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Observations & Results


Table No. 1
Status of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Type Total
Group A Group B Group C

Completed 20 20 20 60

LAMA 08 02 06 16

Total 28 22 26 76

Total 76 patients were registered for the present study. Among

them 60 patients completed their treatment and 16 patients left against
medical advise (LAMA). In Group A, 20 patients had completed the
treatment and 8 patients left against medical advise and in Group B 20
patients had completed the treatment and 2 patients left against medical
advise, in group C, 20 patients had completed the treatment and 6
patients left against medical advise.

Table No. 2
Age wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Age (Year) Total %
Group A Group B Group C

30- 40 05 04 06 15 19.74

41- 50 07 07 08 22 28.94

51- 60 12 08 10 30 39.48

61- 70 04 03 02 09 11.84
Patients between the age group of 30-70 years were selected for
the present clinical study. The data reveals that majority of the patients

Observations & Results

39.48% were reported in the age group of 51-60 years followed by 28.94%
in the age group of 41-50 years,19.74% in the age group of 30-40 and
11.84% in the age group 61-70 years.
Table No. 3
Sex wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Sex Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Male 24 20 23 67 88.16

Female 4 2 3 9 11.84
In the present study, maximum number of patients i.e. 88.16%
were of male sex and remaining 11.84% patients were female.
Table No. 4
Religion wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Religion Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Hindu 19 18 21 58 76.32

Others 9 4 5 18 23.68
The religion wise distribution showed that 76.32% of patients were
belonging to Hindu religion while 23.68% of patients were from other
Table No. 5
Marital status wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Marital status Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Married 26 22 25 73 96.06

Unmarried 2 0 1 3 3.94
In this study 96.06% of patients were married and remaining 3.94%
patients were unmarried.

Observations & Results

Table No. 6
Education wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Education Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Uneducated 3 4 2 9 11.84

Primary 2 1 4 7 9.22

Matriculation 6 7 8 21 27.63

Graduation 10 9 9 28 36.84

Post graduate 7 1 3 11 14.47

As shown in table, maximum number of patients i.e. 36.84% were
having the education upto graduation followed by 27.63% patients. having
education to marticutation, 14.47% of patients. Were post graduation
11.84% patients were uneducated and 9.22% patients were having
education upto primary.
Table No. 7
Occupation wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
occupation Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Service man 9 10 8 27 35.53

Business man 11 8 12 31 40.79

Labourer 5 4 3 12 15.78

House hold 3 0 3 6 7.90

In this study businessmen were more in number i.e. 40.79%
followed by service man (35.53%), Labourer (15.78%) and household

Observations & Results

Table No. 8
Socio-economical status wise distribution of 76 patients of

Socio-economical No. of Patients

Total %
status Group A Group B Group C

Lower 6 3 0 9 11.84

Middle 18 13 21 52 68.42

Upper 4 6 5 15 19.74
The present study shows that maximum number of patients 68.42
were from middle class, while 19.74% from upper class and 11.84 patients
from lower class.
Table No. 9
Habitat wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Habitat Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Urban 18 13 15 46 60.52

Rural 10 9 11 30 39.48
The present study shows that majority of the patients i.e. 60.52%
were belonging to Urban habitat while rest of the patients i.e. 39.48% were
from Rural habitat.
Table No. 10
Family history wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Family history Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Positive 4 1 2 7 9.21

Negative 24 21 24 69 90.79

Observations & Results

This present study shows that 90.79% of patients were having

Negative family history followed by 9.21% of patients having Positive
family history.
Table No. 11
Desha wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Desha Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Sadharam 22 20 21 63 82.89

Aanup 2 0 0 2 2.64

Jangal 4 2 5 11 14.47
In the present study, 82.89% patients were belonging to sodharam
desha followed by 14.47% belonging to jangal desha and 2.64%
belonging to Aanup desha.
Table No. 12
Chronicity wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Chronicity Total %
Group A Group B Group C

0-3 months 4 2 1 7 9.21

3-6 months 6 5 3 14 18.42

6-12 months 7 5 6 18 23.68

1 year – 2 years 11 10 16 37 48.69

The present clinical study shows that majority of the patients i.e.
48.69% were reported having chronicity of 1-2 years followed by 23.68%
having chronicity of 6-12 months , 18.42% having chronicity 3-6 months,
and 9.21% patients were having chronicity of 0-3 months.

Observations & Results

Table No. 13
Dietary Habit wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Dietary habit Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Samasan 10 9 6 25 32.90

Adhyasana 18 13 20 51 67.10
In this study, maximum number of patients i.e. 67.10% were having
Habit of Adhyasana followed by habit of Samasana in 32.90% patients.
Table No. 14
Type of Diet wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Type of diet Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Vegetarian 17 14 19 50 65.78

Mixed (Veg+Non.veg) 11 8 7 26 34.22

The present study reveals that maximum patients 65.78% were
Vegetarian while 34.22% patients were having Mixed diet.
Table No. 15
Dominance of rasa in diet wise distribution of 76 patients of

No. of Patients
Rasa Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Madhura 6 7 5 18 23.68

Lavan 4 2 3 9 11.84

Katu 8 5 11 24 31.58

Normal 10 8 7 25 32.90
In this series Dominancy of katu rasa in diet was present in 31.58%
of patients. Dominancy of Madhura Rasa was present in 23.68% and
dominancy of lavan rasa in diet was present in 11.84 of patients 32.90% of

Observations & Results

patients were having Normal Diet without Dominancy on any specific

Rasa in Diet.
Table No. 16
Kostha wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Kostha Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Mridu 5 3 6 14 18.42

Krura 16 11 13 40 52.64

Madhyama 7 8 7 22 28.94
The present study reveals that maximum numbers of patients i.e.
52.64& were having Krura Kostha while 28.94% patients were having
Madhyama Kostha and 18.42% patients having Mridu Kostha.

Table No. 17
Agni wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Agni Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Sama 4 3 5 12 15.79

Tikshna 2 0 1 3 3.94

Manda 12 11 9 32 42.11

Vishama 10 8 11 29 38.16
In this study, Maximum number of patients 42.11% were having
Mandaagni followed by 38.16% of patients were having vishamagni
15.79% patients having Samagni and 3.94% patients were having

Observations & Results

Table No. 18
Bowel Habit wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Bowel habit Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Irregular 19 15 13 47 61.84

Regular 9 7 13 29 38.16
In the present study maximum number of patients 61.84% were
having Irregular Bowel Habit while 38.16% patients were having Regular
Bowel habit.

Table No. 19
Addiction wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Addiction Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Tea / coffee 8 9 13 30 39.47

Smoking 12 3 7 22 28.94

Tobacco 3 6 4 13 17.11

Alcohol 5 3 2 10 13.15

Opium / connobis 0 1 0 1 1.32

In the present study, the available data depicts that 39.47%

patients were having Addiction of Tea/Coffee, 28.94% patients were
having Addiction of Smoking, 17.11% patients were having Addiction of
Tabacco, 13.15% patients were having Addiction of Alcohal and 1.32
patients was having Addiction of Opium / Connobis.

Observations & Results

Table No. 20
Emotional status wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Emotional status Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Depressive 10 7 6 23 30.26

Anxious 8 7 8 23 30.26

Tensive 10 8 12 30 39.47
In the present study the available data depicts that 39.47% patients
passed a Tensive emotional status, 30.26% passed anxious and
remaining same percentage of patients had depressive emotional status.

Table No. 21
Nidra wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Nidra Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Regular 8 7 4 19 25.00

Alpa 7 6 10 23 30.26

Irregular 13 9 12 34 44.73
In the present study shows that 44.73% patients were found to be
having irregular sleep, 30.26% were having Alpa Nidra and remaining
25% patients were having regular sleep.

Table No. 22
Sharirika prakriti wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Sharirika prakriti Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pitta kaphaja 10 11 12 33 43.42

Vata kaphaja 12 8 8 28 36.84

Vata pitta 6 3 6 15 19.73

Observations & Results

The present study show that 43.42% patients were of Pitta kaphaja
Deha Prakriti, 36.84% were of Vata Kaphaja Prakriti and remaining
19.73% patients were having Vata Pittaja Deha Prakriti.

Table No. 23
Manasa prakriti wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Manasa prakriti Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Rajas 20 16 21 57 75

Tamas 8 6 5 19 25
The present study shows that 75% patients passed Rajas Prakriti,
while rest 25% patients passed Tamas Prakriti.

Table No. 24
Sara wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Sara Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Twak 14 15 16 45 59.21

Rakta 3 3 4 10 13.15

Mamsa 2 1 1 4 5.26

Meda 7 3 4 14 18.42

Asthi 2 0 1 3 3.94

Majja 0 0 0 0 00

Shukra 0 0 0 0 00

Sattva 0 0 0 0 00
The present study shows that 59.21% patients passed Twak sara
18.42% Meda sara, 13.15% Rakta sara and 5.26% patients were passed
of Mamsa Sara and 3.94% patients passed Asthi Sara.

Observations & Results

Table No. 25
Samhanana wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Samhanana Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 1 2 3 6 22.36

Madhyam 20 14 19 53 69.73

Avara 7 6 4 17 7.89
In the present study shows that 69.73% patients were of
madhyama Samhanana while 22.36% patients were Pravara Samhanaa
and 7.89% patients were of Avara Samhanana.

Table No. 26
Satva wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Satva Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 1 2 1 4 5.26

Madhyam 18 13 20 51 67.10

Avara 9 7 5 21 27.63
Satva wise 67.10% patients were of Madhyama Satva. 27.63%
patients were of Avara Satva while remaining 5.26% patients were of
Pravara Satva.

Table No. 27
Saatmya wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Saatmya Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 4 3 4 11 14.47

Madhyam 18 14 16 48 63.15

Avara 6 5 6 17 22.36

Observations & Results

The present study shows that 63.15% patients were of Madhyama

Saatmya while 22.36% patients were Avara Saatmya and 14.47% patients
were of Pravara saatmya.

Table No. 28
Vyayama shakti wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Vyayama shakti Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 3 2 4 9 11.84

Madhyam 5 4 5 14 18.42

Avara 20 15 17 52 68.42
68.42% patients passed avara vyayaam shakti 18.42% patients
passed madhyama vyayama shakti and remaining 11.84% patients were
having pravara vyayama shakti.

Table No. 29
Abhayavaharana shakti wise distribution of 76 patients of

Abhayavaharana No. of Patients

Total %
shakti Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 4 3 3 10 13.15

Madhyam 19 16 18 53 69.73

Avara 5 3 5 13 17.10
The present study shows that maximum number of patients 69.73
were from Madhyama Abyavaharan shakti while 17.10% were from Avara
Abhayavaharan shakti and 13.15% were from Pravara Abhyavaharan

Observations & Results

Table No. 30
Jarana shakti wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Jarana shakti Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Pravara 4 1 3 8 10.52

Madhyam 17 19 18 54 71.05

Avara 7 2 5 14 18.42
The present study shows that maximum number of patients 71.05%
were from Madhama Jarana Shakti while 18.42% were from Avara Jarana
Shakti and 10.52% were from Pravara Jarana Shakti.

Table No. 31
Onset wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Onset Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Sudden 24 17 22 63 82.89

Gradual 04 05 04 13 17.11
In the present study 82.89% patients were having sudden onset of
symptoms while remaining 17.11% patients reported gradual onset of
Table No. 32
Nature of lesion wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Nature of lesion Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Hemorrhage 6 2 4 12 15.79

Infarction 22 20 22 64 84.21
On observation of nature of lesion 84.21% patients have Infaraction
and 15.79% patients have Hemorrhage this data this data is based on the
CT scan or MRI carried out by modern physician in these patients.

Observations & Results

Table No. 33
Doshanubandha wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Doshanubandha Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Kaphanubandha 18 14 20 52 68.42

Pittanubandha 10 8 6 24 31.58
On observation of Doshanubandha in Pakshaghata 68.42%
patients showed kaphanubandha lakshana and remaining 31.58%
patients showed pittanubandha lakshana.

Table No. 34
Dushya wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Dushya Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Rasa 13 18 20 51 67.10

Rakta 16 18 20 54 71.05

Meda 16 18 20 54 71.05

Asthi 05 07 08 20 26.31

Majja 28 22 26 76 100
All the patients of Pakshaghata manifest Majja Dushti Lakshana
71.05% patients shows Rakta, Meda Dushti, Lakshana and 26.31%
patient shows Asthi Dusti Lakshana.

Observations & Results

Table No. 35
Cardinal symptoms wise distribution of 76 patients of Pakshaghata

No. of Patients
Symptoms Total %
Group A Group B Group C

Chesta nivritti 24 22 30 76 100

Ruja 18 18 20 56 73.68

Vakstambha 20 18 20 58 76.31

Achetanta 13 14 19 46 60.52

Guruta 13 16 20 49 64.47

Vibandha 16 17 19 52 68.42

Shotha 12 14 14 40 52.63

Daha 18 20 19 57 75.00

Shirhashul 20 20 20 60 78.94

In this study, all the patients (100%) were having Chesta nivritti,
Ruja in 73.68%, Vakstambha were present in 76.31% patients, Achetanta
was present in 60.52% patents, Guruta was present in 64.47% patients,
vibandha was present in 68.42% patients, Sotha was present in 52.63%
patients, Daha was present in 75% patients and Shirashula was present in
78.94% patients.


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