Navy Machinery Repairman 1 and C

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Naval Education and June 1988 TrainingManual
Training Command 0502-LP-2 1 1 -7700 (TRAM AN)

Repairman 1 &C

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Nonfederal government personnel wanting a copy of this document

must use the purchasing instructions on the inside cover.

linn mil inn Hill limn Hill III Hill Hill Hill Illll 1 II! Illll till 1111
The terms training manual (TRAMAN) and
nonresident training course (NRTC) are now the
terms used to describe Navy nonresident training
program materials. Specifically, a TRAMAN
cludes a rate training manual (RTM), officer text
(OT), single subject training manual (SSTM), or
modular single or multiple subject training manual
(MODULE); and an NRTC includes nonresident
career course(NRCC), officer correspondence
course (OCC), enlisted correspondence course
(ECC), or combination thereof.

Although the words "he," "him," and "his"

are used sparingly in this manual to enhance
communication, they are not intended to be
gender driven nor to affront or discriminate
against anyone reading this text.


avoid confusion as you read this text, make the following

1. Pages 2-12 and 2-13: Switch the figure numbers and titles. The figure
on page 2-12 is actually figure 2-12, not figure 2-11. The figure on
page 2-13 is figure 2-11, not figure 2-12.

2. Page 2-18, second line under "Rolling the Gear Blank": change
"waterline" to "center line"

3. Page 2-21, step number 9: change "diameter" to "radius"

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Nonfederal government personnel wanting a copy of this document must write to Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 OR Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms
Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099, Attention: Cash Sales, for price and availability.
1 &C

1988 Edition Prepared by

MRCM Key R. Romero

This Rate Training Manual and Nonresident Career Course (RTM/NRCC)

form a self-study package to teach the theoretical knowledge and mental skills
needed by the Machinery Repairman First Class and Chief Machinery
Repairman. To most effectively train Machinery Repairmen, this package may
be combined with on-the-job training to provide the necessary elements of
practical experience and observation of techniques demonstrated by more
senior Machinery Repairmen.

Completion of the NRCC provides the usual way of satisfying the require-
ments for completing the RTM. The set of assignments in the NRCC includes
learning objectives and supporting questions designed to help the student learn
the materials in the RTM.

1988 Edition

Stock Ordering No.

0502-LP-21 1-7700

Published by

The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the
sea and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of
strong action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to
win in war.

It is upon the maintenance of this control that our country's glorious

future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so.


Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from the past. To
these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the
watchwords of the present and the future.

At home or on distant stations we serve with pride, confident in the

respect of our country, our shipmates, and our families.

Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us.

Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with



The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniques, and
greaterpower to protect and defend the United States on the sea,
under the sea, and in the air.

Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her
greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in

Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of

the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the
future, in continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our
heritage from the past.

Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater.


1 . The Machinery Repairman 1-1

2. Gears and Gear Cutting 2-1

3. Grinding Inspections 3-1

4. Aligning and Balancing 4-1

5. Metallurgy and Heat Treatment 5-1

6. Machine Tool Maintenance 6-1

7. Machine Shop Management 7-1

8. Ship Maintenance and Modernization 8-1

I. Occupational Standards AI-1


The illustrations indicated below are included in this edition of Machinery

Repairman 1 & C through the courtesy of the designated companies,
publishers, and associations. Permission to use these illustrations is gratefully
acknowledged. Permission to reproduce these illustrations and other materials
in this publication should be obtained from the source.

Source Figure

American Society of Mechanical 2-24, 3-4, 3-5, 3-19,

Engineers and 3-20

American Society of Metals 5-17

Boston Gear Work 2-1

Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing 2-22A and 2-22B


Carpenter Technology Corporation 5-24

Cincinnati Milarcon Machine Tool 2-2, 2-8, and 2-15


C. I. Hayes Incorporated 5-7

GAR Electroforming Division, 3-16, 3-17, and 3-18

Electroformer Incorporated

Giddings and Lewis Machine Tool 4-10, 4-11, 4-13,

Company 4-21 to 4-33, and 6-1

Illinois Gear Product Division 2-9 and 2-18

Leed and Northrup 5-10

Magnaflux Corporation 3-3

McGraw-Hill Book Company 3-6

Sheffield Measuring Division 3-9, 3-11, 3-12, 3-14

USX Corporation 5-2, 5-3, and 5-21

Warner and Swasey Company 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-6



This rate training manual (RTM) has been things you should know about this training
prepared for members of the Regular Navy and manual.
the Naval Reserve. It will help you meet the designed to give you information on the
It is

occupational qualifications for advancement to occupational standards for advancement to MR1

Machinery Repairman (MR1) or Chief
First Class and MRC.
Machinery Repairman (MRC). With each ad- You must satisfactorily complete its non-
vancement in rating, you accept an increasing resident career course (NRCC) before you can
responsibility. This chapter covers the advance- advance to MR1 or MRC, whether you are in the
ment system, sources of information, and finally, Regular Navy or in the Naval Reserve.
your role as an MR1 or MRC. Leadership, super- It is not designed to give you information on
vision, and training will be discussed in a later the military requirements for advancement to PO1
chapter. or CPO. Rate training manuals that are specially
prepared to give information on the military
requirements are discussed in the next section
of this chapter, which deals with sources of

Remember that the requirements for advance-

ment may change from time to time. Check with
your division officer or with your training officer
to be sureyou have the most recent requirements.
You will be better able to prepare for advance-
It very important for you to have an

ment and to help lower-rated personnel prepare

extensive knowledge of the references to consult
in preparing for advancement. They contain
for advancement.
detailed, authoritative, up-to-date information on
To prepare for advancement, you need to be all subjects related to the military requirements
familiar with the military requirements and the
and to the occupational qualifications of the MR
occupational standards given in (1) the
of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Some of the publications discussed here are
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
subject to change or revision from time to time
NAVPERS 18068; (2) Personnel Advancement
some at regular intervals, others as the need arises.
Requirements (PAR), NAVPERS 1414; (3) Be sure you have the latest and be sure
appropriate rate training manuals and any other
material that may be required or recommended;
you have a copy in which all official changes have
been entered.
and (4) the Bibliography for Advancement Study,
NAVEDTRA 10052. These materials are dis-
cussed later in the section of this chapter that
deals with sources of information.
The Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and
Personnel Classifications and Occupational
Standards, NAVPERS18068 (with changes), gives
SCOPE OF THIS the minimum requirements for advancement to
TRAINING MANUAL each rate within each rating. This manual lists the
military requirements that apply to all ratings and
Before studying this book, it is a good idea the occupational standards that are specific to
to know its purpose and scope. Here are some each rating.

The standards manual is kept current by NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING
numbered changes. These changes are issued (NAVEDTRA) PUBLICATIONS
more frequently than most rate training manuals
can be revised; therefore, the training manuals Rate training manuals (RTMs), nonresident
cannot always reflect the latest occupational career courses (NRCCs), and other training texts
standards for advancement. When preparing and courses designed to help you become more
for advancement, always check the latest knowledgeable in your career field are prepared
standards manual and the latest changes to by the Naval Education and Training Program
be sure that you know the current require- Management Support Activity. This center is a
ments for advancement. For your convenience, field activity of the Chief of Naval Education and
the occupational standards for MR1 and MRC Training, and the training materials are designated
(current as of the date this text was written) are as NAVEDTRA publications. Some training
listed in appendix I. materials may be still designated as NAVPERS
or NAVTRA publications, but as they are
When studying the occupational standards for updated their designations will be changed to
advancement, remember these two things: NAVEDTRA.
The naval training publications described here
1. The standards are the minimum require- include some that are absolutely essential for
ments for advancement to each rate within each anyone seeking advancement and some that,
rating. If you study more than the required although not essential, are extremely helpful.
minimum, you will have a great advantage when
you take the written examinations for
advancement. NAVEDTRA 10052

2. Each standard has a designated paygrade Bibliography for Advancement Study, NAV-
E-4, E-5, E-6, or E-7. You are responsible for EDTRA 10052, is a very important publication
meeting all standards specified for advancement for anyone preparing for advancement. This
to your next paygrade and all standards specified
publication lists required and recommended
for your current and lower paygrades. RTMs and other reference material to be used by
personnel working for advancement. NAVED-
A special form known as the Personnel Ad- TRA 10052 is revised and issued once each year
vancement Requirements, NAVPERS 1414/4, is
by the Naval Education and Training Program
used to record the satisfactory completion of the
Management Support Activity. Each revised
standards, both military and occupational, listed edition is identified by a letter following the
in the standards manual. This form is available NAVEDTRA number. Be sure you have the most
for each rating. Whenever you demonstrate your recent edition. If extensive changes in standards
ability to perform a practical factor, appropriate occur in any rating between the annual revisions
entries must be made in the DATE and INITIALS NAVEDTRA
of 10052, a supplementary list of
columns. As an MR1 or MRC, you will often be issued in the form of a
study material may be
required to check the performance of lower-rated SUPERS notice.
personnel and to report the results to your super- The required and recommended references are
vising officer. To facilitate record keeping, group
listed by rate. Remember that you are responsible
records of practical factors are often maintained
for all references at lower rate levels, as well as
aboard ship. Entries from the group records must
those listed for the rate to which you are seeking
be transferred to each individual's record at ap-
propriate intervals.
TheRTMs that are marked with an asterisk
As changes are made periodically to the stand- mandatory at the indicated rate levels. You
(*) are
ards manual, new forms of NAVPERS 1414/4 may complete a mandatory training manual by
are provided when necessary. This information passing the appropriate NRCC, based on the
should also be kept in each person's service mandatory training manual.
record and should be forwarded with the All references listed in NAVEDTRA 10052,
service record to the next duty station. Each whether mandatory or recommended, may be
and Mathematics, volume 2, NAVEDTRA 10071.
Rate training manuals are written as training These two training manuals are very valuable to
information and to help you prepare for advance- the MR. If you are not adept at working with
ment. Some manuals are general in nature and numbers, consult volume 1 and chapters 1, 2, 3,
are intended for use by more than one rating; and 4 of volume 2. You need to become
others (such as this one) are specific to the proficient in the mathematics associated with
particular rating. helical, bevel, and worm gearing. You must be
Rate training manuals are revised from time familiar with transposing and logarithms, and be
to time to bring them up to date. The edition of able to use the tables of natural trigonometric
a rate training manual is identified by a letter functions.
following the NAVEDTRA number. You can tell Machinery Repairman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA
whether a training manual is the latest edition by 10530. Satisfactory completion of this training
comparing your manual with the same manual manual is required for advancement to MR3 and
listed in the most recent edition of the List of MR2. You have already met this requirement, but
Training Manuals and Nonresident Training you should at least glance through the latest
Courses, NAVEDTRA 10061. edition of the manual. Much of the information
Some training manuals
are specially prepared given in the latest edition of Machinery Repair-
to information on the military re-
present man 1 &C
assumes that you are familiar with the
quirements for advancement. The following contents of Machinery Repairman 3 & 2, NAV-
manuals are of interest to MR1 and MRC EDTRA 10530.
advancement candidates:
Other NAVEDTRA Publications
Military Requirements for Petty Officer
First Class,NAVEDTRA 10046. Some additional and useful NAVEDTRA
publications are listed and described in the
Military Requirements for Chief Petty following paragraphs. You may also want to
Officer, NAVEDTRA 10047. consult the training manuals for other ratings in
occupational fields 3 and 4 (Engineering and
Each of the military requirements manuals is Hull). The manuals prepared for Machinist Mate,
mandatory at the indicated rate levels. They Engineman, and Boiler Technician are likely to
contain information on the military requirements be of particular interest to you. These manuals
and on the enlisted rating structure. They help you will add to your knowledge of the duties of others
learn how to prepare for advancement; how to in the engineering department and help you
supervise, train, and lead other people; and how prepare for your next promotion.
to meet your increasing responsibilities as you Another valuable publication is The Metric
advance. System, NAVEDTRA 475-01-00-79, which is
Some of the RTMs that may be useful to you packaged with a self-study course. Over the next
as you prepare to meet the occupational standards few years, the metric system will be more widely
for advancement to MR1 and MRC are discussed used by the Navy as well as by the civilian world.
briefly in the following paragraphs. For a You will find it easy to work with metrics once
complete listing of RTMs, consult the List of you have mastered the basic terms. It will be
Training Manuals and Nonresident Training difficult to translate values from our present
Courses, NAVEDTRA 10061. system to the metric system, but this operation
Tools and Their Uses, NAVEDTRA
10085. will become unnecessary once the new measure-
Portions of this training manual are listed ments are totally adopted. See your educational
as recommended reading for those preparing services officer for information on how to obtain
for advancement to third class in the MR this study package.
rating. However, you may wish to review
the manual as you prepare for advancement Officer Texts
to higher rates.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVED- Officer texts that you may find helpful include
TRA 10077. This manual will be useful for review the latest editions of Engineering Administration,
as you prepare for advancement to MR1 and NAVEDTRA 10858, and Principles of Naval
Engineering, 10788.

Most rate training manuals and officer texts You should be familiar with the OPNAV
are used as the basis for correspondence courses. publications discussed in the following para-
You can complete a mandatory training manual graphs. These publications are subject to change,
by passing its correspondence course. You may and it is important that you use an edition that
find helpful to take other correspondence
it contains all the changes.
courses. They can help you master the informa-
tion given in the training manual or text and also
Thebasic doctrine publication concerning the
3-M Systems is the Ships' Maintenance and
give you a pretty good idea of how much you have
learned from studying the book.
Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAV-
INST 4790.4, Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Since you are
required to have a knowledge of the 3-M Systems,
NAVSEA PUBLICATIONS we will briefly discuss it in a later chapter.
OPNAV Instruction 5510.1 (current edition),
The publications issued by the Naval Sea
Department of the Navy Information Security
Systems Command (NAVSEA) are of particular
Program Regulations, is the basic reference on
importance to engineering department personnel. security matters. As a petty officer, you are
Although you do not need to know everything in required to know the purpose of the security
these publications, you should have a general idea
program, the need-to-know concept, regulations
of where to find the information in them. for the circulation and control of classified
matter, methods of destroying classified material,
and the duties of witnessing officials. Regulations
Naval Ships' Technical Manual
covering reproduction of classified material and
a number of other matters relating to security are
The Naval Ships' Technical Manual is
also found in the above publication.
NAVSEA's basic engineering doctrine publica-
tion. Information in this publication is organized While written mainly as a guide for super-
by chapters and updated by revisions as often as Accident Prevention Manual, OPNAV-
visors, the
needed. INST 5101.2, also serves as a basic source of
information for all personnel. Its intention is to
The manufacturers' technical manuals that are improve the of safety throughout the Navy.
furnished with most machinery units and many Safety is a command
function that is to be
types of equipment are also valuable publication implemented by all subordinate levels of super-
sources. They contain information on operation, vision.
maintenance, and repair, and are sometimes given
NAVSHIPS numbers.
NAVSEA Deckplate
The Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)
This is a bimonthly technical magazine Program, OPNAVINST 3500.34, is a method of
published by NAVSEA. It has information qualifying officer and enlisted personnel to
on the design, construction, conversion, oper- perform assigned duty. The PQS is a written
ation, maintenance, and repair of naval vessels compilation of knowledge and skills required to
and their equipment. Also, other technical qualify for a specific watch station, maintain a
equipment and programs under the authority specificequipment or system, or perform as a
of the command are discussed. This magazine team member within the assigned unit. The PQS
is very useful because it has additional infor- isin the format of a qualification guide, which
mation that helps explain the subject matter asks the questions a trainee must answer to verify
in the Naval Ships' Technical Manual. New readiness to perform a given task. It also provides
Developments in naval engineering are also a record of the progress and final certification.
covered in the magazine. The NAVSEA publica- The PQS approach to training is based on
tion deckplate was formerly known as the individual learning. The learner has the complete
NAVSEA Journal. written program in hand. The operational

supervisor serves as both a source for specific information on many technical subjects. When
assistance and as quality control over the learn- selecting a film, note its date of issue listed

ing process through certification of completion in the film catalog. As you know, procedures
of each step. NAVEDTRA 43100-1, Handbook sometimes change rapidly. Thus, some films
on Personnel Qualification Standards, provides become obsolete rapidly. If a film is obsolete
information on the PQS concept and describes its only in part, you may sometimes use it
implementation into the training program of the effectively. Before or during its showing, you
operational units of the Navy. should carefully point out to trainees the pro-
cedures that have changed. For this reason, if you
plan to show a training film, try to take a look
TRAINING FILMS at it in advance. To identify films that may be of
interest to you, review the Department of the
Training films available to naval person- Navy Catalogue of Audiovisual Production
nel are a valuable source of supplementary Products, OPNAVINST 3157.1.


This chapter covers the manufacture of helical operation, the type of stress to be encountered,
gears, bevel gears, stub tooth gears, worms, worm the importance of quiet operation, and the need
gears, splines, and sprockets. for resistance to corrosion. The easiest way to
determine what material to use for a replacement
Before you begin studying this chapter, secure
gear is to find out what material was used for the
a copy of Machinery Repairman 3 & 2 and review
gear you must replace. In most cases, you will
the portion that deals with the manufacture of
have the original gear to go by. If you do not have
spur gears. Basic Machines also provides a good the original gear, you may have to find the
review of gearing basics.
specifications or blueprints for the original gear.
In some cases you may even have to consult a
machinist's handbook, which prescribes various
materials, in order to make certain that the
THE MANUFACTURE OF GEARS material you are using will actually hold up under
the particular stresses the gear will encounter.
Gears have always been a highly essential
element in machinery used aboard ships and at Gears are made from ferrous, nonferrous, and
naval shore facilities. In today's Navy, the
nonmetallic materials. Steel, for example, is
emphasis on speed, power, and compactness in used whenever great strength and toughness are
naval machinery has created special problems for
required. Nonferrous metals such as bronze and
the machinist cutting a gear. Today's machinists brass are often used aboard naval ships for gears
must be able to turn out a noiseless, practically that must be resistant to saltwater corrosion.
unbreakable gear capable of transmitting large
amounts of power in small spaces. Making gears Monel and aluminum may be used for certain
of this type requires skill and precision of a high
types of gears, where corrosion resistance is of
primary importance. Nonmetallic gearing is
In some Navy machine shops, gear hobbing frequently used where quietness of operation is
machines or gear shapers are used to cut gears. important. Nonmetallic gears are most effective
when used for high-speed use; however, they do
However, most machine shops use the milling
not always hold up properly against the wide
machine because of the relatively small number
fluctuations of load and the high shock loads that
of gears that are manufactured.
may be encountered at low speeds. Although gears
Therefore, this chapter will cover only gear made of nonmetallic materials have a lower
cutting practices on a standard milling machine. tensile strength than those constructed of metallic
If you encounter a difficult problem in calculating materials, their greater resiliency gives them
or cutting gears, consult a machinist's handbook approximately the same power-transmitting
for more detailed information. capacity as cast iron.


The choice of material for a particular gear A helix is a line that spirals around a
isusually based on the function of the gear. This cylindrical object, like a stripe that spirals around
involves considering factors such as the speed of a barber pole.
A helical gear is a gear whose teeth spiral a helical gear, simply put the gear on a
around the gear body. Helical gears are used to table with its rotational axis perpendicular
transmit motion from one shaft to another. The to the table top. If the helix moves upward
shafts can be either parallel or set at an angle to toward the right, the gear is right-handed.
each other, as long as their axes do not intersect If the helix moves upward to the left, the gear is

(fig. 2-1). left-handed.

Helical gears operate more quietly and more

Milling a helical gear requires the use of a
smoothly than spur gears because of the sliding dividing head, a tailstock, and a lead driving
action of the spiral teeth as they mesh. Also, as mechanism for the dividing head (fig. 2-2) to cause
helical gears mesh, several teeth make contact at
the gear blank to rotate at a constant rate as the
the same time. cut advances. This equipment is an integral part

This multitooth contact makes a helical gear

of a universal knee and column type of milling
stronger than a comparable spur gear. However,
the sliding action of one tooth on another creates
friction that could generate excessive heat and
When a helical gear is manufactured correctly,
wear. Thus, helical gears are usually run in an oil it will mesh with a spur gear of the same diametral
bath. pitch (DP), with one gear sitting at an angle to
the other. The dimensions of a helical gear would
A helical gear can be either right-handed be the same as those of a comparable spur gear
or left-handed. To determine the hand of if the helical gear's teeth were not cut at an angle.



s a




e .~
A Qj
The lead of a helical gear is the longitudir
Cutting 20 one-quarter-inch wide slots distance a point on the gear travels during o:
spaced one-quarter of an inch apart complete revolution of the gear. During the ge
parallel to the gear's axis of rotation manufacturing process, lead relates to the tra\
requires a 10-inch circular blank. But cut- of the table.
ting 20 one-quarter-inch wide slots one- The helix angle is the angle between a pla:
quarter of an inch apart at an angle of parallel to the rotational axis of the workpiece ai
1922' to the axis of rotation requires a the helix line generated on the workpiece. Tf
10.6-inch circular blank (fig. 2-3).
angle is used in setting the milling machine tat
Helical gears are measured at a right angle to to cut the gear. The helix angle is also used
the tooth face in the same manner as spur gears establish the relationships between the re

with the same diametral pitch. dimensions and the normal dimensions on
helical gear.

DIMENSIONS OF A HELICAL Determining the Dimensions

GEAR, REAL AND NORMAL of a Helical Gear

The easiest helical gear dimension to determi

Every helical gear contains a theoretical spur
gear. Any gear element formula used to calculate
is the RPD. Simply subtract twice the addendu
a spur gear dimension can also be used to from the ROD, or
determine an equivalent helical gear dimension. RPD = ROD - 2 ADD
However, the helical gear dimension is known as
a normal dimension. For example, the number of To determine the other major dimensions, y<
teeth (NT) on a helical gear is considered a must relate real and normal dimensio
normal dimension. Remember, though, all trigonometrically through the helix angle. Th
normal gear elements are calculated dimensions by knowing two of the three components of t
and therefore cannot be measured. trigonometric relationship, you can determine t
third component.
For example: Look at figure 2-4, view A, and recall that t
helix angle is the angle between the gear's axis
NT =
Normal pitch diameter (NPD) rotation and the helix. In this view, the RPD ai

Although most helical gear dimensions are

normal dimensions, a few dimensions are real
(measurable) dimensions. Examples of real
dimensions are the outside diameter (OD), called
the real outside diameter (ROD), and the pitch
diameter, called the real pitch diameter (RPD).
Sec I922' = VIEW A

X = 1.06 x .250

X = .265

265 x 40 = SIZE OF CIRCLE




Figure 2-3. Development of evenly spaced slots with

an included angle. Figure 2-4. Development of the helix angle.

the NPD are related through the secant and cosine that we could use to solve for the lead
functions. That is, (fig. 2-5, view A).

Secant* u
H = or ^
Cosine u
H = NPD Figure 2-5, view B, shows a triangle, one leg
NPD RPD being the real pitch circumference and the other
being the lead. Notice that the hypotenuse of the
In figure 2-4, view B, the triangle has been triangle is the tooth path and has no numerical
mathematically shifted so that we can compare value.
the real chordal thickness (CTR) and the normal
chordal thickness (CTN). The CTR is the To solve for the lead of a helical gear, when
thickness of the tooth measured parallel to the you know the RPD and the helix angle, simply
gear's face, while the CTN is measured at a right change RPD to RFC (real pitch circumference)
angle to the face of the tooth. The two by multiplying RPD by 3.1416 (rr) (fig. 2-5, view
dimensions are also related through the secant and C), then use the formula:
cosine functions. That is,

Lead = RPC x Cotangent /H.

Secant H = CTR or Cosine H = CTN
If we could open the gear on the pitch Selecting a Helical Gear Cutter
diameter (PD), we would have a triangle
When you cut a spur gear, you base selection
of the cutter on the gear's DP and on
the NT to be cut. To cut a helical gear,
S you must base cutter selection on the helical
gear's DP and on a hypothetical number
of teeth set at a right angle to the tooth
path. This hypothetical number of teeth takes
1 into account the helix angle and the lead
of the helix, and is known as the number
of teeth for cutter selection (NTCS). This
hypothetical development is based on the
fact that the cutter follows an elliptical path
as it cuts the teeth (fig. 2-6).

The basic formula for determining the

NTCS involves multiplying the actual NT on the





Figure 2-5. Formulation of a lead triangle and a helix angle. Figure 2-6. Helix cut with two different cutters.
so a simplified method to cube the secant of the
helix angle was developed (see table 2-1). The
simplified method involves multiplying the by NT
a factor (K) you obtain from the table.

NTCS = NT x K (factor)

To determine the constant K, locate on table

2-1 the helix angle you plan to cut. If the angle is
other than a whole number, such as 15 6', select
the next highest whole number of degrees, in this
case 16. The factor for 156' is 1.127.
The following section will show you how to
use the numerical value of the NTCS to compute
corrected chordal addenda and chordal thick-

Corrected Chorda! Addendum

Figure 2-7. Formation of helical gear cutter selection.
and Chordal Thickness
As in spur gearing, you must determine
helical gear by the cube of the secant of the helix corrected chordal addenda and chordal thick-
angle, or nesses since you will be measuring circular
distances with a gear tooth vernier caliper that was
NTCS = NT x sec
designed to measure only straight distances.
This formula is taken from the triangle in In helical gearing, the NTCS, rather than the
figure 2-7. actual NT, is used to select the constant for
Computing the NTCS with the above formula determining the chordal addendum (CA) and the
is somewhat complicated for some machinist's, chordal thickness (CT). Table 2-2 provides these

Table 2-1. "K" Factor Table

constants. Remember, the numbers listed in the Table 2-3. Maximum Backlash Allowance
Number of Teeth column are not actual numbers
of teeth, but are NTCS values. After you have DP Backlash
determined the chordal addendum and chordal
thickness constants, you can calculate the 4 .011
corrected chordal addendum by using the 5 .009
following formula: 6 .008
7 .007
Chordal addendum constant CA constant 8 .006
CADD = DP 9 .006
Diametral pitch
10 .005
and the corrected chordal thickness by using this 12 .005
formula: 14 .005

Chordal thickness constant CT constant A. Maximum Backlash Allowance for Spur

CCT and Helical Gear.
Diametral pitch DP

As an example, calculate the corrected DP Backlash

chordal addendum and the corrected chordal
DP of 10, a helix 4 .012
thickness for a helical gear with a
5 .012
angle of 15, and 20 teeth.
6 .008
7 .008
8 .007
= 20 x l 1 1 from table 2-1) 10 .007
12 .004
= 23 14 .004

NOTE: If the calculated NTCS is other than a

B. Maximum Backlash Allowance for Bevel
whole number, go to the next highest whole Gear.

From table 2-2, an NTCS of 23 provides the To determine the proper amount of backlash,
following: multiply the maximum allowable amount of
backlash found in table 2-3A by 2 and add the
CA constant = result to the calculated whole depth. In this case
1.0268; CT constant = 1.56958
the maximum backlash allowance is a constant.

Therefore, CADD = 1<(


and We stated earlier in this chapter that the main

purpose of gearing is motion between
to transmit
two or more most cases these shafts are
shafts. In
CCT = = 0.156958 in fixed positions with little or no adjustments
available. Therefore, it is important for you to
know the center-to-center (C-C) distance between
Backlash Allowance for Helical Gears the gear and the pinion.
Knowing the tooth elements of a helical gear,
The backlash allowance for helical gears is the we cansay that when the real pitch radius of the
same as that for spur gears. Backlash is obtained gear (RPR^) is added to the real pitch radius of
the pinion (RPRp ), we can determine the C-C
by decreasing the thickness of the tooth at the
distance of the two gears (gear and pinion).
pitch line and should be indicated by a chordal
dimension. Table 2-3 gives maximum allowable The ratio of the NT on the gear and the
backlash in inches between the teeth of the mating pinion is equal to the ratio of the PD of the gear
and the pinion. This will enable us to solve for
the necessary elements of both gear and the helix. A right handed helix is set by removing gea
pinion, knowing only the C-C distance and the Y and reversing gear X.
ratio of the gear and the pinion.
Before you can determine which gear
GEAR TRAIN RATIO are required obtain a given lead, yoi
must know or determine the lead of the millhi;
When a helix is milled on a workpiece, the machine. The lead of the machine is the distanc
workpiece must be made to rotate at the same time the milling machine table must move ii
it is fed into the revolving cutter. This is done by order to rotate the spindle of the dividin;
gearing the dividing head to the milling machine head one revolution. Most milling machine
table screw. To achieve a given lead, you must have a table screw of 4 threads per ind
select gears having a ratio that will cause the work with a lead of 0.250 inch (1/4 inch) am
to rotate at a given speed while it advances a given a dividing head (index head) with a 40:
distance toward the cutter. This distance will be worm-to-spindle ratio. When the index heai
the lead of the helical gear. The lead of the helix is connected to the table through a 1:
is determined by the size and the placement of the ratio, it will cut a lead of 10 inches. Thus
change gears, labeled A, B, C, and D in figure 40 turns of the lead screw are requirei
2-8. Gears Xand Y are set up to mill a left-handed to make the spindle revolve one complet



and showing location o
Figure 2-8. Standard universal dividing head driving mechanism connected to the dividing head,
change gear's A, B, C, and D.
revolution (40x0.250 inch =10 inches). Thus, gears with 40 and 24 teeth become the
Therefore, 10 will be the constant in our gear train driving gears, and gears with 40 and 36 teeth
ratio formula, become the driven gears.
These gears would be arranged in the gear
GTR = 10
train as follows:

Gear A (on the dividing-head worm shaft)

All ratios other than 1 : 1 require modification of 40 teeth (driven)
the gear train. Gear B (first gear on the idler stud)
From this formula, we can also say that the 24 teeth (driving)
Gear C (second gear on the idler stud)
Lead of Product of the driving 36 teeth (driven)
the machine gears tooth numbers Gear D (gear on the table screw)
Lead of the Product of the driven 40 teeth (driving)
helix to be cut gears tooth numbers
The positions of the driving gears may be
Example: interchanged without changing their products;
likewise, the driven gears. Thus, several different
Determine the change gears required for a lead combinations of driving and driven gears will
of 15 inches. Assume the milling machine has a
produce a helix with the same lead.
lead of 10 inches. Before starting the entire process of figuring
your change gear, check your office library for
Lead of Driving gears a ready-made table for the selection of gears
machine _ 10 _
~ tooth numbers product
~~ devised by the Cincinnati Milling Machine
Lead of 15 Driven gears
Company. These gears have been determined
helix desired tooth numbers product
using the formula, If you have already
If a simple gear train could be used (one
calculated your lead, match it with the lead in the
driving and one driven gear), a 10-tooth gear on
table and select the gears for that lead.
the table screw meshed with a 15-tooth gear on
the dividing-head worm shaft would produce the
15-inch lead required. However, gears of 10 and
15 teeth are not available, and the drive system
At this point of the chapter, you are ready to
is designed for a compound gear train of four
manufacture a helical gear. In a case where you
gears. Therefore, the fraction 10/15 must be split
into two fractions whose product equals 10/15.
must manufacture a helical gear from a sample,
This is done by factoring as follows: you should do the following:
1. Find the DP.
K) _ 5x2 ~
_ Driving gears tooth product 2. Measure the outside diameter. This is also
15 5 x 3 Driven gears tooth product the ROD.
3. Find the ADD.
If gears with 5 and 2 teeth were possible, they
4. Find the RPD.
would be the driving gears, and gears with 5 and
5. Find the NT.
3 teeth would be the driven gears. But since this
6. Find the NPD.
is not possible, each of the fractions must be ex-
7. Find the /YL.
panded by multiplying both the numerator and
8. Find the RPC.
the denominator by a number that will result in
a product that corresponds to the number of teeth 9. Find the lead.

on available gears: 10. Find the change gear.

11. Find the NTCS.
8 _ 40 2 12 _ 24 12. Make sure cutter has the correct DP and
5 8-40 and 3 T2~36 cutter number.
13. Find your corrected chordal addendum and
or chordal thickness.
14. Find your corrected whole depth (WD).
5x2 _ 40x24 Driving gears tooth product 15. Determine what kind of material the
5x3 40 x 36 Driven gears tooth product sample gear is to be made of.
Now you are ready to machine your gear. Before cutting the teeth to the proper
Use the following hints in manufacturing a depth, double check the set-up, the alignment, and
helical gear: all calculations.

Make all necessary calculations that are Now you are ready to cut your gear.
needed to compute the dimensions of the gear.
Remove and deburr the gear.
Set up the milling machine attachments for

Select and mount a gear cutter. Use the BEVEL GEARS

Bevel gears have a conical shape (fig. 2-9) and
NTCS (X) are used to connect intersecting shafts. Bevel gears
NT with shafts set at less than 90 are shown in
figure 2-10, view A. Gears with shafts set at more
@ Swivel the milling machine table to the
than 90 are shown in figure 2-10, view B. There
helix angle for a right-hand helix; face the machine
are several kinds of bevel gear designs. The one
and push the milling machine table with your right
we will be discussing is the straight-tooth bevel
hand. For a left-hand helix, push the table with
gear, which is used most commonly in the Navy.
your left hand.
The teeth are straight but the sides are tapered.
The centerline of the teeth will intersect at a given
Set the milling machine for the proper
feeds and speeds.
Bevel gears are usually manufactured on
Mount the change gears. Use the gear train gear-cutting machines. However, a Machinery
ratio formula to determine your change gears. Repairman occasionally has to make a bevel gear
on a universal milling machine.
Mount the gear blank for machining. This section of the chapter deals with the angle
nomenclature of a bevel gear as well as the
Set up the indexing head for the correct development of the triangles needed to manu-
number of divisions. facture a bevel gear.

A. With shafts less than 90 apart
B. With shafts more than 90 apart
Figure 2-9. Bevel gear and pinion. Figure 2-10. Other forms of bevel gears.
When two bevel gears whose shaft angles all in ratio. Therefore, we can use any of these

equal 90 are in mesh (fig. 2-11, view A) three sets to find the pitch cone angle (PCA).
a triangleis formed. This triangle is called the Example: A
10 diametral pitch (DP) gear with
mating gear triangle. The cones (fig. 2-11, view B) 60 teeth has a pitch diameter (PD) of 6.000 and
which form the basis of the bevel gears are a 10 DP pinion having 40 teeth has a PD of 4.000.
called the pitch cones. These cones are not Therefore, the ratio of the gear and the pinion
visibleat all on the finished gear, but are is 3:2.

very important elements in bevel gear design. We can determine the PCA by simply
substituting the known values into the formula:
The angle that is formed at the lower left-hand
corner of the triangle (fig. 2-1 1 ,
view C) is called
the pitch cone angle of the pinion. The altitude Tan
of the triangle is called the pitch diameter of the
pinion, and the base of the triangle is called the or
pitch diameter of the gear.

The hypotenuse of the triangle is twice the PEL _ (6) _

= -3 ratio
pitch cone radius. PD, (4)

The pitch diameter (gear and pinion), the NOTE: The pitch cone angle of the pinion
number of teeth (gear and pinion), and the (PCAp) is the compliment of the pitch cone angle
actual ratio between the gear and the pinion are of the gear (PCAg).



/PEP -

Figure 2-11. Development of the mating gear triangle.

BEVEL GEAR NOMENCLATURE b. The gear blank is machined to this

The dimension nomenclature of the bevel gear c. The face angle is obtained by adding one
is the same as that of a spur gear, with the
addendum angle (/ADD) to the pitch cone
exception of the angular addendum. Refer to
figure 2-12.
angle (/PC).
2. Pitch cone angle (PC A
or ^,/TC)
1 . Face angle (FA) a. This angle is formed by a line down

a. This angle is formed by the top edge of one addendum on the tooth and the axis of the
the teeth and the axis of the gear. gear.


b. This angle cannot be measured, but it 5. Dedendum angle (/PEP) (fig. 2-12)
isvery important in calculations. a This angle is formed by a line one
3. Cutting angle (/ or CA) down on the tooth and a line drawn through the
a. This angle is formed by the bottom of bottom tooth.
the tooth and the axis of the gear. b This angle cannot be measured, but it

b. The index head is set at this angle when is used in calculations.

the gear is cut. c In the triangle shown in figure 2-13,


c . This angle obtained by subtracting the

is view B, the side opposite the dedendum angle is
dedendum angle (/PEP) from the pitch cone the dedendum and the side adjacent is the pitch
angle (/PC). / / PCR
4. Addendum angle (/ADD)
cone radius. Therefore, Cot z/BED = DED .

a. This angle is formed by the top of the

6. Back cone angle (BCA or /BC) (fig.
tooth and a line one ADD
down on the tooth.
2-12) This angle is formed by the large
b. This angle cannot be measured, but it
end of the tooth and the pitch diameter of
is used in making calculations for the gear.
the gear. It is equal in value to the pitch
c. In the triangle shown in figure 2-13,
cone angle (PC A).
view A, the side adjacent to the addendum angle is
the pitch cone radius and the side opposite is the 7. Pitch diameter (PD) This is the diameter

addendum. Therefore, Cot

/ PCR of the gear blank oneADD down at the large end
of the gear.



8. Outside diameter (OD) the pitch cone radius and the face width.
PCR5 = PCR - FW.
a . This is the maximum diameter of the
gear. 14. Face width ratio (FWR)
b. The gear blank is machined to this
OD. a. This is the ratio of the pitch cone
c . The outside diameter
obtained by is
and the FWR = PCR
adding the pitch diameter and twice the angular
radius face width.
addendum. b. The small tooth dimensions are
calculated from this ratio.
9. Angular addendum (ANG ADD)
15. Proportional tooth factor (PTF) The
This is one half the difference between
a .
proportional tooth factor is the ratio between the
the pitch diameter and the outside diameter. pitch cone radius small and the pitch cone radius.
b. In the triangle shown in figure 2-13,
view C, the hypotenuse is the addendum and the PCR-
side adjacent the angle (BCA) is known as the
angular addendum. 16. Small tooth dimensions By multiply-
c. To obtain the angular addendum ing any large tooth dimension by the pro-
(ANG ADD), simply multiply the addendum of portional tooth faction, you can obtain the
the gear by the cosine of angle BCA. dimension of the small tooth of the gear
or pinion.
17. Number of teeth for cutter selection
10. Tooth dimensions (TD) (NTCS)

All tooth dimensions at the large end

a . In the triangle shown in figure 2-13,
are the as a spur gear of the same DP.
same view E, the NTCS is the hypotenuse and the side
b All tooth dimensions at the small end
adjacent is the number of teeth of the gear.
are a percentage of the large end, depending on b. The known angle in this case is the
the face width ratio. pitch cone angle, or the back cone angle.
c. To obtain the NTCS, simply multiply
11. Face width (FW) (fig. 2-12) the secant of /PCby the NT. NTCS = NT
x Sec /PC.
a. This is the length of the tooth. d. The NTCS is taken from the number
b. The gear blank is machined to this of teeth on an imaginary spur gear that has a dif-
dimension. ferent pitch diameter (PD) than the pitch diameter
(PD) of a bevel gear.
12. Pitch cone radius (PCR) e. When your computation for the
NTCS contains a decimal number, round the
a . This is the length of the side of a cone computation to the next higher whole number.
formed by the bevel gear.
b. This radius is used extensively in
calculations. Chordal Addendum
cIn the triangle shown in figure 2-13,
. and Chordal Thickness
view D, the hypotenuse is the pitch cone radius
and the side opposite the pitch cone angle ( /PC) In order for you to measure a manufactured
is equal to one-half the pitch diameter (0.5 PD). gear tooth accurately, you must first know the
d. By using our knowledge of trigo- chordal addendum and the chordal thickness.
nometry, we can obtain the PCR by using These dimensions are used to measure the size of
the cosec of /PC and one-half the pitch the gear tooth.
diameter. PCR = cosec /PC x 0.5 PD.
Chordal addendum (corrected addendum)
13. Pitch cone radius small (PCR5 ) Pitch a c the distance from the top of a gear tooth to
cone radius small is the difference between the chord across the gear tooth at the pitch circle
The procedure for solving the chordal
thickness of the large tooth of a bevel gear is the
same as that for a spur gear.

Chordal thickness (t c ) (large tooth) = Constant

You can determine the chordal addendum
(corrected addendum) a c small and the chordal
thickness of the small tooth by simply multiply-
ing the value of the large tooth by the proportional
tooth factor (PTF).
Backlash Allowance of a Bevel Gear

As you have learned for spur gearing, backlash

isthe amount (measured by a device) by which
the width of a gear tooth space, when two gears
CH. TH. = 2W are meshed together, exceeds the thickness of the
engaging tooth on the pitch circles.
CIRCLE) Theoretically, gear teeth when meshed should
run without appreciable backlash. However, this
is impossible because of manufacturing tolerances

of the gears. Space must be provided between the

gear teeth for lubrication and for expansion due
to temperature changes at high speeds.
C.ADD = ADD + Y Just as with helical gearing, a certain amount
of freedom between the gear teeth is required so
PITCH CIRCLE) they will not bind when the gears turn. Table 2-3B
VIEW B shows the recommended backlash allowance
corresponding the gear's diametral pitch (DP).
Figure 2-14. Formulas for calculating chordal thickness. To determine the chordal thickness with
backlash at the large end of the tooth, use the
following formula:
(fig. 2-14, view A). This is the point at which the
chordal thickness is measured. Constant 1 , , , ,
Chordal thickness backlash allowance
jgp 2
Chordal thickness of a gear tooth (t c ) the
distance in a straight line (chord) from one side
of the tooth to the other side at the points where NOTE: Obtain the constant from table 2-3B.
the pitch circle passes through the gear tooth (fig.
2-14, view A).
To determine the corrected working depth
(WD) with backlash at the large end of the tooth,
The methods for calculating the chordal use the following formula:
addendum and the chordal thickness are as
DP + (2 x backlash allowance)
You can calculate thedimensions by using the
formulas shown in figure 2-14, view B. However,
you can also secure tables (table 2-3B) to make SELECTING A BEVEL GEAR CUTTER
bevel gear calculations. Simply substitute the
constant into the following formula: To cut bevel gears on the milling machine, you
must use special form relieved cutters. These
Chordal addendum Constant x cos
__ /PC + I cutters are similar in appearance and size to those
(a c ) (large tooth) used to cut spur gears, but are made with thinner
teeth. Bevel gear cutters are made to cut gears
NOTE: Obtain the constant from table 2-3B. having a face width not greater than one-third nor
lessthan one-eighth of the distance from the back
of the gear to the apex of the cone.
The contour of the cutter teeth is made for CUTTER
the large end of the gear. The tooth shape at any
other section, then, is only an approximation of
the current form for that section. However, it is
possible to approximate the dimensions and form
of the teeth with sufficient accuracy to meet the
repair needs aboard ship.
To obtain the best results in milling bevel gear
teeth, you should select a cutter not for the
actual number of teeth in the bevel gear, but for
the number of teeth in an imaginary spur gear.
This imaginary spur gear has an entirely different
diameter than the actual bevel gear.
To determine the number of teeth in the GEAR
imaginary spur gear, multiply the number of teeth BLANK
in the actual gear by the secant of the pitch cone
angle. That is:


NTCS = number of teeth of the imaginary spur

gear 126.21X
NT = number of teeth in the actual bevel gear
Bevel gear set to the cutting angle by
Figure 2-15.
XPC = pitch cone angle swiveling the dividing head in the vertical plane.

Suppose you plan to cut a bevel gear having

30 teeth and a 45 pitch cone angle. Using the
Milling the bevel gear teeth involves three
NTCS formula, you will find the imaginary spur distinct operations. The teeth are first gashed
gear to have 43 teeth. into the gear blank, and then each side of the teeth
is milled to obtain the correct tooth thickness.
NTCS = NT x Sec
In the first operation, center the blank on the
= 30 x Sec
selected cutter, which you have mounted on the
= 30 x 1.4142 machine arbor. Then bring the milling
= 42.4260 or machine table up to cut the whole depth you
= 43 determined for the large end of the gear. After
you cut the first tooth, index the gear blank in
Therefore, by using a standard chart, you can the same manner as you would to cut a spur gear,
determine the proper cutter for this gear to be a and gash the remaining teeth.
number 3 cutter having a 6 diametral pitch. In the second and third operations, mill the
sides of the teeth that were formed in the gashing
When you prepare to cut a bevel gear,
Mount the gear blank in the dividing head with remember that the only machine available to you
the larger end of the blank toward the dividing is the milling machine. Therefore, you must take

head. Set the gear blank to the cutting angle by steps likeoffsetting the cutter (moving the
swiveling the dividing head in the vertical plane milling machine table a calculated amount) and
(fig. 2-15). To determine the cutting angle, rolling the gear blank to cut the correct profile
subtract the dedendum angle from the pitch cone on the gear tooth. This section of the chapter will
angle. The cutting angle is not the same angle as provide you information necessary to calculate the
the one to which the gear blank was machined in amount of offset in inches and the roll of the gear
the lathe. blank in degrees.
AXIS OF 57.3 = constant (degrees per radian)
THE CUTTER CTLC = tooth thickness (cutter), large end
CTSC = tooth thickness (cutter) small end
CP = circular pitch
PD = pitch diameter
PCR = pitch cord radius
FW = width
IN THIS and the roll is expressed in degrees.

To accomplish the roll, you must know the

amount of index crank movement. The follow-
ing formula was developed to aid you in
BEVEL GEAR determining the amount of index crank



Figure 2-16. Rolling and offsetting a bevel gear. NHR = number of holes to roll
CR = calculated roll in degrees
NHC = number of holes circle to index properly
OFFSETTING THE CUTTER 9 (express in degrees one turn of the
index crank)
One way to produce the correct tooth profile
isby offsetting the cutter. Offset the cutter by Use the largest hole circle available when
moving it from the axis of the gear blank a selecting your number of hole circles because the
calculated distance, as shown in figure 2-16, view largest hole circle has less arc between holes.
A. Determine the distance to move the cutter by After you have milled the bevel gear teeth
using the following formula: completely, measure the tooth thickness of the
pitch line of both the large and the small ends of
Offs e, = CTLC - CTSC the gear. These measurements should be equal to
xFWR the dimensions you previously determined in
your basic calculation. If they are not, check the
setup and your calculations to identify your
CTLC = Tooth thickness, large end Remember, you cannot machine a perfect
CTSC = Tooth thickness, small end As you learned
bevel gear in a milling machine.
FWR = Face width ratio

After you have offset the gear blank, roll it
back to the waterline of the small end of the tooth INVOLUTE TOOTH FORM
by turning the index crank (fig. 2-16, view B). The MADE BY PROFILING
roll is always in the opposite direction of the
offset. Determine the amount of roll by using the
following formula:

Ron = 5L3 TCP _

PD I 2 FW Figure 2-17. Profiling a bevel gear.

mis type " ,

"endless screw," with the worm being

the driver
and the worm gear being driven. Figure
identifies the parts of a worm
and a worm wheel.


The following are terms and formulas you
need to use when you plan and manufacture
worm and a worm wheel.
1. Linear pitch (LP)

a. The distance from a point

on one thread
next thread.
to a corresponding point on the


Figure 2-18. Worm and worm gear.

cutter's contour
earlier, you only use part of the
when you machine the small end of the tooth. So,
to finish the bevel
gear teeth properly you must
2-17. This
file the contour as illustrated in figure
is known to a Machinery Repairman as profiling
the gear.
To file a tooth, start at the top of the large
end of the tooth and gradually work
to the pitch

line at the small end of the tooth.

the gear is
After you have determined that
touch by
properly formed, give the gear a final
deburring it.


A worm gear, sometimes called a wormthe
isa gear having teeth cut at an angle to
The teeth
of rotation and radially in the gear face.
on the worm gear are helical and
conform to the
helix angle of the teeth on the
for heavy-duty work WPO -

Wormgears are used DEDn - DEDENDUM

where a large reduction of speed is required. They ADOn - ADDENDUM
are used extensively in speed reducers.
TR -

A worm, sometimes called a worm thread, WORM PITCH RADIUS



resembles an Acme thread. Worms
can be either
a shaft. Both
solid or cylinder-type mounted on WOD WORM WHEEL OUTSIDE DIAMETER

are installed perpendicularly to the

(fig. 2-18).
Worms may have single, double, or
triple threads. One
revolution of a worm having
a single thread turns the circumference of the worm and worm gear.
Figure 2-19. Parts of a
worm gear an amount equal to the distance

a. The distance traveled by a thread

during one complete revolution of the worm c. The number of starts multiplied by the
around its axis. linear pitch equals the lead.
b. The lead and the linear pitch are
the same on a single-start worm. On a double-start No. of S x LP = Lead



Figure 2-20. Development of lead angle and linear pitch (normal).

d. The lead is needed to determine the b. By using this theory, we can derive the
proper gear train ratio for setting the table travel following formulas:
on the milling machine and to perform work on
the lathe machine.
(1) WWPC D (real)

3. Lead angle (/L)

NT x CP or (LP)
a. The angle formed by the thread
= LPx 0.3183 x NT
and a line drawn at a right angle to the axis of
the worm.
(2) ADD (real)
= LP x 0.3183

b. Can be obtained by dividing the 7.Throat diameter

lead into the worm's pitch circle. The result a. Obtained by adding the worm wheel
is the cotangent of the lead angle (fig. 2-20, pitch diameter and twice the addendum normal.
view A).
WWPD + 2 ADD rt
= Throat diameter

Therefore: COT /i = WPC

Lead b. Measured at the base of the throat

4. Tooth dimensions 8. Rim diameter

a. Linear pitch normal (LPN)
a. single- and double-start worms,
the rim diameter can be obtained by multiplying
(1) Measurement of the thread (tooth)
a right angle to its face. the linear pitch by the constant 0.4775 and
(2) Can be obtained by multiplying the
adding the result of the throat diameter.
linear pitch by the cosine of the lead angle = (LP x 0.4775)
Rim diameter
(fig. 2-20, view B).
+ Throat diameter
LPN = LP x COS b. For 3 or more starts, the rim diameter
can be obtained by multiplying the linear pitch
(3) The tooth parts in worm gearing are by the constant 0.3183 and adding the result to
the same as in spur gearing. the throat diameter.
b. The following formulas are used to
solve for all normal tooth dimensions. Rim diameter = (LP x 0.3183)
+ Throat diameter
Addendum normal LPN x 0.3183
Clearance normal LPNx 0.0637 or 9.Throat radius
ADD n x 0.2 a. Obtained by subtracting one adden-
Dedendum normal LPN x 0.382 dum (normal) from the pitch radius of the worm.
Whole depth normal LPN x 0.7
Circular thickness normal LPN x 0.5 Throat radius = pitch diameter (worm)
- 1 ADD M
NOTE: All worm tooth constants are derived
b. This dimension is taken from the
from a worm having a 1-inch linear pitch.
worm but is machined on the worm wheel blank.
10. Blank width
5. Length of the worm (LOW)
a. For single- and double-start worms,
a. Obtained by using the following
the blank width can be obtained by multiplying
the linear pitch by the constant 2.38 and adding
the result to the constant 0.250.
LOW = [(NT x 0.02) + 4.5] x LP
Blank width = (LP x 2.38) + 0.250
b. The worm is longer than is required to
obtain complete meshing between the worm and b. For 3 and more starts, the blank width
the worm wheel. can be obtained by multiplying the linear pitch
6. Worm wheel pitch diameter (WWPD)
by the constant 2.15 and adding the result to the
a. You learned in spur gearing that for constant 0.20.
every tooth in the gear there is a circular pitch on
the pitch circle, and for every tooth on the gear Blank width (for 3 or more starts)
= T P* 7 i * 4. n 9n
worm. 1 ne linear piicn ana tne circular pitcn are

of equal value. As you swivel the cutter to a predeterrr

angle to cut the calculated throat ra
12. Number of teeth (NT) The number of you will form a right triangle (fig. 2
worm gearing is obtained by multiplying
teeth in By using this triangle, you can obtain the de
the number of starts by the ratio of the worm to radius.
the worm wheel.
Desired radius = Cutter radius x cosec
Number of teeth (NT) = No. of starts
x ratio of the worm to the worm wheel. Where:

= Angle at which the throat radi


To determine the depth of cut, subtract the tl

When you machine the throat radius of a diameter from the rim diameter and divide by
worm wheel, select a two or four lip end mill with
a radius smaller than the calculated throat radius, Depth of cut = Rim diameter - Throat diai
because as the cutter is swiveled from its vertical





Figure 2-21. Formulation of desired radius.

CENTER-TO-CENTER DISTANCE hob and to the number of teeth in the worm
in the
(WORM AND WORM WHEEL) Try to avoid a common factor between the
number of threads and the number of gashes. For
As with other systems of gearing that you have example, if the worm is a double-thread worm,
previously studied, worm gearing is designed to the number of gashes should be 7 or 9 rather than
transfer motion between two planes at a fix ratio. 8. If the worm is a triple-thread worm, select 7
The majority of spur and have
helical gears or 11 gashes rather than 6 or 9, as both 6 and 9
adjustments for the center-to-center distance and have a factor in common with 3.
for backlash. In worm gearing, the center-to- It is also best to avoid having a common

center distance between the worm (driven) is of factor between the number of threads in the hob
prime importance since worm gearing systems are and the number of teeth in the worm gear. For
designed to transfer as much power as possible example, if the number of teeth is 28, a triple
in the smallest practical space. thread would be satisfactory since 3 is not a
This section of the chapter will provide you factor of 28.
with information necessary to manufacture a The cutter you select for gashing the hob
worm and a worm wheel using the center-to-center should be 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick at the periphery,
distance and the ratio between the worm (driver) depending on the pitch of the hob thread. The
and the worm wheel (driven). width of the gash at the periphery of the hob
To obtain the center-to-center distance of a should be about 0.4 times the pitch of the flutes.
worm and worm wheel, add the worm
a pitch The depth of the gash should be about 3/16 to
radius and the worm wheel pitch radius. 1/4 inch below the root of the thread.

C-C = WPR + WWPR, or

C-C = WPD + WWPD Types of Hobs

The three types of hobs are as follows:


1 . Shell has a straight bore with a keyway
A hob isa cylindrical worm converted into a to hold the arbor that drives the hob.
2. Straight shank is the integral part of the
cutting tool. Hobs resemble worms in appearance
and are ideal for cutting a worm wheel. The hob's shaft. It is used between centers.
teeth are cut on the outside of a cylinder Tapered shankhas a milling machine

following a helical path corresponding to the taper (Brown and Sharpe). The outside end is
thread line of a worm. The cutting edges of the supported by either a line or a dead center.
hob are formed when flutes are cut into the worm.
For small lead angles, flutes are cut parallel to
the axis; while for large lead angles (6 and Hob Nomenclature
above), flutes are cut helically at a right angle to
the thread line of the worm. Since the hob is a cutting tool, the top of
As a general the tooth on the hob is a dedendum. The bottom
rule, there should not be a
common factor between the number of starts and of the hob tooth forms the top of the worm wheel
tooth and must be provided with a clearance.
the number of flutes. Even numbers of starts (6,
8, or 10) should have odd number of flutes (7 or Therefore, it also equals a dedendum of the gear

you are cutting. The working depth of the hob
You can usually find the approximate number (cutting portion) is the addendum plus the
of gashes (flutes) by multiplying the diameter of dedendum of the gear you are cutting.
the hob by 3 and dividing this product
The following nomenclature of the hob is the
by twice
the linear pitch. same as that of the worm:
Chorda! thickness (normal), linear pitch, lead,
3 x hob's OP pressure angle, and the pitch diameter. The
Number of flutes = outside diameter of the hob has two clearances,
and both are larger than the worm's outside
There are, however, certain modifications that diameter:
you may have to make. The number of gashes
Hobs can be ordered through the supply the gashed slots. When you start the machine,
system or bought commercially, as well as made the rotating hob will rotate the gear blank.
by a machinist. If you order a hob, furnish As the hob and gear blank rotate, raise the
drawings or blueprints of both the worm and the table gradually until the teeth are cut to the
worm wheel and any information such as bore size correct depth. Use the worm to be used with
for the shell type hob in order to get the right hob. the worm gear to obtain the correct center-
to-center distance beforeyou remove the worm
CUTTING WORM WHEEL TEETH gear from the milling machine.
The teeth of a worm gear may be cut on a STUB TOOTH GEARS
milling machine. Usually, two operations are
necessary. The first is called gashing the teeth Stub tooth gears are widely used throughout
(fig. an involute spur-gear
2-22, view A). Seat the automotive industry in transmissions because
and number according
cutter of the correct pitch their great strength enables them to transmit
to the number of teeth and pitch of the worm maximum power. Cranes and rock crushers are
gear. The gashing operation requires that the examples of high-torque equipment that use stub
milling machine table be set at an angle equal to tooth gears. This type of gear has a 20-degree
the lead or helix angle of the worm thread. Be sure pressure angle and is short and thick. A
stub tooth
to center the gear blank under the cutter. Perform gear compared to other gears has a shorter
the gashing operation by raising the table a addendum (ADD). This results in a stronger
distance equal to the whole depth of the tooth. tooth, but causes the gears to operate with more
You can obtain uniformity of depth for each tooth noise.
by using the graduated vertical feed dial. Index Stub tooth gears come in two forms. One form
each tooth, using the dividing head with a dog has straight teeth, like spur gears. The other form
clamped to the mandrel to drive the gear blank. has teeth similar to those on helical gears. Gears
The second operation for finishing the gear with helically shaped teeth are used when smooth
teeth is called hobbing (fig.2-22, view B). First, operation is required.

mount the hob on a cutter arbor. Then The basic rule you should learn for spur,
set the table back to zero, or at a right helical, and bevel gears is that the statement "for
angle to the machine spindle. Remove the every tooth on the gear, there is a circular pitch
dog so the gear blank can rotate freely. Line (CP) on the pitch circle" also applies to stub tooth
up the gear blank so the hob meshes with gearing systems.

TTiftliro *>_'>'> Vlilli
We will discuss three stub tooth gearing 8. To get the circular thickness, divide 1.5708

systems: The American Standard System, the by the diametral pitch (DP).
Fellows Stub Tooth Gears System, and the
Nuttals Stub Tooth System. 1.5708
This system bases tooth dimensions on specific FELLOWS STUB TOOTH GEARS
This system was introduced by the Fellows
1. The tooth depth or whole depth (WD) Stub Tooth Gear Company. The system uses a
equals 1.8 divided by the diametral pitch (DP). 20-degree pressure angle and is based on the use
of two diametral pitches (DP). In the formulas
1.8 we will use, the numerator (DPL) the circular
WD =

measurement, which consists of the pitch diameter

(PD) and the number of teeth (NT). The
2. To find the outside diameter (OD), add 1.6 denominator (DPS) is the radial measurement.
to the number of teeth and then divide by the
diametral pitch (DP). There are eight standard pitches in this system.

They are 4/5, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 9/11, 10/12,

OD NT + 1.6 and 12/14.

The formulas for the basic dimensions are as
3. To find the addendum, divide 0.8 by the follows:
diametral pitch.

1. Addendum (ADD) =
ADD = 08
2. Outside diameter (OD) = NT +
rT 2
4. To find the clearance, divide 0.2 by the
diameter pitch.

3. Whole depth (WD) =

4. Clearance (CL) = WD - 2 ADD
5. When the addendum (ADD) is added to the
clearance (CL) the result is the dedendum (DED). 5. Dedendum (DED) = ADD + CL

DED = ADD + CL 6. Circular pitch (CP) =

6. All circular measurements a stub of
tooth gear, including the number of teeth 1.5708
7. Circular thickness =
and the pitch diameter, are the same as those of DPL
a spur gear. To obtain the pitch diameter,
simply divide the number of teeth (NT) by the 8. Number of teeth (NT) = DPL x PD
diametral pitch (DP).
9. Diametral pitch

9. a. TPL =
00 -
7. To get the circular pitch (CP), divide n
(3.1416) by the diametral pitch (DP).
b. DPS =
Remember, all radial teeth dimensions are
based on circular pitch (CP) times a constant.
Side X = Root radius x Cos /UP
1. ADD =
0.250 xCP
2. DED =
0.300 x CP To determine the depth increase, subtract
3. CL = 0.050 x CP side x from the root radius: Depth increase
4. WD
= 0.550 x CP = Root radius - Side X. The cutting procedure
is as follows:
On the other hand, circular measurements are
derived using standard spur or helical gear 1. Center the cutter on the gear blank.
formulas, i.e., PD, NT, CP, and CT. 2. Offset the calculated setover away from the
column. The direction of the offset is optional.

5. Outside diameter (OD) = PD + 2 ADD 3. Move the cutter down to the whole depth

= of the tooth, plus the calculated amount of depth

6. Diameter pitch (DP)
increase in increments to suit the machine and the
setup. Cut the teeth all the way around the blank
until one side of the tooth is complete.
METHOD OF MANUFACTURE 4. Move the cutter back to the center line and
offset toward the column face the calculated
The procedure for manufacturing a straight amount of setover. Cut to the full depth of the
or helical stub tooth gear is the same as that for tooth plus the amount of depth increase. At this
spur and helical gearing when you use a stub tooth time, your stub tooth gear is ready to be
gear cutter that is bought commercially. Fly deburred.
cutting is one method for cutting the gear. When
you use this method, grind a single-point tool bit
to the desired shape by using the old gear as a
pattern. SPLINES

A properly fitted gear must have a setover and A splined

shaft has a series of parallel keys
a depth increase, which you should calculate after formed integrally with the shaft that mate with
you have selected a cutter. The only way to select corresponding grooves cut in a hub or fitting; this
a cutter is by sight. Obtain a large selection of is in contrast to a hub or fitting having a series
bevel gear cutters. Then match a bevel gear of keys or feathers fitted into slots cut into the
cutter to the side of a good tooth. shaft. This latter construction weakens the shaft
to a considerable degree because of the slots cut
To find the amount of setover, first establish into it and, as a consequence, reduces its torque-
the circular pitch angle (/&P). One circular pitch transmitting capacity.
equals 360. Therefore, dividing 360 (one
circular pitch) by the number of teeth (NT) will Splined shafts are most generally used in three
give you the circular pitch angle {/&) You can types of applications: (1) for coupling shafts when
solve for the amount of setover by using the relatively heavy torques are to be transmitted
triangle in figure 2-23, view A. without slippage; (2) for transmitting power to
sliding or permanently fixed gears, pulleys, and
Setover = Root radius x Tan /CP other rotating members; and (3) for attaching
parts that may require removal for indexing or
Where the root radius is the outside diameter (OD) change in angular position.
divided by 2 minus the whole depth (WD).
Splines having straight-sided teeth have been

Root radius = ~ - WD used in many applications; however, the use of

splines with involute teeth has increased steadily.
Splines with involute teeth are becoming more
To find the amount of depth increase set up popular because (1) involute spline couplings have
the triangle shown in figure 2-23, view B. In this greater torque-transmitting capacity than any





Figure 2-23. Development of set-over and depth increase.

other type; (2) they can be produced by the same TOOTH NUMBERS
techniques and equipment used to cut gears; and
(3) they have a self-centering action under load, The American National Standard covers
even when there is backlash between mating involute splines having tooth numbers ranging
members. from 6 to 60 with a 30 or 37.5-degree pressure
angle and from 6 to 100 with a 45-degree pressure
These splines or multiple keys are similar angle. In selecting the number of teeth for a given
in form to internal and external involute spline application, keep in mind that there are no
gears. The general practice is to form external advantages to be gained by using odd numbers
splines by hobbing, rolling, or on a gear of teeth and that the diameters of splines with odd
shaper, and internal splines either by broach- tooth numbers, particularly internal splines, are
ing or on a vertical shaper. The internal troublesome to measure with pins since no two
spline is held to basic dimensions, and the spaces are diametrically opposite each other.
external spline is varied to control the fit.

Involute splines have maximum strength at

the base; they can be accurately spaced and SPROCKETS
are self-centering, thus equalizing the bearing
and stresses; and they can be measured and Webster's dictionary defines a sprocket wheel
fitted accurately. as "a wheel with cogs or sprockets to engage with

sprockets is a matter of drive application
judgment. The usual moderate to slow speed
commercial drive is adequately served by
TYPE A - PLAIN PLATE commercial sprockets. Where a combination of
extremely high speed and high load is involved,
or where the drive involves fixed centers, critical
timing, or register problems, or close clearance
with outside interference, the use of precision
TYPE B - HUB ON ONE SIDE ONLY sprockets may be more appropriate.


For large sprockets, cast iron is commonly
used, especially in drives with large speed ratios,
since the teeth of the larger sprockets are subjected
to fewer chain engagements in a given time. For
severe service, cast steel or steel plate is preferred.
The smaller sprockets of a drive are usually
made of steel. With this material, the body of the
sprocket can be heat-treated to produce toughness
for shock resistance, and the tooth surfaces can
be hardened to resist wear.
126.115X Stainless steel or bronze may be used
Figure 2-24. Types of sprockets. for corrosion resistance, and formica, nylon,
or other suitable plastic materials for special
the links of a chain." Most sprockets are
of one of the four types shown in figure 2-24. MANUFACTURE OF SPROCKETS
The following is a discussion of the classes
and the manufacture of sprocket wheels (simply Cast sprockets have cut teeth, and the rim, hub
referred to as sprockets). Should you desire face, and bore are machined. The smaller
a more in-depth study of sprockets, refer to sprockets are generally cut from steel bar stock
ANSI B29.1 (American National Standard) and and are finished all over. Sprockets are often
to Machinery's Handbook. made from forgings or forged bars. The
extent of finishing depends on the particular
CLASSES OF SPROCKETS specifications that are applicable. Many sprockets
are made by welding a steel hub to a steel plate.
The ANSI B29.1 (American National Stand- This process produces a one-piece sprocket of
ard) provides two classes of sprockets, commercial desired proportions and one that can be heat-
and precision. The use of commercial or precision treated.

Grinding inspections are conducted for two Burn marks can be removed from the surface
primary purposes: (1) to identify injury to ground of a part; however, this does not remove the
surfaces and (2) to evaluate surface finishes. You effects of the burn. If, after removing burn marks,
as a machinist, must know the surface finish you apply a solution of nital (nitric acid and ethyl
symbols used in grinding, you will also have to alcohol) to the area of the burn, the surface of
interpret the surface
quality specifications the burned area will darken. This experiment
indicated on drawings and blueprints. General shows that removal of the burn marks will not
information on grinding wheels, grinding eliminate the effects of the burn on the temper
machines, and the principles of grinding opera- of the material.
tions are provided in Machinery Repairman 3 &
2, NAVEDTRA 10530. Mild burning that does not penetrate deeply
As an MR1, you be required to inspect,
will usually does no real harm. Even on tool bits or
or to supervise the performance of, grinding or cutters, a slight discoloration may not affect the
grinding-related operations. These operations tool's life or its cutting efficiency. No specific rules
include the repair of valves in place, miscellaneous are written concerning whether or not a burn is
portable grinding, and various inspections for harmful. Therefore, to eliminate the possibility
detecting injuries to ground surfaces. of injury from burning, select the correct wheel
for the job, keep it sharp and free-cutting, avoid
too severe a grinding action, and where possible,
INJURY TO GROUND SURFACES use a cutting fluid to carry off heat generated
during grinding.
A metal surface may be injured during the
grinding operation in several ways; it may be
cracked, burned, or left in a highly stressed GRINDING CRACKS
condition. There are other undesirable effects that
may result from grinding; however, they are not A less common, but generally much more
necessarily injurious. Effects of grinding are serious, form of injury encountered in grinding
injurious only if they render a piece useless or if operations is cracking. A
very slight crack, upon
they shorten the useful life of the piece. being subjected to the high pressures generated
during operating conditions, may enlarge and
SURFACE BURNS become an extremely weak area; so you must
avoid causing even the smallest cracks.
The most common injury to a ground surface
isburning. Burn marks are an indication that high Not all cracks found in a ground surface are
surface temperatures were reached during the a result of the grinding operation. Some of these
grinding operation. This may leave the surface of cracks may be the result of heat treatment. These
the piece in a highly stressed condition that could heat treatment cracks are usually long and deep.
result in failure of the piece during service. Generally, grinding cracks (or checks) are short
Hardened steel tools, such as milling cutters or and shallow. Their pattern is similar to the
tool bits, may soften due to burning, resulting in pattern of the grain marks left by the grinding
tool failure or premature dulling of the cutting wheel. You should attempt to find heat treatment
edge. Severe burning may also cause softening and cracks prior to the grinding operation. You can
almost simultaneous re-hardening, resulting in an do this by using the methods described later in
extremely hard and brittle surface. this chapter.

In themajority of applications, surface CURRENT
stresses have no effect on the life or the usefulness
of a ground part. There are, however, some
instances where surface stress may cause the part
to fail prematurely or where it might cause cracks OF PIPE
to develop because of the stressed condition. You CIRCULAR MAGNETIC
can lessen the possibility of surface stress LINES OF FORCE DEFECT
considerably by using the correct wheel and by
avoiding too severe a grinding action.

There are a number of nondestructive
inspection tests that may be used in detecting
cracks in metal. These tests include visual
inspection, magnetic particle inspection, and
liquid penetrant inspection. Some of these tests
and inspections are used throughout the Navy.
Note, however, that for all critical work, final
acceptance or rejection should only be made by
a qualified nondestructive inspector, if one is


Figure 3-1. Circular magnetization- -prod method.

Visual inspection is useful for detecting large
cracks only. Even with the use of a powerful
magnifying glass there may be cracks that In order for a defect to show up as a disturbance
cannot be detected, even by an experienced in the patterns of the iron particles, the direction
inspector. If, during visual inspection, you find of the magnetic field must be nearly at a right
any imperfections that may be cracks, you should angle to the major axis of the defect. Since the
follow up with one of the more positive methods orientation of the defect is unknown, different
of detecting injuries. Two of these methods are current directions must be used during the test.
the magnetic particle inspection and the liquid When an electric currentflows in a straight line
penetrant inspection. from one contact point to the other (fig. 3-1, view
A), magnetic lines of force are formed in a
MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION circular direction. This circular magnetism is
used to locate lengthwise cracks. When the
Magnetic particle inspection can be used to current flow is through a coil around the test piece
detect weld defects in metals or alloys in which (fig. 3-2, view A), longitudinal magnetic lines of
magnetism can be induced. While the test piece force are induced through the test piece to locate
is magnetized, finely divided iron powder is transverse cracks.
applied to it. As long as the magnetic field is not In general, magnetic particle inspection is
disturbed, the iron particles will form a regular satisfactory for detecting surface cracks and
pattern on the surface of the test piece. If the cracks that are not more than 1/4 inch below the
magnetic field is disturbed by a crack or some surface.
other defect in the metal, the pattern is interrupted The type of magnetic particle inspection unit
and the particles cluster around the defect. most commonly used in the Navy is the portable
The test piece may be magnetized either by unit shown in figures 3-1 and 3-2. It is a high-
having an electric current pass through it (fig. 3-1), amperage, low-voltage unit having a maximum
or by having an electric current pass through a magnetizing current output of 1000 amperes,
coil of wire that surrounds the test piece (fig. 3-2). either alternating or direct current. It is ready to

The unit can be used in either of two ways:
(1) with prods, attached to the flexible cable,
used as contacts through which current is passed
into and out of a portion of the test piece,
setting up circular magnetization between the prod
contact points, or (2) with flexible cable wrapped
SECTION around the work to form a coil which induces
longitudinal magnetism in the part of the
CURRENT workpiece that is surrounded by the coiled cable.
INDICATION OF DEFECT Although either of these two methods may be
used, the prod test is usually easier to apply. In
most instances, it effectively serves to detect
surface defects. With the prods, however, only
a relatively small area of the test piece can be
magnetized at any one time. This magnetized area
is limited to the distance between prod contact

points and to a few inches on each side of the

current path. To check the entire surface, it is
necessary to successively test adjacent areas by
changing the location of the prod contact points
after a given area has been tested. Each area of
the test piece must be inspected twice once with
the current passing through the metal in one
direction and once with the current passing
through the metal in a direction at right angles
to the direction of the first test. One of the
18.80.2 advantages of the prod method of magnetic
Figure 3-2. Longitudinal magnetization coil method. particle inspection is that the current can be
easily passed through the metal in any desired
direction. Thus, if a given area is suspected of
operate when it is plugged into the voltage being defective, magnetic fields of various
supply specified by the manufacturer. The orientations can be established during the test.
unit consists of a magnetizing current source, To use the prod method, adjust the unit for
controls, indicating meters, three 10-foot lengths a current output suitable for the particular metal
of flexible cable for carrying the current to the you wish to test. The amperage setting depends
and a prod kit. The prod kit includes
test piece, on the distance between prod contact points. If
an insulated prod grip fitted with an ON-OFF you use the prod kit supplied with the unit, set
relay or current control switch, a pair of heavy the space between the prod contact points at 4 to
copper contact prods, and two 5-foot lengths of 6 inches. For this space, select a current setting
flexible cable. Cable fittings are designed so that between 300 and 400 amperes if the material you
either end of any cable may be fitted to the unit, will test is less than 3/4 inch thick. If the material
to the prods, or to any other cable. The unit has is 3/4 inch thick or greater, use 400 to 600

three outlets on the front panel for the operator amperes. To obtain the same magnetic field force,
to use in selecting either alternating current or less amperage is required if the prod contact points
direct current. The outlet on the left is labeled are closer together. With prods constantly at the
A.C., the center is COMMON,and the right is same spacing, a greater amperage will induce a
D.C. One cable will always be plugged into the stronger field.
COMMON outlet, with the other cable plugged After adjusting the unit, place the prods in
into the A.C. or D.C. outlet, as required. For position. Hold them in firm contact with the metal
most work, alternating current magnetization and turn on the current. Then, apply magnetic
effectively locates fatigue cracks and similar particles to the test area with the duster bulb and
subsurface defects extending to the surface. observe any indicator patterns. With the current
When more sensitive inspection is required still on, remove the excess particles from the test
to detect defects below the surface, direct area with a blower bulb and complete the
current is used. inspection. Do not move the prods until after the
the current to arc, resulting in a flash similar to when been used to induce the
direct current has
that occurring in arc welding. magnetic field. not as necessary when
It is

Through the use of magnetic particle inspec- alternating current has been used in the test. In
tion, hairline cracks that are otherwise invisible fact, the usual demagnetization procedure
are readily detected, since the particles form an involves placing the workpiece in an ac coil or
unmistakable outline of the defect. Large voids solenoid and slowly withdrawing it while the
beneath the surface are more easily detected than current passes through the coil.
small voids, but any defect below the surface is Demagnetization can be done with the
more difficult to detect than one that extends to portable unit, ifa special demagnetizer is not
the surface. Since false indications occur available. To demagnetize with the portable unit,
frequently, you must be able to accurately inter- form a coil or flexible cable around the workpiece.
pret the particle indications you observe. Be sure the cable is plugged into the unit's A.C.
Factors that can help you interpret the test outlet. Set the current regulator to deliver a
results include the amount of magnetizing current current identical to that used for the inspection,
applied, the shape of the indication, the sharp- and turn on the unit. Then gradually decrease the
ness of the outline, the width of the pattern, and amperage until the ammeter indicates zero. If the
the height or buildup of the particles. Although piece is large, it may be necessary to demagnetize
these characteristics do not determine the a small portion of the work at a time.
seriousness of the indication, they can help you You may check for the presence of a magnetic
identify the kind of defect indicated. field(and thus the need for demagnetization) by
The indication of a crack is a sharp, well- using a small compass. A
deviation of the needle
defined pattern of magnetic particles having a from its normal position when the compass is held
definite buildup. This indication is produced by near the workpiece is an indication that a magnetic
a relatively low magnetizing current. Seams are field is present.
revealed by a straight, sharp, fine indication. The
buildup of particles is relatively weak, and the LIQUID PENETRANT INSPECTION
magnetizing current must be higher than that
required to detect cracks. Small porosity and Liquid penetrant inspection is used to inspect
rounded indications or similar defects are difficult metals for surface defects similar to those revealed
for the inexperienced inspector to detect. A high by magnetic particle inspection. Unlike magnetic
magnetizing current continuously applied is particle inspection, which can reveal subsurface
usually required. The particle patterns for these defects, liquid penetrant inspection reveals only
defects are fuzzy in outline and have a medium those defects that are open to the surface. In
buildup. general, the only metals that are inspected by
Whether or not an indicated defect is to be liquid penetrant methods are nonferrous metals
chipped or ground out and repaired by welding and nonmagnetic steels.
depends on the specifications governing the job. Four groups of liquid penetrants are used.
Surface cracks are always removed and repaired. Group I consists of nonwater-washable dye
You should evaluate all indications of subsurface penetrants. Group II consists of water-washable
defects detected by magnetic particle inspection. dye penetrants. Groups and IV consist of
If you believe the indication is positive, it is usually fluorescent Always follow the
best to grind or chip down to solid metal and appropriate MIL-STD-271 document whenever
make the repair. Until you have had considerable you perform liquid penetrant tests. Follow the
experience and can differentiate accurately directions prescribed for each penetrant carefully,
between true and false indications, you should since there are some differences in procedure and
restrict your application of magnetic particle some differences in safety precautions associated
inspection to the detection of surface defects. For with the various penetrants.
this application,
magnetic particle inspection is Before using a liquid penetrant to inspect a
almost foolproof. weld, remove all slag from the surface. Except
After indicated defects have been repaired, where a specific finish is required, it is not
reinspect the areas to ensure that the repair is necessary to grind the weld surface as long as the
sound. The final step in magnetic particle inspec- weld surface meets applicable specifications and
tion is to demagnetize the workpiece. This is as long as the weld contour blends into the base
especially important when the workpiece is made metals without undercutting. If a specific finish

is required, you MAY
make a liquid penetrant After keeping the surface wet with the
inspection before the surface is finished to detect penetrant for the required length of time, remove
defects that extend beyond the final dimensions; the excess penetrant from the surface with a clean,
but you MUST make a final liquid penetrant dry cloth or absorbent paper towel. Then, dampen
inspection AFTER the surface is finished. a clean, lint-free cloth or absorbent paper towel
Before using a liquid penetrant, clean the with penetrant remover and wipe the remaining
surface of the material including areas adjacent excess penetrant from the test surface. Dry the
to the inspection area very carefully. You can test surfaces after removing the excess penetrant
clean the surface by swabbing it with a clean, lint- only by normal evaporation or with the clean, lint-
free cloth saturated in a nonvolatile solvent, or free cloth or absorbent paper towel mentioned
by dipping the entire piece into a solvent. After above. In drying the surface, be very careful to
you have cleaned the surface, remove all traces avoid contaminating the surface with oil, lint,
of the cleaning materials. It is extremely dust, or other materials that would interfere with
important that you remove all dirt, grease, scale, the inspection.
or other material, and make sure that
lint, salts, After the surface has dried, apply the
the surface is entirely dry before you use the "developer." The developer (powder or liquid)
liquid penetrant. must stay on the surface for a minimum of 7
You MUST maintain the temperature of the minutes before you start the inspection, but it
liquid penetrant and of the piece to be inspected should not remain on the surface for more than
in the temperature range of 50 to 100 F. Do 30 minutes, thus allowing you a total of 23
NOT attempt to use liquid penetrant if you minutes to evaluate the indications.
cannot maintain this temperature range. Do NOT Let's stop and go back for a moment and ex-
use an open flame to increase the temperature, amine what takes place when these penetrant
since the liquid penetrant materials are flammable. materials are applied. First, the penetrant,
After thoroughly cleaning and drying the normally red in color, applied to the surface of the
surface, coat the surface with the liquid penetrant. material will seep into any passageway open to the
You may spray or brush the penetrant on the surface (fig. 3-3, view A). Next, the excess pene-
piece, oryou may immerse the entire piece in the trant is removed from the surface of the metal
penetrant. In order to allow time for the penetrant with the penetrant remover and a lint-free absorb-
to get into all cracks, crevices, or other defects ent material. Only the penetrant on top of the
that are open to the surface, keep the surface of metal surface is removed (fig. 3-3, view B), leav-
the piece wet with the penetrant for a minimum ing the penetrant that has seeped into the defect.
of either 15 minutes or 30 minutes, depending Finally, the white developer is applied to the
upon the group of penetrants you use. Follow the surface of the metal (fig. 3-3, view C). The
instructions prescribed by the appropriate MIL- developer, an absorbing material, will actually
STD-271 document concerning the length of time draw the penetrant from the defect. Therefore,
the surface must be kept wet. the red penetrant in the white developer indicates




Courtesy of MAGNAFLUX Corporation.

the defective area(s). The amount of red penetrant the ridges wore off of each surface, resulting in
drawn from the defective area(s) will give an excess clearance. The machinery had to be
indication of the size and, sometimes, the type of stopped so the surfaces could be adjusted to
defect. compensate for the wearing in of the ridges.
When dye penetrants are used, the lighting in Developments in machining operations
the test area must be bright enough so that you brought smoother finished surfaces but did not
can see any indications of defects shown on the eliminate the problem of surface roughness. The
test surface. automobile industry conducted extensive research
Be sure to interpret and evaluate carefully the programs to discover methods for achieving
indications you observe during a liquid penetrant smoother surface finish. Machining techniques
inspection. In almost any inspection, some were modified to reduce the breaking-in time of
insignificant indications are present. Most of these the new automobile engine. Owners were advised
insignificant indications are caused by failure to to drive new automobiles only at slow speeds for
remove all excess penetrant from the surface. At the first 500 miles so that the bore of the engine's
least 10 percent of all indications must be removed cylinders could be worn to a smooth finish.
from the surface to determine whether defects are Engines and bearings had to be overhauled or
actually present or whether the indications are replaced after a few thousand miles because
merely caused by excess penetrant. If a second of reduced efficiency. The only method for
liquid penetrant inspection does not reveal determining the quality of a finished surface was
indications in the same locations, you may usually to note the amount of resistance given by the
assume that the first indications were not really ridges when a thumbnail edge was scraped across
indications of defects. a machined section. Machine operations and
Remove all penetrant inspection materials as engineers alike used this "method." Great
soon as possible after you make the final strides had been made in developing accuracy

inspection. Use water or solvent, as appropriate. in measurement, but nothing had been done
A number of safety precautions are associated in the field of measuring surface roughness up
with liquid penetrant materials. Since the to this time.
materials are flammable, they must not be used The SKF Ball Bearing Company engaged the
near open flames and they must not be applied servicesof E. J. Abbott, who in 1936 perfected
to any surface that is at a temperature higher than an instrument that could accurately measure the
100 F. In addition to being flammable, many of irregularities on a machined surface. He called the
the solvents are poisonous in the vapor form and instrument a profilometer. Abbotts' contribution
are highly irritating to the skin in the liquid form. led to continuous improvement in the methods
Handle all penetrant inspection materials with due and techniques of obtaining surfaces that are
regard for their hazardous nature. almost free of any irregularities. Since that time
other instruments have been developed to measure
surface roughness.
SURFACE FINISHES Every machining process leaves its peculiar
AND MEASUREMENT markings on the machined surface. Each type of
cutting tool leaves its own individual pattern of
The smoothness of a machined surface has finely spaced irregularities which can be identified
always been of concern to the machinist. Serious easily by the experienced machinist. This pattern
consideration was given to surface smoothness is known as surface finish, or surface roughness.

wherever two machined surfaces came in contact Every machined surface is composed of tiny ridges
with each other for example, in a set of dies. or hills and valleys (or bumps and dents). Whether
Prior to the development of a means to the surface is the result of turning, milling,
measure surface roughness accurately, machined shaping, grinding, honing, or polishing can be
surfaces in contact with each other had to be determined by close investigation. Surface finish
broken in before they could operate at full is important because improper surface
efficiency. When observed through a microscope, characteristics can make a workpiece unsuitable
a seemingly smooth machined surface appeared for some kinds of work.
as a series of hills and valleys. When two surfaces, Surface irregularities are directly related
such as a shaft and a sleeve or a shaft and a to the quality of the machining operation. It is
bearing, were fitted together, they fitted to a close well known that this quality depends, in large
tolerance. After a short period of running time, measure, upon the correct grinding of the cutting
tool correct clearance, rake, and cutting angle. shown and dimensioned on a drawing or descrip-
Surface irregularities are also caused as the chip tive specification.
is forced from the work by the cleaving action of

the cutting tool. The shape of the job can also

Measured surface A surface whose finish has
been checked with an instrument or by some other
have a contributing effect, for the vibrations of
both the job and the cutting tool leave their marks accepted means of measurement.
on the finished surface. Even the wear on
Profile The contour of a surface in a plane
improperly machined ways can be observed in the
perpendicular to the surface, unless some other
finish of the job. An efficient grinding job
angle is specified.
depends largely upon the selection of the correct
wheel for the metal being ground and the proper Nominal profile The profile disregarding
dressing of the wheel. The quality of the surface surface texture.
finish is affected by the same factors of proper
Measured profile The contour of a surface
selection and wheel condition. in a plane perpendicular to the surface obtained
The most important factors contributing to the
by an instrument of other means.
quality of a surface finish are as follows:
Center line The line where roughness is mea-
The keenness and uniformity of the tool's sured. a line parallel to the direction of the
It is
cutting edge
profile within the limits of the roughness-width
The smoothness of (1) the tool surfaces
that come in contact with the job or (2) the chip Microinch One millionth of an inch (0.000001
during the machining operations inch). Microinches may be abbreviated as
mu (^) in.
9 The feed given by the machine to the
cutting tool as it transverses the job
Roughness The finer irregularities in the surface
These include the traverse feed marks and
The condition of the machine ways that other irregularities within the limits of the
guide the cutting tool along its path roughness-width cutoff.

Recall that a finished surface is seldom Roughness height Roughness height is the
perfectly flat. Close examination with surface average deviation from the specified height
finish measuring instruments shows the surface expressed in microinches measured on the center
line of each ridge.
to be formed of irregular waves. On top of the
waves are other smaller irregularities known as Roughness width Roughness width is the
peaks and valleys. These peaks and valleys are distance parallel to the surface between peaks or
used to determine the surface roughness ridges that makes up the pattern of the roughness
measurements of height and width. The larger of a surface. Roughness width is measured in
waves are measured to determine the waviness inches.
height and width measurements. Figure 3-4
illustrates the general location of the various areas
Roughness-width cutoff The distance over
which roughness height is averaged. Most surface
for surface finish measurements and the relation-
finish averaging instruments allow the roughness
ship of the symbols to the surface characteristics.
width cutoff to be selected.
The following are terms related to the surface
finish itself. Roughness - Width cutoff is a characteristic
of the surface finish averaging instruments rather
Surface texture A group of repetitive or random than that of the surface being measured (fig. 3-4,
deviations from the nominal surface, which form view G).
the pattern of the surface. Surface texture includes
roughness, waviness, lay, and flaws. Waviness The widely spaced part of surface
texture and is generally wider than the roughness-
Surface The boundary that separates the object width cutoff. Some examples are machine or work
from another object, substance, or space. deflections, vibration, chatter, heat treatment, or
Nominal surface The intended surface con- warping strains. Roughness may be considered as
tour, the shape and extent of which are usually superimposed on a "wavy" surface.
A. E.

B. F.

63 "7

c. G.
.003 .002-2

D. H.







Figure 3-4. Relation of symbols to surface characteristics.

Lav Direction

Average Ra

Centerline -*


of symbols to surface characteristics-Continued.

Figure 3-4._Relation
Waviness height The peak to valley distance, indicating lay is placed to the right and slightly
measured in inches. above the point of the surface roughness symbol.
Waviness width The spacing of successive Figure 3-5 shows the seven symbols that are used
wave peaks or successive wave valley, measured to indicate the direction of lay.
in inches. Flaws Irregularities which occur at only one
Lay The direction of the predominant surface place or at relatively infrequent or widely
pattern produced by the tool marks. The symbol varying intervals in a surface. Flaws include such
defects as cracks, blowholes, checks, ridges, and of the more dependable methods you may use to
scratches. Unless otherwise specified, the effects evaluate surface roughness are as follows:
of flaws will not be included in the roughness-
height measurement. Touch comparison inspection. Move a
There are occasions when visual
comparison fingernail along the surface of the job and make
with the naked eye will disclose that one surface a mental note of the amount of resistance and the
is rougher than another. Thisis possible, however, depth of irregularities. Then move your finger-
only in cases of widely differing surfaces. Some nail across a series of master roughness scales that
have numbers corresponding to their measure-
ment in microinches (fig. 3-6). The machining
finish must compare satisfactorily with the
correct master.

Aided visual inspection. You can make a

visual comparison inspection with the aid of
illuminated magnifiers (fig. 3-7).

Interference microscope inspection. This

inspection uses a microscope in conjunction with
an optical flat plate and a monochromatic light

(fig. 3-8). The microscope allows you to observe

the height of the surface irregularity in light
reflected between the microscope objective and
the surface of the job. The interference fringes
indicate the intersection of the wave fronts
reflected between the job and the front surface
of the microscope objective. The distance between

Courtesy of McGraw-Hill Book Company,

Anderson & Tatro, Shop Theory, 1972

Figure 3-6. Finger comparison scales.
the fringes represents 11 microinches. The tip. As the tracer is moved across the surface
interference microscope is used primarily in being measured, the stylus follows the contours
laboratories, so you will seldom have contact with of the irregularities left by the machine tool. These
it. But you should be aware of the instrument in up and down movements of the tracer stylus are
case you encounter it during your career. converted into a small fluctuating voltage. The
voltage is fed into the amplimeter where it is
The profilometer test. The profilometer amplified to actuate the microinch meter on the
(fig. 3-9) isthe most commonly used instrument front panel. The meter shows the variations in the
for finding the degree of surface roughness. It is average roughness height in microinches. A
one of the instruments that uses the tracer method motor-driven unit, the motorace, (fig. 3-9),
and actually measures the differences in the depth provides mechanical movement of the tracer and
of the surfaceirregularity. The profilometer is a its stylus when manual operation is not possible

mechanical-electronic instrument that can be or not practical.

used both in the shop and in the laboratory. The radius of the stylus used on the surface-
roughness measuring instruments must conform
The two main units of the profilometer are the to the standard: 0.000500 0.000150 inch.
tracer and the amplimeter. Tracers are made in As the tracer moves along the surface of the
several designs to measure a variety of shapes. The job, the profilometer automatically places a center
tracer has a stylus with a very small radius at its line through the roughness profile of the surface,


Figure 3-10. Representative portion of a surface profile.

iverts the portion of the profile below the center height of the surface profile shown in figure 3-10
ne, remembers the last two hundred irregularities follows:
hat the tracer passed over, computes the average
eight of these irregularities, and shows this Average height = YI + Y 2 + Y + Y 4 3 . . . Yn
verage height-figure on the meter in microinches. (arithmetic) n
Q this way the profilometer shows the variations
i average roughness height that occur on most where n is the total number of vertical
urfaces. measurements.

The root-mean-square (rms) average height

Figure 3-10 represents a magnified rough-
is 1 1 percent higher than the arithmetical
.essprofile of a short portion of a surface.
i center line is established from which the average; this difference is of little importance in
most cases. The formula for the rms average
verage-height measurement of this curve can
e plotted. The area above this center line height of the profile shown in figure 3-10
equal to the area below the line. The
qually spaced vertical lines, Yl, Y2, Y3,
nd so on, show the deviations of the sur- Average height = Yi
+ Y2 2 + Y3 2 + Y4 3
Y* n 2

(rms) n
ace from the center line. In order to
etermine the average, the parts below the
ne are treated exactly the same as the
where n is the total number of vertical
arts above the line. The measurement of
le height of surface roughness is determined The rms average was more commonly used
y the average deviation from the center when the tracer method of measuring surface
roughness was in its infancy; arithmetical average
isnow considered the standard rating throughout
The two methods of obtaining the average the world.
eviation are (1) the arithmetical average height
nd (2) the root-mean-square (rms) average You can set the profilometer to mea-
eight. The formula for the arithmetical average sure average roughness in either arithmetical
average or rms standards by moving a switch
(fig. 3-11).
No technical knowledge or special skill is
(RMS) SWITCH needed to operate these types of instruments. You
can set up the instrument on a bench or cabinet
beside the production machine (fig. 3-12) and
check the workpiece manually on the job while
it is in the machine (fig. 3-13). You can also check
work at on-the-floor inspection units (fig. 3-14).
You should always be interested in the
quality of the finish that a cutting tool has given
to the surface of the machined job. The
smoothness and regularity of the finished surface
will indicate the efficiency of the cutting tool,
whether the tool is correctly ground, and the
approaching breakdown of the cutting edge (or
the dulling, loading, and glazing of the grinding
wheel). Finish smoothness will also indicate
changes in product size and whether or not
additional machining is required.
By using a quick, reliable method of
checking surface roughness, you can save both
time and effort.
Several instruments are used for checking the
quality of surface finish. The surface analyzer
(fig. 3-15) is as a practical shop instrument
126.111X designed for the accurate measurement of
Figure 3-11. The profilometer amplimeter control panel. surface finish roughness. Like the profilometer,

detect result of a tearing cut, as well
as theridges that contribute to the rough-
ness of the finished surface. In order to give
machinists some kind of a reference surface
with which they could compare their work,

Figure 3-13. Checking surface finish on the machine.

the surface analyzer measures the irregularities

of the surface finish and records them in
microinches. This is done by a tracer stylus,
which registers the rise and fall of the peaks
and valleys on the finished surface. These
variations are amplified and indicated on
an electrical meter, which is calibrated to
read in microinches. The surface analyzer can
be calibrated to read directly in arithmetical
average or root-mean-square average and can
be fitted with various accessories for use in
specialized areas.

The simplest method of judging the roughness

of a surface has always been the fingernail test.
The human fingernail is very sensitive and will Figure 3-15. Surface analyzer.

Figure 3-14. On-the-floor insoection of surface finish.
surface roughness scales were developed (fig.
3-16). By using touch and sight to compare the
surface of the job with the matching part of the
scale, you can determine whether or not the job
conforms to blueprint specifications. The scales
are made to duplicate machined surface standards
in appearance, pattern, and roughness value. The
scales are made of flat steel and are pocket size.
To identify its correct degree of surface roughness,
each pattern is engraved with a number represent-
ing the arithmetic average deviation from the
mean surface in microinches that is, 8 represents
8 microinches roughness. A curved set of
reference scales simplifies the measurement of
cylindrical surfaces, both internal and external
(fig. 3-17).A further development of this method
of measuring surface roughness is shown in figure
3-18. Each pattern of the reference scale is marked
with a number representing the degree of surface
roughness in microinches and a code letter
indicating the machining process; for example,

Figure 3-17. Cylindrical roughness scales.

63M denotes 63 microinches, milled. The

reference scale can be used by sight or touch, but
as an added advantage the manufacturer supplies
a lOx hand magnifier with built-in illumination.
This complete kit consists of two scales on which

Figure 3-18.Surface-finish comparator kit, which allows

comparison of surface roughness either by touch or by
Figure 3-16. Flat roughness scale. optical enlargement.
are machined 22 specimens of a variety of finishes, surface symbols on a drawing. Figure 3-21 shows
the lOx optical magnifier, and a carrying case. a convenient method of specifying roughness for
several operations on the same surface.

SURFACE TEXTURE SYMBOLS The study of surface roughness is still in a state

of development; however, the future should bring
Figure 3-19 shows different surface texture many refinements in machining processes and in
symbols. Figure 3-20 shows typical examples of the measurement of surface finishes.

Symbol Meaning

Basic Surface Texture Symbol. Surface may be produced by any method except when the bar
orcircle (Figure 1bor Id) is specified.

(b) Material Removal By Machining Is Required. The horizontal bar indicates that material
removal by machining is required to produce the surface and that material must be provided
for that purpose.

(c) Material Removal Allowance. The number indicates the amount of stock to be removed by
machining in millimeters (or inches). Tolerances may be added to the basic value shown or in
3.5 a general note.

(d) Material Removal Prohibited. The circle in the vee indicates that the surface must be produced
by processes such as casting, forging, hot finishing, cold finishing, die casting, powder metal-
lurgy or injection molding without subsequent removal of material.

Surface Texture Symbol. To be used when any surface characteristics are specified above the
horizontal line or to the right of the symbol. Surface may be produced by any method except
when the bar or circle (Figure 1b and 1d) is specified.


1.5 X

OO/ 00


60' 00

Figure 3-19. Surface texture symbols and construction.



Figure 3-21. Convenient method of specifying roughness
Figure 3-20. Application of the surface symbols. for several operations on the same surface.


One of the biggest problems that will confront normally found on board ships and therefore will
you, as a Machinery Repairman, is that of not be discussed in this manual. You should
maintaining the alignment of machine equipment remember that the spirit level method will
aboard ship and in shore machine shops. produce, at best, only approximate levelness
Maintaining equipment alignment aboard ship is aboard ships. The test bar method is the most
especially difficult, due to the lack of stability of accurate for shipboard use. The leveling of lathes
the deck on which the equipment is mounted. actually refers to the removal of the twist in the
Some of the alignment problems, however, can bed. This twist results from setting the machine
be greatly diminished at the time of installation. on an uneven foundation. The machine is leveled
This chapter includes information on main- by adjusting one or more legs to remove the twist
taining proper alignment, adjustment, and level- in the bed so that it is straight and parallel with
ing of some of the more prominent machines that the spindle.
you will be using. Also included in this chapter
are the study of mechanical unbalance, the theory
of balancing, and the correction of unbalance. The Spirit Level Method
Although portable balancing equipment is still in
use in some tenders, it will not be discussed in this The or untwisting, operation of
chapter due to its limited use. If you need an in- lathes the use of a very accurate
depth study of a portable balancing machine, level. An ordinary carpenter's or machinist's
consult the technical manual provided by the level is not sufficiently accurate for leveling
manufacturer. lathes. A sensitive, graduated-tube spirit level
reading to10 seconds of arc per graduation
(0.0006 inch per foot) is required. The level
LEVELING, ALIGNING, AND should be adjustable and should have both
ADJUSTING MACHINE TOOLS a short base and a long tube. (Such a device
is illustrated in fig. 4-1.)
Levelness, alignment, and adjustment must be
checked constantly to ensure proper operation of
all machine tools. The information provided in
this manual pertains to lathes and horizontal
and milling machines. You should
boring, drilling,
always follow the manufacturer's instructions
when performing any of the three previously
mentioned operations. However, since you are
basically a shipboard machinist, some of these
instructions do not apply. The information
provided in this manual is intended to supplement
the instructions that do apply.


The three basic methods of leveling lathe type 126.14X

machines are spirit level, optical, and test bar. The Figure 4-1. Proper type of device to use in leveling a turret

optical method requires special equipment not or engine lathe.

The procedure for leveling engine and ram headstock (as shown in view A, fig. 4-2).
type turret lathes is as follows: Adjust the level until the bubble is in the center,
and allow at least 30 seconds for the bubble
1. Loosen the lag screws that hold the right to come to rest.
end legs to the deck. Do not loosen the lag screws
on the left end (headstock) legs. 3.Without changing its adjustment, move the
2. Place the level across the bed at a right level to the outer end of the ways and place it
angle to the center line of the bed near the again at a right angle to the center line of the bed

Figure 4-2. A. Placing the level at right angles to the center line of the back of the headstock. B. Placing the level at right
(as shown in view B, fig. 4-2). Then, by adjusting underneath the it from slipping
level to prevent
the leveling screws on the right-hand legs, bring when the turret ismoved. Also see that the
the bubble to the center. (If the machine does not level rests firmly and does not rock as the turret
have leveling screws, use steel shims under the is moved.
legs.) 3. Move the saddle (by hand) to the
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the difference extreme headstock end of the bed, bringing
in the bubble readings at the two positions is less it as close to the spindle nose as it will
than one division. go. Adjust the bubble to the center, and
5. Tighten the lag screws and repeat steps 2 allow at least 30 seconds for the bubble to come
and 3 as a final check. to rest.
4. Move the saddle to the right end of
The procedure for leveling a saddle-type the bed. Then, without adjusting the level,
turret lathe is as follows: bring the bubble to the center (by adjust-
ing the leveling screws in the right end legs).
1 . Loosen the lag screws holding the right end 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the difference

legs to the floor. Do not loosen the left end in the bubble readings at the two positions is less
(headstock) legs. than one division.
2. Place the level across the turret (as shown 6. Tighten the lag screws on the right
in fig. 4-3). Use two small pieces of thin paper end legs, and repeat steps 3 and 4 as a
final check.

When you level a turret lathe, do not

tamper with the bolts that hold the bed to the pan
LEVEL and the legs. These bolts have been carefully set
at the factory and their settings should not be

The Test Bar Method

The step in the test bar method is

to makethe test bar. A
test bar may be

any metal bar, 3 inches in diameter and

approximately 18 to 24 inches long. (See
fig. 4-4 for a sample.) Next take a light
cut on each of the two ends of the test
SETTING. Measure the diameter of each
end. A diameter indicates a
difference in
126. 16X misalignment. Adjust the machine leveling
Figure 4-3. Placing the level across the turret with two screws and repeat the procedure until a cut
small pieces of paper underneath the level. on both ends of the test bar results in the
same diameter.


The tailstock of a lathe, after long use, can
become out of alignment with the headstock. This
is primarily due to wearing down of the ways or

the grooves in the bottom of the tailstock. To

I*-, J check this, clamp the tailstock close to the
headstock and mount a dial indicator on the
headstock spindle. Take indicator readings on the
Figure 4-4. Lathe alignment test bar. tailstock spindle. The reading on the dial indicator
should be the same at the top and the If you desire to check the turret hole align-
bottom (fig. 4-5). If the tailstock and head- ment, use a dial indicator.
stock are out of line in a horizontal plane,
correct the alignment. If the tailstock is Figure 4-6 illustrates how to perform the align-
low, you must shim or build up the bottom ment test for turret holes with a dial indicator.
surface of the tailstock. If the tailstock is Secure a piece of tubing in the chuck, and mount
high, its base must be either scraped or the dial indicator at the end of the tube. Do not
machined. Both scraping and machining should use solid bar stock, however, because its own
be done by a shipyard. weight makes it sag. The dial indicator rotates
around a ground plug which, in turn, must have
ALIGNMENT OF TURRET HOLES a good fit in the turret hole. The tubing, however,
WITH THE SPINDLE does not have to run true or straight. It has
purposely been shown (fig. 4-6) with a bend, to
One of the causes of inaccuracies of turret illustrate that the dial indicator will still travel
lathes can be traced to poor turret hole alignment. around the center of revolution of the spindle and
In order to ensure the highest possible accuracy will, therefore, give a true reading of the spindle's
in making these machines, the turret holes and alignment.
faces are often finished in the machine's own
spindle after the machine has been carefully
leveled. After the machine has been leveled ADJUSTING CLUTCHES
according to manufacturer's instructions, the
alignment between the spindle and the turret is All clutches should be adjusted so that when
automatically reestablished and requires no they are engaged they are capable of pulling the
further attention. heaviest load required, and when they are
disengaged, they will be completely free. When
clutches are allowed to slip, they wear quickly and
have to be replaced. Clutches should be adjusted
according to instructions in the manufacturer's
technical manual. If the method of adjustment
is not described in a manufacturer's technical

manual, a careful study of the parts will usually

show how an adjustment can be made.

All sliding units on engine and turret lathes
are provided with gibs, so that as the bearing
126.101 surfaces wear adjustments can be made to
Figure 4-5. Checking tailstock alignment. keep the machine tight and accurate. Most
of the gibs are tapered and can be adjusted
by means of screws, located at the end of
individual gibs. If the gibs are not tapered, they
DIAL INDICATOR can be adjusted by a series of screws along the
HEX. TURRET sides of the machine.

Gibs should be adjusted so that the sliding

units are sufficiently tight to obtain the accuracy
required. If they are too tight, the slides will be
hard to operate; and if they are too loose, the
accuracy of the machine will be lost. When
adjustment of the gibs causes the slide to bind in
one position and to be free in another, the sliding
126.17X units have worn and should be refitted according
d.-(\ Alionmonf foci fnr tttrrat ht\l tn mcmnfar'tnrpr'c inctriir'tirmc
As an MR1 you must know how to use a test

bar and dial indicator to check the alignment and

accuracy of milling machines. You can assure
continuously accurate work by periodically
checking the adjustment and the alignment of the
milling machine.

You can detect end play of the spindle by

placing a dial indicator against the spindle face
and then moving the spindle back and forth along
its axis while observing the indicator reading. If

you find play, you can eliminate it by tightening 126.35

the spindle thrust nut (as shown in fig. 4-7). You Figure 4-8. Checking the accuracy of spindle rotation.
can check for looseness of the spindle bearing by
chucking a rod in the milling machine spindle
chuck and using the rod as a lever to move the To check the accuracy of the spindle, use a
spindle at 90 to its axis. Manufacturers have setup similar to the one shown in figure 4-8. Place
installed various devices such as tapered and split- a test bar in the tapered spindle hole, and attach
shell bearings, which allow adjustment of an indicator to the table of the milling machine
bearing looseness. with the indicator contact point touching the test






bar. Then rotate the spindle while you move the To level the machine, turn the leveling screws
indicator along the axis of the test bar. If you down against the leveling plates. Then raise the
observe any deviation from concentricity (runout), entire machine on the leveling screws. After you
use a dial indicator to check the bore of the have leveled the machine through this procedure,
spindle for runout. If there is any evidence of secure it to the foundation by means of jam nuts
runout, you may be able to correct the problem on the foundation bolts. Then recheck the
by adjusting the spindle bearings. Be sure to repair machine since levelness may have been disturbed
all small nicks and dents in the spindle bore before when you set the foundation bolt nuts. Repeat the
you use the spindle. above operation until the machine is perfectly level
To check and alignment of the
the accuracy and secured solidly to its foundation.
table, knee, and column surfaces, place a test bar All modern boring machines have leveling
in the milling machine spindle and attach the dial pads provided on the rear and side of the
indicator as shown in figure 4-9. With the dial column unit. After the machine has been
indicator's contact point touching the table, move properly leveled over the bedways, the column
the table parallel and at 90 to the axis of the should be in an accurate vertical position
spindle, taking readings at various positions. Then when the level is placed over the leveling
adjust the table to various heights and take the pads on the column, unless foreign matter has
readings again. Check the readings for variations entered between the column and the bed unit
that would indicate deviation of the column from during assembly.
the vertical. If the test indicates improper align-
ment, you may correct the problem by adjusting ALIGNMENT
the gibs of the machine, rescraping the bearing
surfaces of the table knee or column, or After the machine has been properly leveled,
refinishing the worktable top. check it for alignment. To do this, you must have
precision checking devices such as a cylindrical
LEVELING THE HORIZONTAL post, a square, and a sweep. Figure 4-10 shows
BORING, DRILLING, AND MILLING the cylindrical post.
Cylindrical Posts
Although the horizontal boring machines,
drilling machines, and milling machines are Cylindrical posts are used to check column and
normally leveled during initial installation or after end support alignment. They are easier to
subsequent drydock repair, you should be familiar
with the leveling procedures. Being aware of the
steps involved will enable you to check the
machines for trueness and to use the machines


126.36 126.107X
handle and provide more reliable readings than
the regular square.
Posts made from a close grain cast iron are
quite satisfactory. However, the castings should
be seasoned before the final finishing operations
are performed. A cylindrical post should have the
base cast as an integral part, and a lifting bail
should be provided to facilitate handling.
When such a post is not available, you may
use a standard precision square.
To check alignment with a cylindrical post,
you must attach dial indicators to the sliding 126.108X
member of the unit to be checked and traverse Figure 4-11. Drawing of a sweep.
them up and down the post.
It is always advisable to take two readings, the

second reading with the post indexed to 180 An .

reading within the required limits in both
average of the two gives the correct reading. If positions, you may assume that the face of the
you use a standard square, follow the same column is at 90 (right angle) in relation to the
procedure. Take one reading from the edge of the top of the table of the machine.
blade, then reverse the square and take a second
reading from the same edge and average the Now turn the square 90 and check the edge
results. of the column for squareness.

Sweeps If the face or edge of the column is not

accurate with the edge of the square, you can
The sweep is used to check spindle alignment make a correction by adjusting the leveling screw,
with the column runway or tables. It should have which is located directly under the column. When
a balanced design and a means for fastening it you make the adjustment, take care not to disturb
rigidly to the spindle sleeve. There should also be the levelness of the bed.
a means for attaching the dial indicator to the
sweep. Do not attach the sweep directly to the
boring spindle because your readings will be SPINDLE ALIGNMENT
Attach the indicators to the sweep as closely The next step in setting up a machine is to
as possible, and use gauge dial blocks between the check alignment of the main spindle to the top
surfaces to be checked and the indicator. Reduce surface and to the edge of the bed ways. To do
overhang to a minimum to avoid inaccurate this, move the spindle out of the headstock, so
readings. itextends approximately 15 inches from the face
Sweeps should be made of welded steel of the spindle sleeve. Then revolve the spindle at
construction, if possible, to reduce weight and low speed, and check it with an indicator to
facilitate handling; figure 4-11 shows a sweep of determine if it runs concentrically. Mark the mean
approved design. point of eccentricity on the spindle. For instance,
You can check the movement of the headstock if the indicator is set at zero reading and, when
on the column ways accurately by using a solid the spindle is turned, the indicator shows a reading
master square, set on the machine table. The from zero to 0.001 inch plus, mark the point on
method most commonly used is to attach an the spindle indicating 0.005 inch with a pencil or
indicator directly to the machine spindle, with the crayon. Turn the spindle so that the point
indicator registering against the edge of the indicated is both toward you and centered
square. Disengage the spindle clutch so that the between the top and bottom of the spindle. Place
spindle does not turn while you perform the an indicator on a support similar to a surface
check. Then, by using feed or rapid traverse, move gauge. Secure this support to the machine table
the headstock up and down on the column and at the right-hand edge, at a point nearest the
take an accurate reading from the indicator. headstock of the machine. Then move the
Next, turn the square 180 and repeat the same headstock up and down on the column ways, until
procedure. If the indicator shows the identical the indicator rests at a point on the center line of
the spindle. Set the indicator at zero reading, and measurements in the same manner as described
move the table and saddle unit in either feed or above. The allowable error for this checking is
rapid traverse toward the column. Using this 0.01 inch in 12 inches.
method, check the alignment of the spindle in
relation to the edge of the bedways. The
maximum tolerance for this alignment is 0.0002 CHECKING THE END SUPPORT
inch in 12 inches. AND END SUPPORT BLOCK
If you need to make a correction because of The next step in aligning the machine is
a minor error in the above alignment, you can setting and checking the end support block
make the correction by changing the thickness of accurately with the machine spindle. It is best to
the steel liner at the tongue and groove on the place a large boring bar in the machine. The
right-hand side of the column. If you change this boring bar should be long enough to reach across
liner, you will also have to re-ream the dowel pin the machine table with the spindle drawn fully
holes in the column unit. back into the headstock. With the table and
saddle unit moved to a point close to the column
Turn the spindle so that the mean point and the end support unit moved as near as
marked on the spindle is up, and move the possible to the machine table, check the alignment
table either right or left until the indicator of the boring bar to the top crosswise surface of
rests on the center line of the spindle. Follow the machine table. Adjust the headstock with the
the procedure outlined above, and check hand crank so that it is stopped on the column
the alignment of the top of the spindle in upward movement. Then clamp both the head
to the top surface of the bedways. Do this and the end support block. Use an indicator
by moving the table and saddle unit in mounted on a height gauge or a surface gauge,
either feed or rapid traverse, so that the or an inside micrometer mounted on a base, to
indicatormoves lengthwise over the top side check the parallelism of the boring bar to the top
of the spindle. The allowable error for this surface of the table.
check is 0.001 inch in 12 inches. This error
is largely due to the overhanging weight Corrections for slight errors in this align-
of the spindle, commonly called spindle sag. ment can be made very easily on a modern
machine. For precision movement, the elevating
Next, check the accuracy of the spindle screws for the headstock unit on the column
to the edge of the column ways. Do this and for the end support block on the end
by securing some sort of solid bar or tube support column are suspended from precision
directly to the face of the spindle sleeve. bearings. However, the bearing support on
Attach an indicator to the end of the bar the elevating screw for movement of the
so that unnecessary overhang of the indicator headstock unit on the column is accurate
or bar is eliminated. Then turn the spindle and fixed. The bearing support on the elevating
by hand so the indicator is directly screw for movement of the end support
opposite the edge of the column ways below block is accurate and adjustable. The screw
the headstock. Using an inside micrometer, in support bearings is carried in an adjust-

height gauge, or Johansson blocks with the able with two round adjusting nuts
indicator set to register a zero reading, check provided on the adjusting sleeve. The sleeve
the distance between the edge of the column is keyed in the end support column to keep

ways and the indicator. Revolve the spindle it from turning. By loosening one nut and
by hand until the indicator is directly opposite tightening the other, you may raise or lower
the edge of the column ways above the the elevating screw and secure it in the
headstock. Check the distance between the edge desired position. You should anticipate wear
of the column ways and the indicator again. The on the elevating screws and nuts and should
allowable error between these two readings is 0.01 make periodic adjustments as necessary.
inch in 48 inches.
Before you adjust the headstock to a pre-
Now use the same method to check the determined position on the column, be sure to
accuracy of the main spindle in relation to the stop the headstock in upward movement. This is
front edge of the machine table. Make the necessary to align the end support block properly
with the main spindle to compensate for any slight cannot be made, you must know how to eliminate
allowed backlash between gears, clutch, and other vibration as much possible. The defects
parts. causing unbalance are due to factors such as
varying density of materials used in manufacture,
tolerances of machining, inaccuracy and out-of-
roundness of castings, blowholes, unsymmetrical
BALANCING or inaccurate armature windings, and many other
causes. The most common causes are discussed
Mechanical unbalance is the uneven dis- in this section.
tribution of mass (weight) causing a displacement
of the center of gravity of a workpiece from its
rotation axis. This displacement causes the DAMAGE TO PARTS
rotating workpiece to place unplanned and OR ASSEMBLIES
unnecessary forces on its supports. The purpose
of balancing is to achieve a smooth running Shafts that are parts of an assembly, which
condition of a rotating machine element, may include impellers, fans, couplings, wheels,
consistent with the requirements of the particular armature windings, and so forth, become
machine. unbalanced if they are bent or sprung out of
alignment. The components of such an assembly
The forces created by an unbalanced con-
may independently or altogether be a source of
dition increase as the rotating speed increases.
unbalance. Damage caused by erosion of a pump
Since one of the characteristics of modern naval
impeller will not be uniform; hence an unbalanced
machinery is a high rotating speed, careful
condition will occur. In addition, small amounts
consideration must be given to the balanced
of metal broken loose from the impeller blading
condition of rotating parts. Balancing reduces in one or more places will cause the rotor assembly
vibration and noise, ensures greater operating
to be out of balance.
efficiency, and results in longer bearing and
machinery life. Some items that will require
balancing are pump rotors, blower and ventila- DISTORTION DURING OPERATION
tion fans, and shafts with gears or other parts of
an assembly. In addition, armatures that have Distortion during operation which causes
been rewound must be balanced before being unbalance may occur in some types of fans other
returned to service. flexible workpieces. In squirrel cage fans, for

All personnel must take great care to see that example, the sheet metal blades under load at
nothing is done to disturb the balance of repaired operating speeds may stretch or distort from their
machinery or machinery parts. position when the blower is standing still or
operating at reduced speeds. Because of initial
When worn parts are replaced or when stresses and variations in the thickness of the metal

machining operations are performed on a part, blading, such distortions may not be uniform
the assembly must be balanced to eliminate throughout the fan, and an unbalanced condition
potential vibrations. Since unbalance is the may result.

principal cause of vibration, this chapter will cover

the balancing of rotating parts. Vibration, The majority of rotors are designed as stiff
however, may result from causes other than rigid rotors. However, there are certain types of
unbalance. These other causes of vibration and flexible rotors and these generally fall into the
how to determine them will also be discussed in following categories:
this chapter. The terms used in balancing are listed
at the end of this chapter. 1. Long, thin, high-speed rotors, such as

special types of paper mill rolls, and automotive

drive shafts
CAUSES OF UNBALANCE 2. Large, exceptionally heavy generator units
used in stationary power plants
Some vibration exists in all machinery. Small
vibrations are due to mechanical defects in the 3. Certain types of high-capacity steam
machinery or itsparts. Since a perfect machine turbines
CASTINGS of the formulas listed below. The appropri
formula is dictated by the speed at wh
Balanced conditions cannot be ensured when the machine will operate.
castings aremade. An impeller, for example,
may have a blade on one side heavier than U = 0.177 W (Operating speed is from to 149 rprri

the blade on the opposite side, as a result of

nonhomogeneity of the metal or improper U =
4000 W from 150 to 1,000
(Operating speed is r]
dimensional tolerances. N 2

A completely machined part such as a pulley U = -TT- (Operating speed is above 1,000 rj

or gear wheel appears to be in a balanced

condition. Actually, an unbalanced condition may Where:
exist due to a blowhole underneath the machined
surface. Unbalance may also resultfrom slag U = Permissible residual unbalance for each
inclusions in the metal used in the manufacture two planes, measured in ounce-inches

of the part. Unless blowholes and slag inclusions

W = Weight of workpiece in pounds
are indicatedby surface defects of the metal, they
cannot be detected except by special examination. N = Operating speed of workpiece (not the balan<

BALANCE TOLERANCES A second but somewhat less accurate met!

of determining the tolerance of balanc
Tolerances are allowed in the machining involves the use of nomograms. This metr
of most parts. Plans or blueprints specify uses two charts, one precision balance (table A
the tolerances allowed in the manufacture and one commercial balance (table 4-2). To i

of replacement parts. When parts such as this method, use the following procedure:

pulleys and gear wheels are machined, they

may be within the allowable tolerance require- 1 Find the operating speed of the workpi

ments; however, this will not necessarily mean in the leftcolumn.

that the mass center of the piece coincides 2. Find the weight of the workpiece in
with the rotational axis of the bore. One right column.
side of a pulley may be heavier than the 3 Draw a line from the speed in the left c

other side, resulting in a certain amount umn to the weight in the right column.
of unbalance. When machine parts are designed, 4. Find the maximum permissible unbalai
the tolerances that permit eccentricity or lack in each of two planes at the point where the 1
of squareness of machined surfaces, with crosses the center column.
respect to the rotational axis, are taken into
consideration. When you machine high-speed Two other methods for determining unbalai
rotating parts, you must ensure that the tolerance are the dynamic bearing load meth
parts are carefully balanced, as well as manu- and the test method. The dynamic bearing k
factured within dimensional tolerances. method is based on the unbalance tolera]
being a small percentage of the static bearing lo
One of your responsibilities in balancing The test method involves the balancing oj
equipment is to set up unbalance tolerances. workpiece to as close to zero balance as possi
You must consider the weight and operating speed and then adding weight to determine the poinl
of the workpiece, as well as its design. For which objectionable vibration starts. The adc
instance, a squirrel cage fan distorts as its speed amount of weight is then divided by two to g
increases. the permissible level of unbalance in each of t
There are several methods that you can
use to determine the proper tolerance for
balancing. The first method uses the guide- THEORY OF BALANCING
lines outlined in the U.S. Military Standards
167-1. The tolerances are based on three As a rotor revolves on its rotational a?
rpm ranges and can be determined by the use centrifugal force acts upon the entire mass of i
Table 4-1. Example of Precision Balance


Table 4-2. Example of Commercial Balance
part, impelling each particle away from the or is in rotation. However, as soon as rotation
rotational axis in a perpendicular direction. All starts, the unbalance will exert centrifugal force.
forces will balance, providing the mass is evenly This force sets up vibration, and as the speed is
distributed about the rotational axis. In other increased the force will increase, which increases
words, if the part is in balance, it will rotate the vibration. Figure 4-13 illustrates that 1 ounce
without vibration. However, if the mass on one of unbalance at 500 rpm produces 0.443 pound
side of the rotor exceeds the mass on the exact of centrifugal force, and that at 5,000 rpm (a
opposite side of the rotor, the centrifugal force speed 10 times greater) the centrifugal force has
on the heavy side will exceed the force on the light increased to 44.3 pounds (centrifugal force 100
side and will pull the entire rotor in the direction times greater). The centrifugal force has increased
of the heavy side. Figure 4-12 shows an excess of as the square of the number of times the speed
mass on one side. The centrifugal force caused increased. Remember though, the amount of
by this excess mass pulls the rotor in the unbalance depends only on the uneven distribu-
direction of the arrow. tion of weight and is completely independent of
An excess of mass on one side is called the operating speed. Therefore, it is not necessary
unbalance. As the rotor revolves, the unbalance to balance a workpiece at its operating speed.
will exert pull to the right, then down, then to the Another factor affecting centrifugal force is
left, and then up in each revolution. This pull the distance of the excess mass from the axis of
causes the rotor and its shaft to attempt to rotate
in a circular motion or to vibrate.


As we have seen, an uneven mass distribution

(unbalance) will cause a rotating part to vibrate
due to the centrifugal force exerted by the heavy
side of the part. When the part is stationary, the
heavy side exerts no force; consequently, there is
no vibration. Yet the unbalance is the same. We
may safely say, then, that the amount of
unbalance is independent of the rotational speed.
It remains the same whether the part is stationary

I I f I 1 ~


AT VARIOUS SPEEDS '(Plotted on logarithmic paper)

126.54 126.55X
you swing a weight around your head,
rotation. If
you immediately notice that centrifugal force,
exerted by the weight, increases as the length of
the string increases. Therefore, the effect depends
on the weight and the distance of the weight from
the axis of rotation. This product of weight times
distance is considered a measure of unbalance and
is expressed as ounce-inches, gram-inches, and so GRAVITATIONAL AXIS
forth. This measurement of unbalance will be UNBALANCE POINT
discussed in more detail later.
Figure 4-14. Parallel displacement.

Unbalance may be divided into two distinct
types; STATIC (or force) unbalance and
DYNAMIC (or moment) unbalance. Static
unbalance present if the workpiece rotates when

it is placed on two parallel knife edges. The

workpiece rotates because the center of gravity

lies on a point off at the workpiece' s rotational

axis. Dynamic unbalance is present if the

workpiece vibrates as it rotates. Dynamic
unbalance is caused by an improper distribution
of weight in two or more transverse (perpendicular
to the rotational axis) planes. 126.57
Figure 4-15. Correcting static (force) unbalance.

Static (or Force) Unbalance

Nowlet's review the method of expressing
Static unbalance primarily thought of
is static unbalance. If a part has an unbalance of
as it exists in disk-shaped bodies such as 10 ounces, and this heavy point is at a distance
grinding wheels, flywheels, brake disks, fans, of 5 inches from the rotational axis, we simply
and so on. Such a body has its principal multiply the weight of unbalance (W) by the
axis of inertia displaced parallel to the axis distance from the rotational axis (R) to determine
of rotation (fig. 4-14). The unbalance can that the static unbalance is 50 ounce-inches. We
be corrected by applying a correction weight previously mentioned that the distance from the
in a single plane passing through the center rotational axis affects the amount of unbalance.
of gravity of the workpiece. Now assume that a similar part has an unbalance
of 5 ounces located 10 inches from the rotational
As an example of static unbalance, assume axis. Multiplying W
x R, we find that the second
that a grinding wheel (fig. 4-15) has a heavy point part has the same amount of static unbalance
of 5 ounces located 2 inches from the rotational as the first, even though the unbalance weight is
axis. In this example, there is an unbalance of 10 halved and the distance is doubled. That is,
ounce-inches. This unbalance may be corrected 10 ounces x 5 inches = 50 ounce-inches and 5
by applying an equal weight (5 ounces) an equal ounces x 10 inches = 50 ounce-inches. Both of
and opposite distance (2 inches) from the these parts can be statically balanced by using any
rotational axis. However, the correction weight reasonable combination of weight and distance
does not have to be the same weight or placed the that equals 50 ounce-inches. This principle can be
same distance from the rotational axis as the expressed by the formula x R = Wc
x Rc , w
weight of unbalance. The unbalance could also where WxR is the amount of unbalance and
be corrected by applying a 2 1/2-ounce weight 4 W c x Rc is the correction.
inches from the rotational axis on the light side
of the wheel. In both cases, the unbalance of 10 Since the amount of static unbalance weight
ounce-inches has been corrected. and its distance from the rotational axis are
unknown, using me static unbalance correction
procedure would consume an excessive amount
of time. It is practical only for balancing a rotating
part with a large diameter and a relatively short
axis, such as a wheel used on a grinding machine. GRAVITATIONAL AXIS
Although we have no way of knowing exactly how
much the static unbalance weight is or how far
it is from the rotational axis, we do know which 126.58
side is heavy. So we can add weight to the light Gravitational axis at an angle to the rotational
Figure 4-16.
side until the part no longer rotates when placed axis in a rotor with dynamic unbalance.

on knife edges.

Dynamic (or Moment) Unbalance

A rotating part may be corrected for static

unbalance and yet be dynamically unbalanced.
The rotor in figure 4-16 had a static unbalance
at point A. This unbalance was corrected by ROTATIONAL AXIS

adding the weight, B. The rotor is now in static GRAVITATIONAL AXIS

balance while at rest; but when it begins rotating,
the two weights will produce opposite forces, and
the part will display dynamic unbalance. 126.59
Figure 4-17. A pure dynamic unbalance of 900 ounce-
The gravitational axis of this rotor and of all inch-inches.
other dynamically unbalanced parts is located at
an angle to the rotational axis. This is because the
two unbalances are offset on opposite sides of the
rotational axis. This type of unbalance will be
present as long as the uneven mass distribution
is on opposite sides and not in the same transverse

plane. When the rotor is rotating, each end will

try to vibrate independently and thereby give an ROTATIONAL AXIS

indication of the uneven mass distribution.

Dynamic unbalance is sometimes expressed in

terms of ounce-inch-inches. The second "inch" 126.60
dimension refers to the distance between the two Figure 4-18. A pure dynamic unbalance of 900 ounce-
planes of unbalance. For the purpose of inch-inches corrected.

illustrating corrections, we will use this term. The

amount of unbalance is determined by multiplying
the value of weight (W) x the distance from the on correction planes 60 inches apart. This
rotational axis (r)
x the distance between planes combination of weights and distances was deter-
(L); or, Wx r x L. mined by using the formula for dynamic
unbalance. The correction, 900 ounce-inch-inches,
pure dynamic unbalance is illustrated in will completely correct the original unbalance.
figure 4-17. Each of the planes, L and R, has an
unbalance of 5 ounces at a radius of 6 inches. The Rotating parts, if unbalanced, generally have
planes are 30 inches apart. Although this rotor both static and dynamic unbalance. In fact, there
is badly out of balance dynamically, it would not may be many points of unbalance throughout the
rotate on a pair of knife edges. This rotor has an entire mass of the rotor>. To locate and correct
unbalance of W
x r x L or 5 x 6 x 30 = 900 each one independently would be impossible.
ounce-inch-inches. The unbalance can be com- When a large number of unbalance points exists,
pensated for by a correction of the same amount. many of them will partially counteract each other.
Figure 4-18 shows that our correction weights of In practice, as few corrections as possible are
1.5 ounces were placed at a radius of 10 inches made. To accomplish this, all the static and all

the dynamic unbalances are combined and a single infinite. Therefore, we simplify the process
correction weight is added in each of two planes by determining the resultant unbalance and
at the correct angular location (explained later on compensating for it in only two planes of
in the chapter). Generally this is all that is correction, simultaneously eliminating both static
necessary to eliminate the effects of the total and dynamic unbalance. Figure 4-20 shows the
unbalance. corrections to the unbalances shown in figure
4-19. The 1 -ounce weight on the right end of the
Figure 4-19 shows a static unbalance in plane rotor and the 2.5-ounce weight on the left end
S of 1.5 ounces at a radius of 10 inches. The provide appropriate forces to counteract both the
value of this static unbalance is 15 ounce-inches. static and dynamic unbalances.
The rotor also has a dynamic unbalance of To simplify understanding the correction of
5 ounces in planes L and R, at a radius of unbalance, we have assumed that the unbalances
6 inches. The distance between these planes present in a rotor are at the same location or
is 30 inches. Therefore, the dynamic unbalance exactly opposite angular locations. Actually, it

(W x r x L) is 900 ounce-inch-inches. Each type would be an extremely rare case if this were to
of unbalance could be corrected independently happen. Since the unbalances may be at many
using the previously described methods. However, points throughout the workpiece, determination
since a rotor in an unbalanced condition may have of the total amount of correction weight, in each
an almost infinite number of unbalance points, plane, and the angular locations of these weights,
the number of correction planes is also nearly must be determined by using the balancing


We have seen that balancing is a process

whereby the distribution of mass in a rotating part
is altered by either adding or removing correction

weights to eliminate vibration. There are currently

two general steps to the process; first, locating and
measuring the corrections required to eliminate
unbalance, and second, applying the corrections
at the proper angular locations.
For correcting unbalance, we depend largely
126.61 upon the balancing machine to give accurate as
Figure 4-19. Combined static and dynamic unbalance. well as understandable information on the amount
of correction weight required and where it should
be placed (or removed). Agood balancing
machine must enable you, the operator, to select
correction planes for the unbalance, and then to
60 determine the amount of correction weight and
the angular location of the correction. Since the
Navy has many different balancing machines,
we will only cover basic general operating
characteristics. To learn how to operate a specific
machine, you will have to consult the operator's
manual for that particular machine.


A good balancing machine indicates directly

126.62 the amount and the angular location of
Figure 4-20. Combined static and dynamic unbalance correction weight to be added or removed in each
correction planes should be based on a careful
consideration of both the design and the function
of the workpiece.
The balancing machine you use may operate
on any one of three basic operating principles
pivoted cradle, nodal bar, or electrical network. NODAL BAR
The PIVOTED CRADLE method was
originated about 30 years ago. This setup is shown
in figure 4-21. The part to be balanced is
supported at A and B on the cradle. The cradle 126.64X
is supported by a fulcrum on one end and by a Figure 4-22. The nodal bar.

spring on the other. As the workpiece is rotated,

the amount of vibratory motion between the
cradle and the machine base away from the In figure 4-22, an unbalance W
exists in plane
fulcrum is registered on the unbalance indicator. R. As the workpiece is rotating, the axis
After the unbalance is measured on this correction will vibratebetween lines Oi - OiandO2 - Oz.
plane, the workpiece is turned around to check Since the excess weight is located closer to
the unbalance on the other correction plane. In bearing B than to bearing A, the vibratory
figure 4-21, an ideal situation, an unbalance (W) motion of bearing B will be greater than that of
happens to exist in a plane (R) located at the bearing A. At some point (N) along the axis of
fulcrum point. When the workpiece is rotating, rotation and at the corresponding point on the
the unbalance indicator will register zero, since nodal bar, there is no vibratory motion. This
the centrifugal force is confined to plane R. When point, called the nodal point, is the pivot point
the fulcrum is placed in plane L or the workpiece of the vibration. An unbalance indicator placed
is turned end-for-end, and the piece is again at this point will give a zero reading. If you place
rotating, the unbalance indicator will register a an indicator at the nodal point and then clamp
reading for plane R. Therefore, unbalance on the the left end of the workpiece to stop left end
correction plane in which the fulcrum is placed vibration, the indicator will show a reading of
does not affect the reading of the unbalance in unbalance in the right-side correction plane.
the plane being measured. Likewise, if you clamp the right side of the
The pivoted cradle allows you to separate workpiece, you can read from the indicator the
unbalance into two planes. But unfortunately, the unbalance of the left-side correction plane. This
dampening effect of the mass of the cradle reduces method provides more accurate correction plane
the vibration produced by a given unbalance and location than the cradle method. However, the
therefore reduces the accuracy of measurement. mass of the nodal bar and the connecting pieces
The second method of plane separation, more still reduces the accuracy of measurement.

recent than the pivoted cradle, is shown in figure The third, and most accurate method for
4-22. It uses a NODAL BAR, and has the locating correction planes uses ELECTRICAL
workpiece flexibly supported by bearings located NETWORKS (fig. 4-23). In this method, the
at points A and B. These bearings are attached
to the nodal bar, giving it the same motion as the




workplace is supported by bearings A
and B. Each same purpose as turning the workpiece end-for-
bearing is connected by a rod to a coil suspended end in the pivoted cradle method.
in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. Both
coils are connected to an electrical network that MASS OF WORK-SUPPORTING
includes a meter used as the unbalance indicator. STRUCTURES
When the bearings move in response to an
unbalance, the coils move within their magnetic In any balancing machine, the amount of
fields. As the coils move, a voltage proportional vibratory motion of the rotating piece is the basis
to the amount of bearing displacement is for determining the amount of unbalance.
generated in each of the coils. Therefore, the work supports of the machine must
be lightweight for maximum vibratory motion to
Figure 4-23 shows an unbalance W in plane result from any given unbalance.
R. As
the workpiece is rotated, its axis of
Anunbalanced part would have maximum
rotation will vibrate between lines Oi Oi and
vibratory motion if it could rotate freely in space.
Oz - O2- The directions of travel of the two But parts must be supported while they are in a
coils, and the generated voltages, VAR and VBR>
balancing machine, and the mass of the support,
are opposite each other. Since the motion of
in addition to the mass of the piece, must be
bearing B is greater than the motion of bearing moved by the forces of unbalance. This added
A, voltage VBR will be greater than voltage VAR. mass of the supports reduces the amplitude of the
With a voltage divider, voltage VBR can be vibratory motion. For example, vibrations due to
reduced until it is equal in magnitude to unbalance in the small electric motor shown in
voltage VAR> At this point, reduced voltage figure 4-25 are definitely felt, but when the motor
VBR (KVjsjj) is equal but opposite to voltage VAR- is fixed to a block nine times its own mass, as
The unbalance indicator will read zero because shown in figure 4-26, the vibration is hardly
the voltages cancel one another in the electrical noticeable. Although in each case the centrifugal
circuit. To determine the unbalance of plane R, forces of unbalance are the same, the amplitude
we simply use a left-right switch to read the ex- of vibration in the motor shown in figure 4-26 is
cess voltage in the right side of the circuit. The only one-tenth of that in the motor shown in
excess voltage, the difference between VBR and
VAR, will appear on the meter as an
unbalance in the right-side correction plane.
Turning the left-right switch to the left position
will reveal any unbalance in the left-side
correction plane (fig. 4-24). Turning the left-right
switch in the electrical network method serves the

Figure 4-24. Checking both planes by the electrical- 126.67X
network device. Figure 4-25. Vibration nf an unattached elertrir motor.
Figure 4-27. Work-support member of a balancing

motion is the only means of determining the

amount of required correction, it follows that

some method must be used to amplify this
126.68X motion to ensure precise measurement. (Note that
Vibration is decreased when the motor the amount of
this section stresses corrections.
Figure 4-26. is

bolted to a heavy block. The question of proper angular location of

correction will be discussed later in the chapter.)
Three types of methods are used to measure the
figure 4-25 the total mass in figure 4-26 being amount of unbalance. They are mechanical,
10 times the mass in figure 4-25. There is a similar optical, and electrical.
effect when the work supports of a balancing A mechanical device for determining the
machine are too heavy. amount of unbalance is illustrated in figure 4-28.
In general, modern balancing machines use This illustration shows that the vibratory effects
extremely lightweight members to support the of unbalance are amplified by single or compound
workpiece. This results in a negligible reduction levers, so they can be read more precisely on a
of the vibratory motion of an unbalanced rotating large scale. A
standard dial indicator may also be
piece. The work supports of some machines
seldom weigh as much as the smallest workpieces
the machines balance. When large workpieces are
balanced on these machines, the weight of the
work supports has no effect on the balancing
operation. Figure 4-27 shows work support INDICATION
suspended on steel wires offering minimum
restraint to the vibratory motion, which is
transmitted to a coil within a magnet under cover
M, through rod R.

Since the vibratory motion of an unbalanced Figure 4-28. A mechanical method for measurement of
piece is small, and since measurement of such unbalance.
used forthis purpose. Because of the inertia of
theirmembers, these devices can follow only low-
frequency vibrations; and at low frequencies,
centrifugal forces are so small that they are
seriously affected by the friction of the device's
pin joints. In addition, the members of this
amplifying device reduce the amplitude of the
vibratory motion, further decreasing the device's
accuracy. The unbalance that will produce a force AMOUNT
sufficient to overcome these problems is the INDICATOR
minimum unbalance that such a device is capable AMPLIFIER
of measuring.
A method that avoids the inertia and friction 126.72X
problems mentioned uses an optical method, as Figure 4-30. An electrical method of measurement of
illustrated in figure 4-29. This method uses a unbalance.
mirror connected to the vibratory work support
to reflect a beam of concentrated light from a
fixed source onto a scale on a screen. As the An electrical method of measuring the amount
mirror's inclination is changed by the vibratory of unbalance and the amount of correction
motion of the work support, the reflected beam required is shown schematically in figure 4-30.
makes a streak of light on the scale. The length In this method, there is no lost motion
of this line is a measure of vibration amplitude between the vibratory support and the amount
and an indication of the amount of correction indicator.
needed. Amplification can be varied by changing
the length of the beam between the rotating The output of the electrical network is
mirror and the scale. One of the limitations of fed into an amplifier before reaching the
this device is that as the beam's length is amount indicator; this amplification can be
increased for greater amplification, the beam will of any desired order 1,600,000 times or
appear on the screen as a spot instead of a point. more and is easily varied to suit particular
The length of the streak of light on the screen jobs. The result is a stable meter indication large
created by the moving spot will become one spot enough to determine precisely the amount of
diameter too long. Determination of the amount unbalance.
of unbalance then becomes a matter of operator
skill in estimating the true length of the streak.

In addition to indicating the amount of
correction required in each of the selected
planes, a balancing machine must indicate the
specific point on the periphery of the piece
MIRROR where the correction must be applied to
balance the piece. If the precise location of
the correction weight is not (or cannot) be
determined, the piece cannot be balanced. The
time taken to determine the precise weight
LENS of corrections will have been wasted. It is
LIGHT also essential that the accuracy of the means
SOURCE used to determine angular location be independent
of the amount of unbalance in the piece for
balancing to be possible.

126.71X Electrical-network balancing machines use

Figure 4-29. An optical method for measurement of electrical devices to indicate the angular location
unbalance. where the correction should be made. One of these
output of a photoelectric tube actuated by a
reference spot of contrasting color on the
STROBOSCOPIC With the wattmeter method, the turning of the
LAMP handwheel or knob brings the pointer of the
wattmeter to a zero reading. An indicating device
associated with the handwheel or knob will, when
the wattmeter reads zero, point to the angular
location at which the corrections are to be made.

In all balancing machines, the piece to be
balanced issupported in a flexible structure that
offers minimum restraint to the vibratory motion
produced by unbalance. This structure is sensitive
REFERENCE to vibrations produced by other means as well as
POINTER to those produced by unbalance. Unless you
understand the characteristics of these flexible
structures and use them properly, you may very
well amplify and measure, as unbalance,
126.73X vibrations transmitted through a common floor
Figure 4-31. Lamp method for indicating location for from such machinery as punch presses and lathes
correction. under intermittent cut. During balancing
operations, you should exercise care to minimize
the excitation of flexible structures of balancing
devices is an electron tube functioning as a machines by external sources.
stroboscopic lamp (fig. 4-31).
The stroboscopic lamp will flash each time the DRIVES FOR THE WORKPIECE
voltage in the electrical network changes from
negative to positive. Even the minute vibratory The workpiece in any balancing machine is
effects of the smallest unbalances can be detected rotated by a driving device at one end or by a belt
and measured with this type of balancing over the periphery of the piece. With smaller
machine. The stroboscopic lamp is triggered pieces, the latter means is more advantageous; the
repeatedly at the same point, in the rotation of use of an end drive for rotating the piece presents
the workpiece, whether the unbalance is large or certain difficulties, especially when small parts are
small. The amplified triggering voltage for the being balanced to a high order of accuracy.
lamp is more than 15 times the voltage supplied
to the amount of unbalance meter. Indications of MEASUREMENT IN UNITS
the locations for correction are shown with an OF CORRECTION
order of accuracy greater than that for the
indication of the amount. The same stroboscopic Balancing machines ordinarily indicate the
lamp, reference pointer, and angle band on the amount of unbalance in ounce-inches. You, as the
piece are used to locate the unbalance in each of operator, must convert this measurement into a
the two correction planes. correction you can use on the job such as depth
Another method for determining angular of drilling, or of the length of wire solder to be
locations for corrections uses a wattmeter to applied, the number of washers to be attached,
measure the average value of the product of an or similar methods of adding weights.
instantaneous voltage and an instantaneous Some types of balancing machines are
current that is, it measures the average power. designed to allow you to convert machine
The instantaneous voltage is the amplified measurements to practical correction units by
output of the network; the instantaneous current using a calibration constant. A
issupplied either by a sine- wave generator coupled constant is a number by which you multiply the
to the end of the workpiece, or by the amplified machine indication to determine the amount of
balancing machines are designed to eliminate any
trial-and-errormethods in making corrections.
The amount of corrections required may be shown
directly on an amount indicator.

The common means for adding balancing
weight are (1) the addition of a measured length
of wire solder of a given diameter, (2) the
addition of a measured length of strip metal of 126.77X
a given cross section, and (3) the addition of a Figure 4-33. A method of using correction weights for
selected size or a given number of one size of a electrical armatures.

known weight generally made up as washers, lead

slugs, or cast weights.
To balance squirrel cage fans, for example, unbalance indication of the balancing machine;
you can attach measured lengths of wire solder you then cut off the solder into the tray by
to the shroud rings. To balance armatures for applying a light blow on the punch knob. You
direct-current motors and generators, you can may also use strip material of a given cross
attach the solder to the banding wires. section on squirrel cage fans and on other parts
Figure 4-32 shows a device you can use to built up or formed out of sheet material. In all
meter lengths of correction solder by turning the cases, however, you should consult the manu-
handwheel to a number corresponding with the facturer's technical manual for the specific
equipment to determine the type of correction
Figure 4-33 shows how strips of brass or
aluminum may be used on small universal motor
armatures. The extended material is precut to
various lengths, which are multiples of the base
unit of correction as indicated by the balancing
machine; the lengths are inserted in the slots of
the armature's cone. This is a very accurate
method, providing the lengths are accurately
controlled. For some components, corrections are
applied in the form of washers, lead slugs, or cast
weights. These various weights may be in
multiples of the base unit of correction or, when
all are of the same size and weight, may be
attached in the proper numbers as indicated by
the balancing machine.

The common means of removing weight are
milling, grinding, shaping,and drilling. Milling
or shaping often do not produce an accurate job
because of variations in surface, especially with
126.76X forged or cast pieces. The effectiveness of snag
Figure 4-32. Metering device for adding correction weight. grinding is limited by the operator's skill, and

there is the possibility of burning the metal and 2. Center of mass The point in a rotating
destroying its quality. Drilling is usually the best body at which the sum of all movement is
means of removing metal for balance. The equal.
machine tool, suitable work-holding fixtures, and 3. Gravitational axis The axis in a rotating
any needed guide bushings are comparatively body about which the gravitational forces in the
inexpensive. A given diameter of drill sunk to a body are equal.
measured depth will remove an intended weight 4. Rotational axis The axis in a rotating
of metal with a high degree of accuracy. Be sure body about which the body is forced to rotate due
to use charts that are provided by the manu- to support bearings.
facturer and take precautionary measures in the 5. Dynamic bearing load The weight sup-
location where metal is to be removed. Otherwise, ported by each of the several bearings supporting
you may impair the strength of the rotating part a workpiece.
or piece. 6. Correctional plane A
plane perpendicular
to the rotational axis of a part on which weight
corrections for unbalance are made.
TERMS USED IN BALANCING 7. Centrifugal force A
force exerted away
from the axis of rotation by all particles of a
The following list contains some of the terms rotating body.
used in balancing: 8. Unbalance A condition under which the
mass weight of a rotating part is unevenly
1 . Center of gravity The point in a body at distributed about its rotational axis, causing the
which all of the gravitational forces in the body gravitational axis to be displaced either parallel
are equal. or at an angle to the rotational axis.


As a Machinery Repairman, you work with operations such as machining, casting, and
many and alloys. The
different types of metals forging.
more knowledge you have of metals and alloys,
the better you will be able to perform your repair
and maintenance duties. The information you
have already learned about the characteristics
of metals and alloys from your Machinery
Throughout your career as a Machinery
Repairman 3 & 2 book will help you better
Repairman, you have become familiar with the
understand the theory of metallurgy and heat
physical properties, such as hardness, brittleness,
malleability, and ductility, associated with various
The information given in this chapter includes metals. These properties of metal are directly
only the minimum amount of theoretical related to the internal, or atomic, structure of the
background information you will need in order metals. This section will explain to you how
to give directions to subordinates and to various arrangements of atoms result in these and
understand the terminology used in this chapter. other properties.
If you find that you need a more extensive Metals in liquid state have a noncrystalline
knowledge of the theory and understanding of structural form. The crystals in metal are called
metallurgy and heat treatment, consult a GRAINS (irregularly shaped crystals developed
machinist handbook or any textbook on physical from the converging lattices). These irregularly
metallurgy. shaped crystals are formed as the metal cools and
Metallurgy is the art or science of separating changes from a liquid state to a solid state. This
metals from their ores, making and compounding change of state is called FREEZING. As the metal
alloys,and working or heat-treating metals to give freezes, its atoms lose the energy of motion they
them certain desired shapes or properties. had in the metal's liquid state. The slow-moving
Metallurgy has been broken down into three atoms become attached to one another, usually
branches chemical metallurgy, physical in one of four predictable patterns, depending on
metallurgy, and mechanical metallurgy. the type and composition of the metal. These
CHEMICAL METALLURGY deals with the patterns are shown in figure 5-1 and will be
reduction of metals from their ores and the discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.
creation of alloys by changing the chemical
structure of the base metals. For example, steel CRYSTALS AND GRAINS
is made from iron, which is produced from iron

ore.During this process, coke is used as a fuel, The first group of atoms to form a pattern
and limestone is used as a fluxing agent. creates what is called a UNIT CELL, or GRAIN
PHYSICAL METALLURGY deals with the NUCLEUS. The unit cell is the basic building
nature, structure, and physical properties of block of the metal. Many unit cells connect in the
metals and The subject of physical
alloys. same pattern that makes up the unit cell and form
metallurgy includes metallography (study of a CRYSTAL. Crystals then connect to form the
metals with a microscope), mechanical testing, metal's CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE.
and heat treatment, which we will discuss later Under ideal conditions, crystals will be
in this chapter. perfectly shaped. Under real world conditions,
MECHANICAL METALLURGY deals with however, crystal shapes 'are usually distorted.
the working and shaping of metals through These typically distorted crystals, or grains,


\ /


Figure 5-1. Atom arrangement in a space lattice system.
form what is known as the GRAIN STRUCTURE body-centered metals are tungsten, molybdenum
of the metal. (MO), vanadium (V), wolfran (W), columbium,
The surface of a metal does not indicate its and ferrite (or alpha iron) below its hardening
internal grain structure. However, when the metal temperature.
is fractured, structure will show on the fractured

surface. The size of the grains depends upon a

number of factors, including the nature of the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice
metal, the temperature to which it is heated, the
length of time it is held at a specific temperature, The face-centered cubic lattice (fig. 5-1, view
and the rate at which it is cooled from a liquid B) contains 14 atoms, one at each corner of the
to a solid. In general, the quicker a metal cube and one at the center of each face of the
solidifies, the smaller the grains will be. cube. In this arrangement, the atoms are more
Some grains may be seen with the naked eye. closely packed, making the face-centered cubic
Others can only be seen under magnification. The metals softer than body-centered cubic metals and
studyof the microscopic structure of metals is relatively easy to work cold. Representative metals
called metallography. Instruments used to in this group are nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), lead
magnify grains are called METALLURGICAL (Pb), aluminum (AI), gold (Au), silver (Ag), and
MICROSCOPES. These microscopes can mag- calcium (Ca).
nify grains several hundred times their actual size.
Additional magnification can be gained through If ferrite is heated to its hardening
the use of an ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, temperature, its grain structure changes from
which can magnify up to many thousand times body-centered cubic to face-centered cubic. At
actual size. this point, the metal becomes AUSTENITE,

Metallurgical microscopes equipped with or gamma iron (fig. 5-2). During the harden-
devices for photographing the microstmcture of ing process, carbon is freed from a high-
metals are known as METALLOGRAPHIC carbon metal between the grains called cementite,
MICROSCOPES. or iron-carbide, and is uniformly dispersed
into the solid hot iron. In this manner,
SPACE LATTICES austenite can be given a carbon content as
high as 2.00 percent; whereas the body-centered
The arrangement of atoms (the most basic unit cubic metal ferrite, containing fewer atoms
of matter) in a crystal can be shown by a graphic per grain, can only have up to a 0.05 percent
illustration called a SPACE LATTICE. Each of carbon content.
the four line-dot drawings in figure 5-1 is a space
lattice. The dots represent atoms, while the lines
make the shape easier to visualize.
The space lattices of most metals can be
identified as one of the following four types:

1. Body-centered cubic
2. Face-centered cubic
3. Body-centered tetragonal
4. Hexagonal close-packed

Body-Centered Cubic Lattice

The body-centered cubic lattice (fig. 5-1, view

A) contains nine atoms, one at each corner of the
cube and one at the center of the cube. In this
arrangement, each atom is held in position by the
force of the remaining eight atoms.
Metals that have the body-centered cubic
arrangement are usually stronger, but harder to 126.111X
work cold, than metals that have a face-centered Figure 5-2. Microscopic structure called austenite magnified
cubic arrangement (discussed next). Some of the 500 times.
Body-Centered Tetragonal Lattice process, you will be able to understand better how
desired characteristics are given to various forms
The body-centered tetragonal lattice (fig. 5-1 , of steel. The relationship between atomic
view C) contains nine atoms and looks like a body- structure, carbon content, and characteristics of
centered cubic lattice stretched in one dimension. the metal will be discussed later in this chapter.
Recall that steel heated to its hardening Some metals may exist in more than one
temperature becomes a face-centered cubic lattice form at a particular temperature. When a
material called austenite. If austenite is quenched metal exists in more than one lattice form it is said
at itshardening temperature and cooled rapidly to be ALLOTROPIC in nature. A change from
to a temperature of less than 400 F, it will change one lattice structure to another is called an
into MARTENSITE (fig. 5-3). During the allotropic change. The temperature at which
transformation from austenite to martensite, the allotrophic changes take place is called the
steel becomes supersaturated with carbon. TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE. The
Because of its extremely high carbon content and changes from one form of iron to another are not
the distortion of its structure, martensite is the often instantaneous at a specific temperature.
hardest and most brittle form of steel. Rather, they generally take place within a range
of temperatures called the TRANSFORMATION
Hexagonal Close-Packed Lattice TEMPERATURE RANGE. The temperature of
the lower end is called the lower transformation

The hexagonal close-packed lattice (fig. 5-1, temperature and the temperature of the upper end
view D) contains 17 atoms. This structure does is called the upper transformation temperature.

not have the high degree of symmetry evident in Recall that when a metal crystallizes in such
the cubic structure, and as a result this type of a way that the crystals are not perfectly formed
structure is every difficult to deform. Metals that the crystals are called grains. The line-shaped
have this structure have little plasticity and are areas between adjacent grains are known as
very difficult to work cold. Some examples of this GRAIN BOUNDARIES. A high state of stress
type of metal are cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), exists at the grainboundaries, due to a mismatch
magnesium (Mg), titanium (Ti), zinc (Zn), and of each lattice. When a metal is deformed, the
beryllium (Be). atoms in the structure slide over one another along
Of the four lattices mentioned above, the cubic certain planes called SLIP PLANES. Slip planes
types are the most important. If you understand are the planes of least resistance to an applied
the role these structures play in the heat-treating force. Metals with large grains have long slip
planes, allowing deformation to occur easily. On
the other hand, metals with small grains have
short slip planes, making deformation difficult.
The plane along which a metal separates when
subjected to an applied force is called a
In alloys (substances composed of two or
more metals or of a metal and a nonmetal), the
internal structure may be in the form of crystals
of pure metals, a solid solution, intermetallic
compounds, mechanical mixtures, or some
combination of these structures.
In a solid solution, the elements are completely
dissolved in each other, with the atoms of one
element fitting into and forming parts of the space
lattice of the other element. Figure 5-4 illustrates
two ways in which solid solutions may exist. The
atoms of one element may fit into the spaces
between the atoms of another element, as
indicated in figure 5-4, view A; or the atoms of
126.112X one element may replace the atoms of another
Figure 5-3. Microscopic structure called martensite element in the space lattice, as indicated in figure
magnified 2500 times. 5-4, view B.
POUNDS are combinations of a metal and some
other substance such as carbon or sulfur. Under
certain conditions, intermetallic compounds form
and a new substance with new properties is created
in very much the same manner but on a more
complicated basis. Perhaps the most important
thing to remember about the intermetallic com-
pounds is the loss of identity and the change in
properties of the combining elements. The heat
treater quite often uses the change in properties
offered by compound formations in metals to
create compounds with certain desired properties.
Figure 5-4. Space of two forms of solid solution.
A. Atoms of one element fit between atoms of
One intermetallic compound of great impor-
another element. B. Atoms of one element replace atoms tance in ferrous alloys is known as IRON
of another element. CARBIDE or CEMENTITE. an extremely
This is

hard and brittle compound which is formed by

the combination of iron (a metal) and carbon (a
A solid solution in a metal is similar to many metalloid). The formula for iron carbide, or
solutions you are familiar with. For example: cementite, is FeaC. This formula shows that three
water dissolves salt. The result is a wet salty atoms of iron combine with one atom of carbon
liquid. The taste of the salt and the wetness of to produce one molecule of iron carbide, or
the water have not changed. As you see, there has cementite.
been no change of individual properties. The structure of an alloy is described as
However, you cannot see or distinguish which is being a MECHANICAL MIXTURE when two
water and which is salt. The loss of individual or more structuralforms are mixed together but
identity is apparent. An example of a familiar are still separately distinguishable. A mechanical
solid solution is Monel metal. You know from mixture of an alloy is comparable though on a
experience that Monel is tough, and yet soft and smaller scale to the mixture of sand and gravel
plastic; the toughness of nickel and the plasticity in concrete.
of copper have been combined in the form of a One of the most important mechanical
metallic solid solution. mixtures that occurs in many steels is known as
The individual elements lose their identity in PEARLITE, where hypoeutectoid steel changes
a solid solution. A
polished cross section of a into hypereutectoid steel. Pearlite, so called
material that consists of only one solid solution because it has a pearly luster when seen under a
shows all grains to be of the same nominal microscope, is an intimate mechanical mixture of
composition. ferrite and cementite in alternate plates or layers.
Ferrite and austentite are two solid solutions Ferrite is a solid solution, and cementite or
that are important constituents of steel. FERRITE iron carbide is an intermetallic compound; in

is the name given to a solid solution of alpha iron pearlite, the two are closely mixed to form a
and carbon. AUSTENITE is the term for a solid characteristically layered structure.
solution of gamma iron and carbon. Carbon is Pearlite is formed when steel that contains
only slightly soluble in alpha iron but is quite approximately 0.83 percent carbon (plain carbon
soluble in gamma iron. Alpha iron at room steel) is heated to a certain temperature and
temperature can hold only about 0.007 percent then cooled slowly. When the entire structure
carbon in solid solution. At a temperature of of the alloy is in the form of pearlite, the com-
2065 F, gamma iron can hold up to about position is referred to as the EUTECTOID
2.0 percent carbon in solid solution. COMPOSITION. The pearlitic structure is

As an introduction to compounds, consider EUTECTOID

called the or the EUTECTOID
ordinary table salt. The two poisonous elements, STRUCTURE.
sodium and chlorine, are combined chemically to The internal structure of an alloy may show
create a new and different substance, sodium various combinations of pure metals, solid
chloride, or table salt. Salt, with its own identity solutions, intermetallic compounds, and
and properties, does not resemble either sodium mechanical mixtures. Many of the combinations
or chlorine. that are important in steels and other alloys are



Figure 5-5. Typical structure of low carbon steel (carbon

less than 0.83 percent). mor
Figure 5-6. Typical structure of steel containing
0.83 percent carbon.

the result of controlled heating and cooling of the

alloy. In other words, they are the result of heat HEAT TREATMENT
treatment. Figure 5-5 shows, very much enlarged,
a typical combination that occurs when plain Heat treatment may be defined as
carbon steel containing less than 0.83 percent operation or combination of operations
carbon is heated to a certain temperature and then involves the heating and cooling of a solid n
cooled slowly. This combination consists of the or alloy to obtain certain desirable properti<
solid solution ferrite and the mechanical mixture conditions. The basic purpose of all
pearlite, each in crystal form, distributed treatment is to change the properties of the n
throughout the alloy. The relative proportions of in some particular way. The change ma]
ferrite and pearlite in this combination depend required in order to improve the metal fo
largely upon the carbon content of the alloy. intended service, to support some subseq
Figure 5-6 shows the combination that occurs operation such as machining, or to relieve str<
when plain carbon steel containing more than 0.83 in the material. Heat treatment is comm
percent carbon is heated to a certain temperature used to develop or change such propertle
and then cooled slowly. This combination hardness, ductility, toughness, machinabilty,

contains no free crystals of ferrite; instead, it resistance, brittleness, magnetism, and elect
consists of crystals of pearlite surrounded by conductivity.
cementite at the grain boundaries. No single heat-treating operation coul<
GRAIN SIZE is determined by the number of used to produce all of these changes. In i

grains per square inch in a metal magnified 100 improving a metal in one way often chang
times normal size. The number of grains that form undesirably in some other way. For exarr
depends upon the rate of cooling from a molten hardening and tempering carbon steel will inci
state to a solid state. If a metal cools rapidly, the tensile strength and yield strength; at the s
many grains will form, and the size of the grain time, however, this treatment may reduce
will be smaller. The smaller the grain, the shorter metal's ductility, as measured by per
the slip planes, and the harder and stronger the of elongation. Therefore, heat treating
metal will be. The opposite will occur if the metal not be successful unless you know ex*
is cooled slowly. Grain size, therefore, directly what properties you can afford to sacr
affects the physical and the mechanical properties and exactly how to produce the requ
of metal and can be changed by various heat properties in the particular metal with w
treatment methods. you are working.
As a Class or Chief Machinery
First devices may include oxyacetylene torches, Hauck
Repairman, you need to have certain machine
will burners, forges, and temporary ovens constructed
parts or tools heat treated before and after of firebrick and sheet asbestos.
machining operations. The gases that circulate through the furnace
heating chamber and surround the metal
as it is being heated make up the FURNACE
HEAT-TREATING EQUIPMENT ATMOSPHERE. By controlling the composition
of the furnace atmosphere, you can produce the
The equipment required for heat-treating type of atmosphere best suited for the heating of
consists of furnaces or other heating devices, a particular type of metal. Furnace atmospheres
quenching baths or other cooling devices, are generally classified as being oxidizing,
temperature controls and indicators, and other reducing, or neutral.
controls and indicators required for the proper An OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE exists when
operation of the equipment or for the control of excess air is circulated through the furnace. Some
the process. In addition, heat-treating equipment electric furnaces are designed to operate with an
includes tongs and other devices for handling and oxidizing atmosphere at all times. In a fuel-fired
holding the work while it is being heated or furnace (gas or oil), an oxidizing atmosphere may
cooled. be produced by introducing more air into the
The type of heat-treating equipment you are heating chamber than is required for the
required to use depends upon where you are combustion of the fuel. An oxidizing atmosphere
stationed. On board ship, of course, heat-treating is indicated by bright, clean walls and a clear,

equipment is less elaborate than at many shore transparent atmosphere in the furnace. Metals
stations. Repair ships have fairly complete heated in an oxidizing atmosphere occasionally
equipment for heat-treating, but most other ships develop films of metal oxides on their surfaces.
do not. On ships that have no real heat-treating In some cases, this is undesirable; but in other
equipment, the occasional heat-treating that must cases, it is desirable because it tends to prevent
be done is accomplished with improvised ovens further decarburization of the metal. Decarburiza-
and improvised quenching baths. Obviously, heat tion is a term used to describe the loss of carbon
treatment is something less than an exact science from the surface of ferrous metals with conse-
when such improvised equipment is used. Even quent softening of the material.
with improvised equipment, however, you can do A REDUCING ATMOSPHERE tends to
a good job if you understand the principles of heat remove oxygen from the surface of the metal. A
treatment, know exactly what you want to do to reducing atmosphere is often desirable in heat
the structure of the metal, and understand the treatment since it tends to prevent oxide
limitations of the equipment. formation and other surface deterioration. If
Because heat-treating equipment varies so decarburization of steel is to be avoided, however,
widely, it is not practical to describe or to give a neutral atmosphere rather than a reducing or
operating instructions for different types in this oxidizing atmosphere is used.
course. The equipment described here is typical A NEUTRAL ATMOSPHERE is neither
of heat-treating equipment you may be required oxidizing nor reducing because it contains no
to use, but it does not include all possible types oxygen (oxidizing agent) and no carbon monoxide
of equipment. If you are required to heat-treat (reducing agent). In reality, other factors often
metals, find out all you can about the equipment tend to produce either oxidation or decarburiza-
that is available before you begin to use it. The tion; therefore, an atmosphere that is described
instructions furnished by the manufacturer are as neutral may not always be totally neutral.
usually your best and sometimes only source The furnace atmosphere may be the natural
of authoritative information on a specific item of result of the combustion of the fuel (gas or
heat-treating equipment. oil) that heats the furnace, or it may be the
result of the deliberate introduction of a gas
HEATING EQUIPMENT or a mixture of gases into the heating chamber.
When gases are deliberately introduced into
Equipment designed for the heating of metals the heating chamber for the purpose of con-
includes electric furnaces, fuel-fired furnaces, bath trolling the atmosphere, the furnace is said
furnaces, and devices for the measurement and to have a CONTROLLED or PROTECTIVE
control of temperature. Improvised heating ATMOSPHERE.
Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces with a controlled atmosphere

are frequently used for heat-treating on repair
ships and tenders. Quite often two such units are
used on the same ship. One is a relatively low-
temperature furnace used for preheating or
annealing, and the other is a higher temperature
furnace used for hardening. Both types are
equipped with control devices for regulating
temperature. The high-temperature furnace
may also be equipped with rheostats used
to increase the rate of heating. A typical
electric furnace for shipboard use is shown
in figure 5-7. An exploded view of a slightly
different type of electric furnace is shown
in figure 5-8.

The outer casing of the furnace is usually made

of sheet steel. Just inside the casing is a layer of
insulating material, such as mica, spun glass, or
asbestos. Inside this insulating material is a
lining of refractory material, such as firebrick and
insulating brick. The refractory lining insulates
the furnace, helps maintain the required high
temperatures, and supports the heating elements
and the hearth plate.

The heating elements of an electric furnace are

metal or silicon carbide resistors in the form of
bars or tubes. Metallic resistors made of nickel-
18.95X iron-chromium are used for temperatures up to
Figure 5-7. Controlled atmosphere electric furnace for about 2000 F. Molybdenum or tungsten resistors
heat-treating. are used for temperatures up to 3100F if a

In operating and maintaining an electric
heat-treating furnace, observe the following

1 Do not allow a conductor (a piece of metal,


for example) to short-circuit the heating elements.

2. Do not try to heat the furnace to a

temperature higher than the temperature specified

by the manufacturer. Do not overload the
3. Keep the interior of the furnace clean.
4.Inspect the entire unit at frequent intervals.
18.97 Replace defective parts immediately.
Figure 5-9. Grid for heat-treating furnace. 5. Open andclose the furnace door carefully
to avoid damaging the insulation or other parts
of the furnace.
hydrogen atmosphere is provided in the furnace. 6. Observe all safety precautions appropriate
As a rule, silicon carbide resistors are used for to electricalequipment in general and all special
temperatures over 2000 F. instructions given by the manufacturer. Electric
furnaces carry heavy amperage and high voltage.
Hearth plates are placed on the bottom of the
They can be dangerous if operating instructions
heating chamber to support the pieces being and maintenance procedures are not followed
heated. Hearth plates must withstand high
temperatures without sagging or scaling. They are
often made of a special nickel-chromium heat-
resistant alloy. If the furnace is designed for the
Fuel-Fired Furnaces
heat treatment of high-speed steels, the hearth
plate maybe made of a carbon and silicon. Furnaces that are heated by the combustion
made of iron-chromium-nickel of fuel gas or fuel oil are referred to as
Grids, usually
FUEL-FIRED FURNACES. Although fuel-fired
alloy, keepheavy or long sections of material off
the hearth plate.The use of grids ensures more furnaces may be found on board ship, they are
uniform heating of the material and tends to primarily located in heat-treating shops at shore
prevent warping. A
grid for an electric furnace
In design and construction, fuel-fired furnaces
is shown in figure 5-9.
are generally quite similar to electric furnaces. The
A special type of electric furnace known as an actual heating equipment, of course, is different.
AIR-CIRCULATING FURNACE is sometimes Burners are used in fuel-fired furnaces instead of
used for stress-relieving and for heat-treating the heating elements. Another difference is that
nonferrous metals. This type of furnace contains special containers called MUFFLES, are used in
no heating elements in the chamber where the fuel-fired furnaces to protect the work from direct
material is heated. Instead, air is heated in an exposure to flames or excessively hot combustion
adjacent chamber and is then passed through gases.
ducts into the chamber in which the material is Always follow the manufacturer's instructions
placed. The circulation of air to this type of and maintaining a fuel-fired furnace.
in operating
furnace is usually sufficient to provide between Also, observe the following general precautions
350 and 600 complete changes of air per minute. when you use fuel-fired furnaces:
The heated air usually passes vertically through
the furnace load. Air-circulating furnaces are 1 Open all doors before you light the burners.

low-temperature units, usually designed

relatively 2. Purge the furnace with air from the blower
to operate at temperatures ranging from 275 to before you light the burners. Be sure the fuel oil
1250 F. Temperature control is both accurate and or gas valves are closed while you purge the
rapid. The maximum temperature variation is furnace.
seldom more than plus or minus 5 F, and very 3 When you shut off any type of oil or gas

rapid changes to a higher or lower temperature burner, shut off the fuel supply before you shut
are possible. off the air supply.
4. Inspect burners frequently and remove any the wedge is stuck to the cake, loosen it by
scale or other material that may be clogging the tapping it on each side.
burners. 2. Heat solid salts slowly. They melt slowly,
5. Inspect the entire unit at frequent intervals. and if you try to make them melt rapidly, you will
Replace defective parts immediately. merely overheat the crucible and the salt nearest
6. Inspect all pipes and joints at regular the crucible.
intervals. Keep them in good repair. 3 . add new salts before the melting
If possible,
7. Do
not overload the furnace. Consult the starts. Ifyou must add new salts after some of
manufacturer's instructions concerning proper the bath material has already melted, preheat and
loading. dry the new salts before adding them.
8. Observe all
appropriate safety precautions 4. Before placing metal parts or tools
in connection with the use, handling, transfer, and into a molten bath, preheat the metal to
stowage of the fuel. at least 250 F. Undetected moisture on any
metal part will cause violent popping and
sputtering of the molten salts when the metal
Bath Furnaces is immersed. As a result of this popping and

sputtering, you may be severely burned by the

Various types of liquid baths may be used for molten salts.
heating materials. A BATH FURNACE is, merely 5. Use only the correct kind of salts of the
a melting pot or crucible filled with salt, lead, or required purity in bath furnaces. DO NOT MIX
oil. The bath material is melted and maintained DIFFERENT KINDS OF SALTS! Violent
at a constant temperature by electric resistors. explosions have resulted from the accidental
Figure 5-10 shows the general arrangement of a mixing of different kinds of salts. Tools and parts
bath furnace. Various salts are used in furnaces must be completely cleaned of all traces of salts
of this type. The particular salt selected for any before they are allowed to come in contact with
application depends upon the melting point of the any other kind of salts.
salt and the practical range through which the 6. If thermocouples extend into the molten

liquid salt can be heated. material of the bath, be sure to remove them
Observe the following instructions and pre- before the material solidifies.
cautions in connection with the use of bath 7. Be sure there is adequate ventilation when
furnaces: you use a bath furnace. A
suitable exhaust system
MUST be provided to remove fumes from the
1. Before melting solid salts, remove the steel space.
wedge from the center of the frozen salt cake. If 8. Do not allow lead or salts to accumulate
around bath furnaces.
9. Be sure the quenching tanks are placed at
a safe distance from the bath furnaces.
AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL 10. After using a salt bath, place a steel
freeze in the center of the molten salts
before allowing the salts to cool. Before
the salts are used again, remove the wedge.
The opening formed in the frozen salt cake
provides a space for expansion of the salts
as they heat. This allows more rapid melting
of the salt cake than would be possible without
the opening.
11. Use appropriate safety equipment
gloves, goggles, and masks, as necessary.
12. Observe all safety precautions that apply
to the materials used in the bath furnaces. SOME
ARE DEADLY POISONS. Do not swallow these
18.98X substances. Do not breathe the fumes. Do not
Figure 5-10. General arrangement of bath furnace used for allow the salts to come in contact with cuts or
heat-treating. scratches on your skin.
The indicating unit of the pyrometer shows
(DISSIMILAR METALS) the difference between the temperature at the
hot end of the wires or strips and the temper-
ature at the cool end. This means that the
temperature at the cool end must be known and
must be either held constant or compensated
'CALIBRATED LEADS for if the temperature indication is to have
FURNACE WALL any meaning. Some pyrometers are equipped
INSULATION with a thermostatically operated control spring
that makes the required temperature correction
automatically. Other pyrometers have a zero
18.99 adjuster that must be operated by hand.
Figure 5-11. Thermoelectric pyrometer used in heat-treating
furnace. Some pyrometers merely indicate the temper-
ature; others indicate it and record it. Most
electric furnaces and many fuel-fired furnaces are
Temperature Measurement and Control equipped with pyrometers that are controllers as
well as measuring devices. This type of instrument
The measurement and control of temperature can be set to develop and maintain any desired
are extremely important in
all heat-treating temperature within the limits of the furnace
processes. Modern
heat-treating furnaces are design.
equipped with various devices for indicating (and
in some cases recording) temperatures. Some If you are using improvised heat-treating
furnaces are also equipped with temperature equipment, you will probably not have any
controllers. accurate way of measuring temperature and will
have to improvise methods for determining
The most commonly used device for mea- temperature.
suring the temperature in a heat-treating furnace
is the THERMOELECTRIC PYROMETER. It is possible to estimate the temperature

This instrument (fig. 5-11) consists of a of ferrous metals by noting the color changes
thermocouple, an extension lead, and an that occur when the material is heated. This
indicating unit. The thermocouple consists of two method is not practical for nonferrous metals
wires or strips of dissimilar metals twisted or since most nonferrous metals melt before
welded together at the tip. An extension lead from they show a color change. At best, the
each wire or strip leads to the indicating color method of judging temperatures is
unit. When the thermocouple is heated, an guesswork. Nonetheless, you should develop
electromotive force of voltage is generated. The some skill in using this technique. It may
indicating unit is an extremely sensitive be the method you have to estimate
galvanometer capable of registering voltage in temperature when you do not have adequate
thousandths of a volt. Since the voltage generated heat-treating equipment.
by the heating of the two dissimilar metals is
proportional to the temperature, the indication The best way to learn to judge the temper-
of voltage is actually also an indication of ature of ferrous metal by color is by heating
temperature. The indicating unit is calibrated in small samples of clean, polished steel under
degrees Fahrenheit. controlled conditions. This way you can check
the colorof the sample against the actual
The thermocouple is inserted into the temperature. Also, study the color charts that
working chamber of the furnace or into the solid relate color and temperature. Your perception
material in a bath furnace. Iron, copper, nickel, of the colors will be affected by the color
and chromium are among the metals used in and intensity of the light in the furnace or
thermocouples for temperatures up to 2000 F. in the room where you are working. Use standard
For higher temperatures a platinum and rare lighting conditions, if possible, when you
metal combination is often used. The extension must estimate the temperature of a metal by
leads are made of the same materials as the observing the color. Charts are available in
thermoconnle it various handbooks and textbooks on metals.

Table 5-1 is a rough guide to the color- The rate of cooling is controlled by sele
temperature relationships of steel. an appropriate cooling medium and co
At temperatures below those given in procedure. The equipment required for co
table 5-1, another type of color determination includes the substances used for cooling, a
can be made. If steel is thoroughly cleaned or other container to hold the cooling mec
and polished, the surface will appear to change and various kinds of tongs, baskets, and
color as the material is heated. An oxide devices for handling and holding the worl
film forms on the polished surface as the The rate at which a metal cools depends
steel is heated, and the oxide color corresponds a number of factors. The size, shape, temper*
to a certain temperature. Some oxide colors and composition of the material and
for steel are given in table 5-2. temperature and composition of the co
Special temperature-indicating crayons or medium are the major factors involved. Thi
other materials may be available for use in at which a cooling medium can absorb heat i
connection with heat treatment. These materials greatly influenced by circulation. Wher
give a much more accurate indication of cooling medium is agitated, the rate of co
temperature than can be obtained by merely is much faster than when the cooling medi

observing the color of the metal. Temperature- not in motion. The volume of the cooling me
indicating crayons are made of materials that melt is also important. As the metal cools
rapidly and clearly at specified temperatures. A cooling medium absorbs heat. If the volu:
seriesof crayons is supplied to cover a wide range insufficient, the cooling medium will becom
of temperatures. hot to cool the work at the required rat
The crayons are easy to use. You select the regular heat-treating shops where the co
crayon that is labeled with the temperature you mediums must be used continuously, mech*
want. As the metal is being heated, stroke the cooling systems are used to maintain the co
work with the crayon. When the metal is below medium at the correct temperature.
the temperature rating of the crayon, the crayon Liquids, gases, and solids are all us<
will leave a dry or chalky mark on the surface.
cooling mediums for heat-treating operal
When the proper temperature is reached or Table 5-3 shows the relative cooling rates of
exceeded, the crayon will melt quickly, leaving a commonly used liquids and gases. Solid mat
liquid smear on the metal. Do not forget that the such as lime, sand, ashes, and cast-iron chii
crayons indicate only the skin or surface sometimes used when the rate of cooling mi
temperature of the metal. The interior of the piece slower than that produced by liquids or g
may be at quite a different temperature unless the Liquid quenching is accomplished eith
piece has been soaking for some time. STILL-BATH QUENCHING or by FL

Table 5-3. Average Cooling Rates of Some Liquids and
Gases Used for Cooling, as Compared with Cooling
Rate of Water at 65 F

Cooling Rate, as
Cooling Medium Compared to
Water at 65 F

10-percent brine solution

at 65 F 1.96
10-percent caustic soda
solution 1.38
Water at 65 F 1.00
Prepared oil 0.44
Fuel oil 0.36
Cottonseed oil 0.36
Neatsfoot oil 0.33
Sperm oil 0.33
Fish oil 0.31
Castor oil 0.29 Figure 5-12. Portable quenching tank for use in heat-
Machine oil 0.22 treating.
Lard oil 0.19
Circulated air 0.032
Still air 0.015
tank. A
portable electric pump may be attached
to the rim of the tank to circulate the liquid.
Stationary quenching tanks are usually
18.122 designed to contain only one liquid. In a
stationary quenching tank, the mesh basket that
holds the work is usually raised and lowered by
QUENCHING. In still-bath quenching the metal air pressure and is controlled by a three-way air
is cooled in a tank of still liquid. The only valve. The basket can usually be positioned at any
movement of the liquid is that caused by the level and can be raised above the level of the
movement of the hot metal. Flush quenching is liquid so that the parts can be drained after they
used for parts that have recesses or cavities that have been cooled. Stationary quenching tanks
would not be properly quenched by the still-bath usually have built-in electric pumps to circulate
method. In flush quenching, the liquid is sprayed the liquid. WATER is often used as a quenching
under pressure onto the surface of the piece and medium for plain carbon steels and for aluminum
into every cavity or recess. This procedure is often and other nonferrous metals. The water must be
used to minimize distortion by providing a kept clean by frequent changing. The temperature
relatively uniform quench to all parts of the piece. most often used for water quenching is about
65 F. Normally, the volume of water in the tank
Portable quenching tanks of the type shown should prevent a temperature rise of more than
in figure 5-12 are sometimes used in small shops 20 F. When very heavy pieces are being quenched,
that do not have permanent, built-in equipment. the temperature rise may exceed 20 F, but it
They may also be used in larger shops where tanks should always be kept as low as possible.
that may be moved from one place to another are BRINE is used for many quenching opera-
needed. Portable quenching tanks may have one tions. At any given temperature, brine cannot

compartment or several. When more than one hold as much dissolved air as fresh water can hold.
quenching medium is to be used, the seal between With brine, therefore, there are fewer air bubbles
the compartments must be absolutely tight in or gas pockets on the surface of the work. Brine
order to prevent mixing of the mediums. Each wets the surface more thoroughly and cools the
compartment is equipped with a drain plug, a work more rapidly and more uniformly than plain
screen in the bottom to catch scale and other water.
foreign matter, and a mesh basket to hold the Brine solutions usually contain from 7 to 10
parts being quenched. The mesh basket and the percent salt by weight or 3/4 of a pound of salt
wire screen are suspended in the tank and held for each gallon of water. The correct temperature
in position by clips that fit over the rim of the for a brine quench ranges from 65 to 100F.

Plain carbon steels and low-alloy steels are often purpose must be entirely free of moisture. Any
quenched in brine. High-carbon steels and all alloy moisture in the air produces rapid quenching
steels that are uneven in cross section must be wherever it touches the metal and may cause
quenched very carefully if brine is the cooling cracking or hard spots.
medium. Brine cools the material so rapidly that MOLTEN LEAD at temperatures ranging

great internal stresses may develop and crack the from 650 to 1 100 F is often used as a first-stage
work. Brine is not used as a quenching medium quench for high-speed steels. A common practice
for nonferrous metals because of its high corrosive is to quench high-speed steel in molten lead as

effect on these metals. soon as the work is removed from the furnace and
to follow this quench by cooling the part in still
OIL used to quench high-speed steels and
is air to about 200 F before tempering. Molten
oil-hardened steels. It is also the preferred lead is not used as a quenching medium for
quenching medium for almost all other steels nonferrous metals.
except where the necessary hardness cannot be MOLTEN SALT at
temperatures ranging
obtained by such a relatively slow quench. from 300 to 1000 F sometimes used as a

Although nonferrous metals are not normally quenching medium for steels that tend to crack
quenched in oil, they may be in special cases. A or distort from more sudden quenches. The final
wide variety of quenching oils may be used, cooling for the temperature of the molten salt bath
including animal oils, fish oils, vegetable is accomplished in still air. All traces of the salt

oils, and mineral oils. Oils have a slower must be washed from the steel to prevent
cooling rate than brine or water but a faster corrosion. Molten salt is never used as a quench
cooling rate than air or solid materials. Quenching for nonferrous materials.
oils are usually used in the temperature range of SPECIAL PROTECTIVE ATMOSPHERES
80 to 150F. are used for the first-stage cooling of some steels.
The protective atmosphere almost entirely
The chief danger involved in quenching with eliminates air from around the metal and thus
oil isthat a hot metal piece may raise the prevents scaling. When the steel has cooled
temperature of the oil to the flash point and cause enough so there is no further danger of scaling,
it to burst into flames. Acover should always be the remainder of the cooling is done in still air.
kept near a quenching tank that is used for oil.
If the oil flashes into flames, put the cover over
the tank immediately to smother the fire.
Some water usually collects in the bottom of
the tank. The water does no harm if only a
oil As we have seen, the properties of a metal or
small amount is present. If enough water is an alloy are directly related to the metallurgical
present that the work extends into the water, the structure of the material. Since we know that the
rapid quenching action of the water may cause basic purpose of heat treatment is to CHANGE
the piece to crack. the properties of the materials, let's see how this
is done. The following sections deal with basic
CAUSTIC SODA in water is used for some considerations in heat treatment equilibrium
steels that require rapid quenching. A 10-percent diagrams, transformation temperatures, and the
causticsoda solution quenches faster than water, effects of heating, holding at temperature, and
but slower than brine. Nonferrous metals are not cooling.
quenched in caustic soda solutions.

AIR is used for cooling some high-alloy steels EQUILIBRIUM DIAGRAMS

and some nonferrous metals. Both still air and
circulating air are used. For either method the The relationships among the various
work pieces are placed on racks or other suitable metallurgical structures that compose alloys and
containers so that
all parts are uniformly exposed. the temperatures at which these structures exist
Air often circulated by electric fans arranged
is are shown on existing equilibrium diagrams for
to provide uniform cooling. Compressed air is all major alloy systems. Figure 5-13 shows a
sometimes used to concentrate the cooling on simplified equilibrium diagram (also called a
particular areas. Compressed air used for this phase diagram) for iron-carbon alloys. This type


~ + H B




Figure 5-13. Iron-carbon phase diagram.

of diagram gives a good overall view of the

effects of temperature on the structures of various
alloys. However, you should note that an
equilibrium diagram indicates equilibrium
conditions you might say, ideal conditions of
very slow and very uniform heating and cooling.
The rate and uniformity of heating and cooling
affect the internal structure of alloys and alter the
relationship between temperature and internal
structure. Therefore, equilibriumdiagrams repre-
sent theoretical rather than actual conditions.

If you allow a molten sample of pure
iron to cool slowly and measure the temperature
of the iron at regular intervals, an idealized
(equilibrium) time-temperature plot of the Idealized cooling curve for pure iron.
Figure 5-14.
data will appear as shown in figure 5-14. The

horizontal discontinuities (temperature arrests) in IRON-CARBON PHASE DIAGRAM
this curve are caused by physical changes in the
iron. The complete iron-carbon phase diagram
represents the relationship between temperatures,
The first arrest at 2800 F marks the compositions, and structures of all phases that
temperature at which the iron freezes. The may be formed by iron and carbon under an
other arrests (known as transformation tem- equilibrium condition (very slow cooling). Figure
peratures or critical points) mark temperatures 5-13 illustrates a portion of this diagram for alloys
at which certain internal changes take place ranging up to 6.7 percent of carbon. The left-hand
in the solid iron. Some of these temperatures boundary of the diagram represents pure iron
are very important in the heat treatment of (ferrite), and the right-hand boundary represents
steel. the compound iron carbide, Fe 3 C, commonly
called cementite.
As was mentioned before, the atoms in
all solid metals are a definite
arranged in The beginning of freezing (change in state of
geometric pattern. The atoms in iron imme- metal from liquid to solid) of the various iron-
diately after freezing are arranged in the carbon alloys is shown by line ABCD (fig. 5-13),
body-centered cubic structure. In this crystal termed the LIQUIDUS LINE. The ending of
structure the unit cell consists of a cube freezing is given by line AHJECF, termed the
with an iron atom at each of the eight SOLIDUS LINE. The freezing point of iron is
corners and another in the center. Each of lowered by the addition of carbon (up to
the many individual grains (crystals) of which 4.3 percent) and the resultant alloys freeze over
the solid metal is composed is built up of a a range in temperature instead of at a constant
very large number of these unit cells, all oriented temperature as does the pure metal iron. The alloy
alike in the same grain. This high-temperature iron containing 4.3 percent carbon, called the eutectic
is known as delta (<5) iron. alloy of iron and cementite, freezes at a constant
temperature as indicated by point C (fig. 5-13).
At 2550 F (the A4 5-14), iron
point, fig. Eutectic is defined as an alloy or solution having
undergoes an allotropic transformation; that is, its components in such proportions that the

the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal melting point is the lowest possible for this
changes. The new crystal structure is face-centered combination of components. The formation of
cubic, and the unit cell again consists of a cube a eutectic occurs when a molten alloy or solution
with an iron atom at each of the eight corners, of the proper composition freezes. This
but with an iron atom in the center of each of the temperature (in iron) is 2065 F, considerably
six faces instead on one in the center of the cube. below the freezing point of pure iron.
This form is known as gamma (y) iron. At 1670F
(the A
3 point), iron undergoes another allotropic Carbon has an important effect upon the
transformation and reverts to the body-centered transformation temperatures of iron; it raises the
cubic system. This structure, which is basically the A4 temperature and lowers the A3 temperature.
same as the structure of delta iron, is stable at all This effect on the AS temperature is very
temperatures below the AS point and is known important in the heat treatment of carbon and
as alpha (a) iron. The arrest at 1420 F alloy structural steels, while the effect on the A4
(the A
2 point), is not caused by an allotropic temperature is important in the heat treatment of
change.It marks the temperature at which iron certain high-alloy steels, particularly stainless
becomes ferromagnetic and is therefore termed types.
the magnetic transition. Above this temperature
iron is nonmagnetic. Solid iron can absorb various amounts of
carbon, depending on the crystal structure of the
These various temperature arrests on cooling iron and the temperature to which the iron is
are caused by evolutions of heat. On heating, the heated. The body-centered iron (alpha or delta)
arrests occur in reverse order and are caused by can absorb very little carbon, whereas the face-
absorptions of heat. The critical points may be centered (gamma) iron can absorb a considerable
detected also by sudden changes in other physical amount as pure austenite, the maximum being
properties, for instance, expansivity or electrical about 2.0 percent at 2065 F (fig. 5-13, point E).
conductivity. The solid solution of carbon in delta iron is
called delta ferrite, and the solid solution of cooling through the temperature 2065 F (ECF in
carbon in alpha iron is called alpha ferrite, or, fig. 5-13) will decompose partly or completely into
more simply, ferrite. austenite and graphite.
The part of the iron-carbon phase diagram
The physical process by which iron-carbon that concerned with the heat treatment of steel

alloys,especially those containing less than is reproduced on an ^expanded scale in figure 5-15.

about 0.6 percent of carbon, solidify is rather Regardless of the carbon content, steel exists as
complicated. All you really need to know, austenite above line GOSE. Steel of 0.80 percent
however, is that all iron-carbon alloys containing carbon is designated as eutectoid steel, and those
less than 2.0 percent of carbon (steel) will, with lower or higher carbon as hypoeutectoid and
immediately or soon after solidification is hyper eutectoid, respectively.
complete, consist of single-phase austenite. Cast
irons containing greater than 2.0 percent carbon A eutectoid steel, when cooled at very slow
will consist of two phases immediately after ratesfrom temperatures within the austenitic field,
solidification austenite and cementite. Under undergoes no change until the temperature reaches
some conditions this cementite formed on 1330 F (line PSK) (fig. 5-15). At this temperature



A LINE 1420
A 1, 2, 3 LINE



.2 .4 .83 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0



Figure 5-15. Phase diagram for carbon steels.

(known as the AI temperature), the austenite Aci, Ari, and so on. The letter e is used to
transforms completely to a mixture of ferrite and designate the occurrence of the points under
cementite having a typical lamellar structure conditions of extremely slow cooling on the
(fig. 5-16). The mixture is known as pearlite, and assumption that this represents equilibrium
the AI temperature is, therefore, frequently conditions (Ae 3 and Ae cm ).
referred to as the pearlite point. Since the AI
transformation involves the transformation of EFFECTS OF HEATING,
austenite to pearlite (which contains cementite HOLDING, AND COOLING
FesC), pure iron does not possess an AI
transformation (fig. 5-15). Theoretically, iron We have seen what happens to the structure
must be alloyed with a minimum of 0.03 percent of an iron-carbon alloy containing 0.8 percent
of carbon before the first minute traces of pearlite carbon when it is cooled very slowly so that all
can be formed on cooling (fig. 5-15, point P). If of the transformations occur at the points
the steelis held at a temperature just below AI indicated on the equilibrium diagram. In the same
(either during cooling or heating), the carbide manner, we could use the equilibrium diagram to
in the pearlite tends to coalesce into globules find the transformation points or ranges for other
or spheroids; this phenomenon, known as iron-carbon alloys containing different per-
SPHEROIDIZATION, will be discussed later. centages of carbon.
A hypoeutectoid steel (less than 0.83 percent If we want to create a metal that has a specific

carbon), cooled slowly from a temperature above property or set of properties, we have to create
the A 3 temperature, begins to precipitate ferrite a specific grain structure in the metal. We do this
when the 3 line is reached. This ferrite is often primarily by (1) heating the metal at a certain rate
called pro-eutectoid, since it forms before the to a certain temperature, (2) holding or soaking
eutectoid temperature is reached. As the it at that temperature for a specified time, and

temperature drops from the A

3 to the AI, the (3) cooling it at a specified rate. Thus the three
precipitation of ferrite increases progressively, and major factors involved in all heat-treating
as the amount of the remaining austenite decreases processes are (1) rate of heating, (2) holding time
progressively, its carbon content increases. At the (or soaking time) at the specified temperature, and
AI temperature the remaining austenite reaches (3) rate of cooling. A fourth factor the chemical
eutectoid composition (0.83 percent carbon) and, composition of the material surrounding the alloy
upon further cooling, transforms completely during heat treatment is important in nearly all
into pearlite (fig. 5-16, point D). The micro- treating processes.
structures of slowly cooled hypoeutectoid steels The rate of heating determines where the
thus consist of mixtures of ferrite and pearlite (fig. changes will occur in the material as it is heated.
5-16, points B and C). The lower the carbon Increasing the rate of heating raises the
content, the higher is the temperature at which temperatures at which the transformations occur.
ferrite begins to precipitate and the greater is the Within certain limits, the faster the material is
amount of hypoeutectoid steel in the final heated the higher its transformation temperatures
structure. will be. The temperature to which the material is
The temperature range between the AI and raised and the time it is held at that temperature
As points called the transformation range.
is affect the size of the grains in the final structure.
Theoretically, the critical points in any steel should The rate of heating also partially determines
occur at about the same temperatures, whether whether or not stresses will be set up in the
the steel being heated or cooled very slowly.
is material by the process of heating.
Practically, however, they do not since the 3 and A The holding time (or soaking time) at
AI points, affected slightly by the rate of heating, temperature is important for a number of reasons.
are affected tremendously by the rate of cooling. The holding time must be sufficient to allow all
Rapid rates of heating raise these points only parts of the piece to come to a uniform
slightly, but rapid rates of cooling lower the temperature, except in those cases involving
temperatures of transformation considerably. To localized hardening of certain areas. If the rate
differentiatebetween the critical points on heating of heating is very slow, uniformity of temperature
and cooling, the small letters c (for chauffage, may be reached with a short holding time. But
meaning heating) and r (for refroidissement, if the rate of heating is rapid, a longer holding

meaning cooling) are added. The terminology of time will probably be required. In any case,
the critical points thus becomes Acs, Ai 3 , holding time must be sufficient to allow the
Figure 5-I6.-Mkrostnictural constituents of
slowly cooled carbon steels (all etched with either picral or nital).
uauaiuimauuuo LU uai\.c . y-vs we a git/ai vatcu muit v^ai u^n 111 ov^iiw. OVIULIVII 1.110.11

have seen, the transformations do not occur alpha iron can, the change from gamma iron to
instantaneously but require a definite time for alpha iron causes a sudden dispersion of very fine
completion. particles of carbon. Because the transformation
The rate of cooling is tremendously important from austenite is so rapid, these fine particles of
inmost heat-treating processes. Increasing the rate carbon are trapped throughout the structure.
of cooling lowers the temperatures at which the The rate of cooling is controlled by selecting
transformations occur; and the lower the an appropriate quenching medium and cooling
transformation temperature, the stronger and procedure. Fresh water, brine, oil, and caustic
harder the final product will be. Very rapid soda in water are commonly used for rapid
cooling does not allow time for the trans- quenching. Slower cooling is obtained by air
formations to be completed in the normal cooling, by packing, and by furnace cooling.
manner, resulting in quite different structures than Packing consists of burying the heated metal in
those obtained by very slow cooling of the same sand, ashes, or some other substance that is a poor
material. Remember this fact about cooling if conductor of heat. Furnace cooling consists of
you do not cool a metal properly, you will not shutting off the heat and leaving the piece in the
get the desired results, no matter how carefully furnace, so that the metal and the furnace cool
you heat and soak the metal. In addition, very together. Ferrous metals are sometimes cooled in
rapid cooling can cause internal stresses in your baths of molten lead or molten salts. Occasionally,
material, which may lead to cracking. solid materials are used as quenching mediums.
In plain carbon steel, the properties of the In each instance, the quenching medium and the
material are largely determined by the form and quenching procedure must be selected on the basis
distribution of the ferrite and the cementite. Most of the nature of the material being treated, the
heat treatment of plain carbon steels consists of size and design of the piece, and the properties

heating the material slightly above its trans- that are required in the final product.
formation temperature, holding it at this
temperature until it is completely austenitic, and Isothermal Transformation
then cooling it at the rate required to produce a
particular kind of structure. Thus austenite, a The course of transformation of austenite
solid solution of carbon and gamma iron, might when the steel is quenched to and held at various
be considered the basis from which all plain constant elevated temperature levels (isothermal
carbon steel structures are derived. transformation) is shown by a diagram known as
As noted before, the very slow cooling of the transformation diagram (I-T diagram). This
austenite toroom temperature produces structures diagram is also called the Bain S-curve or the TTT
that are combinations of ferrite and cementite. diagram, for time, temperature, and trans-
The particular combination depends upon the per- formation. Such a diagram for eutectoid carbon
centage of carbon in the alloy. With less than steel is shown in figure 5-17. The I-T diagram of
about 0.83 percent carbon, the structure is a a steel is a map that charts the transformation of
combination of ferrite and pearlite. With just austenite as a function of temperature and time
about 0.83 percent carbon, the structure is entirely and shows approximately how a particular steel
pearlitic. With more than 0.83 percent carbon, the will respond to any rate of slow or rapid cooling
structure is a combination of pearlite surrounded from the austenite state.
by cementite at the grain boundaries. PEARLITE. Austenite containing 0.80
If the steel is cooled rapidly but not quite percent of carbon, cooled quickly to and held at
rapidly enough to retain the austenitic structure, 1300F, does not begin to decompose (transform)
quite a different structure will result. The austenite until after about 15 minutes, and does not
will be retained until the material reaches a completely decompose until after about 2 hours
temperature between 1100F and room (fig. 5-17). Thus, at temperatures just below the
temperature. At this point there is a sudden critical temperature (AcO, austenite is stable for
transformation from austenite to a structure called a considerable length of time. The product of the
MARTENSITE. Martensite is a very hard and decomposition of austenite at this temperature is
highly stressed structure that is partially like a coarse pearlite of relatively low hardness. If the
solid solution and partially like a mechanical austenite is quickly cooled to and held at a
mixture. It is formed at the moment gamma iron somewhat lower temperature, say 1200F,
changes to alpha iron. Since gamma iron can hold decomposition begins in about 3 seconds and is


DC 800 42


400 58


200 - 64

3 5
0.5 1 10 10 2 10 10' 10

Figure 5-17. Isothermal transformation diagram (S-curve) for eutectoid carbon steel.

completed after about 30 seconds, the resultant about 430 F for the eutectoid carbon steel under
pearlite being finer and harder than that formed consideration), partial transformation takes place
at 1300F. At a temperature of about 1050 F, the instantaneously; the product of transformation
austenite decomposes extremely rapidly, with less is martensite. Austenite transforms into marten-

than 1 second elapsing before the transformation site over a temperature range with the amount that
starts and 5 seconds before it is completed. The transforms being a function of the temperature.
resultant pearlite is extremely fine and its Only minute amounts will transform at about
hardness is relatively high. This region of the 430 F; practically all of the austenite will be
S-curve where decomposition of austenite to fine transformed at about 175 F. The beginning of this
pearlite proceeds so rapidly is called the "nose" transformation range is termed the 5 (marten- M
of the curve. site start) temperature and the end of the range
is termed the M/ (martensite finish) temperature.
BAINITE. If the cooled
austenite is As long as the temperature is held constant with
unchanged to temperatures below the nose of the the M5-M/ range, the portion of the austenite that
S-curve (1050 F), the time required for its does not transform instantaneously to martensite
decomposition begins to increase. The final remains untransformed for a considerable length
product of decomposition now is not pearlite, but of time, eventually transforming to bainite.
a new structure, called bainite, possessing unusual In ordinary heat treatment of the plain
toughness with hardness even greater than that carbon steels, austenite does not transform into
of very fine pearlite. Depending on the bainite. Transformation of the austenite takes
temperature, a certain interval of time is necessary place either above or at the nose of the S-curve,
before austenite starts to transform into either forming pearlite, or in passing through the
pearlite or bainite. Additional time is necessary M s -Mf range, forming martensite or both. For
before the transformations are completed. austenite to be transformed entirely into marten-
site, it must be cooled rapidly enough so that the
MARTENSITE.If the austenite is cooled temperature of the center of the steel, which cools
unchanged to relatively low temperatures (below more slowly, is lowered past the nose of the
transformation to start at mis temperature. 11 mis
is not done, part of the steel transforms into

pearlite at the high temperature and the remainder

transforms into martensite at the low temperature
(M5-M/ temperature range). The resulting material
will then transform to a non-uniform structure
that is usually not desirable.

Continuous Cooling

Figure 5-18 represents a theoretical S-curve on

which are superimposed five theoretical cooling
curves. Curves A to E represent successively
slower rates of cooling that would be obtained,
for instance, by cooling in (A) iced brine, (B)
water, (C) oil, (D) air, and (E) the furnace.
Steel cooled according to curve E begins to
transform at temperature ti and completes
transformation at i2\ the final product is coarse
pearlite with relatively low hardness. When the
steel is cooled according to curve D, trans-
formation begins at ts and is completed at t 4 the

final product is fine pearlite and its hardness is

greater than that of the steel cooled according to
curve E. When the steel is cooled according to
curve C, transformation begins at ts and is only
partially complete when temperature te is
reached; the product of this partial trans-
formation is very fine pearlite. The remainder of
the austenite does not decompose until the s M
temperature is reached; then it begins to transform
to martensite, and completes this transformation
at the M.f temperature. The final structure is then
a mixture of fine pearlite and martensite (typical
of an improperly quenched steel) with a higher
hardness than was obtained with the steel cooled
according to curve D. The rate of cooling
represented by curve B is just sufficient to intersect
the nose of the S-curve. Consequently, only a
minute amount of the austenite decomposes into
fine pearlite at temperature t?; the remainder of
the austeniteis unchanged until the martensite

transformation range is reached. If the steel is

cooled at a slightly faster rate, so that no
transformation takes place at the nose of the
S-curve, the steel is completely hardened; this
particular rate is termed the critical cooling rate
and is defined as the slowest rate at which the steel
can be cooled and yet be completely hardened.
Since this rate cannot be directly determined, the
rate indicated by curve B, producing only a trace 126.85
of fine pearlite, is frequently used as the critical Figure 5-18. Schematic diagram illustrating the relation
cooling rate. The hardness of the resultant between the S-curve, continuous cooling curves, and
martensite is equivalent to the maximum that can resulting microstructures of eutectoid carbon steels.

be obtained. Samples cooled at a faster rate, such transformation at the nose increases as the
as that indicated by curve A, are also completely carbon increases up to the eutectoid composition,
martensitic but are no harder than the sample and then decreases with further increase in
cooled according to the critical cooling rate. carbon. That is, the nose is shifted to the right
The rate at which a steel cools through the on the time axis (fig. 5-17) as the carbon is
temperature in the vicinity of the nose of the increased to 0.8 percent and back to the left with
S-curve is of critical importance. Somewhat slower further increases in carbon content.
rates of cooling above and below this temperature The temperature of formation of bainite is not
range can be tolerated and a completely appreciably affected by carbon content, but the
hardened steel (one that is completely martensite) time for its formation increases with the carbon.
can be obtained if the cooling through the Both the M
5 and the My temperatures are

temperature interval at the nose of the S-curve is lowered significantly by increasing carbon
sufficiently fast. In practice, however, steels are content as shown for M
s in figure 5-19. The
usually cooled from the quenching
rapidly Mf temperatures of the plain carbon steels have
temperature to relatively low temperatures (20 not been adequately determined; available
to 250 F) and then tempered immediately to information indicates that the M/ of high carbon
prevent cracking. below room temperature. Slight
steels is actually

Although the above discussions of the amounts of austenite are frequently retained in
decomposition of austenite have been limited to quenched steels, especially in the higher carbon
a steel of eutectoid composition, other steels grades, even when they are cooled to room
behave in a similar manner, at different temperature.
temperatures and times of reaction. In hypo-
eutectoid steels, free ferrite plus pearlite are
formed iftransformation begins above the HEAT-TREATING
temperature range at the nose of the S-curve. The FERROUS METALS
amount of free ferrite decreases as the temperature
of transformation approaches the nose of the The heat-treating processes most commonly
curve. In hypereutectoid steels, free ferrite plus used for ferrous metals are hardening, tempering,
pearlite are formed if transformation occurs above annealing, normalizing, spheroidizing, and case
the nose. The time for the start of the hardening. Annealing is the only one of these





. 600

^ 500-
uj 400




020 0.40 060 0.80 1,00 1.20 1.40

0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90 JJO 1.30


processes that is also used for nonferrous metals. temperature, soaked long enough to ensure a
Some nonferrous metals (including some completely austenitic structure, and then cooled
aluminum alloys and some magnesium alloys) can rapidly. This result is either fine-grained pear lite,
be hardened by a process generally referred to as bainite, or martensite. If maximum hardness is
precipitation heat treatment. Precipitation to be developed, the austenite must be trans-
hardening is discussed in the section of this formed to martensite. Martensite is extremely
chapter on nonferrous metals. Figure 5-20 shows hard and strong, has great resistance, and has
the heat treatment temperature ranges. You practically no machinability.
should refer to this figure as you study the follow-
Carbon steels are usually quenched in brine
ing information on hardening, normalizing, and
or water to ensure rapid cooling. The production
spheroidizing temperatures. of martensite throughout a plain carbon steel is
extremely difficult, requiring that the steel be
HARDENING cooled to below 1000F in less than 1 second, and
that the remainder of the cooling be quite rapid.
Many tools and pieces of equipment must be If more than 1 second is taken for the first part
hardened before they are used. Cutting tools,
of the cooling (to below 1000F), some of the
chisels, twist drills, and other tools must be
austenite will transform into fine pearlite. Pearlite
hardened so that they can retain their cutting
varies in hardness, but it is much softer than
edges, surfaces of roller bearings, parallel blocks,
martensite. If the purpose of the hardening is to
and armor plate must be hardened to prevent wear
and penetration. Hardening is used to increase develop something less than maximum hardness,
the first part of the cooling (to below 1000 F)
tensile strength as well as to increase hardness.
must still be accomplished within 1 second; then
Since hardening increases the brittleness of the
the remainder of the cooling must be done at a
material, most alloys are tempered after being somewhat slower rate.
Steels are hardened by being heated to a The rate of quenching alloy steels depends
temperature just above the upper transformation upon the composition of the material. In general,





.85 1.7



a slower quench is used for hardening alloy steels temperature; the higher the temperature, the
than is used for hardening plain carbon steels. softer the material will be.
Various quenching mediums are used to Tempering is always done at temperatures
produce the desired end results. The more below the lower transformation point. In this
common quenching mediums are oil, water, and respect, tempering differs from hardening,
brine. When water or brine is used, the annealing, and normalizing, which all involve
temperature of the bath must not rise above 80 F. heating the material to temperatures above the
Generally, 70 F is the best temperature for these upper transformation point.
quenching mediums. Above 80 F, water loses The temperatures used for tempering are
thermal conductivity. selected on the basis of the properties required in
The plain carbon steels are generally quenched the final For example, permanent
in water or brine; brine is preferred because it has magnets are tempered at 121 F because they must
less tendency to cause steam pockets to form. retain considerable strength and hardness. Case-
Steam pockets may cause soft spots or uneven hardened objects are also tempered at relatively
stresses. These steel require a very active low temperatures (212 to 400 F) because the
agitation or shaking action when quenched. The surface of such objects must remain hard. Many
agitation removes the steam bubbles from the cutting tools are tempered at 430 F or below so
surface of the metal. When the quenched material they will retain hardness. Battering tools must
reaches about 200 to 250 F, or a temperature have great impact resistance and must be able to
low enough to dry the material thoroughly cut or penetrate metal; therefore, battering tools
without too much sizzle, it can be removed from are tempered between 450 and 600 F even
the water and tempered immediately. though the higher temperatures mean some
The alloy steels, with the exception of the sacrifice of hardness in order to produce impact
high-alloy air-hardening steels, are generally oil resistance. Springs are tempered between 600 and
quenched. The oil bath should be maintained at 900 F because the property of elasticity is more
a temperature of 100 to 130F. (This is just below important in a spring than the property of
the Mf line of most low-alloy steels.) At this hardness. Tools made of high-speed steels are
temperature the heat-treating oils have a higher tempered at 1050 to 1100F. Note, however, that
viscosity and therefore a better and more uniform with high-speed tools the high tempering
cooling effect. The arm oil also results in a more temperature increases, rather than decreases,
moderate cooing rate, which lessens the chance hardness. This increase in hardness occurs
of residual stresses and cracking. because high-speed steels retain austenite during
Although steels must be heated and soaked so quenching; when the hardened steel is tempered,
the structurebecomes completely austenitic, you the austenite changes to martensite.
should take care to see that they are not Since tempering uses temperatures below the
overheated and that they are not held too long lower transformation point, the rate of cooling
at temperature. Using too high a temperature or generally has no effect upon the structure
too long a soaking period allows a coarse grain of the material. However, some nickel-chromium
structure to develop. steels and a few other special steels become
brittle if they are heated to
the tempering
temperature and then allowed to cool slowly.
TEMPERING These steels, which are often called temper
brittle must be quenched
or blue brittle steels,
After hardening, most alloys are tempered to rapidly from the tempering temperature to
reduce brittleness and to relieve some of the high prevent brittleness. In general, however, steels
internal stresses developed during hardening. are cooled slowly from the tempering tem-
Tempering always follows, rather than precedes, perature by cooling in still air.
the hardening process. Tempering is occasionally Tempering is usually done before the material
done after materials have been normalized, but has completely cooled from the hardening
its major use is after hardening. process. The holding time at temperature varies
In high-speed steels, tempering increases according to the thickness of the material, but the
hardness. In most other materials, however, minimum time is about 1 hour. If the part is more
tempering causes an unavoidable loss of some than an inch thick, the holding time should be
hardness. The amount of hardness removed by increased by about 1 hour for each additional inch
tempering depends upon the tempering of thickness.
ANNEALING is a term used to describe any SPHEROIDIZING is a term used to describe
heat-treatment process that is used for the primary any heating and cooling process that produces a
purpose of softening the metal. Two types of rounded or globular form of iron carbide in the
annealing processes are commonly used. FULL steel. This globular or spheroidal form of iron
ANNEALING is done in order to soften the metal carbide is developed when fine pear lite is heated
and make it more ductile, and to relieve internal to a temperature just below the lower trans-
stresses caused by previous treatment such as formation point of the steel, held at this
casting, cold working, or hot working. The temperature for a long time, and then cooled very
operation ANNEALING or
known as PROCESS slowly. Temperatures, holding time, cooliiig rates,
STRESS RELIEF ANNEALING is done to and other details of the process vary, depending
soften the metal somewhat, although not as much upon the carbon content of the steel and the
as by full annealing, and to relieve internal extent of spheroidizing that is required. In
stresses. general, the object of spheroidizing is to
In general, full annealing requires higher improve machinability. Spheroidizing is
temperatures, longer soaking time, and slower sometimes regarded as being a special annealing
cooling than process annealing. In the full or normalizing process. The typical globular form
annealing of steels, the steel is heated to a of spheroidized steel is illustrated in cross section
temperature that is 50 to 100 F above the in figure 5-21.
upper transformation point. In the process
annealing of steels, lower temperatures (1020 to AUSTEMPERING
1200F) are generally used. The rate of cooling
used for annealing varies greatly, depending upon AUSTEMPERING is a hardening treatment
the metal being annealed and the degree of of metals that involves quenching the metal in a
softening required. When a steel is to be bath of molten salt maintained above the start of
softened as much as possible, the rate of cooling the martensite temperature and holding it until
is slowed either by packing or by furnace transformation is complete. The product formed
cooling. When less softening is required, a faster is called bainite.
rate of cooling is used; air cooling is commonly There are two distinct advantages of
used in annealing both ferrous and nonferrous austempering the high degree of freedom it
metals. provides from distortion and quenching cracks,

The form of heat treatment known as
NORMALIZING is used only for ferrous metals.
Normalizing is in many respects similar to
annealing, and is often regarded as a special form
of annealing. Normalizing is sometimes used as
a preliminary step before full annealing. The chief >a
purposes of normalizing are (1) to relieve
internal 'stresses caused by forging, bending,
machining, or other working, or by uneven
cooling; and (2) to give a uniform predictable
grain structure. Steel that has been normalized is
soft and
ductile enough for many purposes, but
it harder than steel that has been fully
is >& Q"
annealed. Normalizing is sometimes followed by
tempering, particularly in the case of certain steels
that tend to become brittle when normalized.
In normalizing, the steel is heated to a 126.113X
temperature above the upper transformation point Figure 5-21. Microscopic structure called spherodite
and is cooled in still air. magnified 1000 times.

and (2) normal tempering is not required after the the carbon content in order to harden the outer
process. shell or case of the steel, they use different

equipment and different procedures.

MARTEMPERING CYANIDING is a case-hardening process that

gives a very thin case or skin of hardened steel.
MARTEMPERING is the quenching from the As a rule, the hardened case does not exceed 0.010
normal austenitizing temperature in a molten salt inch. The steel to be cyanided is put into a bath
bath maintained at approximately the start of the of sodium cyanide, at a temperature between 150
martensite temperature. The part is held at this and 1600F, and is left there for the time required
temperature long enough to allow equalization of to develop the desired depth of hardening. The
temperature throughout the piece, but not long steel absorbs some of the carbon and nitrogen that

enough to allow any transformation to take place. are liberated as the sodium cyanide is heated in
The material being heat-treated is then removed contact with air. After being removed from the
from the hot bath and allowed to air cool through sodium cyanide bath, the steel is quenched
the martensite temperature range, followed by immediately in water or oil.
tempering to obtain the desired mechanical
properties. This two-step cooling process has the NITRIDING is still another method by which
same advantage as austempering freedom from a case or skin of hardened steel can be produced.
distortion and quenching cracks. The piece to be case hardened is put into a
furnace and heated to between 900 and 1200 F
and, at the same time, is exposed to ammonia gas.
CASE HARDENING The heat of the furnace causes the ammonia to
break down into nitrogen and hydrogen. Some
CASE HARDENING is a process by which of the nitrogen combines with the elements in the
a steel can be given a hard, wear-resistant surface steel to form chemical compounds called nitrides
while retaining a softer but tougher interior than in the outer layer of the steel. These nitrides give
would be possible if the whole piece were the surface its hard, wear-resistant qualities.
hardened. Steels may be case hardened by
carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, and various
other processes. CARBON TOOL STEELS
CARBURIZING is a term applied to several
case-hardening processes in which carbon is Carbon tool steels used by the navy are listed
introduced into the surface layer of the steel. The under QQT-580. The Navy classes Cl, C2, C3,
steel is heated in contact with a substance that has C4, C5, and C6 are no longer classified as such.
a high carbon content; it is held at a temperature Use the following list as a guide:
above the upper transformation temperature for
a suitable length of time, and is then quenched Federal Class SAE#
rapidly to produce a hardened outer layer or
"case" over a softer, tougher core. As a rule, Cl Wl-10 SAE 1095
carburizing increases the hardness to a depth of C3 Wl-09 SAE 1090
from 0.02 inch to about 0.06 inch. C4 Wl-08 SAE 1080
Sometimes the steel to be carburized is C5 01 None
packed in a substance such as charcoal and is then C6 Wl-NDR or Wl-12 None
heated in a furnace. The length of time the piece
is left in the furnace determines the depth to which The carbon content of plain carbon steels
the carbon will be absorbed. For many pieces the ranges from about 0.70 to 1.13 percent. To heat
procedure is to carburize the material, allow it to treat these steels, heat them uniformly to 1450
cool slowly, reheat it, and then harden it by to 1550F, using the lower end of the temperature
quenching. Small pieces are sometimes dumped range for the higher carbon content. Use brine
into the quenching medium as soon as they are or water as the quenching medium, and agitate
removed from the carburizing furnace. the part vigorously to prevent the accumulation
Other methods of carburizing use gases or of bubbles on the surface of the metal. Do not
liquids that have a high carbon content. Although remove these steels from the quench until they
these methods also use the principle of increasing have reached a temperature of less than
200 to 250 F. To prevent cracking, do not allow consult the Metals Handbook, published by the
the steel to cool below 125F and follow the American Society for Metals, or any handbook
cooling immediately with tempering. Tools made that deals with heat-treating nonferrous metals.
from these steels do not have to withstand severe You can anneal most nonferrous metals by
usage or high cutting speeds. Some examples are heating them uniformly within a certain
wrenches, hammers, pliers, knives, simple dies, temperature range, soaking them within this
and low-speed cutting tools. temperature range, and then cooling them back
Table 5-4 will assist you in choosing the to room temperature. In most cases, the annealing

proper quenching medium and temperatures for temperature for most nonferrous metals is the
the standard SAE steels. temperature at which recrystallization takes place.
For example, aluminum recrystallizes at a
ALLOY TOOL STEELS temperature of 300 F and copper recrystallizes at
390 F.
The number of alloy tool steels is too great The rate at which the metal may be cooled
them all in this text, so we will deal with
to include from the annealing temperature depends upon the
the type most important to you. You, as a type of metal. If the metal is pure, or
Machinery Repairman, are concerned primarily nearly so, or if it remains a solid solution without
with the manufacture of taps, dies, reamers, hobs, precipitation when cooled, any method of
and form tools. An all-around tool steel for this cooling is usually satisfactory. If, on the other
purpose is type 01. This steel is listed under hand, the constituents precipitate during or after
QQT-570 and is available in the standard stock cooling, furnace cooling may be necessary for
system in various shapes and sizes. Type 01 is complete annealing to occur.
suitable for all applications except where a high- There are two types of heat treatment of
speed steel is required. It heat treats well and is nonferrous alloys the solution treatment and the
readily machinable in the spheroidized condition. precipitation treatment. Some alloys require both
Type 01 stock replaces the 46S40 class C-5. treatments. Others require only the solution
Type 01 should be preheated slowly to 1200 F, treatment.
then transferred to an oven at 450 F and soaked The solution treatment consists of heating the
at heat for about 20 minutes per inch of cross alloy to the temperature at which the principal
section, and then quenched in warm oil (120 to constituents go into solid solution, soaking the
140F). Do not remove the material from the oil alloy at this temperature to produce a uniform
bath until you can hold the work comfortably in structure, then cooling it at a rate fast enough to
your hand. This procedure should result in a retain the solid solution at room temperature. You
minimum hardness of 65 Re. Temper to the should remain aware that different alloys have
desired hardness. Use the following tempering different solution temperatures.
temperatures as a guide for type 01 steel: After a nonferrous alloy has been solution
treated, it is in a form of supersaturated solid
Tempering Temperature (F) Hardness (Re) solution. For the alloy to attain maximum
hardness and strength, excess hardening con-
300 64-65 stituents that are soluble at room temperature
350 63-64 must precipitate from the solid solution. After the
375 62.5-63 precipitation is complete and the alloy has reached
400 62-62.5 its full hardness and strength, it is said to be AGE
450 60-62 HARDENED. Alloys that do not precipitate at
500 59-60 room temperature are given the precipitation
600 57-58 treatment called artificial aging. Precipitation
700 54-55 from aging or artificial aging usually causes an
increase in hardness strength and a decrease in
HEAT-TREATING The following definitions will aid you in
NONFERROUS METALS understanding some of the terminology used in
heat-treating nonferrous alloys:
The information in this section deals primarily
with the heat-treating of nonferrous alloys. For Homogenizing a mill process that uses
specific information on a particular composition, high temperature for prolonged periods to
Table 5-4. Heat Treating Temperatures and Quenching Medium for Standard SAE Steels

*Stress relieve at 200 F for one hour immediately after quenching. Temper to desired

#Use water for maximum hardness. Use oil for toughness and for intricate shapes.

Note: Temperature of water quench is 70 F.

Temperature of oil quench is 120-150 F.
eliminate or decrease segregation in castings that the same time, and at each corner there are three
are to be hot- or cold- worked. This process is surfaces. Consequently, the corners cool more
usually used for copper alloys. rapidly than the edges, and the edges cool more
rapidly than the surface areas that are not at the
Stress equalizing a low temperature heat edges or corners. If the rate of cooling is extremely
treatment used to balance stress in cold-worked rapid, the difference in cooling rate between
material with decreasing mechanical strength corners, edges, and other surface areas could be
properties induced by the cold-working. Nickel sufficient to cause cracking.
and nickel alloys may be subjected to this Unequal masses in a single piece are likely to
heat treatment, depending on their chemical cause trouble when the piece is heat treated. View
composition, and the fabrication requirements A of figure 5-22 shows a cam that might very well
and intended usage of the parts made from the become distorted or cracked during heat treatment
metals. because the mass of area X
is smaller than the

mass of area Y. View B of figure 5-22 shows how

HEAT-TREATING PROBLEMS the masses of the two areas may be equalized,
while still keeping the required shape of the cam.
No matter how carefully you follow instruc- The design shown in part B would not be as
tions for heat-treating, you may occasionally find likely to distort or crack during heat treatment.
yourself with a job that just will not turn out right. The piece shown in view A
of figure 5-23 has
To some you can avoid this problem by
extent two design features that would make heat treat-
knowing in advance something about the many ment difficult. First, it has unequal masses; and
problems encountered in heat-treating metals and second, it has sharp junctions where the smaller
alloys. The most common heat-treating problems mass joins the larger end portions. A
better design
include (1) design problems, (2) cracking, for heat treatment is shown in view B of figure
(3) warping, (4) soft spots, (5) size changes, and 5-23. Although the piece must necessarily have
(6) spalling. unbalanced masses, the use of a fillet (indicated
by an arrow in figure 5-23, part B) at each
DESIGN PROBLEMS junction of the smaller and the larger masses

Although you are not usually in a position to

do much, if anything, about the design of a piece
to be heat treated, you should have some
knowledge of the effects of design upon heat treat-
ment. Unsatisfactory performance of tools and
structural parts is often the result of poor design
rather than poor materials, poor fabrication, or
incorrect heat treatment. Errors in design cannot
be corrected by heat treatment, but you can
minimize the problems of heat-treating a poorly
Figure 5-22. Design of a cam. A. Unequal masses not
designed piece if you know how to compensate satisfactory for heat treatment. B. Equalized masses
for design errors when heat-treating the piece. satisfactory for heat treatment.
When a piece of metal is removed from the
heat-treating furnace, its temperature is uniform
throughout. Whether or not this piece will cool
uniformly depends largely upon the design.
Uniform cooling is, of course, a slightly inaccurate
term; no piece of metal can cool with perfect
uniformity, since some parts of it must always FILLET
cool before others. In a well-designed piece,
however, the cooling is as uniform as possible for
a piece of that particular composition and size.
For example, consider the cooling of a cube
of The surfaces of the cube will cool evenly
Figure 5-23. A. Part with unequal masses and sharp
except at the edges and at the corners. At each corners. B. Use of fillet design to reduce danger of
edge there are two surfaces that dissipate heat at cracking during heat treatment.

Cracking during heat treatment may be

caused by heating the material unevenly, by
heating it to too high a temperature, by soaking
it for too long a time, or by quenching it so that
A INCORRECT B CORRECT it cools unevenly. Some steels are given extra
preheats to minimize the danger of cracking from
18.I03X uneven heating. Steel that has been overheated or
figure 5-24. Two designs for undercutting a form tool. soaked should be allowed to cool in air to room
A. Poor design. B. Correct design. temperature, and then it should be heated to the
correct temperature. However, metals and alloys
that have been severely overheated cannot be
tend to reduce the danger of the piece salvaged; they are actually burned, and no amount
tracking from heat treatment. of subsequent heat treatment can restore them to
Figure 5-24 shows two designs for an their original condition.

mdercutting form tool. The design shown in part Uneven cooling is a major cause of cracking,
\ does not lend itself to heat treatment because some steels. Factors that contribute
particularly in
)f the combination of heavy and light sections and to uneven cooling are poor design, the presence
Because of the sharp corners. The design shown of scale or other material on the surface of the
n part B corrects both of these errors. The metal, and the presence of gas pockets in various
:orners have been rounded where possible, recesses of the part. Scale should usually be
md holes have been drilled through the two removed before the material is quenched. Gas
icaviest sections to make the masses more pockets in recesses of the part can be avoided by
learly balanced. circulation or agitation of the quenching medium.
In general, parts that are designed with sharp Tool steels that have been deformed or worked
corners or unequal masses are extremely difficult while cold tend to crack during hardening unless
o heat-treat. When the design cannot be they are fully annealed before the hardening treat-
mproved, you will have to determine the best way ment is started. These steels must also be tempered
o heat-treat the part to reduce the chances of immediately after they are hardened.
tracking or distortion.
Even with a poorly designed part, there are WARPING
wo ways in which you can usually reduce the
>roblems of heat-treating. First, you can select Any change of shape in the form of a twist
he method of cooling that will be safest while still or a bend is known as warping. Poor design,

>r educing the required properties in the metal. uneven heating through the lower temperature
range, and uneven cooling are common causes of
or example, flush quenching of some areas might
iclp to solve the problem. And second, you can warping. Preheating tends to minimize the danger
ihield the danger spots by packing them with of warping from uneven heating. Annealing parts
isbestos and sheet steel or other materials to before hardening them will sometimes prevent
educe the rate of heating and the rate of cooling warping; this is particularly true of parts that are
n the areas that would otherwise tend to distort rough machined on one side and smooth ground
>r crack. Shielding materials for steel are usually on the other. Air-hardening steels tends to warp
'astened in place with soft iron wire; the wire must them if they are not protected from drafts while
lave a very low carbon content, so that it will not being cooled.
>ecome hard and brittle and fall off during the
icat treatment. Holes near an outside edge or SOFT SPOTS
>etween an edge and an interior opening are
isually packed with asbestos rope. Asbestos tents Soft spots in a hardened piece can usually be
ire sometimes used to retard the rate of heating traced to the use of the wrong quenching medium,
)f thin sections. These tents are removed before the use of incorrect quenching procedures, the
he piece is quenched, so they are usually presence of scale on some parts of the surface,

or the use of the wrong kind of tongs for reducing atmosphere for stainless steels and high-
handling the material. Soft spots in case-hardened speed steels, and an oxidizing atmosphere for
steels are usually caused by packing the pieces so carbon steels and oil-hardened steels.
that they touch each other or by not having the Nitrided steels increase in dimension during
packing compound touching the piece completely. the nitriding process. This increase in size cannot
Soft spots will result when plain water is used be prevented, but parts to be nitrided should be
as a quenching medium, if the vapor stage of the machined slightly under size to allow for the
quench is not broken up. In this stage, air increase.
bubbles or air pockets form on the surface of the Steel that has been cold-drawn may undergo
metal and retard the cooling rate wherever a permanent increase in size when it is heated,
they touch the metal. Listed below are some chiefly because cold-drawing leaves the metal
precautions you should take to avoid creating soft highly stressed. The size increase in cold-drawn
spots. steel can be avoided by annealing the steel before
machining the parts to size.
Use tongs that coincide with the shape of Excessive shrinkage occurs whenever there is
the piece. Covering too large a surface area will a great difference in the cooling rates of the outer
often retard the cooling rate. and the inner portions of the metal being heat-
treated. The flush quenching method should be
Do not handle the piece while it is hot with used to prevent shrinkage of the metal being
tongs that have not been preheated. If you do, heat-treated.
you will tend to draw the heat from the piece and
will bring the temperature below the required SPALLING
Spalling the surface cracking or flaking of

SIZE CHANGES steel. The cracks are usually very shallow, but in
severe cases fairly large sections of the surface may
Some permanent change in dimensions may peel away.
occur during heat treatment. In some cases this In carburized steel, spalling is caused
change of size is unavoidable; in others it is merely by an undesired carbide network which forms
the result of incorrect heat treatment. of the grain boundaries. To prevent spalling in
Oil-hardened and air-hardened steels tend to carburized steel, quench the parts immediately
shrink during hardening. This size change is upon removing them from the carburized medium
normal, and cannot be prevented. However, it if the grains have not increased in size. If there
must be allowed for in the design of any part that has been an increase in grain size, reheat the metal
must be precisely dimensioned. These steels tend to its critical temperature of the core and the case.
to shrink excessively, more than the normal Improper use of a grinding wheel and insufficient
amount, if they are not heated sufficiently for use of coolant to keep the surface of the metal
hardening. They tend to increase in size if they cool at all times will also cause spalling.
are overheated. Very close control of temperature
is necessary for successful heat treatment of these BLISTERING
When metal scales, some of the surface metal Special care must be taken in heat-treating
is lost.Thus, scaling causes a decrease in size. wrought aluminum alloy to prevent blistering. It
Scaling can usually be prevented by controlling is caused by overheating and, in some cases,
the furnace atmosphere. If furnaces with oversoaking. Parts that have been blistered by
controlled atmospheres are not available, use a heat-treating can be placed in service by scraping.


Maintenance is one of the most important jobs THE 3-M SYSTEMS
you will encounter in the Navy. The degree of

accuracy to which you can machine a part is often The Ships' 3-M Systems are management tools
directly related to the condition of the machine designed to provide an efficient and uniform
tool you are using. As a Machinery Repairman method for conducting and recording PREVEN-
you may be assigned to a tender, to a repair ship, TIVE and CORRECTIVE maintenance in a way
or to various shore installations that have a variety that allows fast and easy access to the collected
of equipment. You will be responsible for the data. Preventive maintenance includes actions
preservation, maintenance, and repair of equip- taken to prevent equipment from failing, such as
ment in your shop. One of your jobs, as an MR1 changing the oil, cleaning or replacing filters,
or MRC, will be to enforce the proper use and making required calibrations, or simply cleaning
care of machinery. Therefore, you should be each machine before and after its use.
familiar with the operating procedures for every If preventive maintenance is not done
piece of equipment in the shop. Proper care properly, or not done at all, your equipment
and maintenance of materials, tools, and may be put out of commission until repairs are
equipment are closely related to efficient, safe, made.
and economic operation of the machine shop. As The other type of maintenance, corrective
a supervisor, you must ensure your people are maintenance, includes all the actions required to
fully qualified to operate a piece of equipment restore equipment to an operational condition.
before allowing them to work with limited The Ships' 3-M Systems apply to all ships'
supervision. service craft, small boats, and nonaviation fleet
support equipment. Equipment used ashore,
which is identical to shipboard equipment, must
MAINTENANCE PROGRAM be maintained under the Preventive Maintenance
System. OPNAVINST 4790.4 (series), contains
Establishing a MAINTENANCE PROGRAM allof the detailed procedures and instructions for
in your shop and making sure it is carried out will the effective operation of the 3-M Systems. Other
ensure your equipment will receive the proper care instructions on the 3-M Systems are found in the
it deserves. The maintenance program must be type commander's maintenance manuals.
designed locally to meet local needs since no This section of the chapter will discuss the
two machine shops are arranged in exactly most common records of the 3-M Systems that
the same way or are equipped with identical tools. must be kept current in the Engineering
The Navy implemented the Ships' Maintenance Department.
and Material Management (3-M) Manual,
OPNAVINST 4790.4 (series), as an answer to the PLANNED MAINTENANCE
problem of maintaining a high degree of SYSTEM (PMS)
operational readiness. The 3-M Systems, together
with the maintenance manual of each machine, The Planned Maintenance System is a
cover most of the maintenance required on standardized method for planning and scheduling
machine tools used by Machinery Repairmen and preventive maintenance. You must give careful
must be applied to the equipment maintenance attention to the PMS schedules to ensure they are
program. The following is a brief summary of the accurately filled out and posted in a timely
Ships' Maintenance and Material Management manner. PMS schedules are categorized as cycle,
The cycle schedule identifies all the planned CURRENT SHIP'S MAINTENANCE
maintenance assigned to the work center and PROJECT (CSMP)
the quarter in which the maintenance is
to be done. A quarter is a 3-month time frame, The standard CSMP is a computer-produced
such as January, February, and March. The report listing deferred maintenance and alter-
schedule runs from one overhaul to the next ations that have been identified through
overhaul. Maintenance Data System (MDS) reporting.
Copies of the CSMP should be received
The based on the cycle
quarterly schedule is
aboard ship monthly. The engineer officer
schedule. The planned maintenance checks listed
is provided a copy for each of the engineering
for the quarter on the cycle schedule are
department work centers, and each work center
transferred to the quarterly schedule. The
is provided a copy listing only its own deferred
quarterly schedule assigns checks on the basis of maintenance.
weeks. A
check is placed in the proper column
The purpose of the CSMP is to provide ship-
to show which week of a quarter a check has
board maintenance managers with a consolidated
to be made. If the maintenance is a monthly
listing of deferred corrective maintenance so they
check, you must list it three times, once in each
month. may manage and control its accomplishment. The
work center supervisor is responsible for
The weekly scheduled is based on the quarterly ensuring the CSMP accurately describes the
schedule. At the end of a week, all of the checks material condition of his work center.
listed for the next week are transferred to the Each month when a new CSMP is received,
weekly schedule and placed in the column for the verified, and updated, the old CSMP may be
day desired. Daily and weekly checks appear destroyed.
only on the weekly schedule. OPNAVINST 4790.4 (series) contains com-
plete instructions and procedures for completing
The major components of the PMS are the
and routing all 3-M Systems forms.
maintenance requirement card (MRC), the
maintenance index page (MIP), and the list of
effective pages (LOEP). These components are
discussed in your 3-M manual.
The MDS is used to identify problems with

a piece of equipment or a system and to

recommend a course of corrective action through
the chain of command. To accomplish this, you
need to know how to fill out the Ship's
The Maintenance Action Form,
Maintenance Action Form (OPNAV 4790/2K)
OPNAV 4790/2K, is used by maintenance
properly. You may submit the OPNAV 4790/2K
personnel to report both deferred and completed
for any of several reasons, such as
maintenance actions (including those previously
deferred). This form also allows the entry of
1. to state why planned maintenance is not
screening and planning information for manage-
ment and control of intermediate maintenance being completed on a certain piece of
workloads. equipment
2. to report an equipment or a system failure
The OPNAV 4790/2K is originated in the 3. to request outside assistance
work center, screened by the division officer and 4. to report completion of an important
engineer officer for accuracy and legibility, and corrective action
initialedby the division officer and the engineer
officer before being forwarded to the 3-M Some of the information the OPNAV
coordinator. When the OPNAV 4790/2K is used 4790/2K form contains includes
to defer maintenance, the 3-M coordinator will
send two copies of the form back to the 1. the ship's identification
originating work center to hold on file. When the 2. the work center identification
deferred maintenance is completed, one of the 3. the equipment/system identification
copies is used to document the completion of the 4. the date when the problem was discovered
maintenance. 5. the suspected cause of the problem
6. the operational status of the equip- work center supervisor, the division officer, the
ment/system department head, and the commanding officer
7. the reason for the deferral will all benefit from it. All concerned will be able
8. a description of the problem and the to keep abreast of the status of the equipment
recommended corrective action if the under the responsibility of your work center.
form is used as a deferral, or what action From the information in the preceding
was taken if the form is used to report a paragraphs, you can now see the importance of
completed action the MDS.
the originator's assigned priority
10. the names of two contact personnel FEEDBACK REPORT (FBR) FORM
11. whether the form is being used as a
deferral or to report a completed action
The PMS Feedback Report, OPNAV
4790/7B, provides maintenance personnel the
means to report discrepancies and problems and
Shipboard copies of completed 4790/2Ks can
to request PMS software. All PMS
FBRs are sent
jrovide you information about the status of
to either NAVSEACENs or TYCOMs, depending
equired jobs, the operational readiness status of
on the category of the FBR.
four equipment, and the history of your
Feedback reports are originated in the work
center and must be signed by the originator. They
The Navy Maintenance Support Office are then screened and signed by the division
NAMSO) maintains records of all OPNAV
officer and the engineer officer before being
t790/2Ks submitted. By making sure all the
forwarded to the 3-M coordinator. The 3-M
nformation is entered correctly, you help make
coordinator dates and signs the FBR, serializes
ivailable a valid history of your equipment. If
it, and returns the green copy to the originating
)ther commands have the same equipment, and
work center. The originating work center must file
f their forms are properly completed, you can
the green copy until an answer to the FBR is
Compare the histories to resolve a problem. You
nay find the problem pertains only to your piece
)f equipment. Or you
Now that you have gained the basic knowledge
may find there is a problem of maintenance under the 3-M Systems, you
vith the overall design of the equipment. For
are ready to install new machines as well
naterial history to work properly, you must be
as maintain them for longer life. For more
ure to record all the important work that was
detailed information on the 3-M Systems, consult
As a work
OPNAVINST 4790.4 (series) (3-M Manual).
center supervisor, you must ensure
hat a ship's force work list (SFWL) is
naintained for your work center. You should
ientify in the SFWL
work that cannot be taken
are of immediately. If the work is not completed You may at some time have the task of
30 days, you must submit an
rithin OPNAV receiving and installing anew machine aboard
790/2K to defer the job. You should make an ship. The new machine should be completely
ppropriate entry in the SFWL to indicate that checked over for any visible damage that may
tie job has been deferred. When the job is have occurred during shipment. This should be
ompleted, submit a 4790/2K to document the done before the machine is cleaned of the slushing
ompleted action and make an entry in the SFWL. compound used to protect it during shipment. If
If you have to requisition repair parts for a you find any damage, you may have to ship the
ob, enter the job in the SFWL, even if it will be machine back to the manufacturer. If you did not
ompleted within the 30 days. Enter the job find any damage, have the machine cleaned
equence number (JSN) on the requisition form completely of the slushing compound. Use any
NAVSUP 1250 or DD
Form 1348). The supply approved cleaning solvent and follow the
epartment assigns the requisition number which manufacturer's instructions. NEVER use air
ou will write in the SFWL under the correspond- pressure in the cleaning process. Doing so may
ig JSN. This provides you a record of what is force grit and dirt that were picked up in transit
n order for a particular job. between bearing surfaces.
If your portion of the MDS
contains the There are many factors you must consider
orrect information, and if you use it properly, when you install a new machine. Take care not
ou will find it to be of great assistance. Your to limit the machine's capacity any more than
machines side by side and mill a boat shaft in one as neat. It also reduces trie amount 01 energy

machine, could the other machine be used at the required to perform mechanical actions. Further-
same time? It might be possible to angle each of more, proper lubrication prevents corrosion,
them a little and overcome this problem. Consider which will be discussed later in this chapter.
all such factors prior to installing a machine. Once Since friction is of great concern in the design
you select a location, you must consider the deck and operation of machinery, it is discussed in
and the frames of the ship. Place the machine over detail in the following paragraphs.
a frame, not between two of them. If this cannot
be done, use a large plate across the frames to
reinforce the deck. Remember, in selecting a FRICTION
foundation you must consider the weight of the
machine itself and all tools or accessories that may The friction that exists between a body at rest
be used with it. Regardless of the type of and the surface upon which it rests is called
foundation used, the machine should always be STATIC FRICTION. The friction that exists
bolted down solidly. Do not, under any between moving bodies (or between one moving
circumstances, weld the machine to the deck. body and a stationary surface) is called KINETIC
Most machines are equipped with leveling screws. FRICTION. Static friction, which must be over-
Anchor the machine so the leveling screws will come to put any body into motion, is greater than
have ample adjustment. A machine not equipped kinetic friction, which must be overcome to keep
with leveling screws will require flat metal shims the body in motion.
to level it. Do not use wooden shims or shingles There are three types of kinetic friction: sliding
because they will compress and cause the machine friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction.
to go out of line. SLIDING FRICTION exists when the surface of
Most machine tools are preset at the factory. one solid body is moved across the surface of
But during the initial installation, you must another body. ROLLING FRICTION
consider lubrication. Be sure the oil reservoirs are exists when a curved body, such as a cylinder or
filled with the proper type of oil. Consult the a sphere, rolls on a flat or curved surface. FLUID
manufacturer's technical manual. Since Navy FRICTION is the resistance to motion exhibited
lubricating oils and greases are a primary concern, by a fluid.
they are discussed in detail in this chapter. Make Fluid friction exists because of the COHE-
sure all parts of the machine are free and SION between particles of the fluid and the
moveable by hand before you start the machine ADHESION of fluid particles to the object or
for the first time. medium is tending to move the fluid.
Cohesion the molecular attraction between

LUBRICATION particles that tends to hold a substance or a body

together; adhesion is the molecular attraction
Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the between particles that tends to cause unlike
importance of proper lubrication of machinery. surfaces to stick together. If a paddle is used to
Moving surfaces, such as ball and roller bearings, stir a fluid, for example, the cohesive forces

high-speed gear trains, and other devices having between the molecules of the fluid tend to hold
relatively small surface areas in contact, must be the molecules together and prevent motion of the
steadily supplied with the proper kind of fluid. At the same time, the adhesive forces of
lubrication. These lubricants must be maintained the molecules of the fluid cause the fluid to adhere
at specified standards of purity, designated to the paddle and create friction between the
pressures, and specified temperatures. Lubricants paddle and the fluid.
form a film between contacting surfaces, thereby For lubrication, adhesion is the property of

separating the surfaces and reducing friction; a lubricant that causes to stick (or adhere) to

consequently, wear and seizing of parts are also the parts being lubricated; cohesion is the property
reduced. Figure 6-1 shows a typical lubrication that holds the lubricant together and enables it
chart of a horizontal boring, drilling, and to resist breakdown under pressure.
milling machine. Cohesion and adhesion are possessed by
Friction-generated heat must be rapidly different materials in widely varying degrees. In
dissipated to prevent damage to equipment. general, solid bodies are highly cohesive but













Figure 6-1. Typical lubrication chart.

only slightly adhesive. Most fluids are highly Factors Affecting Lubrication
adhesive but only slightly cohesive.
A number of factors affect the ability of an
Fluid Lubrication oil film to lubricate. These factors include
pressure, temperature, viscosity, speed, alignment,
Fluid lubrication is based on the actual condition of the bearing surfaces, running
separation of surfaces by the fluid so that clearances between the bearing surfaces, starting
no metal-to-metal contact occurs. As long as torque, and the nature and purity of the
the lubricant film remains unbroken, sliding fric- lubricant. Many of these factors are interrelated
tion and rolling friction are replaced by fluid and interdependent. For example, the viscosity of
friction. any given oil is affected by temperature, and the
In any process involving friction, some power temperature is affected by running speed; hence
isconsumed and some heat is produced. Over- the viscosity is partially dependent upon the
coming sliding friction consumes the greatest running speed.
amount of power and produces the greatest A lubricant must be able to stick to the
amount of heat. Overcoming rolling friction bearing surfaces and support the load at operating
consumes less power and produces less heat. Over- speeds. More adhesiveness is required to make a
coming fluid friction consumes the least power lubricant adhere to bearing surfaces at high speeds
and produces the least amount of heat. than at low speeds. At low speeds, greater

is required to keep the lubricant from
cohesiveness Lubricating oil characteristics enable the Navy to
being squeezed out from between the bearing classify its widely used oils. Classification of oils
surfaces. is by military symbols (table 6-1). Additional
Machines with large clearances between their information is contained in NAVSEA 59086-H7-
bearing surfaces require the use of highly viscous STM-000/CH 262. Standard test methods
and cohesive lubricants to maintain the lubricating are used for making all tests. These char-
oil film. As the clearance increases, the lubricant acteristics are briefly explained in the following
must have greater resistance to being pounded paragraphs.
from between the bearing surfaces in order to The VISCOSITY of an a measure of the
oil is

preserve the lubricating oil film. oil's resistance to determined by

flow. It is

High unit loading on a bearing requires the measuring the time required for a fixed volume
use of a highly viscous lubricant because a (at a given temperature) to flow through a
lubricant subjected to high loading must be calibrated orifice or capillary tube. Viscosity
sufficiently cohesive to hold together and decreases as the temperature rises and increases
maintain the oil film. as the pressure increases. Because numerous types
of apparatus are used, viscosity is expressed
LUBRICANTS in a variety of units. In the past, Saybolt
universal second (SUS) units were commonly
Although there is growing use of synthetic used. Some ships may still have the Saybolt
lubricants, the principal source of the oils and viscosimeter. Recently, emphasis has been placed
greases used in the Navy is still petroleum. By on the CENTISTOKE (CST) unit of viscosity.
various refining processes, lubricating stocks are Today, most oil specifications will require
extracted from crude petroleum and blended kinematic viscosity in centistokes of two standard
into a multiplicity of products to meet all temperatures: 37.8C (100 F) and 98.9C
lubrication requirements. Various compounds or (210 F). As a result of metrication, oil viscosities
additives are used in some lubricants (both oils will be specified at 40 C (104 F) and 100 C
and greases) to provide properties required for (212F). If you need to convert to different
specific applications. viscosity units, use conversion charts. You can
obtain these charts from various manufacturers
Lubricating Oil Characteristics of lubricants or you may consult NAVSEA
59086-H7-STM-00/CH 262.
Lubricating oils used by the Navy are To help ensure proper lubrication and to
tested for a number of characteristics, including extend the service life of your machinery, always
viscosity,pour point, flash point, fire point, use lubricating oil whose viscosity is best suited
autogenous ignition temperature, neutralization for the environment in which your machinery is

number, demulsibility, and precipitation number. operating.

Table 6-1. Lubrication Oils by Series

Lubricating Oil Series Type or Use

1 Aircraft engine
2 Forced feed lubricant or hydraulic system
3* General purpose
4 Compounded, emulsifying
5 Cylinder, mineral
6** Compounded (acidless tallow or equivalent)
7** Compounded (acidless tallow or prime lard oil)
Compounded (prime lard oil)
Diesel Engine

Specifications for this series have been cancelled. No longer available in the supply system
**This series has a different compounding material
a container. At a temperature below the pour cleanly from any water present an important
point, oil congeals or solidifies. A
low pour point factor in forced-feed systems. It is especially
is an essential characteristic of lube oils used in important to keep water (fresh or salt) out of oils.
cold weather operations since the oil must Any change in demulsibility is important in
continue to flow at low temperatures to be an turbine installations because sludge and emulsions
effective lubricant. (NOTE: The pour point too stable to be broken by the means available
is closely related to the viscosity of the may be formed. An increase in acidity is an
oil. In general, an oil of high viscosity will indication that the lubricating oil is deteriorating.
have a higher pour point than an oil of low The PRECIPITATION NUMBER of an oil
viscosity.) is a measure of the amount of solids classified as
The FLASH POINT of an oil is the asphalts or carbon residue contained in the oil.

temperature at which enough vapor is given off The number is determined by diluting a known
to flash when a flame or spark is present. The amount of oil with naphtha and separating the
minimum flash points allowed for Navy lube oils precipitate by centrifuging the volume of
vary from 148.9C (300 F) for the lightest to separated solids indicates the precipitation
265.6 C (510F) for the heaviest (forced-feed) number. The test is a quick means of determining
oils. the presence of foreign materials in used oils. An
The FIRE POINT of an oil is the temperature oil with a high precipitation number may cause
at which the oil will continue to burn when trouble in an engine by leaving deposits or by
ignited. plugging up valves and pumps.
The AUTOGENOUS IGNITION TEMPER- Shipboard machinery uses two lubricant
TEMPERATURE (SIT), is the temperature at
which the vapors from a sample in the test 1 Military specifications
. used primarily by
the Department of Defense (DOD)
apparatus, under specified conditions, will ignite
spontaneously (without the application of a spark MIL-L-9000G
or flame).
Aterm with which you should be familiar is MIL indicates a military product
BASE NUMBER. This number applies to oils that L indicates a lubricant (lube oil)
have special additives, such as the additives that 9000 number given in sequence as lubri-
neutralize acids formed during combustion. For cant category
example, the base number for new 9250 oil is Gindicates the revision of the lubri-
9000. As the oil continues to be used, the additives cant specification
are consumed and the base number gradually 2. Federal specifications used by military
decreases toward zero. Although you have no way and civilian agencies of the government
to measure the base number directly, you do have
oil service life recommendations made by the oil's Example: VV-L-825
manufacturer. These recommendations are VV indicates the of the
derived from base numbers. If you follow the lubricant
manufacturer's recommendations, you can assure L indicates a lubricant (lube oil)
yourself that you are maintaining lubricants at 825 number given in sequence as the
their proper additive levels. lubricant category
oil is the measure of the acid content and is
oil's The absence of a letter after the category
defined as the number of milligrams of potassium number indicates the specifications have not
hydroxide (KOH) required to neutralize the acids needed to be revised.
in one gram of the All petroleum products
deteriorate (oxidize) in the presence of air and LUBRICATING GREASES
heat. The products of this oxidation include
organic acids, which, if present in sufficient Lubricating greases are gels formed by adding
concentration, have harmful effects on alloy a thickening agent soap or a clay such as
bearings at elevated temperatures and change BENTONITE. The soap is a chemical compound
demulsibility of the oil. formed by combining fatty acids with various

alkali metals such as calcium, sodium, aluminum, Common Terms Associated
zinc, barium, lithium, lead, or potassium. with Lubricating Greases

Hardness (consistency of flow) the depth to

Classification of Greases which a standard cone penetrates a sample of
grease, measured in tenths of a millimeter. The
Greases are generally classified according to temperature at which the grease is sampled is
their use and hardness (consistency of flow). The maintained at 25 C (77 F).
determination of the hardness of lubricating Dropping point the lowest temperature at
grease is based on penetration values established which the lubricating grease passes from a
by the American Society of Testing and Materials semisolid to a liquid state.
(ASTM). Greases are classified into grades by the Load (carrying capacity) the maximum load
use of standards set by the National Lubrication or pressure the grease can sustain without
Grease Institute (NLGI) based on penetration test allowing the bearings to fail or wear excessively.
values. Some of the frequently used shipboard Table 6-3 shows some of the common
greases are as follows: lubricating greases stocked aboard a naval ship
and at shore bases. *
1. High performance ball and roller Always read the manufacturer s lubricating
bearing used in equipment operating at instructions when you maintain your machinery.
temperatures up to 148.9 C (300 F) If you desire an in-depth study of lubricating

2. High temperature used in greases, refer to NAVSEA S9086-H7-STM-

000/CH 262 and MIL-HDBK-267, Guide for
operating above 148. 9 C (300 F)
Selection of Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids for
3. Water resistant two types, used in areas
Use in Shipboard Equipment.
where water contamination is possible
a. General purpose used to lubricate
bearings operating in areas exposed to water
contamination, such as stern tube bearings and PREVENTION OF CORROSION
periscope bearings
b. Wire rope used to protect wire rope
Preventing corrosion, particularly corrosion
surfaces from seawater contamination and to
resultingfrom continuous exposure to a marine
protect exposed gears
environment, is one major problem machinists
4. Extreme pressure (EP) used on heavily must address, both on board naval vessels
loaded bearing surfaces for which ordinary grease and at shore naval bases. Therefore, to pre-
cannot maintain a film to prevent contact of the vent or reduce corrosion, you must clearly
rubbing surfaces understand what causes corrosion. Equipment
being used as well as equipment in temporary
Table 6-2 shows the classification of storage or in standby condition requires protection
lubricating grease by grade. from corrosion to prevent premature equipment
Greases with corrosion inhibitors are often
Table 6-2. Grease Classification by Grade used as preservatives for equipment on standby
because they are lubricants that do not need to
be removed when the equipment is reactivated.
Before applying oil, grease, and dry films to metal

surfaces, be sure the surfaces are clean. This will

enable the coatings to protect the surfaces from
air and moisture, thus retarding corrosion.
The four main methods of corrosion pro-
tection are (1) use of corrosion-resistant metals
and alloys, (2) application of corrosion-resistant
coverings, (3) change of the surface composition
of the metals, making them resistant to corrosive
attack, and (4) use of cathodic protection
Table 6-3. Lubricants Commonly Used in Shipboard Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical Equipment

CORROSION-RESISTANT coatings are used either to protect against

METALS AND ALLOYS structural damage or to preserve appearance.
Metallic coatings are applied by electroplating,
One of the most basic ways of improving dipping, and spraying with atomized molten
corrosion resistance is to use a more corrosion- metal.
resistant metal. Although use of such metal may
not appear to be cost effective, savings resulting CATHODIC PROTECTION
from decreased maintenance and replacement
charges may well exceed the initial cost of the This protection is provided by attaching to a
special metal. primary metal another metal that is more readily
attacked by corrosion than the primary metal. For
CORROSION-RESISTANT COATINGS example, pieces of zinc are attached to an
outboard motor to protect the motor's aluminum
There are two types of corrosion-resistant from corrosion since zinc corrodes more easily
coatings, organic and inorganic. than aluminum. To protect the underwater
Organic coatings are films, such as paints, components of ships, such as the hull, rudder,
resins,and varnish, made from previously living propeller struts, and shafting, from corrosion,
materials.Other organic materials are tar, grease, shipbuilders attach anodes made of either zinc or
asphalt compounds, and adhesive plastic tapes. magnesium to the outside of the hull. Some
Although some of these, such as paints, often anodes are allowed to corrode slowly through
contain inorganic substances, the effective natural chemical reaction. Newer systems aboard
ingredients are organic materials. Since these ship pass very small electrical currents through the
coatings are organic, they are subject to cathodic protection system, causing the sacrificial
deterioration at high temperatures and are anodes to corrode more rapidly and provide more
recommended only for use at or below the protection to the ship's underwater components.
boiling temperature of water.
Inorganic coatings may consist of either
ceramic or metallic materials. Ceramic materials GENERAL CARE
coat surfaces of objects such as enameled
cooking utensils, bathtubs, and washbasins. These Good housekeeping is as necessary in a
coatings resist elevated temperatures and are machine shop as it is in a home. Periodic
usually hard, wear resistant, and brittle. Metallic cleaning of machines is essential to trouble-free
operation and long machine life. Bearing surfaces maintenance jobs needed. The machine operator
and bright machined parts that rust rapidly should should report repairs, adjustments, or
be wiped frequently with a clean fag and soaked replacements of any magnitude to the shop
with a clean rag containing mineral oil. Caustic, supervisor.
gritty cleaners should never be used on such parts. Care of the machine should be extended to
Periodic cleaning will also give the operator include care of the tools and the accessories that
a chance to discover any minor machine troubles, accompany the machine. When tools and
such as loose nuts, bolts, and screws. The operator attachments are kept clean and stored in an
can then correct such trouble before serious orderly fashion, the operator reduces setup time
damage occurs. Many times, periodic cleaning and increases the overall operating efficiency of
discloses other small necessary repair or the machine.


Every manager of a machine shop, to be personnel to machines in your shop and
will assign
successful, must apply a wide variety of technical will properly superviseworking procedures.
and administrative knowledge and skills in The following are examples of specific duties
supervising shop operations. you may expect as an MR1 or an MRCaboard
When you become a shop supervisor, you will a repair ship or a tender and possibly on shore
have to use your expertise as a machinist to bases.
determine and to manage material assets. You will
also have to use sound administrative and human
relations techniques to train, to understand, and, SHIP SUPERINTENDENT
especially, togain the respect of and to promote
rapport among your subordinates. You may be assigned as ship superintendent
In running a machine shop, you will also or as a repair department progressman. These jobs
need the ability to cope with a multitude of require considerable knowledge of repair pro-
details that influence the smooth operation cedures, especially those relating to administrative
.of the shop. These include, but are not limited practices for processing work requests and for
to, the specifics of requisitioning, handling, maintaining logs and reports to provide the repair
stowing, and accounting for supplies and repair officer with information on the status of work
parts; maintaining accurate records of all phases being done on ships alongside. The responsibilities
of operations; and submitting reports required by of ship superintendent and progressman often
higher authority. overlap, and you may perform both functions at
As a Machinery Repairman, you will probably the same time.
be assigned to a repair ship or a tender at some Collectively, the duties of a ship super-
point in yourNavy career. Before we discuss the intendent and progressman are as follows:
methods of organizing and supervising a ship-
board or ashore machine shop, you must consider 1. Act as coordinator of shop work on the
the organization of the repair department. The ships assigned to you.
repair department organization is discussed in 2. Act as liaison between the ships and
your MR 3 &2. When your assignment sends you the tender in regard to repair department
to duty ashore, you will work within the jobs.
framework of a similar organization having a 3. Report daily to the commanding officers
similar mission. Having a thorough understanding (or their representatives) of the ships assigned to
of team spirit that prevails in the repair procedures you, to ensure that the work is progressing
you a clearer picture of how the machine
will give satisfactorily as far as the ship is concerned.
shop fits into the scheme of the total repair 4. Report on Friday of each week, or sooner
mission. if required, to the repair officer the status of each
Your duties as an MR1 or an MRC will job, bringing to his attention any high priority
require you to have a complete knowledge of the jobs that are behind schedule. Include in this
operation and maintenance of machine tools. You report recommendations for shifting work or
will make working sketches of machine parts. You material procurement, and whether or not the job
will make repairs to pumps and valves. You will can be completed on time.
be responsible for all required shop inspections 5. Use the ship's superintendent report to
and tests on repaired machinery and equipment; maintain a daily progress report concerning
and you will estimate time and material needed completion of jobs, material on order, delays in
for specific machine shop jobs. Above all, you production, and availability of prints, sketches,
or samples needed to complete the jobs. 12. Develop controlled work packages for all
This report is usually published daily or ship repair work requiring QA controls.
6. Maintain a followup check on material
ordered to ensure the timely receipt of the QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM
material. The shop will also have a record of
material on order. The quality assurance program was established
Obtain signatures from officers concerned
7. by the Commander, Naval Surface Force, U. S.
in any cancellation of a job order, or completed Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVSURFLANT) to pro-
job. vide personnel with information and guidance
8. Notify the ships to pick up completed necessary to administer a uniform policy of
material on the tender or to provide additional maintenance and repair of ships.
information. The Quality Assurance (QA) Manual 9090.1
9. Secure signatures from officers con- sets forth minimum quality assurance require-
cerned on completion of job orders. ments. If more stringent requirements are imposed
10. Notify ship's personnel to witness tests on by higher authority, such requirements must have
machinery, compartments, and tanks, required by precedence. If conflict exists between the QA
work performed. The ship will receive a copy of manual and previously issued COMNAVSURF-
the quality assurance (QA) form. LANT letters and transmittals, the QA
takes precedence. Such conflicts should be
QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTOR The instructions contained in the QA manual
apply to every ship and activity of the force.
As a work center supervisor you will be Although the requirements are primarily appli-
responsible for the quality control program in cable to the repair and maintenance accomplished
your work spaces. You must do the following: by the force IMAs, they also apply to maintenance
performed aboard ship by the ship's force. In all
1 .
Develop a thorough understanding of the cases, specifications must be met. If specifications
QA program. cannot be met, a Departure from Specifications
2. Inspect all work for conformance to Request must be completed and reported. Depar-
specifications. tures from specifications must also be reported
Train personnel in quality control.
3. to appropriate levels so that departure approvals
Maintain records to support the
4. QA or restrictions may be issued.
program, following the QA
manual. Because of the wide range of ship types and
Ensure only calibrated equipment is
5. equipment and the varied resources available for
used in acceptance testing and/or inspection of maintenance and repair, the instructions set forth
work. in thismanual are necessarily general in nature.
6. Initiate a Departure from Specifications Each activity must implement a quality assurance
Report (QA Form 12) when required. program to meet the intent of the QA manual.
7. Ensure all inspections beyond the The goal should be to have all repairs conform
capabilities of the shop's QA inspector are to QA specifications.
performed and accepted by the intermediate
maintenance activity (IMA) before final accept-
ance/installation of the product by the ship. PLANNING AND ESTIMATING
8. Witness and document all tests. DIVISION
9. Ensure adequate protection (overload,
overpressure, and so forth) is provided for all You may at times also be assigned to the
tests. planning and estimating division. You will be
10. Ensure all material or test results responsible for planning work which you have
that fail to meet specifications are recorded and screened to be done by the IMA, and, perhaps,
reported. revising as necessary the planning information
11. Report all deficiencies/discrepancies to received from another IMA. You may also have
the engineer through the ship's QA
coordinator, to supervise the operation of a technical library,
keeping the coordinator's division officer coordinate the efforts of the repair organization
informed. in the advanced planning of work to be done,
periodically review the job estimation guide, and of the activity requesting the work, brief
update the master job catalog. description of the job, and the number of man-
There are several planner's handbooks that hours expended. The daily shop run will contain
you should be familiar with. Two of these are the all of the above information.
IMA Surface Ship Planner's Handbook (S9AAO- A
AC-HBK-010) and the Submarine Planner's running inventory of your stockpile, including
Handbook (S9002-AG-HBK-010). such information as the date the material was
received, the jobs on which the material was
expended, and the balance on hand. To help in
SUPERVISING A MACHINE SHOP the preparation of stub requisitions, you may also
wish to record such data as quantities listed on
As an MR1 or MRC, one of your major the shipboard allowance list, location of the spaces
responsibilities will be to supervise the manu- where the materials are stored, and stock
facturing and repairing of parts and the numbers. The record is particularly valuable on
overhauling of machinery. To do this successfully, repeat jobs, such as the repair of Grove reducers
you must rely on your past experience in shop and Leslie regulators. In some cases, you will be
work and repair procedures. You must also required to possess level one material and
maintain certain records and reports, conduct and controlled material. This material is kept separate
supervise an effective training program, and give from your other material and under lock and key.
accurate estimates of the time required to In most cases, there will be a material control petty
complete repair work. officerwho will keep these specific records, which
It is impossible to cover all the tasks and will be audited, so this job should be assigned to
problems included in the work of a shop a very reliable petty officer and an equally reliable
supervisor. However, the following section is alternate.
designed to make you aware of some of the things An EQUIPMENT LOG is a list of the various
that occur, particularly regarding setting up shop tools charged to you. The log also specifies their
procedures, and the methods by which everyday location whether in the shop or in the storeroom
problems are solved in a machine shop. or assigned to an individual. The location of repair
parts boxes can also be logged in this notebook.
RECORDS AND REPORTS An equipment log kept up to date with adequate
tool descriptionsmake, model, and serial
As you advance to MR1 or MRC, you will be number will be of great assistance to you in
required to assume more responsibility for the making periodic inventories. This log is usually
paper work necessary in a well organized shop. kept and maintained by your toolroom petty
In fact, to avoid bogging down completely in the officer to assure proper calibration of the
mass of details, you will probably delegate some equipment.
of these duties to an assistant in the shop.
Keeping all your records up to date will enable DIRECTIVES
you to keep a close check on each job, each
worker, and each piece of equipment under your Directives are instructions or notices used at
supervision. The ship will have standard forms any echelon of command to prescribe policies,
for keeping some of the required records; for organizations, procedures, or methods which
example, work request forms, supplementary job serve as guides for controlling the decisions and
order forms, and the necessary requisitions for actions of subordinates. The Navy Directives
obtaining repair parts and supplies. You may want System, SECNAV Instruction P5215.1 (revised),
to supplement these forms with shop logs and establishes the directive system for the Navy and
notebooks of your own design to meet your sets forth a simple and uniform plan for issuing,

specific needs. Keep as many logs as you feel you filing, and maintaining directives under the
will need, in addition to those that are required. system. Directives are assignedidentifying
A WORK PROGRESS LOG is a record of all numbers according to their subjects as listed in
and completed work assigned to your
the current the Navy-Marine Corps Standard Subject
shop and to each person in your shop. This log Classification System, SECNAV Instruction
may be of your own design, but it should P5210.ll (revised).
contain the following pertinent data: job order The following definitions of policies,
and work request number, date received, name procedures, orders, instructions, and regulations
should help you understand the purpose of the directives system. The directives excluded are
directives: the captain's night order book, the ship's plan of
the day, the engineer officer's night order book,
1 . A
military POLICY prescribes the course the OOD's standing order book, and the OOD's
of action to be followed in a given situation. memoranda.
Policies areput into practice through
best The commanding officer puts the ship's
written means, since they are used to indicate the directives system into effect by issuing two
action required in recurring situations. Policies instructions. One instruction prescribes the

established at the top echelon are broad and directives to be issued in the system, the
responsibilities of the originators of
the directives,
general, whereas those established at lower
echelons must be specific and conform to the the directives control points and their functions,
command. instructions for departmental and divisional use
policies established by higher
2. military PROCEDURE is a series of
A of the system, and standards for reproducing
coordinated steps to be followed in the per- the ship's directives. The other instruction
formance of a function. establishes the distribution lists for the ship's
3. A military ORDER is a formal oral directives.

or written command, issued by a superior The ship's directives system .disseminates the
officer to a subordinate, which establishes a rule policies of the commanding officer, the executive
or regulation or delegates authority for the officer, and the heads of departments, and
performance of a function. provides subordinate officers with a medium for
4. The term INSTRUCTION denotes the issuing amplifying and supplementary instructions
imparting of information concerning the methods to place the polices into effect. By permitting the
for the accomplishment of a mission and integration of the ship's directives with those
specifying the manner and conditions of per- from higher authority, the system ensures
formance in the execution of projects and that the policies and procedures used in the

programs. administration and operation of the ship follow

5. A
is a rule that the plans and policies of the Navy Department
sets forth standards governing or restraining the and of fleet and type commanders.
conduct of individuals. All directives are maintained as required by
the commanding officer. In most cases this
Navy INSTRUCTIONS are directives that includes keeping them properly indexed and
have a long-term reference value and continue arranged in binders.
in effect canceled by the originator.
Instructions contain information of a
continuing nature or information that requires ALLOWANCE LIST (COSAL)
continuing action. Instructions are also used to
direct action that cannot be completed in the near The COSAL is a technical and supply
future or action that must be taken at a future management document published by the Ship's
date. Parts Control Center (SPCC).
Navy NOTICES are directives that are A COSAL is prepared for an individual ship,
applicable for a brief period of time (usually 6 and it lists the tools and equipment necessary to
months or less) and provide for automatic provide the ship maximum self-supporting
cancellation on a prescribed date or under a capabilities for an extended period of time.
certain condition. Notices may require action that Included in the COSAL are equipment and
can be completed upon receipt or may contain components, repair parts, special tools, and
announcements and items of current interest. miscellaneous portable equipment required for the
A directive may be issued either as a letter or care and upkeep of the ship.
as a publication. A
publication differs from a The COSAL is technical in that it lists
letter in that the publication normally has nomenclature, operating characteristics and
covers and contains a title page, a letter of guidelines, technical manuals, specifications,
promulgation, a record of changes page, a table replacement parts, and other technical data
of contents, and an alphabetical index of contents. pertaining to all installed equipment and
The Ship's Organization and Regulations Manual machinery.
(OPNAVINST 3120.32) is a publication. Certain The COSAL, as a supply management
shipboard directives, however, are excluded from document, informs the supply officer about the
items needed to be stocked and the quantity of problems. There are two exceptions to using the
each item needed aboard ship. FCFBR: (1) to request a change in allowance for
During peacetime operations, the ship's repair parts or equipment, use Allowance Change
operating schedule is generally well known within Request (ACR), NAVSUP Form 1220-1; and (2)
the ship's command structure. The supply officer to report equipment configuration changes, use
can replenish the storerooms for an operation a Configuration Change Form (CCF), OPNAV
because the ship's destination, the length of Form 4790/CK. When completing the FCFBR,
deployment, and the supply support available are be sure to include the technical manual name and
known. During wartime or other emergencies, the number, the page number on which the item is
length of deployment or the destination of a ship listed, the circuit symbol, the national stock
may not be available to the command structure. number, the part number, and the federal stock
The supply officer must then load the ship with number, to minimize the time for processing the
an indefinite period of time. For
supplies to last paper work. The FCFBRs are important, not only
most operating supplies, the past records are to the fleet as a method to call attention to
available. From these records, the supply officer COSAL problems, but also to the supply
can calculate a balanced load that will provide community as a source of information for
proper support. But what about repair parts? No further improvement to the program.
one can predict when a bearing on the freshwater
pump will wear out or a vital tube in the radar SHIP EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION
will fail. This is where COSAL takes over. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (SECAS)
Computers have analyzed the frequency of
failures of parts used aboard ships. Based on the Many shore-based activities play a part in
equipment aboard your ship, computers have supporting the equipment and components aboard
developed an allowance of repair parts that you your ship. One of these activities is the Ship
should stock. Equipment Configuration Accounting System
The key word in COSAL is COORDI- (SECAS). SECAS is designed and operated
NATED. Computers assemble all of the allowed to provide the configuration and logistics
parts from the hundreds of allowance parts information that will ensure the fleet receives first-

lists/allowance equipage lists (APL/AELs) into rate material support. The job of SECAS is to
lists of repair parts to be stocked by the ship. provide activities supporting your ship with
These are prepared by various activities and
lists configuration data that accurately reflects the
cover of the equipment they support.
all equipment and components aboard your ship.
Thus, the COSAL, aided by experience and Supporting activities must know what equipment
advice from technical ratings, helps the supply and components are installed on your ship in
officer stock the necessary repair parts and items. order to support them. Although we have given
Of course, the COSAL
will not provide parts only a brief explanation of SECAS, in this
for every equipment breakdown. To do this, you section you, as a supervisor, should be familiar
would have to carry a complete set of spare with the entire concept of SECAS (NAVSEA
equipment and machinery in the storeroom. T0752-AA-MAN-010 to 080/SECAS).
However, carrying a complete set of spare
equipment and machinery is not practical. PLANNING THE WORK
You will find that the COSAL is very
when you order spare parts for a piece
beneficial The remainder of this chapter is written to
of equipment, since the parts are identified by speak to you as if you are now, or soon will be,
both nomenclature and stock number. a shop supervisor. If you are aboard a large ship
For more detailed information on the in a nonsupervisory position, use the text to
COSAL, refer to SPCCINST 4441.170, Use prepare yourself to become a shop supervisor.
and Maintenance Manual, Naval Ship's Parts You, with the assistance of your leading
Control Center. petty officers, must plan each phase of each
job assigned to your shop. In planning the day's
FLEET COSAL FEEDBACK work, you must consider the lead jobs, assist
REPORT (FCFBR) (supplementary) jobs from other repair shops,
routine upkeep and maintenance, and non-
This document is used to report inaccuracies, productive work, such as working parties. Lack
insufficient descriptions, or other specific COSAL of good planning will usually result in confusion,
delay, and sometimes failure to meet the job within a reasonable amount of time and with
commitments of the shop. You must plan for the a minimum of setups.
coordination of the various steps in the work. This Still another factor you must consider is the

involves considering available manpower, equip- material necessary to accomplish the needed
ment, materials, and the workload of the other repairs. What kind of material, how much is
repair shops. needed, where you can get it, and how much time
Planning does not stop in the machine will be required to get it are all questions that you

shop. The repair officer must know how many must consider. Perhaps the material called for in
productive hours will be available for repair work the blueprint is no longer available. The research
during a specific availability, to enable him or her required to find a suitable substitute takes time.
to know how much work can be accepted during These are just a few of the factors you must
this period of time. Thus, your planning could consider as the supervisor of the machine shop.
ultimately affect your ship's operational schedule. There are some materials that can be kept in
This is where estimating comes into the picture. the machine shop in sufficient quantities to avoid
As a shop supervisor, you must have the ability delay caused by frequent trips to the issue room.
to give an accurate estimate of the time each of These are the frequently used items, such as studs,
the jobs assigned to your shop will consume. To bolts, gasket materials, and parts to repair
do you will rely heavily on your past
this, regulators and reducing valves. For some items,
experience and the experience of your leading a 30-day supply is adequate; for others, a 90-day
petty officers. You must also estimate the supplymay be necessary.
nonproductive hours that will be required to meet You will probably know from experience and
your shop's obligations to provide working from memory where each item is in the shop.
parties, mess cooks, special liberty, and so However, you should attach a list of contents to
forth. each drawer or cabinet so that the rest of the
In planning the work, you must consider the personnel in the shop will also know where things
capabilities of your personnel. Assigning an are stowed. Remember the importance of good
inexperienced person to a difficult job requires housekeeping in getting the work out. Have a
that an experienced person be on hand to give place for everything and keep everything in its
direct supervision at all times. If the workload of place. Your storage facilities must also have
the shop is light, this is a good training adequate provision for securing for sea.
opportunity. However, if the shop has a heavy As we mentioned earlier, estimating the
workload, the inexperienced person will be of amount of material required to complete a job
more value assigned to a job requiring skills more is your responsibility. Unless you are able to
in line with his or her experience. estimate with accuracy the amount and kind of
Another estimate to be made is the number materials required by your shop, you will either
of personnel required to accomplish a job. be caught short without the items you need or you
Having too many people working on the same will find your shop cluttered with items you do
piece of equipment is sometimes worse than not need. A
high inventory level of slow-moving
having too few. You must analyze each job step materials ties up division funds that might be
by step, and then assign the required number of used to better advantage. Remember that
personnel. running a shop is like running a business; you
Be sure to consider the use of equipment when must operate within a budget. Much of the
you plan a job. Some jobs may be done by using guesswork in estimating can be eliminated if you
one of several machines. For instance, a split make proper use of records of material expended
bearing be bored in an engine lathe, in a
may during the previous quarter. Include the amount
vertical boring mill, or ina horizontal boring mill. of material required for any special work you
The best machine to use for this job will be know is to be done during the period for which
determined by the characteristics of the bearing. you are estimating. Plan and place shop orders
If the bearing requires only boring and has a small for materials in advance with the supply officer
diameter, a lathe will do the job satisfactorily. If through the division officer or the department
the bearing has a large diameter, requires facing head. Do not bypass any of the normal supply
of the ends, cheeking, and the cutting of oil channels of authority.
grooves, then boring in the lathe would require Inventory levels for most consumable items
too many time-consuming setups. In this instance and repair parts are maintained by the supply
the lathe would not have the capacity to do the department. Aboard some repair ships or tenders,
you will assist the supply officer in maintaining Information on Incoming Jobs
the inventory on metal bar stock. Usually a high
limit will be kept on hand. Before the low limit Job orders generally will be received in the
isreached, request that material be obtained to shop several days in advance of the work. You
replenish the stock and to maintain the high-limit should start planning as soon as possible to gain
supply. In ordering, consider the rate of use, the an advantage of time. Much of your planning may
balance on hand, and the expected delay in be done before the work is delivered to the shop.
shipment and delivery. Jobs that have been done before may be planned
In planning a job, you must first perform the so that the necessary parts are on hand or that
job step by step mentally. This will help prevent the blueprints are obtained from the technical
the unintentional omission of some important library. Usually the activity requesting the repairs
step of the job. When you are sure you will provide the plans or blueprints along with the
have identified all the steps, consider each step job order.
to make sure you have taken all requirements Another source of information is the manu-
into account. In some cases you may have to use facturers' technical manuals. Many of these may
a written procedure. be found in your own technical library or may
If part of the job must be done by other shops, be obtained from the activity requesting the repair
you must consider not only the time actually work. You can use these sources of information
required by these shops but also the time that may to do a great deal of advanced planning prior to
be one of them holds up your work and
lost if the delivery of the equipment to be repaired.
the time spent to transport the material between
shops. Each shop should make a separate Priority of Jobs
estimate, and the estimates should be combined
to obtain the final estimate.Do NOT attempt to In planning and scheduling work in the
estimate time that will be required by
the shop, you will have to give careful consideration
other shops. Attempting to estimate what other to the priority of each job order. Priorities are
shops can do is risky because you cannot possibly generally classified as urgent, routine, or
have enough information to make an accurate deferred.
estimate. Deferred jobs do not present much of a
When you have finished planning the work, problem, as they are usually done when the
follow the plans carefully. You should, however, workload of the shop is light and when there are
be flexible, in order to meet any unforeseen few jobs of a higher priority to be done. Also,
circumstances or to make emergency repairs. If when these jobs are approved it is with the
a change in plans is indicated, you must reevaluate understanding that they will be done when the
the whole plan and make whatever changes you time, the personnel, and the equipment are
believe are necessary. Careful planning and available.
followup of these plans will enable you to run The majority of job orders will have the
your shop with the utmost of efficiency and routine priority assigned to them. Routine jobs
productivity. make up the normal workload of the shop, and
they must be carefully planned and scheduled so
Laying-Out and Assigning Work that the daily organization and production can be
maintained at a high standard.
A Navy machine shop is primarily concerned The urgent priority jobs require immediate
with repair work.The assignment of work changes planning and scheduling. Other jobs, of lower
constantly according to the amount and type of priority, may have to be set aside so that these
work being done in the shop. When the workload urgent jobs can be done. At times it may be
is light, the less experienced personnel may be necessary to assign personnel to a night shift so
assigned to complicated jobs under the super- that these jobs can be completed on time.
vision of experienced machinists. When the
workload is heavy, .your most experienced Determination of Required Repairs
machinists will have to be assigned to the
complicated jobs and to jobs that are of an urgent When a job is delivered to the shop, one of
nature. At times reassignment of work must be the things you must do is determine what kind

made to preventdelays, to accomplish added new of repairs are required. This is where the years
work, or to expedite emergency jobs. of practical experience and up-to-date knowledge
on different types of repair procedures are in- that could not be completed. Frequently, you, as
valuable. During the planning stage, check with the shop supervisor, will make the final decision;
some of the leading petty officers in the shop for because of your experience in repair work, your
ideas on how best to accomplish the necessary knowledge of the current workload, and your
repairs. Perhaps one of them may have done the knowledge of the personnel and machines in the
same job before. It may be possible to assign some shop, you should be able to give an accurate
of the planning work to them; for example, a job estimate of the time required to complete almost
of laying out a gear may be given to a person in any repair job.
the shop who has demonstrated the ability to do Before you can make an estimate, you must
this type of work. have detailed information on the job. Where
After you have determined what repairs are necessary, you should study blueprints and
necessary, make sure the repair parts or materials manufacturers' technical manuals. You must
are available. If they are not available on board, make a thorough study of the time requiring
they must be requisitioned through the supply repairs because the job might require repairs or
department. The activity requesting the repairs replacements in addition to those originally
may even have the necessary repair parts on hand. specified. You must also determine the amount
If so,your activity may be able to get the parts of repair work to be done. To make such a
from the requesting activity and then replace them determination, you must clearly understand
when replacements are available. Usually though, detailed procedures on how best to accomplish the
your shop have to either manufacture repair
will repairs.
parts or make temporary repairs to the old When you have determined the necessary
parts. Matters of this nature must be cleared up repairs, you may begin considering a time
before the job is laid out and assigned to less estimate. Be sure to consider the various phases
experienced personnel in the shop. of the repair operation when you calculate the
time it should take to perform a given operation
ESTIMATING TIME FOR A JOB on any part and on any specific machine.

Estimating time for the completion of a job Teardown Time

requires considerable thought and foresight. Your
estimate may directly affect the success or failure
In any repair job, the machinery to be repaired
of your ship to meet its operational commitments.
is disassembled only as required to enable the
Failure to complete a job in the allotted time can
repairs to be accomplished without damage to
result in considerable unnecessary expense and
other parts of the equipment. Teardown time is
loss of valuable time. Each estimate you make
the time required to disassemble a piece of
must be realistic, accurate, and dependable. An
equipment after it has been delivered to the shop.
estimate, in a very real sense, is a guess, but it
As you prepare your time estimate, double the
should be an intelligent guess based on the
teardown time to allow sufficient time for
proper use of records and experience.
For most of the routine jobs that come into reassembly. If any dismantling is required before
the part or piece of equipment is delivered to your
the shop, you may give a quick estimate of the
shop, get an estimate of this time from the ship's
probable time of completion. Generally, there is
force of the customer ship or from other repair
no necessity for completing routine jobs within
department personnel.
any set time as long as the repairs are completed
before the end of the availability and in sufficient
time for the ship's force to install the repaired Machine Setup Time
The estimation of time required to complete There are many elements you must consider
priority jobs must be given considerable thought. in estimating the setup time. A certain amount
If a last minute job comes up near the end of the of time may be required to make the machine
repair period, or if a ship in port only for a day ready for the machining operation. This may
or two requires an urgent repair job, the time include changing the type of cutting fluid
required to make the repairs is an important in the sump, changing the cutter, installing
consideration. In jobs such as these, the time and aligning work-holding devices or jigs,
estimate must be extremely accurate to avoid the adjusting the machine table, or removing
waste that would result from starting a repair job accessory equipment from the machine.
The operator must go to the toolroom to Miscellaneous Time Allowances
obtain the required tools and measuring devices.
These items can all probably be obtained in one The final factor to consider in estimating time
trip if the machine operator has thought out the is often overlooked. This is the time that falls
job ahead of time. Still another consideration in into the category of miscellaneous. Some causes
setup time is the time the operator needs to study of miscellaneous time are fatigue from mind and
drawings or blueprints. muscle exercise, head calls, rest breaks, meals, and
Some consideration must be given to the other factors or actions not directly associated
location of the machine being used for the job. with the repair operation.
A The time factors that have thus far been
heavy piece of equipment being machined
considered are those that have to do with the
requires that lifting equipment be rigged if there
is no crane or trolley available in the vicinity of machining of a piece of equipment or the
the machine being used. Setup time, then, includes making of repair parts. There are certain other
all the time required to prepare the machine for
factors you must consider in order to make a
realistic and accurate time estimate. Some of these
the machining operation.
are the shop workload, the procurement of parts
or materials, the workload of other repair shops,
Machine Operation Time and any time-consuming errors or machining
accidents that might occur during the job.

The next phase to be considered is that of the

actual machining operation. This includes all the
time needed to perform all of the elements of the
You should carefully consider the workload
machining operations. Some jobs require the use
of the shop before you approve a new job for
of more than one machine to complete all of the
repair work. All of this time is included as
completion by a certain time.
After a decision has been made as to what
operation time in the one estimate. If, for
repairs or replacements are necessary, you will be
example, you are estimating time for machining
able to determine what machine tools and
a new gear, you should include time for the lathe,
the milling machine, and possibly the vertical personnel should be used for the job. The next
step is to find out what work is being performed
on, or is planned for, the machine required for
In estimating operation time, you will have to the new job. If an urgent priority has been given
take into account the physical movements to the new job, the work being done on the
required of the operator during the machining required machine tool(s) must be set aside until
operations. This includes the movements of the the new job has been completed. If the new job
lathe carriage after each cut, feeding in the cross
does not have an urgent priority, it must be
slide to start a new cut, or applying lubricant to
dovetailed, based on its priority, into the schedule
the dead center. of work being done by the required machine(s),
Still other things you must take into account with an estimate to be made of when the
are the machining elements. These elements start machine(s) will be made available to start on the
when the cutting tool touches the work end and new job.
when the tool leaves the work. Having a thorough Another decision you must make concerns the
knowledge of the speeds and feeds that may be personnel to be assigned to the new job. The new
used to machine different materials will enable job may require experienced personnel who may
you to calculate the machining time with little have to be taken off other jobs; or again, it may
trouble. be a routine job for which you may use the same
machine tool operators without any shifting of
personnel. If the new job is a complicated one,
Machine Teardown Time you may have to assign a leading petty officer to
process the job through the shop, including
The machine teardown time will be very disassembly, inspection, assembly, and testing.
small but, nevertheless, must be taken into You must consider the number of required
is necessary to include in
consideration. All that personnel as well as their technical ability.
of your estimate is the time required to
this part (Sometimes, a job can be completed in less time
remove the work from the machine. by assigning more personnel to do the work.
However, there are limitations to the number of You, as the machine shop supervisor, will
personnel you can put on a given job. Do not usually estimate the time required for the work
assign unneeded personnel.) to be done by your shop. However, you should
Another determination you must make is the not attempt to estimate any work that must be
number of hours per day you will allow for done by another shop; instead, you should
personnel to work on the new job. If the new job obtain such estimates from the appropriate shop
is a routine job, consider normal working hours. personnel. You must clearly understand all aspects
If it is a rush job with an urgent priority, you may of the repair job before you can make an accurate
have to assign three shifts to the job, having shop estimate of the time required for a job.
personnel work 24 hours a day on it.
In brief, the selection and assignment of CONSIDERATION OF OTHER
personnel and machine tools depend upon the AREAS OF DIFFICULTY
magnitude and the complexity of the new job as
well as its assigned priority. These, in turn, Experience is an excellent teacher of things
depend upon the workload of the shop, except that may go wrong when you are doing a repair
when the new job is given an urgent priority. job. An experienced supervisor can avoid many
of the difficulties that may arise in performing
REQUIRED PARTS AND MATERIAL repair work. Whenever you plan and estimate a
repair job, carefully consider the possible
When you know the extent and the nature of difficulties thatmay arise, and allow extra time
the repairs that are required, check to see if the for them. Adequate blueprints or other drawings
required material and parts are on board ship. The should be on hand. If you have sufficient
material must be available before you attempt to information before starting the job, and a clear
estimate the time needed for a repair job. For a view of the total amount of repair work that will
job requiring a pump shaft be made, you should be required, you can more easily avoid mistakes
have someone check the storeroom to make and delays.
certain that the right size and type of metal stock The repair job itself may cause a certain
is on hand. Do not overlook such items as gaskets, amount of breakage or damage. For example,
studs, bearings, and shaft keys that may be when steam machinery or fittings are being
required. repaired, some of the studs may break instead of
Naval ships carry an allowance of repair parts coming out; and the supervisor who has estimated
for machinery and equipment on board ship. A 30 minutes for removal of the studs may find that
check of the manufacturer's technical manual or the whole job actually takes 4 hours.
the ship's COSAL will show if a certain part is Failure to make the machine tool operator
carried on board. There have been instances where understand the details of the work may result in
this check has been overlooked by the ship or rework. You may have all the details concerning
activity requesting repairs. There is certainly no a job, but if you fail to pass on the appropriate
need to manufacture an item such as a gear if the information to the person who does the job, or
ship carries gears for the machine or equipment if the person misunderstands what should be
that requires repair, so your repair time done, the job may be ruined. You must make sure
estimate should reflect the availability of spare the people doing the actual work thoroughly
parts. understand the detailed instructions. Some
relatively inexperienced personnel fear appearing
OTHER REPAIR SHOPS ignorant and try to make a good showing by
saying they understand the instructions, without
For most repair jobs, you must find out what fully appreciatingwhat you mean. When the job,
part of the work will have to be done by other or part of it, has to be done over, the original
shops. If a new casting must be made, the estimated time of completion will no longer hold
services of the Patternmaker and the foundry will true.
be required. Perhaps the electric shop may have When the unit to be repaired consists of a
to do some part of the repair job. You will have number of assembled parts, such as a pump or
to consider not only the actual time required by an auxiliary turbine rotor, there may be
these other shops, but also the time that may be difficulties in removing the various parts. Parts
lost if one of them holds up the work of the may be so rusted or frozen that they are extremely
machine shop. difficult to remove. On the original inspection of
the item in need of repairs, you should watch for When planning on the required personnel for
any indication that the unit may be difficult to the job, check for possible inspections, drills, and
disassemble. If necessary, you should make an working parties that may delay the repair job. If
extra allowance of time in your estimate to cover the assigned personnel cannot be excused from
thisphase of the repair job. these activities, add extra time for the completion
If an item to pass any required tests after
fails of the repair job.
repair, additional work will be necessary. Include The problems we have mentioned are not all
time for the required tests, and the possibility of the things that may go wrong on a repair job, but
additional work associated with tests in your time they indicate the types of things you must
estimate. consider when you estimate the time required to
When repairs are made to high-speed rotating do a repair job.
machinery, the repair work itself may unbalance
the rotating assemblies. If there is any doubt of
the original balance or of how repair work will There are no set rules for estimating the time
affect the balance, make plans to balance the unit a repair job will take. Although many types of
upon the completion of repair work. Include the repairs are repeatedly done in the shop, each job
time required for balancing in your time estimate. requires its own investigation and estimate. The
The time required to deliver the piece of experienced supervisor will approach the
machinery or equipment to the shop should not estimating problem in his or her own way. The
be included in the estimated time to do a repair relatively inexperienced supervisor probably will
job in the shop. When boat and crane service are find it best to (1) divide the total repair job into
involved in a proposed job, bring this fact up for the various phases or steps of procedures that have
consideration by the person or activity requesting to be done on the job, (2) make separate estimates
an estimate of the time required by the machine of the time required for each step, and (3) add
shop. If you are requested to estimate this time these estimates to obtain the total time required
of transportation, make an estimate, distinct and to complete the job.
separate from that for the book of your own shop. As an aid in estimating the time required to
Boat and crane service may be unpredictable at complete a job, you may want to draw a diagram
times, so you should check with the officer of the or a chart showing how many workers can be
deck and the crane operator before making an assigned to each step of the job and how long each
estimate of this kind. step is likely to take. Figure 7-1 shows a chart

11 12
(graph) made up to estimate the time required for pressures to be withstood, and the working
a pump repair job. stresses that may be encountered. Safety, too, is
The graph shows that step requires 3 hours; an important factor to consider in determining the
step B, 3 hours; step C, 4 hours; and step D, 2 material to use on a particular job. There is no
hours. Adding these figures gives you the length set rule to follow. Each problem must be
of time required for the job 12 hours. The considered on its individual merits.
diagram also shows the number of hours required In most jobs, a careful study of the detailed
for each step. If you add these 12 man-hours plans will reveal the exact amount of material
for step A, 6 for step B, 4 for step C, and 6 for needed for a particular repair job. However, it
step D you get a total of 28 man-hours required is sometimes impossible to obtain the exact

for the the entire job What does this mean? Does
. amount of required pipe or bar stock. Likewise,
the number of man-hours tell you how long the it is seldom possible to get the exact sizes of plate

job is going to take? Can you safely assume that or sheet metal. Some waste is unavoidable, and
a job requiring 28 man-hours can be done in 4 an allowance for such waste is necessary in
hours if you assign seven workers to it? Obviously material estimates.
not, since there is a limit to the number of Weight considerations are important in
people who work on a job at any given time. For shipboard repairs and alterations. Consequently,
example, manufacturing a shaft is a one-person you may not only have to determine the amount
job requiring 7 hours. of material required for a job, but also to calculate
The unit man-hours, then, is a measure of the the weight of the material going into the job. You
amount of work, but not of the amount of time. can determine the weight of pipes, tubes, plates,
You should be very cautious in using man-hours sheets, and bars in either of two ways: (1) by
when estimating how long a job will take, because referring to tables in a handbook and locating the
this measure does not allow for the sequence in weight per linear or square foot of the particular
which the work must be performed, the number material in question; or (2) by arithmetical
of steps required, or the number of personnel who computation. For example, suppose you are
can work on the job at any given stage. working with a steel angle bar, 1 1/4 inches
Discuss shop problems with your personnel. x 1 1/4 inches x 3/16 inch. Referring to an
Help them feel free to offer suggestions. If you appropriate table in a handbook, you will find
develop those suggestions you will often come up that this material weighs 1 .48 pounds per linear
with a working procedure that will provide greater foot. This value, multiplied by the number of
efficiency in the shop without sacrificing linear feet of angle bar in the completed job will
quality. When a person offers a suggestion that give the weight contributed by this material. By
cannot be used, be diplomatic and explain the treating each element in the same manner, you
error in reasoning. It is a rare job that can be can arrive at a fairly accurate estimate of the total
accomplished in only one way. If a suggestion weight increase.
made by one of your personnel is as good as your If such tabulated information is not available,
own, make use of it. By so doing, you will gain you will have to determine the volume of metal
your subordinates' confidence, foster initiative, involved and multiply the result by the weight of
increase efficiency, improve quality, save time, the metal per cubic inch. Obviously, to calculate
and in the long run make your own time estimates the weight of a particular structure, you must b'e
more accurate. able to break the whole down into its component
geometrical parts such as circles, squares,
MATERIAL ESTIMATES rectangles, and pyramidsand to determine their
respective volumes. Further, you need to know
The material used on a given job should be the weight of the metal per cubic inch.
identified in specifications or plans. If the material You can find this information in a variety of
is not specified, you will have to decide what is handbooks readily available in the engineering or
needed and then select the material. This decision repair department office. Table 7-1 gives the
should be based on the purpose of the structure information for a few of the more common
or the object, and its operating requirements and metals.
conditions. Some of the "in-service requirements" The individual job does not present a difficult
are resistance to corrosion, resistance to acids, and estimating problem, but when it comes to
resistance to wear. Representative in-service estimating material requirements for future use
conditions are the weight to be supported, the you will have to anticipate your needs. This is
Table 7-1. Weight (Density) of Common Alloys

not just so much guesswork. By the proper use importance are left until last; then they can be
of records and foresight, you can eliminate a great done or canceled, depending upon the workload
deal of guesswork. of the shop.
You may have to change the schedule of work
SCHEDULING OF WORK in the shopwhen new high-priority jobs come in.
Sometimes you may have to set other work aside
The main object in the scheduling of work is temporarily until these urgent jobs are completed.
one job follow another smoothly and
to have the Remember this point. Experience, judgment,
without delay, since lost time between jobs lowers and foresight are required to maintain an
the overall efficiency of the shop. Because of the organized schedule of work in a large machine
variety of jobs you and your personnel will be shop to get the numerous jobs finished on time.
required to perform, specific work schedules
must be prepared to ensure that all work is SUPERVISING REPAIR WORK
completed. Although these schedules list specific
job assignments, they must be flexible enough to One of the most important duties of an MR1
allow for changes in priorities, transfer of or an MRCis that of supervising the repair work

personnel, temporary breakdowns of equipment, in the machine shop. As a supervisor, you must
unscheduled ship drills, or any emergency that instruct shop personnel concerning the different
may arise. repair jobs that have to be done; you must check
Usually the jobs that require the longest period on the progress of the work, and give additional
of time are started at once and kept in progress advice or instructions when necessary; and you
to be completed on time. Smaller jobs are should check the completed job to see that it has
performed on unassigned machines and also are been done properly and according to your
dovetailed into the schedule so they can be done instructions.
as soon as machines and personnel become After you have obtained complete information
available. on a new job and have decided what repairs or
The priority of job orders, as well as the length replacements are necessary, you must decide who
of time required to complete the jobs, will is to do the job. To make this decision, you must

determine the scheduling of work. Jobs of urgent know what experience the workers have had with
priority will be completed before routine jobs are different types of repair work, and what skills they
started. The deferred jobs or the jobs of least have in operating the various machine tools.
You should see that all items coming into the knowledge regarding the operation of machines
machine shop are properly tagged. Instruct the and the accomplishment of repair work.
personnel in the shop to replace any tags that have The best way in which you can obtain this
been removed to do machine operations. The mix- knowledge is to inspect the shop frequently and
up of some items, such as valves, can cause, at check the progress of the various jobs in the shop.
the very least, a lot of unnecessary confusion and In that way, you will have a good idea of which
lost time. jobs or which workers will require the most
checking or inspecting.
Starting the Job A good practice is to make sure, before a job
is set up, the right type and proper size of material

The person who is going to do the repair is selected. Selecting the wrong type or the wrong

job must be given detailed information on size of material are two common operator errors
how the job is to be done. Be sure to see you should be aware of and should check on.
that the operator fully understands what is When checking on the progress of work, you
to be done to prevent mistakes due to a should be sure that the workers are observing
misunderstanding of instructions. The amount proper safety precautions, both concerning
of instruction depends upon the knowledge and themselves and the machines they are operating.
experience of the operator concerned. If the In addition, you should see that each person is
operator is experienced, you may only have to using the proper tools and machine setups, and
provide a blueprint and specify what parts have should note the quality of work being produced.
to be made or what repairs are to be done. There In case of any doubt, you should check that the
will be times when blueprints will not be available. workers understand your instructions properly
You will then have to make a sketch of the part and that they are doing the work correctly, as
or parts to be manufactured. This sketch will indicated by the blueprint or drawing. If
make the job easier and more understandable for necessary, provide additional instructions to give
the person doing the work. If you do not a better understanding of the job or to improve
thoroughly understand sketching, review workmanship. By frequently talking to the
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVPERS workers and answering their questions, you can
10077. prevent jobs from being reworked, as might
Inexperienced personnel will need additional happen if you are not available to give the
up the work in the machine
instructions for setting correct details on the jobs. If you show interest
and information on the proper procedure for and confidence in your personnel and their work,
doing the job. Workers in the shop should be you will find that they have confidence in you as
made to understand that they are free to ask a good shop supervisor.
questions if they are in doubt about any details Complications may develop on some repair
of their assigned work. Your people will ask jobs, which may require additional planning and
questions when they see that it is to their revised repair procedures. By observing the
advantage to do so. progress of the various jobs and whether any are
In addition to giving instructions on how a job ahead or behind the planned schedule, you will
is you should give your workers some
to be done, be able to change the schedule of some jobs in
information concerning the importance of the job, order to prevent "bottlenecks" and to keep the
the origin of the job, the part that each person most important jobs moving.
willplay in accomplishing the complete repair job,
and the reasons for certain specifications. In Checking on Completed Jobs
general, workers are interested in why a job is
done and how it is done, and will usually turn out When a job has been completed in the shop,
better work if they have a clear picture of the you should inspect and approve the job.
whole job. Inspection is necessary to ensure that the repair
job or the manufactured replacement parts will
Checking the Progress of Work be satisfactory both to the repair activity and to
the requesting activity. Your inspection may be
The assignment of a job is only the first step visual, or it may require measuring instruments.
in processing a job through the shop. You must You may also want or need to perform a shop
know your personnel. You should have a fairly test to check the condition of repaired equipment
good idea of each person's skills, ability, and or machinery.
certain conditions. Your cneck should involve One of the best stimulants for the development
answering the following questions, as a minimum: of high morale among new personnel is to have
them realize that their boss appreciates their
1. Have all the machining and finishing feeling of strangeness in new surroundings and
operations been completed? is aware of their desire to succeed. There
2. Have the repaired or manufactured parts is often a gap between the point at which a
been correctly formed and accurately dimensioned person is assigned and the time that person

according to detailed instructions or blueprints? develops into a satisfied worker. Proper introduc-
3. Is the repaired item or replacement part tion to the work, a well-planned training program
free from defects in the material and the and counseling when necessary will turn the
workmanship? ill-at-ease person into a confident and interested
4. Have all parts or accessories to
the repaired worker.
equipment or machinery been replaced or returned You will benefit greatly from reviewing with
with the repaired unit? each new worker such matters as the mission of
5. Have all items, such as screws, bolts, studs, the ship and how the shop fits into the overall
keys, lock washers, gaskets, and packing, been picture, the person's rate, duties, drills, the ship's
replaced or renewed according to original liberty and leave policy, and what is expected of
instructions? the person as an individual. You should be
6. Where applicable, has the part or item been sincerely interested in not only getting acquainted
properly checked for any unbalanced condition? with the person but in being sympathetic with the
7. Has the proper material been used in problems that may arise while the person is
making repairs or replacement parts? getting settled. The initial contact should be
primarily to win the person's confidence. You
These are just some of the things you must may later turn the person over to a qualified
consider before you certify the job as complete petty officer who is capable of completing
and ready to be removed from the shop. No one the introduction process and the early training
should let work leave the shop until you and the that is necessary. Usually, you should select
person receiving it are satisfied with it. The an experienced petty officer to help ease
workers, as well as you, should take pride in their a new worker through the introduction period.
workmanship. In carrying out your responsibility for
The completed job order should show the introducing a new worker to the job, you must
man-hours, the material used, and a full do a certain amount of planning if the
description of the work accomplished. In instructions necessary for the proper indoctri-
addition, the necessary shop records and paper nation of the new worker are to be carried out
work should be correct and up to date. When the effectively.
job has been completed, interested parties should Throughout this chapter, we have suggested
be notified as soon as practicable; completed jobs but have not stated a fundamental difference
should not be left to accumulate in the shop, as between your work as a supervisor and the work
some of the items may become mixed up, of your people. Your people work with machines
damaged, or lost. and materials, while you work through your
Before releasing a completed item, check to people to produce the desired results with the
be certain (1) the correct job order is signed by machine and the materials. The machines may be
a representative of the requesting activity, (2) the operating perfectly and the materials may be of
identification on the item and on the job order the best quality, but unless the people who
coincide, and (3) all manufacturers' technical handle them are properly instructed, adjusted
manuals and blueprints furnished with the job to their work, and aware of their place in the
order are returned. organization and of the policies of the depart-
ment, they will not be satisfied workers.
TRAINING SHOP PERSONNEL You are responsible for providing for these
needs and for developing high morale in your
The impression formed by a new person
first shop.
in the shop be a lasting one. If you have a
will The first step in this process is to indoctrinate
well-planned program for introducing new each new person properly at the time of that

tnree general areas or indoctrination. DC stored in a convenient, secure, ana oraeny
place. Use cabinets, shelves, bins, and racks
1. Those dealing with facts, such as the ship- arranged in the shop to give the greatest possible
board rules and regulations amount of free working space.
2. Those dealing with the worker's attitude
or feelings, confidence in the organization, pride The stowage facilities must have adequate
in the job,and respect for fellow workers provisions for 'securing for sea." Metal stowage
3. Those dealing with skills, safe working racks for sheets and bars must be lashed down
habits, and quality of work to prevent the gear from shifting when the ship
is at sea. You can use packages, turnbuckles,
A follow-on to indoctrination is professional wedges, bars, and C-clamps to satisfy this
development. Each person in your shop must be requirement.
receptive to suggestions and training that
promotes personal development, and must be shop space permits and sufficient tools are
willing to help develop the skills of other shop available, each rated person should have a
personnel. However, you have the direct stowage drawer and tool box in which to keep the
responsibility for seeing that all your subordinate tools that are ordinarily used. Besides speeding
petty officers understand their work and its up production of work, this method of stowage
relation to the function of the machine shop so will provide better care and cleanliness of hand
well that they automatically teach those who assist tools. Remember the old adage, "An untidy shop
them. is an unsafe shop."

Good handbooks and reference material are
as important to a Machinery Repairman as are In NAVPERS 18068 (Manual of Navy
precision measuring instruments, hand tools, and Enlisted Manpower and Personnel and Occupa-
machine tools. A Machinery Repairman cannot tional Standards), one of the requirements for an
possibly remember all details or data required for MRC is to organize and supervise a damage

daily planning and work. Awell-run machine control repair party. As a supervisor, you must
shop should have a technical library consisting of be familiar with all the equipment and the
machinists' handbooks, the Naval Ships' functions of the repair party. Following is a list
Technical Manual, manufacturers' technical of GENERAL functions which are common to
manuals for all the machines in the shop, books all repair parties.
on machine shop operations and practices, and
various other books of reference or instruction. 1. Each party must be capable of making
The Navy furnishes a certain number of books, repairs to electrical and sound-powered telephone
and others can be purchased ashore. circuits.
You should check your shop's library 2.Each party must be capable of giving first
to see that reference books are available. aid and transporting injured personnel to battle
If your shop needs additional publications, make dressing stations without seriously reducing the
recommendations to your division officer. damage control capabilities of the repair party.
3. Each party must be capable of detecting
SHOP HOUSEKEEPING and identifying radiation, measuring dose and
dose-rate intensities from radiological involve-
Generally, you can give a workshop a ment, and surveying and decontaminating
good look and determine whether it is efficient personnel and areas affected by radiation.
and well run. Just make a quick survey 4. Each party must be capable of detecting
for cleanliness, neat tool and stock stowage, and identifying chemical agents and decon-
and the condition of equipment. If your taminating areas and personnel affected by a
survey reveals a high quality of housekeeping, biological or chemical attack.
you may also assume that the shop is well 5. Each party must be capable of controlling
organized and turns out quality work. and extinguishing all types of fire.

area. I his will include maintaining the following: Figure 7-3 is a completed damage control
Deck plans showing locations of
a. message form. The message reports an 8-inch
CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL and RADIOLOG- hole, 4 feet from the deck, at frame 38, on the
ICAL (CBR) contamination, locations of battle starboard side of compartment 2-35-0-L.
dressings and personnel cleansing stations, and Completed damage control message forms
safe routes to them should be forwarded to damage control
b. A graphic display board showing central (DCC) for plotting and for further,
damage, and action taken to correct disrupted or action.
damaged systems. Standard damage control 7. Each
repair party must be familiar
symbology to be used is shown in Surface Ship with assigned area and with the area's

Damage Control manual, NWP 62-1 (Rev B), damage control system and equipment. Provision
current edition. must be made for all repair parties to gain
Figure 7-2 is a recommended preprinted access for drill and for familiarization with the
damage control message format. Use of this spaces.

R2 R2
R3 R3
H R5





Figure 7-3. Example of completed preprinted message

Figure 7-2. Preprinted blank message format. format.

Some of the SPECIFIC functions for which 4. provide emergency power to electrical

repair parties are responsible are listed below. equipment using casualty power cables;
Maintenance of stability and buoyancy is the 5. assist the crash and salvage team as

responsibility of repairs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. These required;

repair parties must be 6. stream and recover minesweeping equip-
ment during general quarters;
1.stationed so they can reach all parts of the 7. rescue survivors from the water and render

ship without opening watertight closures, if assistance to other ships; and

possible; 8. repair above- water damage that could
2. able to repair damage to structures, cause flooding in the event of further damage.
closures, or fittings designed to maintain
watertight integrity, by shoring, plugging, Maintenance of ship's propulsion is the
welding, caulking the bulkheads and decks, responsibility of repair 5, which must be able to
resetting valves, and blanking or plugging
lines through watertight subdivisions of the 1. maintain, make repairs to, or isolate
ship; and damage to main propulsion machinery and
3. be prepared to sound, drain, pump, boilers;
counter flood, or shift liquids in tanks, voids, or 2. operate, repair, and isolate vital systems,
other compartments, and be thoroughly familiar and modify their segregation;
with the location and use of all equipment and 3. assist in the operation and repair of the
methods of action. steering controls systems;
4. assist in the maintenanceand repair of
For accurate evaluation of underwater internalcommunications systems;
damage, two status boards should be maintained. 5. and 4 and the crash
assist repairs 1, 2, 3,
The stability status board (flooding effects and salvage team when required;
diagram) is used for visual display of all flooding, 6. relieve ship's propulsion personnel in the
flooding boundaries, corrective measures taken, event of casualties;
and effects on list and trim. A
liquid load status 7. assist in CBR recovery operations; and
board is used to show the current status of all fuel 8. maintain an engineering casualty control
and water tanks and the soundings of each tank status board, showing the condition of readiness
in feet and inches. of main propulsion and principal auxiliary
Maintenance of ship's structural integrity and machinery, and providing a graphic display of
maneuverability is the responsibility of repairs 1 , engineering casualties and other pertinent infor-
2, 3, and 4. These repair parties must be able to mation, if required by type commanders.

1. make repairs to primary and auxiliary On larger ships, repair 5 may be split into two
methods of steering; repair parties. Each half of repair 5 is assigned
2. clear the upper decks of wreckage that one half of the engineering plant. This arrange-
interferes with operation of the battery, ship, or ment provides maximum use of manpower and
fire control stations or that fouls the rudder, equipment and greater dispersal of personnel.
propellers, or sides of the ship, and be ready to However, on smaller ships repair 5 will usually
extinguish all types of fires; be assigned to the repair party designated by the
3. maintain and make emergency repairs to type commander.
ammunition supply,
battle service systems, such as Although this chapter did not discuss repairs
ventilation supply, high- and low-pressure air 6, 7, and 8, you should become familiar with their
lines, internal communications systems, electrical responsibilities listed in Surface Ship Damage
systems, and cooling water systems; Control, NWP 62-1 (Rev B), current edition.


Ships can operate only a certain length of time Systems Command (COMNAVSEASYSCOM or
without repairs. To keep a ship in prime NAVSEA), or from the Chief of Naval Opera-
condition, constant attention must be given to tions (CNO).
material upkeep and appropriate intervals of time NAVSEA is responsible for overseeing ship
must be allotted for general overhaul and repair. alterations (SHIPALTs) under its technical
Even when regular preventive maintenance control. Through its day-to-day relations with the
procedures are carefully followed, accidents and forces afloat,. naval shipyards, private industry,
malfunctions may necessitate emergency repair and research centers, NAVSEA
remains up to
work. Defects and deficiencies that can be date on technical developments. In striving to
corrected by the ship's force should be dealt with maintain the ships of the fleet in as efficient and
as soon as possible. When repairs are beyond the modern a state as possible, NAVSEA may
capability of the ship's force, aid must be obtained determine that a particular ship or class of ships
from a repair activity afloat or ashore. Repair should be altered. Alterations may require
activities afloat include repair ships and tenders. modifications to the hull, such as changes to
Repair ashore include shore intermediate
activities bulkheads that will strengthen them or changes
maintenance (SIM As), naval shipyards,
activities to deck arrangements that will provide space for
and naval ship repair facilities (SRFs) located the installation of a paint mixing and issue room.
outside the continental limits of the United States. When the commanding officer of a ship
Before proceeding with the sections covering considers an alteration necessary for improving
repair ships and tender maintenance and repairs, the performance of the ship, he sends a request
we need to define repairs and alterations. for the alteration to NAVSEA via the admin-
chain of command. NAVSEA then sends

copies of the request to all the other ships of the

REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS same class for comments on applicability.
Another source of alteration is the reports of
Corrective maintenance to ships may be the Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV).
divided into the general categories of (1) repairs, Upon completion of each ship material inspection,
(2) alterations, and (3) alterations equivalent to the Board, in its report of the general condition
repairs. of the ship and its suitability for further naval
A REPAIR is defined as the work necessary service, furnishes a list of repairs and alterations,
component of a ship's system
to restore a ship or a which, in opinion, should be made. Alterations

to a fully operational condition without a change recommended by the Inspection and Survey Board
in the design, location, or relationship of parts. (INSURV) normally are not acted upon by
Repairs may be made by the ship's force, by repair NAVSEA until after the receipt of appropriate

ships and tenders, or by naval shipyards or other comments from the commanding officers of the
shore-based activities. ships inspected and the recommendations of the
An ALTERATION is any modification to type commanders (TYCOMs).
the hull, machinery, equipment, or fittings
that involves a change in the design, materials, TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH
number, location, or relationship of the com- NAVY ALTERATIONS
ponent parts of an assembly. Alterations"
may be made by themselves or in conjunction Approved Alteration An alteration approved
with repairs. Requests for alterations may foraccomplishment without funding and year of
originate from the fleet, from the Naval Sea accomplishment identified.
Authorized Alteration An alteration ap- modification meets all of the following con-
proved for accomplishment with funding and year ditions:
of accomplishment identified.
Can be accomplished without changing an
Alteration Equivalent to a Repair (AER) interface external to the equipment or system
An alteration that has one or more of the
following characteristics: 9 Is a modification made within the
equipment boundary or is a direct replacement of
1. The use of different materials that have the original equipment design
been approved for like or similar use and are
available from standard stock Can be accomplished without the ship
The replacement of obsolete, worn-out or
2. being in an industrial activity
damaged parts, assemblies, or equipment,
requiring renewal by those of later and more Will be accomplished individually and
efficient design previously approved by the not conjunctively with a SHIP ALT or other
Systems Command concerned MACHALT
3. The strengthening of parts that require
repair or replacement in order to improve For detailed information concerning
of the parts and of the unit, provided
reliability MACHALTs, refer to the Fleet Modernization
no other change in design is involved Program Management and Operations Manual
4. Minor modifications involving no signifi- (SL720-AA-MAN-010) and NAVSEA Instruction
cant changes in design or functioning of 4720.15, Policy and Procedures for Imple-
equipment but considered essential to prevent mentation of Machinery Alterations on Hull,
recurrence of unsatisfactory conditions Machinery, and Electrical Equipment and
5. The replacement of parts, assemblies, Systems.
or equipment with like items of later or Military Alteration An alteration that
more efficient design when it can be demon- changes or improves the military characteristics
strated that the cost of installation and main- of a ship. This alteration is managed by the CNO.
tenance of the new parts, assemblies, or Technical Alteration An alteration that
components is less than the cost of main- affects safety, maintainability, reliability, or
taining the installed parts, assemblies, or system performance. This alteration is managed
components by the Chief of Naval Material (CNM).
Ordnance Alteration (ORDALT) An altera-
NOTE: Only the systems Command exercising tion to ordnance equipment under the technical
technical control over the article, or the authority cognizance of NAVSEA and composed of the
to whom such technical control has been delegated following:
by that command, shall designate an alteration
as equivalent to a repair and approve it for Ordnance Alteration Instruction A
accomplishment. technical document containing instructions,
drawings, test procedure, and directions to
Electronic Field Change Any modification accomplish a material change, modification;
or alteration made to electronic equipment repositioning, or alteration in the physical
after its delivery to the government. appearance of an installation of different parts
in subassemblies, assemblies, or components in
Machinery Alteration (MACHALT) The a weapon or system. Technical publication
MACHALT program is a kit concept that changes are supplied as part of that data package.
enables hull, machinery, and electrical (HM&E) ORDALT Kit All the material and
changes to be accomplished in an expeditious documentation required to perform an ORDALT,
manner, eliminating these changes from the which may include materials and documentation
formal SHIP ALT process. A MACHALT is a necessary for testing, operating, and maintaining
planned change, modification, or alteration the equipment after alteration. ORDALT Kits
of any HM&E equipment in service (ship- include complete hardware, special tools if
board or shore activities) when it has been required,and a copy of the ORDALT instruction.
determined by the MACHALT Configuration In some cases, a conjunctive SHIP ALT may be
Control Board (CCB) that the alteration or required with an ORDALT.
Programmed Alteration An alteration that SHIP ALT AUTHORIZATION LETTERS
isscheduled for accomplishment by CNO in the
Ship Alteration Management Information System SHIPALT Authorization Letters specify to the
(SAMIS) on one or more specific hulls in a specific installing activity the alterations that are to
fiscal year. be accomplished during an availability. They are
Ship Alteration (SHIP ALT) Any changes in issued by the cognizant Ships' Logistics Manager
the hull, machinery, equipment or fittings that (SLM) and contain a list of all authorized
involves change in design, materials, number, alterations, material status, development status
location, or relationship of the component parts of the alteration, funding information, and
of an assembly. SHIPALTs are classified by pertinent instructions.
title, as shown in the following: Thus a SHIP ALT Authorization Letter serves
three purposes:
9 Title D Alteration An alteration
equivalent to a repair, approved by NAVSEA. It provides the program authorization for
Title ship alterations are authorized by the alterations specifically programmed for accom-
TYCOM and funded under Operation and plishment in the FMP.
Maintenance of the Navy (O&MN) as operating
expenses. It provides NAVSEA with planning
estimates for the program authorized.
Title F Alteration An alteration that can
be accomplished by Forces Afloat and that does It provides procurement/requisitioning

not require special program material or centrally instructions for the material required for
procured material for accomplishment. Title F alteration accomplishment.
alterations may only be authorized for accom-
plishment by TYCOMs, who must fund all The SLM forwards separate SHIPALT
costs except Design Services Allocation (DSA) Authorization Letters for each ship scheduled for
and coordinated shipboard allowance list an availability to the cognizant Naval Shipyard
(COSAL). Commander 360 days prior to the start of the
availability. However, SHIPALT Authorization
9 Title K Alteration An alteration Letters for availability scheduled to occur in
authorized for accomplishment through the Fleet commercial facilities are to be received by the
Modernization Program (FMP) and usually cognizant SUPSHIP 360 days prior to the
requiring special program material. It is accom- commencement of the availability. Included in the
plished by industrial activities and approved SHIPALT Authorization Letter are specific
by the CNO through the FMP process. reporting instructions on estimated man-day and
dollar expenditure rates, material costs for
Title K-P Alteration An alteration that alterations, and program reports required by FMP
changes the military or technical characteristics financial management procedures.
of the ship and involves the installation of special The SLM includes total planning estimates of
program material, but is within Forces Afloat funds authorized for title K alteration accomplish-
program and
capability for installation. Special ment in a SHIPALT Authorization Letter; these
procured materials required for accom-
centrally estimates are not to exceed programmed FMP
plishment of these alterations are normally funds.
provided as a package by NAVSEA at no charge
toTYCOM O&MN funds. Title K-P alterations
may only be authorized by NAVSEA. LEVELS OF SHIP MAINTENANCE

Alteration requests addressed to NAVSEA are Navy policy requires that ship maintenance
endorsed by the TYCOMs (or other administrative and modernization work be performed at the

commanders, as appropriate), with their recom- lowest effective level through the life cycles of
mendations on approval, classification, and ships. The Ship Maintenance and Modernization
applicability to other ships. Copies of the basic Program was developed to implement this policy.
request and endorsements are forwarded to other This is a balanced program which requires a
TYCOMs, who are requested to comment for contribution from all levels of maintenance within
NAVSEA. the Navy.
There are three specific levels of ship facilities are performed. Approved alterations

maintenance, each requiring a greater degree of and modifications that update and improve a
capability. Organizational level maintenance and ship's military and technical capabilities are also
intermediate level maintenance are within the made.
capability of the operating forces and are their
responsibility. The greatest industrial capability CLASSES OF SHIP SYSTEMS
resides at the depot level, composed of naval and AND COMPONENT OVERHAULS
private shipyards, ship repair facilities, and
assigned Navy, Department of Defense (DOD), Work at of the three levels of
or commercial designated overhaul points maintenance always specified as one of five

(DOPs). classes. The class designation system enables both

maintenance personnel and their supervisors to
ORGANIZATIONAL (SHIPBOARD) know the extent of work requested for a particular
LEVEL MAINTENANCE item. The following is a brief explanation of the
five classes, lettered A through E:
Organizational level maintenance is the first
level of maintenance and consists of corrective and Class A Designed to bring a system, a
preventive maintenance performed on a ship by subsystem, or a component up to most recent
the ship's force. This work is a blend of design and technical specifications. Products of
equipment operation, condition monitoring, class A overhauls are in like new condition in
planned maintenance actions, and repair. It ranges appearance as well as in operation and per-
from simple equipment lubrication to component formance. During a class A overhaul, all
changeout and, in some cases, complete rework applicable manufacturers' and technical manual
in place. performance standards and specifications are met,
all technical documentation is brought up to date,

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL and the overhauled item is tested for compliance

MAINTENANCE with government-specified performance criteria.
Class A overhauls may be made to components
Intermediate level maintenance is normally or subsystems of ship weapons, machinery,
performed by Navy personnel on tenders, repair electrical, hull, or electronics systems, or to an
ships, aircraft carriers, fleet support bases, SIMAs entire system, and include all actions required to
and Naval Reserve maintenance facilities (SIMA bring the item scheduled for overhaul up to
NRMFs). Within the limits of each IMA's required standards. These overhauls may include
facilities, such as shops, docks, and machinery, ORDALTs or SHIPALTs.
and personnel, such as numbers, skills, and levels, Class B Designed to bring a system,
IMAs perform maintenance, repair, overhaul, a subsystem, or a component back to its
installation, quality assurance, tests, and related original design and technical specifications.
functions on the HM&E and combat equipment, Other modifications, including SHIPALTs
and systems that are beyond the capabilities of and ORDALTs are not performed unless they are
each customer. This applies specifically to specifically requested by the customers.
intermediate level maintenance required to Maintenance and calibration routines are per-
support ships. The term fleet support bases refers formed, as appropriate, and each item is tested
to IMAs such as Trident Refit Facilities; Naval for compliance with government specified per-
Submarine Support Facility, New London; and formance criteria.
Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor. Class C Involves repair work specified on a
work request or work to correct deficiencies or
DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE malfunctions identified on a work request, for a
system, a subsystem, or a component. The
Depot level maintenance requires skills and repairing activity must show that the requested
beyond those of the organizational and
facilities work has been completed or that the deficiencies
intermediate levels and is performed at naval or malfunctions have been corrected. However,
shipyards, private shipyards, naval ship repair the repairing activity is not responsible for
facilities, or other shore-based activities. During ensuring that components associated with the
depot availabilities (yard periods), large scale repaired item function properly or that the entire
maintenance and repairs requiring industrial system functions properly.
Class D Consists primarily of diagnostic alterations by depot and/or intermediate level
work associated with the open, inspect, and report maintenance activities. These availabilities are for
type of request in which the customer is not sure accomplishing work required to sustain the
what is wrong with the item. The repairing material condition of the ship between overhauls,
activity reports its findings, recommendations, particularly ships on extended operating cycles.
and cost estimates to the customer for authori- SRAs are used exclusively for required depot
zation to begin repair work. Minor repairs and level maintenance of ships on progressive or
adjustments may be made, as specified by the incremental overhaul schedules. SRAs are short,
customer, without additional authorization. labor-intensive availabilities generally scheduled
Class E Involves work required to make at specific times throughout a ship's operating
specific modifications to a designated system, cycle. They are scheduled sufficiently in advance
subsystem, or component. The repairing activity to ensure that advanced planning time and funds
must show that the modifications were successful are used effectively.
and that the item meets operational standards, but
only to the extent required by the modification PHASED MAINTENANCE
orders. However, the repairing activity may, at AVAILABILITY (PMA)
the request of the customer, conduct system tests
to prove that the system will operate satisfactorily A phased maintenance availability is a short,
with the modified item. Repairs, if any, are minor. labor-intensive availability for making general
repairs and alterations by depot level maintenance
activities. Ships assigned to phased maintenance
SHIP AVAILABILITIES programs are maintained through PMAs in lieu
of regular overhauls.
An AVAILABILITY is a time period during
which a ship is assigned to a repair activity so that EXTENDED REFIT PERIOD (ERP)
repairs can be made or maintenance can be
performed on the ship or its equipment. The types An extended period is a 60-day
of abilities are described in the following planned availability for SSBN nuclear submarines
paragraphs. scheduled approximately 41/2 and 71/2 years
after overhaul to accomplish major depot and
REGULAR OVERHAUL (ROH) intermediate level work.

Aregular overhaul is an availability for RESTRICTED AVAILABILITY (RAV)

making general repairs and alterations at a naval
shipyard, a private shipyard, or another shore- A restricted availability is an availability
based repair activity, normally scheduled during during which specific items of work are
an established cycle, such as every five years. accomplished by an industrial activity with the
ship present, during which time the ship is
COMPLEX OVERHAUL (COH) rendered incapable of fully performing its
assigned mission and tasks. Restricted
complex overhaul is an overhaul that, availabilities are assigned by TYCOMs.
because of funds, time, or manpower constraints,
or due to the complexity of the various ship TECHNICAL AVAILABILITY (TAV)
subsystems involved, requires extraordinary
coordination and extensive management of the A technical availability is an availability
planning and industrial phases of the overhaul. during which specific items of work are
All CV, LHA, AGF, and nuclear-powered accomplished by a repair activity, normally
surface ship overhauls (CGN, CVN) are, by at a naval base, during which the ship's
definition, complex overhauls. ability to fully perform its assigned mission and
tasks is not affected.

A selected restricted availability is an A voyage repair is emergency work necessary to

for making repairs and selected enable a ship to continue its mission and that can
be completed without requiring a major change preparation of work requests is based on
in the ship's operating schedule. information contained in the ship's maintenance
deferred action sheets. Completed work requests
SERVICE LIFE EXTENSION are sent with a forwarding letter to the TYCOM
PROGRAM (SLEP) after they are screened by the ship's staff material
officer handling material and maintenance. The
A program is a depot
service life extension amount of corrective action taken by the
levelprogram to extend the service life of a ship reviewing staff officer will depend upon how well
beyond that for which it was initially designed. the work requests are written and the extent that
Following SLEP the ship will be maintained and they follow established policies and procedures.
modernized through normal overhaul procedures.
AVAILABILITY (FOA) An arrival conference is usually held as soon
as a ship begins an IMA availability period or an
A fitting out availability is an availability at upkeep period. The conference, attended by
the shipyard designated as the fitting out activity representatives of the ship, the repair department,
to place aboard ship the material specified in the and the TYCOM, is used to discuss relative needs

ship's allowance lists. of the ship and the priority of each job. The
arrival conference clarifies all uncertainties for
POST SHAKEDOWN repair department personnel who have received
AVAILABILITY (PSA) and studied the work requests in advance.
Arrangements are also made for the afloat IMA
Apost shakedown availability is an availability to provide, if necessary, hotel services (for
assigned to a newly built, activated, or converted example, steam and electricity). In addition to
ship upon completion of its shakedown. The PSA these services, the tender or the repair ship may
willnormally last for six calendar weeks and will take over communication watches. Freshwater
be completed not later than the end of the eleventh and fuel requirements are not usually supplied
month after the completion of fitting out, at except from barges.
which time the Shipbuilding and Conversion, The IMA repair department makes repairs in
Navy (SCN) funding and work authority a manner similar to that of a production
terminate. Work performed normally includes department in a naval shipyard or an SRF, even
correction of defects noted during the shakedown, to the extent of assigning a ship superintendent
correction of deficiencies remaining from the (Ship Sup) as a representative of the repair officer.
acceptance trials, and performance of class
modifications remaining from the new con- WORK REQUESTS
struction period. AND JOB ORDERS
on the above topics,
For detailed information
refer to Maintenance of Ships; Policies and Although the terms work request and job
Procedures (OPNAVINST 4700.7). order are sometimes used interchangeably, the two
terms actually have slightly different meanings.
Work requests are written by the ship and are
REPAIR SHIP/TENDER REPAIRS forwarded through proper channels to the repair
activity. When the work request has been
All ships are scheduled for regular tender approved by the repair activity, it is issued as a
availabilities or for upkeep periods alongside job order.
repair ships or tenders at certain intervals of time. As soon as your work requests have been
Each availability period is usually planned far in approved at the arrival conference, start the jobs
advance and is based on the type of ship that require delivery to the repair activity.
concerned and on its quarterly employment Starting these repair jobs early is very important
schedule. in getting all necessary jobs completed. Equipment
When a ship receives its employment schedule, that isnot needed for the operation of the ship
or is otherwise notified of an availability, it may be disassembled in advance so that defective
1should include your snip's number and name; The primary purpose of a naval shipyard is
department, division, or space from which the to provide services to the fleet in the form of
m was removed; and the job order number, efficient and economical repair, alteration,
m may also include additional identifying overhaul, docking conversion, outfitting, and
formation, if necessary. If you send reference replenishment and to perform related special
iterial, such as drawings and technical manuals, manufacturing when required. Naval shipyards
sure they are identified with your ship's name perform many other functions, including research
d number. and design, which are not discussed here.
Naval shipyards are designated as planning
yards. A
PLANNING YARD is a shipyard
undertake the design work for a particular type
Many repair jobs are designated by the or class of ship.
ip or approved by the repair activity as
ip-to-shop jobs. In a job of this type, the WORK REQUESTS
ip's force does a large part of the repair
>rk. For example, the repair or renewal The procedures for submitting shipyard
adamaged pump shaft might well be work requests prior to a regular overhaul are
itten up as a ship-to-shop job. The pump contained in the Maintenance and Material
disassembled and the shaft is removed by Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST
; ship's force, and the shaft and any necessary 4790.4 (series).
leprints are delivered to the machine shop TYCOMs require that work requests for work
the repair activity. The machine shop to be undertaken during a repair period (regular
pervisor checks the job and gives an or interim) be submitted to them for review,
proximate date of completion. When the approval, and forwarding to the shipyard well in
aft has been repaired, or when a new one advance of the beginning of an overhaul. This is
s been made, it is picked up and brought back necessary to permit successful preliminary
the ship by the ship's force. The pump is planning and material procurement by the
issembled, inspected, and tested by the ship's shipyard.
rce according to procedures in the appropriate Aboard ship, each work request is submitted
ihnical manual. on the standard work request form. All work
Repair jobs on portable equipment, such as requests are screened and assigned a work priority
tall gauges and valves, are almost always at a conference of the department heads, the
itten up as ship-to-shop jobs. executive officer,and the commanding officer.
A work list containing brief statements of the
work to be done, arranged in the ship's priority
IECKING THE PROGRESS sequence, is prepared and submitted along with
F TENDER REPAIR JOBS the work requests to the TYCOM for screening.

You should know at all times the status FLEET MODERNIZATION

repair work (including ship's force repair PROGRAM
>rk) being done for your work center or
uipment. The Fleet Modernization Program (FMP) is

You can check on repairs that are being made a program approved by the Chief of Naval
your own ship by discussing them with the Operations (CNO) to modernize and improve
tty officer in charge of the repair detail, ships of the fleet, by providing a structure for
lecking on the progress of work in the shops orderly planning, programming, budgeting,
the repair activity requires planning and and installationof military and technical
ordination. Personnel in the repair activity's improvements. combines improvements from

ops are busy with their repair work, so the Military Improvement Plans (MIPs) and from
2 method you use to check on the progress the Technical Improvement Plans (TIPs), and
work must be one that does not interfere selected TYCOMs' improvements arranged by
th the work. individual hull type. These are based on

scheduled ship overhauls plus related non-hull Under this condition, when several additional
identified program funding requirements (for important jobs should be performed, the TYCOM
example, design, planning, COSAL, service craft must either furnish more funds or revise the
ALTs). priority list.

The FMP identifies alterations that are

applicable to specific ships on a year-by-year basis Establishing the cutoff point enables the
within a 5-year period. The execution year shipyard to make certain that the most important
program of the FMP forms the basis for repairs and alterations are completed during the
implementing current year improvements as availability period. This does not imply that other
funded. The formulation year programs are items with less urgent priority will not be
used as a basis for the annual Navy budget undertaken and completed before the end of the
submission; four planning outyears provide a overhaul period. After the ship has been placed
basis for procurement of special program material in drydock, for example, workers may find that
and for planning other ship alterations. anticipated repairs to the shafting and to the
Ship alterations and improvements are propeller are not necessary, and the funds reserved
programmed for completion by the CNO work can be used to finance other items.
for this
approved FMP. The program is developed by the Sometimes a job may be greatly underestimated
office of the CNO (OPNAV) hull and equipment because of conditions that do not become
sponsors based on the operational requirements apparent until the job is well underway. If the
of each fleet. funds originally provided to cover the cost of the
The FMP has three primary goals. They are work are not sufficient, the necessary funds may
as follows: have to be provided by deferring other approved
items of lesser importance.
To improve naval ships' capabilities and
material conditions by installation of approved Also established at the arrival conference
alterations and modifications are tentative dates for drydocking, operation
of the propulsion machinery and associated
To increase the fleet readiness by improv- auxiliary equipment, and dock and sea trials.

ing standardization within the ships' class

When agreement has been reached at the
To improve safety, reliability, repair- arrival conference on the items of work to be
and habitability of naval ships and
ability, undertaken, the planning department issues job
equipment in the fleet. orders authorizing the work to be performed by
the production shops. Each job order clearly
Naval Shipyard defines the scope of the work, includes complete
Arrival Conference specifications, and identifies the necessary plans.
Job orders are not issued for all work at the same
When the ship arrives at the shipyard for a time. The first to be issued are for those jobs
routine overhaul, an arrival conference is held. requiring practically the entire availability period
The conference is usually supervised by the for accomplishment. The other orders are issued
planning officer of the shipyard and is attended as soon as possible thereafter. If design plans are
by representatives from the ship, the TYCOM, required for any specific item, the issue date of
and the naval shipyard planning department. the job order is coordinated with their planned
Members of the conference review the ship's work completion date. In any case, job orders for all
requests and the individual item costs estimated items approved at the arrival conference are
by the shipyard planning department. usually issued during the first third of the overhaul
The limitations of the funds made available period.
by the TYCOM determine to a great extent the
amount of repairs that will be completed during The method of numbering job orders differs
a naval shipyard repair period. The estimated cost somewhat among the naval shipyards. However,
of each repair job, when approved at the all of the numbering systems are used to identify

conference, is added up to give the total cost. each item of work by a job order number. In
When the total cost equals either the amount of addition to the naval shipyard job order number,
funds appropriated or the cutoff amount, the the ship's work request or work item number is
shipyard will not accept additional repair requests. shown on the job order sheets.
shipyard, the last docking report. The shipyard
During a routine shipyard overhaul the ship maintains file copies of docking drawings for each
istsubmit shipyard progress reports as required ship that it is expected to drydock. However, the
the TYCOM's instructions. Supervisory engineer officer must check these drawings against
sonnel of the ship must, therefore, keep an the ship's copy to make any corrections
urate check on the progress of all work reflecting work done elsewhere and to determine
eluding the ship's force work) at all times, the last drydocking position used.
indard progress charts are available for Aship entering drydock should not list and
ording and reporting progress. As a rule, one should not have trim in excess of that shown in
)gress chart is used to record shipyard repairs, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapter 997.
3ther to record alterations, and another to Trim in excess of 1 foot per 100 feet of length is
ord ship's force work. Copies of the progress sufficient to make the docking operation
irts should be posted and kept up to date by hazardous. If possible, the trim should be brought
p's personnel. below the prescribed limit before any attempt is
The shipyard commander holds frequent made to drydock the ship.
ually weekly) conferences with the com- While the ship is in drydock, no fuel oil, water,
inding officer of the ship to review progress, or other weight should be shifted, added, or
e ship superintendent and other key shipyard removed, except as specifically authorized by the
:sonnel also attend these conferences. docking officer or the contractor's dockmaster.
You may be required to monitor the progress Water tanks and oil tanks should be either
repair jobs from your area. Always check the completely full or completely empty, if possible.
:ails of the job orders before you start When permission is given by the shipyard to shift
jcking on the progress of a repair job. You can weight, the shipyard must keep accurate records
information from the job orders issued
this of the amount of weight shifted, the location from
the planning department of the yard. The ship which it is shifted, and its new location. The

;eives three or more copies of the job orders, responsibility for keeping an accurate record of
complete set of job orders is usually kept on the amount and location of weight changes made
jaboard your ship. Your division officer should by the ship's personnel rests with the ship's
ye copies of the job orders that apply to your commanding officer.
ision. The propellers must not be turned without
permission of the docking officer after the ship
tYDOCKING THE SHIP enters the dock. No fuel oil or other flammable
liquid should be drained or pumped into the dock.
The ship is drydocked each time it goes If the need arises, the shipyard will provide special
a naval shipyard for a regular overhaul, containers for the disposal of these liquids.
ydocking is usually scheduled as early as During freezing weather, all valves, pipes, and
ssible in the overhaul period, since it is difficult fittings attached to the hull should be drained to
in advance just how much repair work will
tell prevent the liquids they contain from freezing and
required. Scheduling the drydocking for early cracking them.
the overhaul permits all necessary drydock Whenever a ship is drydocked, propellers,
rk to be done without interfering with work shaft tubes, outboard portions of the shafting,
it must be done later and without
interfering couplings, bearings, and all sea valves must be
;h machinery trials, strength tests of structural examined and the results of the examination
>rk, and so forth. As soon as all drydock work entered into the engineering log.
5 been completed, the ship is removed from Examination of each sea valve should include
fdock. determination of the condition of the yoke, the
Before the ship goes into drydock, ship's yoke rods, the valve stem, all securing bolts, and

"sonnel must have detailed information on the allinternal parts of the valve. At least two of the
1valves. When preparing to drydock the ship, bolts holding outboard valves to sea stools should
engineer officer is required to furnish the be removed from each valve for inspection, and
pyard with a sea valve checkoff list indicating the remaining bolts should be sounded with a
size, the location, and the function of each hammer. If defects are found in any bolt, all the
L valve. The engineer officer must also furnish other bolts for the valve should be removed for

inspection. Whenever all bolts are removed, the CONTRACT TRIAL
gasket should be replaced. All repairs required to
place the sea valves in good condition should be A contract trial consists of the builder's
made while the ship is still in dry dock. trial, an acceptance trial, and a final con-
While the ship is in drydock, the ship's force tract trial. These trials are conducted on
and shipyard personnel may need to work on the newly constructed ships and on ships that
sea valves. All openings in the hull must be have undergone major conversion prior to
blank-flanged at the end of working hours. The acceptance of the ship by the Department
ship's force and shipyard personnel are each of the Navy. These trials determine whether
responsible for closing the openings they make in a ship has been built and will operate
the hull. At the end of each working day, the according to the contract specifications.
status of all sea valves must be reported to the
engineer officer and entered into the engineering BUILDER'S DOCK TRIAL
Before the drydock is flooded, all sea valves A builder's dock trial (BDT) is conducted after

must be carefully inspected to be sure they are the installation of a unit is complete and the
properly secured. The results of this inspection systems test of all machinery in the engineering

should be reported to the engineer officer and spaces is finished. The BDT
is held to demonstrate

entered into the engineering log. to the supervising authority, to the Supervisor of
While the drydock is being flooded, there must Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP), and to the builder that
be continuous inspection of all sea valves until the the machinery is ready for a sea trial.
ship is afloat and all valves are under a normal
head of water. Any unsatisfactory condition must BUILDER'S SEA TRIAL
be reported at once to the engineer officer so the
docking officer can be notified. A
report of A builder's sea trial (BST) is conducted after
leakage must be made in sufficient time so the dock have been satisfactorily completed. The

docking officer can stop flooding, if necessary, BST necessary for the proper evaluation of

before the ship lifts from the supporting blocks. electronic installations and of machinery systems
Shortly after the undocking of a ship, the that require a deep water sea environment in
shipyard submits the docking report to NAVSEA which to operate.
with copies to the commanding officer and to the All tests and demonstrations that cannot be
TYCOM. The docking report includes the name conducted dockside should be conducted during
and the and date of
class of the ship, the place a BST.
docking and undocking, the number of days
underway and not underway, the number of days ACCEPTANCE TRIAL
waterborne since the last docking, the formula for
the paint used and the extent of bottom painting, All machinery, electronics, and combat
the shaft and rudder clearances, the docking systems installed in naval ships must meet the
position used, and the details of all other work requirements of an acceptance trial prior to their
performed. formal acceptance and delivery to the Navy.
Acceptance trial requirements are set up to
ensure that a ship and its equipment meet all
SHIP TRIALS performance specifications.

Ship conducted to determine such

things as performance characteristics, readiness
for service, the extent of necessary repairs, the A final contract trial is conducted prior to the
adequacy of completed repairs, and the most end of the guarantee period for all U.S. Navy
economical rate of performance under various ships constructed, converted, or modernized in
conditions of service. This section contains a private shipyard. Similar trials are held for ships
information concerning some of the trials constructed, converted, or modernized in naval
performed to determine the condition of the ship. shipyards, as required by the CNO. These trials
For an in-depth study of all the trials, refer to are used to determine if there are any defects,
NAVSEA S9086-04-STM-000, chapter 094, failures, or deteriorations other than those due
"Trials." to normal wear and tear.
COMBINED TRIAL are made to determine various characteristics of
the class and to supply data for the
A combined trial is a combination of development
of operational information furnished to all ships
acceptance and final contract trials. It is
of the class. The trials may also be of an
conducted only when authorized by the CNO.
experimental nature not related to class per-
formance but conducted to obtain specific data
POST REPAIR TRIAL for design purposes. Special trials may also be
A post repair trial should be made when the conducted on ships not considered as new
machinery of a vessel has undergone extensive construction or major conversion. This is to
overhaul, repair, or alteration that may affect the determine the effect of the installation of newly
power or the capabilities of the ship or machinery. designed equipment, such as a propeller or
A post repair trial usually made when the ship
is rudder. In addition to miscellaneous experimental
has completed a routine naval shipyard overhaul trialsand tests, special trials include standard-
ization trials, tactical trials, plant efficiency trials,
period. The optional whenever machinery
trial is
has undergone only partial overhaul or repair. The vibration trials, and noise trials. All of these trials
object of this trial is to ensure that work require the installation and operation of special
has been performed and completed instruments and are conducted by experienced
technical personnel.
Thepost repair trial should be held as soon COMNAVSEASYSCOM selects a ship for

as possibleafter the repair work has been special trials and submits a letter to the CNO
completed. It is held after the preliminary dock outlining the scope and duration of the trial and
trial, and the persons responsible for the work requesting that the ship be made available for
must be satisfied that the machinery is ready for conducting the trials. When the ship is made
a full power trial. The conditions of the trial are available, the cognizant TYCOM
makes arrange-
ments with the COMNAVSEASYSCOM for
largely determined by the kind of work that has
been done. The ship's commanding officer and conducting the trials. NAVSEA prepares and
the commander of the shipyard determine the issues to all participating activities an agenda

manner of the trial. In some cases, such as when outlining the procedures for the trials. The
repairs have been slight and the commanding procedures assign responsibility for preparing the
officer is satisfied with the repairs, a post repair ship, conducting the various trials, preparing trial
trial isnot held. Minor repairs can usually be reports, and removing test equipment upon
adequately tested without a full power trial. completion of the trials. Preferably, members of
the engineering department of the ship act as
Any unsatisfactory conditions beyond the
repair capability of the ship's force should be
engineering observers and record data during the
corrected by the naval shipyard. If necessary,
One example of these special trials is the Ship
machinery should be opened up and carefully
Shock Trial. Primary objectives of the trial are
inspected. This is done to determine the extent of
to demonstrate the ability of the ship to operate
any damage, defect, or maladjustment that may
in a simulated combat environment and to
have appeared during the post repair trial.
Acertain number of naval shipyard personnel
validate the shock hardening designs incorporated
into the ship. Since validation is a basic
accompany the ship on a post repair trial. These
are usually technicians, inspectors, and repair objective, many of the trial preparations center

personnel. The yard personnel witness the

upon identification and correction of potential
shock deficiencies. The ship's force plays an
operation of machinery that has been overhauled
by the yard. If a unit of machinery is not operating important role in this preparation. Awareness of
properly, the yard technicians should carefully
good shock design and installation practices
allows the ship's force to identify potential
inspect it and try to determine the cause of the
unsatisfactory operation. problems for correction. The trials themselves
consist of the detonation of a series of large high

SPECIAL TRIALS explosive charges at carefully controlled standoff

distances. During each shot the ship is at General
COMNAVSEASYSCOM requires that special Quarters, with all systems operational. Follow-
be conducted on one ship from each class
trials ing each shot, the ship's force maintains system
of ships. This requirement covers both new operation through reconfiguration as required.
construction and major conversions. These trials Detailed inspections are then conducted and
deficiencies are documented for correction. that results in the development of SHIPALTs
Repairs that are outside the capability of required to correct any design deficiencies
the ship's force and available industrial facilities that have been uncovered during the trial.
are deferred until the post shock availability. Additional by-products of these trials are
In many cases the post shock availability heightened crew awareness of what combat-
is incorporated into the post shakedown avail- induced shock is and firsthand knowledge
ability. Lessons learned from the trial are of how to prepare for shock and how to recover
incorporated into a follow-up action plan from its effects.





































Aligning and balancing Continued
checking the accuracy and alignment of
8-10 milling machines, 4-5 to 4-9
Acceptance trial,
alignment, 4-6 to 4-7
Advancement, preparing for, 1-1
cylindrical posts, 4-6 to 4-7
Alloy tool steels, ferrous metals, 5-28
sweeps, 4-7
Annealing, ferrous metals, 5-26 checking the end support and end
Arrival conference, 8-6 support block, 4-8 to 4-9
Austempering, ferrous metals, 5-26 to 5-27 leveling the horizontal boring, drill-
ing, and milling machine, 4-6
Availabilities, ship, 8-5 to 8-6
spindle alignment, 4-7 to 4-8
Aligning and balancing, 4-1 to 4-23
correcting unbalance by adding weight,
balancing, 4-9 to 4-16 4-22 to 4-23
balance tolerances, 4-10 correcting unbalance by removing
castings, 4-10 weight, 4-22 to 4-23
causes of unbalance, 4-9 terms used in balancing, 4-23
leveling, aligning, and adjusting machine
damage to parts or assemblies, 4-9
tools, 4-1 to 4-4
distortion during operation, 4-9
adjusting clutches, 4-4
effects of centrifugal force, 4-13
adjusting gibs, 4-4
to 4-14
alignment of the tailstock, 4-3 to 4-4
theory of balancing, 4-10 to 4-13 alignment of turret holes with the
types of unbalance, 4-14 to 4-16 spindle, 4-4
leveling lathes for alignment, 4-1 to
dynamic (or moment) unbalance,
4-15 to 4-16
spirit level method, 4-1 to 4-3
static (or force) unbalance, 4-14
test bar method, 4-3
to 4-15

balancing machines and their functions,

4-16 to 4-22
angular location of correction, 4-20 B
to 4-21
basic operating principles, 4-16 to Balancing and aligning, 4-1 to 4-23
4-18 Bath furnaces, 5-10
drives for the workpiece, 4-21 (BDT), builder's dock trial, 8-10

elimination of unwanted Bevel gears, 2-11 to 2-19

4-21 bevel gear nomenclature, 2-13 to 2-16
milling the bevel gear teeth, 2-17
mass of work-supporting structures,
offsetting the cutter, 2-18
4-18 to 4-19
rolling the gear blank, 2-18 to 2-19
measurement in units of correction,
selecting a bevel gear cutter, 2-16 to 2-17
4-21 to 4-22 nonferrous metals, 5-32
measurement of amount of unbal- (BST), builder's sea trial, 8-10
ance, 4-19 to 4-20 Burns, surface, 3-1
Carbon tool steels, ferrous metals, 5-27 to Finishes and measurement, surface, 3-6 to
5-28 3-17
Case hardening, ferrous metals, 5-27 Fleet modernization program, 8-7 to 8-8
Castings, 4-10 (FOA), fitting out availability, 8-6
Cathodic protection, 6-9
Centrifugal force, effects of, 4-13 to 4-14 G
Classes of ship systems and component
overhauls, 8-4 to 8-5 Gears and gear cutting, 2-1 to 2-28
Clutches, adjusting, 4-4 bevel gears, 2-11 to 2-19
Coatings, Corrosion-resistant, 6-9 bevel gear nomenclature, 2-13 to 2-16
(COH), complex overhaul, 8-5 backlash allowance of a bevel
Cooling equipment, 5-12 to 5-14 gear, 2-16
Combined trial, 8-11 chordal addendum and chordal
Contract trial, 8-10 thickness, 2-15 to 2-16
Corrosion, prevention of, 6-8 to 6-9 milling the bevel gear teeth, 2-17
Corrosion-resistant metals and alloys, 6-9 offsetting the cutter, 2-18
COSAL, coordinated shipboard allowance list, rolling the gear blank, 2-18 to 2-19
7-4 to 7-5 selecting a bevel gear cutter, 2-16 to
Cracking, nonferrous metals, 5-31 2-17
Crystals and grains, metal, 5-1 to 5-3 helical gears, 2-1 to 2-11
CSMP (Current ship's maintenance project), center-to-center distance, 2-8 to 2-9
6-2 dimensions of a helical gear, real and
Cylindrical posts, alignment, 4-6 to 4-7 normal, 2-4 to 2-8
backlash allowance for helical
gears, 2-8
D corrected chordal addendum and
chordal thickness, 2-6 to 2-8
Depot level maintenance, 8-4 determining the dimensions of a
Detection, methods of, 3-2 to 3-6 helical gear, 2-4 to 2-5
liquid penetrant inspection, 3-4 to 3-6 selecting a helical gear cutter,
magnetic particle inspection, 3-2 to 3-4 2-5 to 2-6
visual inspection, 3-2 gear train ratio, 2-9
Greases, lubricating, 6-7 to 6-8 manufacturing a helical gear, 2-10 to
classification of greases, 6-8 2-11
common terms associated with lubricating manufacture of gears, 2-1
greases, 6-8 materials used for gears, 2-1
Drydocking the ship, 8-9 to 8-10 splines, 2-26 to 2-27
tooth numbers, 2-27
sprockets, 2-27 to 2-28
E classes of sprockets, 2-28
manufacture of sprockets, 2-28
Electric furnaces, 5-8 to 5-9 material for sprockets, 2-28
Equilibrium diagrams, 5-14 to 5-15 stub tooth gears, 2-24 to 2-26
Equipment, heat-treating, 5-7 to 5-14 American standard system, 2-25
(ERP), extended refit period, 8-5 fellows stub tooth gears, 2-25
Estimating, 7-8 to 7-9, 7-11 to 7-12 method of manufacture, 2-26
nuttals stub tooth system, 2-26
worms and worm gear, 2-19 to 2-24
center-to-center distance (worm and
worm wheel), 2-23
FBR (feedback report form), 6-3 cutting worm wheel teeth on a
FCFBR, fleet COSAL feedback report, 7-5 milling machine, 2-24

rears and gear cutting Continued
worms and worm Continued
selecting a wheel cutter, 2-22 Job orders and work requests, 8-6 to 8-7
worm and worm wheel nomenclature
and formula development, 2-19 to
worm wheel hobs, 2-23 to 2-24
hob nomenclature, 2-23to 2-24 Lattices, space, 5-3 to 5-6
types of hobs, 2-23 body-centered cubic lattice, 5-3
Jibs, adjusting, 4-4 body-centered tetragonal lattice, 5-4
Jrains and crystals, metal, 5-1 to 5-3 face-centered cubic lattice, 5-3
Jrinding inspections, 3-1 to 3-19 hexagonal close-packed lattice, 5-4 to 5-6
injury to ground surfaces, 3-1 to 3-2 Leveling, aligning, and adjusting machine
grinding cracks, 3-1 tools, 4-1 to 4-4
surface burns, 3-1 Liquid penetrant inspection, 3-4 to 3-6
surface stresses, 3-2 Lubricants, 6-6 to 6-7
methods of detection, 3-2 to 3-6
liquid penetrant inspection, 3-4 to
3-6 M
magnetic particle inspection, 3-2 to
3-4 Machine shop management, 7-1 to 7-18
visual inspection, 3-2 quality assurance inspector, program, 7-2
surface finishes and measurement, 3-6 to planning and estimating division, 7-2 to
3-17 7-3
surface texture symbols, 3-17 to 3-19 repair party, 7-16 to 7-18
ship superintendent, 7-1 to 7-2
supervising a machine shop, 7-3 to 7-16
calculating the estimate, 7-11 to 7-12
H consideration of other areas of
difficulty, 7-10 to 7-11
lardening, ferrous metals, 5-24 to 5-25 coordinated shipboard allowance list

leat treatment, metals, 5-6 to 5-7 (COSAL), 7-4 to 7-5

Jelical gears, 2-1 to 2-11 directives, 7-3 to 7-4
center-to-center distance, 2-8 to 2-9 estimating time for a job, 7-8 to 7-9
dimensions of a helical gear, real and machine operation time, 7-9
normal, 2-4 to 2-8 machine setup time, 7-8 to 7-9
gear train ratio, 2-9 machine teardown time, 7-9
manufacturing a helical gear, 2-10 to miscellaneous time allowances,
2-11 7-9
lobs, worm wheel, 2-23 to 2-24 teardown time, 7-8
hob nomenclature, 2-23 to 2-24 fleet COSAL feedback report
types of hobs, 2-23 (FCFBR), 7-5
material estimates, 7-12 to 7-13
other repair shops, 7-10
planning the work, 7-5 to 7-8
I determination of required re-
pairs, 7-7 to 7-8
njury to ground surfaces, 3-1 to 3-2 information on incoming jobs,
grinding cracks, 3-1 7-7
surface burns, 3-1 laying-out and assigning work,
surface stresses, 3-2 7-7
nspection, visual, 3-2 priority of jobs, 7-7
ntermediate level maintenance, 8-4 records and reports, 7-3
ron-carbon phase diagram, 5-16 to 5-18 reference books and material, 7-16
sothermal transformation, 5-20 to 5-22 required parts and material, 7-10
Machine shop management Continued Machinery repairman Continued
ship superintendent Continued sources of information Continued
scheduling of work, 7-13 Naval Education and Training (NAV-
ship equipment configuration ac- EDTRA) publications Continued
counting system (SECAS), 7-5 other NAVEDTRA publications,
shop housekeeping, 7-16
rate training manuals, 1-3
shop workload, 7-9 to 7-10
supervising repair work, 7-13 to 7-15
NAVSEA publications, 1-4
checking on completed jobs, Naval Ship's Technical Manual,
7-14 to 7-15 1-4

checking the progress of work, NAVSEA Deckplace, 1-4

7-14 Occupational Standards, 1-1 to 1-2
starting the job, 7-14 OPNAV publications, 1-4
training shop personnel, 7-15 to 7-16 personnel qualification standards
Machine tool maintenance, 6-1 to 6-10 (PQS), 1-4 to 1-5
3-M systems, the, 6-1 to 6-3 training films, 1-5
current ship's maintenance project Machines and their functions,- balancing,

(CSMP), 6-2 ,
4-16 to 4-22
feedback report (FBR) form, 6-3 Magnetic particle inspection, 3-2 to 3-4
maintenance data system (MDS), 6-2 Maintenance, ship, levels of, 8-3 to 8-5
to 6-3 classes of ship systems and component
planned maintenance system (PMS), overhauls, 8-4 to 8-5
6-1 to 6-2
depot level maintenance, 8-4
ship's maintenance action form, 6-2 intermediate level maintenance, 8-4
general care, 6-9 to 6-10
organizational (shipboard) level main-
maintenance program, 6-1
tenance, 8-4
new machine, the, 6-3 to 6-8
Manufacture of gears, 2-1
friction, 6-4 to 6-5
factors affecting lubrication, Manufacturing a helical gear, 2-10 to 2-11
6-5 to 6-6 Martempering, ferrous metals, 5-27
fluid lubrication, 6-5 Materials used for gears, 2-1

lubricants, 6-6 to 6-7 MDS (Maintenance data system), 6-2 to 6-3

lubricating oil characteristics, Measurement and finishes, surface, 3-6
6-6 to 6-7 to 3-17
lubricating greases, 6-7 to 6-8 Metallurgy and heat treatment, 5-1 to 5-32
classification of greases, 6-8 heat-treating equipment, 5-7 to 5-14
common terms associated with cooling equipment, 5-12 to 5-14
lubricating greases, 6-8 heating equipment, 5-7 to 5-12
lubrication, 6-4 bath furnaces, 5-10
prevention of corrosion, 6-8 to 6-9 electric furnaces, 5-8 to 5-9
cathodic protection, 6-9 fuel-fired furnaces, 5-9 to 5-10
corrosion-resistant coatings, 6-9 temperature measurement and
corrosion-resistant metals and alloys, control, 5-11 to 5-12
6-9 heat-treating ferrous metals, 5-23 to 5-28
Machinery repairman, 1-1 to 1-5 alloy tool steels, 5-28
preparing for advancement, 1-1 annealing, 5-26
scope of this training manual, 1-1 austempering, 5-26 to 5-27
sources of information, 1-1 to 1-5 carbon tool steels, 5-27 to 5-28
Naval Education and Training case hardening, 5-27
(NAVEDTRA) publications, 1-2 to hardening, 5-24 to 5-25
1-4 martempering, 5-27
correspondence courses, 1-4 normalizing, 5-26
stallurgy and heat treatment Continued New machine, the Continued
heat-treating nonferrous metals, 5-28 to friction, 6-4 to 6-5
5-32 lubrication, 6-4

blistering, 5-32 Nomenclature, bevel gear, 2-13 to 2-16

backlash allowance of a bevel gear, 2-16
cracking, 5-31
chordal addendum and chordal thickness,
design problems, 5-30 2-15 to 2-16
heat-treating problems, 5-30 Nonferrous metals, heat-treating, 5-28 to 5-32
size changes, 5-32
soft spots, 5-31 to 5-32

spalling, 5-32
warping, 5-31 Occupational standards, 1-1 to 1-2, AI-1 to
heat treatment, 5-6 to 5-7 AI-2
principles of heat-treating, 5-14 to 5-23 OPNAV publications, 1-4
effects of heating, holding, and Organizational (shipboard) level maintenance,
cooling, 5-18 to 5-23
continuous cooling, 5-22 to 5-23
isothermal transformation, 5-20
to 5-22
equilibrium diagrams, 5-14 to 5-15 Planning and estimating division, machine
iron-carbon phase diagram, 5-16 to shop, 7-2 to 7-3
5-18 PMS (planned maintenance system), 6-1 to 6-2
transformation temperatures, 5-15 to Post repair trial, 8-11
5-16 PQS, personnel qualification, 1-4 to 1-5
structure of metal, 5-1 to 5-6 Principles, basic operating, 4-16 to 4-18
Principles of heat-treating, 5-14 to 5-23
crystals and grains, 5-1 to 5-3
effects of heating, holding, and cooling,
space lattices, 5-3 to 5-6
5-18 to 5-23
body-centered cubic lattice, 5-3
equilibrium diagrams, 5-14 to 5-15
body-centered tetragonal lattice,
iron-carbon phase diagram, 5-16 to 5-18
transformation temperatures, 5-15 to 5-16
face-centered cubic lattice, 5-3
Priority of jobs, 7-7
hexagonal close-packed lattice,
5-4 to 5-6
machines, checking the accuracy and

alignment of, 4-5 to 4-9

alignment, 4-6 to 4-7 Quality assurance inspector, 7-2
checking the end support and end support
block, 4-8 to 4-9
leveling the horizontal boring, drilling,
and milling machine, 4-6 restricted availability, 8-5
spindle alignment, 4-7 to 4-8 Reference books and material, 7-16
Repair party, 7-16 to 7-18
Repair work, supervising, 7-13 to 7-15
checking on completed jobs, 7-14 to 7-15
N checking the progress of work, 7-14
starting the job, 7-14
aval shipyard repairs, 8-7 to 8-10
Repairs and alterations, ship maintenance,
avy alterations, terms associated, 8-1 to 8-3 8-1 to 8-3
AVSEA publications, 1-4 SHIP ALT authorization letters, 8-3
ew machine, the, 6-3 to 6-8 terms associated with Navy alterations,
factors affecting lubrication, 6-5 to 6-6 8-1 to 8-3
fluid lubrication, 6-5 (ROH), regular overhaul, 8-5
Ship superintendent, 7-1 to 7-2
SHIP ALT authorization letters, 8-3
SEC AS, ship equipment configuration ac- Shop housekeeping, 7-16
counting system, 7-5 Soft spots, nonferrous metals, 5-31 to 5-32
Ship maintenance and modernization, 8-1 Spalling, nonferrous metals, 5-32
to 8-12 Special trials, 8-11 to 8-12
levels of ship maintenance, 8-3 to 8-5 Spheroidizing, ferrous metals, 5-26
classes of ship systems and component Spindle alignment, 4-7 to 4-8
overhauls, 8-4 to 8-5 Spirit level method, 4-1 to 4-3
depot level maintenance, 8-4 Splines, 2-26 to 2-27
intermediate level maintenance, 8-4 tooth numbers, 2-27
organizational (shipboard) level Sprockets, 2-27 to 2-28
maintenance, 8-4 classes of sprockets, 2-28
Naval shipyard repairs, 8-7 to 8-10 manufacture of sprockets, 2-28
checking the progress of work, 8-9 material for sprockets, 2-28
drydocking the ship, 8-9 to 8-10 Stresses, surface, 3-2
fleet and modernization program, 8-7 Stub tooth gears, 2-24 to 2-26
to 8-8 American standard system, 2-25
Naval shipyard arrival confer- fellows stub tooth gears, 2-25
ence, 8-8 method of manufacture, 2-26
work request, 8-7 nuttals stub tooth system, 2-26
repair ship/tender repairs, 8-6 to 8-7 Supervising a machine ship, 7-3 to 7-16
arrival conference, 8-6 Surface finishes and measurement, 3-6 to 3-17
checking the progress of tender Sweeps, alignment, 4-7
repair jobs, 8-7 Symbols, surface texture, 3-17 to 3-19
ship-to-shop jobs, 8-7
work requests and job orders, 8-6 to
repairs and alterations, 8-1 to 8-3
SHIP ALT authorization letters, 8-3
terms associated with Navy altera- 3-M systems, the, 6-1 to 6-3
tions, 8-1 to 8-3 Tailstock of the alignment, 4-3 to 4-4
ship availabilities, 8-5 to 8-6 (TAV), technical availability, 8-5
complex overhaul (COH), 8-5 Tempering, ferrous metals, 5-25
extended refit period (ERP), 8-5 Tender/ship repairs, 8-6 to 8-7
fitting out availability (FOA), 8-6 arrival conference, 8-6
phased maintenance availability checking the progress of tender repair
(PMA), 8-5 jobs, 8-7
regular overhaul (ROH), 8-5 ship-to-shop jobs, 8-7
restricted availability (RAV), 8-5 work requests and job orders, 8-6 to
selected restricted availability (SRA), 8-7
8-5 Terms used in balancing, 4-23
service life extension program Test bar method, 4-3
(SLEP), 8-6 Texture symbols, surface, 3-17 to 3-19
technical availability (TAV), 8-5 Theory of balancing, 4-10 to 4-13
voyage repair (VR), 8-5 to 8-6 Time for a job, estimating, 7-8 to 7-9
ship trials, 8-10 to 8-12 maching setup time, 7-8 to 7-9
acceptance trial, 8-10 machine tear down time, 7-9
builder's dock trial (BDT), 8-10 miscellaneous time allowances, 7-9
builder's sea trial (BST), 8-10 teardown time, 7-8
combined trial, 8-11 Train ratio, gear, 2-9
contract trial, 8-10 Training films, 1-5
final contract trial, 8-10 Training shop personnel, 7-15 to 7-16
post repair trial, 8-11 Treatment, heat metals, 5-6 to 5-7
special trials, 8-11 to 8-12 Trials, ship, 8-10 to 8-12
u w
Unbalance, types of, 4-14 to 4-16 Warping, nonferrous metals, 5-31
moment) unbalance, 4-15 to Weight correcting unbalance by adding, 4-22
dynamic (or
to 4 " 23
Work, planning, 7-5 to 7-8
static (or force) unbalance, 4-14 to Work request and job orders, 8-6 to 8-7
4-15 Workload, shop, 7-9 to 7-10
Worms and worm gears, 2-19 to 2-14
center-to-center distance (worm and worm
wheel), 2-23
V cutting worm wheel teeth on a milling
machine, 2-24
Vibrations, elimination of unwanted, 4-21 selecting a worm wheel cutter, 2-22
\r* in -~ A />+;/* n 3-z
: * o worm and worm wheel nomenclature and
Visual inspection,
formula development, ^2-19 to 2-22
,, . , .

(VR), voyage repair, 8-5 to 8-6 worm wheel hobs, 2-23 to 2-24

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