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e) _________________________________________?

f) _________________________________________.?

6. Interview to your classmate and write the answers. Then write a text.
Entrevista a tu compañero y escribe las respuestas. Después escribe un

a) ________________________________
b) ________________________________
c) ________________________________
d) ________________________________
e) ________________________________
f) _________________________________

_______________ mother’s name is ______________. She likes ________


Lesson 9

Does she like cooking?


1. Identify the place where Mrs. Smith and Mario are. Write a .
Identifica el lugar donde están la señora Smith y Mario. Escribe una .

 Bedroom  Kitchen  Dinning room

2. Read the dialogue.

Lee el diálogo.

Mario: Good morning Mrs. Smith. What are you doing?

Mrs. Smith: Good morning Mario. I’m cooking breakfast. I love it.
Mario: I know, David said to me.
Mrs. Smith: Does your mother like cooking?
Mario: Yes, she does. And she does it very well.
Mrs. Smith: Really? Tell me about her. What does she like cooking?
Mario: he likes coking vegetables and chicken.
Mrs. Smith: Does she go to the supermarket?
Mario: No, she doesn’t. She goes to the market. There she also buys fruit.
Mrs. Smith: I love Mexican markets. They’re so pretty!


3. Circle the correct option.

Encierra la opción que corresponda.

A) Mrs. Smith is cooking:

a) dinner b) pizza c) breakfast

B) Mario’s mother likes:

a) coking b) sleeping c) swimming

C) Does Mrs. Smith like cooking?

a) No, she doesn’t. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she don’t.

D) Where does Mario’s mother buy fruits and vegetables?

a) in the supermarket. b) in the grocery. c) in the market.

E) Does Mrs. Smith hate Mexican markets?

a) No, she doesn’t. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she don’t.


4. Complete the chart.

Completa el cuadro.

Do / Don’t Does / Doesn’t

they it
we He
You (Tú) She

5. Look at the pictures and classify them.
Observa los dibujos y clasifícalos.

apples avocado chili peppers pineapple lettuce

onion grapes pears tomatoes oranges

Fruits Vegetables
Apples ____________________
Grapes ____________________
Chili peppers
Oranges ____________________
Pineapple ____________________
Pears ____________________

6. Match the columns.

Relaciona las columnas.

e) Does your mother like onion? a) No, it doesn’t.
d) Do you like apples? b) Yes, he does.
b) Does your father love pears? c) Yes, they do.
a) Does your dog like grapes? d) Yes, I am.
c) Do your friends like oranges? e) No, she doesn’t.


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