GreenBelt Day 2 English Final

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Day 2 Green Belt

RaboLean Training Program

09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

A change process often begins with a process analysis (or value stream analysis). The VSM
method provides a thorough interpretation. In the context of Kaizen, it is a widely used
method in the step "Measure the facts“

Knowing when to apply the VSM, how to organize and use of the instrument

After this module the participant is able to organize a VSM, to facilitate and use the tool as
part of a change
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Kaizen circle
6. Check and retain 1. Define the problem statement

5. Implement 2. Measure the facts

NO solutions in
step 1 to 3!

4. Generate ideas of improvement 3. Analyze the facts and search for

root causes
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Measure the facts

Through ... .Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Or in other words: value stream analysis
VSM strategies
• Current State session> Bottlenecks retrieved from experience> Data gathering at bottlenecks>
Improve Actions> improved process

Data based opportunism

• Current State data collection> Current State VSM session> Bottlenecks retrieved from data &
experience> Improve Actions> improved process
The team collects
the data !!
Real VSM
• Current State data collection> Current State VSM session> Bottlenecks retrieved from data &
experience> Define Ideal /Future State > actions for realization of FS> FS realization
Value Stream Mapping
A. Preparation
Know the process steps (with the SME)
Measure the facts in the process (with the SME)
Select the participants (content & decision makers, all parties involved)
B. Current State VSM Session
Define customer value / Visualize the process steps /Name the facts for each process step / Name the current bottlenecks as
bursts /Find the causes behind the problems
C. Future State VSM Session
set to customer criteria (takttime/flow/pull/load leveling/line balancing/cell design)
Map Future State
D. Set the Action Plan
E. Realize improvements
F. Secure improvements
WT = WaitTime . The average time waiting of customer inquiry between 2 steps (often equal to the backlog)
IWT = Internal WaitTime. The processing time the customer inquiry waits within a process step
Vol. = Volume. % of the original customer inquiries commencing this process step
PT = ProcessingTime. The time in the process step that effectively is allocated to the customer
FTR%= FirstTimeRight%. The % customer inquiries that passes this process step accurately in the first time
RT = Reworktime. The processing time at (1-FTR%) customer inquiries is given to rework
RWT = ReworkWaitTime. The time (1- FTR%) customer inquiries wait during rework
%VA = % ValueAdded. The extent to which this process step adds value to the customer
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A. Preparations
What are the Green belt deliverables? How do we see the Green Belt acting?
Process map verified by a content expert • Request available descriptions
• interviewing expert
• understands process and identifies first bottlenecks
Facts per process step • Data analysis with a content expert
• facts adopted by stakeholders
• measurement plan for additional facts
• team coaching in collecting data
• additional facts (often processing time and FTR%)
• structured recording facts VSM tool, VSM cards prepared and printed
Session preparations • In consultation with management identify and inform participants
• space available
• materials available
• script made
Added value for the customer is defined • Facilitates the KANO session with team and interviews with customer
and visualized (possibly within the customer arena)
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B. Session Current State

What are the Green Belt deliverables? How do we see the Green Belt acting?
Facts per process step determined • Green Belt guides the group through the session: For each step
the group will explain how the facts are gathered. Identify VA \
NVA with the group including visualization . Go through the entire
value stream with the group and make it their own
Bottlenecks determined • Challenges the group to look at the whole: what is striking? At the
salient features of the current value: allow the group to appoint
the bottlenecks and write in bursts.
Root causes determined • Challenge the group to apply the 5x-why method on the identified
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C. Session Future State

What are the GB deliverables? How do we see the GB acting?
Customer Criteria • Challenge the team:
• Lead time
• Takt time
• Cost
Future State Design Challenge on:
Minimize waste given the time that is allowed
Eliminate constraints
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D. Set up the action plan

What are the GB deliverables? How do we see the GB acting?
First setup action plan • During the VSM session set up a “FOCUS”-flip over
• Challenge the team to discuss actions by specifying actions, action
holders and deadline
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E. Achieve improvements
What are the GB deliverables? How do we see the GB acting?
Coaches the team at achieving results • GB is available for the team, attends the weekly review meeting
• Challenges the team lead and team to discuss the progress.
Discusses and reports the progress with the Black Belt
• Black Belt coaches the management to discuss the overall
improvement plan
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F. Retain the improvements

What are the GB deliverables? How do we see the GB acting?
Expertise and coaching team at: • Guiding KPI session
• Adjusting control • Dashboards (help) customization
• Adjusting the standards • workshops SOP / Best Practice
• Kaizen • team support in measurements
• guide (mini) Kaizen
• coaching at daily standup and weekly review
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Preparing the VSM

Preparation is KEY.

Never start a session or consultation without preparation or without having an

"end in mind“ goal.
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Green Belt Skills

- Define a goal out of a plan and visualize this step by step. The Black Belt is your coach and
- Build your diagnosis from the data. Use your findings and hypotheses to challenge the group
- Know your role:
- Facilitate and guide the process. Leading the group through the steps, take priorities with the group in time spend, make
adjustments if necessary
- Ask questions. Know the process and content enough to ask the right questions. Check on assumptions and apply your
experience that you have with other processes
- Validate the data sources, check whether the data is sufficiently reliable for the participants
- Identify bottlenecks sharply using the 5 x why method.
- Keep the team behavior in mind and discuss occurred events, give and ask for feedback
- Know that success is determined by the preparation....
Simulation: VSM session
Parallel actions:
• 3 Green Belts to the hands on area
• Prepare the VSM session according to previous slide
• Adopt the dataset and ask the trainer questions for clarification on discussable
• Other participants in the dialogue space :
• Prepare “sit in”: what are the expectations from the Green Belt at the preparations
and during the VSM session?
• Adopt the dataset, what are the highlights?
• 20 minutes
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VSM session
• The Green Belts guide the participants through the VSM session.

• Step B: VSM session Current State

• The data is collected and known to everyone

• The trainer stops the session for 30 minutes and then takes the group
through the whole process
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Lean basic concepts

As a Green Belt what would you like to know firstly about a process?
Lean concepts 1
Lead Time
The time when a work item (customer demand, file) is within the process from the time
of arising up to completion

Work in Process (WIP)

Each work item that has entered the process and is not out of the process yet

Throughput (or Average Completion Rate)

The number of work items that is completed in a unit of time

Value Add time

Each step in the process or activity that contributes to the solution for the customer,
which the customer is willing to pay for
Lean concepts 2
Takt time
! "



Little’s Law :

WIP Throughput
WIP = Lead Time * Throughput Throughput = WIP / Lead Time
Lean Concepts in practice
• Get or calculate the following data from the simulation dashboard:
• Throughput
• Takt time
• Lead time (using little’s law)

• By eliminating waste and delay the team wants to achieve a Lead Time
of 250 seconds. Throughput in the new situation is 6 every minute. How
much WIP is to be expected in the new situation?
Throughput =
6 claims in 12 minutes
Takt Time =
(12 minutes * 60 seconds) / 72 insurance claims = 10. This means 1 claim exiting the process
every 10 seconds in order to meet customer demand
Lead Time =
Throughput is 6 per 12 minutes, equals an 0,5 per minute. 87 insurance claims / 0,5 = 174
minutes Lead time for 1 insurance claim
In the new situation: 4,17 minutes (250 seconds) * 6 insurance claim per minute = 25
insurance claims in the process
Extra assignment
Additional assignment
A department at a bank processes mortgage applications. On average they have 100
mortgages simultaneously in process. Every day 20 applications are completed.
Customer demand is 35 mortgages per day.

8 Employees work at the mortgage applications department, working for 8 hours

per day having a 1.5 hour break, every employee also spends 1 hour on non-
productive activities.

What is the duration of a mortgage with this bank?

What is the takt time?

The customer wants a lead time of 3 days. What action regarding work-in-process is
needed to achieve this. Throughput remains unchanged.
Additional assignment – answers
What is the duration of a mortgage with this bank?
Lead time=WIP/throughput; 100 applications/ 20 applications a day = 5 office days

What is the takt time?

Takt time is available time/customer demand; 8 employees* 8 hours = 64 hours – (8 employees *
2,5 non-productive) = 44 hours a day/ 35 applications a day= 1,26 hours

The customer wants a lead time of 3 days. What action regarding work in process is needed to
achieve this. Throughput remains unchanged.
WIP=lead time * throughput; 3 days* 20 applications a day = 60 applications ). Permanently
reducing WIP from 100 to 60 for example by temporary increase of the throughput (reduce
waste, analyzing non-productive hours, extra working hours, adding capacity).
09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

As a participant in a practical simulation you are able to experience the various elements of
Lean in a different cognitive manner

Experiencing and applying various elements Lean

Connecting the dots between the Lean elements en applicability
Future State VSM
according to the Lean principles

• What does the customer really want?
• What is the demand (in terms of leadtime, quality, cost)?
• Check: what are we processing now, that the customer does not ask for?
Value Stream
• What is the current value stream?
• What is waste? What is value add?
• What interruptions are in the process?
• How do we create continuous flow, with a process-heartbeat defined by customer demand?
• BlackBelt: how do we apply line balancing, SMED, load leveling, elevating constraints & cell design?
• Where is the process initiated?
• Can we deliver what the customer needs, when he needs it?
• What actions can we take to reach the Future State?
• How do we sustain the new way of working in our Lean system?
Example of Future State
• Value for the customer: • Flow
• lead time of 30 seconds • U Cell Design
• 100% FTR • Better tools (charts)
• Regular contact with accountmanager • Process time per step conforming to takttime (divide
• No time registration by customer steps up or extra capacity)
• Option: 4 employees processing all activities per claim in
• Value Stream: 40 seconds per claim
• No logistics
• Pull
• Process is already initiated by customer
• Manager not in process
• No unnecessary fields on form
• Perfection
• Evaluate performance in daily standup
• No mail rooms
• Make SOP based on best practice
• Do sitins to develop employees & find the next “best
• Challenge the team: how can we efficiently handle a
demand of 144 per 12 minutes?
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Implement the Future State in 12 minutes
Simulation 2nd round
Measure the facts
Problems in het process?
• Many “Work in Progress”
• Many errors Value Stream Mapping
• Lead Time > SLA
• Too much Wait Time

Problems in management/capacity, behavior/attitude, leadership, organization?

• OPE analysis
• Analysis of capacity management
• Interviews & focus group sessions
• Customer arena
• 5 x Why method , fishbone diagram
• Affinity diagram
09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

Communication is an essential skill in realizing change and achieving results

Knowing how achievements can be positively influenced by effective communication
and performance dialogue

The participant has got an insight into some communication models, knowing the
context of performance dialogue and practiced this. The participant is able to apply
this in their own practical environment
• Visual management
• Performance dialogue and Kata
• Social styles
Why visual management
Ratio in populations Features
10 • Images and body language

• Sound and intonation

• Feeling and experience
Visual Auditively Kinesthetic
Visual management provides insight…
• Who is working on what
• What the planned or to be planned activities are
• Where in the process possible bottlenecks will arise
• How busy the department is

⇒ Coordinate efforts towards common goals
…and focus on performance and improvement

“What is important about visual controls, is that you understand the reason
for having them. By insisting that the visuals are maintained and current,
visuals constantly reinforce the focus on process. This focus makes it easier
to see the contrast between expected and actual process performance. By
doing this, visuals allow you to identify opportunities for improvement”.
~ David Mann - Creating a Lean Culture
Daily standup board at GICT B&E Werkplek Services
KPI board at Groep ICT ADM Financial Logistics IT
Visualized improvement plan
Visual management with KANBAN board
Behavioral characteristics SCF
Behavioral characteristics elaborated
Zoomed: I think along
• Visual management
• Performance dialogue and Kata
• Social styles
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The principles of performance dialogue

• Fixed structure and rhythm

• Focus on deviations and root cause
• Supporting staff
• Dynamic and active involvement
Performance dialogue in the Lean system
1 op 1
Day in Life of Kaizen

Sit ins Continuous

‘Best practices’ Improvement plan

SOPs Daily standup Weekly review

Added customer Skills
feedback value matrix

Three key elements of the dialogue
Support &
trust Create the right environment to
make a dialogue take place in the
Inspiration most successful way

Maintain a good balance between

the 'hard' and 'soft' side in the
Communic dialogue

Continuously encourage and use

proper skills during the conversation
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Improvement KATA

Understand the Understand the Define the next PDCA towards the
purpose, objective. actual condition AC target condition TC target condition
Why the company, How the work is How is the process Implement the
department or going exactly? supposed to improvement
project must move A deeply felt perform? actions to get to the
into this direction? understanding, by NO solutions. next target
Why is it important? personal Do it together. condition. Repeat
observation. this step.
1 2 3 4
Coaching KATA
Practicing coaching KATA
Assignment Tool
• Two groups
• Based on simulation
• Using the Kaizen objective
• Volunteer for training in questioning
• 3 Green Belts observing and giving
feedback (OEPS rules)
• 15 minutes
• Visual management
• Performance dialogue and Kata
• Social styles
Social styles
Personal preference Team
• Stand in your preferred style • What would performing this exercise
• Identify characteristics bring to your own team
• Which way of communication do you • How would you prepare for this
easily adapt session
• Where do you expect your team
members to stand
• What do you do when the
conversation will not start
09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

Assignment, study and exam
To your own practical environment
Let these aspects emerge from your
Review presentation ..

• There is at least one method of Lean Green Belt course applied

• Has the participant understood the Lean method(s) well?
• Is it clear to which value for the customer we are working on?
• A3 report has a clear structure and it is a dynamic document
• The participant has made a significant, independent contribution in applying the Lean
• The Lean method is placed within the context of the Lean system (not just the use a
method, but with interaction with other parts of the system)
• How has the participant applied change management?
• The manager / client is confident of a positive contribution to the business goals
• The participant demonstrates a focus on continuous improvement
• The participant has actively sought feedback and coaching Time spending 20 hours
• How the process is followed, based on facts and is substantiated Minimum 7,5
A3 ?
(1) What is my problem or challenge? (3) What measures will solve my problem?
Activiteit jan feb mrt apr

Initiative 1

Initiative 2a

Initiative 2b

Initiative 3

(2) What causes my problem? (4) What are my results?

Kern- A P A P
Sub- oorzaak C D C D
probleem Kern-
Sub- oorzaak
probleem Kern-
19 %

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A3 Can be Better Ltd.

(1) What is my problem or challenge? (3) What measures will solve my problem?

• We are not able to meet the customer demand of 72 claims A P Measures Planning A P
per year, allowing customers threaten to go to competitors C D • Eliminate steps that do not add value Week 1-3 C D
• Our current output is an average of 6 per year • Eliminate waste per step Week 3-4
• Merge steps logically (up to 8 sec.) Week 4-8
• Train and adjust instruction Week 8-10
• Eliminating backlog with single overtime Week 10-12
• Start working with new process Week 13
• Deploy released staff elsewhere Week 13

(2) What causes my problem? (4) What are my results?

• Process steps are not in line with takt time A P • From week 13 we are capable of processing 72 claims per year A P
• Many waits in processing, and transport errors in the process C D C D
• Accumulation of backlogs by high WIP 1 Month 3 Months

• Daily standup designing and / or implementing
• Kaizen preparation and execution
• VSM preparation and execution
• KANO practicing
• Customer arena
• A3 thinking implemented
• Development of a dashboard
• Apply visual management
• Lean Maturity Scan
Structure practical assignment
A slidepack (PPT) which includes:
• Actual version of A3 report
• Activities undertaken:
• preparation
• implementation
• evaluation
• (interim) Results & connection with Lean system
• Your contribution to the Lean activity, including your change management activities
• Comments participants (customer, supply chain partners, team members)
• Manager review
The Service Systems Toolbox
John Bicheno, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9568307-0-8

• 1.2 lean thinking & 1.3 systems thinking 0,75 hrs.

• 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.6, 2.1.8, 2.1.9: Lean concepts 2,50 hrs.
• 3.4.1; blaze. 153 tm 161 transactional mapping 1,50 hrs.
• 3.4.2 interactive mapping 2,00 hrs.
• 4.6 standard work en sop 1,00 hrs.
• 4.9 mistakes and poka yoke 1,00 hrs.
• 4.10 a3 problem solving and reports 0,75 hrs.
• 4.11 kaizen and knowledge mgt 0,50 hrs.
• 4.12 kaizen events 1,00 hrs.
• 4.14 kano model 0,50 hrs.
• 4.23 communication boards 0,50 hrs.
12,00 hrs.
Successful Lean
Vincent Wiegel & John Maes, , 2013, ISBN 978-90-430-3038-0

• Chapter 2 de Lean principes 2,00 hrs.

• Chapter 4 een korte geschiedenis van Lean 1,50 hrs.
• Chapter 6 doelen stellen 2,50 hrs.
• Chapter 8 elke dag Lean 2,00 hrs.
8,00 hrs.

Only for dutch participants

• 50 questions, multiple choice
• Maximum of 2 hours
• Open book
• Criterion is 80% right
• Schedule: Electronically available after 5 days of training, for 6 weeks

Paper exam for non-dutch

speakers, to be planned
Steps to follow
• Self study + homework assignments
• Consider possible practical assignment
1 week before day 3 !
• Questions on self-study course

• Create an outline of your A3 report for practical assignment (planning)

• Finalize first version of A3 report with your manager and start
• Send your (draft) presentation to the trainers 1 week before day 5 !
• Prepare 2 minute pitch on Lean project
• Pitch & get feedback from group and trainer

• Questions about self-study material in preparation for E-exam

• E-exam
6 weeks after day 6!
• Finish practical assignment & presentation

course days Period between courses

09.00 – 09.15 Daily stand up

09.15 – 11.45 VSM

11.45 – 12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 13.15 Simulation round 2

13.15– 15.45 Communication

15.45– 16.15 Practical assignment and exam

16.15 – 17.00 Teach back en evaluation

Teach back
• Create four subgroups and take 15 minutes to prepare a teach back of
2 minutes:

• Visual Management
• Kata
• RaboLean system

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