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A common medical procedure that many women undergo at a point in their lives is abortion.

unfortunate situation along with the taboos surrounding it, leaves women feeling alone and afraid
during and after an abortion. This may interfere with healing and regaining strength physically and
emotionally from an abortion. Eating healthy foods after an abortion is necessary for the body to
restore essential nutrients that help in better and faster recovery after the abortion.

Why to eat right foods after abortion ?

Light, comforting and bland diet would be best suitable immediately after an abortion to control
feelings of nausea, constipation or diarrhoea. General advice is to eat more fresh, wholesome foods
that have high amounts of nutrients. Food can be as powerful to heal mental wellbeing as the
physical health. Eating good meals can boost energy levels and mood while the body recovers
physically and mentally. At this point, it is essential for the woman to know the kind of foods to eat
and to avoid.

Eat foods to replenish iron levels after abortion

Intake of foods high in Iron can help the body recover the loss of blood during an abortion. Excessive
loss of blood during an abortion can lead to anaemia, where the haemoglobin levels drop low. Foods
that provide better bioavailability of iron in the body can restore haemoglobin levels faster.

Bioavailable iron can be categorised in to two types as heme and non-heme iron. Animal sources of
food such as red meats, poultry and seafoods like salmon and sardine contain high levels heme iron.
Non-heme iron is found in plant sources, such as green leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, brussels
sprouts, nuts, dry fruits and seeds. While vegetarians should consume iron rich plant based foods,
non-vegetarians can consume iron-rich foods from both plant and animal sources. Foods with meat
sources of iron have to be thoroughly cooked so as to avoid indigestion or infections. Some specific
sources of food that can provide absorbable iron in the body include:

- Lean meat
- Eggs
- Dried apricots and figs
- Leafy greens
- Black beans
- Lentils
- Beets
- Brussel sprouts
- Brown rice
- Molasses
- Sesame seeds

Vitamin to support iron absorption

Eating foods that will help in the absorption of Iron is as important as eating iron rich foods. Vitamin
C is an essential nutrient that helps in the absorption of Iron in the body. Fruits that contain good
amounts of vitamin C include lemons, oranges, papayas, grapes and strawberries. To discuss with
the doctor or a nutritionist, the right fruits to eat after a miscarriage would be helpful.

Crucial to eat calcium rich foods after an abortion

The formation of foetus requires calcium to be absorbed from the mother for the proper
development of it’s vital body organs such as the heart, bones, muscles, nerves and other organs.
With an abortion, all this calcium is lost from the woman’s body, causing calcium deficiency. To
compensate for this reason, it is crucial to consume lot of calcium rich foods after an abortion. Some
of the calcium-rich foods include:

- Dairy products
- Green leafy vegetables
- Millets 
- Nuts 
- Dried figs and dates
- Fish such as salmon and sardines
- Soy products

Protein foods needed for cell repair after an abortion

Building blocks of our body, the amino acids present in protein is essential for cell repair. Consuming
major amounts of protein helps the body to heal after an abortion. Foods like eggs, lean meats,
seafood, poultry and dairy such as whey protein form the direct sources of proteins for the body.
Plant sources of protein include lentils, pulses, mushrooms, soya and grains like quinoa and
buckwheat. A variety of protein-rich dishes can make the diet healing and enjoyable.

Foods to feel good after an abortion

Emotions associated with termination of pregnancy, the trauma of the procedure and the hormonal
imbalance can make it hard for women to get back to normalcy. Feelings after an abortion vary from
one woman to another. Research has indicated that consuming magnesium-rich foods reduces
anxiety and uplifts mood in women feeling low after an abortion. Magnesium is found in foods such
as dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and avocado. Most legumes like peas, lentils
or chickpeas and whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat also contain favourable amounts of

Carbohydrates to rebuild energy after an abortion

After an abortion, the woman often experiences tiredness as a lot of energy is lost during the
process. Though many women may not feel like eating much, it is important to ensure that the body
is getting enough energy to recover. Even with sufficient rest, the body needs more calories than
usual when it is working hard to heal.

Carbohydrates that will replenish energy levels is an important part of the diet for the recovery.
Foods with carbohydrates form the major source of energy in the body. Healthy energy giving foods
with high fibre content include brown rice, millets, whole wheat breads, pastas and oatmeal.

Foods with omega 3 to fight inflammation

An abortion procedure can cause mild inflammation leading to swelling or bloating. This swelling is
normal and may last for 3 to 5 days. Omega-3 is known to help fight inflammation in the body.
Omega 3 is also essential to keep healthy circulation of blood in the body by balancing the density of
bad cholesterol to that of good cholesterol. Foods that provide Omega-3 include nuts, seeds and fish
varieties such as salmon, tuna, herring and sardine. 

Eat folates to restore reproductive health

Women who wish to conceive again should eat foods that are rich in folate. Folic acid promotes
healthy pregnancy and prevents birth defects in the foetus. Ingredients rich in folate include lady’s
finger, chick peas and spinach. Other sources include dark green vegetables, broccoli, squash, lentils,
peas, citrus fruits and avocado.

Some tips on following food habits can go a long way in healing the body and mind specially after an

- Drink plenty of water

- Eat the right nutrients
- Keep it simple and easy
- Enjoy some favourite comfort foods occasionally
- Be alert on digestive side effects
- Avoid alcohol

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