactions
clients have come to expect faster designers, contractors and with others that can aid or, if
construction programmes, greater specialist contractors, i.e. not understood, prevent the best
economy and improved quality. anyone who is involved in the outcome for all concerned.
Individual disciplines within the procurement of sheds. It aims
supply chain have responded to provide a more sympathetic
to these increased demands understanding of the performance
with a series of developments drivers for each of the players
in construction technology. and examine the effect that
However, the leading players these drivers can have on the
in the sector recognise that the others in the supply chain. It
necessary improvements in assumes that the reader is aware
shed construction also require of the technologies and systems
significant changes to the involved.


restricted to industrial buildings” Chapter 1

Client values
All clients commissioning • Maintenance
buildings have a business case for Full-repairing twenty five year Note:
doing so. For instance, they may leases, where the tenant is
The energy conservation
be building it for their own use, responsible for maintenance,
regulations differ in the
to rent out, as an investment or to are being replaced by shorter
various nations of the UK.
sell on. Although sheds are one ones, where the owner carries
However, for convenience
of the least complicated building the responsibility. This
Part L, which is the rel-
forms, there are several criteria encourages the choice of
evant regulation for “The
which can affect the value that the better quality materials with a
conservation of fuel and
building brings to the clients and longer life expectancy in order
power” in England and
users alike: to reduce maintenance costs.
Wales, is used to cover
Increasingly, suppliers are
the similar regulations
• Speed of Construction providing guarantees and advice
across the UK. Dates for
Logistics or similar businesses on necessary maintenance.
the revisions also vary.
may need the building urgently
to service a new contract and • Sustainability
therefore speed of construction Energy costs and the reduction
is vital. This can affect the of CO2 emissions are becoming
design in many ways that increasingly important and
are perhaps not immediately sustainability is now a key issue In today’s competitive
apparent. For example: within the planning process. In environment, all members
- The layout and components future, it is likely that planning of the supply chain are
can be designed so that permission will be easier under pressure in terms
parallel rather than sequential to obtain with sustainable, of the increased complex-
construction can take place. environmentally friendly LW\ RI WKHLU RZQ VSHFL¿F
- Interfaces between trades solutions. This is especially tasks and the reductions
should be minimised. true in London. Many clients, in time available to carry
- Collaborative discussion potential clients and occupiers them out. In addition, with
between trades will be needed have sustainability policies the increasing complexity
to ensure that, whatever against which their performance there is also an increased
is decided, all aspects of is monitored by shareholders interdependency between
construction can proceed and the public. the various elements. A
safely. high degree of co-op-
eration and coordination is
• Flexibility in use needed in order to achieve
The client may at some point an economic and high
wish to sell the building to quality outcome. A key
an investment organisation. feature of any successful
To facilitate this option, supply chain team is that
institutional criteria such as it collectively understands
minimum height and more how the whole building
onerous imposed loads can be works and recognises
specified to maintain the asset the interdependencies
value and provide flexibility for between the various
unknown future uses. elements.



Supply chain contribution

The criteria for the selection of the since they involve the integration
various companies in the supply of a few well-developed systems.
chain should take into account The details within each system
the potential supplier’s and are in the control of that system’s
individual’s understanding of how supplier rather than the overall
they can ensure the outcome that architect. By comparison, other
best meets the client’s business buildings are constructed from
aspirations. This publication is many individual components and
intended to assist the process. often assembled in a form that is
unique to that particular building,
The advice has been gleaned with the architect having more
from those with a history of control over all aspects of the
working for knowledgeable and design.
experienced clients, who are
experts in their fields and are It is essential that clients
anxious to share their knowledge recognise this important
to help others avoid unnecessary difference between sheds and
difficulties and raise the general traditional building construction,
standards of the sector to those of by selecting a contractor who has
the best. a history of bringing the system
suppliers together early in the
The success of any construction procurement process. This will
project depends not only on enable their interdependence to
the quality of the companies be recognised and exploited to
and individuals involved but provide the overall best solution
also on the procurement route. for the client. Successful clients
Sheds differ from other forms recognise this and ensure that they
of building in terms of their select the procurement route and
architectural design approach, suppliers to suit their needs.

Distribution warehouse for Argos Direct, Bedford

Courtesy of Barrett Steel Buildings Ltd.


2 Procurement Process
Although there is a proliferation of procurement processes in general
construction, there are only two processes in common use for sheds:
‘Design and Build’ and ‘Traditional’. Of these, ‘Design and Build’ has by
far the largest share of the market. This situation has evolved because: • Design and Build
• The product is relatively simple when compared to other types of
• There are well-developed systems for all parts of the construction.
• The client brief can be set out in a relatively straightforward • Early involvement of
manner. supply chain
• The size of the market has attracted many competent companies to
develop systems and offer their services.
• Selection of supply

• Achieving

• Achieving

• Traditional contract

• Selection of contract
B & Q, Ashford arrangement

Design and Build contracts

The prime attraction for the client of petence and financial strength from
the Design and Build process is that which clients can select their team.
the risks are passed to a contractor, Many large clients with significant
who is responsible for all the design repeat business have developed good
and construction aspects. The relationships with a relatively small
contractor’s role is to manage all of number of organisations, who have
the activities and ensure the quality become accustomed to working with
of the completed building. This each other in informal and trusting
situation works well, because there partnership arrangements. This has
are sufficient companies within the proved extremely beneficial to all
sector, who have the relevant com- parties involved.

Procurement Process “Manufactured and constructed
An important ingredient in Design
and Build relationships that tends
to develop over a considerable
period is that of trust between
the parties. This may be difficult
to achieve in new situations, but
it should be a major objective.
The working arrangements and
form of contract selected should
be such that they encourage and
reward helpful behaviour. This
generally requires communications
of all kinds to be as transparent as
Retail Park, Beckton ground conditions and drainage if
Despite passing much of the &RXUWHV\RI+DWKDZD\5RR¿QJ this has not been done already.
risk and responsibility to the
responsibilities, the key roles
contractor, the client retains overall The main contractor has to manage
which will be played by the project
responsibility for Health & Safety. all the interfaces between the
participants and their employees
The appointment of experienced, various elements of the work. This
and the skills required to perform
responsible contractors and coordination role is very important
these roles. These factors may
specialist contractors is an essential and can be undertaken in-house,
influence the choice of contractors.
part of this duty. although in many cases he will pay
Once a main contractor has been an architect to act on his behalf.
Early involvement of appointed, he becomes responsible
supply chain for all design and construction It is noteworthy that with
In most cases, an architect is activities in the project, although experienced and knowledgeable
commissioned to produce the it is common to employ specialist clients, the specifications tend to
concept designs and obtain the subcontractors to carry out the be thinner documents that make
necessary planning permissions actual construction work. The use of trusted manufacturers’
together with sufficient information architect who produces the concept recommendations. Less
to obtain tenders from contractors design is often subsequently experienced clients and their
and select the successful bid. novated to the selected main advisors tend to produce thick
The pre-contract period should contractor, together with the specifications that aim to defend
be used to sort out the design engineer who initially appraises the against failure rather than
encouraging energy to be spent in
ensuring that all goes well. This
may be a reflection on the earlier
state of the construction industry,
but there is a growing body of
successful firms which can testify
to the benefits of encouraging
success. The progressive
approach does require greater
engagement by all concerned
rather than the attitude of “go
away and sort it out amongst
Distribution warehouse yourselves”. As in all aspects of
Courtesy of Michael Sparks Associates life, caring attitudes are infectious.


using efficient production processes” Chapter 2

Selection of supply
chain • Design and
It is important therefore to two important factors. Firstly, the Build contracts
work with people who have participants have to be certain predominate
demonstrated that they can deliver they will be carrying out the work,
predictably in terms of cost, time even though, secondly, they will • Knowledgeable
and quality. This is a familiar list not be fully committed financially designers, main
of attributes, but the will to work at this stage. This is important,
collaboratively and not cynically because they must be free to bring
contractors and
is an important addition. ideas to the project, safe in the specialists need to
knowledge that the information be selected
The selection of the supply will not benefit their competitors.
team is critical but not always However, the joint discussions • Client retains overall
easy. Clients should select an with fellow suppliers might affect responsibility for
architect and, where necessary, the detail and costs of their work
an engineer who are familiar with package. Cost reduction exercises
Health & Safety
their business needs and the type are frequently part of the process, aspects of design,
of work envisaged. The appoint- but the interdependence of the construction and use
ment of the main contractor and systems must be remembered by
specialist sub-contractors should all and the knock on effects taken • Main contractor
be discussed between the client into account. is responsible
and his advisors who are already
in place. Help is available from There will obviously be a more
for design and
reputable trade associations cooperative approach if the coordination
such as the Metal Cladding appropriate mechanisms are
and Roofing Manufacturers in place, rather than having to • Early involvement of
Association (MCRMA) the defend a fixed contract sum in all parties in design
British Constructional Steelwork which it may have been necessary process is essential
Association (BCSA). The latter to include some guesstimates of
maintains a Register of Steelwork what to include at a detailed level.
Contractors with guidance on To achieve this end there are two • Financial
the type and size of contracts for possible approaches: commitments should
which they have the skills and UHÀHFWWKLV
financial stability. • A partial order to cover the
work in stages.
• Contracts and
Achieving collabora- • A letter of intent, but with
recognition of the risks of
tive working cancellation incorporated. should encourage
The preferred key players should and reward helpful
be brought together by the Forward commitments need behaviour
contractor as soon as practicable. to include a recognition that
Initially, these players will be suppliers have to manage the
the architect, engineer and the • Minimising problems
efficient use of their resources
steelwork and building envelope and, while they will undoubtedly is achieved
contractors. The design topics be as cooperative as possible, it through improving
to be discussed are covered in may be difficult to accommodate relationships
the next chapter, but in terms of short term postponements in a between people
stages in the contract there are busy schedule.


Procurement Process “Highly efficient designs to

Achieving If trust is to be developed, it aspects of the design work. The

is important to ensure that design team includes a consultant
commitment agreements made by senior people structural engineer to design
Through early design orientated
in meetings are followed by the steel frame and specify the
meetings, financial commitment
actions in practice. Care is needed secondary steel components. The
can be finalised on the basis of
to ensure that those working at the main contractor, who is selected
information which is consistent
detail level are fully conversant through a competitive tendering
across the supply chain, knowing
with the agreements reached and process, is responsible for
that all pertinent issues and
understand why they will improve constructing the works according
opportunities for improving
the performance of the overall to the information provided by
performance have been explored.
project. the design team. Much of the
The contract should provide
construction work, including
a framework for resolving
The actions and attitudes of the erection of the steel frame
disagreements if something does
the people involved are most and installation of the cladding,
go wrong rather than attempting
important and these will be is likely to be carried out by
and, probably failing, to ensure
determined by the company specialist subcontractors.
that problems do not occur.
culture as much as by instruction.
Partnership based procurement The traditional approach tends to
Minimising the occurrence of
has been extolled by some and be used for specialised buildings,
problems is achieved through
in time, it may be the situation since the architect, and hence the
improving relationships between
to which industry should aspire. client, retains more control. Some
people. This is extremely difficult
However, well run Design & Build elements of the building, notably
to achieve through the use of
is currently best practice and a the frame, may be procured
complex documents. People
good foundation on which to through a limited design and build
perform best when they are
move forward. process.
incentivised and want to perform
well, not because a piece of paper
says they ought to. Time spent Traditional contract Selection of contract
defending a contract would be arrangements arrangement
better spent improving the job. Although Design and Build The decision as to which
However, protection for all is is easily the most common process to employ depends
needed as things can go wrong. contractual arrangement for the on the relative importance of
Construction is not exempt procurement of sheds, ‘traditional’ maintaining control of the design
from the law of unintentional construction contracts are process and the competitive edge
consequences. also employed and may offer offered by Design and Build. Of
advantages to clients in certain particular note are the different
circumstances. In this type responsibilities of the various
of contract, the architect and parties in the different contract
design team are appointed by the arrangements.
client and are responsible for all


well established standards” Chapter 2

The construction industry has been characterised as being adversarial in its relationships between
the parties in the supply chain. It would therefore be surprising if there was not a certain amount of
cynicism and scepticism about the practicality of the ways of working extolled in this publication.
However, members of the Single Storey Building Group, which include key players in the UK
supply chain, have shown that the concepts do work in practice and have many successful projects
and satisfied clients to justify the guidance.

The following chapters demonstrate how the Design and Build procurement route can be used to
provide the best outcome for shed clients and occupiers. The early involvement of the supply chain
to resolve the design and interface issues saves cost and increases value.

River Road, Barking East London

Courtesy of Michael Sparks Associates


industry. Leading suppliers manufacture the components offsite, using
computer controlled equipment driven directly by information contained
in 3D computer models used for detailing. In addition to driving the
Overall Design
Steel construction is one of the most efficient sectors in the construction

• Interdependence
manufacturing process, the information in the model is also used for
ordering, scheduling, dispatch and erection. Shed construction at its best,
of frames and
with its highly integrated design and manufacture, represents levels of envelopes
efficiency to which other sectors aspire. The key to realising the highest
level of efficiency is to work in a way that enables the optimum use of this • (QHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\

• Airtightness

• Design Coordination

• Mainly architecture

• Mainly engineering

structural design
and costs

Kingswood Lakeside Business Park, Cannock

• Sustainable
Courtesy of Barrett Steel Buildings Ltd. construction
Interdependence of frames and envelopes • Economic
The most popular choice of structural frames are usually heavier, as they
form for sheds with spans of 20 to do not fully utilise the capacity
60 m is the portal frame because of the sections, but are simpler to
of its excellent structural efficiency design and detail using non-specialist • Social aspects
and ease of fabrication and erection. design software. Elastic methods
Portal frames may be designed using are sometimes used by consulting
elastic or plastic techniques, but engineers working on smaller • Environmental
plastic design tends to be favoured contracts. For longer spans, lattice considerations
by steelwork contractors, because trusses may be used to advantage
it results in a more efficient and instead of portal frames. Trusses are
lighter structure. It is therefore likely to be more efficient for spans
employed almost exclusively in over 60 m and in buildings of shorter
‘Design and Build’ projects in the spans where there is a significant
UK. Elastically designed portal amount of mechanical plant.

Overall Design “Focus of attention has

B&Q, Belvedere

The structural efficiency of • The use of sheds is no longer The new regulations will also
portal frames is partly due to restricted to industrial buildings implement the EU Energy
the provision of restraint to and they are now used in a Performance of Buildings
the rafters and columns by the wide range of commercial Directive (EPBD) with its
purlins and side rails respectively. applications. Examples include requirement for energy labelling.
Similarly, the efficiency of the multifunctional headquarters, Guidance on the application
purlins is dependent on restraint call centres, retail and leisure of the regulations to envelope
provided by the cladding. The premises. construction can be found
cladding sheets are profiled to in publications by SCI and
provide the necessary strength • The need to promote client MCRMA.
to span between the purlins and image and public access has
provide the required restraint. The meant more attention has The cladding has become the
profile has also to accommodate been given to planning and most significant element in the
storm water run-off. Designers aesthetics. building and the emphasis and
and contractors should note culture have to reflect this by
that good interaction between Important too has been the designing the building from the
the components is essential focus on the energy saving outside in, rather than the earlier
for structural efficiency and, qualities of the envelope and approach of the structure first with
for this reason, the cladding the increased significance of basic cladding systems fixed to it.
must be fixed to all purlins and the “Conservation of Fuel and The choice of building envelope
rails in accordance with the Power” as set out in Part L of the contractor has also become more
manufacturer’s recommendations. Building Regulations. A revision significant if economic compli-
to these regulations is due for ance with regulations is to be
The design methods for the steel implementation in April 2006 and reliably achieved.
structure are now well understood further changes are expected in
and accepted by all parties and the 2010 and beyond.
focus of attention has shifted to
the envelope and how this is to be
supported. There are two major
reasons for this:


shifted to the envelope” Chapter 3

(QHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ Airtightness

Reductions in U-values over The introduction of airtightness

recent years have led to a con- testing in the 2002 revision to
siderable increase in insulation Part L highlighted the importance
thickness, with implications for of designing and delivering a
stability (of built-up systems), building that is not ‘draughty’.
cladding weight and consequential Recent studies have demonstrated
handling requirements. There that controlling airtightness is a
is a common perception that this very effective way of improving
trend will continue indefinitely as energy conservation.
future regulatory changes increase As an example, while the current
the demands on the building minimum standard for airtightness
envelope. However, in reality, of buildings is 10m3/m2/hr at 50
the relationship between insulation Pascals, levels of airtightness
thickness and energy efficiency down to a tested value of Note:
is subject to a law of diminishing 2m3/m2/hr are possible with
returns and the point has now been standard shed construction. Recent studies have
reached where further increases in However, achieving this level shown that controlling
insulation thickness are unlikely depends on assured construction airtightness is a very
to yield significant improvements quality and detailing. For effective way of improving
in energy performance. buildings with floor areas less than energy conservation.
5,000 m2, achieving good levels
Levels of airtightness
For many applications, the of airtightness becomes difficult
down to a tested value of
inclusion of roof lights is to achieve due to the higher
2m3/m2/hr are achievable.
important because they reduce proportion of openings relative to
the amount of artificial lighting the clad area. While a common
that is needed and, consequently, view is that airtightness is the
the energy demands of the responsibility of the cladding
building. However, they also contractor, in reality the necessary
increase solar gain, which can quality of construction can only
lead to overheating in summer and be achieved if all contributors to
increase cooling demand. Heat the supply chain understand the
loss through thermal bridging requirements and the building
also becomes more significant design is well coordinated.
as the insulation thickness
increases, requiring the use of
enhanced details and specialised
components in order to meet with
the regulatory requirements.

A balance of all the factors

is necessary to optimise the
reduction of emissions in the
building operations.

Pressure testing at the B&Q Distribution Centre, Worksop

Courtesy of BSRIA


Overall Design “Set appropriate criteria
Design coordination

As has been emphasised in

the section on procurement, a
significant part of the design
process of the actual building is
the coordination of the interfaces
between the various specialist
systems. This task, traditionally
undertaken by the architect, is not
easy because “how do you tell
people what they do not know, if
they do not know that they don’t
know”. In a Design and Build
contract, the main contractor is
responsible for the design. To
assist with the coordination, it is
beneficial for the contractor to
prepare a list of drawings that the
architect is expected to produce,
with the help of appropriate

Over the past twenty years,

there have been changes in the
overall size and usage of sheds
and many of the assumptions
on which early shed design and
detailing were based are no
longer valid. This is because
sheds are used for a wide variety
of building types. Buildings are
larger, higher and more highly
serviced than they used to be.
Under the predominant Design
and Build form of procurement,
the contractor is responsible for
the design, and it is important
to select one who knows what Magnum 25, Waltham Cross
constitutes a good design for the Courtesy of Michael Sparks Associates
intended use, what they expect to
see from the suppliers and how it
can be achieved.


before competitive tender” Chapter 3

Mainly architecture
The focus for the design should ownership or usage etc. will
be to provide clients and building encourage standards to be set for Attributes that should be
users with solutions that improve this attribute too. considered, in addition to
their business performance. those required by regula-
While this document concentrates Developers and funders are tions include:
on the influences relating to the clearly anxious that any
building-specific design, in the investment is future proofed in • Overall geometry
pre-contract phase the architect terms of its asset value and this
- Minimum height (clear-
has a significant role in dealing generally means that flexibility
ance for crane beams,
with site-specific issues such as for potential future tenants or
obtaining planning permission and owners is a significant criterion. depth of haunch etc)
dealing with abnormal situations Nobody wants to pay more than - Achieving maximum
such as wayleaves and flood risk. they need, but it is important to set lettable area according
appropriate quality and technical to the conventions for
A prime task for the architect criteria (and see that these are measurement
is the sizing of the building and maintained throughout the design - Column layouts to give
the determination of how the and construction process) before DSSURSULDWHIXWXUHÀH[
elements are set out relative to going out to competitive tender. ibility of use
grid lines. There are institutional
standards for measuring • Loading
lettable area, minimum height - Service loads on purlins
to underside of structure, floor - Service loads on frame
loadings, durability of cladding ,PSRVHGÀRRUORDGV
etc. The advent of the EU
Energy Performance of Buildings • Cladding system and
Directive in 2006, where buildings available guarantees
will have to have their energy
rating declared on change of
• Adequate access for
possible future vehicle


• Potential for re-use /

recycling of materials

• End of useful life


• Energy consumption
and reduction of CO2
Astral Court, Baglan
Courtesy of Corus


Overall Design “Ensure clarity in
Mainly engineering
The effects of the site conditions suitable foundation system. In have implications for the cost of
on the structural solution, together the majority of buildings, the the foundations. It is, therefore,
with the engineering design of structural frame will be pin-based, important that this decision is
external works, will normally with some fixity assumed when made by the consulting engineer
require the appointment of a assessing serviceability conditions rather than the steelwork
consulting engineer to work and stability. Economies in contractor, as the former will
alongside the architect prior to the frame design in terms of be in a better position to assess
letting the Design and Build weight of steel can be made the overall effect on the cost of
contract. The duties will include where nominally fixed bases the building and suitability with
the selection and design of a are used, but this approach will regard to the ground conditions.

The Pompey Centre, Portsmouth

Courtesy of Metsec plc

When obtaining prices, it is • The cladding system and • All necessary secondary
important to ensure that there frame design are based on the support members and fixings
is clarity as to what is expected same wind loading criteria. A are included.
in each work package and that set of calculations should be
submissions are reviewed for requested from the envelope • The tolerances of the frame
any ambiguity and omissions. contractor showing the fixings and chosen cladding system
Particular attention should be required. It is recommended are compatible. This issue
given to ensuring that: that the steelwork contractor has become more important
issues the relevant sections of as aesthetics have assumed
his design information to the greater importance, leading
envelope contractor. to the selection of cladding
systems with tighter tolerance


each work package” Chapter 3

• Provisions have been set out updated their assumptions

for sprinkler systems and that in line with changes in the • Building
these can be sustained in terms construction. The location Regulations impact
of both load capacity and of overflow pipes affects the
space required with pipes of layout of the steel framing on structure and
150 – 200 mm. The sprinkler and the advent of syphonic envelope
system is itself generally drainage systems means that the
carried by the purlin system and tolerances and deflections of the
the layout can affect bracing support system can be critical
• Structural design
locations and arrangements. for effective operation. The methods are now
Larger pipes may need special weight of the gutters is such well understood
provision. that cranage is necessary and
this may need to be provided by
by designers and
• Loads on secondary members the steelwork contractor. Building Control
are adequate. Cladding systems
and services have increased While some of these issues • Focus of attention
in weight over the years and might not appear to be
assumptions may be lagging significant, readers should note has shifted to
behind current practice. that it is not unknown for the design and
steelwork contractor to be asked construction of
• An adequate allowance has to tender (and sometimes even
been made for the weight of the supply) without knowledge of envelope
gutters. Insulated gutters weigh the cladding system. Similarly,
around 140 kg for a 3 m length the envelope contractor • Envelope quality
and require specific design is sometimes given little
of the supporting steelwork. knowledge of the supporting
depends on
Gutters are often designed on structure. interaction with
the assumption that they will structure and its
fill with snow, but it should The above list is not exhaustive
not be forgotten that they can and due care should be taken
also fill with water, which is in each individual project. If
considerably heavier than snow. this is not recognised, the • Asset value of the
The supporting steelwork likely outcome will be a poor building is affected
design should recognise these building and a procurement
loads, but experience suggests process marked by a series of by design criteria
that many designers have not contractual disputes.
• Services and
ancilliary loading
have increased
since traditional
assumptions were


Overall Design “Sustainable construction
Sustainable Economic Social aspects
construction considerations
Sustainable construction
As has been described earlier, should also help improve the
The need to consider quality of life of all involved
sustainability is now recognised steel construction systems
have been refined over the past in its production. The high
in all walks of life and the proportion of offsite fabrication
importance of the role played three decades and the various
elements of the building are in steel buildings means that
by construction is now widely working conditions are safer,
acknowledged. The requirement brought together in a highly
integrated design, which is then better controlled and protected
for sustainable construction from the weather. Additionally,
is being encouraged in many manufactured and constructed
using efficient production by providing a fixed location
ways, ranging from regulations for employees, it is easier
such as Part L to the societal processes. The use of material
is highly optimised and waste to develop communities and
pressures expressed through the family life than with an itinerant
increasing adoption of Corporate virtually eliminated. The
buildings themselves are used labour force associated with
Social Responsibility policies site-based construction. A stable
by companies. The ability for most aspects of modern life
including logistics, retail, leisure, workforce is also beneficial for
to demonstrate a sustainable the development of skills, since
approach is becoming an essential commercial and manufacturing
and so provide economically the employers will be more likely
part of obtaining planning to invest in their employees
permission. efficient infrastructure on which
we all depend. by facilitating training and
encouraging career development
The concept of sustainability activities.
is underpinned by the need to
balance the triple bottom line of
economic, social and
environmental viability. Good
construction should meet all
three criteria and good shed
construction certainly does.

Courtesy of Metsec Plc.


improves the quality of life” Chapter 3

Environmental considerations
The environmental aspects of sustainability has possibly the
sustainability are well developed greatest impact on the environ- • Design and
and there are powerful arguments ment, since the CO2 emissions
in favour of the use of steel associated with the operation of manufacture is
sheds over alternative forms of any building far exceed those UHVRXUFHHI¿FLHQW
construction. Steel is among resulting from its construction. In
the most recovered and recycled this respect, modern steel sheds
materials available. Research has perform well, easily meeting if not • Sheds provide
shown that 84% of steel frames exceeding the requirements of the infrastructure for
and cladding from demolition latest regulations. modern living
sites is recycled and a further 10%
reused. Although the materials The steel construction sector
are recovered after demolition, was one of the first to introduce • Offsite
extending the building’s life is a sustainability strategy with the manufacture
generally more beneficial. This is publication of Sustainable Steel
contributes to
often possible with steel construc- Construction – Building a Better
tion, since the large open spaces Future in 2002. The BCSA safe working,
designed to appropriate standards launched a Sustainability Charter skills and
give flexibility for potential for its members in the autumn
changes in use. The concept of of 2005. Achieving Sustainable
extending a building’s life also Construction – a Client’s Guide development
applies to the building envelope: was published by SCI and BCSA
for example by specifying the in 2003 and the SCI is developing • Sheds provide
latest organically coated steel further guidance, to be published
cladding, which is designed to in early 2006. ÀH[LELOLW\WR
give a guaranteed design life of up clients
to 30 years.

In service, energy consumption

• 84% of
and carbon emissions are regu- components are
lated by Part L of the Building recycled and
Regulations. This aspect of
10% re-used

• Sheds are energy


• Sector has
developed a

The Steel Construction Sector’s

Sustainability Strategy


Overall Design

This chapter has highlighted the need to coordinate the overall design of the individual work
packages such that the specialist contractors are able to interact and jointly provide the optimum

As with any design, improvements and changes should be introduced at the earliest possible
stage, when the cost of change is at a minimum and the potential for saving at a maximum. It is
possible that the savings in one area will result in increased costs in allied disciplines and careful
judgement is needed to weigh up the overall benefit to the client. This can be achieved effectively
with procurement through the Design and Build route. Unfortunately, in a competitive situation,
where the difference between financial success and failure can be measured in a few pounds at the
tender stage of a project, there is little inclination to increase spending for the sake of someone
else’s benefit. There is a need for clients to recognise this fact and to seek the best overall value
(not necessarily lowest construction cost) by encouraging interdisciplinary design development and
providing a framework that enables mutual benefits to be shared between the project partners.

Steel is among the most recovered and recycled material available


4 Detail Design Issues
The importance of the building envelope has been stressed throughout
this publication, particularly in relation to the drive to improve the energy
efficiency of buildings through a combination of well-insulated components,
reduced thermal bridging and reduced air leakage. This section expands on • Emissions reduction
the key detailed design issues that need to be considered in order to achieve
a successful outcome in terms of Part L compliance, lower fuel bills for the
building owner or occupier and a favourable energy label. • Impact on envelope
design and details

• Compliance strategy

• Strength
considerations for
the envelope and
supporting members

• Roof drainage
Construction of the steel frame
Courtesy of Billington Structures Ltd.
Emissions reduction • Structural frame
The increasing importance in the efficiency of the heating, ventilation
Government’s agenda of reducing lighting and control systems. There • Selection of systems
carbon dioxide emissions is will be no prescribed elemental
being delivered through revisions insulation values in the regulations
and components
to the Building Regulations but to ensure good practice is
Conservation of Fuel and Power. adopted, there will be a maximum • Design parameters
The new regulations, which are allowable U-value set for each
to be implemented in April 2006, type of component. It will be the
will demand that new construction designer’s role to determine the
• Detailed design
achieves a reduction in emissions of most economic and beneficial way
28% for mechanically ventilated and to achieve the required performance.
air conditioned buildings and 23.5% Up to 10% of the savings may be
for naturally ventilated buildings derived from the use of renewable
when compared to the equivalent energy devices such as photovoltaic
notional building that would panels or wind generation. In the
comply with the 2002 regulations. past, this technology has made little
Compliance will need to be impact because of its poor financial
demonstrated through the Simple viability, but there is now strong
Building Energy Model (SBEM), evidence of a growing interest in
which takes into account whole these solutions which are becoming
building performance including the more economic.

Detail Design Issues “Part L compliance depends
Impact on envelope design and details
The detailed design of the lights will be paramount. Due to permitted value of 10 m3/m2/hr
envelope is crucial to achieving the interaction between elements, at a pressure of 50 Pascals. In
compliance with Part L. The early involvement of envelope future, it will be possible to
use of whole building modelling suppliers is imperative, if failure include improvements in this
techniques to demonstrate and expensive remedial action is value as part of the emissions
compliance, rather than the to be avoided. It is vital that all the saving target. This means that
previously popular elemental interfaces between the cladding, Building Regulations approval
methods, will give designers more dado walls, doors, windows, can be sought based on a design
flexibility in how they achieve the ventilators etc. are robustly value chosen by the designers and
target emissions levels. Under detailed and the responsibility for the pre-completion test will have
the new regulations, no single producing these details clarified. to confirm that this value has in
element can be claimed to be Part Gaps in information lead to gaps fact been achieved. This could
L compliant, since compliance in the envelope and consequently be significant, as an improvement
with Part L 2006 depends on the a poor performance under airtight- of 3 m3/m2/hr is equivalent to
performance of the combination ness testing. Delivery of reliable a saving of 10% of the energy
of elements that make up the levels of airtightness and thermal losses through the envelope. As
building. bridging depends on the quality has been mentioned previously, it
of the construction, making the is possible to achieve test values
With the diminishing returns choice of subcontractor a key as low as 2 m3/m2/hr. However,
available from increasing issue. some caution is needed before
insulation, reliance on improved proceeding with designs which
airtightness, reduced thermal The 2002 Part L regulations rely on very low figures, as these
bridging and optimised use of required pre-completion testing may be difficult to achieve in
other components such as roof for airtightness with a maximum practice.



on the quality of construction” Chapter 4

The superficially attractive to ensure that lights are only

option of eliminating roof lights, switched on when required. The
which have considerably poorer design of the roof lights must be • Compliance with
U-values than opaque cladding, such that they can be installed Part L focuses on
has to be tempered by the energy safely as well as providing
used in the provision of artificial adequate seals for airtightness.
envelope design
light. The SBEM will include Designs are emerging with and quality of
calculations to take account of improved insulation values. construction
this, although it will be necessary
• Compliance
is based on
whole building

• Emissions
savings are
calculated using
the Simple
Building Energy
Model (SBEM)

• Airtightness
of the total
envelope is
factor and must
be proven by

Courtesy of Caunton Engineering Ltd.


Detail Design Issues “Structural aspects of the
Compliance strategy Strength
considerations for
The compliance strategy should construction quality. This is
have been determined during hard to define in absolute terms the envelope and
the overall design process. It and is dependent on the type of supporting members
is important that all contractors cladding being installed. It is
and suppliers ensure that the vitally important that end laps It is important not to forget the
detail design and quality of can be well secured in twin skin structural aspects of the envelope.
construction are appropriate to cladding and adequate bearing The issues that need consideration
the performance requirements. is achieved with composite are:
It is likely that the submission panels. These issues are
for Building Regulations explored in more detail in a • Restraint to the purlins and
approval and the specification forthcoming SCI publication rails.
of requirements for the SCI-P346 Good practice
various elements will be more guidance for cladding of • Adequacy of spacer systems.
complicated than before. This industrial buildings. The related
situation emphasises the need issues of the cleat position and • The strength of the profile to
to have appointed the delivery orientation, which can naturally resist applied loading in the
team at the earliest possible have a significant influence form of foot traffic and plant for
time. on the erected location of the installation and maintenance.
purlins and side rails, are due to
The interface with the be addressed in the next edition • Imposed loads from snow and
supporting framework has of the National Structural wind.
many facets. One of the most Steelwork Specification, which
important is the tolerances is expected to be published in • The number of fasteners
with which the purlins and the summer of 2006. needed, in particular for wind
side rails need to be specified suction.
in order for the envelope
contractor to be able to fix
the cladding to the required

Accurate secondary steelwork is essential if the building envelope is to

achieve its functional requirements
Courtesy of Kingspan Ltd.


envelope must not be forgotten” Chapter 4

Roof drainage
The loadings should be consistent Although mentioned in the
with those used for the frame overall design section, it bears • Structural
design and the frame designer is repeating that the design, detailing
best placed to provide them. The and erection of gutters is often
aspects of
design of the supporting structure neglected. Those involved in the envelope are
must take into account the need design of the supporting steelwork important
to support realistic cladding loads are often not aware of the impacts
during construction, as these arising from the introduction of
can be significant, especially as insulated gutters and syphonic • Overall strength
component weights increase with drainage systems. The weight is dependent
insulation requirements. The of the gutter, both in terms of
positioning of packs of cladding the handling difficulties during
panels on the roof prior to the installation and the strength and fasteners and
fixing operations is crucial both serviceability of the supporting spacer system
from the viewpoint of structural structure, is such that it requires
safety and of preventing damage specific attention. Attention is
to the purlins. It is important necessary to the fixing details so • Introduction of
that the construction loads do not that they can readily be attached insulated gutters
cause permanent deformation of to and restrain the supporting and syphonic
the purlins, as this could hinder or members. It is also good practice
even prevent the installation of the to include a secondary drainage drainage
cladding. system to avoid flooding into the systems impose
building if the system clogs and more stringent
With this in mind, the cladding fails. The gutter design should
packs and other materials should take account of the potential for requirements on
only be placed over the rafter flash floods and the fact gutters the supporting
backs. have to be maintainable with structure
access for removal of anything
likely to cause clogging.


Detail Design Issues “Faster construction
Structural frame Selection of systems and components
The overall structural design of Finally, it should be noted that The use of roof cladding,
the main frame is usually not some envelope contractors market rooflights and any other
a contentious issue as regards systems which coordinate the accessories, which have
obtaining Building Regulations sheeting and secondary elements been tested for fragility to
approval. The main detail design and are able to offer guarantees the appropriate standards, is
considerations are the provision on their overall performance. essential. This applies during the
of robust support for the envelope Others purchase components construction and perhaps more
and ancillary elements, such separately from a variety of importantly during maintenance
as gutters, roof lights, doors, manufacturers. Clearly, in the or inspection. These latter
door surrounds, services, and absence of coordinated systems, activities may be performed by
the accommodation of the more effort is needed to ensure the less well informed people. Some
construction sequence needed to required levels of completeness of the larger main contractors
satisfy the required construction and coordination of details and have seen the benefit in employing
programme. It is also important construction are achieved on cladding supervisors to ensure the
to ensure that there are no clashes paper and on site. appropriate care is taken and a
with services, doors, windows, reliable outcome delivered.
racking systems etc. Demands
for faster construction have
encouraged more work to be
carried out off site in the form
of precast foundations, door
surrounds and the use of parallel
rather than sequential working
between trades. This may well
affect the erection sequence.
Where necessary, the design
should take cognisance of all the
temporary conditions.

Precast loading docks, Prologis Park, Coventry

Courtesy of Barrett Steel Buildings Ltd


encourages offsite methods” Chapter 4

Design parameters
Under a Design and Build All of this information should
contract the structural frame ideally have been set out at the • Coordinated
design is carried out by the tender stage but they will have guaranteed
steelwork contractor. Even under to be confirmed following the
traditional contracts, this is often award of sub-contracts. There
envelope systems
the case. The designer will need should still be the opportunity are available
information on: for the steelwork contractor to
use his experience and ingenuity • Obtaining
to add value. This means that
• Geometry
the specifications should be structural Building
• Location performance-based rather than Regulations
• Any local site influences
affecting access, programme,
prescriptive. Open discussion approval is not a
with all specialists has to continue
ground conditions, wind and as the design and details are contentious issue
snow loading and the type finalised. Bearing in mind the
of foundations on which the perception of an adversarial • Details must
structure will be built industry, it comes as a surprise to
• The cladding system to be some that transparency produces
provide robust
supported, including ancillaries the best results, since everyone’s support for
• Positions of openings and sub energy can be directed to positive envelope and
outcomes rather than looking
framework needed
for hidden catches and trying
ancilliary elements
• Positions and loads for major
services to exploit them. In addition to
being transparent, the design • 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV
• Construction schedules
• Any constraints on layouts
information has to be of the should be
highest standard.
• Architectural requirements. performance
based rather than

• Transparent
open discussion
specialists should
continue until
details are all

• Use of off-site
should be
Steel erection in progress at TNT FastTrack, Lutterworth
Courtesy of Barrett Steel Buildings Ltd


Detail Design Issues “Collaborative way of
Detailed design
As the design becomes more • Any influence of other Agreement must be reached
detailed, the items of information components on frame erection, on temporary and permanent
required by the steelwork e.g. areas that have to be requirements for the stability of
contractor will include: omitted initially and completed purlins, rails and other secondary
during future visits or erected in components. This will include
• Sufficient detail on the a particular sequence. working practices for the envelope
services to be accommodated construction. The purlin manu-
to allow specific provision in • Whether for large multi-span facturer should supply the fixing
the structure and the design buildings, some areas of methods that have been assumed
loadings to be used to allow structure may have to be in calculating their safe loads.
for sensible future flexibility; omitted to allow access for the
services loads in the range 0.15 envelope contractor’s crane or All parties should produce method
and 0.35 kN/m2 are common. collaborative use of the crane statements for their works as part
Consideration should be given agreed. of the Health & Safety regime.
to the adoption of different These documents should be made
global values for purlins and the • Access and site storage available to other members of
main frame. provision. the project team to ensure that
assumptions made at the design
• Information on whether ceilings Health & Safey issues include: stage are realised during the
are to be supported from construction process and to allow
purlins. • The provision and maintenance safe collaboration between the
of a safe working surface. various disciplines on site.
• The cladding system to be
finalised with agreement on all • Use of non-fragile components. Special consideration should be
secondary items. This must given to the office accommodation
include items such as gutters, • Mechanical and manual since, from the construction point
cleader angles and any special handling of components. of view, it is the most complicated
tolerances. part of the structure, with some
• Safe construction handover fifty trades involved compared to
• The required construction certificates. six in the main shed area. This
sequence, so that the effects may well have an effect on the
on the final and temporary overall programme and sequence
structure can be accomodated. of working. It is also the area on
which potential tenants, owners
and users will judge the appeal of
the building.


working continues to be important” Chapter 4

Clearly, the detail design stage is when the concepts developed at the start of the design process
have to be brought to the point of fruition. The practicality of the ideas will be tested and the
collaborative way of working continues to be important. This is significant because the individuals
involved will not be the policy making directors but detail designers and draughtsmen working
under pressure to meet the required timelines. They are more likely to take a self-interested
position and inadvertently change decisions made at higher level unless the information is well
communicated. The effects of this may not become apparent until the construction is taking place
unless there is a strong coordination role.

Post completion testing for airtightness inherently happens at a critical time towards the end of the
construction process and is likely to reveal any inadequacies in the integrity of the envelope. It
would be a shame to provide another way to line lawyers’ pockets. This is a waste of resources and
energy that could be better spent on continuous improvement within the supply chain.


5 Client, Contractor and
Professional Team Issues
While most of the superstructure design and construction is carried out
by specialist frame and building envelope subcontractors, there are many
key items that are not part of their work package but nevertheless have
considerable impact on the overall performance. • Health & Safety
Health & Safety whereby the main contractor issues
a certificate to confirm that the site • Ground slabs and
Of prime importance is the
preparation conforms to all the foundations
necessary standards for the steelwork
responsibility for Health & Safety
contractor to work. Although not
as it affects design for construction,
designed specifically for envelope • 2I¿FHDUHDV
in use, during maintenance and
contractors, the same standards will
at end of useful life. It is not
always realised that the client
be required. It is advisable for the • Other considerations
envelope contractor to visit the site
has overriding responsibility for
perhaps a week before he is due to
Health & Safety and is required to
commence work to ensure that the
ensure that sufficient resources are
frame and secondary members are
available for the works. Although
sufficiently accurate and robust for
there may be perceptions that
work to reliably commence.
Health & Safety is a site problem,
Health & Safety considerations
Similarly, the incorporation
should permeate all aspects of the
of services and drainage
design. The overall design has to
has to be considered in
be such that erection can be easily
detail both in terms of
carried out using safe procedures
location and the timing of
and in a sequence acceptable to all
their construction. Open
trades that is consistent with the
trenches will restrict ac-
desired programme. This extends to
cess, may disrupt erection
maintenance provisions.
progress and are hazardous.
Badly filled trenches are
The detailed design must allow
also hazardous and in
for adequate handling, storage and
some instances plant can
working surfaces. Present working
damage previously installed
practices mean that the frame and
underground or overhead
envelope are erected prior to laying
services. It should not be
the ground floor slab. For safe and
forgotten that the access for
efficient working, it is imperative
plant extends beyond the
that the surface is prepared with
boundaries of the building
appropriately sized hardcore to
and so these comments
provide a level and well-compacted
will apply to much of the
base for the plant.
external works, in particular
to the provision of retaining
The BCSA has introduced ‘Safe
walls and where there are
Site Handover Certificates’, Use of mobile access platforms
significant changes in level.
Courtesy of Billington Structures Ltd

Client, Contractor and Professional Team Issues “Offices are
Ground slabs and foundations
The structural engineer will construction. The detail design including advice on tolerances,
normally be responsible of these items and the adjacent loadings, finishes, joints, sub
for the design details of the elements of structure and cladding base, a variety of alternative
foundations. The ground slab has to be consistent with both the construction methods and
is normally designed and built construction sequence and the necessary maintenance measures.
by a specialist subcontractor need for access and handling. Note as TR34 recognises, clients
working to a performance may have particular requirements
specification prepared by the The structural engineer has to beyond the report which
consulting engineer. The design determine whether nominally need careful specification for
and construction details should pinned or nominally fixed bases compliance.
be approved by the engineer prior are appropriate for the steel frame.
to construction. The details must A site investigation should be The slab is generally laid after
be coordinated with all adjacent commissioned and information the cladding has been erected,
trades. obtained on the anticipated which means that it should not
ground conditions. The decision be affected by weather and dust.
In order to assist in increasing on appropriate foundations will If acceptable methods can be
the speed of construction, the be based on this information and developed, construction could be
potential for increasing the should be passed to the steelwork speeded up by casting the slab
volume of offsite component contractor as the basis for his prior to erection of the envelope.
manufacture is being explored by design. However, for clients, the quality
specialist subcontractors. of the finished slab is high on their
With regard to the ground floor list of priorities when judging the
There are innovations in the slab, a recent Concrete Society finished product.
use of precast concrete bases, technical report TR34
ground beams and such items Concrete Industrial Ground
as dock leveller surrounds and Floors (currently in its third
retaining walls, which are helping edition) sets out good practice
to increase the overall speed of for design and construction,

Concrete slab in a typical distribution warehouse

Courtesy of Michael Sparks Associates


often on the critical path” Chapter 5

2IÀFHDUHDV Other considerations

Most of the offices incorporated Dado walls up to the height of
into sheds are designed to personnel doors have commonly
conform to normal commercial been constructed from brick and
• The consulting
standards and the envelope may blockwork. The reason was the structural
be curtain walling rather than a apparently flexible location of engineer
steel sheet based system. doors and windows and a more
robust construction against
is normally
In multi-storey office areas, accidental knocks. However, responsible for
suspended floors are commonly masonry walls are slower to WKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQ
composite profiled decking with construct than steel cladding and
in-situ topping or precast units. it can be more difficult to achieve
of the foundations
The choice will depend on the the required levels of air-tightness. and ground slab
programme and construction
process selected by the main In addition to the detailing of the • The engineer
contractor. Design guidance for brickwork, there is the detailing
office structures is available from of the long junction between should determine
SCI guide SCI-P334 Design of the cladding and the brickwork ZKHWKHU¿[HGRU
multi-storey braced frames. to consider. Consequently, pinned bases are
the current trend in UK shed
Although the office areas are construction is to extend the most appropriate
usually very much smaller than steel cladding to the ground
the remainder of the building, level. However, there is a need to • The Concrete
the construction involves many protect it from accidental damage,
more trades and is often the most for example by forklift trucks or
critical area to sort out in good ongoing construction activities. technical report
time, requiring innovative design TR34 “Concrete
and construction to meet the
Industrial Floors”
gives advice

are often on
the critical path
for design and
due to number
of trades

Courtesy of Michael Sparks Associates


The compilation of this publication has been an
Final Reflections

interesting experience in itself and provided a platform

for all contributors to expound their personal views.

It is the result of candid discussions between experts with

practical experience and the scars that accompany many
years in construction.

The hope is that the process has led to the best practice
guidance that is achievable. The implementation will
demand changes to both the culture of large parts of the
sector and to the processes employed.

Some may regard the recommendations as too idealistic

and not therefore achievable but the success of the
contributors suggests otherwise.

A common feature of the success stories is the

involvement of strong and knowledgeable clients
who have been able to provide a clear brief as to their
requirements and encourage a way of working that has
enabled expert supply chains to produce better buildings
and be rewarded for doing so.

Although the procurement of sheds provided the focus

for the publication, many of the lessons have wider
Barrett Steel Buildings

Billington Structures

C A Group

Cameron Taylor

Caunton Engineering

Corus Colors

Corus Construction & Industrial


Kingspan Insulated Panels

Kingspan Metl-Con


Michael Sparks Associates

Yorkshire Sheeting & Insulation Services

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