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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others )
1. A. supposedly B. markedly C. allegedly D. determinedly
2. A. endure B. feature C. procedure D. measure
3. A. complete B. command C. common D. community
4. A. comb B. climb C. debt D. cable
5. A. neighbour B. height C. sleigh D. weight
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
1. A. possibility B. disappointed C. manufacture D. instrument
2. A. environment B. mystery C. contribute D. terrific
3. A. deficiency B. psychology C. ecological D. competitor
4. A. recommend B. difficulty C. admirable D. document
5. A. encouragement B. interviewer C. acknowledge D. miraculously
I. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences
1. Only after the atomic bomb ________ and development in the air travel _______, ______ science fiction
really become popular.
A. had created/ had taken off/ was B. had been created/ had been taken off/ has
C. had been created/ had taken off/ did D. had been created/ / had taken off/ had
2. We’ve bought some ________ chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away.
A. adapting B. adjusting C. bending D. folding
3. I don’t think she can get her message _______ to the students. She seems too nervous.
A. across B. around C. out D. over
4. _______, it is obvious that the whole thing was a waste of time and effort.
A. None of us wanted to go in the first place
B. Staff meetings are often boring and have no apparent point to them
C. Since the results were far more satisfactory than anyone had expected
D. Seeing that we couldn’t solve anything in the end
5. There are ______ words in English having more than one meaning. Pay close attention to this fact.
A. a large many B. quite many C. a great many D. quite a lot
6. This car has many features including _________.
A. stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas
B. good music, safety devices, air conditioning, and gas
C. stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas
D. stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage
7. Round and round ___________.
A. the wheels of the engine went B. did the wheels of the engine go
C. went the wheels of the engine D. going the wheels of the engine
8. The replacement of shops such as the groceries and chemists’ by the café _______ the housewives with
insufficient facilities for shopping.
A. leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left
9. Your argument _______ that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case.
A. outlines B. presupposes C. concerns D. presents
10. They are happily married although, of course, they argue _______.
A. most times B. from day to day C. every now and then D. on the occasion
11. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without ___________ .
A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. mistake
12. One of the first exercises in math class is ______ measure the radius of a circle.
A. to learn and B. to learn how to C. learning to D. learn to
13. We were shocked to hear the news of your ________.
A. having fired B. being fired C. having been fired D. to have been fired
14. I don’t know French, but I’ll ________.
A. get Tom to translate it B. have it translate
C. have Tom to translate it D. make it translate
15. _______ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to
C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to
16. _______ have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate water supply.
A. Wherever people B. There are people who
C. Where people D. People
17. Politicians should never lose ______ of the needs of the people they represent.
A. view B. sight C. regard D. prospect
18. _______ team sports require cooperation.
A. Of all B. They are all C. Why all are D. All
19. Studies indicate _________ collecting art today than ever before.
A. there are that more people B. more people that are
C. that there are more people D. people there are more
20. Doctors advise people who are deficient __________ vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. from B. of C. in D. for
21. Dick put ____ ball in ____ net in _____ second half but ____ goal was disallowed.
A. a - a - a - a B. the - the - the - the
C. the - the - a - a D. a - a - the - the
22. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened _______ a sudden loud noise.
A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there have been
23. The computer has dramatically affected ______ photographic lenses are constructed.
A. is the way B. that the way C. which way do D. the way
24. Six novels a year, you say? He’s certainly a __________ writer.
A. fruitful B. fertile C. virile D. prolific
25. The handwriting is completely ______ . This note must have been written a long time ago.
A. inedible B. indelible C. illegible D. unfeasible


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (0.5 pt)
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.(0.5 pt)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
I. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.(2.5pts)
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5.C 6. D 7. C
8. C 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A
15. B 16. A 17. B 18.D 19. C 20. C 21. B
22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C

Part I: Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D.
1. Our holiday was_________ by the weather.
A. spoilt B. damaged C. overcome D. wasted
2. The_________ charged by the architect for the plans of the new building were unusually high.
A. hire B. price C. fees D. sum
3. He_________ his son of the dangers of driving too fast in his new car
A. warned B. remembered C. threatened D. concerned
4. The child was_________ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
A. knocked out B. run across C. run out D. knocked down
5. When Ali arrived in London he spent all his time_________ and visited all the important museums and
A. sight-seeing B. traveling C. looking D. touring
6. If you want a cheap air ticket you must_________ well in advance.
A. book B. engage C. reserve D. buy
7. His sister was full of_________ for the way in which he had so quickly learned to drive a car.
A. pride B. admiration C. surprise D. jealousy
8. He asked if we would_________ to share the room.
A. accept B. consider C. agree D. approve
9. I wondered whether you would like to_________ to the theater tomorrow.
A. visit B. go away C. go out D. walk out
10. _________ I would like to say how pleased I am to be here.
A. Primarily B. Foremost C. Earliest D. First
11. The independent arbitrator managed to_________ the confrontation between the union and the employers.
A. refuse B. confuse C. refute D. defuse
12. When I heard the footsteps behind me I was_________ that I would be attacked.
A. horrified B. terror-struck C. terrorized D. terrified
13. His illness made him_________ of concentration.
A. incompetent B. unable C. incapable D. powerless
14. Has the committee_________ a decision yet?
A. done B. made C. arrived D. voted
15. I am a bit hungry. I think_____________ something to eat.
A. I’ll have B. I’ll be having C. I’m going to have D. I’m having
16. What do you plan to do when you_____________ your course at college?
A. finish B. will finish C. have finished D. is going to finish
17. Where_____________? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A. did you cut your hair B. have you cut your hair
C. did you have cut your hair D. did you have your hair cut
18. ‘Shall I stay here?’ ~ ‘I’d rather_____________ with us’.
A. you come B. you to come C. you would come D. you came
19. I_____________ saying what I think.
A. believe B. believe in C. believe for D. believe when
20. Somebody ran in front of the car as I was driving. Fortunately I_____________ just in time.
A. could stop B. could have stopped
C. managed to stop D. must be able to stop

Part I (1x 20= 20 điểm)

Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Câu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences.
16. In the hotel lobby the detective caught_________ of the man he had been hired to follow.
A. glance B. view C. vision D. sight
17. ‘Go on, finish the food. It needs_________ up because it won’t stay fresh until tomorrow.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eaten
18. Before he left on his trip to America, the young man promised his parents he_________ them regularly.
A. is writing B. will write C. should write D. would write
19. Of course I didn’t break it_________ purpose- it was an accident!
A. by B. with C. from D. on
20. Andrew couldn’t_________ himself laughing at the expression on Maggie’s face.
A. help B. stop C. escape D. avoid
21. _________ young, chimpanzees are easily trained.
A. When are B. When C. They are D. When they
22. “What’s your proposal?” “I propose that the meeting_________.”
A. is postponing B. be postponed C. to be postponed D. postpones
23. Most of the courses at the banquet were completely consumed, but there_________ food still remaining.
A. were few B. was little C. were a few D. was a little
24. The four-storey house_________ on that hill is still new.
A. be built B. building C. built D. being building
25. Nam Cao devoted most of his time_________
A. to having written B. to write C. to writing D. to have written
26. I don’t think he will join us, _________?
A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. don’t I
27. The young generation must contribute to_________ the country.
A. building of B. the building C. the building of D. build
28. I cannot help feeling anxious_________ the exam results.
A. of B. with C. about D. for
29. In some vocational schools, the training quality is worse than_________ used to be.
A. they B. it C. them D. that
30. When Elvis Presley died, her daughter came_________ a fortune.
A. into B. up with C. by D. across

B. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (45 points)

I. (15 points; 1 point/each correct answer)
16. D 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. C
26. C 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. A



I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
1. If the work-force respected you, you wouldn't need to _________ your authority so often.
A. assert B. affirm C. maintain D. inflict
2. The factory is working below _________ because of the shortage of essential materials.
A. range B. scope C. capacity D. denstiy
3. His new designs are ______ the trend in women’s fashion right now.
A. aiming B. setting C. building up D. following
4. She wants to give full ______ to her anger about discrimination.
A. manifestation B. vent C. wear D. barometer
5. Without telling her directly, they ______ that she’d got the job.
A . prophesied B. inferred C. insinuated D. intimated
6. Athletes need to have a higher _________ of protein and vitamins in order to stay heathy
A. intake B. increase C. infection D. production
7. He claimed _____ from military service because he was a foreign national
A. liability B. exception C. demobilization D. exemption
8. It’s Prime Minister’s right to ______ an election at any time he likes
A. summon B. nominate C. call D. submit
9. The footballer never really recovered from the injury ______ at the beginning of the season.
A. got B.struck C.endured D.sustained
10. The drought ________ considerable problems for farmers.
A. instigated B. posed C. flexed D. pressed
11. At the start of the course, everyone is assigned a(n) ________ of studies.
A. advisor B. consultant C. counsellor D. guide
12. Jerry has been burning the midnight ________ over the last few days; his final exam is soon.
A. lamp B. light C. candle D. oil
13. In my first year at university I lived in the halls of ________ .
A. abode B. residence C. dwelling D. accommodation
14. Books taken from the short ________ section are due to be returned the next day.
A. borrowing B. credit C. loan D. return
15. You are bound to find information on the stock market crash of 1987 in the newspaper ________ .
A. files B. archives C. records D. collections
16. The accused confidently ________ that he was innocent.
A. preserved B. maintained C. conserved D. defended
17. We did our best to fix the broken computer but our efforts bore no ________.
A. success B. fruit C. luck D. end
18. I knew my mother would ________ a face the minute she saw my new haircut.
A. drag B. lift C. pull D. raise
19. There are a lot of computer programmes nowadays, but really good ones are few and far _____.
A. between B. apart C. away D. amongst
20. He is such a kind and caring young boy - he wouldn’t hurt a ________ .
A. bird B. worm C. fly D. bug
I. (10 points)
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B
16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C


Part B : LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR ( 45 pts )
I. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.(15pts)
6. The criminal was sentenced to death because of _______ of his crime.
A. the severity B. the complexity C. a punishment D. the importance
7. “ So how are things at school, Tim? “________________________”
A. Oh, pretty good, actually . B. Well, I can’t agree with you.
C. It’s my pleasure. D. I was not very good at it.
8. Laura is very thin, _______her young sister, who is quite heavy.
A. dissimilar to B. unlikely C. unlike D. dislike
9. Please_______and see us some time. You’re always welcome.
A. come to B. come about C. come away D. come around
10. The proposal has not met with_______.agreement.
A. voluntary B. universal C. informal D. effective
11. A child's vocabulary_______.through reading.
A. expands B. expends C. expels D. exposes
12. We_______friends even after we grew up and left home.
A. became B. made C. struck up D. remained
13. This picture book, the few pages _____ are missing, is my favorite.
A. for which B. of that C. to which D. of which
14. I am_______ tired to think about that problem now.
A. much more B. far too C. nearly D. very
15. My neighbour _______ me a cup of coffee.
A. begged B. suggested C. offered D. invited
16. Why don’t the police take _______ measures against crime?
A. effective B. affective C. ineffective D. effecient
17. What happened ___ their car broke down on the motorway so they didn’t get to Jo’s wedding on time.
A. to be that B. being that C. was that D. to that
18. War stole his youth and his home, _______.
A. as a result B. moreover C. however D. furthermore
19.- “Do you like frog’s legs?” - “_______ them, I don’t really know.”
A. Never try B. Not to have try C. Never having tried D. Never had tried
20. My friend has _______ for a bargain.
A. a sharp ear B. a keen eye C. a strong head D. a keen ear

Part B : LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR ( 45 pts )

I. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.(15pts)
6A 7A 8C 9D 10 B
11 A 12 D 13 D 14 B 15 C
16 A 17 C 18 A 19 C 20 B


I. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (10.8 pts)

a. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. She swam strongly and_______ cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the heavy rain.
A. used to B. was able to C. could D. was supposed to
2. The government has spent one million pounds on an advertising ______ to encourage energy conservation.
A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. competition
3. Toxic chemicals are one of the factors that lead wildlife to the ______ of extinction.
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
4. ______ the best of my knowledge, this system cannot work automatically.
A. For B. To C. Within D. In
5. The aim of ASEAN is to promote closer economic_______.
A. delegation B. integration C. reputation D. migration
6. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution founded
in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A. human B. humanity C. humanization D. humanitarian
7. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and marriage have
dramatically changed.
A. for B. with C. through D. towards
8. How do you speak the fraction 2/5?
A. two-five B. two-fifths C. second-fifths D. two-fifth
9. Don’t be late for the interview, _______ people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or so
10. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to ______ at the desk.
A. whoever B. who C. whom D. which
11. It is essential that your luggage _______ thoroughly before delivery.
A. to be checked B. being checked C. be checked D. should be checking
12. The reason why this game attracts so many youngsters is that ___________ other video games, this one is
far more interesting.
A. comparing to B. in compared with
C. on comparison to D. in comparison with
13. Take the shortcut round the church _______ late for school.
A. in order not be B. in order that we won't be
C. so that not to be D. so that we couldn't
14. A cooperative program between two companies building a famous ancient city, into
a(n) _______ city has proceeded smoothly since it started in September last year.
A. friendly ecology B. ecology-friendly
C. friendly-ecological D. ecological-friendly
15. Doctor Pike ______ the hospital after he ______an uneventful evening on duty. He ______ of his day of
A. was leaving / has had / thought B. left / had had / was thinking
C. will leave / had / will think D. is leaving / will have / thinks
16. Something _____ immediately to prevent teenagers from _____ in factories and mines.
A. should be done /being exploited B. we should do /exploiting
C. should do / be exploited D. should have done /exploited
b. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money.
A. making me impatient         B. praising me too much        
C. making me feel worse D. elevating me        
2. We spent the entire day looking for a new apartment.
A. all day long B. all long day C. the long day D. day after day
3. He testified that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder.
A. said B. provided evidence C. disapproved D. denied
4. She has a deep aversion to getting up in the morning so she usually goes to work late.
A. intense dislike B. feeling C. provocation D. trouble
5. Those who transgress the laws of society will be punished.
A. disagree with B. disperse C. violate D. interfere with

I. Lexico – Grammar ( 54 x 0.2 pt = 10.8 pts)

a. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. B. was able to
2. A. campaign
3. C. verge
4. B. To
5. B. integration
6. D. humanitarian
7. D. towards
8. B. two-fifths
9. B. otherwise
10. A. whoever
11. C. be checked
12. D. in comparison with
13. B. in order that we won't be
14. B. ecology-friendly
15. B. left / had had / was thinking
16. A. should be done / being exploited
17. C. two exciting new spy novels

b. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. B. praising me too much        
2. A. all day long
3. B. provided evidence
4. A. intense dislike
5. C. violate

I. Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. I’d like to make _______ for crashing your car. Let me pay for the repairs.
A. improvements B. correction C. amends D. adjustments
2. Thanks for lending me your umbrella; it really came in _______.
A. used B. handy C. handful D. needy
3. James never shows his emotions; no matter what happens, he always keeps a stiff upper _______.
A. mouth B. eye C. head D. lip
4. I got a new baseball _______ yesterday.
A. stick B. racket C. club D. bat
5. Eat your vegetables. They’ll _______ you good.
A. do B. make C. get D. help
6. Don’t drop your sweet wrapper on the floor, _______?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. won’t you
7. She may have missed the train, _______ she won’t arrive for another hour.
A. at the case B. all the case C. just in case D. in which case
8. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and _______ in a quiet position.
A. most of all B. above all C. first of all D. after all
9. I was disappointed that the restaurant had _______ flowers on the table.
A. false B. untrue C. artificial D. forged
10. _______ write with your left hand when you broke your arm?
A. Did you have to B. Had you have to C. Needed you to D. Must you

I. (3 pts)

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences (20pts)
11. You can’t believe a word that woman says – she is a _____ liar.
A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive
12. There can be no _____ fixes or magic solutions to the problem of unemployment.
A. fast B speedy C. quick D. sudden
13. When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not _____ obvious where the turning is.
A. immediately B. directly C. instantaneously D. quite
14. At her trial in 1431, Joan of Arc was accused of being in _____ with the devil.
A. cooperation B. association C. league D. conjunction
15. The flights are full at the moment, so you’ll have to _____.
A. run a stroke of luck B. get a better luck
C. be down on your luck D. take pot luck
16. I heard ______ that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team.
A. in the woods B. on the grapevine C. under your feet D. on the olive branch
17. Many habitats change ________ the types of plants and animals that live there.
A. with respect to B. in respect for C. as for D. as against
18. Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be _______ by our center.
A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out
19. John first dabbled _____ buying old maps for his collection.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
20. It’s a matter of urgency to put right at once but nothing suitable _____ to mind.
A. returns B. emerges C. sprouts D. springs
21. When my father was a young student, they were taught to memorize information and _____ it for exams.
Thankfully, those teaching techniques have become outdated.
A. pinpoint B. dock C. regurgitate D. revise
22. He was arrested for trying to pass _____ notes at the bank.
A. counterfeit B. fake C. camouflaged D. fraudulent
23. Living in the countryside is a far cry from reading about it. It _____. You have to deal with _____ poverty
and go through the bad patch.
A. is of crass stupidity/ grueling B. is no mean feat/ grinding
C. goes against the grain/ abject D. dwindles away to nothing/ extreme
24. He had his money _____ in a secure bank account.
A. hammered away at B. jabbered about C. slaved away D. squirreled away
25. The train service has been a _____ since they introduced the new schedules.
A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas
26. ‘The film was pretty bad, wasn’t it?’ – ‘Yes, I think it was _____’.
A. exemplary B. excruciating C. expeditious D. explicit
27. When the forces on an object are balanced, you can say that the object is in _____.
A. collusion B. equilibrium C. collision D. incubation
28. There were a number of strong candidates for the post but Peter’s experience _____ the scales in his favor.
A. weighted B. tipped C. balanced D. overturned
29. We are conscious that sleeplessness usually _____ those who are exposed to a great deal of stress, anxiety
or depression.
A. betrays B. bestows C. besets D. bemoans
30. I think that the artist’s cartoons are usually rather _____________ as they are intended to appeal to a mass
number of audiences.
A. lowbrow B. highbrow C. dearly D. impenetrable
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences (20 x 1p = 20pts)
11. D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. D
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. A

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