Technological Institute of The Philippines Quezon City 938 Aurora BLVD., Cubao, Quezon City

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City
938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

CE 012
Highway and Railroad Engineering


Name: Acdal, Abegyl

Lagbo, Isabella
Lozano, Jayson Patrick
Moreno, Alan Carlo

Section: CE31S1

Instructor: Engr. Jennifer Camino

Date of Submission: March 15, 2021


After brainstorming on which country should we choose, we finally decided to go with Japan.
As we all know, Japan is very well known for its culture, the people, the technology and transport
system. So, it is not surprising if others will choose Japan too.

Pavement Management

Pavement management is the method of arranging the upkeep and repair of an arrange of
roadways or other cleared offices in arrange to optimize pavement conditions over the whole
organize. It is additionally connected to air terminal runways and sea cargo terminals. All
pavement will fall apart over time. The pavement life cycle incorporates how asphalts are built,
how their condition changes over time, and how this handle can be influenced by distinctive shapes
of upkeep, recovery and reconstruction. the befitting maintenance and management foundation
framework may be a common issue for nations around the world. it is imperative for framework
organization to oversee both the development of unused offices and upkeep of existing offices
utilizing limited resources.

The Japanese genuine work state of mind to preserve a great quality street surface may take
a long time to total and the street would be of uncommon quality. It'll be superbly leveled and
you'll not take note that numerous contrasts among the ancient and recently laid street.

All countries face the problem of uneven roads. As the Japanese management have a very
strict condition and high expectation towards road construction, their attitude is expressed in their
flat and even roads. The construction environment is kept clean and tidy with a simple fence set
up to remind passersby that construction is in progress. For each recreation of asphalt road, the
Japanese had set a run the show that as it where a hundred meters extend of black-top is to be laid
for each work so this would guarantee that the laid asphalt is level and tight.

In 1957, NIPPO CORPORATION had a special appointment contract of the pilot project
of pavement for Meishin Expressway in Kyoto, Japan. This was the first stretch of the express
highway in Japan and formed the basis of guidelines for highway pavement in Japan. NIPPO, as
the pioneer in Japan is leading paving technologies and construction for express highway
development. Since the first accomplishment of this pavement, NIPPO has ever had a lead the
highway pavement in Japan participating in multiplicity of projects.

The history of Japanese highway evolved from a report which was provided by "Watkins
Mission" from the World Bank to the Japanese Government and criticized the dismal conditions
of existing roads in Japan in spite of its striking industrialization after the war. Thus, the
construction of the first Japanese highway "Meishin Expressway" was started in 1957 by the credit
granted by the World Bank. NIPPO CORPORATION executed the first pavement for this under
the special appointment contract with Japanese Government and successfully accomplished in
1961 with the outstanding appraisal from the World Bank to September 1999. The major works
included the pothole fixing, resealing for cleared streets, re-gravelling for rock streets and cleaning
of existing waste. In show disdain toward of passing as it were one year after completion of this
recovery extend; there are a few potholes at the crossing points or surge inclined regions. Primary
reasons are need of fitting seepage support and destitute execution of asphalt restoration. The range
streets found around central station/port zone and a few collector streets have not been restored so
that these street surfaces are stay in a overwhelming disintegration. It is subsequently vital to
restore the zone street of the station/port range and other collector streets critically. Amid the study
period, the Consider Group conducted the street asphalt condition study applying the Universal
Unpleasantness Record (IRI) built up by the World Bank in 1986.

Railway Management

Japan has extensive nationwide transport infrastructures for long-distance transport as well as
urban and regional transport. The system for controlling the railways and trains is a combination
of many systems including safety measures, train operation, and maintenance of car trains and
railways itself. The key to smooth and safe operation requires a close relationship between these
systems. It is important to ensure punctuality and safety in train operations.

Japan Railway system is very well known for being well-organized and efficient. The Japan
Railways Group (JR Group) is the successor of the Japanese National Railways (JNR), which were
privatized in 1987. The JR Group is made up of six regional passenger railway companies, which
are JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku and JR Kyushu, and one nationwide
freight railway company, JR Freight. About 70 percent of Japan's railway network is operated by
the Japan Railways (JR), while the rest is served by dozens of other private railway companies,
especially in and around metropolitan areas.

The design of Japanese Trains is very considerate since it is designed as comfortable as

possible for the passengers. With an air conditioning and a seat that is comfortable enough. Special
consideration is also given to the people who are travelling with physical disabilities.

In the early 60s, Japan unveils the world’s first high-train or they called it the “Shinkansen
Bullet Train”, it symbolizes their post-war recovery after World War II. In the Railway
Management of Japan, we based it on the Shinkansen Bullet Train. Since, Shinkansen is managed
by a one cluster company along with other rail infrastructure in Japan, it is our basis of Railway
Management in Japan.


Pavement Management

The combined effects of traffic loading and the environment will cause every pavement,
no matter how well-designed/constructed to deteriorate over time. Maintenance and rehabilitation
are what we use to slow down or reset this deterioration process. Maintenance actions, such as
crack sealing, joint sealing, fog seals and patching help slow the rate of deterioration by identifying
and addressing specific pavement deficiencies that contribute to overall
deterioration. Rehabilitation is the act of repairing portions of an existing pavement to reset the
deterioration process. For instance, removing and replacing the wearing course in a pavement
provides new wearing course material on which the deterioration process begins anew.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

defines pavement management as “…the effective and efficient directing of the various
activities involved in providing and sustaining pavements in a condition acceptable to the
traveling public at the least life cycle cost (AASHTO, 1985).” This concept of providing
pavements and maintaining them in acceptable condition is as old as the first pavement. As
pavement networks grew slowly in the first half of the twentieth century and then quickly in the
1950s and 1960s, simple procedures or experience that had worked previously was no longer able
to manage these burgeoning networks. Instead, a more holistic systems approach was needed.

Rehabilitation/Maintenance Strategy

By the rehabilitation to this research the combined effects of traffic loading and the
environment will cause every pavement, no matter how well-designed/constructed to deteriorate
over time. Maintenance actions help slow the rate of deterioration by identifying and addressing
specific pavement deficiencies that contribute to overall deterioration. Rehabilitation is the act of
repairing portions of an existing pavement to reset the deterioration process. Reconstructing an
entire pavement, however, is not considered rehabilitation but rather new construction because the
methods used are generally those developed for new pavement construction. Maintenance and
rehabilitation are what we use to slow down or reset this deterioration process.

In addition, can slow the rate of pavement deterioration, it cannot stop it. Eventually the
effects of deterioration need to be reversed by adding or replacing material in the existing
pavement structure. This is called rehabilitation. Rehabilitation options depend upon local
conditions and pavement distress types but typically include:

HMA overlays. Overlays are used for two primary purposes:

1. Structural overlays are designed to add structural support to the existing pavement. Because
of this, they are structurally designed and are thicker than non-structural overlays.
2. Non-structural overlays are designed to add or replace the existing pavement wearing
course. Because of this they contribute very little to the pavement structure and are
generally assumed to provide no additional structural support.

In-place recycling. There are two types of common in-place recycling:

3. Hot in-place recycling (HIPR).

4. Cold in-place recycling (CIPR). Full-depth CIPR, known as full-depth reclamation (FDR)
is considered reconstruction.
5. Hot mix asphalt (HMA) structural overlay.
Methods Used

1. Engineering judgment. This approach to overlay design selects an overlay thickness and
the associated materials based on local knowledge of existing conditions, which can result
in cost effective solutions; however, local expertise is fragile and subject to retirements,
agency reorganizations, etc. This method is highly subjective and can be heavily influenced
by political and budget constraints. Currently, more agencies appear to be relying on
quantifiable overlay design approaches but tempered with local expertise.
2. Component analysis. This approach to overlay design essentially requires that the total
pavement structure be developed as a new design for the specified service conditions and
then compared to the existing pavement structure (taking into account pavement condition,
type, and thickness of the pavement layers). Current component design procedures require
substantial judgment to effectively use them. This judgment is mainly associated with
selection of “weighting factors” to use in evaluating the structural adequacy of the existing
pavement layers (i.e., each layer of the pavement structure is assigned a layer coefficient
often on the basis of experience).
3. Non-destructive testing with limiting deflection criteria. This approach to overlay design
uses pavement surface deflection measurements to determine pavement structural
properties, which can then be used to determine the required amount of additional
pavement structure. Basically, a pavement’s surface deflection in response to a known
loading is used as a measure of effective strength. This “effective strength” is influenced
by a variety of factors including material properties (including subgrade), thickness of
pavement layers, and environmental effects. Most currently used deflection-based overlay
design procedures do not attempt to isolate material properties of individual pavement
4. Mechanistic-empirical analysis. This approach to overlay design uses the same
mechanistic-empirical methods that were discussed in the Structural Design section. These
methods are quite versatile because they can evaluate different materials under various
environments and pavement conditions. In many places these procedures have replaced
limiting deflection overlay methods, since the latter do not account for subsurface material

By using a Timely Treatment. A general pavement deterioration model is seen in the

accompanying figure. It graphically displays that, in general, once a pavement needs treatment,
the sooner a maintenance or rehabilitation activity is undertaken, the more cost-effective it will
tend to be. Notice that for the first 75 percent of pavement life, the pavement condition drops by
about 40 percent. However, it only takes another 12 percent of pavement life for the pavement
condition to drop another 40 percent. Additionally, in order to restore pavement condition to a pre-
determined level, it will cost four to five times as much if the pavement is allowed to deteriorate
for even two to three years beyond the optimum rehabilitation point.

All rehabilitation or reconstruction projects should employ some level of economic

evaluation to determine the most cost-effective method and timing. The use of a well-designed
pavement management system (PMS) that is tailored to the individual agency can be a highly
useful tool in aiding the decision-making process.

Railway Management

The Shinkansen Bullet Train operates between Tokyo and Osaka station, 350 times a day,
running a maximum speed of 385 kph. It takes just two hours and a half to make the journey.
Behind of all the successful trips, there are people who works behind it all to give the passengers
a safe, reliable and comfortable ride.


The Rehabilitation Strategy that they were using is the Pre-service which is every 48 hours
after the train stops at the last station. Regular Maintenance which happens every 45 days or when
the train travels up to 60,000 km. Bogie Maintenance which happens every 18 months or when the
train travels up to 600,000 km. Lastly, the General Overhaul which happens every 36 months or
when the train travels up to 1.2 million km.
Since, the Shinkansen runs very fast, the wear and tear of the components will be very fast
and eventually without maintenance, those cars will not be able to perform its design performance.

Methods Used and Process

The following is the methods or procedures they used in Rehabilitation/Maintenance.

Hammering Test (Part of Pre-service Maintenance)

o The testing hammer is what they used to the bolts and listen for any difference in
sound. When the sound is a bit higher, this means that the bolts are tightened
properly while when the sound is a bit lower, the bolts are loose.
o This should be done by trained operator and not a machine
o Inspector should pay a very close attention to all the noise that comes from the

Dr. Yellow
o Officially known as a multi-purpose inspection train. It operates every 10 days running on
actual service routes to check the condition of the track and electrical facilities.
o The test train runs at the same speed as a regular Shinkansen and checks how it moves.
o Consists of seven cars:
❖ Car No. 7: It is a meeting room for operators and workers. Since Car No. 7
is the lead car, there is a camera mounted on the front car. That monitor
shows what the camera is seeing. It is measuring the vibration of the car.
❖ Car No. 6: Electrical and Communications are monitored. Above it, there
is a installed Pantograph used for inspection.
❖ Car No. 5: Observation dome, here they can see the inspection pantograph
in overhead contact wires. Contact wires is extremely important as it
supplies all the electricity for the train. Since the Pantograph is in contact
with the wire every day, the wire gradually wears down and the diameter
becomes smaller. Dr. Yellow, inspects the friction status of the wire using
a laser.
❖ Car No. 4: Where they monitor the condition of the track. There are devices
installed on the track inspection Bogie that measures any displacement of
the track. A laser can detect if there has been any lateral movement of the
rail down to a single millimeter.
❖ Car No. 3: Observation dome. The Shinkansen needed two observation
domes. Depending on the direction the train is travelling, Pantograph used
for observation is different. The other pantograph is used for power supply
and the other one is used for inspection.
❖ Car No. 2 and 1: There is a console displaying power usage data as it is
measured by the train.

Process of changing the overhead lights

o The data collected by Dr. Yellow is used to help manage maintenance work which
is done during the night.
o Contact wires are being replaced. The overhead maintenance vehicles leave the old
contact wires in place while the new wires are hung onto the line.
o The old contact wires are then removed from the hanger and the new wire are
o Hangers are spaced 5-meter intervals, so replacing a wire is a gradual process.
o Finally, the old contact wires are taken down.

Replacing of Ballast
Ballast plays an important role to support the track because of the vibrations caused
when trains pass by. The stone become rounded. Replacing the ballast is necessary to
ensure sections of the track don’t slant or sink.
o First, workers dig a 5-meter-long trench beside the track.
o Ballast exchanger is brought in.
o The undercutter bar at the front of Ballast exchanger is lowered to dig underneath
the track and scrape out the old ballast.
o The old ballast is then collected and move out of the way.
o Then, new ballast is moved from the back of the ballast exchanger by conveyor belt
to the front where it is deposited into place.
o Next, Ballast Tamper is moved in position. These claw-like devices drive down into
the newly laid ballast to help it settle.
o At the same time, to make sure it is correctly aligned.
o Finally, the Dynamic Track Stabilizer is move into place. It runs along the section
of the lines sending strong vibrations through the rails to ensure there is no loose
ballast and the track is securely in place.

For high-speed Shinkansen lines, long rails are used. Long rails help minimize vibration and also
have the advantage of wear and tear and extending the life of the track.

Replacing the Rails

o First, the rails to be replaced are cut.
o Next, the bolts of the rail fasteners are loosened and the sleepers are removed from
the old rail.
o Then, a Rail Replacer is used to change the old rail. Although, rails are made of
steel. They are thin and long and so they are very flexible.
o When replacing rails, a new rail is placed on the outer side and gradually put
inwards. While the old rails are push outwards and the machine moves forward.
o Next, the new and old rail must be welded together. It uses the Gas pressure
welding- the ends of each rail are heated to a very high temperature then an extreme
pressure is applied to force the rails together.
o Then, the workers will start grinding a new weld and the area around it. When a
train runs over to a new weld, any uneven areas will affect the comfort of the ride
and could damage the rails or the wheels. So, grinding is necessary to blend in.
o The rails are repeatedly inspected until they are as close to perfectly straight and
smooth as possible.
o After grinding, magnetic particles are sprayed around the weld and then a UV light
is used to inspect for any damage.
o Finally, a special measure is used to check that the width of the rails is correct.

In conclusion, Japan’s Road Pavement are far better improved than most of the countries in
how organized, strict, and high expectation they have towards road construction with it having the
construction environment is kept clean and tidy. On the other hand, its Railroad Management is
also considered as very well known for being well-organized and efficient because of having
railway transportation nationwide with different private railway companies.

We all know that no matter how well constructed the pavement is, it is also prone to
deteriorate over time, but with proper maintenance that Japan has, it slows down the rate of
deterioration by identifying and addressing specific pavement deficiencies that contribute to
overall deterioration. Eventually, the effects of deterioration need to be reversed by adding or
replacing material in the existing pavement structure. This is called rehabilitation, and there are
options depending upon local conditions and pavement distress types that are aforementioned

Compared to pavement maintenance and rehabilitation, the railway has its own process of
maintenance which happens every 45 days or when the train travels up to 60,000 km. Bogie
Maintenance happens every 18 months or when the train travels up to 600,000 km. Lastly, the
General Overhaul which happens every 36 months or when the train travels up to 1.2 million km,
and many other processes to go through.

As we all know, the traffic is worsening in Metro Manila through the years. We recommend
that, we can apply on what the Japanese is doing in their Transportation system. People resorts to
buy their own vehicle because it is so hard to commute and when you commute it is not
comfortable nor safe. Due to increasing private vehicles in the road, it also added to the traffic
volume. We hope that our transport sector regulates this kind of situation and do improve the
Transportation System.

Traffic congestion is therefore harmful to our economy, it is a nuisance to the progress of our
economy. We think that the best approach is to increase the highway and railway capacity. It can
be economically beneficial and worthwhile for our country.

Marshall, W. E., & Dumbaugh, E. (2018, May 23). Revisiting the relationship between traffic

congestion and the economy: a longitudinal examination of U.S. metropolitan areas.



(2018, September 19). Maintenance & Rehabilitation. Pavement Interactive.



Trains. (2021, March 13). Japan Guide.

Pavement management basics and benefits: A strategy of prevention | Asphalt magazine. (2021).

The Magazine of the Asphalt Institute.




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