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[G.R. NO.

153510 : February 13, 2008] On May 1, 1997, respondent was employed

by petitioner R.B. Michael Press as an offset
R.B. MICHAEL PRESS and ANNALENE machine operator, whose work schedule was
REYES ESCOBIA, Petitioners, v. NICASIO from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays to
C. GALIT, Respondent. Saturdays, and he was paid PhP 230 a day.
During his employment, Galit was tardy for
DECISION a total of 190 times, totaling to 6,117
minutes, and was absent without leave for a
total of nine and a half days.
The Case
On February 22, 1999, respondent was
ordered to render overtime service in order
Year in, year out, a copious number of
to comply with a job order deadline, but he
illegal dismissal cases reach the Court of
refused to do so. The following day,
Appeals (CA) and eventually end up with
this Court. This Petition for Review under February 23, 1999, respondent reported for
work but petitioner Escobia told him not to
Rule 45 registered by petitioners R.B.
work, and to return later in the afternoon for
Michael Press and Annalene Reyes Escobia
against their former machine operator, a hearing. When he returned, a copy of an
Office Memorandum was served on him, as
respondent Nicasio C. Galit, is among them.
It assails the November 14, 2001 Decision
of the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 62959, finding
To : Mr. Nicasio Galit
the dismissal of respondent illegal. Likewise
challenged is the May 7, 2002 Resolution
denying reconsideration.
The Facts
This warning for dismissal is being issued for
the following offenses:
(1) habitual and excessive tardiness him his two-day salary and a termination
letter, which reads:
(2) committing acts of discourtesy,
disrespect in addressing superiors February 24, 1999

(3) failure to work overtime after having Dear Mr. Nicasio Galit,
been instructed to do so
I am sorry to inform you that your
(4) Insubordination - willfully disobeying, employment with this company has been
defying or disregarding company authority terminated effective today, February 24,
1999. This decision was not made without a
The offenses you ve committed are just thorough and complete investigation.
causes for termination of employment as
provided by the Labor Code. You were given You were given an office memo dated
verbal warnings before, but there had been February 23, 1999 warning you of a possible
no improvement on your conduct. dismissal. You were given a chance to
defend yourself on a hearing that was held
Further investigation of this matter is in the afternoon of the said date.
required, therefore, you are summoned to a
hearing at 4:00 p.m. today. The hearing During the hearing, Mrs. Rebecca Velasquez
wills determine your employment status and Mr. Dennis Reyes, were present in their
with this company. capacity as Production Manager and
Supervisor, respectively.
Manager1 Your admission to your offenses against the
company and the testimonies from Mrs.
On February 24, 1999, respondent was Velasquez and Mr. Reyes justified your
terminated from employment. The dismissal from this company,
employer, through petitioner Escobia, gave
Please contact Ms. Marly Buita to discuss SO ORDERED.3
13th-Month Pay disbursements.
On January 3, 2000, petitioners elevated the
Cordially, case to the NLRC and their appeal was
docketed as NLRC NCR CA No. 022433-00.
(SGD) Mrs. Annalene Reyes-Escobia2 In the April 28, 2000 Decision, the NLRC
dismissed the appeal for lack of merit.
Respondent subsequently filed a complaint
for illegal dismissal and money claims before Not satisfied with the ruling of the NLRC,
the National Labor Relations Commission petitioners filed a Petition for Certiorari with
(NLRC) Regional Arbitration Branch No. IV, the CA. On November 14, 2001, the CA
which was docketed as NLRC Case No. RAB rendered its judgment affirming with
IV-2-10806-99-C. On October 29, 1999, the modification the NLRC's Decision, thus:
labor arbiter rendered a Decision,
WHEREFORE, the petition
WHEREFORE, premises considered, there is DISMISSED for lack of merit. The
being a finding that complainant was Decision of public respondent is accordingly
illegally dismissed, respondent RB MICHAEL modified in that the basis of the
PRESS/Annalene Reyes-Escobia is hereby computation of the backwages, 13th month
ordered to reinstate complainant to his pay and incentive pay should be
former position without loss of seniority respondent's daily wage of P230.00;
rights and other benefits, and be paid his however, backwages should be computed
full backwages computed from the time he from February 22, 1999 up to the finality of
was illegally dismissed up to the time of his this decision, plus the 13th month and
actual reimbursement. service incentive leave pay.4

All other claims are DISMISSED for lack of The CA found that it was not the tardiness
evidence. and absences committed by respondent, but
his refusal to render overtime work on
February 22, 1999 which caused the The Court's Ruling
termination of his employment. It ruled that
the time frame in which respondent was It is well settled that findings of fact of
afforded procedural due process is quasi-judicial agencies, like the NLRC, are
dubitable; he could not have been afforded accorded not only respect but even finality if
ample opportunity to explain his side and to the findings are supported by substantial
adduce evidence on his behalf. It further evidence. This is especially so when such
ruled that the basis for computing his findings of the labor arbiter were affirmed
backwages should be his daily salary at the by the CA.6 However, this is not an iron-clad
time of his dismissal which was PhP 230, rule. Though the findings of fact by the labor
and that his backwages should be computed arbiter may have been affirmed and adopted
from the time of his dismissal up to the by the NLRC and the CA as in this case, it
finality of the CA's decision. cannot divest the Court of its authority to
review the findings of fact of the lower
On December 3, 2001, petitioners asked for courts or quasi-judicial agencies when it
reconsideration5 but was denied in the CA's sees that justice has not been served, more
May 7, 2002 Resolution. so when the lower courts or quasi-judicial
agencies' findings are contrary to the
Persistent, petitioners instituted the instant evidence on record or fail to appreciate
petition raising numerous issues which can relevant and substantial evidence presented
be summarized, as follows: first, whether before it.7
there was just cause to terminate the
employment of respondent, and whether Petitioners aver that Galit was dismissed
due process was observed in the dismissal due to the following offenses: (1) habitual
process; and second, whether respondent is and excessive tardiness; (2) commission of
entitled to backwages and other benefits discourteous acts and disrespectful conduct
despite his refusal to be reinstated. when addressing superiors; (3) failure to
render overtime work despite instruction to
do so; and (4) insubordination, that is, Furthermore, the labor arbiter explained
willful disobedience of, defiance to, or that since respondent was not subjected to
disregard of company authority.8 The any admonition or penalty for tardiness,
foregoing charges may be condensed into: petitioners then had condoned the offense
(1) tardiness constituting neglect of duty; or that the infraction is not serious enough
(2) serious misconduct; and (3) to merit any penalty. The CA then supported
insubordination or willful disobedience. the labor arbiter's ruling by ratiocinating
that petitioners cannot draw on respondent's
Respondent's tardiness cannot be habitual tardiness in order to dismiss him
considered condoned by petitioners since there is no evidence which shows that
he had been warned or reprimanded for his
Habitual tardiness is a form of neglect of excessive and habitual tardiness.
duty. Lack of initiative, diligence, and
discipline to come to work on time everyday We find the ruling incorrect.
exhibit the employee's deportment towards
work. Habitual and excessive tardiness is The mere fact that the numerous infractions
inimical to the general productivity and of respondent have not been immediately
business of the employer. This is especially subjected to sanctions cannot be interpreted
true when the tardiness and/or absenteeism as condonation of the offenses or waiver of
occurred frequently and repeatedly within the company to enforce company rules. A
an extensive period of time. waiver is a voluntary and intentional
relinquishment or abandonment of a known
In resolving the issue on tardiness, the labor legal right or privilege.9 It has been ruled
arbiter ruled that petitioners cannot use that "a waiver to be valid and effective must
respondent's habitual tardiness and be couched in clear and unequivocal terms
unauthorized absences to justify his which leave no doubt as to the intention of a
dismissal since they had already deducted party to give up a right or benefit which
the corresponding amounts from his salary. legally pertains to him."10 Hence, the
management prerogative to discipline because respondent was not subjected to
employees and impose punishment is a legal any penalty is bereft of legal basis. In the
right which cannot, as a general rule, be case of Filipio v. The Honorable Minister Blas
impliedly waived. F. Ople,12 the Court, quoting then Labor
Minister Ople, ruled that past infractions for
In Cando v. NLRC,11 the employee did not which the employee has suffered the
report for work for almost five months when corresponding penalty for each violation
he was charged for absenteeism. The cannot be used as a justification for the
employee claimed that such absences due to employee's dismissal for that would penalize
his handling of union matters were him twice for the same offense. At most, it
condoned. The Court held that the employee was explained, "these collective infractions
did not adduce proof to show condonation could be used as supporting justification to a
coupled with the fact that the company subsequent similar offense." In contrast, the
eventually instituted the administrative petitioners in the case at bar did not impose
complaint relating to his company violations. any punishment for the numerous absences
and tardiness of respondent. Thus, said
Thus it is incumbent upon the employee to infractions can be used collectively by
adduce substantial evidence to demonstrate petitioners as a ground for dismissal.
condonation or waiver on the part of
management to forego the exercise of its The CA however reasoned out that for
right to impose sanctions for breach of respondent's absences, deductions from his
company rules. salary were made and hence to allow
petitioners to use said absences as ground
In the case at bar, respondent did not for dismissal would amount to "double
adduce any evidence to show waiver or jeopardy."
condonation on the part of petitioners. Thus
the finding of the CA that petitioners cannot This postulation is incorrect.
use the previous absences and tardiness
Respondent is admittedly a daily wage render overtime service to meet a
earner and hence is paid based on such production deadline complies with the
arrangement. For said daily paid workers, second requisite. Art. 89 of the Labor Code
the principle of "a day's pay for a day's empowers the employer to legally compel
work" is squarely applicable. Hence it cannot his employees to perform overtime work
be construed in any wise that such against their will to prevent serious loss or
nonpayment of the daily wage on the days damage:
he was absent constitutes a penalty.
Insubordination or willful disobedience
Any employee may be required by the
While the CA is correct that the charge of employer to perform overtime work in any
serious misconduct was not substantiated, of the following cases:
the charge of insubordination however is
meritorious. xxx

For willful disobedience to be a valid cause (c) When there is urgent work to be
for dismissal, these two elements must performed on machines, installations, or
concur: (1) the employee's assailed conduct equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or
must have been willful, that is, damage to the employer or some other
characterized by a wrongful and perverse cause of similar nature;
attitude; and (2) the order violated must
have been reasonable, lawful, made known xxx
to the employee, and must pertain to the
In the present case, petitioners' business is
duties which he had been engaged to
a printing press whose production schedule
is sometimes flexible and varying. It is only
In the present case, there is no question reasonable that workers are sometimes
that petitioners' order for respondent to
asked to render overtime work in order to further printing can be had, shows his
meet production deadlines. wrongful and perverse mental attitude;
thus, there is willfulness.
Dennis Reyes, in his Affidavit dated May 3,
1999, stated that in the morning of February Respondent's excuse that he was not feeling
22, 1999, he approached and asked well that day is unbelievable and obviously
respondent to render overtime work so as to an afterthought. He failed to present any
meet a production deadline on a printing job evidence other than his own assertion that
order, but respondent refused to do so for he was sick. Also, if it was true that he was
no apparent reason. Respondent, on the then not feeling well, he would have taken
other hand, claims that the reason why he the day off, or had gone home earlier, on
refused to render overtime work was the contrary, he stayed and continued to
because he was not feeling well that day. work all day, and even tried to go to work
the next day, thus belying his excuse, which
The issue now is, whether respondent's is, at most, a self-serving statement.
refusal or failure to render overtime work
was willful; that is, whether such refusal or After a re-examination of the facts, we rule
failure was characterized by a wrongful and that respondent unjustifiably refused to
perverse attitude. In Lakpue Drug Inc. v. render overtime work despite a valid order
Belga, willfulness was described as to do so. The totality of his offenses against
"characterized by a wrongful and perverse petitioner R.B. Michael Press shows that he
mental attitude rendering the employee's was a difficult employee. His refusal to
act inconsistent with proper render overtime work was the final straw
subordination."14 The fact that respondent that broke the camel's back, and, with his
refused to provide overtime work despite his gross and habitual tardiness and absences,
knowledge that there is a production would merit dismissal from service.
deadline that needs to be met, and that
without him, the offset machine operator, no
Due process: twin notice and hearing and the Department of Labor and
requirement Employment written notices 30 days prior to
the effectivity of his separation.15
On the issue of due process, petitioners
claim that they had afforded respondent due Under the twin notice requirement, the
process. Petitioners maintain that they had employees must be given two (2) notices
observed due process when they gave before his employment could be terminated:
respondent two notices and that they had (1) a first notice to apprise the employees of
even scheduled a hearing where he could their fault, and (2) a second notice to
have had explained his side and defended communicate to the employees that their
himself. employment is being terminated. Not to be
taken lightly of course is the hearing or
We are not persuaded. opportunity for the employee to defend
himself personally or by counsel of his
We held in Agabon v. NLRC: choice.
Procedurally, (1) if the dismissal is based on In King of Kings Transport v. Mamac,16 we
a just cause under Article 282, the employer had the occasion to further elucidate on the
must give the employee two written notices procedure relating to the twin notice and
and a hearing or opportunity to be heard if hearing requirement, thus:
requested by the employee before
terminating the employment: a notice (1) The first written notice to be served
specifying the grounds for which dismissal is on the employees should contain the specific
sought a hearing or an opportunity to be causes or grounds for termination against
heard and after hearing or opportunity to be them, and a directive that the employees
heard, a notice of the decision to dismiss; are given the opportunity to submit their
and (2) if the dismissal is based on written explanation within a reasonable
authorized causes under Articles 283 and period. "Reasonable opportunity" under the
284, the employer must give the employee
Omnibus Rules means every kind of charge against them; (2) present evidence
assistance that management must accord to in support of their defenses; and (3) rebut
the employees to enable them to prepare the evidence presented against them by the
adequately for their defense. This should be management. During the hearing or
construed as a period of at least five (5) conference, the employees are given the
calendar days from receipt of the notice to chance to defend themselves personally,
give the employees an opportunity to study with the assistance of a representative or
the accusation against them, consult a union counsel of their choice. Moreover, this
official or lawyer, gather data and evidence, conference or hearing could be used by the
and decide on the defenses they will raise parties as an opportunity to come to an
against the complaint. Moreover, in order to amicable settlement.
enable the employees to intelligently
prepare their explanation and defenses, the (3) After determining that termination of
notice should contain a detailed narration of employment is justified, the employers shall
the facts and circumstances that will serve serve the employees a written notice of
as basis for the charge against the termination indicating that: (1) all
employees. A general description of the circumstances involving the charge against
charge will not suffice. Lastly, the notice the employees have been considered; and
should specifically mention which company (2) grounds have been established to justify
rules, if any, are violated and/or which the severance of their employment.
among the grounds under Art. 282 is being
charged against the employees. In addition, if the continued employment
poses a serious and imminent threat to the
(2) After serving the first notice, the life or property of the employers or of other
employers should schedule and conduct employees like theft or physical injuries, and
a hearing or conference wherein the there is a need for preventive
employees will be given the opportunity to: suspension,17 the employers can
(1) explain and clarify their defenses to the immediately suspend the erring employees
for a period of not more than 30 days. A scrutiny of the disciplinary process
Notwithstanding the suspension, the undertaken by petitioners leads us to
employers are tasked to comply with the conclude that they only paid lip service to
twin notice requirement under the law. The the due process requirements.
preventive suspension cannot replace the
required notices.18 Thus, there is still a need The undue haste in effecting respondent's
to comply with the twin notice requirement termination shows that the termination
and the requisite hearing or conference to process was a mere simulation the required
ensure that the employees are afforded due notices were given, a hearing was even
process even though they may have been scheduled and held, but respondent was not
caught in flagrante or when the evidence of really given a real opportunity to defend
the commission of the offense is strong. himself; and it seems that petitioners had
already decided to dismiss respondent from
On the surface, it would seem that service, even before the first notice had
petitioners observed due process (twin been given.
notice and hearing requirement): On
February 23, 1999 petitioner notified Anent the written notice of charges and
respondent of the hearing to be conducted hearing, it is plain to see that there was
later that day. On the same day before the merely a general description of the claimed
hearing, respondent was furnished a copy of offenses of respondent. The hearing was
an office memorandum which contained a immediately set in the afternoon of February
list of his offenses, and a notice of a 23, 1999 the day respondent received the
scheduled hearing in the afternoon of the first notice. Therefore, he was not given any
same day. The next day, February 24, 1999, opportunity at all to consult a union official
he was notified that his employment with or lawyer, and, worse, to prepare for his
petitioner R.B. Michael Press had been defense.
Regarding the February 23, 1999 afternoon process and following Agabon, petitioners
hearing, it can be inferred that respondent, are liable jointly and solidarily to pay
without any lawyer or friend to counsel him, nominal damages to the respondent in the
was not given any chance at all to adduce amount of PhP 30,000.19
evidence in his defense. At most, he was
asked if he did not agree to render overtime WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
work on February 22, 1999 and if he was November 14, 2001 CA Decision in CA-G.R.
late for work for 197 days. He was never SP No. 62959, the April 28, 2000 Decision of
given any real opportunity to justify his the NLRC in NLRC NCR CA No. 022433-00,
inability to perform work on those days. This and the October 29, 1999 Decision of the
is the only explanation why petitioners Labor Arbiter in NLRC Case No. RAB IV-2-
assert that respondent admitted all the 10806-99-C are
charges. hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The
Court declares respondent's dismissal from
In the February 24, 1999 notice of employment VALID and LEGAL. Petitioners
dismissal, petitioners simply justified are, however, ordered jointly and solidarily
respondent's dismissal by citing his to pay respondent nominal damages in the
admission of the offenses charged. It did not amount of PhP 30,000 for violation of
specify the details surrounding the offenses respondent's right to due process.
and the specific company rule or Labor Code
provision upon which the dismissal was No costs.
In view of the infirmities in the proceedings,
we conclude that termination of respondent
was railroaded in serious breach of his right
to due process. And as a consequence of the
violation of his statutory right to due

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