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For over a century, the duralloy vault reactions began to increase. When and examined the surrounding terrain.

had remained undisturbed. Buried deep sufficient energy reserves had been It detected nothing in the area, leaving it
within the Earth’s crust, it silently reached, the sonic bore engaged and free to concentrate on itself. Analysis
waited for a single atomic pulse to count ripped into the surrounding earth, For revealed minor damage to its organic
down the years, days, hours, and sec- miles around, the ground shook. Trac- layer, due to the prolonged suspension.
onds until the vault would re-emerge to tor/pressor beams of immense power Self-repair was calculated at twenty-five
perform its function. kicked in. The ascent had begun. minutes.
The count reached zero. A circuit Hours later, the sonic bore cut That night, the Exterminator headed
closed, and the vault awoke. The time of through the last layers of earth. Mutants west. It did not know where it was
waiting had come to an end. Ancient and humans alike fled in terror as the going. It did not care. It had only one
machinery, dormant for over a century, ominous shape emerged from the function, one purpose — to exterminate.
slowly came to life. Power modules ground. Moments later, the vault
glowed with renewed energy as nuclear opened. The Exterminator stepped out

gence — allowing complex deductive to eradicate mutational strains, since

The Exterminator
reasoning and social insight for quick most of their targets are mutants.
TYPE: Exterminator adaptability in an environment -- easily Their function appears to be the elimi-
STATUS: 3500 compensates for any such limitation. nation of selected targets. This target
NUMBER: 1 ARMOR: 3/l* The Exterminator’s high intelligence selection is apparently at random,
HD: 8d8/15d10* C O N T R O L : -- must be stressed. It was one of the most although the majority of targets is com-
SENSORS: A/B POWER: B advanced robots ever created. prised of mutants. It should be noted
The Exterminator can communicate that anyone or anything obstructing an
SPEED: 12/900/36 (feet)
with CIs and Think Tanks, but only to Exterminator from completion of its
further its own purposes. It will take functions will be eliminated.
MS: 1d4 + 17 IN: 1d4 + 17 orders from no one, except possibly its An Exterminator will attack only at
Dx: 1d6 + 15 PS: 1d4 +21 creators (see below). The Exterminator the most advantageous time, and will
will communicate with beings only never attack when the opposing force is
* -- See note on armor classes below.
when necessary. Any attempt at unde- too powerful. If necessary, it will make
DESCRIPTION: An Exterminator is an sired communication will prompt a use of any weapons available to it. The
upright-walking, 2-meter-tall robot. An sudden, but concise, response, ending all Exterminator will never stop pursuing
improved structural design and syn- conversation. The Exterminator never its target until it has eliminated it. If
thetic-skin covering makes it completely asks for help and always works alone. damaged, the Exterminator is capable of
identical to a Pure Strain Human. Its limited self-repair. No Exterminator has
internal skeleton is made entirely of Due to the lack of records, little is been destroyed so far.
strengthened duralloy, and all vital known of the Exterminators’ original An Exterminator has dual armor class
mechanisms are encased in strength- function. No one has yet discovered who and hit dice. The first set (AC 3, HD 8d8)
ened duralloy shells, making the Exter- created them or why. Some believe they represents the synthetic-skin and cloth-
minator impregnable to all non-energy were created by the Apocalypse to ing covering the Exterminator. This
attacks. (See note on armor classes.) Due insure the complete destruction of man- outer covering is vulnerable to all forms
to structural limitations, it is slightly kind. Others believe they were placed of physical attack. The second set (AC 1,
vulnerable to high explosives. by pre-holocaust military and scientific HD 15d10) represents the internal dural-
Although the Exterminator’s sensors leaders to help establish a new order. loy structure. This is impervious to any
are limited for tracking, its high intelli- Still others feel they were created solely non-energy/non-explosive attack

(swords, bullets, etc.), and can only be penetrates many types of armor more
damaged after the outer layer is effectively. The plasma rifle makes the
destroyed. An Exterminator will func- elimination of protected targets more
tion normally if its outer covering is feasible.
Exterminators each initially carry a The Vaults
special weapon when they leave their
These self-contained duralloy structures
vaults. This weapon is described below.
are equipped with a sonic bore as well
as tractor/pressor beams, powered from
Plasma rifle an internal nuclear power supply. A
vault seems to have only one function,
Weapon Class: 15
that being to hold an Exterminator for
Range: 300 meters
approximately one century, at which
Damage: 10d10 (20d10 vs. force fields)
time it releases it. The complete purpose
Weight: 7.5 kilograms
of the vaults (if any) is not known. It is
The plasma rifle is a hand-held speculated that the vaults may be stor-
weapon carried only by Exterminators. age facilities and/or emergency retreats
It is powered from an Exterminator’s containing a supply of both weapons
internal power supply. When fully and repair materials (and possibly repair
charged, the plasma rifle is good for 8 facilities). It has also been suggested that
shots. It is recharged by attaching the the vaults may be communication cen-
rifle’s power converter to a hidden ters to coordinate Exterminator action.
access plate (located on the right side of Whatever the purpose of the vaults,
the Exterminator’s waist). Recharging the Exterminators have not been known
takes 40 minutes, at 5 minutes per bolt. to return to them. The vaults close up
The plasma rifle releases one bolt of within ten minutes after opening and
plasma energy per round. have so far withstood all attempts at re-
Due to the nature of the plasma, the opening them. It is believed that the
weapon does double damage to all force vaults have been scattered throughout
fields (does not apply to mutations) and the continent and possibly the world.


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