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Bullying: Identify and


By: Tihara Williams

Anti-bullying: Be kind video questions

In the chat, briefly respond to at least 2 of the following

questions down below!
1) What do you think the bullies could have done differently?

2) How do you think the girl felt when she had to sit alone?
Example: Confused, sad, etc.
3) How do you think the girl felt after she had friends to sit with?
Example: Happy, relieved, etc.
4) How would you react or feel if you were put in a situation such as hers?
Have you ever been put in an uncomfortable situation where
you felt anxious, confused, helpless, or pressured by peers? If
so, you could be a product of bullying.

While going through the slides, pay close

attention to underlined information
and take notes or pictures!
What is Bullying and what is a Bully?
Bullying is an intentional behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student,
either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the
community, or online. (definition may vary)
★ Direct bullying: teasing, hitting, threatening, and forcing someone to do
something against their will
★ Indirect bullying: rumors, exclusion and/or manipulation
A bully is a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom
they perceive as vulnerable.
★ Bullies do not have a distinct look, they can be any size, shape, or color!
Facts about bullying
★ In the U.S. About 20% (⅕) of students reported being bullied in school
★ Students who experience bullying have a higher risk at becoming depressed, having
anxiety, developing difficulties in learning, and even dropping out of school
★ 39% of high schoolers notified an adult of bullying
★ Approximately 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying
★ 57% of situations involving bullying, stop when a peer intervened on behalf of the
student being bullied
★ Over half of students believed their bullies had the ability to influence how others
perceived them
★ There are 4 different types of bullying. They include verbal harassment, social
harassment, physical bullying, and cyber bullying
The 4 different types of bullying
★ Verbal: When a student(s) verbally harasses another to hurt or embarrass them.
Examples: Taunting, teasing, name calling, hostile gestures, etc.
★ Social: When a student(s) purposefully ruins another students reputation.
Examples: Rumors, gossip, exclusion, ostracizing, ect.
★ Physical: When a student(s) uses physical force to hurt or intimidate another
Examples: Hitting, pushing, taking personal belongings, etc.
★ Cyber: When a student(s) uses electronic communication to intimidate another
Examples: Online threats, humiliating pictures/comments/videos, sharing of
private information, impersonation etc.
How can I identify a bully?
Identifying a bully
Bullies can often exhibit feelings of insecurity. Some of them have friends
and others do not. Bullying behaviours can be supported by friends.
★ They may show aggression towards parents, teachers, students, and
other adults
★ They have a need to dominate others
★ They do not easily follow rules
★ They often talk their way out of difficult situations
How can I identify someone who is being bullied?

Identifying victim/target behaviors and characteristics

Most victims do not intentionally provoke bullies, their insecure
behavior can make them targets.
★ They may be quiet and sensitive
★ They may have insecurities and low self esteem
★ They may not like to fight and may be physically weaker than
their peers
★ They may have very few friends
How do I identify the warning signs that someone is being bullied?

Warning signs of victims/targets

Victims may show one or more of the following signs, indicating
that bullying is taking place.
★ Damaged books or clothing
★ May have unexplained injuries
★ Lower grades/ loss of interest in school
★ May seem unhappy or depressed
★ They may experience nightmares
How do I prevent it?

There are many ways a student can prevent bullying.

They can...
★ Treat everyone with kindness and respect
★ Try and stand up for others, don’t be a bystander
★ Report to any trusted adults or teachers
★ Try and reach out to those who have been targets
★ Educate themselves so they are more equipped to handle situations
What can I do if I am being bullied?

You can…

★ Try and de-escalate the situation by telling the bully to calm down and lower
their voice
★ Laugh it off, if jokes are your speciality, it can catch the bully off guard
★ If speaking is too hard or feels unsafe, walk away, don’t fight back, and find a
trusted adult or teacher
★ Talk to a trusted adult, telling someone can help you feel less alone (counselor,
teachers, parents, etc.)
Hot lines

National Depression Association: 1-800-826-3632

Self harm: 1-800-DONT-CUT

Suicide: 1-800-273-8255

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