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Safety in the Wheelhouse

A clean and well-organized wheelhouse is essential for safe vessel operation. To avoid potentially
hazardous situations, put the following tips into practice:

Keep lines of vision clear: While in the wheelhouse, check that all necessary areas are visible,
including the surrounding water and the work deck. Eliminate any objects that may obstruct the
view from the wheelhouse, including items on the deck. Avoid tinting wheelhouse windows —
instead, use an anti-glare screen or removable visor. Have wheelhouse windows cleaned each time
you are in port and have a plan to eliminate salt build-up while on the water if necessary. Always
follow environmental regulations when cleaning windows.

Inspect tools and equipment: Implement a regular equipment inspection plan, including visual and
performance inspections each time you prepare to leave port. Test that all whistles, horns, and
signals are fully operational and have any broken or malfunctioning tools repaired or replaced.

Test fire equipment: There should be at least one fire alarm signal and extinguishing system in or
near the wheelhouse. Ensure these features work before leaving port. You should also perform
regular inspections of the electrical cabling, so you know if any lines begin to fray or break.

Practice good hygiene: Hygiene is an essential component of wheelhouse safety. Create a

wheelhouse cleaning schedule where the crew disinfects and sanitizes all knobs, handles, chairs,
phones, and equipment to prevent the spread of germs. Sweep or vacuum the floor regularly. Take
proper precautions to seal and rat-proof the wheelhouse to prevent the spread of disease and keep
sensitive cables safe.

Maintaining Safe Galley and Dining Area Conditions

Nourishing meals are the fuel to help you and the crew make it through a full day of operations. If
food is prepared incorrectly, crew members can become seriously ill. If galley workers are not
trained on proper galley safety, injuries can also occur. The galley, like all kitchens, requires a specific
set of worker hygiene and attire standards.

Galley Hygiene Standards

All galley workers and crew members should uphold high hygiene standards while in the galley.
Foodborne illness is a frequent cause of sickness aboard cargo ships. In severe cases, these illnesses
can be transported to land and infect others or cause your entire crew to postpone operations until

Proper galley hygiene includes:

 Washing your hands when entering the galley or after using the restroom and drying them
with disposable towels.
 Eliminating all spoiled or contaminated food promptly.
 Clearly labeling food products and storing them at the appropriate temperatures.
 Cleaning and disinfecting the galley and utensils each day.
 Removing jewelry, including rings and watches, before working with food.
 Treating and covering all open wounds.
 Wearing gloves when working with food and changing them as they become contaminated.
 Refraining from smoking in the galley.
 Using an approved grease trap to catch all grease before discharging or treating kitchen

To promote these standards, implement regular galley inspections.

Galley Worker Attire

Galley workers should wear appropriate attire to prevent injuries like burns or cuts. This attire

 Closed-toe, slip-resistant shoes

 Aprons
 Disposable gloves
 Hairnets and beard nets

Clothes should always be clean and laundered, including aprons. All hair, including facial hair, should
be neatly groomed, and secured away from the food.

The Dining Area

On many vessels, the mess area is where the crew spends much of their free time, whether they’re
enjoying a meal or socializing. There are several steps you can take to keep this area as safe and
clean as possible:

 Wash and disinfect tables before and after meals or social gatherings.
 Sweep and mop the mess area floor regularly.
 Use non-corrosive, sealed garbage cans for all non-food trash.
 Dispose of food waste properly and separately from other garbage or recycling.
 Consider using slip-resistant placemats on tables to minimize accidents.

Tips for Keeping Living Quarters Clean

Each member of the crew is responsible for keeping their living area clean and orderly. Dirty living
quarters are unpleasant for other crew members, and they can be dangerous in the event of a fire.

In addition to cleaning up after oneself, maintaining clean living quarters includes:

 Eliminating or minimizing food consumed outside the galley and mess areas.
 Removing dirty clothes and shoes before entering living quarters.
 Regularly laundering all clothes and bed linens.
 Storing life jackets and gear in their corresponding areas.
 Providing easy access to sealed garbage cans and cleaning supplies.

To keep living quarters safe and free of potential fire hazards, make sure each crew member has
access to a fire extinguishing system and that you test all nearby fire alarms for performance and
strength of sound. Avoid smoking in living quarters and other confined spaces. If using an ashtray, it
should have an attached lid to prevent spillage. Should a member of the crew become sick with a
contagious illness, take extra sanitary precautions, and temporarily relocate that crew member if

How to Secure Gas Canisters at Sea

Oxygen and acetylene gas are standard cargo ship fixtures and may be used for onboard welding and
gas cutting. You must understand the safest ways to handle these gases, including how to secure
them while on the water. If tanks are left unsecured, they can leak. These leaks can be toxic to crew
members and may cause a fire or pressure explosion. Because these gases are highly flammable,
smoking, and open flames should never be permitted inside the storage area.

Best practices for storing gas canisters on board include the following:

 Ensure all tanks are clearly marked and stored by color — blue canisters for oxygen and
maroon canisters for acetylene.
 Secure gas canisters in a well-ventilated, weather-safe and permanent area of the cargo
ship. This area should be exclusively for gas canisters and not a place for additional storage.
 Install storage racks and grates to keep canisters in a stable, upright position while in transit.
 Give acetylene canisters at least thirty minutes to rest before opening, especially if they
were stored horizontally.

Proper Bilge Management Area Maintenance

The bilge area of a ship collects excess water and oil in the engine room. This area serves an
important role in keeping harmful waste from polluting the outside water. When water becomes
polluted, it can harm ecosystems and sea life and lead to unsafe drinking water in bodies of fresh
water. A dirty, unmaintained bilge area can also cause many problems for your ship, including failed
inspections, sick personnel, or hazardous working conditions.

To manage your bilge area and ensure cargo ship worker safety, follow these practices:

 Keep the bilge area as free of oil as possible. One way to do this is to ensure your engine
room is free of leaks that could contaminate the bilge.
 Paint your bilge area a light color so you can see oil spills and other contamination easily.
 Use drip trays to catch leaks until they can be inspected and repaired.
 Avoid disposing chemicals in the bilge management area. This could include mop water,
cleaning substances, soot, or food waste.
 Regularly inspect all bilge lines for signs of damage or premature wear.
 Stay up to date on current standards for bilge area hygiene and pollution in case your cargo
ship is inspected by port control.

Recommendations for Maritime Vessels During a Health Crisis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released recommendations and new
regulations for all vessels during the coronavirus pandemic. Review these guidelines with crew
members, so everyone can do their part to prevent the spread of a virus on the ship and be
prepared to handle any future health crisis situations.
Take Preventive Action

It is essential that all crew members are aware of the symptoms of COVID-19, as well as how to
minimize their risk of contracting the virus. Vessels should deny boarding of any crew member
experiencing one or more symptoms, as well as anyone who has meet an infected person or recently
traveled to a region with known exposure. Whenever possible, crew members should avoid working
on a vessel if they are feeling any symptoms, even if they are not typical of a virus. The crew should
also try to maintain safe distances from one another.

While on board, encourage all crew members to maintain good hygiene, including frequent and
thorough handwashing. If a crew member becomes ill or displays symptoms while at sea, the
individual should self-isolate in a single-occupancy cabin with the door closed. Immediately alert any
onboard medical professionals and prepare an illness report, per CDC guidelines.

If a crew member is experiencing symptoms of a serious and contagious illness while at sea, make
plans to reach land as soon as possible and advise all remaining crew members to:

 Social distance
 Wear personal protective equipment
 Closely monitor their own health
 Report any emerging symptoms

To help combat onboard illness, all vessels should have a suitable quantity of medical supplies, hand
soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant cleaner, personal protective equipment, and durable, leak-proof

Tips for Cleaning and Sterilizing Vessels

In addition to standard cleaning and housekeeping practices, vessels should take extra precautions
during a health crisis, including:

 Cleaning commonly touched items — such as rails, countertops, door handles, tables, and
light switches — more frequently, or after each use.
 Disinfecting all areas of the ship promptly and safely if a crew member exhibits symptoms of
an illness.
 Wearing disposable personal protective equipment when disinfecting ship areas and avoid
touching your face.
 Eliminating all contaminated objects immediately by securing them in a tied trash bag and
placing inside a spill-proof container.
 Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds after

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