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Human Resource Management and HR planning

Unit 1
Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Key

1. The development and application of employees' skills and

energies to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organisation
is called:

a. human resource management.

b. human resource planning.
c. selection.
d. recruiting.

Answer: a

2. The first step in the human resource planning process is:

a. preparing a job analysis.

b. forecasting future human resource needs.
c. assessing future demand.
d. assessing future supply.

Answer: b

3. Human resource planning techniques include the use of some or

all of the following:

a. human resource inventories.

b. action plans.
c. control and evaluation.
d. all of the above.

Answer: d
4. Which term describes the process of gathering, analysing and
synthesising information about the jobs that are being done and any
new jobs that are envisaged?

a. job description.
b. job analysis.
c. job specification.
d. human resource inventory.

Answer: b

5. The first step in a typical job analysis is to examine the overall

organisation. The next step is:

a. collect data on jobs.

b. prepare job description.
c. prepare job specification.
d. select jobs to be analysed.

Answer: d

6. A job is a written statement of the job's activities, the

equipment required for it, and the working conditions in which it

a. analysis.
b. specification.
c. design.
d. description.

Answer: d
7. Which of the following is a written statement of the skills,
knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform a
job effectively?

a. job design.
b. job specification.
c. job analysis.
d. job description.

Answer: b

8. Job is the process of describing jobs and arranging

their interrelationships.

a. design.
b. specification.
c. analysis.
d. description.

Answer: a

9. Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned to a job is


a. job rotation.
b. job enlargement.
c. job enrichment.
d. A & C.

Answer: b
10. Which of the following is not a core dimension of a job?

a. skill variety.
b. task identity.
c. task significance.
d. high internal work motivation.

Answer: d

11. All of the following are sources of internal recruiting except:

a. job posting.
b. employee recommendations.
c. advertisements.
d. transfers.
Answer: c

12. An individualised outline of training, experience and possibly

education designed to facilitate an employee's growth and enhance
opportunities for advancement is called:

a. job description.
b. career development plan.
c. assessment sheet.
d. interview form.

Answer: b
13. A formal, systematic appraisal of the qualitative and quantitative
aspects of an employee's performance is called:

a. performance evaluation.
b. performance appraisal.
c. performance analysis.
d. orientation.

Answer: a

14. Which of the following is not a personal benefit?

a. sick leave.
b. flex benefit.
c. sales bonus.
d. dental plan.

Answer: c

15. SHRM states that HR department must plan its activity in a


a. Strategic
b. Modern
c. Technical
d. Systematic

Answer: a
16. A job analysis may answer the question "What skills are needed
to perform the activities?"

a. True
b. False

Answer: a

17. The last step in a typical job analysis is to prepare a job


a. True
b. False

Answer: a

18. Job specialisation can lead to employees becoming bored and

careless, resulting in decreased productivity and quality.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a

19. Job enrichment addresses non-managerial employees' needs

for growth, recognition, and responsibility.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a
20. In any approach to job enrichment, managers should first
consider the psychological and emotional steps that are most likely
to cause the employees to reach the desired outcomes.

a. True
b. False

Answer: b

21. The greatest advantage of hiring from within is that it helps

maintain employee morale.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a

22. The responsibility for planning and coordinating training

programs within an organisation usually falls to the department

a. True
b. False

Answer: b

23. The terms pay equity and equal pay are interchangeable.

a. True
b. False

Answer: b
24. SHRM acts as link between the employees and the

a. Organisational goal
b. Management
c. Trade union
d. HRM objective
Answer: a

25. Inability of HR to think is a barrier to implement SHRM

a. Systematically
b. Practically
c. Strategically
d. Technically

Answer: c

26. Focus on is a barrier to SHRM

a. Financial terms
b. Long term profit
c. Short term performance
d. Short term investment

Answer: c

27. The aims of SHRM does not include

a. Strategic capability
b. Employee satisfaction
c. Unifying framework
d. Sense of direction

Answer: b
28. The changing role of HR manager does not include

a. Employee advocate
b. Welfare leader
c. Change Agent
d. Change Champion

Answer: b

29. Proactiveness and concerned with organisation effectiveness is

the characteristic of

a. Personnel Management
c. HRM
d. None of the above

Answer: b

30. Environmental uncertainties is one of the factors that affects

a. HRM
c. HRP
d. HRD

Answer: c
31. The human resource planning is done based on the

a. Market condition
b. Financial condition
c. External environment
d. Organisational Plan

Answer: d

32. Resistance from employees is to HRP

a. Objective
b. advantage
c. scope
d. Disadvantage

Answer: d

33. Which one of the following is not a part of Process of Human

resource planning

a. Analysing existing HR
b. Implementation of HR plan
c. recruitment
d. Analysing organisational objective

Answer: c
34. is process by which an organisation
should move from it current manpower position to its desired
manpower position

a. HRP
b. HRM
d. All of the above

Answer: a

35. Collection or aggregation of tasks, duties & responsibilities is

known as

b. JOB
c. Role
d. Designation

Answer: b

36. involves a collection of job related information

a. Job Description
b. Job analysis
c. Job designing
d. None of the above

Answer: b
37. _________________ Detailed & systematic study of
information relating to operations & responsibilities of a specific job

a. Job Description
b. Job analysis
c. Job designing
d. None of the above

Answer: b

38. is a statement of human qualifications

necessary to do the job

a. Job Description
b. Job analysis
c. Job specification
d. None of the above

Answer: c

39. is a Process of obtaining all Pertinent Job Facts

a. Job Description
b. Job analysis
c. Job specification
d. None of the above

Answer: b
40. Working condition and Hazards involved in a job is included in

a. Job Analysis
b. Job Description
c. Job Design
d. none of the above

Answer: b

41. Techniques of collecting Job Analysis Data does not include

a. Personal observe
b. Training
c. Maintenance of log records
d. Sending out questionnaires

Answer: b

42. Process of forecasting, developing & controlling human

resource in an enterprise is

a. HRP
b. HRD
c. HRM

Answer: a
43. The human resource planning is done based on the

a. HRM functions
b. organisational Plan.
c. HRM Scope
d. Market situation

Answer: b

44. The first step of HRP is

a. Forecasting future HR needs

b. Analysing existing HR needs
c. Implementation of HR plan
d. Evaluate & redesign of HR plan

Answer: a

45. A written summary of content & context of job is called

a. Job Analysis
b. Job Description
c. Job Specification
d. Job Design

Answer: b

46. A group of positions that have similar duties, tasks &

responsibilities is called

a. Job
b. Duty
c. Designation
d. Grade

Answer: a
47. can be derived from Job Analysis

a. Job Description
b. Job Specification
c. Both A & B
d. Neither A nor B

Answer: c

48. is a process which enables the organisation to run

smoothly by supplying required and desired work force at the right

a. HRP
b. HRD
c. HRM

Answer: a

49. The activities in HRP doesn’t includes

a. Forecasting future HR needs

b. Analysing existing HR
c. Recruitment
d. Evaluate & redesign of HR plan

Answer: c
50. Evaluation helps to determine the extent to which been

a. Efficiency
b. Profit
c. Training objectives
d. Employee satisfaction

Answer: c

Human Resource Recruitment and Selection

Unit 2
Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Key

1. is a process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs

a. Selection
b. Induction
c. Recruitment
d. Orientation

Answer: c

2. Which is not an advantage of internal Source of recruitment

a. Time saving
b. New blood
c. Less expensive
d. increased car

Answer: b

3. Which is not an advantage of external Source of recruitment

Anss- Less Expensive
4. can be defined as process of choosing the
right person for the right job.

a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Induction
d. Orientation

Answer: a

5. is the application form to be filled by the

candidate when he goes for recruitment process in the organisation.

a. Job application
b. Formal application
c. Application blank
d. None of the above

Answer: c

6. is not an internal source of recruitment

a. Promotion
b. Transfer
c. Job rotation
d. Departmental exam

Answer: c
7. is a selection test which judges the emotional
ability which will help to judge work in group

a. Personality test
b. Intelligence Test
c. Mental Ability Test
d. None of the above

Answer: a

8. is not an external source of recruitment

a. Campus selection
b. Internal advertisement
c. Consultancy
d. Walk-in

Answer: b

9. is a selection test to judge the coordination

between hands & eye

a. Personality test
b. Intelligence Test
c. Psycho motor test
d. None of the above

Answer: c
10. Promotion is a source of Recruitment

a. Suitable
b. Higher
c. Internal
d. External

Answer: c

11. Campus selection is a source

of recruitment

a. Fresh
b. Modern
c. Internal
d. External

Answer: c

12. The term procurement stands for

a. Recruitment & selection

b. Promotion
c. Purchase
d. T & D

Answer: a
13. Identifying the __________________ candidates and
them to apply for the job is called Recruitment

a. Available, insisting
b. Available, making
c. Potential, Attracting
d. Potential, insisting

Answer: c

14. means assigning a specific rank and

responsibility to an individual

a. Selection
b. Induction
c. Recruitment
d. Placement

Answer: d

15. Speed of Hiring is an advantage of

a. Internal Source of Recruitment

b. External Source of Recruitment
c. Psycho motor test
d. Mental Ability Test

Answer: a
16. Which of these is the purpose of recruitment?

a. Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit

b. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by
reducing the number of visibly under qualified or over qualified job
c. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work - force
d. None of the above

Answer: b

17. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on

and supervision.

a. Training
b. Recruitment
c. Work quality
d. None of the above

Answer: a

18. Which of these is the most important external factor governing


a. Sons of soil
b. Labour market
c. Unemployment rate
d. Supply and demand

Answer: d
19. While recruiting for non - managerial, supervisory and middle -
management positions which external factor is of prime

a. Political - Legal
b. Unemployment rate
c. Labour market
d. Growth and Expansion

Answer: c

20. Which of the following act deals with recruitment and selection?

a. Child labour act

b. The apprentices act
c. Mines act
d. All of the above

Answer: d

21. A major internal factor that can determine the success of the
recruiting programme is whether or not the company engages in

a. HRP
b. Selection
c. Induction
d. None of the above

Answer: a
22. refers to the process of identifying and attracting job
seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants.

a. Selection
b. Training
c. Recruitments
d. Induction

Answer: c

23. Rearrange the following steps of recruitment.

I. Searching
II. Evaluation and control
III. Planning
IV. Screening
V. Strategy development

a. III, II, I, V, IV
b. III, V, I, IV, II
c. IV, V, III, I, II
d. II, I, IV, V, III

Answer: b

24. express the relationship of applicant inputs to

outputs at various decision points.

a. Number of contacts
b. Yield Ratios
c. Type of contacts
d. Technological sophistication

Answer: b
25. Which of the following are the decisions to be made while
devising the strategies to hire?

a. Geographic distribution of labour markets comprising job seekers

b. Make or buy employees
c. Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process
d. All of the above

Answer: d

26. What is being described here?

A firm which books advertising space, draws up recruitment

advertisements, places them in newspapers / journals and
evaluates the results.

a. an employment agency
b. a recruitment advertising agency
c. an executive search consultancy
d. a selection consultancy

Answer: b

27. What are the external environmental factors affecting

recruitment? Select all that apply.

a. Economy.
b. Social change.
d. Labour market.
d. All of the above

Answer: d
28. A prerequisite for a successful and efficient recruitment
programme is to have a(n)

a. corporate policy
b. HR policy
c. recruitment policy
d. health and safety policy

Answer: b

29. Which of the following is the most serious problem that might
arise due to excessive reliance on internal recruitment?

a. reduced job performance

b. high labour turnover
c. lack of motivation
d. internal resistance

Answer: d

30. Recruitment policy usually highlights the need for establishing

a. job specification
b. job analysis
c. job description
d. none of the above

Answer: a
31. Selection is usually considered as a process

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. None of the above

Answer: b

32. The process of eliminating unsuitable candidates is called as

a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Interview
d. Induction

Answer: a

33. Which of the following helps the managers with the information
required to make good human resources decisions?

a. Selection
b. Industrial Relations
c. Recruitment
d. Performance appraisal

Answer: d
Training, Development and Evaluation
Unit 3
Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Key

1. is the formal and systematic modification of

behaviour through learning

a. Training
b. Education
c. Instruction
d. None of the above

Answer: a

2. Training occurs as a result of

a. Instruction
b. education
c. development
d. all of the above

Answer: d

3. Training refers to the process of imparting


a. Specific
b. General
c. Important
d. Over all

Answer: a
4. is any learning activity, which is directed towards future
needs rather than present needs

a. Training
b. Education
c. Instruction
d. Development

Answer: d

5. is concerned more with career

growth than immediate performance

a. Training
b. Education
c. Instruction
d. Development

Answer: d

6. Development provides and , which will be helpful

to employees in higher positions

a. general knowledge, Behaviour

b. general knowledge specific skills
c. general knowledge, attitudes
d. Specific skills, attitudes

Answer: c
7. Development is concerned more with

a. Immediate performance
b. succession planning
c. career growth
d. All of the above

Answer: c

8. The purpose of is to teach theoretical concepts

and develop a sense of reasoning and judgment

a. Development
b. Training
c. Education
d. Teaching

Answer: c

9. is a theoretical learning in

a. Development
b. Training
c. Education
d. Teaching

Answer: c
10. Which of the below does not describe the nature of Training

a. Application oriented
b. Broad perspective
c. Specific task
d. None of the above

Answer: b

11. is application oriented

a. Training
b. Education
c. Learning
d. None of the above

Answer: a

12. Training is

a. Narrow perspective
b. Broad perspective
c. long term
d. None of the above

Answer: a

13. is tangible in nature

a. Development
b. Training
c. Both a & b
d. Neither a nor b

Answer: b
14. is normally directed at operative employees and
relates to technical aspects.

a. Training
b. Education
c. Learning
d. Development

Answer: a

15. In general training is related to

a. Conceptual
b. developmental
c. technical aspects
d. Human skills

Answer: c

16. Development is not related to

a. Conceptual
b. developmental
c. technical aspects
d. Human skills

Answer: c
17. Which of the following is not a method of Individual training
need identification?

a. Attitude survey
b. work sample
c. exit interview
d. interview

Answer: c

18. Which of the following is a method of group training need


a. Attitude survey
b. work sample
c. exit interview
d. interview

Answer: c

19. Which of the following is not a method of group training need


a. Quality Circle
b. work sample
c. exit interview
d. MBO

Answer: b
20. Which of the following is not a method of on the job training

a. Supervision
b. Job instruction
c. Role play
d. Job rotation

Answer: c

21. Which of the following is method of on the job training

a. Group discussion
b. Job instruction
c. Role play
d. Case Study

Answer: b

22. Which of the following is method of off the job training

a. Supervision
b. Job instruction
c. Role play
d. Job rotation

Answer: c

23. Which of the following is not method of off the job training

a. Group discussion
b. Job instruction
c. Role play
d. Case Study

Answer: b
24. Evaluation helps determine the extent to which
have been achieved

a. efficiency
b. profit
c. training objectives
d. employee satisfaction

Answer: c

25. Evaluation gives insights for

a. reviewing
b. adjusting
c. revising goals
d. All of the above

Answer: d

26. A “ ” is a process of evaluating an employee’s

performance of a job in terms of its requirements.

a. Performance Management
b. Performance analysis
c. Performance appraisal
d. Performance evaluation

Answer: c
27. is the step where the management
finds out how effective it has been at hiring and placing employees.

a. Performance Management
b. Performance analysis
c. Performance appraisal
d. Performance evaluation

Answer: c

28. Which of the below is not an objective of Performance appraisal

a. assessment of performance
b. Measuring the efficiency
c. maintaining organisational control
d. Designing Organisational goal

Answer: d

29. Performance appraisal aims at

a. goals of employees
b. Goals of organisation
c. both a & b
d. Neither a nor b

Answer: c
30. Which of the following is not an aim of performance appraisal

a. Personal Development
b. work satisfaction
c. Training
d. work satisfaction

Answer: c

31. is not a step of performance appraisal

a. Communicating standards
b. comparing actual with standards
c. Discussing the results
d. adjusting the standards

Answer: d

32. The expected outcome from the employee at the time of

performance appraisal is known as

a. decided performance
b. standard
c. general outcome
d. expected performance

Answer: b
33. When the actual performance of the employees are measured
then it will be compared with

a. standard
b. other members
c. previous performance
d. group performance

Answer: a

34. The actual performance is compared with the standard

performance to

a. Identify the gap

b. give them training
c. improve performance
d. all of the above

Answer: a

35. Communicating the ________________________ to the

employees is necessary so that they can perform accordingly

a. Rewards
b. standards
c. awards
d. targets

Answer: b
36. __________________ is to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of employees to place right men on right job.

a. Recruitment
b. Performance Appraisal
c. Selection
d. feedback

Answer: b

37. is not included in the advantages of

Performance Appraisal

a. Compensation
b. Communication
c. Selection
d. Motivation

Answer: c

38. The performance Appraisal method BARS stands for

a. Behavioural Attitude rating system

b. Behavioural Attitude ranking System
c. Behavioural Aptitude Ranking System
d. Behavioural Anchored Ranking Scale

Answer: d
39. is an entire exercise done under the trainer who
observes the employee behaviour and then discusses it with the
rater who finally evaluates the employee’s performance.

a. Comparison method
c. Assessment Center
d. 3600 degree

Answer: c)

40. method is used to have a detailed

evaluation of an employee from all the perspectives.

b. Assessment Center
c. MBO
d. 3600 degree

Answer: d

41. Which of the following is not a Performance Appraisal Biases

a. Halo effect
b. Central Tendency
c. Personal Biases
d. Wrong survey

Answer: d
42. First Impression in a performance appraisal bias denotes

a. Halo effect
b. Primary effect
c. Horn effect
d. Stereo Typing

Answer: b

43. evaluates whether human resource

programs being implemented in the organisation have been

a. Performance appraisal
b. Feedback
c. Survey
d. Exit interviews

Answer: a

44. The actual performance of an individual is measured in terms of


a. Input and output

b. efficiency and effectiveness
c. Returns to the organisation
d. Business earned by him

Answer: b
45. This step of performance appraisal process finds out the
deviation occurred in actual performance

a. Fixing standards
b. Measuring actual performance
c. Communication of standards
d. Discuss Appraisal With The Employee

Answer: d

46. The corrective actions in Performance include

a. Correct Deviations
b. Change Standards
c. Neither a nor b
d. Both a & b

Answer: d

47. Administrative use of performance appraisal does not include

a. Feedback to employee’s
b. supervision
c. Training
d. Transfer

Answer: a

48. Benefits of Performance Appraisal to the organisation does not


a. Documentation
b. Legal protection
c. Motivation
d. Motivation system

Answer: c

49. The rater is forced to answer the ready-made statements as

given in the blocks of two or more, about the employees in terms of
true or false. This method of performance appraisal is known as

a. Forced distribution
b. Rating scale
c. Forced choice
d. Checklist

Answer: c

50. Modern method of performance appraisal does not include

b. Assessment center
c. MBO
d. 360

Answer: a
34. is usually influenced by have

a. Rules and regulations

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