Midterm Exam in Education 208

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Midterm Exam in Education 207 & 208


(Foundation of Special & Inclusive Education)

NAME: EUNICE V. DELA ROSA__________________DATE: APRIL 6, 2021

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for:
___D__1. Which of these statements is the effective way of communicating the vision-mission
statement of the school?
a. Share vision mission among stakeholders
b. Form committees to develop and/or revise the vision mission statement
c. Align activities, program and projects to school vision-mission
d. Memorize the vision-mission statement

___C__2. You practice Inclusive Education. Which one applies to you?

I. You accept every student as full and valued members of the class and school community
II. Your special attention is on learners with specific learning or social needs
III. You address the needs of the class as a whole within the context of the learners with
specificlearning or social needs
a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. I and III

___C__3. Best practices in special education are those that are:

a. evidence and research-based b. really easy and fair
c. below grade level d. used by most teachers in school

___C__4. What is Special Education (SPED?)

a. a carefully planned and evaluated instruction to help exceptional children achieve greatest
self-sufficiency and success in the environment
b. valuing learners in mainstream classroom
c. an individualized education program describing child’s academic assessment
d. a program for disabled person

___A__5. The following are characteristics of Special Education except one. Which is not.
a. Individual assessment and planning b. Intensive instruction
c. student-performance evaluation d. celebrating the diversity and value of learner

___D__6. What are the best practices of Inclusive Education

I. Fostering acceptance of difference and diversity
II. Using IEP’s to focus on students’ strengths and challenges
III. Using a range of assessment strategies to monitor progress and inform teaching
IV. Ensuring interventions and processes are culturally relevant and responsive
a. I and II b. II and III c. II only d. all of the above

__C___7. The emergence of special education for the deaf was in _____
a. 1760 b. 1780 c. 1860 d. 1900

___D__8. The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)provides free and appropriate public
education to all children with disability. What else is provided to all students under IDEA?
a. preferential classroom assignment
b. transportation to the school of their choice
c. instruction in the least restrictive environment
d. a paraprofessional aide to assist with instruction

__A___9. One of the disabilities covered under IDEA is _____________, which is defined as a
communication disorder such as impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice
impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance
a. speech or language impairment b. specific learning disability
c. hearing impairment d. other health impairment

___A__10. In which order does cognitive development of proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal Operation Stage II. Sensorimotor Stage
III. Preoperational Stage IV. Concrete Operations stage
a. II, III, IV, I b. II, III, I, IV c. II, I, III, IV d. II, I, IV, III

___A__11. When asked about her order, a little girl tells about the waiter, “ yong kagaya kahapon”.
With Piaget’s theory in mind, what is the little girl’s behavior called?
a. Pre-operational egocentrism b. conservation
c. reversibility d. transductive reasoning

___B__12. According to Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development, between ages 12 and 15 children
reach formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?
a. can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event
b. can solve abstract problems and think deductively
c. can reason deductively and inductively
d. can do multi-tasking

___A__13. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory

a. modelling b. lecturing c. questioning d. inductive reasoning

__A___14. Based on Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, whom do children often imitate? Those who___
I. have substantial influence over their lives
II. belong to their peer group
III. belong to other races
IV. are successful and seemed admired
a. I and IV b. II and IV c. I and II d. IV only

___D__15. The leading proponent of social learning theory is Bandura. He believes that ___________
a. behavior can influence both the environment and the person
b. learning stays with the individuals until needed
c. reinforcement influences cognitive processes
d. people learn from one another such as by modelling

___B__16. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?

a. Independent thinking b. Social interaction
c. Individual mental work d. scientific thinking

___C__17. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?
a. Since they are not capable of interaction, children in the crib has no learning yet
b. Children learn well by passive presentation of information
c. Children learn from adults and other children
d. Children are independent problem solvers

___D__18. What is an application of Vygotsky’s idea of scaffolding?

a. Give the learner the task that challenge her ability
b. From the start leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-learning
c. Don’t spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do
d. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own

___A__19. What is the result of JeanLave’s idea of Situated Learning?

a. Learners can improve themselves in their profession with authentic tasks
b. Learners can learn from their errors and the effects in return
c. Learners can internalize the information rather than memorizing
d. All of the above

__A___20. Which of the following models the idea of Lave’s Situated Learning?
a. Students learn first through observation and then through active participation
b. Mastering of cognitive skills
c. Active participation in the classroom
d. Teach someone who are knowledgeable on the task.

___D__21. Which of the following provisions guarantees accessible education for all?
a. Establish and maintain a system of free education in the elementary and high school level
b. Encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent and out-school study program
c. Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and
other incentives
d. Establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people and society.

___A__22. In order for an education to be considered nondiscriminatory, it must meet the following
a. Student with disabilities cannot be denied an education
b. Student with disabilities have the right to education, as long as it is in private school
c. Student with disabilities should be taught with students who have similar disabilities
d. Students with disabilities should be taught with students who have different disabilities

__B___23. What is an inclusive classrooms?

a. one in which every student participates
b. one in which the student population is culturally diverse
c. one in which students with or without disabilities work and learn together
d. One with many teachers

___D__24. What are some ways to run a successful inclusive classroom

a. create an inclusive education
b. use a variety of teaching strategies
c. collaborate with other teachers and educate yourself
d. all of the above

___D__25. How should you present information to students in an inclusive classroom?

a. through lecture b. by including pictures, music
c. through visual cues (videos) d. all of these

___D__26. What is not a protected characteristic of equality and diversity?

a. age b. obesity c. religious beliefs d. none

__A___27. It is required by lawthat learning-disabled student are provided an education in the least
restrictive environment. This means that:
a. Students can choose between sitting at a table or at desk.
b. Students always receives one-on-one peer tutoring
c. All individual education plan must be created for each student
d. Students should not be unnecessarily removed from traditional classrooms or isolated
from peers

___C__28. What does the acronym EFA imply to school?

I. Practice of Inclusive Education
II. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-formal
III. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and girls
IV. the promotion of alternative learning systems
a. II and IV b. I and II c. I and III d. I and IV

___B__29.Among others, the 1987 Constitution demands that all educational institutions shall aim to do
the following Except one. Which is the exception?
a. Foster respect for human rights
b. Develop appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of
our country
c. Encourage critical and creative thinking
d. Inculcate love for world class excellence

__A____30. Why was UNESCO created?

a. to promote cultural diversity b. to improve the education system
c. to demolish war d. to give aid to countries in poverty
____B__31. The 5 major programs of UNESCO are:
a. Education, Culture, Technology, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences
b. Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences, Social and Human
c. Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences and Human
d. Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences and Gender

____B___32. United Nations educational guides for children classify the rights outlined in the
Convention on the Rights of the Child as the “3 Ps”:
a. Punishment, Preparation and Participation
b. Provision, Protection and Participation
c. Preparation, Protection and Power
d. Provision, Protection and Promotion

____D___33. What is a right of a children?

a. the right to an education b. the right to have medicine
c. the right to have a safe home d. all of these

____D___34. How do you know that children’s rights still need to be protected?
a. slavery exists today
b. In some places around the world, children don’t go to school or have safe homes
c. There is a child labor in places around the world
d. All of the above

____B___35. Non-discrimination means…

a. that all children don’t have any special rights that are necessary to protect them during
their minority
b. underscores the vital importance of ensuring access to basic services and to equality of
opportunity for children to achieve their full development
c. that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in all matters concerning his or her
d. that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all

____C___36. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of what law?
a. RA 7836 b. RA 7610 c. RA 10533 d. RA 10353

____D___37. A child below the age 0f ______, who commits a crime, is not held morally or criminally
responsible for the act.
a. 5 b. 7 c. 10 d. 12

____D___38. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major types of child abuse?
a. physical abuse b. emotional abuse
c. substance abuse d. neglect

_____B__39. Which of the education provision are contained in Republic Act 9442 or the Magna Carta
for Disabled Persons?
I. Special Education II. Access to Education
III. Rehabilitation Services IV. Assistance to Disabled Person
a. I, II and III b. I, II, and IV c. I and II d. I only

_____B__40. In this Act, it includes the ALS and the learners with special needs.
a. RA 10533 b. RA 7277 c. RA 10665 d. PD 603

____B___41. The term physical disability can be defined as a physical condition that impacts:
a. one’s social skills b. the activities of daily living
c. one’s athletic ability d. one’s intelligence

____C___42. This refers to Open High School System Act
a. RA 10533 b. RA 7277 c. RA 10665 d. PD 603

____A___43. A youth is considered a juvenile delinquent:

a. as soon as they break the law
b. when they are apprehended by the police
c. when they are processed through the court and adjudicated
d. none of the above

____A__44. What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the Philippines
a. 1987 Constitution b. RA 9155 c. RA 7277 d. RA 7836

____D__45. Which is the best reason for providing early intervention program for children with
disabilities, ages 0 to 3 years old
a. Prevent labeling at an early age
b. Ensure inclusion or enrolment in regular class
c. Identify strengths and weaknesses for instruction purposes
d. Address developmental lag and prevent acquiring additional disabilities

___D___46. A learning style is the way students of every age are affected by their
a. immediate environment
b. own emotionality
c. sociological needs
d. all of the above

___D___47. Multicultural awareness is the appreciation for and understanding of people’s

a. cultures b. socioeconomic status
c. gender d. all of these

___C___48. Which ones describes one responsibility of a teacher in school dominated by Indigenous
People (IP) children?
I. Point out the negative elements of their culture to help them improve
II. Help them realize the positive elements of their culture and make them feel proud about
III. Teach basic concepts in the context of the IP culture
IV. Show them other people’s culture
a. I, II, III and IV b. I, III, and IV c. II, III and IV d. I, II and III

___A___49.Your class has several IP (Indigenous People) children. Which one will facilitate pupil’s
a. Make IP children proud of themselves
b. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin
c. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest
d. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children

___C___50. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of indigenous people?

a. self- identification b. trace roots back to pre-colonial times
c. dominant group in society d. strong connection to defined territory

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple”

Good luck

Prepared by:

Asso. Prof. 3

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