Social Class 5 - Living in The Boreal Forest

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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St.



Class #5

Grade: 4 Lesson Title: Living in the Boreal Forest Lesson Duration: 60 Minutes
Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude.

This lesson will focus on students learning about the First Nations group that lived in the Boreal Forest, and the
resources that were in the Boreal Forest. The purpose of this lesson is for students to gain knowledge and
understanding about what First Nations groups that originally inhabited that part of Alberta, and learn about the stories
and lifestyles those First Nations groups. Students will be paired reading the textbook pages 107, and 108 about respect,
love, and caring for their land, and will be constructing teepees with the words and ‘respect’, ‘work together’, ‘return’,
‘earth’ and draw pictures of resources, and the land (trees). At the end pf this lessons students should have a good
understand about how the Woodland Cree Nation, and the Dene Tha’ Nation used, and respected their land and

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Choose selectively and think
carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson


Knowledge and Understanding

Students will:
The Stories, Histories and Peoples of
Alberta 4.2.2 assess, critically, how the cultural and linguistic heritage
and diversity of Alberta has evolved over time by exploring and
Students will demonstrate an understanding and reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
appreciation of the role of stories, history and culture
in strengthening communities and contributing to  Which First Nations originally inhabited the different areas
identity and a sense of belonging. of the province?

 What do the stories of Aboriginal peoples tell us about their

beliefs regarding the relationship between people and the

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words

Students will:

 Construct and design a respectful teepee.

 Identify what First Nations group lived in the Boreal Forest.
 Evaluate the Boreal Forest and the resources it offers.

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges

Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: apply, analysis contrast, express, appreciate. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes that students are develop and expecting them to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must support this and
provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc..

 How to the First Nations group who lived on the Boreal Forest respect, and care for the land?
 Compare the Parklands region resource, and the Boreal Forest resources. How are they similar, and how are they different?

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide an active link.
If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your lesson/ student learning? *you may
have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1:

Resource #2:

Resource #3:

Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will
organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

 Teepee worksheets
 Whiteboard
 Textbooks
 Pencil crayons
 Crayons
 Scissors
 Glue stick
 Tape (optional)

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (15 min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to
Body. Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form

 The class will start off with finishing our “skits/performances” from last class because two groups did not get to present.
 Students will be asked two get their ‘summer/winter’ signs, and the teacher will ask students wearing the colour… to go line
up first, then the teacher will choose another colour. This may take 10 minutes to complete because students will need to
settled down. The teacher will remind the students to be respectful, and to listen.
 After the performances have been completed, the students will be asked to line up again, and the teacher will wait as long as
it takes till all the students are quiet and ready to go back to class.
 When the teacher and students get back to class the teacher will ask two students to help pass out the social textbooks, and
the teacher will write the page numbers on the white board.

Body (30 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities
and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc. How and
when are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. Lesson body there should be a least two Formative Assessments Type/Name:
activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner
dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing is descriptive and concise. (NOT POINT FORM) As Well you are not
Where Assessment Occurs:
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
narrating, rather you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the lesson. Any questions
you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for instance are to be written directly into the
lesson description.  Thumbs up or thumbs down – students
will raise a thumb up or thumb down for
Activity #1: Paired Reading [Small Group Learning] (10 minutes) their understanding.
 Students will be told that they can group up in pairs of two  Hot Seat Questioning – make students
and will be told to read pages 107, and 108. answer questions about what they just
 The teacher will encourage the students to actually read these read to assess if they actually read it or
pages because they will be asked question about what they not, or discussed it with their reading
just read. partners.
 The teacher will also tell students that if they are not working
and reading together then they can read independently at
their desks.

Transition: The teacher will let the students know when they have
a few minutes left to read, and will ring the bell to get students
Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentence areas
Activity #2: Whole group discussion about the textbook pages of differentiation.
[Whole Group Learning] (5 minutes)
 The students will be hot seat questioned about:  Paired readings – Students can sometime
 How to the First Nations group who lived on the Boreal read and work better in smaller groups,
Forest respect, and care for the land? instead of feeling pressed by the teacher
 Compare the Parklands region resource, and the Boreal and the whole class to read out loud.
Forest resources. How are they similar, and how are they
 What are some designs and drawing we can make on our

Transition: The teacher will then start handing out the teepee
worksheet and explain how to cut it out.

Activity #3: Designing Teepees [Direct Instruction] (15 minutes)

 Students will be given 15 minutes to draw, colour, cut out,
and glue their teepees together. This can be done at their own
desks independently.
 The teacher will walk around to assess the students’ progress
and see if they have any questions.

Consolidating (5) mins In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will
need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act
also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide
clear steps and indicate process. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 depending on the lesson

 The 3 W’s:
 1) What’s something I found interesting?
 2) What’s something I learned?
 3) What questions do I have?

Clean up (10) mins

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
 The students will have 10 minutes to clean up their materials.
 Pick up paper on the floor.

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes

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