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Test Time Limit: 20 Minutes Name _______________ Total Score _____/20

Super Juniors 5A Mid Module Test

Part 1: Listen and check one of the boxes.

1: Why did granddad look after the boy?

2: What did the boy and granddad used to make together?

3: Why is the boy not feeling happy?

Ila (teacher’s voice Jason and Seo) Page 1 of 3

Test Time Limit: 20 Minutes
Super Juniors 5A Mid Module Test

Part 1: Listen and check one of the boxes.

4: What is the boy’s hobby?

5: What does the girl think of the boy’s hobby?

Score _____/10

Ila (teacher’s voice Jason and Seo) Page 2 of 3

Test Time Limit: 20 Minutes Name _______________ Total Score _____/10
Super Juniors 5A Mid Module Test

Part 2: Listen and write answers.

Listen and write. There is one example.

Ex) The person Robert likes.
1) What that person invents.
2) What Robert thinks of granddad.
3) Why granddad can’t walk.
4) Lucy’s problem.
5) Granddad’s new invention.

Score _____/10

Ila (teacher’s voice Jason and Seo) Page 3 of 3

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