FILE - 20210331 - 162124 - 3 Topic Luan E.11 Giua Ky 2 2020 2021

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Writing theme 1.

In about 160-180 words, write a paragraph about the causes and effects of global
Suggested ideas:
- the definition of global warming
- the main causes of global warming
- Global warming's effects on people's health and life on Earth
- Some possible solutions
Global warming
Nowadays, the existence of human beings is threatened by a serious environmental cause known as global
warming. The causes of global warming are multifactorial, thus need a systematic approach from
government organizations and individuals to tackle the issue. To begin with, the burning of fossil fuels we
do ourselves by driving vehicles or powering the production from factories is one of the leading causes of
global warming. In addition, deforestation done by humans for their habitat and agriculture has resulted in a
huge loss of trees, which are the cleaners of combustion gases from the atmosphere. The measures that
government needs to take to solve or to reduce global warming are, first of all, conserving the forest area by
implementing strict norms and encouraging planting more trees in the cities. Secondly, the release of gases
from industries should be reduced by installing pollution control filters. Thirdly, discouraging the use of
fossil fuels for vehicles and promoting the usage of renewable source of energy such as solar energy, tidal
power, and wind power. To conclude, global warming is a very serious issue, which needs to be addressed
as a priority. The government and all the individuals should join hands to reduce this imminent threat and
save the earth and future generations.

Writing theme 2. In about 160-180 words, write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of
having a gap year between secondary school and college.
Suggested ideas:
- Advantages of having a gap year. (opportunity to discover their career interest, opportunity to
work for a year help in saving money for college, a chance  to  socialise , engage in volunteering, and
understand global issues  and global culture) .
- Disadvantages of having a gap year(distraction from further studies, risk of losing their academic
momentum, risk of wasting a lot of valuable time)
Gap year
In many countries, youngsters are often encouraged to take a year off, to work or travel around the world
before embarking on their formal university education. This recent trend, also known as “gap – year”, has
some advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this essay. It is an indisputable fact that a
gap year between high school and university can offer teenagers profound benefits. Firstly, traveling or
working before attending university may be a good way for students to socialize and understand global
issues and global cultures, which they may lack while attending schools with academic knowledge.
Secondly, traveling and working offer teenagers a chance to discover themselves and find out their hidden
talents. As a result, it would be easier for them to choose a major at university and pursue their aim in life.
However, a gap year also has its drawbacks on students’ life. The most significant disadvantage is that it can
be a distraction from higher education. Some students find such breaks so relaxing and enjoyable that they
refuse further studies. Furthermore, students may run a risk of wasting a lot of valuable time involving many
defrauds. In conclusion, the decision to take a gap year must be made after carefully considering the pros
and cons, as well as the temperament of the student.

Writing theme 3. In about 160-180 words, write a paragraph about Hoi An Ancient Town.
Suggested ideas:
+ Introduction to Hoi An Ancient Town (location, recognition)
+ Cultural value (architecture, festivals, food)
+ Natural beauty
+ Preservation state
Hoi An Ancient Town

Hoi An Ancient Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Quang Nam province of Vietnam.
The historic district is one of the best-preserved examples of the Southeast Asian trading ports from the 16th
and 17th centuries. From the buildings to the street plans, the unique blend of indigenous and foreign
influences is evident in Hoi An. The Japanese Bridge in the old town district of Hoi An is one of the most
distinctive landmarks in the area. Many buildings in the Old Town have featured strong Chinese influences
since its prosperous times over a century ago. Although many old shops have been converted to modern
businesses, all have been converted with care to preserve the past. Furthermore, all Hoi An's major
attractions or landmarks are located within walking distance of each other, including the Japanese covered
bridge, the Chinese assembly halls, and Guan Yin Temple. After many centuries, Hoi An is still respectful
of its traditions, folk festivals like the "Nights of Hoi An" held on the 14th night of every lunar month when
visitors could immerse themselves in a festive atmosphere with the traditional identities of Hoi An. In short,
Hoi An should be put on tourists' must-visit list because it is simply a beautifully preserved historical town
and deserves to be one of Asia's most memorable destinations.

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