Actividad 3 Mi Casa Ideal

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EdW1 Learning Outcome 3 My Place 🏘

Activity A. “Ideal / Real Home”. Con base en el ejemplo de Richard describa su casa ideal y real con sus partes y vocabulario
relacionado. Use there is/are y preposiciones de lugar. Inserte imágenes para ilustrar su texto.


This is Richard’s ideal house. There are three windows. This is my ideal home. There are seven glass
windows and a door. At the entrance there is a
There is a red roof on it. There are no chimneys. There staircase of six scales and there is a long stone
path. My ideal house is white. Its roof is brown. At
is a red door. There are some walls. There is not any the entrance there are four flower pots. There is a
►image green area there. On the right side there is a front
garage. There are two floors and a hall. There is a yard
behind it, and a garden in front, but no balcony. There

is no attic or basement inside. There is a small

sidewalk outside, but there is no driveway.


This is Richard’s apartment. His bedroom has a bed This is my home. There are two rooms, in each
room there is a bed. It has a bathroom, in the
near a closet. His bathroom has a toilet next to the bathroom is the toilet. There is a small kitchen.
There are two large windows, each one has a
shower. He has a laptop and a lamp on a table; curtain. At the back of the patio there is a
vegetable garden. On the right side of the patio
between them there is a cord phone. Under the phone
►image door is the washing machine.
there are some books. There is no dining room, but

he has a living room and in it there is a couch and a

TV set. There is a kitchen and a small laundry room

with a stove, a fridge, and a washer machine there.

Fuente de imágenes:

EdW1 Learning Outcome 3 My Place 🏘

Activity B. “Neighborhoods”. Complete el diálogo entre David y Lisa. Lea las descripciones de tres barrios y las expectativas de los
personajes para asignarles el lugar más adecuado. Tenga en cuenta el vocabulario de lugares públicos.


Palm Boulevard is a vibrant neighborhood. It is

in a commercial district. There are many stores,
restaurants, and bars. The place is modern, but
there are traffic jams.

David: Hey Lisa, how are you? Lakeview is a lovely place. There are many parks

Lisa: Fine, how about you? to enjoy. It is in a town far from the city, there is
small square close, but it is not noisy. Houses are
David: I am OK, what is your new flat like?
big and traditional. There are few stores.
Lisa: It is beautiful; it has three rooms.
New Aurora is a noisy downtown neighborhood.
David: How many bathrooms have? It is near the metro station. The place has a lot of

Lisa: just one, but the kitchen is beautiful. It has nice cabinets. bridges and there are factories and warehouses
David: How about the neighborhood?

Lisa: It is nice. The building has stairs, but have a lift

David: There are a shopping center nearby?

Lakeview Palm Boulvard New Aurora
Lisa: Yes, there is a supermarket. I buy all my groceries there.
Laura: I need a place Dominic: I like bars and Daniel: I would like a place
David: it sounds great, but do you miss your old home?
where I can ride my bike. I restaurants. A shopping with good transport
Lisa: Yes, it has a playground for my son! also like nature. I love center is essential. I ride because I like to travel a
walking in the forest. I do my bike, so transportation lot. Also, I am a guard and
David: And it also has a beautiful garden any parking lots either!
not like noise. is not a problem. I am looking for a job.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

EdW1 Learning Outcome 3 My Place 🏘

Activity C. “Around Town”. Describa su comunidad cercana con sus lugares de interés, medios de transporte y actividades interesantes
con al menos 200 palabras. Incluya vocabulario de lugares comunes y de orientaciones para llegar a ellos.


library pharmacy ►write restaurant ►write


My neighborhood is called Antioquia; It is one of the oldest, but it is very

►write ►write movie ►write ►write beautiful. Its streets are quite wide and uncovered. In my neighborhood
theater there is a SENA headquarters. On the right side of the SENA is the
House of Culture and just opposite is the Municipal Library. Very close
there is also the school called Atanasio Girardot. Very close to my
house is a supermarket called Mercatodo, also on that same street is
bus station Cafeteria Gym ►write ►write the gym. the most important place in my neighborhood is the runway,
there it was the place where in the past the planes that carried cargo for
the inhabitants of the town landed. young people and other people go
there every day to do different activities such as skating, cycling, jogging
and doing different sports activities to maintain stable health.
station ►write ►write bakery mortuary

►write ►write ►write Church


►write ►write ►write ►write ►write

Activity D. “Pronunciation”. Elija uno de los textos creados en la actividad A o C y grabe un audio con su voz como usando la página, comparta su texto y su audio (enlace de vocaroo) en el foro “Place” de la plataforma.


EdW1 Learning Outcome 3 My Place 🏘 ►link

Fuente de imágenes: emojipedia.coActivity
E. “Self-Evaluation”. Realice una auto evaluación de su aprendizaje desde la gramática, la
comunicación, el tema, la presentación y el audio realizado. Elija un puntaje entre 0 y 3 si está en Desacuerdo o entre 4 y 5 si está de


Gramática: uso adecuadamente la expresión “there is/are” afirmativa. ►write ►write
Gramática: uso adecuadamente la expresión “there is/are” negativa. ►write ►write
Gramática: uso adecuadamente la expresión “there is/are” interrogativa. ►write ►write
Gramática: uso apropiadamente las “preposiciones de lugar”. ►write ►write
Gramática: uso acertadamente las “preposiciones de movimiento” u orientaciones”. ►write ►write
Comunicación: ofrezco indicaciones para orientar la ubicación de lugares comunes. ►write ►write
Comunicación: describo la ubicación de objetos o lugares con respecto a otros. ►write ►write
Comunicación: describo mi casa ideal y mi casa real en una composición sencilla. ►write ►write
Comunicación: realizo y completo una lectura descriptiva con la estructura de la unidad. ►write ►write
Comunicación: describo mi barrio, pueblo o comunidad cercana con 200 palabras. ►write ►write
Tema: presento información en inglés sobre partes de la casa. ►write ►write
Tema: presento información en inglés sobre lugares públicos. ►write ►write
Tema: presento información en inglés sobre muebles y electrodomésticos. ►write ►write
Presentación: completo todos los espacios indicados con “►write”, “►image” y “►link”. ►write ►write
Presentación: respondo con información propia y original. ►write ►write
Presentación: no uso inadecuadamente traducción automática. ►write ►write
Presentación: uso mayúsculas y signos de puntuación adecuadamente. ►write ►write
Presentación: uso los ejemplos disponibles para definir la longitud de mis textos. ►write ►write
Audio: practico mi pronunciación antes de realizar la grabación. ►write ►write

Audio: realizo el audio indicado con mi propia voz. ►write ►write

Sume los puntajes de columnas D y A para escribir su puntaje total. ►write


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