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Cold symptoms typically take a few days to appear suddenly, these includes the ff:

Nasal symptoms include:

 congestion

 runny nose

 stuffy nose

 loss of smell or taste

 sneezing

Head symptoms include:

 watery eyes
 headache
 sore throat
 cough

Whole body symptoms include:

 Fatigue
 Chills
 Body aches
 Low-grade fever
Most people with a common cold can be diagnosed by their and symptoms. If doctors
suspected their patients with bacterial infection or other condition, they may run chest X-ray or
other tests to exclude other causes of your symptoms.

Common colds, unfortunately doesn’t have cure. However, there are OTC medicines that
can ease the discomfort caused by the symptoms of colds.

To ease the discomfort of symptoms patient may consider to use the following OTC

 Antihistamines (to dry out nose) such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Other OTC
antihistamines include Allegra, Zyrtecv and Xyzal.
 Decongestants (to relieve a stuffy, clogged nose) such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).
 Pain relievers like analgesics such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is generally preferred.
Ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Naprosyn) is also commonly used
 Cough suppressants such as antitussives (example Dextromethorphan)
 Nasal strips Medications like fluticasone (Flonase, available without a prescription) or
mometasone (Nasonex; prescription needed) can relieve symptoms.
 For other symptoms: OTC cold products (for example, Nyquil or Tylenol Cold & Sinus)
can provide much relief. Be sure to read product labels to find the best cold preparation to
match your symptoms and to determine if that medicine is safe for you.

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