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Known  as  the  Early  Journal  Content,  this  set  of  works  include  research  articles,  news,  letters,  and  other  
writings  published  in  more  than  200  of  the  oldest  leading  academic  journals.  The  works  date  from  the  
mid-­‐seventeenth  to  the  early  twentieth  centuries.    

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May-for February=April.


Explanation. Titles not starred representnew publications announced in the standard pub-
lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star refixed to a title indicates that it was taken
froma review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce-
ment. The aritkmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenorof the review: X,
uncertain; +, favorable ; -, unfavorable; +-, favorable, but with reservations; - +, unfavorable,
but with commendation; + +, very favorable; -- very unfavorable; + + -, very favorable, but with
reservations; -- +, very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that
review has not been read. The jAubZication date when not given is understoodto be the current year.
Prices quoted are usually forvolumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in
paper in the case of all others.
Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.

Anthropology and Ethnology. Charities.

*Dubois, J. A. Hindu manners, customs, & cere- Annual charities register& digest. Intro. by C. S.
monies, tr. fromthe French. 2 v. L., Henry Loch. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 8vo. S. 4.
Frowde, I897. 770 pp. 8vo. S. 2I. (Athe- Beneficenza (La) elemosiniera a Venezia: ricordo
nwum, Ja. 8- +) (Nation, F. 24 +) per l'anno I897 (congregazione di carita di
*Ehrenreich,Paul. AnthropologischeStudien Uiber Venezia). Venezia, tip. societh, M. S. com-
die Urbewohner Brasiliens, vornehmlich der positori tipografi I897. I85 pp. 8vo.
Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz u. Amazonas Christlich-sozial. Ein Handbuch f. Jedermann.
. . . Braunschweig, Viewig & Sohn, I897. Br., Vaterlandische Verlagsanstalt. 59 pp.
167 pp. 4to; mit Abbldgn. M. 25. (DL., 8vo. M. 0.35.
F. I2++-) Congr'es (deuxieme) national d'assistance, tenu
Lorenz, Ottokar. Lehrbuch der gesammten wis- . I897 a Rouen et au Havre. T. ler.
senschaftlichen Genealogie. Stammbaum u. Rouen, impr. Gy. 449 pp. 8vo.
Ahnentafel in ihrer geschichtl., sociolog. u. Deutsche Verein fur Armenpflege u. Wohlthatig-
naturwissenschaftl. Bedeutung. Br., Besser. keit. 34. Hft. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 138
489 pp. 8vo. M. 9. pp. 8vo. M, 3.40.
*Meyer, E. H. Deutsche Volkskunde. Strass- Fry, H, Royal guide to the London charities.
burg K J Triibner. 350 pp. 8vo. M. 6. L., Chatto & Wundus. Ed. 34. 326 pp. 8vo.
(Globus,'73: 33 + +) (LC., Mr. I2) S. i, 6.
Pandian, T. B. Indian village folk: their works Hertzberg, G. F. August Hermann Francke u.
& ways. L., Elliot Stock. 224 pp. 8vo. S. 4,6. sein Hallisches Waisenhaus . . . Halle,
Renel, Ch. L'6volution d'un mythe. .. . P., Buchh. des Waisenhauses. i64 pp. 8vo. M.
Masson, i896. 300 pp. 8vo. (Annales de l'Uni- o.6o.
versit6 de Lyon.) Mackay, Thomas. The state & charity. N. Y.,
Ueber die Geschlechtsliebe. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Macmillan Co. 30I pp. I2mo. $I. (Eng-
Metaphysik. Lp., 0. Weber. 35 pp. 8vo. lish Citizen ser.)
M. I.50. Nicholls, Sir George. History of the English poor
Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of popular customs and law in connection with the state of the country
of rites, ceremonies, observances & miscella- & the condition of the people. New ed.,
neous antiquities. L., Gibbings. ioi8 pp. containing revisions made by author & a biog-
8vo. S. I2, 6. raphy by H. G. Willink. N. Y., G. P. Put-
Young, E. The kingdom of the yellow robe, being nam's Sons. 2 v. $Io.
sketches of the domestic & religious rites & Parturier,Louis. L'assistance a Paris sous l'ancien
ceremonies of the Siamese. Edinburgh, T. & r6gime et pendant la Revolution . . . P.,
T. Constable. 4Io pp. 8vo. S I5. libr. Larose, I897.
Reclus, Elisee. L'6volution, revolution,et l'ideal
Biology, Evolution, and Science. anarchique. P., libr. Stock. 302 pp. x8mo.
*Frankland, P. & Mrs. P. Pasteur. N. Y., Mac- F. 3.50.
millan Co. 224 pp. 8vo. $i. (Outlook, Mr. Cities.
19 +) (Academy, Mr. 5 +)
MUller, F. M. Auld lang syne. N. Y., Chas. Hamburgs Vergangenheit u. Gegenwart. Eine
Scribner's Sons. 325 pp. 8vo. $2. (Athe- Sammlung v. Ansichten der hervorragendsten
nwum, F. 26+) +) (Academy, Mr. 26+ u. historisch bekannten alten u. neuen Hafen-
(Critic, Mr. 12 + +~) u. Quai-Anlagen, Schiffen, Platze, Markte.
I Reprints of this bibliography will be furnishedat IO cts. per copy, or 50 cts. for the volume of six
numbers. An index and titlepage will accompany the last numberof the volume.

Strassen . . . vom ii. Jahrh. bis auf die Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of edu-
Gegenwart. Hamburg, Wendt & Co. 400 pp. cation: an attempt to show the genesis of the
4t0. M. 25. higher faculties of the mind. N. Y., D. Ap-
Hegel, Karl. Die Entstehungdes deutschen Stadte- pleton & Co. 400 pp. I2M0. $I.5O. (Internat.
wesens. Lp., S. Hirzel. 192 pp. 8vo. M. 4. educa. ser.)
James, E. J, The chartersof the city of Chicago. Melon, Paul. L'enseignement superieur en
Pt. 1, The early charters, I833-37. Chic., Espagne. P., libr. Colin & Cie. I33 pp. 8vo.
University of Chicago Press. 76 pp. 8vo. *Levasseur, Emile. L'enseignement primairedans
(Univ. of Chicago studies in polit. sci.) les pays civilises. Nancy, Berger-Levrault
*Liesegang, Erich. Niederrheinisches Stadte- & Cie., I897. 628pp. 8vo. F. I5. (LC., Mr.
wesen vornehmlich im Mittelalter. Breslau, ~) (PSQ., Mr. 4+) (JEc., Ja. ++)
Koebner, I897. 758 pP. 8vo. (JGV., 22:I) (JPE.,Mr. ++) (EdR. Mr. ++)
*Louisville Conference for Good City Government *Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. N.
& third annual meeting of the National Muni- Y., D. Appleton & Co., I897. 202 pp. I2mO.
cipal League. Proceedings. Ph., Nat. Muni- $I.50. (EdR., D. +-) (Nation, Mr. 3 +-)
cipal League, 2897. 294 pp. 8vo. $I. (MA., Progress in woman's education in the British
Mr. + +) empile. Rpt. of the education section, Vic-
Maitland, F. W. Township & borough, being the toria Era Exhibition, I897), ed. by Countess of
Ford lectures in the University of Oxford . . . Warwick. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 394
I897. Cambridge, Camb. Univ. Press. 230 pp. 8vo. S. 6.
pp. 8vo.
*Maltbie, M. R. English local governmentof to- Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology.
day: a study of the relations of central & local
government. N. Y., Macmillan Co., I897. Ballerini, G. Il materialismo e l'origine dell' uni
(Columbia University studies.) (YR., F. verso. Genova, Geo. Fassicomo e Scotti. 45
pp. i6mo.
+-) (JEc., Mr. +-) Bowne, B. P. Theory of thought & knowledge.
Miriel, Emile. Des rapports des municipalit6s et
du puvoir central en matiere de police (these). N. Y., Harper & Bros., I897. 389 pp. (PhR.,
P., libr. Larose, x897. I39 pp. 8vo. Mr. + -) (Dial, Ja. I +-)
Municipal year-book of the United Kingdom for Bulova, Adolf. Die Einheitslehre (Monismus)
i898. Ed. by Robert Donald. L., Lloyd. als Religion. Eine Studie. Br., R. Mickisch
442 pp. 8vo. S. 2, 6.
in Komm. 136 pp. 8vo. M. 2.50.
Strong, Josiah. Twentieth century city. N. Y., Chabot, Charles. Nature et Moralit6 (these). P.,
Baker & Taylor Co. i86 pp. x6mo. $o.50. libr. F. Alcan. 296 pp. 8vo.
Wiener Communal-Kalender u. stadtisches Jahr- *Cornelius, Hans. Psychologie als Erfahrungs-
buch, I898. 36. Jahrg. Wien, M. Perles in wissenschaft. Lp., Teubner, 1897. 445 PP.
Komm. 52 pp. 8vo. M. 3. 8vo. M. io. (LC., Ja. 22)
*Ellis, Havelock. Affirmations:a series of essays
Criminology and Penology. on Nietzsche, Casanova, Zola, & others, N. Y.
Bonneron, George. Notre regime penitentiaire. C. Scribner's Sons. 248 pp. 8vo. $2.50.
Les prisons de Paris. P., Firmin, Didot & (Academy, F. 26 +-)
Cie. 3I0 pp. 8vo. Ferrero, Gugl. II militarismo: dieci conferenze.
Gross, Hanns. Criminalpsychologie. Graz, Leusch- Milano, fratelliTreves. 464 pp. i6mo. L. 4.
ner & LubenskY. 72I pp. 8vo. M. IO. Grot, Nik. Nietzsche u. Tolstoi. Aus dem Russ.
Proal, L. Political crime. L., Fisher Unwin. v. Alexis Markow. Br., H. Steinitz. 24 pp.
372 pp. 8vo. S. 6. (Criminology ser.) 8vo. M. o.so.
Ryckere, R. de. La femmeen prison et devant la Hartmann, Ed. von. Ethische Studien. Lp., H.
mort (etude de criminologie). P., Masson & Haacke, 24I pp. Svo. M. 5.
Cie. 249 pp. 8vo. Kramar, J. U. Die Hypothese der Seele, ihre
Begriindigungu. metaphysische Bedeutung. 2
Education. Tle. Lp., Duncker & IHumblot. 825 u. 524
Bernheim, Gustav. Der Universitatsunterrichtu. pp. 8vo. M. 25.
die Erfordernisseder Gegenwart. Br., S. Cal- *Le Dantec, F. L'individualit6 et l'erreur indi-
vary & Co. 76 pp. 8vo. M. I. vidualiste . . . P., F6lix Alcan. i8o pp.
Bohmert,Vict. Handelshochschulen. Denkschrif- x8mo. F. 2.50. (RMM., Mr.)
ten zur Errichtg. handelswissenschaftl. Ab- *Nordau, Max. Psycho-physiologie du genie et
teilgn. an den techn. Hochschulen u. Uni- du talent. Paradoxes psychologiques. Para-
versitaten. 2. Aufl. Dresden, 0. V. Bohmert. doxes sociologiques. P., F. Alcan, 2897. 3 V.
63 pp, 8vo. M. T.20. x2mo. (RIS., Ja.) (RPh., F. + + -)
Butler, N. M. Meaning of education. N. Y., *Ribot, Th. Psychology of the emotions. L.,
Macmillan Co. 230 pp. 8vo. $I. Walter Scott, I897 445 pp. (IJE., Ap.
Denkschriftdes X. deutschen evangelischen Schul- ++ -) (Dial, Mr. I ++)
kongresses u. der XX. Generalversammlung *Sidgwick, Henry. Practical ethics: a collection
des evangelischen Lehrerbundes zu Hamburg of addresses & essays. N. Y., Macmillan Co.
. 2897. Hrsg. vom Bureau des Kongresses. 260 pp. 8vo. (IJE., Ap. + -) (Nation, Mr.
Br., Buchh. der Deutschen Lehrerzeitung. I76 3' + +) (Outlook, F. 5 -)
pp. 8vo. M. 3. Woltmann, Ludw. System des moralischen Be-
Didon, Pere. L'education presente (discours a la wusstseins m. besond. Darlegung des Ver-
jeunesse). P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 4I5 pp. haltnisses der kritischen Philosophie zu Dar-
i8mo. winismus u. Socialismus. Dusseldorf, H.
*Evellin. Rapport sur l'enseignement de la morale Michels. 391 pp. 8vo. M. 4.50.
dans les ecoles primaires de l'Acad6mie de Family.
Paris. P., Nicolle & Cie. I6 pp. 8vo. (RMM.,
Mr. + +) Dupouy, Edmond. La prostitution dans l'anti-
France - Ministere de l'instruction publique et quite dans ses rapports avec les maladies ven6-
des beaux-arts. Documents parl6mentaires et riennes . . . P., Societe d'editions scien-
administratifs. P., Impr. nationale. 647 pp. tifiques. 336 pp. 8vo. F. 5.

*Hutchinson, H. N. Marriage customs in many pointed to inquire into the expediency of

lands. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., I897. 22 revising & amending the laws of the common-
pp. il. 8vo. $4. (Dial, Mr. i6 +) (Nation, wealth relating to taxation. B., State Printer,
MIr.io) (Athenaeum, D. 25 - -) 1897. 322 pp. 8vo. (PSQ., Mr. ++) (Ecj.,
Sanger, W. W. History of prostitution: its extent, Mr.) (JPE., Mr., p. 225 + A-)
causes, & effects throughout the world ... Meloit, M. & A. Dictionnaire universel des mon-
New ed. N. Y., Medical Pub. Co. 709 pp, naies courantes (poids, titre,valeur, systemes
8vo. $2. mon6tairesde tous les pays). P., libr. Garnier
freres. 142 pp. 8vo.
Finance and Taxation. *Noyes, A. D. Thirty years of American finance
*Brough. W. Open mints & freebanking. N.Y., . . .i865-96. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons.
G. P. Putnam's Sons. I79 pp. 12mO. $2.25. 277 pp. 12mo. $I.25. (Nation, Mr. 24, p. 228
(Outlook, Mr. 26 X) + +) (Outlook, Mr. 5 - +)
*Darwin, Leonard. A summary & examination of *Russell, H. B. International monetary confer-
the arguments for& against a bimetallic sys- ences; their purpose, character & results, with
tem of currency. L., John Murray, 1897. 34I a study of the conditions of currency & finance
pp. (EcJ., Mr.++-) in Europe & America . . . N. Y., Harper
Eastman, F. M. Taxation for state purposes in Bros. 477 pp. 8vo. $2.50. (Outlook, Ap. 2
Pennsylvania, containing full information in
regard to every state tax & license . .. Phil., *Stephens, T. A. Contributionto the bibliography
Kay & Bro. 284 pp. 8vo. $2. of the bank of England. Effingham,Welsh
Engel, A., & Serrure, R. Trait6 de numismatique & Co., 1897. (PSQ., Mr. +-) (EcR., D.
moderne et contemporaine: Epoque moderne
(i6e-i8e siecIes). P., libr. Leroux. 612 pp. Wagner, Adolph. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iib.
8vo. avec 363 ill. F. 20. Finanzwissenschaft in aphoristischer Form.
France-Ministere de l'interieur. Situation finan- Als Leitfaden fur seine Zuhorer, in Anlehng.
cibre des d6partements en I895. iie publica- an sein Lehrbuch u. seine Abhandlgn. im
tion. Melun, Impr. administrative,I897. 387 Schonberg'schen Handbuch, m. einigen
pp. 4t0. niiheren Ausfiihrgn. iiber die indirekten
France- Ministhredes finances. Renseignements Steuern. Br., Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht.
statistiques relatifs aux contributionsdirectes I44 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.
et aux taxes assimilees. (8e ann6e). P.,
Impr. nationale. 140 pp. 8vo. History.
Globocnik, A. v. Geschichtliche Uebersicht des Appel, Alwin. Enstehung u. Niedergang des
osterreichischenGeld- u. Miinzwesens. Mit 8 spanischen Weltreiches u. seines Kolonial-
Munztaf. Wien, Manz in Komm. 53 + 49 pp. handels. 5 pp. M. 0.75. (Sammlung ge-
8vo. M. 2. meinverstiandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vor-
*Gomel, Charles. Histoire financierede l'Assem- triige.)
bl6e Constituante. 2 V. Paris, Guillaumin & *Benoist, Charles. L'Espagne, Cuba et Etats-
Cie, I896-7. (PSQ., Mr. + +) (EcJ., Mr. Unis. P., Perrin & Cie. 272 pp. i6mo. (RPP.,
x) D++)
Hamburg- Statistisches Bureau der Steuer-Depti- Boos, Heinr. Geschichte der rheinischen Stidte-
tation. i8. Hft., 8. Abthg. Hamburg, 0. kulturvon ihr8nAnfangen bis zur Gegenwart
Meissner. M. 4. m. besond. Beriicksicht.der Stadt Worms . . .
*Heilingenstadt, Carl. Die preussische Zentral- 2. Ausg. 574 pp. 4to. Br., J. A. Stargardt.
Genossenschafts-Kasse. Jena, G. Fischer, M. 9.
I897. I02 pp. 8vo. M. i.6o. (DL., F. 12 +) *Cameron, D. A. Egypt in the nineteenth cen-
Henze, Adf. DasGeld aller Volker. Nachschlage- tury; or, Mehemet Ali & his successors until
buch enth. die cursir. Miunzen u. das cursir. the British occupation in I882. L., Smith &
Papiergeld aller Staaten der Erde in natur- Elder. 296 pp. 8vo. S. 6. (Athenaeum, Mr.
getreuen Abbildgn. (in metall. Hochdr. u. 26+-)
Spiegel-Fksm.), m. Angabe des Werthes in Cavaignac, Godefroy. La formationde la Prusse
deutscher Reichswahrg. 22. Lfg. Die Ver- contemporaine. T. 2. Le ministere de Har-
einigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Lp., A. denberg . . . (i8o8-I3). P.,H achette& Cie.
Henze. 85-92 pp. 8vo. M. 0.40. 5I7 pp. 8vo.
*Heyn, Otto. Kritik des Bimetallismus. Br., *Channing, Edward. A student's history of the
Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht, i897. i84 pp. United States. N. Y., Macmillan Co., I898.
8vo. M. 3. (LC., Mr. I2) 603 pp. 8vo. $i.40. (Outlook, Ja. 29+ +
Katalog der orientalischen Miunzen in den konigl. (Nation, Mr. I7+-) (AHR., Ap.A+-+ -)
Museen zu Berlin. i. Bd. Die Munzen der Chronographia regum francorum. Publiee pour Ia
ostl. Chalifen. Br., W. Spemann. 423 pp. Societe de l'histoire de France par H. Moran-
8vo. M. 25. ville. T. 3. (I380-I405) P., libr. Laurens,
Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalogue of the collection 2897. 350 pp. 8vo.
of Arabic coins preserved in the Khedival Corbett,3. 5. Drake & the Tudor navy; with a
Library at Cairo. L., Bernard Quaritch, I897. historyof the rise of England as a maritime
384 pp. 8vo. (LC., F. 5) power. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 2 V.
Leiter, Frdr. Wer muss Rentensteuer zahlen? il. 8vo. $IO.
Eine Erlauterg.... Wien, M. Perles. 8o Delarc, L'Abb6. L'6glise de Paris pendant la
pp. 8vo. M. 2. R6volution frangaise (I789-I80I). T. 3. P.,
Leiter, Frdr. Wer muss Personaleinkommensteuer libr. Descl6e, de Brouwer & Cie. 6oo pp. 8vo.
u. Besoldungssteuer zahlen? Eine Erlauterg. Deville, Victor. Partage de l'Afrique (exploration,
. . .Wien, M. Perles. 209 pp. 8vo. M. 3. colonisation, 6tat politique). P., Josep Andre
*Mase-Dari, Di E. L'imposta progressiva, in- & Cie. 466 pp. 8vo. F. 5.
dagini di storia e d'economia della finanza. *Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbors.
Torino, Fratelli Bocca, I897. (PSQ., Mr. B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I897. 3i8 pp.
+ +-) (EcJ., Je + -) 8vo. $4. (Academy, Ja. I + +) (Nation,
Massachusetts-Report of the commission ap- Ja. I3 + +) (Dial, F. i + +)

*Fisk, G. M. Die handelspolitischen u. sonstigen Hooper, G. The campaign of Sedan, the downfall
volkerrechtlichen Beziehungen zwischen of the second empire, August-Sept. i870. N.
Deutschland u. den Vereinigten Staaten von Y., Macmillan Co., 1897. 382 pp. 12mo. $I.

Amerika. Eine historisch-statistischeStudie. (Bohn's standard lib.)

Stuttgart,J. G. Cotta, 1897. 254 pp. 8vo. (J Imbert de Saint-Armand, A. L. Napoleon III &
G.V.,21:4,I+-) (AAP.,Ja.++-) his court; tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. N.
Friedjung, Heinr. Der Kampf um die Vorherr- Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 407 pp. i2mo.
schaft in Deutschland, 1859-66 2. (Schluss-) $I.50.
Bd. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta Nachf. 6o6 pp. Jastrow,J., & Winter,Georg. Deutsche Geschichte
8vo. M. I6. im Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen (1125-1273),
Gaede, Udo. Preussens Stellung zur Kriegsfrage i. Bd. (1125-1190). J. G. Cotta.
im J. 1809. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der 644 pp. 8vo. M. iO.
preuss. Politik . . . i8o8-9. Hannover, Hahn. Jesuit (The) relations & allied documents . . .
i62 pp. 8vo. M. 2.50. v. 313-1i6. Cleveland, Burrows Bros. Co. $3.50
*Gardiner, S. R. History of the commonwealth each vol.
and protectorate, I649-I660. V. 2, i651-1654. Kaufmann, A.; Mogk, E.; Hirt, E.... Kulturge-
N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., I897. 503 pp. schichte des Mittelalters m. Einschluss der
8vo. $7. (EHR., Ja. + + -) (Academy, Renaissance u. Reformation. Lp., P. Frie-
N. 27 + + -) (Nation, Ja. 6 & I3 X) senbahn. 984 pp. 8vo. M. i5. [Aus "Hell-
*Gebhardt, Bruno. Wilhelm von Humboldt als wald, Kulturgeschichte."]
Staatsmann. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, I897. *Kingston, A. East Anglia & the great civil
487 pp. 8vo. M. Io. (RH., F., p. i62 + + war. The risingof Cromwell's ironsides in the
-) (DL., D. 4) associated counties of Cambridge, Hunting-
Gerdes, Heinr. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes don, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk,Essex, Hert-
u. seiner Kultur im Mittelalter (in 3 Bdn.). 2. ford. L., Elliot Stock, I897. 4i6 pp. il. 8vo.
Bd. Geschichte der salischen Kaiser u. ihrer S. io, 6. (Academy, D. 25 + +) (EHR.,
Zeit. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 665 pp. 8vo. Ja. +-)
M. 13. Knartz, Karl. Das Deutschthum der Vereinigten
Great Britain.-Calendais, domestic. Charles I v. Staaten. Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt u. Druck-
23. Addenda, Mar. i625-Jan. I649; Charles erei. 84 pp. 8vo. M. i.20. (Sammlung
II V. 12. Dec. i67i-May 17, i672. L., Eyre gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicherVor-
& Spottiswoode. S. Is ea. trage.)
Griffiths,Arthur. The Wellington memorial: *Lanciani, R. A. Ruins & excavations of ancient
Wellington, his comrades & contemporaries. Rome: a companion book forstudents & trav-
N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 370 pp. 8vo. ellers. B., Houghton, Miffin & Co. 6ig pp.
$4. 8vo. $4. (Critic, Ja I + +) (AAP., S.+ +)
*Gross, Charles. Bibliography of British munici- (Athenteum, Mr. I9 + +)
pal history. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. Lavisse, E., & Rambaud, A., eds. Histoire
(PSQ., Mr.++) (AHR., Ap.++) g6n6rale du 4e siecle a nos jours. T.
Gunther, Rhold. Allgemeine Kulturgeschichte. io. Les monarchies constitutionnelles (i815-
Zurich, Th. Schroter. 280 pp. 8vo. M. 4. 4). 113e-117e fasc. PP- 321-720. P.,
Hagelstange, Alfr. Siiddeutsches Bauernleben im Colin & Cie.
Mittelalter. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 268 Lebon, Andre. Cent ans d'histoire int6rieure
pp. 8vo. M. 5.6o. (3789-3895) . P., Colin & Cie. 349 pp. i8mo.
*Hannay, David. A short hist. of the royal F. 4.
navy, I2I7-I688. L., Methuen & Co., I897. *Lebon, Andre. Modern France, I789-I895. N.
(Athen2eum, D. 25 -+) (Academy, D. 25 Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 488 pp. il. I2mo.
(Story of the Nations ser.) (Nation, Mr. 24
Harrisse, Henry. The diplomatic history of + -) (Athen2cum,Ja. I + +)
America ; its first chapter (1452-1493-1494). Lefevre, Andr6. L'histoire. Entretiens sur l'6vo-
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. I2mo. $2.50. lution historique. P., Schleicher freres. 693
Hartmann, L. M. Gesch. Italiens im Mittelalter. pp. i6mo. F. 6.
i Bd. Das italien. K6nigreich. Lp., G. H. *Lenel, Walter. Die Entstehung der Vorherrscbaft
Wigand. 40g pp. 8vo. M. 32.50. Venedigs an der Adria, mit Beitrage zur Ver-
*Hassall, Arthur. Modern Europe, 3735-3789. fassungsgeschichte. Strassburg, K. J. Trub-
The balance of power. N. Y., Macmillan Co., ner, 1897. 145 pp. 8vo. M. 3.50. (DL., F.
1896. 149 pp. I6mo. (YR., Au. - +) (AH 19 + +)
R., Ja. ++) (AAP., Ja. +-) *Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. Les nouvelles soci6tes
*Hazen, C. D. Contemporary American opinion anglo-saxonnes. Australie, Nouvelle-Zelande,
of the French Revolution . . . . Baltimore, Afrique australie. P., Colin & Cie. 1897.
Johns Hopkins Press. 325 pp. 8vo. $2. (Johns 450 pp. 8vo. F. 4. (LC., Ja. 8 + +) (AAP.,
Hopkins studies, extra vol. no. i6.) (AHR., Ja. + +)
Ap. + +) *Lummis, C. F. The awakening of a nation;
*Heinrich, Friedjung. Der Kampf um die Vor- Mexico of to-day. N. Y., Harper Bros. 179
herrschaft in Deutschland, i859-66. 2. Bd. pp. 12m0. $2.50. (Outlook, Ap. 2 + -) (Na-
Stuttgart,J. G. Cotta. 6o6 pp. 8vo. M. 14. tion, Mr. 31 + -)
(DL., Mr. I9 + +) McCarthy, J. H. The French revolution. In 2 v.
Heretier, Louis. Geschichte der franz6sischen V. 2. N. Y.,'Harper & Bros. 700 pp. I2mo.
Revolution v. 1848 u. der zweiten Republik. $I.50.
. St4ttgart, J. H. W. Dietz, I897. i.-8. McCarthy, Justin. A history of our own times.
Hft.pp. Is6. 8vo. bi M. 0.20. (Internationale V. 3. N. Y., Harper & Bros., I897. 473 pp.
Bibliothek.) 12mo. $i.75. (Critic, 0. 2 - +) (Academy,
*Hill, G. F., ed. Sources for Greek historybe- Je. i2 -) (Athenrum, Je. 5 -+)
tween the Persian & Peloponnesian wars. . .. -The story of Gladstone's life. . . . N. Y.
N. Y., OxfordUniversity Press, I897. 412 pp. Macmillan Co., I897. 436 pp. ii. 8vo. $6.
8vo. $2.60. (Nation, 0. I4 + +) (DL., Ja. (Macmillan's Eng. Classics) (Critic, D. 25.
8 + + -)

*Macdonald, William. Select documents illustra- arr. by A. F. Pollard. . . N. Y., imp. by H.

tive of the history of the U. S. (1776-I86I). Holt & Co., I897, 345 Pf. I2mo $I75.
N. Y., Macmillan Co. 465 pp. 8vo. $2. (Pamphlet library.)
(Outlook, F. 5 ++) Nation, F. 24++-) Powers, G. W. England & the Reformation
('JPE., Mr.+ +) 1485-I603. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, I43
*Mahan, A. T. The interest of America in sea pp. i6mo. $0.50. (Oxford Manual of English
power, present and future. B., Little, Brown history.)
&Co.,I897. 314pp. I2mo. $2. (AthenEum, Prutz, Hans. Aus des grossen Kurfiirstenletzten
Ja.i I+ +-) (Outlook, Ja. I+-) (RRN., Jahren. Zur Geschichte seines Hauses u.
Ja. X) (Critic, Ja. 2 +--) Hofes, seiner Regierg. u. Politik. Br., G.
Meyer, E. H. Deutsche Volkskunde. Mit 240 Reimer. 4I0 pp. 8vo. M, 7.
Text-Abbildgn. . . . Strassburg, K. T. Trtib- Prutz, Hans. Storia degli stati medixevali. Disp.
ner, I897. 362 pp. 8vo. M. 6.50. 36, 37, 38, & 39. Milano, Societa editrice
*Michael, Wolfgang. Englische Geschichte im libraria, 1897, 8vo. L. iil fasc.
achtzehntenJahrhundert. Hamburg, Leopold Publikationen aus den konigl. preuss. Staatsar-
Voss, i896. (EHR., JI. +) (RH., F. p. chiven, veranlasst und unterstutzt durch die
k6nigl. Archiv-Verwaltung. 69. u. 70. Bd.
Michelet, J. CEuvres completes. Histoire de la Lp., S. Hirzel. 959 pp. 8vo. M. 26.
R6volution frangaise. Edition d6finitive,revue Quellen u. Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven
et corrigee. P., libr. Flammarion. T. 2 & 3. u. Bibliotheken, hrsg. vom konigl. preuss. hi -
8vo. stor. Institut in Rom. Rom, Loescher & Co.,
Montanari, Ant. Lezioni sulla filosofiadella storia I897. I64 pp. M. I0.
che precedono lo studio comparativo delle tre Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte, Litteratur
grand civilt'amondiali. Bologna, Nicola Zani- und Sprache Oesterreichsu. seiner Kronlinder.
chelli. 465 pp. 8vo. L. 8. Durch die Leo-Gesellschaft hrsg. v. J. Hirn
Monumenta Germanixe historica. ... Legum u. J. E. Wackernell. 5 Bd. 533 pp. 8vo.
secto 2. Capitularia regum Francorum.... M. 9.
Tomi 2, pars 3. Hannover, Hahn. M. 12. Redmond, J. E. Historical & political addresses,
Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch Republic: the I883-97. L., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 398 pP.
student's Motley; condensed with introd. & 8vo. S. 5.
notes & an historicalsketch of the Dutch people Renouver, C. Philosophie analytique de i'histoire:
fromx584-i897 by W. E. Griffis. N. Y., Har- les idees, les religions, les systemes. T. 4. P.,
per & Bros. 943 pp. 8vo. $1-75. libr. Leroux. 794 pp. 8vo.
Mueller, D. von. Deutsche Erbfehler u. ihr Richter, Gust. Annalen der deut. Gesch. im Mit-
Einfluss auf die Geschichte des deutschen telalter, 3. Abtlg. Annalen des deutschen
Volkes. Basel, J. C. IPerthes. 376 pp. 8vo. Reichs im Zeitalter Ottonen u. Salier, 2. Bd.
M. 6. 782 pp. 8vo. M. i6.
Musick, J. R. Hawaii our new possessions: an Robidou, Bertrand. Histoire du clerge pendant la
account of travel & adventure, with sketches Revolution francaise. P., Calmann-L6vy
of the scenery, customs & manners, . . . with (I889). 2 v- 451 & 449 pp. 8vo. F. I5.
border decorations & pen sketches. N. Y., Royal historical society's transactions. L. & N. Y.,
Funk & Wagnalls Co., I898. 524 pp. 8vo. Longmans, Green & Co., x897. Vol. II- 8vo.
$2-75. S. 21.
New England's plantation; or a short & true de- *Ruhl, Franz. Chronologie des Mittelalters u.
scriptionof the commodities and discommodi- Neuzeit. Br., Reuther & Reichard, 1897.
ties of that country, written by a reverend (EHR., Ja. ++) (LC, D. ii ++-)
divine now thereresident. London, i630. Re- Schulthess europaischer Geschichtskalender. N.
printed by G. P. Humphrey. I5 pp. 8vo. F. i3. Jahrg. 1897. Muinchen, C. H. Beck.
$o.a . (Am. colonial tracts,no. ii.) M. 8.
Oman, C. A historyof England. In 3 div. Div. Sergeant, L. The Franks from their origin as a
I: From the earliest times to A. D. 1307. Div. confederacyto the establishment of the king-
2: From 1307-I688. Div. 3: From I688-I885. dom of France & the German empire. N. Y.,
L., Edwin Arnold. 8vo. S. 2 ea. G. P. Putnam's. 364 pp. 8vo. $z.so. (Story
Pariset, Georges. L'6tat & les 6glises en Prusse of the Nations.)
sous Fr6d6ric-Guillaume I (I7I3-40). Paris, Smith, G. B. Colonization in the United States,
Colin & Cie., I897. 989 pp. 8vo. (LC., Ag. 2i from the earliest times to the landing of the
+ -) (AHR., Ja. + + -) (RQH., 0. Pilgrim fathers. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co.,
X) 1897. 8v0. $1.50.
*Pausanius' descriptionof Greece, tr. with a com- *Smith, T. C. The libertyand freesoil parties in
mentary by J. G. Frazer. L., Macmillan Co. the Northwest. Toppan prize essay of I896.
6 v. 8vo. (Athenaum, Mr. 26 + + -) N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., x897. 351 pp.
*Perkins, J. B. France under Louis XV. Bost., 8vo. (Harvard historical studies, no. 6.) (Out-
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., i897. 2 v. 0. $4. look, F. 26++)
(Nation, Mr. iO, p. i88++-) (AHR., Ap. *Soulier, H. Des origines et de 1'6tat social de la
nation francaice. P., Giard & Briere, 524 pp.
*Plehn, Hans. Der politische Character von 8vo. F. io. (RIS., Ja. +-) (RPP., Jax )
Matheus Parisiensis . . . Lp., Duncker & Spears, J. R. History of our navy fromits origin
Humblot. 136 pp. 8vo. M. 3.60. (LC., J1.31) to the present day, x775-1897, with . . 400 ill.
(DL., F. 26) N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 4 vols. i2mo.
*Powell, E. P. Nullification & secession in the $8.
United States. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, Stern, Alfr. Geschichte Europas seit den Ver-
1897. 46i pp. $2. (PSQ., Mr.++) (AHR., tragen v. I8I5 bis zum Frankfurter Frieden
Ap.---) 1871. 2. Bd. Br., Besser. 572 pp. 8vo M. g,
Politische Correspondenz Friedrichs des Grossen. Storia politica d'Italia, scritta da una societa di
Br., A Duncker, 1897. 24. Bd. 435 pp. 8vo. professori. Vol. i. fasc. 13-20. Milano, tip.
M. x7. Francesco Vallordi, 1897. Pp. 24i-400. L. I,
Pollard, H. F., ed. Political pamphlets, sel. & il fasc.

Story, A. T. Building of the British empire; the Gottinger Arbeiterbibliothek,hrsg. v. Frdr. Nau-
story of England's growth from Elizabeth to mann. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Victoria . . . N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 2. Bd. i. U. 9. Hft. 8vo. x: Naumann,
2 v. il. SVO. $1.5o each. (Story of the Nations Frdr., Nationale Sozialpolitik, pp. i-i6. 9:
ser.) Rein, W., Erziehungs- u. Bildungs-Ideale, pp.
Theal, G. M. History of South Africa under 129-44.
the administration of the Dutch East India Guyot, Yves. L'6conomie de l'effoit. P., Colin &
Company (i652-1795). L., Swan, Sonnen- Cie. 320 PP- i8mo. F. 4.
schein & Co. 2 vols. maps, 8vo. S. 30. Jahrbuchder internationalenVereinigung f.gewerb-
*Tyler, M. C. Literary history of the American lichen Rechtsschutz. i. Jahrg. i897. Br., Hey-
revolution. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 2 v. mann. 489 pp. 8vo. M. 9.
(AHR., Ja.++) (Academy, D. i8++-) Lambert, Maurice. Essai sur la protectiondu sa-
(Critic, Ap. 2++) (Outlook, Ap. i6++-) larie (economie politique et legislation com-
Vince, C. A. Jobn Bright. L', Blackie. 242 pp. par6e). P.. libr. Larose, I897. 375 pp. 8vo.
8vo. S. 2a 6. (Victorian Era series.) Staats- u. socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen.
Vivian, Herbert. Servia, the poor man's paradise. Hrsg. v. Gust. Schmoller. Lp., Duncker &
N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., I897. 300 pp. Ilumblot. I5. Bd. 4. Hft. Gertiud Dyhren-
8vo, $4. furth: Die hausindustriellen Arbeiterinnen in
*Waliszewski, K. Peter the 'Great,trans. fromthe der Berliner Blusen-, Unterrock-,Schiirzen- u.
French by Mary Loyd. L., Heinemann, i898. Tricotkonfektion. 122 pp. 8vo. M. 2.8o.
572 pp. 8vo. S. 6. (Dial, Ja. i6. X) (DL., V6tillard, Jean. Du contrat de travail (these).
N. 13) (RQH., 0. ++) (RH., F.++-) Angers, Germain & Grassin. 206 pp. 8vo.
(HN., ja. ? +) Waentig, Heinrich. Gewerbliche Mittelstands-
Wilbert, P. F. Mirabeau. N. Y., Macmillan Co. politik. Einie rechtshistorisch-wirtschaftspolit.
230 p. I2mo. $0.75. (Foreign Statesmen ser.) Studie auf Grund osterreich. Quellen. Lp.,
*Winsor, Justin. The westward movement. The Duncker & Humblot. 483 pp. 8vo. M. 9.60.
colonies & the republic west of the Allegha- *Webb, Sidney & Beatrice. Industrial democracy.
nies, 1763-98 . . . B., Houghton,Miffin& N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., I897. 2 v.
Co., 1897. 595 pp. 8vo. (AHR., Ap.+ - 8vo. $6. (AJS., My. ++ -)
(Nation, Mr. 3++-) (Dial, Ja. i++-)
Wippermann, Karl. Deutscher Geschichtskalen- Political Economy.
der f. 1897. Sachlich geordnete Zusammen- Bardotu, Eugene. Jtude 6conomique sur libre-
stellg. der politisch wichtigsten Vorgange im echange et protection. Perpignan, impr. de
In- u. Ausland. i. Bd. Lp., F. W. Grunow. l'Ind6pendant, 1897.
450 pp. 8vo. M. 6. Coste, L6on. Histoire des doctrineseconomiques
Wylie, J . Hist. of England under Henry the concernant la legitimit6 de l'interet (these).
Fourth. V. 4, 141I-14I3. L., Longmans, Green P., Giard & Briere, 1897. 274 pp. 8vo.
& Co. 586 pp. 8vo. S. 2i. *Cournot, Augustin. Researches into the mathe-
Young, Arthur. Autobiography, with selections matical principles of the theoryof wealth. N.
fromhis correspondeince,ed. y M. B. Edwards. Y., Macmillan & Co., I897. 209 pp. 12mo.
L., Smith, Elder & Co. (Athenaeum, F. 5-+) $0.75. (YR., F. ++) (AAP., Mr. ++)
(Academy, F. I2++) (Critic, Mr. ig, p. (EcJ., Mr. ++-)
I99 X) Cunningham, W. An essay on western civiliza-
*Zimmermann, Alfred. Die Kolonialpolitik Por- tion in its economic aspects (ancient times).
tugals u. Spaniens in ihrer Entwicklung von L., Clay & Sons. 232 pp. 8vo. S. 4, 6.
den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart dargestellt. *George, Henry. The science of political economy.
Br., E. S. Mittler & Sohn, i896. 515 pp. N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co. 545 pP.
M. io. (HZ., 8o: --) (RefS.,D. 25 + 8vo. $2.50. (Dial, Ap. I+)
*Laveleye, Emile de. Essais et 6tudes, 3e serie
Zimmermann, Alfr. Die europaischen Kolonien. (I883-92). P., F. Alcan, 2897. 418 pp. 8vo.
Schilderung ihrer Entstehg., Entwickelg., Er. (LC., Mr. I2) (JEc., Mr.) (RMM., Ja.)
folge u. Aussichten. 2. Bd. A. tl. d. T. Die *Nicholson, J. S. Principles of political economy.
Kolonialpolitik Grossbritanniens. 3. Thl. Von V. 2. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 328 pp. 8vo.
den Anfangen bis zum Abfall der Vereinigten $2.25. (Ecj., Mr. ++-) (Athenaeum, Mr.
Staaten. Br., E. S. Mittler & Sohn. 479 pp. 12-+) (TPE., Mr. 2)
8vo. M. iI.50.
Zwiedeneck-SUidenhorst. H. von. Deutsche Ge- Political Science.
schichte von der Auflisung des alten bis zur Annuaire de legislation frangaise pour I896 (W5e
Errichtung des neuen Kaiserreiches. i8o6- ann6e). Publi6 par la socie6t de l6gislation
1871. i. Bd. Die Zeit des Rheinbundes u. compar6e. Contenant le texte des principales
die Griindg. des deutschen Btundes, i8o6-i8i5. lois vot6es en France en i895. P., libr. Pi-
Stuttgart,J. G. Cotta. 623 pp. 8vo. M. io. chon, I896. 254 pp. 8vo.
*Bigelow, Poultney. White man's Africa. N. Y.,
Labor. Harper& Bros. (Academy,N. 20 -+) (Out-
Crewe, W. 0. Law of arbitration. Ed. 2. L., W. look, Mr. 5 ++)
Clowes & Son. 8vo. S. 8, 6. Binding, Karl. Deutsche Staatsgrundsetze in di-
Druckfachen der Kommission f. Arbeiterstatistik. plomatisch genauen Abdrucke zu amtl. u. zu
Verhandlungen Nr. I4. B., C. Heymann. 72 akadem. Gebrauche. iO. Hft., 3 Abtlgn. Lp.,
pp. 2do. M. o.8o. W. Engelmann. M. 3.60.
Ducloux, A. Science pratique du laboreur. Nancy, *Bodley, J. E. C. France. N. Y., Macmillan Co.
libr. Pierron et ffHoze.II6 pp. 8vo. 2 v. 8vo. $4. (Athenteum, F. S & I2 ++)
*Evert, Georg. Regierungsrat: Handbuich des ge- (Academy, F. 26 ++) (Nation, AP. 7+)
werblichen Arbeiterschutzes. Berlin, C. Hey- (Dial, Ap. I ++-)
mann, i897. 327 pp. 8vo, (JGV., 22: I+ ) Callahan, J. M. Neutrality of,the Am. lakes &
France- Office du Travail. Salaries et dur6e du Anglo-American relations. Baltimore, Johns
travail dans l'indtustriefrancais. T. 4. R6sul- Hopkins Press. I99 pp. 8vo. $I.50. (Johns
tats g6neraux. P., Impr. nationale, I897. Hopkins University studies.)

Clarke, R. F. The science of law and law-making: Hodson, Jane, ed. How to become a trainednurse:
being an introductionto law, a general view of a manual of informationin detail with a com-
its forms& substances & a discussion of the plete list of the various training schools for
question of codification. N. Y., Macmillan nurses in the United States and Canada. N.
UO. 473 pp. 8vo. $4. Y., William Abbott. 26o pp. 8vo. $2.
*Dallinger, F. W. Nominations for elective office Simon, Jules. Programme du cours d'hygiene, h
in the United States. N. Y., Longmans, l'usage des maisons de la Legion d' ionneur.
Green & Co., I897. 290 pp. (PSQ., Mr. ++ P., impr. Dupont. So pp. 8vo.
-) (MA., Mr.-+-) (AAP., S. +-) Swibled, Georges. La morale dans ses rapports
Dobresco, D. J. L'6volution de I'idee de droit avec Ia m6dicine et l'hygiene. T. 4. La vie
(thkse). I., Giard & Briere. i6o pp. 8vo. psycho-sensible. P., iinpr. Colin. 3I2 pp.
Dunbar, W. H. Government by injunction. N. I8mo.
Y., Macmillan Co. 43 pp. I2mo. $0.50. Wegweiser der Gewerbehygiene. Rathgeber zur
(Economic studies, v. 3, no. I. Verhuitg.v. Gewerbekrankheiten u. Betriebs-
Hallez d'Arros. Statistique des resultats6lectoraux unfallen. Hrsg. v. E. Golebiewski. Nr. 2-5.
represent6sa la chambre des deput6s (I893-98). I2mo. Br., C. Heymann. M. 3.60. [Each
Tableaux justificatifs, . . . P., impr. P. Du- number devoted to one trade.]
pont. i6 pp. 8vo.
Handbuch f. das Deutsche Reich auf d. J. i8g8. Socialism.
Bearb. im Reiclssamt des Innern. 23. Jahrg. *Andler, Charles. Les origines du socialisme
Br., C. Heymann. 55I pp. 8vo. M. 5. d'6tat en Allemagne. P., F. Alcan, 1897. 495
Handbuch fiberden konigl. preussischen Hof u. pp. F.-. (AAP., Mr.++) (RI, F.++)
Staat f. d. J. I898. . . Br., R. v. Decker in Bebel, Aug. Nicht stehendes Heer, sondern
Komm. 858 pp. v8O. M. I4. Volkswehr! Stuttgart,J. H. W. Dietz. 8o pp.
Handworterbuchder Staatswissenschaften. Hrsg. 8vo. M. I.
v. J. Conrad, L. Elster, W. Lexis, E. Loening. Criuger,Hans. Der heutige Stand des deutschen
2. Suppl.-Bd. Mit Register zum i. U. 2. Suppl.- Genossenschaftswesens. Br., L. Simion. 96
Bd. Jena, G. Fischer. I076 pp. 8vo. M. 26.50o pp. 8vo. M. 2. (VolkswirthschaftlicheZeit-
Hof- u. Staats-Handbuch der 6sterreichisch-un- fragen, hrsg. v. der volkswirtbshaftl.Gesell-
garischen Monarchie f. I898. Wien, Hof- u. schaftin Berlin. 153.-155. Hft.)
Staatsdruckerei. i290 pp. 8vo. M. IO. Levi, G. G. L'errore del socialismo, i suOi mezzi
Kinsky, Count C. The diplomatists' handbook for ed i suoi ostacoli, il bene che puo fare ed il
Africa. L., Kegan Paul. I30 pp. 8vo S. io, 6. male. Torino, Roux, Frassati e C. 5og pp
*Malet, A. Histoire diplomatique de l'Europe 8vo. L. 5.
aux I7e et i8e siecles .... . P., E. Dentu. Merlino, Saverio. L'utopia c3llettivista e la crisi
476 pp. 8vo. F. 4. (RQH., 0. +-) del socialismo scientifico. Milano, fratelli
*Morel, Frangois. Les juridictions commerciales Treves. I33 pp. i6mo. L. I.
au moyen-age. ttude de droit compare. P., Renard, Georges. Le regime socialiste. Principes
Arthur Rousseau, I897. 227 pp. 8vo. F. 7. de son organisation politique et economique.
(DL., Mr. 5 -+) (RH., F. X) P., F. Alcan. I92 pp. i8mo. F. 2.5o.
Romin, J. De la repr6sentationen justice a Rome
avant l'6poque classique (these). P., Iibr. Sociology: General Works.
Pedone, i897. 242 pp. 8vo. *Bbsch, J. M. Die entwicklungstheoretischeIdee
Vareilles-Sommieres, Comte de. La synthese du socialer Gerechtigkeit. Eine Kritik u. Er-
droit internationale priv6. 2 v. v. I. P., ganzung der Sozialtheorie Herbert Spencers.
libr. Pichon. 4I4 PP. 8vo. F. 8. ZUrich, E. Speidel, I896. 247 pp. 8vo. M.
Viollet, Paul. Droit public. Histoire d-s institu- 3.50. (DL., Ja. I5) (PhR., J1.+ -)
tions politiques et administrativesde la France. Comte, Auguste. Discours sur l'esprit positif.
T. 2. Periode frangaise. Moyen-age. P., P., impr. Larousse. I76 pp. i8mo. F. 2.
libr. Larose. 474 pp. 8vo. F. 8. Dehn, Paul. Kommende Weltwirthschaftspolitik.
Br., Trowitzsch & Sohn. 240 pp. 8vo. M. I.
Religion and the Churches. Dehon, L. Catechisme social. P., Bloud & Bar-
Baumgarten, P. M. Untersuchungen u. Urkunden ral. 322 pp. i8mO.
fibdie Camera collegii cardinalium f. die Zeit Faggi, A. Monadologia e sociologia. Palermo, tip.
von I295 bis I437 ..... Lp., Giescke & Dev- Puccio, I897. I5 pp. 8vo. (Estr.dalla Rivista
rient. 378 pp. 8vo. M. 30. di storia e filosofiadel diritto.)
*Dennis, J. S. Christian missions & social prog- Gumplowicz, Louis. Sociologie et politique. P.,
ress: a sociological study. N. Y., F. H. Re- Giard & Briere. 306 pp. 8vo. (Bibliotheque
vell & Co. (Critic, Ap. 2 ++) (Nation, Mr. sociologique internationale.)
24 ++) (AJS., Ja.+--) Haymann, Franz. Jean Jacques Rousseau's Sozial-
*Guyau, M. Non-religion of the future; a socio- philosophie. Lp., Veit & Co. 403 pp. 8vo.
logical study, tr. from the French. N. Y., M. I0.
Henry Holt & Co., I897. 543 pp. (PhR. - Holbach's sociales System od. natuirlichePrincipien
+) (Outlook, F. 26--) der Moral u. der Politik, m. e. Untersuchung
*Maillet, Eugene. La creation et la providence tib. den Einfluss der Regierung auf die Sitten.
devant la science moderne. P., Hachette & Nach dem Original iibers. . . . Lp., Th.
Cie, 2897. 466 pp. 8vo. F. 7.50. (DL., Mr. 26.) Thomas in Komm. 2I2 + 273 t i67 pp. 8vo.
Sabatier, A. The vitality of Christian dogmas & M. 5.
their power of evolution, tr. N. Y., Macmil- *Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy & evolution: a
lan Co. 90 pp. I2mo. $o.8o. study of the rights,the origin, & the social
Sighele, Scipio. Psychologie des sectes, traduction functions of the wealthier classes. N. Y.,
frangaise. 239 pp. 8vo. P., Giard & Briere. Macmillan Co. 385 pp. 8vo. $3. (CoR.,
F. 5. Ap. - -)
*Mikhailowsky, N. Qu'est ce que le progres?
Sanitary and Domestic Science. Examen des idees de Herbert Spencer, tr. du
Ennery, Mlle A. d'. Le nouveau livre de cuisine. russe . . . P., F. Alcan, 1897. 204 pp. i6mo.
P., libr. Cerf. 384 pp. i6mo. F. 2.50. (JEc., F.+-)

Mismer, Charles. Principes sociologiques. 2e *Vaccaro, M. A. Les bases sociologiques du droit

6dition,revue et augmentee. P., libr. F. Alcan. et de l'6tat. P., Giard & Briere, 2897. 480 pp.
286 pp. 8vo. F. 5. 8vo. (RI S., F. +-f) (RMM. + -
Roberty, E. de. L'6thique. Le psychisme social. (JEc., F.-)
Deuxieme essai sur la morale consider6e *Vazeille, A. La question sociale est une question
comme sociologie 6l6mentaire. P., F. Alcan, de m6thode. P., Girard & Briere, 1897. 94
I897. 233 pp. 8vo. F. 2.50. pp. 8vo. F. 2. (DS., JI.-+) (RPh., F.
*Rostand, Eugene. L'action sociale par l'initiative
privee, avec des documents pour servir a Verein f. Socialpolitik. Schriften. 75., 76., 77. u.
l'organisation d'institutions populaires et des 78. Bd. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 394, 456, 520
plans d'habitations ouvrieres. T. 2. P., u. 264 pp. 8vo. M. 8.80, IO, II U. 5.6o.
Guillaumin & Cie., 1897. 97o pp. 8vo. F. i5. *Ward, L. F. Outlines of sociology. N. Y., Mac-
(JEc., F.++) millan Co. 30I pp. I2mo. $2. (AJS., My.
*Schmoller, Gustav. Ueber einige Grundfragender
Sozialpolitik u. der Volkswirtschaftslehre.Lp., Wiederhall, Ernst. Kritische Blicke in die Tiefen
Duncker & Humblot. 343 pp. 8vo. M. 6.40. wirtschaftlicheru. socialer Fragen der Gegen-
(LC., Mr. !26) wart. . . K6ln, C. Roemke & Co. 31 pp. 8vo.
Soziale Streitfragen. Beitrage zu den Kampfen M. I.
der Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Adf. Damaschke.
3. Hft. Br., W. M6ller. 70 pp. 8vo. M. o.65. [The bibliography which should appear in this
*Stuckenburg, J. H. W. Introductionto the study number under the headings STATISTICS and UN-
of sociology. N. Y., A. C. Armstrong. 336 CLASSIFIED will be brought to date in the next
pp. 8vo. (AJS., My. -+) issue.]

[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a referenceto a number of the JOURNAL will be found in
abstract under the head " Notes and Abstracts" in that number of the JOURNAL.]
Africa: England & France in west Africa, J. Popular art in Belgium, Municipal Affairs, Mr.
Westlake, CoR., Ap. See also Architecture.
Agriculture: Agricultural depression in England, Austria-Hungary: The Ausgleichbetween Austria
J. H. Hollander, YR., F. & Hungary, A. Matlekovits, EcJ., Mr.
Il suolo e l'agricoltura secondo un antico trattato Austria-Hungary & the Ausgleich., Emil Reich,
Cinese di economia pubblica, C. Puni, RiIS., NC., Mr.
Ja. Strike of the German students in Austria, S.
Agricultural depression, Edmund Verney, CoR., Schidrowitz, CoR., Mr.
Mr. Ballot: see Voting.
Anthropology: Prehistoric man in the eastern Biography: Francis Elizabeth Willard, Lady Henry
Mediterranean, II, J. L. Myres, SP., Ja. Somerset, NAR., Ap.
L'anthropologie et la pr6histoireen Espagne et Brookline: See Cities.
en Portugal en 1897, Luis de Hoyos Sainz, A., Canada: Some of the resourcesof Canada, Prince
Ja. Kropotkin, NC., Mr.
See also Education, Sociology. Capital: Capitalism on trial in Russsia, N. J.
Anthropometry: Pedagogical significance of Stone, PSO., Mr.
cephalic index, C. C. Closson, JPE., Mr. Charities: Boston's pauper institutions,W. I. Cole,
Why we measure people, A. C. Haddon, SP., Ja. New England Magazine, Ap.
Air-Ships: Siege of Paris & the air-ships, NAR., Relief and care of dependents, H. A. Millis,
Ap. AJS., My.
Arbitration,Industrial. Mundella et les conseils L'assistance en Espagne, C. Delvaille, RP., Mr.
d'arbitrage en Angleterre, Ch. LeCour Grand- Das Armenwesen i. d. Veleinigten Staaten v.
maison, RDM., Ap. i. Nordamerika, C. R. Henderson, JNS., Ja.
Industrial arbitrationin congress, C. D. Wright, The legal aid society, F. W. Holls, ChR., Mr.
GM., Ap. L'assistance [publique: le projet de loi sur
Arbitration,International: Senator Henderson & l'assistance aux vieillards et aux incurables,
the Pan-American arbitration. Henri Monod, RP.. F.
Architecture: Bibles in stone, Barr Ferree, New Der deutsche Verein fur Armenpflegeu. Wohl-
England Magazine, Ap. thatigkeit, I, II, Dr. Miinsterberg,Zeitschrift
Municipal art in Italy, Allen French, New furSocialwissenchaft,Ja.
England Magazine, Mr. Organisation of charities, Arthur Paterson,
Architecture& the people, L. H. Gibson, New ChOR., F.
England Magazine, Mr. Assistance aux meres, Mme B. Quet de Vienne,
Civic architecturefromits constructiye side, C. RP., F.
R. Lamb, Municipal Affairs,Mr. Medical charities, Stephen Smith, ChR., Mr.
Armies: Some reasons for increasing the army, Twenty-fifthnational conference of charities &
NAR., Ap. correction,W. S. Ufford,ChR., Ap.
See also Germany. Child-Saving: Child-saving in New Jersey,Homer
Art: Mural painting, E. H. Blashfield, Municipal Folks, ChR., Ap.
Affairs,Mr. L orthopedie enfantine, Edmond Lepelleteur,
Civic treatmentof color, F. S. Lamb, Municipal RP., F.
Affairs,Mr. Remedy forbaby-farming,F. C. Low, FR., F.
L'arte comme fattore di evoluzione sociale, M. Christianity: see Religion.
Pilo, La Scienza Sociale, Ja. Churches: Social work of Chicago churches, C. R.
Relation of art to morality, Marie C. Remick, Henderson, Open Church, Ap.
A., Ap. Plea and plan for a cooperative church parish
Public art in American cities, Municipal Affairs, system in cities, Walter Laidlaw, AJS., My.
Mr. See also Taxation.
Churches: Have we too many churches? A. W. Personal morals & college government, C. F.
Quimby, NAR., Mr. Thwing, NAR., Mr.
Churches, Institutional: For current information Culture-epoch theory from an anthropological
see OOpenChurch. standpoint, N. C. Vandewalker, EdR., Ap.
Cities: Ethical survivals in municipal corruption, Practical methods of teaching history,EdR., Ap.
Jane Addams, IJE., Ap. Elections: A la veille des 6lections, J. Dracke,
Woodstock,Vermont,Henry Boynton, New Eng- RPP., Mr. I0.
land Magazine, Mr. Methods of voting: an electoral revolution,W.
Cities: La municipalisation du sol dans les grandes H. Howe, FR., Mr.
villes, Luigi Einaudi, DS., F. Ethics: Does justice triumphin the end? A study
Rutland, Vermont,Julia C. R. Dorr, New Eng- of Shakespeares's " Lear," W. L. Sheldon,
land Magazine, Ap. Ethical Addresses, D. '97.
Brookline: a model town under the referendum, Ethical motive, F. H. Giddings, IJE., Ap.
B. 0. Flower, A., Ap. Self-realization as a working moral principle,
Inquest on the Philadelphia municipal council, Henry Sturt,IJE., Ap.
Sanitarian, Ap. See also Cities.
Countycouncil election, H.L.W.Lawson, FR., F. Ethnology: Racial geography of Europe. Urban
Franchises of greater New York, Max West, problems, W. Z. Ripley, PSM., Mr.
YR., F. Europe: see Balance of Power.
New plan for the controlof quasi public works, Evolution: Evolution & teleology, J. A. Zahm,
J. D. Forrest,AJS., My. PSM., Ap.
Coal: Coal is king, Edward Atkinson & E. W. Factories: see Labor.
Parker, New England Magazine, Ap. Family: Registration of midwives, C. T. Culling-
Consumptives: see Sanitary Science. worth, CoR., Mr.
Commerce: Welt- u. Handelspolitik, Alex. Peez, Les bases 6conomiques du matriarcat,Heinrich
ZeitschriftfurSocialwissenschaft, Ja. Cunow, DS., F.
Constitution: Is the constitution outworn? NAR., La famille id6ale, Eugene Fourniere, ReS., Mr.
Mr. "Marriage questions in fiction," Sarah Grande,
Consuls: Consular service, 1776-92,' E. R. Johnson, FR., Mr.
PSQ., Mr. Ueber friihzeitige Heiraten, deren Vorztige und
Coiperation: Esame critico dei principii toerici Nachteile, Fr. Prinzing, JNS., Mr.
della cooperazione, M. Pantaleoni, GEc., Mr. Foetal murder: the progressive decrease of the
Criminology & Penology: Employment of convict rate of increase of Am. population, H. R. Sto-
labor in Massachusetts, A., Ap. rer, Sanitarian, Mr.
La criminalitede la jeunesse, HeniriJoly, RefS., Finance: Ein Beitrag zum Kampfe um die Wah-
Mr. I6. rung, Paul Arndt, ZGS., 54: '.
L'instruction criminelle et la nouvelle loi du 13 Die Nationalschuld der Vereinigten Staaten von
d6cembre 1897, Andr6 Fournier, RPP., F. Io. Nordamerika, Ernest Bogart, JNS., Ja.
Transportation et colonisation p6nale atla Nou- Discount rates in the United States, R. M. Breck-
velle-Caledonie, L. Beauchet, RPP., Mr. Io. enridge, PSQ., Mr.
La justice p6nale, P. Lapie, RMM., Mr. Les bourses financieres d'Anvers et de Lyon au
Les 6tablissements penitentiaires en Autriche- i6e siecle, E. Castelot, JEc., Mr. I5.
Hongrie, Fr6d. L6vy, RPe., Ja. Prevailing theories in Europe as to the influence
tvolution de la peine, J. Makarewicz, AAC., of money on international trade, G. M. Fia-
Mr. I5. mingo, YR., F.
Recherches statistiques sur le developpement Essais sur la monnaie, le cr6ditet les banques,
physique des d6linquants, J. Marty, AAC., Guil. de Greef, AJS., 4: 2.
Mr. i5. Die Finanzlage der Vereinigten Staaten von
Criminal anthropologyin Italy, Helen Zimmern, Amerika in den Jahren 2896-97, 1897-98, und
PSM., Ap. I898-99, Max von Heckel, JNS., Mr.
Cuban Question: United States & Spain, RRN., Proposed reformsof the monetary system, J. F.
Mr. Johnson, AAP., Mr.
The issue with Spain, RRN., Ap. Withdrawal of the treasurynotes of i8go, J. L.
Interventionof the United States in Cuba, J. H. Laughlin, JPE., Mr.
Latane, NAR., Mr. India on a gold basis, W. R. Lawson, CoR., Ap.
Democracy: Alexis de Toqueville, et la democratie Die internationale Bewegung der Edelmetalle in
liherale, Numa Droz, Zeitschrift fur Social- den letzten zehn Jahren,W. Lexis, JNS.,, F.
wissenschaft,Ja. Deposit-reserve system of the national bank law,
Three epochs of democracy & three men, J. C. E. S. Meade, JPE., Mr.
Ridpath, A., Ap. Value of the " greenbacks " during the civil war,
Apostate democracy, Franklin Smith, PSM., W. C. Mitchell, JPE., Mr.
Mr. Die gegenwiirtigeLage der Leihamter in Deutsch-
Direct Legislation: see Legislation, Direct. land, W. R. Patterson, JNS., F.
Domestic: New views of domestic service, GM., Les premierseffetsde l'application de la nouvelle
Mr. loi Allemande sur les bourses, Lionel Pusse-
Preservation of eggs, J. H. Thierot, Sanitarian, mier, RefS., F. I.
Mr. Gold monometallism in Japan, J. Soyeda, PSQ.,
Utilit6 d'un enseignement scolaire de la compta. Mr.
bilite personnelle et familiale, RefS., Mr. I. A single standard forthe world,,A., Mr.
See also Sanitary Science. Beginnings of financial independence of the
Drainage: The great drainage canal of Mexico, United States, W. P. Sterns, JPE., Mr.
Blanche G. Hunt, Cosmopolitan, Ap. Food: Indian corn in colonial times, Alice Morse
Duel: Ursprung des Duells, Georg v. Below, Earle, Chautauquan, Mr.
DZG., F. Question of wheat, W. C. Ford, PSM., Ap.
Education: University study at Berlin & Oxford, France: Contradictions of modern France: the
S. H. Bishop, EdR., Ap. militaryparadox, Pierre de Coubertin,FR., Mr.
American graduate schools, Hjalmar Edgren, Demorallsation of France, CoR., Mr.
EdR., Mr. See also Africa.

Franchises: see Cities. Mr. Mallock as a political economist,J. H.

Germany: Political Germany, Theodor Barth, Hobson,CoR., Ap.
RRN., Ap. Industrialobjectlesson,S. N. D. North,PSM.,
The expansion of Germany, Henry Birchenough, Ap.
N4C., F. Possibilitiesof the presentindustrialsystem,
Die Seeinteressen DeutschIands, Ernst v. Halle, Paul Monroe,AJS., My.
JGV., 22: I. Essais de solutionsde la questionouvriere,
Germany: L'Allemagne contemporaine, I, Leon Leon Poinsard,SS., F.
Poinsard, SS., Mr. Neue Fortschritte der Achtstunden-Bewegung
German army and navy, H. W. Raymond, Chau- in England, John Rae, ASG., I2: I.
tauquan, Mr. See also Strikesand each numberof BDL.,
German versus British trade in the East, Cla- BOT., LG., RT.
vell Tripp, NC., F. Land: Die Agrarreform in Preussen,Durantde
See also Statistics. S6n6gas,Zeitschrift
Girls: Girls' cooperative boarding houses, Robert Die Entstehung des Grossgrundeigentums,
Stein, A., Mr. FranzOppenheimer, Zeitschrift
Great Britain: Failure of our foreignpolicy, CoR., F.
Ap. Law: Continuity of the commonlaw, Frederick
Forty years in the lohbyof the house of commons, Pollock,HLR., Mr.
Frederick Gale, FR., F. Progressofthelaw,ALRR., Mr.
Great Britain's opportunityin China, C. A. More- Legislation:*Political& municipallegislationin
iig, NC., F. I897, E. D. Durand, AAP., Mr. (AJS., M.)
See also Africa,Agriculture,Germany,Industry. Die wirtschaftlicheGesetzgebungd. deutschen
History: Features of the new history,E. W. Dow, Bundesstaaten i. J. I897, G. Maas, JNS.,
AHR., Ap. Ja.-F.
Hours of Labor: see Labor. Die wirtschaftlicheGesetzgebung des Deutschen
House of Commons: see Great Britain. Reichesim Jahre1897,G. Maas, JNS., Ja.
Housing: Lodging of homeless men, Homer Folks, Legislation,Direct: Swiss authoritieson direct
ChR., Mr. legislation,
New Time,Mr.
Idealism: Idealism in social work, B. Bosanquet, Popularinitiative& referendum, 0. M. Barnes,
ChOR., Mr. Pub. oftheMich.Pol. Sci. Ass'n.,Ap.
Individualism: De l'individualisme et de ses con- Referendum in California,S. E. Moffett,PSQ.,
sequences chez les Anglo-Am6ricains, Raoul Mr.
de la Grasserie, RIS., F. Somepartymenon directlegislation,Williams,
Industry: Shifting site of national industrial su- Bryan& others,New Time,Ap.
premacy, J. S. Jeans, EM., Ap. LodgingHouses: see Housing.
Inheritance: Les droits de succession, De Sable- London: see Cities.
mont, RefS., F. i6. Lynching: Preventbon of lynchlaw epidemics,
Initiative: see Legislation, Direct. RRN., Mr.
Injunction: Government by injunction, C. N. Marriage:see Family.
Gregory, HLR., Ap. Mexico: How an Austrianarchdukeruledan Am.
Law, lawlessness, and labor, HWB., Mackay, empire,S. Y. Stevenson,
A., Mr. See also Drainage.
Insurance: Krankenfiirsorgeu. Arbeiterversiche- Money: see Finance.
rung, Ludwig Ascher, Zeitschrift fur Social- Missions: Do foreignmissionspay, F. E. Clark,
wissenschaft,Mr. NAR ., Mr.
Arbeiterversicherungu. Armenpflege,C. Brink- Christianmissionsin India, J. T. Sunderland,
mann, ZeitschriftfurSocialwissenschaft, F. NW., Mr.
*Industrial insurance, Haley Fiske, ChR., Mr. Navies: Captain Mahan's counselsto the U. S.,
(AJS., M.) G. S. Clarke,NC., F.
Der tote Punkt der deutschen Arbeiterversiche- Die Entwicklung des Seekriegs,P. H. Colomb,
rung, H. von Frankenberg, ASG., I2: I. DR., F.
Pensions ouvrieres, Ch. de Ponthieres, Revue The GreatLakes & the navy,J. H. Gibbons,
sociale catholique, Mr. NAR., Ap.
Les ceuvres d'assistance mutuelle en Amerique, See also Coal, Germany.
Eugene Rochetin, JEc., F. I5. Newspapers: Is newspaperinfluencedeclining?
Internationalism: Does cosmopolitan life lead to GM., Ap.
intemational friendliness,Pierre de Coubertin, New York: see Cities.
RRN., Ap. Patriotism:Patriotism:Its dangers& duties,W.
Invention: L'invention, F. Paulhan, RPh., M. C. Doane, NAR., Mr.
Psychology of invention, Josiah Royce, PsR., Philosophy:La philosophied'hieret celle d'au-
Mr. jourd'hui,Jacob,RMM., M.
Ireland: Ireland since '98, J. E. Redmond, NAR., PoliticalEconomy:Vincentde Gournay,Alf.des
Ap. Cilleuls,R6fS., F. I6.
Japan: Economic situation in Japan, Bernard Lessonsfrom Ruskin,C. S. Devas, EcJ., Mr.
Moses, JPE., Mr. Distribution & exchange,A. Marshall,EcJ.,Mr.
Jews: Zola & the anti-Jewishcrusade, RRN., Mr. Das AdamSmithProblem, 1,11,AugustOucken,
Labor: Die Arbeiterbewegung in Australien und ZeitschriftfurSocialwissenschaft,
Neu-Seeland, M. A. Aldrich, JNS., F. Henry George& his economicsystem,W. A.
Les accidents de travail en Angleterre,Maurice Scott,NW., Mr.
Bellom, RPP., Mr. iO. Illusionisten u. Realistenin derNationalokono-
Factory labor in the South, GM., Ap. mie,I, It, JuliusWolf,ZeistschriftfurSocial-
Trade-union label, J.G. Brooks, BDL., Mr. wissenschaft, Ja.-F.
Old time factory life in New England, A. K. Political Science: La libertapolitica,G. Rossig-
Fiske, New England Magazine, Ap. noli,RISS., Mr.
Zur Geschichte des Normalarbeitstages, Schu- PostalReform:Need ofpostalreform, E. F. Loud,
macher-Zarchlin, Zeitschrift fur Social- u. NAR., Mr.
Wirthschaftsgeschichte,6: I. Primaries:Reformofprimaries,
GM., Mr.

Profit Sharing: Die Gewinnbeteiligung, ihr Ein- Communita e societa, F. T1nnies, La Scienza
flussauf den Unternehmergewinnund auf die Sociale, Ja.
Beziehungen zwischen Arbeiterund Arbeitsge- L'etat mentale d'Auguste Comte, II, III, G.
ber, Rudolf Einhauser, ZGS., 54:1I Dumas, RPh., F. & Ap.
Property: see Inheritance. L'anthropo-sociologie, Leon Winiarski, DS., Mr.
Railroads: Decade of federal railway regulation, Essai sur la m6canique sociale, Winiarski, RPh.,
H. C. Adams, Atlantic Monthly, Ap. Ap.
Prejudice against railroads, C. M. Depew, GM., Sociology, Christian: Les patriarches bibliques,
Mr. III, Ph. Champault, SS., F.
Government purchase of the Swiss railroads, Modern social reform& old Christian ideas, L. G.
J. R. Macdonald, RRN., Ap. Powers, YR., F.
Railroad accidents, H. G. Prout, Sanitarian, Ap. Spain: Mouvement social: Espagne, RIS., F.
State regulation of railroads, H. P. Robinson, See also Cuba.
NAR., Ap. Statistics: Foreign labor statistics critcised, GM.,
Zur Schweizer Volksabstimmung uiberdieEisen- Ap.
bahnverstaatlichung,ZeitschriftfurSocialwis- Hauptergebnisse der Berufszahlung im Deut-
senschaft,Mr. schen Reich vom I4. Juni x895, JNS., Ja.
Referendum: see Legislation, Direct. Die Zahl der romiscben Burger unter Augustus,
Religion: Early religion of the Hindus, H. W. Eduard Meyer, JNS., Ja.
Magonn, BS., Ap. Die deutsche Berufs- und Betriebsziihlung vom
Differentiaof Christianity,John Robinson, CoR. 14. Juni x895, von Scheel, JNS., Ja.
Rent: Le livre 3 du "Capital" de Marx et la Strikes: Die Friedensbedingungen des britischen
theoriede la rente fonciere,AJS., 4:I. Maschinenbauerausstandes von I897-98, Zeit-
Rutland: see Cities. schriftfurSocialwissenschaft, Mr.
Russia: Die wirtschaftlicheLage Russlands, C. La greve des m6caniciens et l'evolution ouvriere
Ballod,JGV.,22: I. en Angleterre,Tom Mann, ReS., Mr.
Sanitary Science: Suggestions upon hygiene & Ausstand der britischen Maschinenbauer, Alex.
diet forthepulmonary invalid, Sanitarian, Mr. Tille, ZeitschriftfiurSocialwissenschaft, Mr.
See also Domestic. Sweating: Das Sweatingsystem in den Vereinigten
Savings Banks: Savings banks & thrift,H. W. Staaten, Florence Kelley, ASG., I2: 2.
Wolff,ChOR., F. Tariff: Protection for manufactures in new coun-
Sewage: Proper disposal of sewage, C. E. Grun- tries, R. Giffen,EcJ., Mr.
sky, Sanitarian, Ap. Decay of Cobdenism, J. P. Young, NAR., Ap.
Sexes: Relation of sex to primative control,W. J. Taxation: Massachusetts tax report,A. C. Miller,
Thomas, AJS., MAy. JPE., Mr.
Shipping: Ship-building as a productive industry Les impots contre-les congregations et les asso-
in Great Britain, jamet McKechnie,-EM., Mr. ciations religieuses, de Sablemont, RefS.,
Socialism: Le socialisme dans le clerge, Andr6 Mr. x.
Bernard, JEc., F. I5. Incidence of taxation in the United States, C. P.
Essai d'interpretationet de critique de quelques Sanger, YR., F.
concepts du marxisme, Benedetto Croce, DS., Trades UJnions: see Labor.
F.-Mr. Tramps: Rapport de la ire section sur la r6pression
Victor Hugo as a prophet of progress, B. 0. du vagabondage, J. de Crisenoy, RPe., M.
Flower, New Time, Mr. L,'evolution du vagabondage, L. Riviere, RPe.,
Commissioner Harris' statistics & socialism, A., Ja
Mr. Tramp & the labor colony, A. F. Weber, Chau-
Sociology: Les moeurs provengales a la fin du tauquan, Mr.
moyen-age, Albert Babeau, RefS., Mr. I. Trusts: Their causes & the remedy, A., Mr.
*Le tendenze e lo stato atttialedella sociologia; United States: Foreign influence in American
esigenza di un metodo critico,F. Cosentini, La politics, W. J. Bryan, A., Ap.
Scienza Sociale, Ja. (AJS., My.) American revolution, H. L. Osgood, PSQ., Mr.
I dati antropologici in sociologia, RIS., Ja. Our futureon the Pacific, G.W. Melville, NAR.,
(AJ S., My.) Mr.
Ueber Socialphilosophie, Paul von Lilienfeld, See also Armies, Constitution,Consuls, Cuban
ZeitschriftfurSocialwissenschaft, F. Question, Navies.
II principio dell' utile nell' etica sociale e nel Vacant-Lot Cultivation:
dritto,G. Marchesini, La Scienza Sociale, Ja. Vacant-lot cultivation, F. W. Speirs & others,
Solidarite sociale, Vilfredo Pareto, JEc., F. 15. ChR., Ap.
Pages de sociologie prehistorique,Elisee Reclus, Pingree potato culture & its effectson business,
HN., F. A., Mr.
The social question in the light of philosophy, Variation: On progress in the study of variation,
Emil Reich, IJE., Ap. W. Bateson, SP., Ja.
Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie, Study of variations, J. L. Taylor, NS., Ap.
Friedrich Ratzel, Zeitschriftfiir Socialwissen- Voting: Early history of the ballot in England,
schaft, Ja. Charles Gross, AHR., Ap.
Persistence of social groups, Georg Simmel, II, Wheat: see Food.
AJS., My. WVomen:Problem of occupation forcollege women,
Social control,XIII, E. A. Ross, AJS., My. Kate H. Claghotn, EdR., Mr.
Sociology applied to politics, F. Sigel, AAP., Boarding homes & clubs for working women,
Mr. Mary S. Fergusson, DDL., Mr.
Principes de politique sociale, Ernest Solvey, Women & the labor movement,M. E. J. Kelly,
AIS., 4: I. NAR., Ap.
Wesen und Aufgabe der Sociologie, Ludwig Questions du jour, Le feminisme, V. Muller,
Stein, ASP., 4:2. SS., F.
Die organische Socialphilosophie, S. R. Stein- Le mouvement feministe en Australie, M.-S.
metz, ZeitschriftfurSocialwissenschaft, Mr. Wolstenhome, RPP., Mr. io.
Les lois sociales. II. Opposition, G. Tarde, Die Frauenfrage im Lichte der Anthropologie,
RMM., M. Ludwig Wilser, Globus, 72:331I
PZaces of Publication: B., Boston; Br., Berlin; C., Chicago; L., London; Lp., Leipzig; N. Y.,
New York; P., Paris; Ph., Philadelphia. Prices. F., franc; L., lira; M., mark; S., shilling. Months:
Ja. F. Mr. Ap. My. Je. JI. Ag. S. 0. N. D. PeriodicaZs:
A. Arena. JPE. .! JournalofPoliticalEconomy.
AA. American Anthropologist. JNS. Jahrbucher furNational-Oekonomie und
AAC. Archives d'Anthropologie Criminelle. Statistik.
AAE. Archivo per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia. LC. Literarisches Centralblatt.
AAP. Annals of the American Academyof Polit- LG. LaborGazette.
ical and Social Science. LoQR. LondonQuarterly Review.
AC. L'Association Catholique. LQR. Law Quarterly Review.
ACQ. American Catholic Quarterly Review. M. Monist.
AE. Archiv fUrEisenbahnwesen. MHM. Mansfield House Magazine.
AGP. Archiv furGeschichte der Philosophie. Mi. Mind.
AHR. American Historical Review. MIM. Monatsschrift furinnereMission.
AIS. Annals de l'Institute de Science Sociale. MA. MunicipalAffairs.
AJP. American Journal of Psychology. NA. Nuova Antologia.
AJS. American Journal of Sociology. NAR. NorthAmericanReview.
AJT. American journal of Theology. NC. NineteenthCentury.
ALR. American Law Review. NS. NaturalScience.
ALRR. American Law Register and Review. NW. New World.
AMP. Acad6mie des Sciences Morales et Poli- NZ. Neue Zeit.
tiques, S6ances. PhR. PhilosophicalReview.
AN. American Naturalist. PSM. PopularScienceMonthly.
Ant. L'Anthropologie. PSQ. PoliticalScienceQuarterly.
AOR. Archiv fifroffentlichesRecht. PsR. Psychological Review.
ASA. American Statistical Association, Publica- QJE. Quarterly JournalofEconomics.
tions. QR. Quarterly Review.
ASAr. Allgemeine statistischesArchiv. RCS. Revue de Christianisme sociale.
ASG. Archive fur sociale Gesetzgebung und RDI. Revuede Droitinternationale.
Statistik. RDM. Revuedes deuxMondes.
ASP. Archiv fursystematische Philosophie. REA. Revuemensuellede I 'Ecole d'Anthropol-
BDL. Bulletin of the Department of Labor. ogie de Paris.
BG. Blatter fiirGefaingnisskunde. RefS. R6forme sociale.
BML. Banker's Magazine, London. ReS. Revue Socialiste.
BMN. Banker's Magazine, New York. RH. Revuehistorique.
BOT. Bulletin de l'Office du Travail. RHD. Revued'Histoirediplomatique.
BS. Bibliotheca Sacra. RIF. Rivistaitalianadi Filosofia.
BSt. Bulletin de Statistique et de Legislation RIS. Revueinternationale de Sociologie.
Compar6e. RiIS. Rivistaitaliana di Sociologia.
BUI. Bullein de l'Union Internationale de Droit RISS. Rivistainternazionale' di Scienze Sociali
Penale. RMM. Revue Metaphysique et de Morale.
ChOR. Charity Organisation Review. RP. Revue philanthropsque.
ChR. Charities Review. RPe. Revuepenitentiaire.
CoR. Contemporary Review. RPh. Revuephilosophique.
DL. Deutsche Litteraturzeitung. RPP. Revuepolitiqueet parliamentaire.
DR. Deutsche Revue. RRL. ReviewofReviews,London.
DRu. Deutsche Rundschau. RRN. ReviewofReviews,New York.
DS. Devenir Social. RSI. RevisitaStoricaitaliana.
DZG. Deutsche ZeitschriftfurGeschichtswissen- RSP. Revuesocialeet politique.
schaft. RT. RevueduTravail.
EcJ. Economic Journal. S. Sanitarian.
EcR. Economic Review. Sc. Science.
EdR. Educational Review. SP. ScienceProgress.
EHR. English Historical Review. SR. SchoolReview.
EM. Engineering Magazine. SS. ScienceSociale.
F. Forum. VSV. Vierteljahrschrift furStaats- und Volks-
FR. FortnightlyReview. wirthschaft.
GEc. Giornale degli Economisti. VWP. Vierteljahrschrift fur wissenschaftliche
GM. Gunton's Magazine. Philosophie.
HLR. Harvard Law Review. YR. Yale Review.
HN. Humanit6 Nouvelle. ZE. ZeitschriftfUrEthnologie.
HZ. Historische Zeitschrift. ZGS. Zeitschrift furdiegesammte Staatswissen-
IAE. Internationales Archiv furEthnographie. schaften.
IJE. International Journal of Ethics. ZPK. Zeitschrift fUrPhilosophie und philo-
JAI. Journal of the Anthropological Instituteof sophischeKritik.
Great Britain and Ireland. ZPO. Zeitschrift furdas privateundoffentliche
JEc. Journaldes Economistes. Recht.
FI. Journal of the Franklin Institute. ZPP. Zeitschrift furPsychologie undPhysiologie
GV. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung derSinnesorgane.
und Volkswirthschaft. ZVR. Zeitschrift furvergleichende Rechtswissen-
JHS. Johns Hopkins University Studies in schaft.
History and Political Science. ZVS. Zeitschrift furVolkswirthschaft, Social-
JMS. Journal of Mental Science. politikundVerwaltung.
[The titlesofarticlesselectedfromperiodicalsnot in this list will be followedby name of
periodicalin full.]

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