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First we would like to tanks the almighty of God for giving us strength to justify
my long time dream and effort into reality.

Next we would like to express special thanks and sincere appreciate my sincere
advisor instructor mohammed (MBA) for his assistance from proposal preparation
to final manuscript.

Moreover, we would like to say thanks those customers of south star international
hotel gave a relevant information for the fulfillment of this paper.


The general objective of this study is the assessment of service delivery and
customer satisfaction in case of south star international hotel. A descriptive
research design was applied in this study. Both primary and secondary source of
data were used in this study. Primary data were collected through questionnaires
from customers. Secondary data were collected from manuals of the organization
and other related materials. The researchers used as a sample of 99 out of 10,500
estimated monthly average population. The researcher used a convenience
sampling method because customers are not available once at the same time and
place. The collected data were analyzing by using table and simple percentage.
According to major finding of the study the hotel has adequate facilities and
comfortable sitting place. However, employees of the hotel have not adequate
knowledge and interest to accept customer request, employees do not understand
the need of customer and the hotel did not give attention towards their suggestion.


Content Page

List of tables.................................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Background of the organization........................................................................................................2
1.3. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................2
1.4. Objective of the study.......................................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.5. Research questions...........................................................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of the study............................................................................................................................4
1.7. Significance of the Study...................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Definition of service...........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Unique features of the service...........................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Service encounters.....................................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Type of service............................................................................................................................7
2.3 Meaning of service delivery...............................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Tasks in service delivery..............................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Give a shape of the service.........................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Organizing delivery system.......................................................................................................10
2.4 Categories of service mix.................................................................................................................10
2.5 Managing service differentiation.....................................................................................................10
2.6 Managing service quality.................................................................................................................11
2.7 Customer satisfaction......................................................................................................................11
2.7.1 Customer expectation..............................................................................................................11
2.7.2 Measuring customer satisfaction..............................................................................................11

2.8 Factor affecting on service delivery and customer satisfaction.......................................................12
2.9Handling techniques.........................................................................................................................13
2.10. Handling satisfied customers........................................................................................................14
2.11. Handling dissatisfied customers...................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................16
3. Research Methodology..........................................................................................................................16
3.1 Research design...............................................................................................................................16
3.2 Target population............................................................................................................................16
3.3. Data type and source of data..........................................................................................................16
3.4. Method of data collection..............................................................................................................16
3.5. Sample Design and Techniques......................................................................................................17
3.6 Sample size......................................................................................................................................18
3.7. Method of Data Analysis.................................................................................................................18
3.8 Limitation of the study.....................................................................................................................19
3.9 Organization of the paper................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................20
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION....................................................................................................20
4.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................35
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATON.............................................................................35
5.1 Summaries.......................................................................................................................................35
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................37
5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................37

List of tables
Table4.1 personal characteristics of the respondent …………………………….
Table 4.2: persons for selecting the hotel …………………………………………
Table 4.3: level of satisfaction and intention ……………………………………..

Table 4.4: the waiting time of the hotel ………………………………………….

Table 4.5: adequate knowledge of employees …………………………………….

Table 4.6: comfort of the sitting place …………………………………………….
Table 4.7: facilities available in the hotel ………………………………………….
Table 4.8: the interest of hotel employees to accept customer …………………......
Table 4.9: the politeness of hotel employees ……………………………………....
Table 4.10: hotel employees, attention ……………………………………………..
Table 4.11: compliant handling ……………………………………………………
Table 4.12: situation convenient with customers …………………………………..
Table 4.13: Attention to listen customers need and want …………………………
Table 4.14: prompt service provided by the hotel …………………………………
Table 4.15: the readiness of hotel employees to provide service …………………

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study

According to Kotler (2003), the trend of world markets has changed noticeably
from agriculture to service market. All the service business is trying to improve
their service quality standards in order to make with their service. Especially the
hotel industry operation now focuses more on the quality standards in order to
meet their basic needs and expectation of the customer. The concern of customer
satisfaction is not a long term strategy. However, if it is the day to day activities of
the business. In the past customer, satisfaction is not the concern of many
companies. The issue is not only the matter of being profitable but also the matter
of survival (Michael, 1998).

The development of hotel in Ethiopia has a history of more than one century even
though, they have the traditional market. This means, it is one way of
communication in which through they have the traditional market. Now the
government emphasis for the industry and other factors leads in establishment of
hotels. In addition to this the hotels become the most important and infrastructure
in order to meet the need of improvement. Therefore, maintaining and measuring
customer satisfaction has become one of the most important for service delivery
(Palmer, 2001).

According to Kotler, (2000) satisfaction is a personal feeling of pleasure or

disappointment result from comparing a product’s perceived performance outcome
in relation to his or her expectation. It is also a judgment of pleasure level of
consumption fulfillment, including under or over fulfillment.

Wiliam (1981) stated that, service is the backbone of any business. If you do not
satisfy the customer for the first time, you get the second trace. Great service
measured by customer satisfaction.

1.2. Background of the organization

South star international hotel is one of the largest hotels in Hawassa city. The hotel
is found at the center of Hawassa city at the distance of 273km from Adds Ababa,
Ethiopia. It was established in 2005 E.C. The hotel occupies an area extending
over 500-meter square of land were beautiful space compound with year ground
flower garden could be seen everywhere it’s also has lovely material setting huge
and magnifying trees over other flowering plants. The hotel was built with 200
million birr, the hotel employees 270 employees 60% of them men, while the
remaining 40% are women.

South star international hotel has 114 rooms including different suits, family
rooms, king size extra rooms. The hotel is fitted with five elevators, 69 TV
cameras and has parking space to handle more than 150 cars. It has other
recreational facilities including swimming pool.

1.3. Statement of the problem

Service quality is recognized as a key factor in differentiating products. Customer

can be secure through high quality products. High quality should be approached
from the customer point of view since, it is his or her perception of the customer
that constitutes the service. Customer has different values, assessment, and most of
the time may perceive the same in different ways (palmer, 2001).

Service is difficult because of their progressive nature (customer may consider

excellence service today, insufficient for tomorrow). The behavior of customer is

so complex; it is impossible to understand what they prefer. Different customer
well reacts to similar service products in different way (Kotler, 2000).

South star international hotel provides different service to its customers. Even
though the hotel provides different service to the customers, there are some
problems that make customers not to be more satisfied to the hotel service. The
problems are lack of respect of customers, miss understanding of customers need,
problems of inefficient service and delay response for customer request. So that,
the main issue of this study is to addressing all those issues by answering the basic
research questions.

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this study is the assessment of service delivery and
customer satisfaction in case of south star international hotel in Hawassa city.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

The study has the following specific objectives.

 To examine the employees respect to the customer at the time of service

 To know the customer’s satisfaction and service quality provided by the
 To examine the complaints raised by customer

1.5. Research questions

This study was to answer the following basic research questions.

 How the hotel employees respect the customer at the time of service
 Does the hotel satisfy its customer?
 Is the hotel keeping complaints raised by the customer?

1.6. Scope of the study

The study is limited to the assessment of service and customer satisfaction in

south star international hotel Hawassa city. It is not included all hotels found in
the town.

1.7. Significance of the Study

The study has the following significances these are;

 The study expands the knowledge of the researcher.
 It can be used as input to other researchers to study the same problem in the
 The study also important for the hotel to understand its weakness and
strength to take corrective action to their problem.
 It could be serving as a source of data for any interested future researchers.

2.1 Definition of service

There are many definition of service given by different authors. Some of these
are; service are intangible activities that provide service satisfaction and that are
notified to sale as a product.

It is also any activity or performance that one part offers to another business.
Therefore, service delivery is dedicated, empowered, linked, informed, valued and
experienced who accepts responsibility [kotler, 2003]

Service is the type of economic activity that is intangible, is not stored and does not
result in ownership. A service is consumed at the point of sale. Example of service
includes, the transfer goods such as the postal service, bank service, hotel service
and the use of expertise experience such as person visiting a doctor [Andrian,

Business also a variety of service that is not associated with the product. This is to
mean that sometimes can be obtained with the product. Professional service is
purchased from idealizing and legal agencies, transportation hotels and the care
provider [kilter and Levin kane, 2006].

The concern of service value; the service value concept is useful in predicting
further behavioral intention of the customer such as intention of purchase, intention
of usage and intention of to recommend the service to other [William, 1987].

2.2 Unique features of the service

The decision so far hint at a diverse market which exceed the diversity of the goods
market results from several characteristics that distinguish service from goods
[kotler, 2000].

 Service are intangible

 Service are in separate from the service provider
 Service are perishable
 Service quality show wide variety
 Companies cannot easily standardize service
 Intangibility

Since service are essentially intangibles it is impossible from customers to taste, see
hear and smell before they buy them. The fact that services are performance that
means they cannot be seen launched and they could not be possessed.

Inseparability: refers to the nation of the many service operation, production and
consumption cannot be separated.

Heterogeneity: it is impossible a service industry each unit of the service somewhat

different from other units of the same service.

Perish ability: Means that service provides cannot maintain inventory of their
product they cannot be stored link in separate immediately. This is the fact that
services are produced and consumed simultaneously these are not inventories in the
case of service.

Service is performance: While a product is produced, a service is performed in

most cases the latter are totally uncollected to any physical product. It is the

interaction between service provider and customers. Customers are generally left
with fewer of alternative in service (kootler, 2006).

Des not involve any ownership transfer: usually a service does not result in
ownership of anything. In other words, unlike in product market in service
marketing not title ownership transfer.

2.2.1 Service encounters

Service encounters means the period of time during which customer directly
interacts a service. This does not limit the counter to interpersonal interaction. There
are three type of service encounter. These are

1. Remote counter: where customers interact with a service by mail or perhaps via
a machine.

2. The direct personal encounter: where customers physically presented and

exposed to elements of service system.

3. The indirect personal encounter: where customers interact with the service by
telephone or other indirect communication. It is long term relationship that is
developed customer and service provider (Fitsimolls, 1998).

2.2.2 Type of service

As to do or tangible goods, market can classify service according to the products

intended uses. Service firms can serve customer market, business market or both.
Customer service breaks down in to convenience, shopping and especially service.
Business service can also define their category. Business pay for many adjunct
service that help buyer by supporting their work forward business goods and
objectives several other classification schemes might device service products

according to different critical. For example, answer to five questions can marketer
to classify service

 What is the nature of the service act?

 What type of relationship does the service organization develop with it is
 How much can service provider customize and adjust the service provider?
 What is the nature of the demand for the service?
 How the service is delivered (Kotler, 2001)?

2.3 Meaning of service delivery

Service delivery is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that
essentially intangible and does result in the ownership of anything. The production
of an essentially intangible product which taught some form of exchange satisfies an
identified customer need (Witz, 2000).

2.3.1 Tasks in service delivery

Understanding the nature of service is the first task in the service delivery. The
nature of service gives useful clues on benefit expected by customer from service
delivery and should figure out what need made by service delivery. As starting point
in understanding the nature of service, the delivery should figure out what exact
need made by the service.

Service delivery must understand the customer will and their expectation of the
service. The important point is the customer analysis in service continent involves
first hand not second hand knows judge about the customer.

The service staff must be to take plenty of personal contact with the customer and
other firsthand data on their requirement or expectation of the service (Fitzsimons.

These data gathered from the customer through: -

 Exist response from customer: collection of exist response from customer is

one of commonly used method of saying up customer expectation. The
response often gathered from questionnaire.
 Customer care penal: this is another tool to understand customer
expectation. The penal help the deliverer together view a sample of customer
on a key aspect of the service in a face to face talk.

2.3.2 Give a shape of the service

In order to carry out the service delivery must have a good grasp of the following

Service benefit: means that the service delivery must a good or clears about the
service benefit involves in a concerned case. Service benefit means customer benefit
resulting from the service.

Service expectation: service as to base on the benefit customers take and which the
service is willing to provide.

Service offer: it means the bunch of the benefit that is offered by the firm. Service
element are collective constitutes service offer service element. In service offer will
consists of tangible as well as intangible components.

2.3.3 Organizing delivery system

Using channel or intermediary one part of organizes the delivery system. Here the
service market should first decide whether he should use intermediary at all or
should try to reach out the customer (palmer).

How do buyers from their expectation from past buying experience friends and
associates advice, marketer and competitors’ information and promise. If marketer
expectation too low, it would not attract enough buyers (Dell, 2001).

2.4 Categories of service mix

A company offering often include a service component can be a minor a major part
of the total offering. The total offering can be distinguished as:

1. Pure tangible good the offering consists primarily on a tangible good.

2. Tangible good with companying secrecies.
3. Major Service with accompanying good and service. The offering
consists of a major service along with traditional service supporting
4. Pure service the offering consists and message. Because of these
varying service mixes it is difficult (Jwing, 1983).

2.5 Managing service differentiation

In this day of intense price competition, service markets often complain about the
difficulty of differentiating their service from those of competitors to the extent that
customer view the service of different provider as similar. They careless about the
provider than the price (Michael, 1998).

2.6 Managing service quality

A service form can differentiate itself by delivering consistently higher quality than
competitor so, most service industries have know joined the customer driven quality
moment. Unfortunately, service quality harder to define and judge than product
quality. For instance, it is harder to agree on the quality of a hairdryer. Customer
retention perhaps the best measure of quality service (Witz, 2000).

2.7 Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is defined as the extent to which a product perceived

performance in delivering value links a buyer expectation. It is the function of
perceived performance and expectations customer can more satisfaction judgment
with respect to pertinent. If the performance fall short expectation the customer is
highly satisfied delighted. Customer satisfaction must be willing to invite in it
(Kotler, 2000).

In order to help employee understanding the role of customer satisfaction training

and motivation allow a vital role and critical to customer satisfaction.

2.7.1 Customer expectation

From past buying expectation, friends associates advice, market or competitor

information and promises raise expectation. If markets raise expectation too high the
buyer is likely to disappoint. However, if the company set expectation too low,
would not attract large buyers (Dell. 2001).

2.7.2 Measuring customer satisfaction

A company would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly because only

key to customer retention is customer satisfaction. Highly satisfied customer

generally stay loyal longer buy more as the company introduce a new products and
upgrades existed products. At a very low level of customer’s satisfaction, customers
are likely to abandon the company and even bad mouth (Kotler, 2006).

2.8 Factor affecting on service delivery and customer satisfaction

According to Berry, formulating service quality model highlight the main

requirement for delivering high service quality. The model identifies five gaps that
cause unsuccessful delivery. These are: -

1. Gap between customer expectation and management perception a service

provided does not always correctly serve what customer want.
2. The gap between management perception and service quality specification not
set a performance standard.
3. The gap between service deliveries and external communications customer
expectations are affected by statements made by company representatives.
4. The gap between service quality specifications and service delivery personal
incapable or unwilling to meet the standard.
5. The gap between perceived service and expected service, this factor occurs
when the consumer misperceives the service quality.

A company would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly because only a

key to customer retention is customer satisfaction. A highly satisfied customer
generally stay loyal longer buy more. As the company introduces new product and
upgrade existing product favorable about the company and its products. At the very
low level of customer satisfaction. Customers are likely to abandon the company and
even bad mouth it (kotler, 1995).

Customer service

The role of customer service is to provide time and time utility in the transfers of
goods and service between customer and service provider. It is also one of the main
components of customer satisfaction. Service is the back bone of any business. If
you do not satisfy customers from the first time, you may get the second trance.
Great service measured by customer satisfaction compensation plan (Palmer, 2006).

2.9Handling techniques

It is known the quality service has a great contribution in customer relation. Top
service companies have able to effectively delivery service. Because they apply the
basic principles of quality service

 Managing vision; vision begins with a dear focus on what the organization
represents and with human trait that create respect. Administration and desire
by employee. Carry out the top management desire and ability to put into
another cue that bind all other pieces of customer satisfaction puzzle together.
 Develop a strategic niche; strategy is finding and developing the unique
services that enable a business to get a let up on the computation.
 Top must demonstrate support; demonstrate support take action to provide
management to quality.
 Understand your business; service provider understands their job and
responsibility with the deliver context of the whole organization. Only
promise what you can deliver what you promise.
 Apply operational fundamentals; service has nothing to do with promotion,
advertise or operational management that provides the high level of service
involves preparing forecast, selecting process and product design.
 Establish incentives; when we motivate people and give them the authority
necessary, almost anything is possible.

2.10. Handling satisfied customers

Internationally, customer satisfaction standards may be handled by having the

following criteria; -

 Establishing customer satisfaction by creating customer focused environment

that is open to feedback resolving any complaints and enhancing the
organization ability to improve its product and customer service (Kotler and
Kane, 2006).
 To management involvement commitment through adequate acquisition and
development of resources including personal training.
 Providing complaint with open effective and easy to use complaint handling
 Recognizing addressing the need and expectation of compliance.
 Analyzing and evaluating complaint in order to improve the product and
customers service quality.
 Reviewing the effectiveness and efficiencies of complaint handling process
(palmer, 1995).

2.11. Handling dissatisfied customers

Reeling with angry, upset customers takes a lot of self-control as a service giver
dealing with your customers for handling dissatisfied customers (Michael, 1995).

The steps have been put as following: -

 Listen with understanding take full responsibility the problem and do

whatever you can to solve it as rapidly as possible.
 Paraphrase and record what the customer tell you
 Find out what the customer want
 Propose a solution and get his support your solution in a positive manner act

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research design

For the purpose of the study to achieve the objective, the researcher used a
descriptive research design. Because it describes the situation, problems and
phenomena of the issues about service delivery and customer satisfaction of the

3.2 Target population

The targeted populations of the study are the available customer at the time of
service delivered. The total targeted populations for the study are 10,500 estimated
monthly average populations.

3.3. Data type and source of data

In this research both primary and secondary source of data could be used. The
primary data can be collected through questionnaires obtained from customers. The
secondary data can be collected from published books, written documents, manuals
of the organization and searching internet. Both quantitative and qualitative types
of data could be used. The quantitative types of data could be expressed by
numerically whereas the qualitative types of data could be expressed by non-

3.4. Method of data collection

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design/Plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data
collection to be used for the study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of
data via, primary and secondary. The primary data are those which are collected
afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. The
secondary data, on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by
someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process.
The researcher would have to decide which sort of data he would be using (thus
collecting) for his study and accordingly he could have to select one or the other
method of data collection. The methods of collecting primary and secondary data
differ since primary data are to be originally collected, while in case of secondary
data the nature of data collection work is merely that of compilation. We describe
the different methods of data collection, with the pros and cons of each method.

Concerning of the data collection, the researcher used a primary data collection
method specifically. Questionnaires were being used. Both open and closed ended
question were being distributed to customers of the hotel.

3.5. Sample Design and Techniques

There are different types of sample designs based on two factors; the
representation basis and the element selection technique. On the representation
basis, the sample may be probability sampling or it may be non-probability
sampling. Probability sampling is based on the concept of random selection,
whereas non-probability sampling is ‘non-random’ sampling. On element selection
basis, the sample may be either unrestricted or restricted. When each sample
element is drawn individually from the population at large, then the sample so
drawn is known as ‘unrestricted sample’, whereas all other forms of sampling are
covered under the term ‘restricted sampling.

Therefore, for this research non probability sampling techniques specifically:

convenience sampling technique was being used. Why used convenience? Because
respondents were not available once at the same time and place and the population
not clearly known. The target populations of the study were the available
customers at the time of service. The researcher used 99 as a sample size from out
of 10500 estimated monthly average populations.

3.6 Sample size

The total presented populations of the study are 10500. From the targeted
population of the researcher were succeed 99 samples. The researchers used 99
samples size determination formula.

N 10,500
I.e. n= 1+ N ( e) 2 n= 1+10500(0.1) 2


Where N total target population

n=¿ Number of samples

E=error tolerance

(Modern statics, jhon, E, frindgarity Agove 1985) margin error is 10%

3.7. Method of Data Analysis

After the relevant data were collected by the researcher, the next step is data
analysis. In this study the researcher used distributive analysis technique. In
distributive data analysis technique is including coding, editing, classifying, and

tabulating of the result for simplicity of the research the researcher used percentage
to interpret and analysis the data.

3.8 Limitation of the study

This study has the following constraints:

 Not included other hotel when conducting this study

 Unwillingness of respondent to give reliable information
 Shortage of time for gathering all the necessary data
 In adequate research experience of the researcher.

3.9 Organization of the paper

The paper has five basic chapters. The first chapter is an introduction part. This
contains background of the study. Statement of the problem, research question,
objective of the study, Scope of the study, limitation of the study and organization
of the paper. The second chapter is all about related literature review. The third
chapter is about research methodology. The fourth chapter is about data analysis
and presentation. The fifth chapter deals about conclusion and recommendation.


This chapter deals with the result of data analysis and presentation on a basis of
data gathered through questionnaires from customers of the hotel. The collected
data is analyzed by using table frequency and simple percentage.
In order to conduct this study 99 questionnaires were distributed to the customers
out of 99 questionnaires 80 (80.8%) of questionnaires were properly completed
and returned. The remaining 19(18.2%) of questionnaires were not returned.

Table 4.1 personal characteristics of the respondent.

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Sex
Male 48 60
Female 32 40
Total 80 100
2 Age
Below 18 age 3 3.75
18─30 17 21.25
31─42 35 43.75
43─55 15 18.75
Above 56 10 12.5
Total 80 100
3 Level of education
Below 12 grade 2 2.55
12 completed 3 3.75
Certificate 7 8.75
Diploma 15 18.75
First degree 25 31.25
Master and above 28 35
Total 80 100

Sources on survey, 2020

As it is indicated from the above table 4.1 item 48(60%) of the respondents are
male and 32(40%) of respondents are female. this implies the number of male
respondent greater than female respondents.

From the same table 4.1, item 2 shows that 3(3.75%) of respondents belong to the
age group of below 18, 17(21.25%) of respondents belong to the age group f
18─30, 35(43.75%) of respondents belongs to the age group of 31─42,
15(18.75%) of respondents belong to the age group of 43─55 and 10(12.5%) of
respondents are the age group 56 and above. So, they give reliable information
because the majority of the respondents are adult.

As it is indicated in table 4.1 item 3, show that 2(2.5%) of respondents are less than
12 grade, 3(3.75%) of respondents are grade 12 completed, 7(8.75%) of
respondents are certificate, 15(18.75%) of respondents are diploma, 25(31.25%) of
respondents are first degree and the remaining 28(35%) of respondents are masters
and above. Therefore; it is safe to give reliable information because they are
literate (educated).

Table 4.2 reason for selecting the hotel

No Item Frequen Percentage

cy (%)
1 The reason of selected the hotel

Information obtain from friends 20 25

Attracted by its advertisement 30 37.5

Nearness to your home location 18 22.5
Information obtain from hotel 12 15
Total 80 100

Source, own survey, 2020

As it is indicated in the above table 4.2 item 1. Shows that 30(37.5%) of customer
selected the hotel on the bases of the information they have obtained from it is
advertisement, 20(25%) of customers chose the hotel by having an information
obtained from their friends, 18(22.5%) of customers are chosen the hotel by having
an information from employees of the hotel and 12(15%) of customers chosen the
hotel its short distance from their location.

This implies that, majority of customers are selected the hotel mainly on the bases
of the information they have obtained from its advertisement. In order to attract the
customer, the hotel being continued advertisement.

Table 4.3 level of satisfaction and intention

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

2 The service provided by the hotel to the

customer are highly satisfied
Strongly agree 50 62.5
Agree 25 31.25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 5 6.25
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As it is shown in the above table 4.3, 50(62.5%) of customer are strongly agree the
idea of the service provided by the hotel to the customer are satisfied. 25(31.25%)

of customer are agree on the idea of the service provided by the hotel to the
customer are satisfied, 5% of the customers are disagree on the idea of the service
provided by the hotel to the customer are satisfied and there is no respondents are
neutral and strongly disagree on the idea of the service provided by the hotel to the
customers are satisfied. This implies that majority of customer are highly satisfied
by the service of the hotel. So the hotel being continued.

Table 4.4 the waiting time of the hotel

No Item frequency Percentage

3 The waiting time of the hotel to provide

Strongly agree 54 67.5
Agree 20 25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 6 7.5
Strongly disagree 4 5
Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

In the above table 4.4 indicated that 54(67.5%) of respondents are strongly agree
on the idea of the waiting time of the hotel to provide the service is short,4(5%) of
respondents are agree on the idea of the waiting time of the hotel to provide the
service is short , 6(7.5%) respondents are disagree on the idea of the waiting time
of the hotel to provide the service is short, 4(5%) of respondents are strongly
disagree on the idea of the waiting time of the hotel to provide the service is short
and there is no respondents are neutral on the idea of the waiting time of the hotel
to provide the service is short. This implies that waiting time of the hotel to
provide the service to serve its customer in a short period. So the hotel being

Table 4.5 adequate knowledge of employees

No Item Frequency Percentage

4 Adequate knowledge and capacity of

hotel employees to perform the
Strongly agree 10 20

Agree 12 15

Neutral _ _

Disagree 38 47.5

Strongly disagree 20 25

Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As it is illustrated in the above table 4.5 , 10(12.5%)of respondents are strongly
agree on the idea of employees of the hotel have adequate knowledge and capacity
to provide the service, 12 (15%) of respondents are agree on the idea of employees
of the hotel have adequate knowledge and capacity to provide the service,
38(47.5%) of respondents are disagree on the idea of employees of the hotel have
adequate knowledge and capacity to provide the service, 20(25%) of respondents
are strongly disagree on the idea of employees of the hotel have adequate
knowledge and capacity to provide the service and there is no respondent are
neutral on the idea of employees of the hotel have adequate knowledge and
capacity to provide the service. This shows that some of employees of the hotel
have adequate knowledge and capacity to provide service. Therefore, the hotel
must hire qualified employees to satisfy its customers.

Table 4.6 comfort of the sitting place

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

5 Comfort of sitting places in the hotel

are good
Strongly agree 18 22.5

Agree 60 75

Neutral _ _

Disagree 2 2.5

Strongly disagree _ _

Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As it is illustrated in the above table 4.6, 18(22.5%) of respondents are strongly
agree on the idea of sitting places in the hotel are comfortable, 60(75%) of
respondents are agree on the idea of sitting places in the hotel are comfortable,
2(2.5%) of respondents are disagree on the idea of sitting place in the hotel are
comfortable and there is no respondents are neutral and strongly disagree on the
idea of sitting place in the hotel are comfortable. This shows that there are
comfortable sitting place in the hotel .So the hotel being continued.

Table 4.7 facilities available in the hotel

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

6 The facilities available in the hotel

are more adequate

Strongly agree 10 12.5

Agree 52 65
Neutral _ _
Disagree 18 22.5
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As it is illustrated in the above table 4.7 , 10(12.5%) of respondents are strongly

agree on the idea of the facilities available in the hotel are more adequate, 52(65%)
of the respondents are agree on the idea of the facilities available in the hotel are
more adequate, 18(22.5%) of the respondents are disagree on the idea of the
facilities available in the hotel are more adequate and there is no respondents are
neutral and strongly disagree on the idea of the facilities available in the hotel are

more adequate. This implies that there are adequate facilities available in the hotel.
Therefore, the hotel being continued.

Table 4.8 the interest of hotel employees to accept customer

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

7 The hotel employees are always
ready to accept customer request
Strongly agree 10 12.5
Agree 25 31.25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 45 56.2
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As it is indicated in the above 4.8,10(12.5%) of respondents are strongly agree on

the idea of the hotel employees are always ready to accept customer request ,
25(31.25%) of respondents are agree on the idea of the hotel employees are always
ready to accept customer request ,45(56.25%) of respondents are strongly disagree
on the idea of the hotel employees are always ready to accept customer request and
there is no respondents are neutral and strongly disagree on the idea of the hotel
employees are always ready to accept customer request . this implies that there is
low acceptance of customer request in the hotel. So the hotel gives command for
employees to accept customer request.

Table 4.9 the politeness of hotel employees

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

8 The politeness of the hotel

employees to treat the customer are
very high
Strongly agree 14 17.5
Agree 41 51.25
Neutral 17 21.25
Disagree 8 10
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100

Source own survey, 2020

As shown in the above table 4.9, 14(17.5%) of respondents are strongly agree on
the idea of the politeness of the hotel employees to treat the customer are very
high,41(51.25%) respondents are agree on the idea of the politeness of hotel
employees to treat the customer are very high, 17(21.25%)of respondents are
neutral on the idea of the politeness of hotel employees to treat the customers are
very high,8(10%) of respondents are disagree on the idea of the politeness of the
hotel employees to treat the customer are very high and there is no respondent are
strongly disagree on the idea of the politeness of the hotel employees to treat the
customer are very high. This implies that the hotel employees have manner to treat
customers. So the hotel being continued.

Table 4.10 hotel employees, attention

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

10 The hotel employee focus on the
suggestion of customers
Strongly agree 6 7.5
Agree 21 26.25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 53 66.25
Total 80 100

Source, own survey, 2020

In the above table 4.10, show that 6(7.5%) of respondents are strongly agree on the
idea of the hotel employees focus on the suggestion of customers, 21(26.25%) of
respondents are agree on the idea of the hotel employees focus on the suggestion of
customers. 53(66.25%) of respondents are disagree on the idea of the hotel
employees focus on the suggestion of customers and there is no respondents
neutral on the idea of the hotel employees focus on suggestion of customer. This
implies that some of the hotel has the attention to accept the suggestion of
customers. So the hotel manager adjusts employees to accept the suggestion of

Table 4.11 compliant handling

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

11 The hotel employees have personal
contact and listen to customer
Strongly agree 14 17.5
Agree 20 25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 43 53.75
Strongly disagree 3 3.75
Total 80 100
Source own survey, 2020

In the above table 4.11, show that 14(17.5%) of respondents are strongly agree on
the idea of the hotel employees have personal contact and listen to customers
compliant, 20(25%)of respondents are agree with the hotel employees have
personal contact and listen to customers compliant, 43(53.75%) of respondents are
disagree on the hotel employees have personal contact and listen to customers
complaints, there no respondents neutral on the idea of the hotel employees have
personal contact and listen to customers compliant, 3(3.75%) respondents are
strongly disagree on the idea of the hotel employees have personal contact and
listen to customer complaints. This implies that the hotel employees have no
personal contact and listen customers’ complaints. In order to being profitable, the
hotel will have done personal contact and listen to customers.

Table 4.12 situation convenient with customers

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

12 The situation for the customer to raise
complaint are convenient
Strongly agree 12 15
Agree 9 11.25
Neutral _ _
Disagree 59 73.75
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100
Source own survey, 2020

As it is indicated in the above table 4.12, shows that 12(15%) of respondents are
strongly agree on the idea of the situation for the customer to raise complaint are
convenient, 9(11.25%) of respondents are agree on the idea of the situation for the
customer to raise complaint are convenient, 59(73.75%) of respondents are
disagree on the idea of the situation for the customer to raise complaint are
convenient and there is no respondents are neutral and strongly disagree on the
idea of the situation for the customer to raise compliant are convenient. This
implies that the situations for the customer to rise compliant are not convenient.

Table 4.13 Attention to listen customers need and want

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

13 Attention to listen customer needs
and wants are high
Strongly agree 12 15
Agree 24 30
Neutral _ _
Disagree 44 55
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100
Source own survey, 2020

In the above table 4.13, shows that 12(15%) of respondents said that strongly agree
on the idea of attention to listen customer needs and wants are high.24(30%) of
respondents said that agree on the idea of the attention to listen customer needs and
wants are high, 44(55%) of respondents said that disagree on the idea of the
attention to listen customers needs and wants and there is no respondents said that
neutral and strongly disagree on the idea of the attention to listen customer needs
and wants are high. This shows that there is a low level of attention to listen
customers need and want in the hotel. Therefore, the hotel should listen customer
wants and needs.

Table 4.14 prompt service provided by the hotel

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

14 The service provided by the

employees of the are high
Strongly agree 11 13.75
Agree 26 32.5
Neutral - -
Disagree 41 51.25
Strongly disagree 2 2.5
Total 80 100

Source on survey, 2020

As it is indicated in the above table 4.14, shows that 11(13.75%) of respondents

said that strongly agree on the idea of the service provided by the employees the
hotel are high, 26(32.5%) of respondents said that agree on the idea of the service
provided by the employees of the hotel are high, 41(51.25%) of respondents said
that disagree on the idea of the service provided by the employees of the hotel are
high, 2(2.5%) of respondents said that strongly disagree on the idea of the service
provided by the employees of the hotel are high and there is no respondents said
that neutral on the service provided by the hotel are high. This implies that there is
low level of service provided to the customer in the hotel. So the hotel provides
high level of service to the customer.

Table 4.15 the readiness of hotel employees to provide service

No Item Frequency Percentage (%)

15 The readiness of hotel employees to
serve their clients are high
Strongly agree 23 28.75
Agree 22 27.5
Neutral _ _
Disagree 35 43.75
Strongly disagree _ _
Total 80 100
Source, own survey, 2020

As indicated in the above table 4.15, 23 (28.75%) of respondents said that strongly
agree on the idea of the readiness of the hotel employees to serve their clients are
high, 22(27.5%) of respondents said that agree on the idea of the readiness of the
hotel employees to serve their clients are high, 35(43.75%) of respondents said that
disagree on the idea of the readiness of the hotel employees to serve their clients
are high and there is no respondents responded that neutral on the idea of the
readiness of the hotel employees to serve their clients are high. This implies there
is a low level of the readiness of the hotel to serve its customers. so the hotel
should ready to serve its customers.

5.1 Summaries

Based on the result of the study:

Regarding sex, majority of 60% of respondents within the hotel are males.

Regarding age, 21.25 and 43.75 % of respondents in the hotel are adult.

Regarding sectional level, most of 35% of respondents having master and above.

Most of respondents 37.5% of the hotel customers were joined mainly in the hotel
due to attracted by its advertisement.

Majority of 62.5% of customers highly satisfied by the service which is provided
by the hotel.

Most of 67.5% of hotel employees serves their customers in a short period of time.

Most of 47.5% of respondents responded that some of the employees of the hotel
have adequate knowledge and capacity to provide service.

Majority of 75%of respondents responded that the sitting places of the hotel are

Most of 22.5% of respondents stated that there are less adequate facilitates in the

Majority of 56.25% of respondents responded that the interest of hotel employees

to accept customer request are low

Majority of 66.25% of the hotel employees did not understand the suggestion of
individual customers.

Majority of 73.75% of respondents stated that, there is no a good condition to raise


Regarding the prompt service provided to customers, 51.25% of respondents said

that there are low prompt services provided to the customers.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the data discussed and analyzed in the previous chapter the customers
responses are conclude as follow:

 As the study replied that there is low willingness to provide prompt service
and respond the need of customers in the hotel. Prompt service is the

willingness or readiness of hotel employees to serve and keeping customer
waiting time.
 Employees of the hotel have not adequate knowledge and low willingness to
reply customer request, adequate knowledge about service delivery easy to
respond customers request and serve customers in a good manner.
 Hotel employees are not focused towards the suggestion of individual
customer. Accepting the suggestion of customers, it is the vital for the hotel
understanding its weakness
 The study replied as the facilitates available in the hotel are sufficient and
there is a comfortable sitting place in the hotel.
 There is no a good condition to accept the suggestion of customers in the
Accepting customer complaints important to the hotel and correct its
problem in service delivery process.

5.3 Recommendation

In line with the above mentioned conclusion on the basis of finding the following
recommendation also related issues of the study:-

 The hotel should be willing to help and provide prompt service to the
customer in order to satisfy customers need and want. This suggestion is
applied by giving shutter service, building baby swimming pool and give
adequate service to the customer.
 The hotel should understand the need of customers and give attention
towards their suggestion in order to satisfy its customers and to ensure
empathy service. This suggestion is applied by actively participate

employees of the hotel to understand needs of customer and give attention
for customers.
 The employees of the hotel should have adequate knowledge and interest to
accept customers request to insure proper service. This suggestion
applicable by hiring skillful workers, giving train to the employees and give
incentive to the employees.
 The hotel should understand customer’s complaints. Based on the finding,
the hotel has problems of giving response customers complaints. Therefore,
the hotel should have given a quick response to ensure effective service
delivery. This suggestion is applied by using CRM (customer relationship
 The management should be committed to show employees what is all about.
How and why are decisive what management support to them.
 The hotel should have made effective service delivery system to customers
in order to satisfy and attract more customers in the future though the
fulfillment effective service delivery. This suggestion applied by given.
 Motivational activities such as: allowance, incentive, price rate system and
looking the other competitor similar firm’s strategy.

o Adrian peemer, (2001): principal of service marketing, 11 thedition.
Penn state university
o Philphwhater, (2001): marketing management, 6th edition. University
of North Carolina
o Philphwhater, (2000): principal of marketing, 12th edition. North
western university

o Solomon, A. (Dr), (2005): research method in business and social
science, 9th edition. University of Rochester
o Gronoorus, C. (1988): service quality model and its marketing
implication, 3rd edition. Syracuse university
o Fornal, C. (1988): national customer satisfaction barometric, 2 nd
edition. Me graw_hill campanies.
o Fegree, D. (1992): customer service satisfaction approach, 2 nd edition.
kent state university

This question prepared to conduct study on assessment of service delivery and

customer satisfaction in case of south star international hotel. The aims of the study
for academic and research kindly request your sensory cooperation.

Instruction: no need of write, your name, put (√) mark in the box provided below.

Part one personal information

• Sex: Male Female

• Age:below18 18─ 30 31─ 42 42─ 55

Above 56

3. Level of education: below grade 12 grade 12

Completed graduation diploma first degree

Master and above

Part two: General information

Questions related with service delivery and customer satisfaction

no Variable Strongl Agree Natural Disagree Strongly

y disagree

4 The services provided by
the hotel to the customer
are highly satisfying.
5 The waiting time of the
hotel until the service are
providing to you is short.
6 Employees of the hotel
have adequate

Knowledge and capacity to

provide the service.
7 The comforts of sitting
place in the hotel are good.

8 The facilities available in
the hotel are more
9 The hotel employees are
always ready to accept
customer request.
10 The politeness’s of the
hotel employees to treat the
customer are very high.
11 The hotel employees focus
on the suggestion of
12 The hotel employees have
personal contact and listen
to customer.
13 The situation for customers
to raise compliant are
14 The attention of the hotel
employees to listen
customer needs and wants
are high
15 The service provided by the
employees of the hotel are
16 The readiness of the hotel

employees to provide the
service is very good.

17. What is your reason for selecting the south star international hotel than other


18. If you have any additional idea or comment in service delivery and customer
satisfaction please write here.



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