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Solutions for Chapter 6 Problems

1. Distributed Parameters Model

P6.1: RG-223/U coax has an inner conductor radius a = 0.47 mm and inner radius of the
outer conductor b = 1.435 mm. The conductor is copper, and polyethylene is the
dielectric. Calculate the distributed parameters at 800 MHz.

for copper: σ Cu = 5.8 x107
for polyethylene: ε r = 2.26, σ = 10−16
! m
1 ⎛1 1⎞ π fµ
R' = ⎜ + ⎟
2π ⎝ a b ⎠ σc

⎞ π (800 x10 )(4π x10 )

6 −7
1 ⎛ 1 1 Ω
= ⎜ −3
+ −3 ⎟
= 3.32
2π ⎝ 0.47 x10 1.435 x10 ⎠ (5.8x10 )

µ ⎛ b ⎞ 4π x10−7 ⎛ 1.435 ⎞ nH
L' = ln ⎜ ⎟ = ln ⎜ ⎟ = 223
! 2π ⎝ a ⎠ 2π ⎝ 0.47 ⎠ m

2πσ 2π (10−16 ) S
G'= = = 560 x10−18
ln (b a ) ln (1.435 0.47 ) m≈0
2πε 2π (2.26 )(8.854 x10−12 ) pF
C'= = = 112
ln (b a ) ln (1.435 0.47 ) m

P6.2: MATLAB: Modify MATLAB 6.1 to account for a magnetic conductive material.
Apply this program to problem P6.1 if the copper conductor is replaced with nickel.

for Nickel we have σ Ni = 1.5 x107 and µr = 600.
! m
Note that this program has also been modified for P6.04 as well.

%Coax distributed parameters

% Modified: P0602
% add rel permeability
% also modified for P0604

disp('Calc Coax Distributed Parameters')

%Some constant values


%Prompt for input values

a=input('inner radius, in mm, = ');
b=input('outer radius, in mm, = ');
er=input('relative permittivity, er= ');
sigd=input('dielectric conductivity, in S/m, = ');
sigc=input('conductor conductivity, in S/m, = ');
ur=input('conductor rel. permeability, = ');
f=input('input frequency, in Hz, = ');

%Perform calulations

%Display results
disp(['G/h = ' num2str(G) ' S/m'])
disp(['C/h = ' num2str(C) ' F/m'])
disp(['L/h = ' num2str(L) ' H/m'])
disp(['R/h = ' num2str(R) ' ohm/m'])
disp(['Gamma= ' num2str(Gamma) ' /m'])
disp(['alpha= ' num2str(alpha) 'Np/m'])
disp(['beta= ' num2str(beta) 'rad/m'])
disp(['Zo = ' num2str(Zo) ' ohms'])
disp(['loss=' num2str(loss) ' /m'])
disp(['lossdb=' num2str(lossdb) ' dB/m'])

Now run the program for Nickel:

Calc Coax Distributed Parameters
inner radius, in mm, = 0.47
outer radius, in mm, = 1.435
relative permittivity, er= 2.26
dielectric conductivity, in S/m, = 1e-16
conductor conductivity, in S/m, = 1.5e7
conductor rel. permeability, = 600
input frequency, in Hz, = 800e6
G/h = 5.6291e-016 S/m
C/h = 1.1249e-010 F/m
L/h = 2.2324e-007 H/m
R/h = 159.7792 ohm/m
Gamma= 1.78881+25.252i /m
alpha= 1.7888Np/m
beta= 25.252rad/m
Zo = 44.6608-3.1637i ohms
loss=0.027942 /m
lossdb=15.5374 dB/m

Summarizing the distributed parameter data from this routine we have:

R ' = 160 Ω , L ' = 223 nH , G ' = 560 x10−18 S , C ' = 112 pF
! m m m m

P6.3: Modify (6.3) to include internal inductance of the conductors. To simplify the
calculation, assume current is evenly distributed across the conductors. Find the new
value of L’ for the coax of Drill 6.1.

From Ampere’s Circuit Law we can find H versus ρ:

Hφ = for ρ ≤ a
! 2π a 2
Hφ = for a ≤ ρ ≤ b
! 2πρ
I c2 − ρ 2
Hφ = for b ≤ ρ ≤ c
! 2πρ c 2 − b 2
H φ = 0 for ρ ≥ c

1 2 µo
Wm = LI = ∫ H 2 dv
Using the energy approach, ! 2 2 , we find
µ o b µ o µ o ⎡⎛ c 2 ⎞ ⎛ c ⎞ ⎛ c 2 ⎞ 1 ⎛ c 2 + b 2 ⎞ ⎤
L' = ln + + ⎢⎜ ⎟ ln ⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟⎥
2π a 8π 2π ⎢⎝ c 2 − b 2 ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠ ⎝ c 2 − b 2 ⎠ 4 ⎝ c 2 − b 2 ⎠ ⎥
! ⎣ ⎦
Inserting the given values we find
nH nH
L ' = (237 + 50 + 41.2 ) = 328
! m m
With two significant digits we therefore have L’ = 330 nH/m.

2. Time Harmonic Waves on Transmission Line

P6.4: MATLAB: Modify MATLAB 6.1 to also calculate γ, α, β and Zo. Confirm the
program using Drill 6.2.

See the solution for P6.2.

Calc Coax Distributed Parameters

inner radius, in mm, = 0.45
outer radius, in mm, = 1.47
relative permittivity, er= 2.26
dielectric conductivity, in S/m, = 1e-16
conductor conductivity, in S/m, = 5.8e7
conductor rel. permeability, = 1
input frequency, in Hz, = 1e9
G/h = 5.3078e-016 S/m
C/h = 1.0606e-010 F/m
L/h = 2.3675e-007 H/m
R/h = 3.8112 ohm/m
Gamma= 0.0403332+31.4857i /m
alpha= 0.040333Np/m
beta= 31.4857rad/m
Zo = 47.246-0.0605221i ohms
loss=0.9225 /m
lossdb=0.35033 dB/m

This agrees with the results of Drill 6.2.


P6.5: The impedance and propagation constant at 100 MHz for a T-Line are determined
to be Zo = 18.6 – j0.253 Ω and γ = 0.0638 + j4.68 /m. Calculate the distributed

R '+ jω L '
Zo = , γ = (R '+ jω L ')(G '+ jωC ')
G '+ jωC '
Z oγ = R '+ jω L ' = 2.37 + j87.0
Ω nH
∴ R ' = 2.37 , ω L ' = 87.0 so L ' = 139
! m m
= G '+ jωC ' = 7.63 x10−6 + j 0.252,
µS pF
∴ G ' = 7.63 , and ωC ' = 0.252 so C ' = 401
! m m

P6.6: The specifications for RG-214 coaxial cable are as follows:

• 2.21 mm diameter copper inner conductor
• 7.24 mm inner diameter of outer conductor
• 9.14 mm outer diameter of outer conductor
• Teflon dielectric (εr = 2.10)
Calculate the characteristic impedance and the propagation velocity for this cable.

60 ⎛ b ⎞ 60 ⎛ 3.62 ⎞
Zo = ln ⎜ ⎟ = ln ⎜ ⎟ = 49.1Ω
εr ⎝ a ⎠ 2.1 ⎝ 1.105 ⎠
c m
up = = 2.07 x108
εr s

P6.7: For the RG-214 coax of problem P6.6 operating at 1 GHz, how long is this T-line in
terms of wavelengths if its physical length is 50 cm?

up 2.07 x108
up = λ f , λ = = = 0.207 m
f 1x109
⎛ λ ⎞ ⎛ 1m ⎞
l (λ ) = (50cm )⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 2.4λ
! ⎝ 0.207 m ⎠ ⎝ 100cm ⎠

P6.8: If 1 watt of power is inserted into a coaxial cable, and 1 microwatt of power is
measured 100 m down the line, what is the line’s attenuation in dB/m?

⎛ 1µW ⎞
A = −10 log ⎜ ⎟ = +60dB
⎝ 1W ⎠
60dB dB
A' = = 0.6
! 100m m

P6.9: Starting with a 1 mm diameter solid copper wire, you are to design a 75 Ω coaxial
T-Line using mica as the dielectric. Determine (a) the inner diameter of the outer copper
conductor, (b) the propagation velocity on the line and (c) the approximate attenuation, in
dB/m, at 1 MHz.

60 ⎛ b ⎞
Zo = ln ⎜ ⎟ , b=a exp Zo ε r
εr ⎝ a ⎠
(( ) 60)= (0.5mm )exp ((75 5.4 ) 60)= 9.1mm
So the inner diameter of the outer conductor is 18 mm.
c 2.998 x108 m m
up = = = 1.29 x108 , so u p = 1.3 x108
εr 5.4 s s
To calculate α, will need γ. Therefore we calculate R’, L’, G’ and C’.

⎞ π (1x10 )(4π x10 )

6 −7
1 ⎛ 1 1 mΩ
R' = ⎜ −3
+ −3 ⎟ 7
= 87.6
! 2π ⎝ 0.5 x10 9.1x10 ⎠ 5.8 x10 m
4π x10−7 ⎛ 9.1 ⎞ nH
L' = ln ⎜ ⎟ = 580
! 2π ⎝ 0.5 ⎠ m
2π (10−15 ) S
G'= = 2.17 x10−15
ln (9.1 0.5 ) m
2π (5.4 )(8.854 x10−12 ) pF
C'= = 103.5
ln 9.1
( ) m
! 0.5
Now, with ω = 2πf,
γ = (R '+ jω L ')(G '+ jωC ') = 585 x10−6 + j 0.049
! m
⎛ Np ⎞ 8.686dB dB
α = ⎜ 585 x10−6 ⎟ = 5.1x10−3
Finally, ! ⎝ m ⎠ Np m
This is confirmed using MLP0602.

P6.10: MATLAB: A coaxial cable has a solid copper inner conductor of radius a = 1mm
and a copper outer conductor of inner radius b. The outer conductor is much thicker than

a skin depth. The dielectric has εr = 2.26 and σeff = 0.0002 at 1 GHz. Letting the ratio b/
a vary from 1.5 to 10, generate a plot of the attenuation (in dB/m) versus the line
impedance. Use the lossless assumption to calculate impedance.

% MLP0610
% Plot of alpha vs Zo for a particular coax

%Some constant values


%Perform calulations

xlabel('Characteristic Impedance (ohms)')
ylabel('attenuation (dB/m)')
grid on

3. Terminated T-Lines
P6.11: Start with equation (6.54) and derive (6.55).

Fig. P6.10

Vo+ e + γ l + Vo− e −γ l
Z in = Zo
Vo+ e + γ l − Vo− e −γ l

With ! Vo = Γ LVo , we then have

− +

(e + γ l + Γ L e −γ ) l
Z in = + γ l Z
(e − Γ Le−γ ) l o
We also know that
Z − Zo
ΓL = L ,
! Z L + Z o

So now we have
⎛ Z − Z o ⎞ −γ l
e+γ l + ⎜ L ⎟e
Z in = ⎝ Z L + Zo ⎠ (Z + Z o )e+γ l + (Z L − Z o )e−γ Zl
Zo = L
⎛ Z − Z o ⎞ −γ l (Z L + Z o )e + γ l − (Z L − Z o )e −γ l

e+γ l − ⎜ L ⎟ e
⎝ Z L + Zo ⎠
and with rearranging,
Z L (e + γ l + e −γ )+l Z o (e + γ l − e −γ l
)Z .
Z in =
Z L (e + γ l − e −γ )+l Z o (e + γ l + e −γ )l o
We can convert the exponential terms into hyperbolic functions, given
1 1 sinh(x)
sinh( x) = (e x − e − x ), cosh( x) = (e x + e − x ), and tanh(x)= .
! 2 2 cosh(x)

This leads to

2 Z L cosh (γ l ) + 2 Z o sinh (γ ), l
Z in = Z o
2 Z L sinh (γ l ) + 2 Z o cosh (γ ) l
or finally
Z + Z o tanh (γ l )
Z in = Z o L .
Z o + Z L tanh (γ l )

P6.12: Derive (6.56) from (6.55) for a lossless line.

Z L + Z o tanh (γ l )
Z in = Z o ,
Z o + Z L tanh (γ l ) tanh (γ l ) = tanh (α l + j β l ( jβ ) l
) = tanh
! and ! since α = 0 for
lossless line. Using the hyperbolic definitions, we have
+ jβ l
sinh ( j β l ) (e − e− jβ ) l
tanh ( j β l ) = = .
cosh ( j β l ) (e + j β l + e − j β ) l
Now using Euler’s formula,
cos (β l ) + j sin( β ) l- cos (− β ) − lj sin(− β ) lj 2sin (β ) = lj tan( β
tanh ( j β l ) = = ) l
cos (β l ) + j sin( β )l+ cos (− β ) +l j sin( β ) l 2 cos (β ) l
Plugging this in, we find,
Z + jZ o tan (β l )
Z in = Z o L .
Z o + jZ L tan (β l )

P6.13: A 2.4 GHz signal is launched on a 1.5 m length of T-Line terminated in a matched
load. It takes 6.25 ns to reach the load and suffers 1.2 dB of loss. Find the propagation

! γ = α + jβ
1.2dB 1Np Np
α= = 0.092
! 1.5m 8.686dB m
ω l 1.5m m
β : up = = = = 2.4 x108
! β t 6.25ns s

ω 2π (2.4 x10 )
β= = 8
= 62.8
up 2.4 x10 m
γ = 0.092 + j 62.8
! m

P6.14: A source with 50 Ω source impedance drives a 50 Ω T-Line that is 1/8 of a

wavelength long, terminated in a load ZL = 50 – j25 Ω. Calculate ΓL, VSWR, and the
input impedance seen by the source.

Z L − Z o 50 − j 25 − 50
ΓL = = = 0.242e − j 76
Z L + Z o 50 − j 25 + 50
1+ ΓL
VSWR = = 1.64
1− ΓL
! Fig. P6.14
2π λ π ⎛π ⎞
βl = = , tan ⎜ ⎟ = 1
! λ 8 4 ⎝4⎠
Z + jZ o tan (β l )
Z in = Z o L
Z o + jZ L tan (β l )
50 − j 25 + j 50
= 50
50 + j 50 + 25
! = 30.8 − j 3.8 Ω

P6.15: A 1 m long T-Line has the following distributed parameters: R’ = 0.10 Ω/m, L’ =
1.0 µH/m, G’ = 10.0 µS/m, and C’ = 1.0 nF/m. If the line is terminated in a 25 Ω resistor
in series with a 1 nH inductor, calculate, at 200 MHz, ΓL and Zin.

Z L = 25 + j 2π (200 x106 )(10−9 )= 25 + j1.257 Ω

Now, MLP0615 is used to solve the problem.
% MLP0615
% calculate gamma and char impedance
% given the distributed parameters
% Then, calculate gammaL and Zin
% define variables



% Perform calcuations
gamma=sqrt(A*B) %Propagation Constant
gammaL=(ZL-Zo)/(ZL+Zo) %Reflection coefficient

Running the program,

Gamma = 0.0017 +39.7384i
Zo = 31.6228 - 0.0011i
gammaL = -0.1164 + 0.0248i
Zin = 34.0192 - 7.4618i

So the answers are, with the appropriate significant digits,

! Γ L = 0.12e and Z in = 34 − j 7.5 Ω

P6.16: The reflection coefficient at the load for a 50 Ω line is measured as ΓL = 0.516ej8.2°
at f = 1 GHz. Find the equivalent circuit for ZL.

Z L − Zo 1+ ΓL
ΓL = , Z L = Zo = 150 + j 30 Ω
Rearranging ! Z L + Z o we find ! 1 − Γ L .
This is a resistor in series with an inductor. The inductor is found by considering
jω L = j 30, or L = = 4.8nH
2π (1x109 )
! ,
So the load is a 150 Ω resistor in series with a 4.8 nH inductor.

P6.17: The input impedance for a 30 cm length of lossless 100 Ω impedance T-line
operating at 2 GHz is Zin = 92.3 – j67.5 Ω. The propagation velocity is 0.7c. Determine
the load impedance.

Z L + jZ o tan (β l ) Z in − jZ o tan (β l )
Z in = Z o , Z L = Zo
Z o + jZ L tan (β l ) Z o − jZ in tan (β l )
Rearranging ! we find !

ω 2π (2 x109 ) rad ⎛ rad ⎞ ⎞

β= = = 59.84 ; tan (β l ) = tan ⎜ ⎛⎜ 59.84 ⎟ (0.3m )⎟ = −1.254
0.7c 0.7 (3 x10 )
m ⎝⎝ m ⎠ ⎠

Evaluating, we have
Z L = 50 + j 0.016 Ω = 50 + j 2π (2 x109 )L,
! or L = 1.3 pH.
This is a very small inductance, so we have ! Z L ≈ 50 Ω.

P6.18: For the lossless T-Line circuit shown in Figure 6.51, determine the input
impedance Zin and the instantaneous voltage at the load end vL.

25 − 50 1 2π λ
ΓL = = − , βl = = π , tan π = 0
! 25 + 50 3 λ 2
Z +0
Z in = Z o L = Z L = 25Ω
! Z L + 0
Vin = 8V = 2V = Vo+ e − j β z + Vo− e + j β z
! 25 + 75
2 = Vo+ (e j β l + Γ L e − j β ) l

!e = cos π + j sin π = −1, e − jπ = −1,
⎛ 1 ⎞ −2
Vo+ ⎜ −1 − (−1)⎟ = Vo+ = 2; Vo+ = −3V
! ⎝ 3 ⎠ 3
⎛ 1⎞
VL = Vo+ (1 + Γ L ) = −3 ⎜1 − ⎟ = −2V v = 2 cos (ωt + 180 )V
! ⎝ 3⎠ , so ! L

P6.19: Referring to Figure 6.10, a lossless 75 Ω T-Line has up = 0.8c and is 30 cm long.
The supply voltage is vs = 6.0 cos(ωt) V with Zs = 75 Ω. If ZL = 100 + j125 Ω at 600
MHz, find (a) Zin, (b) the voltage at the load end of the T-Line, and (c) the voltage at the
sending end of the T-Line.

ω ω rad
up = ,β= = 15.7 , β l = 4.71, tan β = 418.6
β up m
100 + j125 + j 75 (418.6 )
Z in = 75
75 + j (100 + j125 )(418.6 )
Fig. P6.19
! = 22 − j 28 Ω
Referring to Fig P6.19,

Z in
Vin = 6 = 2.1e − j 36 V
! Z in + 75
∴ vin = 2.1cos (ωt − 36 )V
Z − Zo
ΓL = L = 0.593e j 43
! Z L + Zo
Vin = Vo+ (e + j β l + Γ L e − j β l
)= 0.70e − j126
Vo+ = 2.1e − j 36 V
2.1e − j 36
Vo+ = − j126
= 3e j 90 V
! 0.70e
VL = Vo+ (1 + Γ L ) = 4.47e j105.8 V
vL = 4.5cos (ωt + 106 )V

P6.20: Suppose the T-Line for Figure 6.10 is characterized by the following distributed
parameters at 100 MHz: R’ = 5.0 Ω/m, L’ = 0.010 µH/m, G’ = 0.010 S/m, and C’ = 0.020
nF/m. If ZL = 50 – j25 Ω,vs = 10cos(ωt)V, Zs = 50Ω, and the line length is 1.0 m, find the
voltage at each end of the T-line.

The following MATLAB routine was used to find the required parameters.

% MLP0620
% calculate gamma and char impedance
% given the distributed parameters
% Then, calculate gammaL and Zin
% define variables


% Perform calcuations


Running the program,

gamma = 0.2236 + 0.2810i
Zo = 22.3607
gammaL = 0.4479 - 0.1908i
Zin = 27.2079 -15.4134i

Z in
Vin = VSS = 3.97e − j18.2 V , ∴ vin = 4.0 cos (ωt − 18.2 )V
Z in + Z S

Vin = Vo+ (eγ l + Γ L e −γ l

)= V (1.504 + j 0.101) = V (1.507e
+ j 3.84
3.97e − j18.2
Vo+ = j 3.84
= 2.63e − j 22
so ! 1.507e
VL = Vo (1 + Γ L ) = 3.85e − j 29.6 ,
∴ vL = 3.9 cos (ωt − 30 )V

4. The Smith Chart

P6.21: Locate on a Smith Chart the following load impedances terminating a 50 Ω T-
Line. (a) ZL = 200 Ω , (b) ZL = j25 Ω, (c) ZL = 50 + j50 Ω, and (d) ZL = 25 – j200 Ω.

P6.22: Repeat problem P6.14 using the Smith Chart.

First we locate the normalized load, zL = 1 – j0.5 (point a). By inspection of the Smith
j − 76
Chart, we see that this point corresponds to ! Γ L = 0.245e . Also, after drawing the
constant Γ circle we can see VSWR = 1.66. Finally, we move from point a, at 0.356λ on

Fig. P6.21

the WTG scale, clockwise (towards the generator) a distance 0.125 λ to point b, at 0.481
λ. At this point we see zin = 0.62 – j0.07. Denormalizing we find:
Zin = 31 – j3.5 Ω.

Fig. P6.22a

P6.23: A 0.690λ long lossless Zo = 75 Ω T-Line is terminated in a load ZL = 15 + j67 Ω.

Use the Smith Chart to find (a) ΓL, (b) VSWR, (c) Zin and (d) the distance between the
input end of the line and the first voltage maximum from the input end.

Fig. P6.22b Fig. P6.23

j 95
After normalizing ZL and locating it on the chart (point a), we see Γ L = 0.80e . After
drawing the constant Γ circle, we see that VSWR = 9 (point c). We locate the input
impedance by moving from the load (point a at WTG = 0.118λ) clockwise towards the
generator to the input point (point b at WTG = 0.118 λ + 0.690 λ – 0.500 λ = 0.308 λ).
At this point, zin = 0.8 – j2.4, so Zin = 60 – j180 Ω. Finally, the distance from the input
end of the line (point b) to the first voltage maximum (point c) is simply 0.308 λ – 0.250
λ = 0.058 λ. Or, using the WTL scale, it is 0.250 λ – 0.192 λ = 0.058 λ.

P6.24: A 0.269λ long lossless Zo = 100 Ω T-Line is terminated in a load ZL = 60 + j40 Ω.

Use the Smith Chart to find (a) ΓL, (b) VSWR, (c) Zin and (d) the distance from the load to
the first voltage maximum.

(a) zL = 0.6 + j0.4 located at WTG=0.082λ.

We read off the Smith Chart that this point corresponds to: ! Γ L = 0.34e . After drawing
the constant Γ circle we notice the VSWR = 2.05 (point c).
Moving from this point a distance 0.269 λ (clockwise, towards generator), we find the
input point (point b at WTG = 0.351 λ). At this point we have zin = 0.96-j0.72, or Zin =
96-j72 Ω. Finally, we move from point a towards the generator at point c to reach the
voltage maximum, a distance 0.168λ.

Fig. P6.26
P6.25: The input impedance for a 100 Ω
lossless T-Line of length 1.162λ is
measured as 12 + j42 Ω. Determine the
load impedance.

We first locate the normalized input

impedance, zin = 0.12 + j0.42, at point a
(WTL=0.436λ). Then we move a distance
1.162 λ towards the load to point b, at WTL
= 0.436 λ + 1.162 λ =1.598 λ; 1.598 λ –
1.500 λ = 0.098 λ. At this point, we read zL
= 0.15-j0.7, or ZL = 15 – j70 Ω.

Fig. P6.25

P6.26: On a 50 Ω lossless T-Line, the VSWR is measured as 3.4. A voltage maximum is

located 0.079λ away from the load. Determine the load.

We can use the given VSWR to draw a constant Γ circle as shown in the figure. Then we
move from Vmax at WTG = 0.250λ to point a at WTG = 0.250 λ - 0.079 λ = 0.171 λ. At
this point we have zL = 1 +j1.3, or ZL = 50 + j65 Ω.

VSWR when the load is attached and (c) the

load impedance.
Fig. P6.28
From the locations of minima on the
shorted line we find λ:
λ = 2 (7.55cm − 1.25cm ) = 12.6cm
(a) f = = 2.4GHz
! λ
(b) From the voltage maxima and voltage
minimum on the loaded line, we have
VSWR = = 2
! 2
Using VSWR=2 we draw the constant |Γ|
circle on the Smith Chart. Point a on the
circle represents the 1.9 cm minimum. We
move from this point towards the load at
the 1.25 cm reference location, a move of
⎛ 1.9cm − 1.25cm ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = 0.0516λ
! ⎝ 12.6cm λ ⎠
At this point (point b on the circle) we have
zL = 0.55 – j0.25, and upon denormalizing
we have (c) ZL = 28 – j12 Ω.
Fig. P6.27
P6.28: Figure 6.53 is generated for a 50 Ω
slotted coaxial air line terminated in a short
circuit and then in an unknown load.
Determine (a) the measurement frequency,
(b) the VSWR when the load is attached and
(c) the load impedance.

From the location of the maxima on the

shorted line, we find λ:
λ = 2 (9.3cm − 1.7cm ) = 15cm
(a) f = = 2.0GHz
! λ
(b) From the load line,
VSWR = = 2.5
! 4

Using VSWR=2.5 we draw the constant |Γ| circle on the Smith Chart. Point a on the
circle represents the minimum at 7.9 cm. We move from this point towards the load at
the 5.5 cm reference location, a move of
⎛ 7.9cm − 5.5cm ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = 0.16λ
⎝ 15cm λ
! ⎠
At this point (point b on the circle) we have zL = 1 – j0.95, and upon denormalizing we
have (c) ZL = 50 – j48 Ω.

P6.29: Referring to Figure 6.20, suppose we measure Zinsc = +j25 Ω and ZinL = 35 + j85
Ω. What is the actual load impedance? Assume Zo = 50 Ω.

We normalize the short circuit impedance to zinsc = 0+j0.5 and locate this on the Smith
Chart to determine the length of the T-Line is 0.074λ. Then we normalize ZinL to
zinL=0.70+j1.70, locate this on the chart at 0.326λ (WTL scale) and draw a constant |Γ|
circle. We then move towards the load, or to 0.336λ + 0.074 λ = 0.400 λ, and find this
point on the Smith Chart (zL = 0.25+j0.7). Denormalizing, we find ZL = 12+j35 Ω.

P6.30: MATLAB: Modify MATLAB 6.3 to draw the normalized load point and the
constant Γ L circle, given Zo and ZL. Demonstrate your program with the values from
Drill 6.11.

Add this to the end of the Matlab 6.3 program:

%now add constant gamma circles

You must change the value of ZL for each load point. Notice the addition of a ‘fudge
factor’. This ensures that gamma has both a nonzero and finite real and imaginary part to
work with in the plot.
You’ll also need to add an additional function:
function [h]=constgamma(zL)
%constgamma(zL) draws the constant gamma circle;

a=abs((zL-1)/(zL+1)); Fig. P6.30

The program is run for each point of

Drill 6.11 by changing the ZL value.
Since the MATLAB routine has the
‘hold on’, each new point is added to
the plot.

5. Impedance Matching
P6.31: A matching network, using a reactive element in series with a length d of T-Line,
is to be used to match a 35 – j50 Ω load to a 100 Ω T-Line. Find the through line length
d and the value of the reactive element if (a) a series capacitor is used, and (b) a series
inductor is used.

First we normalize the load and locate it on the Smith Chart (point a, at zL = 0.35-j0.5,
WTG = 0.419λ).
(a) need to move to point b, at z = 1+j1.4, so that a capacitive element of value jx = -j1.4
can be added to provide an impedance match. Moving to this point b gives d = 0.500λ
+0.173 λ -0.419 λ = 0.254 λ. The capacitance is

Fig. P6.31a Fig. P6.31b


= − j1.4,
ωCZ o
C= = 1.14 pF
2π (1x10 9
)(100 )(1.4 )

(b) Now we need to move to point c, at z = 1-j1.4, so that an inductive element of value jx
= +j1.4 can be added. Moving to this point c gives d = 0.500 λ + 0.327 λ – 0.419 λ =
0.408 λ. The inductance is
jω L
= j1.4, L =
(1.4 )(100 ) = 22.3nH
Zo 2π (1x109 )

P6.32: A matching network consists of a length of T-Line in series with a capacitor.

Determine the length (in wavelengths) required of the T-Line section and the capacitor
value needed (at 1.0 GHz) to match a 10 – j35 Ω load impedance to the 50 Ω line.

We find the normalized load, zL = 0.2 – j0.7, located at point a (WTG = 0.400λ). Now
we move from point a clockwise (towards the generator) until we reach point b, where we
have z = 1 + j2.4. Moving from a to b corresponds to d = 0.500λ+0.194λ-0.400λ =
0.294λ. For the series capacitance we have
− j 2.4 = ,
ωCZ o
or C = = 1.33 pF
2π (1x10 9
)(50 )(2.4 )

P6.33: You would like to match a 170 Ω load to a 50 Ω T-Line. (a) Determine the
characteristic impedance required for a
quarter-wave transformer. (b) What
through-line length and stub length are Fig. P6.32b
required for a shorted shunt stub matching

Fig. P6.32a

Z = Z o RL = 92Ω
(a) ! s
(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 3.4 + j0).
(2) locate the normalized load admittance: yL (point b)
(3) move from point b to point c, at the y=1+jb circle (d = 0.170λ)
(4) move from the shorted end of the stub (normalized admittance point c) to the point y
= 0 – jb. (l = 0.354 λ – 0.250 λ = 0.104 λ.)

Note in step 3 we could have gone to the

point y = 1-jb. This would have resulted in Fig. P6.33b
d = 0.329 λ and l = 0.396 λ.

Fig. P6.33a

P6.34: A load impedance ZL = 200 + j160 Ω is to be matched to a 100 Ω line using a

shorted shunt stub tuner. Find the solution that minimizes the length of the shorted stub.

Refer to Figure P6.33a for the shunt stub

(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 2.0 + Fig. P6.34
(2) locate the normalized load admittance:
yL (point b)
(3) move from point b to point c, at the
y=1+jb circle(0.500λ + 0.170λ -0.458λ =
(4) move from the shorted end of the stub
(normalized admittance point) to the point
y = 0 – jb. (l = 0.354 λ – 0.250 λ = 0.104
P6.35: Repeat P6.34 for an open-ended shunt stub tuner.

(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 2.0 + j1.6).

(2) locate the normalized load admittance: yL (point b)
(3) move from point b to point c, at the y=1-jb circle(0.500λ + 0.330λ -0.458λ = 0.372λ).
We choose this point for c so as to minimize the length of the shunt stub.
(4) move from the open end of the stub (normalized admittance point) to the point y = 0 +
jb. (l = 0.146 λ)

Fig. P6.35b

Fig. P6.35a

P6.36: A load impedance ZL = 25 + j90 Ω is to be matched to a 50 Ω line using a shorted

shunt stub tuner. Find the solution that minimizes the length of the shorted stub.

Refer to Figure P6.33a for the shunt stub

(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 0.5 + Fig. P6.36
(2) locate the normalized load admittance: yL
(point b)
(3) move from point b to point c, at the
y=1+jb circle(0.500λ + 0.198λ -0.423λ =
(4) move from the shorted end of the stub
(normalized admittance point) to the point y
= 0 – jb. (l = 0.308 λ – 0.250 λ = 0.058 λ.)

P6.37: Repeat P6.36 for an open-ended shunt stub tuner.

Refer to Figure P6.35a.

(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 0.5 +
Fig. P6.37
(2) locate the normalized load admittance: yL
(point b)
(3) move from point b to point c, at the
y=1+jb circle(0.500λ + 0.392λ -0.423λ =
(4) move from the open end of the stub
(normalized admittance point) to the point y
= 0 + jb. (l = 0.191 λ)

P6.38: (a) Design an open-ended shunt stub matching network to match a load ZL = 70 +
j110 Ω to a 50 Ω impedance T-Line. Choose the solution that minimizes the length of the
through line. (b) Now suppose the load turns out to be ZL = 40 + j100 Ω. Determine the
reflection coefficient seen looking into the matching network.

(a) Refer to Figure P6.35a.

(1)Normalize the load (point a, zL = 1.4 + 2.2).

Fig. P6.38a Fig. P6.38b


(2) locate the normalized load admittance: yL (point b)

(3) move from point b to point c, at the y=1+jb circle(0.500λ + 0.185λ -0.448λ = 0.237λ)
(4) move from the open end of the stub (normalized admittance point) to the point y = 0 -
jb. (l = 0.328 λ)
(1) Normalize the load (point a: zL = 0.8 + j2.0)
(2) locate yL (point b)
(3) Move a distance 0.237λ to point c (0.434 λ + 0.237 λ = 0.671 λ; or WTG = 0.171 λ)
(4) Move from yopen to 0.328 λ (point d)
(5) add admittances of point c and d to get ytot = 0.6 – j0.2.
(6) locate the corresponding ztot (point f) and read the reflection coefficient as:
j 34
! Γ = 0.28e

6. Microstrip
P6.39: A 6.00 cm long microstrip transmission line is terminated in a 100. Ω resistive
load. The signal line is 0.692 mm wide atop a 0.500 mm thick polyethylene substrate.
What is the input impedance of this line at 1.0 GHz? What is the maximum frequency at
which this microstrip can operate?

This can be solved using either the Smith Chart or ML0604 in conjunction with the
Zinput function from Matlab 6.2. Using the latter approach we have:

Microstrip Analysis
enter width & thickness in the same units

enter the line width: 0.692e-3

enter the substrate thickness: 0.500e-3
enter substrate rel permittivity: 2.26
eeff = 1.8326
up = 221461941.7986m/s
Zo = 80.2454ohms

To run the Zinput routine, we also need the propagation constant. Assuming lossless line,
ω 2π (1x109 ) 1
γ = jβ = j = j 8
= j 28.4 .
up 2.215 x10 m
we have !
>> Zinput(80.2,100,j*28.4,0.06)

ans = 64.7278 + 3.7906i


So we have Zin = 65 + j3.8 Ω

To find fmax, we have
c 3 x108 m s
f max = = = 100GHz
4h ε r 4 (0.5 x10−3 m ) 2.26

P6.40: A 75 Ω impedance microstrip line is to be designed on a 2.0 mm thick Teflon

substrate using copper metallization. What is the maximum operating frequency for this
microstrip? Now determine w, and the physical length of a quarter wave section of line
at 800. MHz.

c 3 x108 m s
f max = = = 26GHz
4h ε r 4 (2 x10−3 m ) 2.1

Using ML0605:

Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 75

enter the substrate thickness: 2
enter substrate rel permittivity: 2.1
w = 3.2929
eeff = 1.741
up = 227209857.0703m/s

so w = 3.29mm and εeff = 1.741.

The guide wavelength is:
λo c f 3 x108 800 x106
λG = = = = 0.284m
ε eff ε eff 1.741
l = = 0.071m = 7.1cm
The quarter wave section length is then: ! 4

P6.41: Analysis of a 2.56 cm long microstrip line reveals that it has a 50 Ω characteristic
impedance and an effective relative permittivity of 5.49. It is terminated in a 60 Ω
resistor in series with a 1.42 pF capacitor. Determine the input impedance looking into
this terminated line at 1.60 GHz.

This problem may be solved analytically or with the Smith Chart. For the analytical
solution we have:
u p c ε eff (3 x10 ) 5.49
λ= = = = 0.080m, l = = 0.320λ.
! f f 1.6 x10 9
! 0.080 m λ

βl = (0.320λ ), tan β = −l 2.125
! λ
The load capacitance has an impedance:
Zc = = − j 70Ω
! ωC
so the total load impedance is ZL = 60-j70 Ω.
Then, the input impedance is
60 − j 70 + j 50 (−2.125 )
Z in = 50 = 31.8 + j 48.2 Ω
50 + j (60 − j 70 )(−2.125 )
With the Smith Chart, the answer is ! Z in ≈ 32 + j 48 Ω

P6.42: A 100 Ω impedance microstrip line is to be designed using copper metallization on

a 0.127 cm thick dielectric of relative permittivity 3.8. Determine (a) w, (b) fmax, and at 2
GHz find (c) up and λG.

From ML0605:
Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 100

enter the substrate thickness: 0.127
enter substrate rel permittivity: 3.8
w = 0.066625
eeff = 2.6865
up = 182909468.597m/s

(a) So we have w = 0.0666 cm = 0.67 mm.

c 3 x108 m s
f max = = = 30GHz
4h ε r 4 (1.27 x10−3 m ) 3.8
(c) We know up, from the program (up = 1.83x108 m/s), so at 2 GHz

λG = = 0.0915m = 9.15cm
! f

P6.43: MATLAB: Modify MATLAB 6.4 to calculate attenuation. Try out your program
using the parameters of Drill 6.21 and Drill 6.22.

% M-File: MLP0640
% Microstrip Analysis
% Given the physical dimensions and er, this
% will calculate eeff, Zo and up for microstrip.
% Wentworth, 8/3/02
% modified ML0604 on 9/5 to calculate attenuation
% Variables:
% w line width (m)
% h substrate thickness (m)
% t conductor thickness (m)
% sigc conductor conductivity (S/m)
% ur conductor rel permeability
% er substrate relative permittivity
% eeff effective relative permittivity
% up propagation velocity (m/s)
% Zo characteristic impedance (ohms)
% ad dielectric attenuation(dB/m)
% ac conductor attenuation dB/m)
% atot total attenuation (dB/m)
% ds skin depth (m)
% Rs skin effect resistance (ohms/square)
% tand dielectric loss tangent

clc %clears the command window

clear %clears variables

disp('Microstrip Analysis')
disp(' ')

% Prompt for input values


w=input('enter the line width (m): ');

h=input('enter the substrate thickness(m): ');
er=input('enter substrate rel permittivity: ');
t=input('enter conductor thickness (m): ');
sigc=input('enter conductor conductivity (S/m): ');
ur=input('enter conductor relative permeability: ');
tand=input('enter dielectric loss tangent: ');
f=input('enter frequency (Hz): ');


% Perform Calculations
if w/h<=1
else if w/h>1

% Display results
disp(['eeff = ' num2str(eeff) ])
disp(['up = ' num2str(up) 'm/s'])
disp(['Zo = ' num2str(Zo) 'ohms'])
disp(['ac = ' num2str(ac) 'dB/m'])
disp(['ad = ' num2str(ad) 'dB/m'])

Now we run the program using the information from Drill 6.21 and Drill 6.22. Note that
we’ve changed the dimensions to metric units.

Microstrip Analysis

enter the line width (m): 9.8e-4

enter the substrate thickness(m): 1.016e-3
enter substrate rel permittivity: 9.9
enter conductor thickness (m): 6e-6
enter conductor conductivity (S/m): 5.8e7
enter conductor relative permeability: 1
enter dielectric loss tangent: 0.0001
enter frequency (Hz): 1e9
eeff = 6.6638
up = 116137011.5308m/s
Zo = 49.8369ohms
ac = 1.5554dB/m
ad = 0.022214dB/m

P6.44: A 50 Ω impedance microstrip line is desired for operation at 2.4 GHz. It is to be

built on a 20 mil thick mica substrate using a 10 µm thick copper conductor. Calculate
(a) w, (b) αc, (c) αd, and (d) αtot at this frequency.

Mica has εr = 5.4 and tanδ = 0.0003. Using ML0605:

Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 50

enter the substrate thickness: 20
enter substrate rel permittivity: 5.4
w = 32.6859
eeff = 3.9617
up = 150623255.8531m/s

To use this information in ML0640, we need to convert h and w to metric units. We find
h = 5.08x10-4m and w = 8.3x10-4m.

Microstrip Analysis

enter the line width (m): 8.3e-4

enter the substrate thickness(m): 5.08e-4

enter substrate rel permittivity: 5.4

enter conductor thickness (m): 10e-6
enter conductor conductivity (S/m): 5.8e7
enter conductor relative permeability: 1
enter dielectric loss tangent: 0.0003
enter frequency (Hz): 2.4e9
eeff = 3.9616
up = 150624957.4337m/s
Zo = 50.1512ohms
ac = 2.6687dB/m
ad = 0.11967dB/m

With more appropriate significant digits we find:

w = 33 mils
αc = 2.67 dB/m
αd = 0.12 dB/m
αtot = 2.79 dB/m

P6.45: One type of board routinely used to build microwave circuits is 50 mils thick
Rogers Corporation RT/Duroid©, with εr = 10.8 and tanδ = 0.0028. It is coated on both
sides by “1/4 oz copper”. This translates to a 0.35 mil thickness of copper. Find w and up
for a 50 Ω line. Then determine the αc, αd and αtot at three frequencies: 1, 10 and 20
GHz. What is the maximum frequency of operation for this microstrip?

Using ML0605:
Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 50

enter the substrate thickness: 50
enter substrate rel permittivity: 10.8
w = 44.3241
eeff = 7.1852
up = 111844030.4942m/s

Now convert w and h and t to metric (1.125x10-3m, 1.27x10-3m, and 8.89x10-6m,

respectively), and run MLP0640 at each frequency. For instance, at 1 GHz we have:
Microstrip Analysis

enter the line width (m): 1.125e-3

enter the substrate thickness(m): 1.27e-3
enter substrate rel permittivity: 10.8
enter conductor thickness (m): 8.89e-6
enter conductor conductivity (S/m): 5.8e7
enter conductor relative permeability: 1
enter dielectric loss tangent: 0.0028
enter frequency (Hz): 1e9
eeff = 7.1847
up = 111847474.32m/s
Zo = 49.8031ohms
ac = 1.2975dB/m
ad = 0.64805dB/m

Tabulating the results for each frequency:

α in dB/m 1 GHz 10 GHz 20 GHz

αc= 1.3 4.0 5.7

αd= 0.65 6.5 13.0

αtot= 2.0 10.5 18.7

The maximum frequency is

c 3 x108 m s 1mil
f max = = −6
= 18GHz
4h ε r 4 (50mils ) 10.8 25.2 x10 m

P6.46: A 1.5 inch length of microstrip line of width 48.86 mils sits atop a 50 mil thick
substrate with dielectric constant 4. Determine the impedance looking into this circuit at
2 GHz if it is terminated in a 300 Ω resistor. Assume ideal conductors and lossless

From ML0604 we find:

Microstrip Analysis
enter width & thickness in the same units

enter the line width: 48.86

enter the substrate thickness: 50
enter substrate rel permittivity: 4

eeff = 2.9116
up = 175697087.6994m/s
Zo = 74.9641ohms

So we have Zo = 75 Ω. Also, we find

⎛ 0.0254m ⎞ up
l = (1.5in )⎜ ⎟ = 0.0381m, λG = = 0.08785m,
⎝ in ⎠ f
so l = = 0.434λG
! 0.08785 m λG

ω 1
β= = 71.5 .
up m
We can also calculate β: !
Now either a Smith Chart or the Zinput equation may be used to evaluate Zin. From the
Zinput function we defined earlier in MATLAB,
>> Zo=75;
>> ZL=300;
>> G=j*71.5;
>> L=0.0381;
>> Zinput(Zo,ZL,G,L)

ans = 8.6567e+001 +1.2031e+002i

So Zin = 87 + j120 Ω.

A Smith Chart approach is more approximate, yielding Zin ≈ 90 + j120 Ω.

P6.47: The top-down view of a microstrip circuit is shown in Figure 6.54. If the
microstrip is supported by a 40 mil thick alumina substrate, (a) determine the line width
required to achieve a 50 Ω impedance line. (b) What is the guide wavelength on this
microstrip line at 2 GHz? (c) Suppose at this frequency the load impedance is ZL = 150 -
j100 Ω. Determine the length of the stubs (dthru and lstub) required to impedance match the
load to the line.

We first apply ML0605:

Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 50

enter the substrate thickness: 40

enter substrate rel permittivity: 9.9

w = 38.6273
Fig. P6.47
eeff = 6.6644
up = 116131354.2486m/s
From this we have (a) w = 38.6 mils.
u p 1.161x108
λG = = = 0.058m = 2.29in
(b) ! f 2 x109
(c) Now we use a Smith Chart to determine
the open-ended shunt stub matching network.

(1) Normalize the load (point a: zL = 3.0 -

(2) locate yL (point b)
(3) Move to point c (0.180λ - 0.025λ = 0.155λ; or dthru = 0.155λ = 9 mm (354 mils))
(4) Move from yopen to 0.336λ, so lstub = 0.336λ = 19.5 mm (768 mils)

P6.48: Suppose the microstrip circuit shown in Figure 6.54 is realized atop the RT/
Duroid© board of problem P6.45. Assuming the board material is lossless, (a) determine
the line width required to achieve a 75 Ω impedance line. (b) Now suppose at 1.0 GHz
the load impedance is ZL = 150 + j150 Ω. Find the length of the stubs (dthru and lstub)
required to impedance match the load to the line.

Applying ML0605:
Microstrip Design
width & thickness will be in the same units

enter the desired impedance: 75

enter the substrate thickness: 50 Fig. P6.48
enter substrate rel permittivity: 10.8
w = 15.7817
eeff = 6.6844
up = 115957584.2884m/s
So we have (a) w = 15.8 mils.
λG = p = 0.116m
We also have: ! f
(b) Now we employ a Smith Chart to
determine the open-ended shunt stub

matching network.

(1) Normalize the load (point a: zL = 2.0 + j2.0)

(2) locate yL (point b)
(3) Move to point c (0.178λ + 0.500λ - 0.459λ = 0.219λ; or dthru = 0.219λ = 2.54cm (1
(4) Move from yopen to 0.339λ, so lstub = 0.339λ = 3.93cm (1.55 in)

7. Transients
P6.49: Consider Figure 6.33 with the following values: Vs = 10 V, Zs = 30 Ω, Zo = 50 Ω,
up = 0.666c, ZL = 150 Ω, l = 10 cm. Plot, out to 2 ns, (a) the voltage at the source end, (b)
the voltage at the middle, and (c) the voltage at the load end of the T-Line.

tl = = 0.5ns
⎛ 8 m⎞
0.666 ⎜ 3 x10 ⎟
! ⎝ s⎠
150 − 50 1 30 − 50 1
ΓL = = ; ΓS = =−
! 150 + 50 2 30 + 50 4
Vo = 10 = 6.25V
! 50 + 30

P6.50: Repeat problem P6.49 for a 10 V pulse of duration 0.4 ns.

P6.51: MATLAB: Consider a 12 cm long 50 Ω transmission line terminated in a 25 Ω

load and having a matched source impedance (Zs = 50 Ω). Propagation velocity on the T-

Fig. P6.49b

Fig. P6.50a

Fig. P6.50b

Line is 0.67c. The source is a 0.4 ns square pulse of amplitude 6 V. Modify MATLAB

6.6 to plot v(z,t) at two points: z = 2 cm and z = 10 cm.

% M-File: ML0651
% modifies ML0606
% replaces triangular pulse with rectangular pulse
% ML0606:
% Analysis of a triangular pulse
% (matched source impedance) traveling
% down a T-Line and reflecting off a
% resistive load. We want to be able to
% trace the voltage at an arbitrary
% point along the line.
% Wentworth, 4/25/03

% Variables
% Vo pulse height (V)
% t1 pulse start (ns)
% t2 pulse end (ns)
% L line length (cm)
% T transit time (ns)
% z location to find pulse (cm)
% tau time "location" to find pulse (ns)
% up propagation velocity (m/s)
% Zo,ZL line,load impedance (ohms)
% N number of points
% GL load reflection coefficient

%enter variables


%initialize array
for i=1:N+1


%enter rectangular pulse function

%Note that “step” is a function defined
%in ML0606.

%Generate + wave data

for i=1:N+1
if ta>tau

%Generate - wave data

for i=1:N+1
if ta>tb
end Fig. P6.51 (plot at z = 2 cm)

%Sum the data

for i=1:N+1

xlabel('time (ns)')
AXIS([0 2*T -Vo Vo])
grid on

P6.52: MATLAB: Modify MATLAB 6.6 to plot v(z,t) at z = 4.5 cm if the source pulse is
as indicated in Figure 6.55.

% M-File: MLP0652
% Analysis of a triangular pulse
% (matched source impedance) traveling
% down a T-Line and reflecting off a
% resistive load. We want to be able to
% trace the voltage at an arbitrary
% point along the line.
% Wentworth, 4/25/03

% Variables

% Vo pulse height (V)

% t1 pulse start (ns)
% t2 pulse middle (ns)
% t3 pulse end (ns)
% L line length (cm)
% T transit time (ns)
% z location to find pulse (cm)
% tau time "location" to find pulse (ns)
% up propagation velocity (m/s)
% Zo,ZL line,load impedance (ohms)
% N number of points
% GL load reflection coefficient

%enter variables


%initialize array
for i=1:N+1

%enter triangular pulse function
for i=1:N+1
if t(i)<t1
if and(t(i)>t1,t(i)<=t2)
if and(t(i)>t2,t(i)<=t3)
if t(i)>t3


%Generate + wave data

for i=1:N+1
if ta>tau

%Generate - wave data

for i=1:N+1
if ta>tb
j=ceil((ta-tb)/dt); Fig P6.52

%Sum the data

for i=1:N+1

xlabel('time (ns)')
AXIS([0 2*T -Vo Vo])
grid on

P6.53: The expression for iL(t) and vL(t) of equations (6.106) and (6.107) were derived for
a T-Line terminated in an inductor. Find similar expressions for a T-Line terminated in a

dvL (t )
iL (t ) = C , vL (t ) = (Voi + Vor )U (τ ), ZoiL (t ) = (Voi − Vor )U (τ )
! dt
Suppressing U(τ), we have
dv (t )
2Voi = vL (t ) + Z oiL (t ) = vL (t ) + Z oC L
! dt
dvL (t ) 1 2Voi dvL (t ) −1 2Voi
+ vL (t ) = , or = vL (t ) + .
! dt Z oC Z oC dt Z oC Z oC
This is in the form:

dv −1 2Voi
= Av + B, where A = , and B =
! dt Z o C Z oC
solving the integral
∫! Av + B = ∫ dt
we have
ln ( Av + B ) = t + C.
C= ln( B), and
Now since at t = 0, v = 0, we have ! A
1 ⎛ Av + B ⎞
t = ln ⎜ ⎟.
! A ⎝ B ⎠
B At ⎛ −t ⎞
(e − 1)= −2Voi ⎜ e ZoC − 1⎟
⎝ ⎠
Solving for v: !
⎛ ⎞
∴ vL (t ) = 2Voi ⎜1 − e ZoC ⎟ U (τ ).
! ⎝ ⎠
Now for iL(t),
dvL (t ) ⎛ 1 i
ZoC ⎞ 2Voi − t ZoC
iL (t ) = C =C⎜ 2Vo e ⎟= e
dt ⎝ Z oC ⎠ Zo
2Voi − t ZoC
∴ iL (t ) = e U (τ ).
! Zo

P6.54: For Figure 6.42, Zo = 100 Ω and up = 0.1c. Estimate L if the VL vs t is given in
Figure 6.56.

⎛ − Z oτ ⎞
i ⎜⎝ L ⎟⎠
Using (6.107), ! vL (t ) = 2V e U (τ ), here we have τ = t – 2 ns. Choosing the voltage

i i
at 2 ns we have ! 0.9V = 2Vo , or Vo = 0.45V . Then, at approximately 2.2 ns we have 0.2
V, so
⎛ −100(0.2 ns ) ⎞
⎜ L ⎟⎠ 0.2
0.2V = 2Voi e⎝ , or = e −20 ns L .
! 0.45
Solving for L:
L= = 25nH .
ln (0.2 0.45 )

P6.55: A 50 Ω T-Line with up = 0.5c is terminated in some load such that the TDR is
given by Figure 6.57. Determine the location and the value of the load.

From the figure we see the two-way travel time is 7 ns, so therefore one-way is 3.5 ns and
we have
⎛ m⎞
l = (3.5ns )(0.5 )⎜ 3 x108 ⎟ = 0.525m.
! ⎝ s⎠
Also from the figure we can calculate Γ:
V tot − V + 0.4 − 1
Γ= = = −0.6
! V+ 1
and then
1 − 0.6
R = 50 = 12.5Ω.
! 1 + 0.6

So we have a 12.5 Ω terminating resistor located 0.525 m along the line.

P6.56: The TDR plot for a 75 Ω T-Line with up = 0.2c is given in Figure 6.58. What type
components terminate the line? Estimate the component values.

By inspection we see it is a series combination of resistance and inductance. The location

l = (10 x10−9 sec )(0.2 )(3 x108 m sec )= 0.30m
! 2
The resistance is found by determining the reflection coefficient:
1.75 − 1
Γ= = 0.75,
! 1
R = 50Ω = 350Ω.
and then the resistance is: ! 0.25
Only a very rough estimate can be found for the inductance. At τ = 10 ns – 10 ns = 0,. we
have 2Vo = 2V . Then, at (very roughly) τ = 11 ns – 10 ns = 1ns,, v (t) has dropped to
1.75 V, so
1.75 = 2e −75(1ns ) L , or L = = 560nH .
ln (1.75 2 )
So our rough estimate is an inductance between 500 and 600 nH.

8. Dispersion
P6.57: MATLAB: Use Fourier Series to construct a 5 V pulse of duration 5 ns that
repeats every 10 ns.

% M-File: MLP0657
% This program assembles a pulse using
% Fourier series. It modifies ML0607.
% Wentworth, 8/3/02
% Variables:
% N number of Fourier coefficients
% aO avg value of the waveform (volts)
% T period (s)
% fo fundamental frequency (Hz)
% wo fund angular freq (rad/s)
% t time (sec)
% ftot fourier sum at a particular time(volts)

clc %clears the command window

clear %clears variables%MstripDesign

% Initialize variables

% Evaluate Fourier Series Coefficients

for n=1:N

% Generate data and plot

for i=1:180
for n=1:N


grid on

Fig. P6.57

P6.58: MATLAB: Actual pulses have some slope to the leading and trailing edge.
Suppose a symmetrical pulse is 5 V from –2 ns to +2ns, and has a linear slope to 0 V on
each edge of duration 0.2 ns. The pulse repeats every 20 ns. Construct this pulse using
Fourier Series for N = 10, 100 and 1000. Comment on how this pulse compares to the
one of Figure 6.48.

We must first find the Fourier coefficients:

ao = 1.05
10 ⎛ nπ ⎞ −50
an =

sin ⎜ ⎟+ (2.2sin (0.22nπ ) − 2.0sin (0.20nπ ))
⎝ 5 ⎠ nπ
500 110
2 (
− cos (0.22nπ ) − cos (0.20nπ ))+ (sin (0.22nπ ) − sin (0.20nπ ))
(nπ ) nπ

% M-File: MLP0658
% This program assembles a pulse using
% Fourier series. It modifies ML0607.
% Wentworth, 8/3/02

% Variables:
% N number of Fourier coefficients
% aO avg value of the waveform (volts)
% T period (ns)
% fo fundamental frequency (Hz)
% wo fund angular freq (rad/s)
% t time (ns)
% ftot fourier sum at a particular time(volts)

clc %clears the command window

clear %clears variables%MstripDesign

% Initialize variables

% Evaluate Fourier Series Coefficients

for n=1:N

% Generate data and plot

for i=1:180
for n=1:N

grid on

save 'Fourier1000' t ftot -ascii


Fig. P6.58a (the N=100 and N=100 cases are indistinguishable)

Fig. P6.58b

To see the difference between the N = 100 and N = 1000 cases requires looking at the
plot over a reduced portion of time, as shown in Figure P6.59b.

P6.59: MATLAB: A material has a constant εr = 4 from DC up to 20 GHz. Then


⎛ f − 20 x109 ⎞
ε r = 4 cos ⎜ ⎟,
⎝ 60 x109 ⎠
for 20 GHz < f < 50 GHz. Show the pulse from problem P6.58 after it has traveled along
a coaxial T-Line with this dielectric.

% M-File: MLP0659
% This program modifies ML0607.
% Wentworth, 2/2/03

clc %clears the command window

clear %clears variables%MstripDesign

% Initialize variables

%evaluate Fourier Series Coefficients

for n=1:N

%Generate data
for i=1:180
for n=1:N
if f(n)>20e9


grid on

save 'dispoff' t Vtot -ascii

Fig. P6.59

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