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Project Proposal

Studio Programmer
Content Creator


Jl. Siliwangi No. 26 A Kasturi - Kuningan 45521
Telp. (0232) 875135
e-mail :
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


The progress factor of a country is not One of the formal education pathways that
only having abundant natural resources, prepares graduates to have excellence in
but another important factor is having the world of work is a Vocational High
superior human resources. In the past, School (SMK). The important goal of
China thought that its large population developing a vocational high school
was a burden. How to feed 1.4 billion education program is to prepare human
people. Then they changed it by saying resources who are ready to enter the world
that 1.4 billion had extraordinary of work, have high leadership, are
resources if it was supported by high disciplined, professional, reliable in their
enthusiasm and knowledge. Finally, today fields and productive, as well as have the
China is a developed country despite its potential for entrepreneurship. Ideally,
very large population. Thus, the SMK graduates are middle-level workers
Indonesian government in the future must who are ready to use, in the sense that they
focus its programs on improving the can directly work in the business and
quality of its human resources industrial world.
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


To realize these educational goals, the We cannot deny the progress of

most suitable education to improve this is information technology, very rapidly. In
education that is oriented to the industrial various companies and industries, of
world with an emphasis on a learning course, they have used sophisticated
approach and is supported by a curriculum applications. The challenge of an
that is in accordance with industry needs. information technology SMK is that it can
The industrial world which is the target of produce graduates according to the needs
the vocational high school learning of the company or industry.
process and outcomes has its own
character and nuance. Therefore, in the The Studio Programmer and Content
learning process, vocational education Creator production unit is one of the
institutions must be able to make teaching factory implementations on RPL
appropriate learning approaches and in and TKJ expertise competencies to produce
accordance with the wishes of the superior students of SMK Pertiwi Kuningan
industrial world. One of the suitable in the field of Programming and Content
educational models is to apply the Creator, and this profession is a promising
teaching factory in the learning process at profession for its future provision.
Studio Programmer and Content Creator

PURPOSE Preparing SMK graduates to become

workers and entrepreneurs
Helping students choose fields of work
according to their competence
Provide skills needed in the world of
Helping vocational students in
preparing for the workforce, and
helping to collaborate with the actual
world of work
Provide opportunities for vocational
students to practice their skills so that
they can make decisions about which
career to choose
Prepare graduates who are more
professional by providing modern
applicative concepts so that they can be
competitive in the industry effectively
For schools it reduces the school's
operational burden
For teachers it can improve welfare
The kinds of services and productions
that can be produced include:
Become an information technology
Creating an information system
according to the needs of the
company or industry
Creating an information website
about the company or industry
Make youtube channel
Make Start Up
Make animation and can be uploaded
for Youtube content
Make interesting videos according to
the needs of Youtube viewers
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


In a simple concept, Teaching Factory is the In addition to aiming to improve the

development of a dual system of production and competence of vocational school graduates,
education units that have been implemented in goods or services produced from teaching
SMK - SMK. The concept of teaching factory is factory activities must also be acceptable to the
one form of development from a vocational public or consumers. The products and services
school to a model for a production school. produced must meet the criteria that are
Therefore, the term teaching factory has feasible to sell so that they can generate added
emerged, which requires SMKs that carry it out value for schools (Directorate of PSMK, 2008).
to have a business unit or production unit as a The profits obtained are used to increase
place for student learning. In this business or sources of income to finance learning activities
production unit, students directly practice by at SMK.
producing goods or services that can be sold to
consumers. Implementation of teaching factory From some of the opinions expressed above, it
for learning by establishing business or can be concluded that the teaching factory has
production units in schools. several objectives, namely:
Improve the competence of SMK graduates
Thus, teaching factory is a learning activity in Increase the entrepreneurial spirit of SMK
which students directly carry out production graduates
activities in the form of goods or services. The Producing products in the form of goods or
goods or services produced have quality so that services that have added value
they are worthy of sale and are accepted by the Increase sources of school income
public or consumers. Increase cooperation with relevant industry
or business entities
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


Educational background of teachers and staff of
SMK Pertiwi Kuningan with S-1 and S-2 education in
their productive age. Several education and training
program teachers already have training certificates
that are relevant to the education and training
programs being taught
All teachers have laptops and use them for learning
Quite high interest in learning
A conducive learning atmosphere, comfortable and
The relationship between residents and schools runs
harmoniously and well
Several school extracurricular activities have good
Availability of teacher education staff who are
competent in their fields
Computer laboratory and internet network are
functioning properly so that it is easy to access
The school committee cares about improving the
quality of the school

The average academic ability of students is
The quality of input from prospective students is
Some practical facilities for each skill package are
still limited
The level of education and income of the parents
of students, which on average are still low
Some teachers are unable to communicate in
English or other foreign languages
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


Have solid management and stakeholders
Through optimized facilities and infrastructure it will
trigger a significant increase in performance
The interest of teachers and the community is quite
strong in improving student achievement
Get full support from the school committee
Relatively stable socio-political and security
Have a relationship with DU / DI school partners
who are very good in coaching students through
industrial work practices, skills competency tests to
employment of graduates

Limited school facilities will reduce optimal service
There is global competition in the field of Human
Resources (HR)
The higher level of proficiency in English
High operational costs at SMK
The influence of global information on student
morale and behavior
Studio Programmer and Content Creator


1. To become a national standard programmer and content creator company

2. Producing a YouTube channel with one million subscribers
3. Making graduates with an average income of thirty million per month
4. Make a start up that is downloaded 500,000 users
5. Making mini valley silicon at school

No Tools and Materials Qty Price (Rp) Total (Rp)

1. Computer Specification Mid End 10 unit 8.500.000,- 85.000.000,-

2. Camera Vlog Sony 2 unit 5.800.000,- 11.600.000,-

3. Gimbal Stabilizer Camera 2 unit 1.200.000,- 2.400.000,-

4. Ergonomic Table + cabinet files 10 unit 1.500.000,- 15.000.000,-

5. TV 49 inch 1 unit 5.500.000,- 5.500.000,-

6. Monitor Editing Video 5 unit 2.500.000,- 7.500.000,-

7. Teacher Training 2 guru 5.000.000,- 10.000.000,-

Total (Rp) 137.000.000,-


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