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Clinical Expert Series

Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening

Usha Menon, MD, FRCOG, Chloe Karpinskyj, BSc, and Aleksandra Gentry-Maharaj, PhD

There has been much progress in ovarian cancer screening and prevention in recent years. Improved
tools that combine genetic and epidemiologic factors to predict an individual’s ovarian cancer risk
are set to become available for tailoring preventive and screening approaches. The increasing evi-
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dence on tubal origins of a proportion of ovarian cancer has paved the way to use of opportunistic
bilateral salpingectomy at tubal ligation and hysterectomy in the general population. Clinical trials
are in progress to estimate the long-term effects on endocrine function. In women at high risk, risk
reducing salpingo-oophorectomy remains the standard of care with the current focus on manage-
ment of resulting noncancer outcomes, especially sexual dysfunction in younger women. This has
led to evaluation of early bilateral salpingectomy and delayed oophorectomy in this population.
Meanwhile, modeling suggests that BRCA mutation carriers should consider using the oral contra-
ceptive pill for chemoprevention. In the general population, the largest ovarian cancer screening trial
to date, the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening reported a stage shift with annual
multimodal screening using the longitudinal CA 125 Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm but not with
annual transvaginal ultrasound screening. There was no definitive mortality reduction with either
screening strategy compared with no screening. Further follow-up until December 2018 in now
underway. Stage shift and higher rates of optimal cytoreduction were also reported during 3- to
4-monthly multimodal screening in the United Kingdom and U.S. high-risk screening trials. Although
all agree that there is not yet evidence to support general population screening, recommendations
for high-risk screening vary between countries. A key finding from the screening trials has been the
better performance of longitudinal algorithms compared with a single cutoff for CA 125. A major
focus of ovarian cancer biomarker discovery work has been tumor DNA markers in both plasma and
novel specimens such as cervical cytology samples.
(Obstet Gynecol 2018;131:909–27)
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000002580

O varian cancer has the highest mortality of all

gynecologic malignancies. Worldwide, there
are 239,000 new cases and 152,000 deaths from
survival rates over the last 40 years, two thirds of
women still die within 10 years of diagnosis.2 Five-
year survival is less than 20% in women diagnosed
ovarian cancer each year.1 Despite improvements in with advanced-stage (stage III or IV) invasive epithe-
lial ovarian cancer, but exceeds 90% in those detected
From the Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, Department of Women’s Cancer, at stage I.3 Efforts have therefore focused on diagnos-
Institute for Women’s Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom.
ing early-stage or low-volume disease through risk
Continuing medical education for this article is available at http://links.lww.
com/AOG/B84. prediction, prevention, and screening.
Each author has indicated that she has met the journal’s requirements for authorship.
Over the past decade, a dualistic pathway of
epithelial ovarian carcinogenesis has emerged. Type I
Corresponding author: Usha Menon, MD(Res), FRCOG, Gynaecological Cancer
Research Centre, Department of Women’s Cancer, Institute for Women’s Health, invasive epithelial ovarian cancers are genetically
University College London, Maple House 1st Floor 149, Tottenham Court Road, stable, indolent, and include low-grade serous, endo-
London W1T 7DN, UK; email:
metrioid, clear cell, and mucinous subtypes. Type II,
Financial Disclosure
Prof. Menon has stock ownership and has received research funding from Abcodia
mainly high-grade serous cancers, are aggressive,
Ltd, a UCL spinout company with an interest in biomarkers and commercial genetically unstable tumors usually harboring p53
rights of the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm used in ovarian cancer screening. mutations. The subtypes differ in epidemiology, etiol-
The other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
ogy, and treatment, making invasive epithelial ovarian
© 2018 by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published by
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. cancer a heterogenous disease in which one strategy
ISSN: 0029-7844/18 may not be equally effective for all. Because


Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
high-grade serous cancers account for 75% of ovarian the Ashkenazi-Jewish population has been found to be
cancers and the majority of the mortality, the most acceptable, cost-effective,14 and estimated to prevent
urgent need is for novel preventive and screening 3.6% of ovarian cancers. Finally, Mary-Claire King
strategies targeting this subtype. Risk stratification is (who first identified the link between BRCA1 mutations
key to implementation of all such approaches. and breast and ovarian cancers) has suggested offering
A literature review on ovarian cancer risk factors, universal BRCA mutation screening to all young
prevention, and screening was undertaken for the women, regardless of family history.15 Because cost-
period 2010–2017. The evidence summarized subse- effectiveness is highly sensitive to the cost of genetic
quently is based where possible on systematic reviews testing,16 both next-generation sequencing and bun-
of risk factors and randomized controlled trials dling BRCA testing with other cancer-associated genes
(RCTs) and prospective cohort studies on screening. could improve estimates. In women with Lynch syn-
drome (previously referred to as hereditary nonpolypo-
RISK FACTORS sis colorectal cancer [HNPCC]), lifetime risk of ovarian
Lifetime risk of ovarian cancer varies from 1.3% (1/71)4 cancer is lower (approximately 2–15%) and varies ac-
to 1.9% (1/52)5 in the general population to 45% in cording to the gene harboring the mutation,17 the high-
women with mutations in the BRCA1 gene.6 In keeping est risk being in MLH1 and MSH2 carriers.
with the goals of precision medicine, the growing evi-
dence base on epidemiologic and genetic risk factors Moderate Penetrance Genes
allows risk to be further personalized and to better Newer genetic testing panels include recently
inform design of screening and preventive approaches. described moderate penetrance genes (Table 1).
These mutations are rare (less than 1% in the general
Genetic Predisposition population) and explain approximately 20% of the
Inherited conditions account for 5–15% of ovarian excess familial risk.7 Although estimates of lifetime
cancer cases. Despite the growing list of ovarian can- risk by age 70 years are available for RAD51C
cer predisposing genes, approximately 60% of excess (5.2%, 95% CI 1.1–22),18,19 RAD51D (12%, 95% CI
familial risk remains unexplained.7 1.5–60),18,20 and BRIP1 (5.8%, 95% CI 3.6–9.1),21 the
long-term risk of cancer associated with mutations in
Mutations in High Penetrance Genes FANCM,22 BARD1, and NBN21 is still uncertain. Most
BRCA1 and 2 mutations are most common, conferring recent studies report no association between PALB2
a lifetime (cumulative) risk of invasive epithelial ovar- and increased ovarian cancer risk.21,23
ian cancer by age 80 years of 44% (BRCA1) and 17%
(BRCA2).8 Low-Risk Loci
In most populations, incidence of BRCA muta- Variants that are common (1/100 individuals) in the
tions is between 1 in 300 and 1 in 500. In certain population probably account for most of the
communities such as the Ashkenazi-Jewish, incidence unexplained inherited component of risk. So far, 37
is much higher (1/40). So far, identification of muta- low-penetrance inherited genetic variants7 have been
tion carriers has been based on family history, which identified through the Ovarian Cancer Association
has poor sensitivity. Even in the Ashkenazi-Jewish Consortium (OCAC)24–29 and wider collaborative ef-
population, 56% of BRCA carriers are without a family forts.27,30 These single nucleotide polymorphisms
history.9–11 Among the several approaches explored individually confer a 1.2- to 1.4-fold increase in epi-
to address this, one that has gained wide acceptance is thelial ovarian cancer risk with a few conferring a rel-
mainstreaming genetic testing, that is, integrating test- ative risk reduction (up to 0.8).27 Twenty-seven of
ing into the cancer patient pathway. For ovarian can- these explain approximately 6.4% of the polygenic
cer, it involves offering testing to all women with risk in the general population.7 More recently,
nonmucinous invasive epithelial ovarian cancer at subtype-specific risk has been described.27,31,32 There
the point of diagnosis. This is based on estimated are likely to be many more genetic variants, each with
prevalence of BRCA germline mutations of 14% in an extremely small effect. Because most of these are
women with invasive nonmucinous epithelial ovarian common, some women will carry multiple risk var-
cancer and 22% in those with high-grade serous can- iants. However, even in combination, these variants
cers.12 As yet, there are no published studies on cost- will not confer a large increase in risk. Women carry-
effectiveness of such a strategy.13 A second approach ing the greatest number of variants are estimated to
is systematic testing of populations with a high have an absolute lifetime risk of ovarian cancer of
prevalence of mutation carriers. Systematic testing in only around 2.8%.33

910 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Reproductive, Lifestyle, and Genetic Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

Effect on
Risk Factors Cancer risk Study Design OR/RR 95% CI Author, Year

Reproductive risk factors

OCP Use decreases Systematic review— 0.73 (ever use) 0.66–0.81 Havrilesky et al, 2013113
risk 55 studies 0.43 (greater 0.37–0.51
included than 10 y of
Parity Risk decreases Systematic review 0.72 (para 1) 0.65–0.79 Sung et al, 201640
with each and meta-analysis 0.57 (para 2) 0.41–0.52
pregnancy 0.46 (para 3 or 0.41–0.52
Cohort study (1,245 0.68 0.57–0.80 Fortner et al, 2015154
Cohort study (623 0.79 0.63–0.98 Bodelon et al, 2013155
Pooled analysis of 21 0.69 0.64–0.74 Wentzensen et al, 201632
studies (5,584
Breastfeeding Risk decreases Systematic review 0.79 (less than 0.72–0.87 Sung et al, 201640
with duration and meta-analysis 6 mo)
0.72 (6–12 0.64–0.81
0.67 (greater 0.56–0.79
than 13 mo)
HT use—combined Use increases risk Meta-analysis, 52 1.55 1.38–1.74 Collaborative Group On
studies (2,208 Epidemiological Studies of
cases) Ovarian Cancer (Beral et al),
Case–control (602 1.10 1.01–1.18 Koskela-Niska et al, 2015156
HT use— Meta-analysis, 52 1.58 1.39–1.80 Collaborative Group On
estrogen only studies (2,208 Epidemiological Studies of
cases) Ovarian Cancer (Beral et al),
HT use—any Pooled analysis of 21 1.36 1.28–1.46 Wentzensen et al, 201632
studies (5,584
Tubal ligation Decreases risk Pooled analysis of 13 0.81 0.74–0.89 Sieh et al, 2013157
case–control stud-
Meta-analysis, 13 0.66 0.60–0.73 Cibula et al, 201142
Decreases risk Pooled analysis of 21 0.85 0.73–0.93 Wentzensen et al, 201632
Neutral (high- studies (5,584 0.92 0.76–1.11
grade serous cases)
cancers only)
Decreases risk 0.35 0.18–0.69
(clear cell only)
Decreases risk 0.6 0.41–0.88
Decreases risk Case–control study 0.87 0.78–0.98 Madsen et al, 201444
(1,684 cases)

(continued )

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 911

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Reproductive, Lifestyle, and Genetic Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer (continued )
Effect on
Risk Factors Cancer risk Study Design OR/RR 95% CI Author, Year
Hysterectomy only Neutral Case–control study 1.09 0.83–1.42 Rice et al, 201343
(2,265 cases,
2,333 controls)
Decreases risk Systematic review 0.70 (before 0.65–0.76 Jordan et al, 201345
and meta-analysis 2000)
Increases risk 1.18 (after to 1.06–1.31
Increases risk Cohort study of 1.36 1.03–1.78 Gaudet et al, 2014158
66,802 women
(403 cases)
Neutral Meta-analysis of 38 0.97 0.81–1.14 Wang et al, 201646
Hysterectomy+ Decreases risk Case–control study 0.65 0.45–0.94 Rice et al, 201343
unilateral salpingo- (2,265 cases,
oophorectomy 2,333 controls)
Salpingectomy Decreases risk Systematic review 0.58 0.36–0.95 Darelius et al, 2017103
Decreases risk Cohort study of 5.4 0.35 (bilateral) 0.17–0.73 Falconer et al, 2015101
million women 0.71 0.56–0.91 Falconer et al, 2015101
(34,433 with (unilateral)
Decreases risk Case–control 0.58 0.36–0.95 Madsen et al, 201444
(16,846 cases)
Medicines or lifestyle
Aspirin use Use decreases Case–control study 0.56 0.32–0.97 Baandrup et al, 2014159
risk (4,103 cases,
(continuous 58,706 controls)
long-term low-
Use decreases Pooled case–control, 0.91 0.84–0.99 Trabert et al, 2014160
risk 12 studies (OCAC)
Meta-analysis, 22 0.89 0.83–0.96 Zhang et al, 201648
Systematic review 0.85 0.83–0.96 Burn et al, 201650
and meta-analysis
Obesity Higher BMI Cohort study of 5.24 1.07 (per 5 kg/ 1.02–1.12 Bhaskaran et al, 2014161
increases risk million women m2 over 22)
(4,733 ovarian
Case–control, 11 1.22 (40 kg/ 1.05–1.41 Olsen et al, 201354
studies (13,548 m2 or
cases, 17,913 greater)
controls) (OCAC)
Endometriosis Increases risk 13 case–control 1.46 1.31–1.63 Pearce et al, 201247
studies, 7,911 ca-
Cigarette smoking Neutral Pooled analysis of 21 0.99 0.94–1.05 Wentzensen et al, 201632
studies, 5,584
Neutral Pooled analysis of 21 0.89 0.76–1.05 Faber et al, 201355
Increases risk case–control stud- 1.31 1.03–1.65
(mucinous ies, 11,972 inva-
only) sive epithelial
Decreases risk ovarian cancer 0.96 0.92–0.99
(clear cell only) cases
Tea, coffee, caffeine Black tea Case–control (524 1.56 1.07–2.28 Leung et al, 2016162
increases risk cases, 1,587 con-

(continued )

912 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Reproductive, Lifestyle, and Genetic Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer (continued )
Effect on
Risk Factors Cancer risk Study Design OR/RR 95% CI Author, Year
Alcohol consumption Neutral Pooled analysis of 12 0.94 (1 drink), 0.83–1.02; Kelemen et al, 201352
case–control stud- 0.92 0.76–1.01
ies, 5,342 cases, (greater
10,358 controls than 3
Statin use Neutral Case–control (4,103 0.98 0.87–1.10 Baandrup et al, 201551
cases, 58,706
Physical activity Trend toward Case–control (638 0.69 0.47–1.00 Moorman et al, 2011163
decreasing risk cases, 683 con-
Talc use Increases risk (all Systematic review 1.31 1.24–1.39 Penninkilampi and Eslick,
subtypes) and meta-analysis 201756
Increases risk 1.32 1.22–1.43
Increases risk 1.35 1.14–1.60
Meta-analysis 1.22 1.13–1.30 Berge et al, 2017164
Genetic risk factors
High penetrance
BRCA1 mutation Increases risk Norquist 2016, 29.0 22.7–37.1 Norquist et al, 2016165
1,345 and 570 48.9 24.0–100.0
BRCA2 mutation cases 12.7 9.7–16.4
14.0 8.2–23.8
Lynch syndrome— 248 with mutation Cumulative 1–65 Bonadona et al, 201117
MLH1 mutation risk of 20%
by age 70 y
Lynch syndrome— 256 with mutation Cumulative 3–52
MSH2 mutation risk of 24%
by age 70 y
Moderate penetrance
RAD51C mutation Increases risk Norquist 2016, 3.4–15.8 Loveday et al, 201219
1,345 and 570 Norquist et al, 2016165
cases; Song 2015, Song et al, 201518
3,429 cases, 2,772
controls; Loveday
2012, 480 cases,
2,912 controls
RAD51D mutation Norquist 2016, 6.3–12.0 Norquist et al, 2016165
1,345 and 570 Song et al, 201518
cases; Song 2015, Loveday et al, 201120
3,429 cases, 2,772
controls; Loveday
2011, 911 cases,
1,060 controls
BRIP1 mutation Norquist 2016, 6.4–12.0 Norquist et al, 2016165
1,345 and 570 Ramus et al, 201521
cases; Ramus Rafnar et al, 2011166
2015, 3,374 cases,
3,487 controls;
Rafnar 2011, 601
cases and 43,455
OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk; OCP, oral contraceptive pill; HT, hormone therapy; OCAC, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium; BMI, body mass index.

Hormonal, Reproductive, and There is a large volume of literature on these risk

Lifestyle Factors factors (Table 1). Many such as oral contraceptive
Twenty-one percent of epithelial ovarian cancers are pill (OCP) use, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and
linked to major lifestyle and other risk factors.34,35 tubal ligation are well-established protective factors.

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 913

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Conversely, nulliparity and infertility are associated post-2000.45 However, data on the shift in risk from
with increased risk. This effect is thought to be the protective to harmful are limited and the temporal
result of the reduction in the number of ovulatory change is probably multifactorial: overall decrease in
cycles (incessant ovulation hypothesis). hysterectomy rates, use of vaginal rather than abdom-
Oral contraceptive pill use has a protective effect inal approach, fall in salpingo-oophorectomy per-
proportional to duration of use, with 10 years of use formed at the same time, poor data capture on
providing a 50% risk reduction in both the general ovarian removal at hysterectomy in older studies
population36 and women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 and increase in the age of those undergoing the
mutations.37,38 The reduction persists after cessation procedure.
of use36 and applies to all subtypes.32 Conversely, Endometriosis increases risk of invasive epithelial
hormone therapy (HT, both estrogen only and ovarian cancer with risk associated with clear-cell,
estrogen–progesterone), especially if taken for more low-grade serous and endometrioid but not with high-
than 5 years, is associated with increased risk.39 grade serous cancers, mucinous, or borderline ovarian
It has long been established that parity decreases tumors.47 The null effect on type II cancers makes this
risk with women with one, two, three, or more factor less important when trying to estimate an indi-
pregnancies having a reduced risk of 28%, 43%, and vidual’s risk of developing these aggressive cancers.32
54% compared with nulliparous women.40 A Timely treatment of endometriosis could reduce ovar-
duration-dependent trend was also confirmed with ian cancer risk.
breastfeeding conferring risk reduction of 21%, 28%, A recent meta-analysis suggests modest risk
and 33%, respectively, for less than 6 months, 6–12 reduction in ovarian cancer in the general population
months, and greater than 13 months compared with with aspirin use (relative risk 0.89, 95% CI 0.83–
no breastfeeding. Because these events are inexorably 0.96)48 with equivocal results for nonaspirin nonste-
linked, it is important to consider the effect of both roidal anti-inflammatory drugs.49 Strongest inverse as-
combined.40 Women who have two livebirths and sociations have been reported with long-term, regular,
who have breastfed in total for less than 6 months low-dose aspirin use.48 A nonsignificant risk reduction
have a 50% reduction in ovarian cancer risk com- of ovarian cancer was seen with aspirin use in women
pared with nulliparous women who have not with Lynch syndrome in the Cancer Prevention Pro-
breastfed.40 The rise in ovarian cancer incidence ject (CaPP2) trial.50 Preliminary data suggesting
observed in southern and eastern Europe is thought decreased risk with statins were not confirmed in
to have been affected by a shift in reproductive a large Danish nationwide study, which found a neu-
choices with women having fewer children and reduc- tral association (OR 0.98, 95% CI 0.87–1.10).51
ing breastfeeding.41 A reduction in risk ranging from There is extensive literature on risk reduction
13% to 34% in invasive epithelial ovarian cancer risk associated with various other lifestyle factors (such as
has been reported with tubal ligation (steriliza- alcohol,52 obesity,53,54 cigarette smoking,55 talc use,56
tion)32,42–44 with the magnitude varying by subtype. diet, and physical activity), which has been summa-
There is some emerging evidence that type I cancers rized in Table 1. Although some have a global effect
are more hormonally driven compared with type II. on ovarian cancer risk, others such as cigarette smok-
The protection that parity confers is much lower in ing and obesity are subtype-specific.
type II cancers: 0.81 (95% CI 0.72–0.92) for high-
grade serous cancers compared with 0.35 (95% CI RISK STRATIFICATION
0.27–0.47) for clear-cell cancers.32 These subtype dif- The goal of risk stratification is to triage women so
ferences are of relevance in risk prediction models, that those at highest risk of ovarian cancer can be
especially if they are to be used to aid different type- offered preventive surgical strategies, those at moder-
specific early detection strategies. ate risk screening and chemoprevention, and those at
There is conflicting evidence on the effects of lowest risk symptom awareness. Target populations
hysterectomy on ovarian cancer risk. Although older for population cancer screening programs have, to
studies showed a protective effect,45 no association date, used age and gender. In ovarian cancer, these
(odds ratio [OR] 0.97, 95% CI 0.81–1.14) has been are usually women at low (1–2%) or moderate risk
reported more recently.46 There seems to be a tempo- (3–10%) who have no family history of ovarian can-
ral shift with a protective effect in those diagnosed cer, a single first-degree relative with ovarian cancer,
with epithelial ovarian cancer before 2000 (relative or a more significant history but no mutations in
risk 0.70, 95% CI 0.65–0.76), but increased risk (rela- BRCA genes. Performance could be improved by tar-
tive risk 1.18, 95% CI 1.06–1.31) in women diagnosed geting those most at risk and therefore most likely to

914 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
benefit. Introduction of risk-stratified cancer screening an individual’s ovarian cancer risk. Surgery is offered
in the next 5 years57 is in fact one of the priorities of to those at highest risk. This has traditionally been set
the U.K. Cancer Strategy.58 Risk stratification using at 10% lifetime risk with many limiting offer of sur-
genetic and nongenetic factors is currently being eval- gery to mutation carriers only. This threshold is now
uated in breast cancer screening trials.57,59 In breast being debated. Modeling suggests that risk-reducing
screening, modeling suggests that risk-based screening surgery could be cost-effective at lower thresholds:
(if set at a 10-year risk of 2.5%) could result in 31% a lifetime risk of greater than 4% in premenopausal
fewer women being screened and only 2% fewer cases women on the condition that they take HT until age
detected.57 This could have a major effect on reduc- 50 years and 5% or greater in postmenopausal women
tion in health care costs. aged older than 50 years.65
Eligibility for high-risk (often defined as lifetime
risk greater than 10%) programs includes family history RISK-REDUCING SURGERY
and cancer-predisposing gene mutations. Most current Based on the growing evidence of tubal origins of
predictive models (eg, BRCAPRO, BODICEA, Myr- epithelial ovarian cancer, this has broadened to
iad II) of similar discriminatory ability60 use family include salpingectomy alone in addition to bilateral
history to estimate mutation risk in BRCA genes and salpingo-oophorectomy.
lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. The ovarian cancer risk
estimates in BRCA mutation carriers vary according to Risk-Reducing Bilateral Salpingo-
family history, suggesting that other genetic factors oophorectomy
modify cancer risk in this population.8 A subset of Recent reviews and meta-analyses of published risk-
common single nucleotide polymorphisms that influ- reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (often
ence ovarian cancer risk in the general population have referred to as “RRSO”) studies have shown a signifi-
been shown to also modify risk in BRCA mutation cant ovarian cancer risk reduction of approximately
carriers.61 Efforts are now underway to refine individ- 80% and an all-cause mortality reduction of 70% in
ual ovarian cancer risk prediction in these women at BRCA mutation carriers.66,67 This was based on rela-
high risk by incorporating these and other risk factors. tively short (4-year) follow-up.66
In the low-risk (general) population, work has A breast cancer risk reduction of 50% was
focused on building models using genetic and epide- considered an added benefit of oophorectomy in
miologic (lifestyle and reproductive) risk factors. BRCA mutation carriers.67,68 However, recent data
Decision aids to communicate such risk60,62 have suggest that there might be little or no effect on breast
been developed and incorporated into applications cancer risk (hazard ratio 1.09, 95% CI 0.67–1.77).69,70
for smartphones and tablets, for example, QCancer.63 It needs to be noted that a trend to risk reduction was
A model combining OCP use, parity, tubal ligation, noted for breast cancer diagnosed before the age of 50
endometriosis, first-degree family history of ovarian years in BRCA2 mutation carriers (age-adjusted haz-
cancer, and 13 low-risk single nucleotide polymor- ard ratio 0.18, 95% CI 0.05–0.63, P5.07).70 BRCA1
phisms suggests risk could vary from very low risk mutation carriers and older patients with BRCA2
of approximately 0.35% to as high as 8.78% with the should be counseled that the effect of oophorectomy
majority of those in the highest quartile of risk not on breast cancer risk reduction is uncertain.
having any family history.64 Nearly all women with Risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is
an estimated 4–9% lifetime risk had not used OCPs or routinely recommended to women at high risk after
undergone tubal ligation. completion of their family. In BRCA1 mutation car-
Validation of the general population ovarian riers, this is usually from the age of 35 years and
cancer risk models is urgently needed before they definitely by 40 years, because below the age of 40
can be widely used clinically. Effectiveness, cost- years, the risk of ovarian cancer is only 2%.8 In those
effectiveness, acceptability, accessibility, effect on with BRCA2 gene mutations, there is growing accep-
anxiety, and feasibility of such approaches need to tance that women have until the age of 45 years to
be considered. Implementation challenges will need undergo surgery because their cumulative risk of
to be addressed in parallel to training of health care ovarian cancer by age 50 years is only 0–1%.8,66
professionals to deliver such risk information. The preferred route for risk-reducing bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy is laparoscopic and inspec-
RISK-REDUCTION STRATEGIES tion of the abdomen and pelvis is mandatory. It is
Like with all interventions, these strategies are asso- associated with an overall complication rate of
ciated with harms, which need to be balanced against approximately 3–4% (including minor complications

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 915

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
such as wound infection).71 It is essential that the current consensus is not to undertake hysterectomy,
specimens are subjected to detailed sectioning accord- however, a multicenter prospective cohort study has
ing to the Sectioning and Extensively Examining of shown a small increase in risk of serous or serous-like
the Fimbriated end protocol72 to ensure occult cancer endometrial carcinoma in BRCA1 mutation carriers.88
or serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma lesions in the Hysterectomy can simplify HT for management of
tube are not missed. In an analysis of more than 3,000 premature menopause and may be of relevance to
BRCA mutation carriers who underwent risk-reducing those using tamoxifen for breast cancer risk reduction
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, the incidence of because the drug is associated with a small risk of
occult cancers was 5.7% (3% serous tubal intraepithe- endometrial cancer. Recently published modeling
lial carcinoma, 2.7% invasive epithelial ovarian can- suggests that the addition of hysterectomy to risk-
cer).73 This is similar to findings in more recent case reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in a 40-
series.71,74 Peritoneal washings for cytology75 contrib- year-old BRCA1 mutation carrier could result in
ute to accurate staging of occult cancers. It has been a mean gain of 4.9 additional months of life and is
reported that 4.5–6% of serous tubal intraepithelial cost-effective,89 but some of the assumptions such as
carcinomas recur 43 months after risk-reducing the low cost of hysterectomy in this setting is
surgery.76 There is controversy about the need for controversial.
adjuvant therapy in women with serous tubal intra-
epithelial carcinoma lesions, especially those with pos- Bilateral Salpingectomy
itive peritoneal washings.77 The majority view is that The wide acceptance that a large proportion of high-
routine surveillance with tumor markers and imaging grade serous cancers originates in the fallopian tube
is not warranted. and involves the ovary secondarily90 has led to the
There are negative aspects related to premature exploration of salpingectomy as a means of reducing
menopause that could contribute to increase in risk while maintaining ovarian function in premeno-
morbidity and mortality. It is therefore important to pausal women.
follow the guidelines for women undergoing pre-
mature menopause78 and advise use of HT until age Risk-Reducing Salpingectomy and Delayed
of natural menopause (median 51 years), unless there Oophorectomy in Women at High Risk
are contraindications such as hormone receptor- In high-risk premenopausal women, the proposed
positive breast cancer.79 Unlike in older postmeno- approach is salpingectomy rather than salpingo-
pausal women,80 in this younger population, HT use oophorectomy followed by an oophorectomy closer
has not been shown to increase breast cancer risk. to or after the menopause.91,92 Such efforts may be
However, it needs to be highlighted that the mean cost-effective and acceptable alternatives for women
duration of follow-up in published studies involving unwilling to undergo risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-
BRCA mutation carriers is currently approximately oophorectomy.91,93,94 A recent meta-analysis has indi-
3.6–5.5 years.81–83 The current focus is on manage- cated that salpingectomy does not affect ovarian
ment of noncancer endpoints, including monitoring of reserve in the short term95; however, longer term ef-
bone and cardiovascular health84 and fine-tuning of fects remain unclear and need to be assessed. Radical
HT regimens in women who experience vaginal dry- removal of the fimbrial end of the tube as a way to
ness and sexual discomfort. Although HT users after reduce risk in these women is being trialed in a study
risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy have in France96; in the United States, a clinical trial of
significantly fewer endocrine symptoms compared bilateral salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy
with nonusers, their symptom levels remain well in BRCA mutation carriers is currently underway.92
above those of premenopausal women undergoing In the United Kingdom, a similar trial is to launch
screening, and sexual discomfort is not alleviated by soon. There is debate about the timing of oophorec-
HT.85,86 The latter has been disputed in a more recent tomy, whether it should be undertaken in the 40s or
prospective study, which found that women using HT after menopause. In this respect, it is important to note
after risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy that there is a small but statistically significant trend of
report approximately the same levels of endocrine earlier menopause in mutation carriers with an aver-
symptoms and sexual functioning as women who age age of 48.8 years in BRCA1 carriers, 49.2 years in
did not have surgery.87 BRCA2 compared with 50.3 years for nonmutation
In women with Lynch syndrome, risk-reducing carriers.97
surgery includes hysterectomy in view of their endo- The effects of this approach on ovarian cancer
metrial cancer risk. In BRCA mutation carriers, the incidence and mortality is difficult to estimate. In

916 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
a small histopathologic study, remnants of fimbriae is underway in Sweden. Women aged 20–54 years
were found adherent to the ovary in 15% of who are undergoing hysterectomy for benign indica-
risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy speci- tion are randomized to salpingectomy (intervention)
mens.98 This was confirmed more recently in a study or no salpingectomy (control). The short-term pri-
in which fallopian tubes and ovaries were removed mary outcomes, which will be available in 2021,
separately during surgery and examined histologically include surgical complications and menopausal symp-
as two separate specimens; residual fimbrial tissue was tom score at 1-year follow-up. The long-term primary
found on the ovarian surface in 16% of cases.99 This outcome, epithelial ovarian cancer risk reduction, will
suggests that salpingectomy may not prevent all cases not be available until 2050, 10–30 years after surgery
even when the origins are tubal. It highlights the is undertaken.
importance and need for well-designed prospective Although many agree that opportunistic bilateral
trials to define more precisely the level of benefit. salpingectomy should be offered within the context of
a clinical trial,104 there is also a strong opinion that it
Opportunistic Salpingectomy in the should be immediately rolled out to the population.107
General Population National gynecologic oncology societies of the United
Between 75% and 85% of all ovarian cancers occur in Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, and
the general (low-risk) population. Opportunistic bilat- Germany have issued advice that women undergoing
eral salpingectomy when women undergo abdominal pelvic surgery should be counseled on the possible
surgery is an option in this population.100 Retrospec- benefits of concomitant salpingectomy. Emerging evi-
tive population-based data on bilateral salpingectomy dence suggests that distal salpingectomy could also be
with ovarian conservation from Sweden and performed during cesarean delivery as safely as tubal
Denmark suggest that it is associated with a 42%44 ligation and requires minimal additional operating
and 65%101 ovarian cancer risk reduction, respec- room time.108 A survey of U.K. gynecologists re-
tively. Both studies compared salpingectomy with ported that most were willing to undertake it at
no surgery as opposed to hysterectomy without sal- hysterectomy (92%) and tubal ligation (65%).109
pingectomy, and neither was free from bias. Data col- Indeed, this appears to be the trend globally with re-
lection in a retrospective cohort study of hysterectomy ports of 64% and 70% of surgeons recommending or
compared with hysterectomy with concomitant sal- practicing opportunistic bilateral salpingectomy in
pingectomy (Hysterectomy and OPPortunistic SAl- Japan and Austria, respectively. Opportunistic salpin-
pingectomy) has been completed102 and its results gectomy has been widely implemented in women
should help better quantify the risks and benefits of undergoing pelvic surgery in Canada.110 Data from
such as approach. Currently there is insufficient evi- the United States also show a significant increase in
dence to estimate the magnitude of epithelial ovarian opportunistic bilateral salpingectomy as a method for
cancer risk reduction with opportunistic sterilization since 2011.111 Practice and consensus
salpingectomy. meetings are likely to spearhead future adoption of
The effect on long-term endocrine function is salpingectomy. The caveat is that the effect of adopt-
unknown.103,104 Women undergoing hysterectomy ing this procedure will not be realized for a long time.
have a twofold increased risk of ovarian failure com-
pared with women in a control group,105 and the con- CHEMOPREVENTION
cern is whether salpingectomy would add to this risk. Chemoprevention strategies are best targeted at those
This morbidity resulting from premature menopause at moderate-to-high risk, depending on the spectrum
is likely to be magnified in younger women undergo- of harm. Although prescribing OCPs is not recom-
ing salpingectomy instead of tubal ligation. Other mended for primary ovarian cancer risk reduction, it
important issues include the need for surgical preci- provides this additional advantage to those using it for
sion and good knowledge of anatomy to ensure com- contraception or other medical indications. Meta-
plete removal of the entire fallopian tube including all analysis in both the general population37 and BRCA
fimbriae with minimal damage to the ovarian blood carriers112 has shown that ever use of OCPs was not
supply. More evidence on procedure-related safety is associated with a significant increase in breast cancer
needed because it is currently only observational and risk. An increased risk was associated only with older
short-term. Prospective trials (ideally RCTs) to fully (before 1975) OCP formulations and not with more
understand the risks and benefits of opportunistic recent preparations. In the general population, simu-
salpingectomy are recommended. One such RCT lation modeling of OCPs for primary prevention con-
(Hysterectomy and OPPortunistic SAlpingectomy)106 cluded that the decrease in ovarian cancer risk was

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 917

Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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likely equivalent to a combined increase in risk of Japanese Shizuoka Cohort Screening Study, an RCT
breast and cervical cancers and vascular events.113 of 82,487 women of whom 41,688 were randomized
There was additional protection against endometrial to screening using pelvic ultrasonography and serum
and colorectal cancers and an increase in life expec- CA 125 using a cutoff (35 units/mL or greater) and
tancy of 1 month. However, it was felt that the evi- gynecologic examination and 40,799 to a control
dence was insufficient to recommend for or against group (no screening), has not reported on mortality
the use of OCPs solely for the primary prevention of benefit. In the screen arm (63%), there was a nonsig-
ovarian cancer.113,114 The exception was BRCA nificant (P5.23) increase in epithelial ovarian cancer
mutation carriers who were recommended to con- (borderlines included) diagnosed at an early stage
sider taking OCPs to reduce their ovarian cancer risk (stage I and II) compared with control (38%).118 In
by the U.S. Society of Gynecologic Oncology in the ovarian arm of the multicenter U.S. Prostate,
2015. Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening
Aspirin as a cancer chemopreventive agent (600 Trial, an RCT of 78,216 women, 30,630 women
mg/d for at least 2 years) is now being prescribed in underwent annual screening with serum CA 125
women with high-risk Lynch syndrome based on data (35 units/mL or greater cutoff) and transvaginal ultra-
from the CaPP2 RCT50 to reduce risk of colorectal as sonography for 4 years followed by CA 125 alone for
well as ovarian and endometrial cancer. The lowest a further 2 years. At a median follow-up of 12.4 years,
dosage that would confer the protection is yet to be there was no mortality benefit (mortality rate ratio of
established with the latest trial (CaPP3)115 exploring 1.18, 95% CI 0.91–1.54) between the screen and con-
the risk reduction of 100, 300, and 600 mg/d in these trol arm for invasive epithelial ovarian, tubal, and
women. The data will be available in 2020. An impor- peritoneal cancer.119 In the screen arm, 22.2% of can-
tant consideration is that the protective effect of aspi- cers were early stage (stage I and II) compared with
rin on endometrial cancer in women with Lynch 21.6% in the control arm. The complication rate in
syndrome is strongest for women who are obese and women undergoing false-positive surgery was high
may not benefit those who have a healthy weight.116 (15%). On median extended follow-up of 14.7 years,
Until these data mature, it is important that the risks, the lack of mortality benefit (1.01, 95% CI 0.97–1.05)
benefits, and current limitations of available evidence persisted.120
are discussed with patients. The largest trial and most recent RCT to report is
the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer
SCREENING FOR OVARIAN CANCER Screening.121 Between 2001 and 2005, 202,638
Efforts have been underway since the mid-1980s to women from the general population were randomized
develop an ovarian cancer screening strategy that can to no intervention (control, n5101,359) or annual
reduce disease mortality. screening using either transvaginal ultrasonography
alone (n550,639) or serum CA 125 interpreted using
General Population the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm with transva-
Data from the Barts Pilot trial of the mid-1980s ginal ultrasonography as a second-line test (multi-
suggested a survival advantage in women who devel- modal screening, n550,640). Sensitivity for
oped ovarian cancer in the group screened using detection of invasive epithelial ovarian, tubal, or peri-
serum CA 125 (using a cutoff of 35 units/mL or toneal cancer diagnosed within a year of screening
greater) with ultrasonography in those with elevated was 86.2% (95% CI 80.8–90.6) with multimodal and
levels. Since then, four large studies or trials have 63.3% (95% CI 55.4–70.6) with ultrasonography
been set up. The Kentucky single-center study117 of screening. For every 10,000 screens, 14 women
37,293 women who underwent annual transvaginal underwent unnecessary (false-positive results with
ultrasound screening demonstrated higher 5-year sur- benign or normal adnexa) surgery in the multimodal
vival rates (P,.001) in women who developed ovar- and 50 in the ultrasound arm. The complication rate
ian cancer in the screened cohort (74.866.6%) in the latter women was similar (3.1% multimodal;
compared with women who were treated for ovarian 3.5% ultrasonography) in both arms. Screening did
cancer in the same institution but were not in the not appear to raise anxiety, but higher psychologic
screening study (53.762.3%). However, because this morbidity (worry) and lower pleasure scores were re-
was not an RCT, lead time effect of screening and the ported by those who had to undergo level 2 (trans-
likelihood of a significant healthy volunteer effect in vaginal ultrasonography with or without CA 125)
participants make it difficult to interpret the true screening as a result of abnormal results on the annual
effects of intervention on disease mortality. The screen.122–124

918 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
At a median follow-up of 11.1 years, compared with reached. Follow-up has therefore been extended in the
the control arm, the trial demonstrated a significant UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
(P5.0001) stage shift in invasive epithelial ovarian, tubal, until December 2018 with results of a second mortality
and peritoneal cancers with multimodal screening analysis expected by the end of 2019. The within-trial
(36.1% stage I or II) compared with control (23.9%) economic evaluation found that the multimodal strategy
but not with ultrasound screening (22.4%; P5.604).121 was less expensive than the ultrasound strategy and eco-
There was a trend to reduction in mortality, which was nomically viable according to National Institute for
not statistically significant in either screen arm (Fig. 1). Health and Care Excellence thresholds if a mortality
In keeping with other screening trials, the mortality benefit was confirmed in 2019.125,126
effect was delayed with a reduction in mortality for inva- A key difference between the trials was that CA
sive epithelial ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal cancers of 125 was interpreted in the ovarian arm of the Prostate,
4% (multimodal) and 2% (ultrasonography) in years 0–7 Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial
from randomization and 18% (multimodal) and 17% using a cutoff of 35 units/mL, whereas the longitudi-
(ultrasonography) in years 7–14. At censorship, ovarian nal CA 125 Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm was
cancer mortality rates seemed to be rising in the control used in the multimodal arm of the UK Collaborative
arm and leveling off in the screen arms, suggesting that Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. The latter resulted
the full extent of the mortality benefit had not been in high sensitivity (89.7% prevalence screening, 83.8%

Fig. 1. Summary of UK Collabo-

rative Trial of Ovarian Cancer
Screening (UKCTOCS) mortality
analysis results comparing multi-
modal and control (A) and ultra-
sonography compared with the
control group (B) for primary
(ovarian, fallopian tube, or
undesignated cancer) and sec-
ondary (which also includes
primary peritoneal cancer) out-
comes. The primary mortality
analysis was done using Cox pro-
portional hazards and Royston
Parmar (RP) proportional hazards
with a post hoc weighted log rank
analysis (as done in the Prostate,
Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian
Cancer Screening Trial [PLCO]).
*Jacobs IJ, Menon U, Ryan A,
Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M,
Kalsi JK, et al. Ovarian cancer
screening and mortality in the UK
Collaborative Trial of Ovarian
Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS):
a randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2016;387:945–56. †Buys
SS, Partridge E, Black A, Johnson
CC, Lamerato L, Isaacs C, et al.
Effect of screening on ovarian
cancer mortality: the Prostate,
Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian
(PLCO) Cancer Screening
Randomized Controlled Trial.
JAMA 2011;305:2295–303. ‡Pro-
portional hazards. §Hazard ratio
weighted by pooled cumulative
ovarian cancer mortality. IQR, in-
terquartile range.
Menon. Ovarian Cancer Prevention
and Screening. Obstet Gynecol 2018.

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 919

Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Summary of Biomarkers Explored in a Screening Context (All Nested Case–Control Studies)

No. of Women and Samples

Biomarker Study Included Per Study Sensitivity, Lead Time, or Both Author, Year

CA 125, HE4, EDRN, 118 women with invasive In PLCO samples predating Cramer et al,
transthyretin, SPORE, epithelial ovarian cancer/FT/ diagnosis by 6 mo, the 2011140
CA15.3, and CA72.4 PLCO PPC; 474 matched controls sensitivity for detection of
ovarian cancer was 86% for CA
125 and 73% for HE4
CA 125 and TP53 AOCS, MD 378 cases of invasive epithelial Using a cutoff of 78 units/mL and Yang et al, 2017141
Anderson, ovarian cancer; 944 age- specificity of 97.4%, TP53
UKCTOCS matched healthy controls (50 autoantibodies were elevated
cases—MD Anderson, 108 in 30% OCs from MD
cases—AOCS, 220 cases— Anderson, 21.3% AOCS, and
UKCTOCS) 21% UKCTOCS; in the
UKCTOCS screen-detected
cancers, TP53 autoantiobodies
were elevated 11 mo before CA
125. 16% of cases missed by
elevated TP53 autoantibodies,
22.9 mo before diagnosis
CA 125 and Protein Z UKCTOCS 482 serial serum samples from 49 CA 125 combined with protein Z Russell et al,
women with primary ovarian had a significantly higher AUC 2016142
cancer (30 type II, 19 type I—9 compared with that of CA 125
invasive ovarian cancer and 10 alone for both type I (0.82 vs
borderline) and 31 controls, 0.77, P5.00033) and type II
spanning up to 7 y before (0.82 vs 0.76, P5.00003) OCs;
diagnosis protein Z was downregulated
up to 2 y prediagnosis
(P5.000000411) in 8/19 type I
OCs; upregulated up to 4 y
before diagnosis in type II OCs
CA 125, HE4, UKCTOCS 47 women who went on to A model combining CA 125, Blyuss et al,
glycodelin, develop primary invasive HE4, and glycodelin had 2015143
mesothelin, MMP7, epithelial ovarian cancer/FT/ slightly higher AUC (0.967)
and CYFRA 21-1 PPC (170 samples); 179 compared with that of CA 125
matched controls (893 alone (0.957), which decreased
samples) in samples greater than 6 mo
from diagnosis (0.789); HE4
was the only marker
significantly elevated in the
screen-negative OCs
CA 125, HE4, CA72-4, EDRN Cases with samples closest to Data being generated to allow https://edrn.nci.nih.
CA15-3, and VTCN1 diagnosis (average 9 mo); 951 algorithm development gov/biomarkers/
(Cramer 5-marker controls (475 general cramer-5-marker-
panel for ovarian population, 238 with false- panel-for-
cancer) positive CA 125, and 238 with ovarian-cancer
a family history of breast or
ovarian cancer; 90 quality
AOCS, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study; EDRN, Early Detection Research Network; PLCO, Prostate Lung Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer
Screening Trial; SPORE, Ovarian Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence; UKCTOCS, UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian
Cancer Screening.

incidence screening) and specificity (99.8% prevalence 4.4 operations per cancer detected.127 A similar high
screening, 99.8% incidence screening) for detection of specificity and positive predictive value of the Risk of
invasive epithelial ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal Ovarian Cancer Algorithm was reported from a pro-
cancers diagnosed within 1 year of screening with spective single-arm U.S. study of 4,051 low-risk

920 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright Ó by American College of Obstetricians

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
postmenopausal women.128 Most importantly, half of tected at the early stage (I or II) and 50% were de-
the screen-detected cancers during multimodal tected by the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm
screening would have been missed at the relevant before CA 125 exceeded 35 units/mL.
annual screen because the CA 125 was less than There are national differences in the recommen-
35 units/mL.127 Use of longitudinal biomarker algo- dations for screening women at high risk who opt not
rithms rather than a predefined cutoff is probably to undergo surgery. Although screening is not avail-
applicable to screening for other cancers. able in the United Kingdom on the National Health
Despite recent encouraging data on sensitivity, Service, the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer
stage shift, and cost-effectiveness of multimodal Network135 states that serum CA 125 and transvaginal
screening,121,125,126 screening for ovarian cancer in ultrasound, although of uncertain benefit, may be con-
the general population is not recommended as a result sidered at the clinician’s discretion starting at age 30–
of the lack of a definitive mortality benefit. This has 35, and screening every 6 months is recommended by
been reinforced in the latest recommendation from the U.S. Preventative Task Force.129 Specialist one-
the U.S. Preventative Task Force129 and the U.K. stop multidisciplinary clinics that deliver tailored risk
National Screening Committee.130 management (surgery, screening, and recruitment into
new trials) for these high-risk populations are the opti-
High-Risk Population mum way forward.136–138
In women at high risk, annual screening is not
recommended because it is not effective in detecting FUTURE SCREENING STRATEGIES
early-stage disease.131 Trials investigating shorter Modeling suggests that high-grade serous cancers are
screening intervals have recently been reported. at a median diameter of approximately 3 cm when
Between 2007 and 2012, in the UK Familial Ovarian they are at stage III or IV.139 It estimates that for 50%
Cancer Screening Study phase II, 4,348 women at sensitivity for stage I or II cancers, an annual screen
high risk underwent 4-monthly multimodal screening would need to detect adnexal tumors when they are
with CA 125 interpreted using the Risk of Ovarian approximately 1.3 cm in diameter.139 In addition,
Cancer Algorithm and annual transvaginal ultraso- markers would need to distinguish aggressive from
nography. During a median of follow-up of 4.8 years, more indolent cancers.
3.7% (162/4,348) underwent screen-positive trial sur- Despite decades of international efforts, no
gery and 12.3% (534/4,348) risk-reducing bilateral marker superior to CA 125 has been identified. The
salpingo-oophorectomy. The key findings were that most encouraging data pertain to human epididymis
multimodal screening resulted in a significant stage (HE4), which is still second best to CA 125.140 In the
shift (63% stage I–IIIA compared with 6%; last 5 years, efforts have focused on improving the
P5.0004), higher rates of zero residual disease after performance of CA 125 by addition of new markers
debulking (95% compared with 72%; P5.09), and such as HE4,140 TP53,141 Protein Z,142 glycodelin,
lower rates of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (5% com- MMP7, CYFRA21-1,143 CA72-4, CA15-3, and
pared with 44%; P5.008) in women diagnosed with VTCN1 (Table 2). In parallel are efforts to improve
invasive epithelial ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal can- biomarker interpretation using longitudinal algo-
cers within 1 year of their last screen compared with rithms to interpret CA 125 such as the parametric
those diagnosed greater than 1 year after screening empirical Bayes144 and methods of mean trends.
ended.132 Furthermore, although women with an The emerging evidence that TP53 mutations can be
abnormal result experienced a significant transient detected in blood145 opens the possibilities that circu-
increase in cancer-specific distress, there was no sig- lating-tumor DNA could serve as a more specific
nificant effect on general anxiety or depression.133 screening test for high-grade serous cancers. Cancer-
Concurrently a similar strategy using 3-monthly SEEK, a multianalyte test combining TP53 mutations
Risk of Ovarian Cancer Algorithm screening was and a panel of eight biomarkers including CA 125,
evaluated in women at high risk in the United States was recently described as having high specificity and
(Cancer Genetics Network and Gynecologic Oncol- a sensitivity of detecting ovarian cancer of 98%.146
ogy Group). In 3,692 women (13,080 woman- Several studies are also exploring tumor DNA detec-
screening years), 19 (four screen-detected at preva- tion in liquid cytology samples from the vagina147 and
lence and six at incidence screen, nine occult at risk- endocervix, including routinely collected cervical
reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and one screening specimens, vaginal self-swab and tam-
screen-negative) cancers were diagnosed during pons,145,148 and uterine lavage samples.149,150 In
screening.134 Of the incident cancers, half were de- a small sample of patients with advanced high-grade

VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 921

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
serous cancers who had a tampon inserted before sur- Cancer Screening) and high-risk screening studies,
gery and removed in the operating room,145 TP53 the lack of a definitive mortality benefit in the UK
mutations were identified in three of five with intact Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
fallopian tubes but in none of three who had tubal has led to reaffirmation that general population
ligation. There are also studies exploring DNA detec- screening should not be undertaken. Extended
tion using methylation profile.151 follow-up is now underway in the UK Collaborative
Improvements in imaging include efforts to refine Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening to assess longer
transvaginal ultrasonography through ongoing quality term effect. Meanwhile, recommendations for screen-
assurance, Doppler flow, microbubble contrast- ing women at high risk differ between countries from
enhanced transvaginal ultrasonography, and photo- no screening to twice a year screening using CA 125
acoustic imaging, all of which allow high-resolution and transvaginal ultrasonography. Ongoing bio-
detection of angiogenesis with the potential to detect marker research is focused on further assessment of
neovascularization in early cancers.152 longitudinal biomarker screening algorithms, imaging
Newer screening strategies are being prospec- to better detect neovascularization, circulating tumor
tively assessed in screening trials in both the low-risk DNA, and testing of novel specimens such as cervical
and high-risk populations.153 In the United States, cytology samples.
a randomized trial of 6-monthly screening in women
at high risk and annual screening in intermediate-risk REFERENCES
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VOL. 131, NO. 5, MAY 2018 Menon et al Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening 927

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