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Submitted to:
Sir Imran Paras
Submitted by:
Moarij Manzoor

COMSATS University Islamabad Sahiwal Campus


When I was simply twelve, I dreamt to go to a desert alone. I believed that it had been too
simple. once I hear or see the word desert the sole factor that came to mind is journey. I idolized
this kind of adventures. because the days were passing this would like was changing into
additional and additional intense. Once I was simply seventeen, I shared my thoughts with my
family. within the begin they thought I used to be humorous in order that they began to kid Me.
however, after they came to grasp that I am serious they strictly prompt me that this is often not
your age for this kind of dangerous adventures. therefore, simply specialize in your studies. This
extremely created Me unhappy as a result of I used to be not expecting this from them instead of
I used to be expecting that they will support me.

At the age of twenty-two I planned to go to the desert of Sahara. My family gave me

permission as a result of I used to be not alone .Now all necessary arrangements are made. Then
we tend to go towards our journey. After we had to came back that day, I wake up early and
visited explore the good desert of Sahara alone inadvertently the damaging of this desert. Once
your time, I spotted that I came terribly so much thus at constant moment I spotted that I actually
have lost my path. First, I used to be bit disquieted then again, I assumed that this was that
golden chance that I perpetually prayed to God.

So, I unknowingly began my journey in the desert. In the Starting everything is seemed to be
right, its dunes impressed me. The feelings of freedom, silence, and peace comes naturally in that
wide open space. But as the time passes, I realized that I want some Water, Because I feel thirsty.
But I never found any source of water here. I must continue my travelling in the search of water,
my condition become worse as the time pass. Finally, I found a village type area here, and asked
water from them, they give me some water, but at this time I feel very hungry, and I have to go
back with my companions. I searched and walked for any help, but there is no one here to help
me. I am worried a lot, hungry and my condition is too much worse. Then I saw six persons with
their camels . I went to them and asked for some food, but they were also traveling for 4 days so
they were also in need of help. I do not have any choice, so I continue my journey with them. We
travelled for almost 2 days. Then we did not have a single drop to drink. As we are thinking
about this, we saw a huge desert storm coming toward us. They asked me to hide my head
behind the camel. But the impact of storm was very intense that I could feel the impact of storm
behind the body of camel. There was nothing that we can do but crouch down wait for the storm
to end. After some time, the storm ended. But none of us had energy to resume our journey so
we decided to kill a camel and cook its meet. So, a camel was killed, and we eat its meet. Then
we all take some rest. In the morning when I wake up, I saw nobody there. This make me more
and more alarming. Even I passed 2-3 days in such condition. I lost my hope to return back with
may companions and family alive. Then Suddenly a truck with some people came, I just saw that
they are my Friends, they came here after searching me. So unbelievably, my friends saved my
life and enable the hitch-hiking journey across the Sahara to end in return to the Hoggar region
instead of in a sandy grave in the heart of the desert.

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