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How to study

2021. 04. 12. 09:52:11

General principles
• Prepare your mind: eliminate distrations, have all your stuff, be comfortable
• Do not highlight or underline, it is passive, no understanding
• Take written notes (see note taking section), it is active, multiple sensory perception (MSP)
• Talking to yourself while taking notes can help

How to take good notes

• Take useful notes
• After class fill in and clarify and review within the same day
• Use a sytem
– Cornell notes (notes, cue, summary)
– Flashcards, similar to Cornell cue+notes, without summary
– Mind mapping

How to read faster

• Use a pointer (finger, mouse pointer, pencil, etc)
• Stop subvocalizing, do not move your mouth
• Do not multitask

How to study business books

1. Read the front cover
2. Read the back cover
3. Read the table of contents
4. Read the forewords, other people’s interpretation
5. Read the headlines and bold texts
6. Read the chapters
7. Take notes (see note taking section)
8. Review your notes in a spaced repetition tool

How to study textbooks

1. Go through the review or quiz at the end of the chapter
2. Go through each page, no reading, take a look at illustrations, overview the content
3. Read the headlines and bold texts
4. Read the first preview paragraphs
5. Read the last review paragraphs

6. Read the first and last sentence in each paragraph
7. Read in depth word by word the chapter
8. Take notes (see note taking section)
9. Review your notes in a spaced repetition tool

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