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Overcurrent Protection

This tutorial demonstrates the modelling and setting of overcurrent protective devices. The tutorial has been
designed for a user who has already used, and is familiar with the basic functions and structure of PowerFac-

1 Import Project

Click on the icon from the exercise Overcurrent Protection of the Protection and Arc-Flash Analysis Tutorial
window, to import and activate the project for this exercise.

2 Network Model

Once activated, note that short cable sections have been modelled between the transformer terminals and the
buses that they are connected to. The inclusion of these cable sections results in a more realistic model, but it
also presents us with the opportunity to simulate faults in the network region located between the transformer’s
HV and LV relays. Similarly, cables have been added for loads. The user should first perform a load flow
calculation on the network to check that all model elements are correctly defined (this is a normal ’first order of
business’ step for any newly opened project).

The PowerFactory files for this tutorial come with protective elements stored in the local project Library under
the folder called Protection.

A number of standard protective devices will be used from the library. These devices are:

• an ABB SPAJ 140C type relay, used as the feeder cable protection relay.
• a GE Alstom MCGG-63 type relay, used as the transformer HV protection relay.
• a Siemens 7SJ70 type relay, used as the 100 kW asynchronous machine protection relay.
• a 250A fuse, used as the LV load protection located in the Fuses folder.

The above relays will be used in the tutorial for the protection analysis.

3 Modelling Protective Elements in Cubicles

Relay elements, fuses, current and voltage transformers are located in a cubicle in the same way that circuit
breakers and isolator switches are. These cubicle elements are in turn located within terminal (node) elements.

To demonstrate this we will start with the modelling of a load fuse element:

• Right click on the cubicle for the cable feeding Load 3 on the 400 V busbar named Industrial LV/B2 (the
cable is named Load Cable).

• Select New Devices → Fuse as shown in figure 3.1.

Note: The cubicle itself is not a selectable object on the canvas, but the area of the line between the busbar/
terminal and the results box is the defined ’cubicle area,’. Right clicking on this area will produce the
relevant menu. If the options do not appear on the drop down menu, the right click was probably not
within the cubicle area. It is sometimes better to first enlarge the view of the cubicle area in order to
perform the right click action on the cubicle and not the line or the background. Switching off freeze
mode and left clicking on the cubicle area before right clicking can also help to ensure that the cubicle
area is correctly selected

Figure 3.1: Creating a new fuse device inside a cubicle.

• Name the fuse element “Load Fuse”.

• The fuse type must be defined. Use the selection button at Type and choose the option Select Project
• In the sub-folder Protection → Fuses, select the gL-250 A as the fuse type and press OK.
• Tick the box Open all phases Automatically.

• Below the option Compute Time Using, select Total Clear Curve.

Note: The Device Number is used for documentation and is a unique identifier for the protection devices
stored in the cubicle. To see the fuse characteristic, press the Plot button.

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Figure 3.2: Fuse element dialog.

Initially we would want to make sure that the properly rated fuse has been selected with respect to the nominal
load current. For this we need to display the load current in a time-current plot where the fusing characteristic
of the fuse is also shown. We can use a standard time-overcurrent plot for this, but first we must calculate the
nominal current for the load. Perform a balanced load flow and create a time-overcurrent plot:

• Right click on the cubicle containing the newly created fuse.

• Select Show → Time-Overcurrent Plot.
• A new graphic should be created, showing the calculated load current as a vertical line and the fuse
characteristic (see figure 3.3).

Figure 3.3: Time-overcurrent plot of the fuse element with load current.

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Should we decide that the fuse curve appears too close to the load current value we could then select a new
fuse type from the library, however, this would be time consuming. Instead we can easily and quickly select an
appropriate fuse by following the next few steps:

• Double left click anywhere in the plot, but not on the fuse curve or load current value.
• The plot editing dialog opens. At the bottom of the plot, under the heading Relays, we notice the Load

• Double click in the box Split Relay so that a tick appears in the box.
• Press OK.

Note: This action may also be achieved by right clicking on the envelope (that is, the edge) of the fusing
characteristic, but accurate mouse positioning is required.

• Now left click on the fuse curve, making sure you either click on the melting curve or total clearing time
curve (on the envelope).

• It is now possible to change the curve tripping value by holding down the left mouse button whilst the
cursor is on the curve and by then dragging it side-ways. Notice how the curve will ’jump’ from one
position to the next. The reason for this is that you are effectively selecting different fuses from the library.
Since these have discrete fusing characteristics the envelope must jump from one to the other. This
method is used later to adjust settings on protective relays as well.

• Once the appropriate fusing characteristic is selected double click on the shifted fuse curve to reveal that
the Load Fuse element now has a new fuse type. This new fuse type has been selected from within the
range of fuses that are located in the Fuses sub-folder of the Equipment Type Library.
• Note that the vertical line representing the load current has disappeared when we shifted the fusing
characteristic- this is because PowerFactory interprets this as a change to the system, making the
calculated results invalid. Suppose we want to keep the load value as a fixed reference to enable us
to better select the fusing characteristic.
• Perform a load flow (this can be done directly from the overcurrent plot by pressing on the Calculate Load
Flow button in the toolbar).
• Now right click on the vertical current line. A context sensitive menu appears.

• Select Set User Defined and Yes to the question that follows.

It is now possible to change the fuse value while the load current indication line remains. Also notice that if
the fuse curve is moved left over the current line the time value at which the two curves intersect appears

Notice that the load current indication line and the fusing characteristic are both the same colour. When several
overcurrent plots are laid above one another this tool is used to distinguish which current each device is looking

4 Modelling the Motor Protection

The next element to model is the motor protection relay. As stated before, we will use a Siemens 7SJ70 relay
for this protection element.

You can insert a relay, CT or VT graphically into the single line diagram by using the , and icons that
are available in the drawing toolbox.

• Make sure the graphic is not in Freeze Mode, otherwise click on the to unfreeze the graphic.

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• Click on and place the relay element on the Motor Cable by clicking on the cubicle area at the
beginning of the cable.

• Click on and connect the CT element to the relay by clicking on the beginning of the cable and
secondly clicking on the newly created relay element.
• Double click on the newly created relay element and call it “Motor Relay”.
• Click on the down arrow next to Relay Type. Press Select Project Type. The library automatically opens
and shows the list of available relays.

• Left click on the 7SJ70 relay and click OK. The relay data dialog now appears as shown below (fig-
ure 4.1).

Figure 4.1: Motor relay dialog.

• The only data required is the CT type and if the type is a multi-ratio CT, then select the CT ratio. Double
click on the Current Transformer to edit the CT. To select the CT type, press the selection arrow, next to
Type on the CT element dialog, and Select Project Type on the drop down menu that appears.
• The data manager automatically opens the project library looking for CT types, but finds none. Press the
New Object button in the data manager while making sure the object is created in the folder Protection
(meaning that you must ensure that the folder “Protection” is the focus of the Data Manager ).
• A CT type dialog opens. Name the CT type “Multi-Ratio CT Type”.
• Right click on the first (and only) row inside the Primary Taps dialog. Select Append n Row(s) and enter
the value 2. There will now be two additional rows of Primary Tap cells.

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• Enter the values “75”; “150”; and “300” A respectively for the Primary Taps. The CT Type dialog should
appear as shown below (figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2: CT type dialog.

• Press OK to return to the Select Current Transformer Type dialog and notice that the new Multi Ratio CT
Type has been created in the library, and that it is highlighted for selection. Press OK again to return to
the Current Transformer Element dialog.
• In this CT element dialog box, select the ratio to be 150/1 as shown next (figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3: CT element dialog.

Your motor protection relay and CT should now look like figure 4.4 below:

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Figure 4.4: Graphical representation of Motor Relay.

5 Setting the Motor Protection Relay

The motor protection has now been completely modelled, but we still need to configure it:

• Left click on the Open Network Model Manager icon . A dialog window appears with all models used
in our project.

• Left click on the relay model symbol. A list of all used relays will appear. Note that there is only one
relay in our current list.
• Double left click on the relay symbol next to Motor Relay. Note that you can also get to this point by right
clicking on the cubicle where the relay is and then by selecting Edit Devices.
• The relay dialog appears again. Double click on the field to the right of the I> symbol (in the net elements
column) and set the relay Pickup Current to “1.5” p.u. and the Time Setting to “4.0” seconds (see
figure 5.1 below).

Figure 5.1: I> stage of the motor relay.

Note: The convention used for the overcurrent symbols is fairly universal: The “>” symbol is used to indicate
the designed chronological sequence of the tripping characteristics used by the relay, so that increased
use of the “>” symbol may mean, for example:
”I>” overcurrent with inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) tripping
characteristic (slowest acting tripping element)
”I>>” definite time tripping (mid term tripping element)

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”I>>>” instantaneous tripping without time delay

(fastest acting tripping element)
Where a relay has only an inverse characteristic and an instantaneous characteristic the “>>” will indicate
the instantaneous characteristic since this is of course the only definite time characteristic that the relay

• Double click on the I>> field and set the Pickup Current to “14” p.u.

• Lastly double click on the IE> symbol and set the earth fault Pickup Current to “1” p.u. and return to the
network diagram.
• Perform a load flow calculation.
• Right click on the cubicle containing the newly created motor protection and select Show → Time-
overcurrent plot.

• The time-overcurrent plot should appear as shown below (figure 5.2).

Figure 5.2: Time-overcurrent plot of the motor relay.

The red color vertical line and curve represent the current after load flow calculation and curve/s of the newly
created motor protection respectively. Next we want to make sure that the motor protection relay will not trip
under motor starting conditions.
• Go to the network view and right click on the motor.

• On the drop down menu, select Show → Add to Time-overcurrent plot.

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A motor starting curve appears on the time-overcurrent plot. We can see that the protection setting is higher
than the motor starting plot. However, we may wish to increase the time setting for the I> part of the curve.

• Double click anywhere on the plot, but not on any curve or current value.
• The plot editor opens.
• Double click in the Split Relay box next to Motor Relay and press OK. This may also be achieved by right
clicking the relay time characteristic line and selecting Split.

• Left click on the horizontal part of the I> curve (hover the cursor over the line to determine which one is
the I> curve if you are unsure). Note that the relay curve can be moved by left clicking and holding down
the left mouse button whilst the cursor is on it and dragging the curve up and down or left and right. Drag
the curve to the maximum time setting available - this maximum time is determined by the relay type that
we have selected.

• Double click on the plot again (or right click on the I-t characteristic line) and “unsplit” the Motor Relay.
Now we want to ensure that the protection can operate for fault conditions. To do this:
• Right click on the terminal to which the motor is connected.

• Select Calculate → Short Circuit as shown below (figure 5.3.).

Figure 5.3: Calculating a short-circuit on the motor terminal.

• Select a 3ph maximum short-circuit with 0 Ohm fault resistance.

• Press Execute and look at the time-overcurrent plot (see figure 5.4).

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Figure 5.4: Time-overcurrent plot with the calculated fault current at the motor terminal.

We have to set the relay such that it trips for maximum fault conditions and is stable during motor starting and
load flow conditions.

6 Modelling the Transformer Protection

Now we want to add the transformer HV protection, using a MCGG-63 type relay. The steps should by now be
familiar, but are briefly explained.
• Right click on the cubicle feeding the HV side of the transformer from the Industrial/B1 substation busbar.

• Select New Devices → Relay Model.

• Name the new relay element “Transformer Relay”.
• Select the MCGG-63 relay type from the project library.

• Press Create CT and name the CT “Transformer CT”.

• Select the “Multi-Ratio CT” type from the project library.
• Choose the CT ratio to be 75/1.
• Double click on the Toc Ph element and set it to a Current Setting value of “0.75” p.u. and Time Dial of
“1”. Use the “Extremely Inverse IEC 255-3” Characteristic. Press OK.

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• Double click on the Ioc Ph element and set the Pickup Current to “17” p.u. and the Time Setting to
“0.035” s.

7 Modelling the Feeder Cable Protection

As stated before, the Feeder Cable protection that we will use is an ABB SPAJ140C type relay. This is modelled
as follows:
• Right click on the cubicle feeding the Feeder Cable from the Intake/Incomer substation busbar.
• Select New Devices → Relay Model.
• Name the new relay element “Feeder Relay”.

• Select the SPAJ140C relay type from the project library.

• Press Create CT and name the CT “Feeder CT”.
• Select the “Multi-Ratio CT” type from the project library.

• Select the CT ratio to 300/1.

• Double click on the I> element and set it to a Current Setting value of “1” p.u. and Time Dial of “1”. Use
the “Normal Inverse” Characteristic.
• Double click the I>> element and set the Pickup Current to “5.3” p.u. and the Time Setting to “0.36” s.

• Set Io> element to Out of Service.

• Double click the Io>> element and set the Pickup Current to “1” p.u. and the Time Setting to “0.1” s.

8 Creating a Protection Path

A path is a useful grouping used to identify relays sharing a common coordination path in a network. To create
a path, follow the steps below:
• Select the start and end terminal and right click on one of them Path → New... as shown in figure 8.1.

• In the path dialog, name the path “Overcurrent Path”.

• We can now right click anywhere on the path and select Path → Time-overcurrent plot.

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Figure 8.1: Creating a protection path.

To ensure that the path is defined along the desired route it can be useful to select one or more branch elements
along the path in addition to the terminal elements.

A new time-overcurrent plot appears. We can again set relays by first splitting relay curves and then by dragging
the curves. To confirm that the transformer is adequately protected from thermal damage due to overcurrents,
we can follow the next steps:

• Right click on the transformer.

• Select Show → Add to time-overcurrent plot.
• A window appears listing the two curves created so far. We can now select the plot to which the
transformer damage curve should be added.

• Select the second plot - Overcurrent Path.

• We note that the transformer damage curve is only just above the transformer protection relay curve.

9 Exporting Settings to a Tabular Output

PowerFactory offers the possibility to export the settings of all protection devices to a tabular report. After you
have finished setting the protection devices, make sure that the toolbar Protection and Arc-Flash Analysis is
selected (figure 9.1 below).

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Figure 9.1: Selecting the toolbar Protection and Arc-Flash Analysis.

• Open the report command by clicking on the icon .

• A dialog will appear, showing the options to generate several reports. For each option selected, a
separate report will be generated. For now, please only check the Overcurrent Protection box.

• Go to the Common Options submenu. Here you can specify the number of decimal digits you want to
have in the tabular output, as well as the Layout Options for the report.
• Please tick on the Show Instrument Transformers box and leave the others as it is. The information about
the instrument transformers which are associated with each corresponding relay will be shown.

• Press Execute and the following report should appear (figure 9.2).

Figure 9.2: Tabular report of all overcurrent protection devices.

Now we have a tabular output for the relays, including the instrument transformer information. Please note that
the setting information is listed horizontally while the relay models are listed vertically. This data can be copied
and pasted if required, with or without column headers. Alternatively it can be exported to HTML format or in
excel spreadsheet format, by means of clicking the icon and selecting the option desired.

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10 Summary

This concludes the exercise. Now it should be clear how to carry out the following tasks:

 Modelling different protection devices in cubicles.

 Modelling protection devices graphically.
 Adding current transformers into cubicles.

 Creating time-overcurrent plots.

 Changing fuses and relay settings by the drag & drop feature.
 Adding damage curves to the time-overcurrent plot.
 Creating a protection path.

 Creating a tabular report of all overcurrent protection devices.

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