Coding Data Worksheet - Spring 2021 1

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Coding Data Worksheet: Coded Raw Data and Data Coding Key

Type of Raw Data: Textual Analysis (Genre OR Rhetorical OR Multimodal)

Data Coding Key: Please fill in this table as appropriate.

To insert or delete rows or columns, please see the directions described here:
4e6b-891d-a46686dbe2bd or here:

Coding Category Codes Sample Data (i.e., sample words and Color of
phrases that correspond with the code) Code in
Data Set
Content prior to March 12, Coronavirus cases, are classes Green
the termination of 2020; March cancelled?, time we have off,
the DCP 13th, 2020
Content after the March 14th, Heading home, selling items, donating Red
termination of the March 15th, items, giving away items, needing a
DCP March 16th place to stay, anyone going back to ___
area?, memes about getting sent home,
housing request, flights, offers of
housing, giving away shift, how much
will we be paid?, how to return company
property/costumes, what do we have to
turn in?, where to bring items we have to
return, support, hotline numbers, self-
admission passes, special treatment for
cps (rides staying open, extended hours,
letting them into things they’re blocked
out from), what to do with food, links to
resource groups for those staying in FL,
behavior of Disney, assistance/help,
calling out, chip and dales, in search of
people or photos, surveys
Format of posts User who Name of user who posted, date (March Orange
posted, date 12th – 15th, 2020, textual content, visual
posted, body content/linked content, number of likes
of post, and reactions, number of comments,
comments and content of comments with users who
reactions posted them
Visual Content Screenshots, Screenshots of information about Yellow
photos, COVID, screenshots of information
memes about termination from Disney
Programs, memes about being terminated
Responses to Comments, Comments to answer questions asked, Purple
posts likes, loves, lives, surprised reacts, laughing
reactions reacts, gifs in response to posts, sad

Coded “Raw” Data: Here, insert LEGIBLE images or screenshots that show the coding you
have done to your raw data. In other words, show me which segments of your data you have
coded, what colors and symbols you used to code your data, the words you used to code, and so

I’m attaching another document with my coded screenshots of the facebook group because I had
them saved in a separate document and im not sure how to combine the documents !

Reflection: Briefly answer the following questions. (Your responses should be 1-3 sentences per
1. What patterns do you notice in your data? What words, phrases, or ideas seem to repeat?
a. Some patterns I noticed in my data were the increase of visual content after the
termination of the program. Additionally, after termination I saw repetition of
phrases associated with people trying to sell, donate, or giveaway food and other
items they didn’t want to bring home with them. Prior to the program the main
topics seemed to be COVID numbers information and questions about the park
2. Which of the codes in your “data coding key” seem to best explain your data? Why?
a. I believe that the code that best explains my data is the content prior to and the
content after the termination. It helps me see what people were actually talking
about before and after. It also helps me see how many posts occurred per day
before and after the termination. Since I’m investigating the change of content,
this is most helpful to me.
3. How do your codes relate to your research question?
a. The codes are related to my research question because I am investigating the way
the content changed from before to after the termination of the Disney College
Program. These codes help me see how topics and frequency of posts changed.
4. What conclusions can you draw from the patterns you identified?
a. There were significantly more posts per day after the termination so the Facebook
group became a more useful resource after the start of the “crisis” of going home
started by the pandemic. Additionally, after the cancellation of the program, the
topics became centered around the moving out and termination process (what we
had to return, how to get rid of items, etc.)
5. What did you learn by engaging in this coding process?
a. The coding process helped me by providing an organized way to identify patterns
within my primary resources of my genre. It is a helpful resource I will definitely
return to when researching in this way again!

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