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MiMiMjMj Identifier for a ship report (BBXX)

D....D Ships radio call sign


YY Day of the month

GG Time of observation to the nearest hour LJTC

iw Wind indicator (in code)


99 Indicator for groups giving ships position

LaLaLa Latitude in degrees and tenths


Qc Quadrant of the globe (in code)

LoLoLoLo Longitude in degrees and tenths, hundreds included


ir Precipitation data indicator (in code)

ix Weather data indicator (in code)

h Height above sea, of the base of the lowest cloud seen (in code)

VV Horizontal visibility (in code)


N The fraction of the sky covered by clouds (in eighths of sky covered)

dd True direction, in tens of degrees from which the wind is blowing

ff Wind speed in knots


00 Indicator for supplementary wind speed group

fff Wind speed in knots, when speed equals or exceeds 99 knots


1 Indicator for air temperature group

Sn Sign of air temperature group (in code)

TTT Air temperature in degrees and tenths Celsius


2 Indicator for dew point temperature group

sn Sign of dew point temperature (in code)

TdTdTd Dew point temperature in degrees and tenths Celsius


4 Indicator for the pressure group

PPPP Sea level pressure in hectopascals and tenths


5 Indicator for the pressure tendency group

a Characteristic of the pressure tendency during the three hours preceding the time of the observation (in

ppp Net change of the barometric pressure in units and tenths of hectopascals during the three hours
preceding the time of the observation


7 Indicator for the weather group

ww Present weather (in code)

W1 Past weather (primary type)

W2 Past weather (secondary type)


8 Indicator for the weather group

Nh The fraction of the sky covered by all the CL cloud present and if no CL cloud is present that fraction
covered by all the CM cloud present

CL Clouds of types Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus and Cumulonimbus (incode)

CM Clouds of types Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Nimbostratus (in code)

CH Clouds of types Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, and Cirrostratus (in code)

222 Indicator for ships course and speed group

Ds Ships course (true) made good during the three hours preceding the time of the observation (in code)

Vs Ships average speed made good during the three hours preceding the time of the observation (in code)


0 Indicator for sea temperature group

Ss Sign of sea temperature (in code)

TwTwTw Sea surface temperature in degrees and tenths Celsius


1 Indicator for instrumental wave data

PwaPwa Period of waves, obtained by instrumental methods, in seconds

HwaHwa Height of waves, obtained by instrumental methods, in units of 0.5 meters


2 Indicator for the wind wave group

PwPw Period of the wind waves in seconds

HwHw Height of the wind waves (in code)


3 Indicator for the swell direction group

dw1dw1 Direction (true) from which the predominant swell waves are coming in tens of degrees

dw2dw2 Direction (true) from which the secondary swell waves are coming in tens of degrees


4 Indicator for predominant swell group

Pw1Pw1 Period of predominant swell waves, in seconds

Hw1Hw1 Height of predominant swell waves (in code)


5 Indicator for secondary swell group

Pw2Pw2 Period of the secondary swell waves, in seconds

Hw2Hw2 Height of secondary swell waves (in code)


6 Indicator for the ice accretion group

Is Ice accretion on ships (in code)

EsEs Thickness of ice accretion on ships in centimeters

Rs Rate of ice accretion on ships (in code)


70 Indicator for instrumental wave height data

HwaHwaHwa Height of waves, obtained by instrumental methods in units of 0. 1 meters


8 Indicator for wet-bulb temperature group

Sw Indicator for the sign and type of measurement of sea surface temperature in code

TbTbTb Wet-bulb temperature in degrees and tenths Celsius

ICE Indicator for the ice group


ci Concentration or arrangement of sea ice (in code)

Si Stage of development (in code)

bi Ice of land origin (in code)

D Bearing of principal ice edge (in code)

zi Present ice situation and trend of conditions over preceding three hours in code

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